Nov 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Neil Oliver's words are how many of us feel, and why we are here today. Thank you Dr. Malone for the sanity in these troubling times.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Agree about Neil Oliver. Demand for amnesty contains an implicit guilty plea.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Without an apology or the discomfort of a confession, expression of remorse, offer of restitution, etc

This is actually more presumptuous and callous than saying nothing. The arrogance is breathtaking.

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About apologies: These are inappropriate for those instrumental in this. Anyone who actively censored in the media need to be prosecuted. It kept the rest of us from informed consent. I don't even want to hear an apology from the mengeles who did this. Harsh jail sentences in bleak prisons or worse are appropriate. I wouldn't believe an apology from any of them. They built this virus and the toxic vaccines that have killed and maimed many. Teachers who insisted kids wear masks after they were proven worthless, just to go along with the union, I'd accept an apology from them. Journalists who were knowingly complicit, just following orders, etc. shut them down forever. The misguided can apologize and that will be accepted. Justice needs to be done for the instrumentalists and knowing enablers. Others may apologize and make amends. Different levels of evil. Some can be forgiven. Others need to be cast out

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What about our Dr’s? Mine wouldn’t prescribe ivermectin, “I would lose my job”, pushed the shots, I am having a hard time even scheduling my yearly physical, I may need to consider a new Doctor. I’m afraid of what I would say to her. My cardiologist that literally blamed me for the deaths of people with Covid. This wasn’t a calm conversation, he was yelling. HE owes me an apology! I won’t go back unless I decide to question him and tell him how cruel he was, and how wrong. I wonder every day how many new patients he has with myocarditis and pericarditis. Many, I’m sure. How many died because he shoved that shot at them! A friend who’s daughter was so paranoid she wouldn’t let anyone without a shot come to the baby shower. Ridiculous. I’m not feeling very forgiving right now. Maybe in time.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

That is terrible! So sorry about his abusive behavior toward you! I have left any doctor who behaved badly to me or incompetent. Learned long ago the hard way at the risk of my health. I don't expect perfection, though, it's a hard field. Lots of hurt in family and friends for so many of us. The deliberately programmed fear is driving it.

I have a current Dr. who believes in the shots but knows my views on boosters and can be dismissive at times but never a whiff of coercion, and he's helped me a lot, so I just let him know and leave it at that. He did give me the early treatment protocol (FLCCC) early on. I suspect many people are facing these interactions.

In our state Drs must be reported to the state board by the pharmacies and their licenses pulled for prescribing ivm or hqc for covid, by law. Draconian.

I've thought about this a lot and have decided forgiveness in the way we usually understand it is not appropriate in some cases. Holding these people to account is the important thing since it's an abuse cycle.

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You should not forgive! Find another doctor, one not attached to a greedy hospital system, one with humility and honor.

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How do you know if the cardiologist, after taking his boosters, is still alive? Carry this to the logical extent, and it might not be necessary to forgive anyone on your sh*t list. And remember when women doctors were extolled as improvements over the male version? Circa 1978, in the year of G.S. (Gloria Steinem).

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I’m guessing because his name is still listed as a cardiologist at the hospital. I’m just mentally adjusting, still. I had many nights of tears. The fear that I would never get to “vacation” with my two grandkids. Life is short and I want to spend as much time with my kids and grandkids as I can. They are my joy.

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Amen! I so agree with you, & thank you for your wonderful words!

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CONGRATULATIONS on finishing your book, Robert! 👏🍾🥂

Neil is a dazzling diamond in a parking lot full of gravel. I can hear his review spoken in his velvety Scottish brogue with his fiery yet gentle spirit.

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Spot on description of Neil Oliver.

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Robert and Jill - the depths of your commitment to truth and your sacrifice to tell that truth has sustained US! We are grateful.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We must absolutely ban assault hammers.

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I saw a tweet of a closeup with a construction worker with hammer hanging from a toolbelt captioned "Open Carry." Wish I had saved that.

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Your Twitter account has not been reinstated? What? Your account should have been one of the first jail breaks...

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Musk is clear that no deplatform reinstatements will happen until a new content board is staffed and functioning. Weeks? But other behavior that would normally get spanked is getting through, perhaps that was the hand curated censorship that has now left the building.

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I joined Twitter recently out of curiosity. I'm a nobody but so far I'm getting away with an impressive amount of statements regarding the safety and efficacy of the shots.

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Interesting, DT, Jr is back on Twitter - maybe I am mistaken and he was not removed?

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The one with the sheep is so accurate.

Love Oliver: watch him on GB News regularly. He does talk funny: need to get him to my home state of Texas and learn him some good English, but I digress.

Looking forward to your book: I'm certain the NY Times will have a glowing review of it.

Keep up the good fight and thanks for your leadership.

Danny Huckabee

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Hey Danny do you share my concern that folks sometimes have a problem understanding what I tell them because they simply don' t understand folks speaking Texan

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Oh and those sheep obviously were grazing on loco weed, something else we Texans are familiar with

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Rest assured, The Times will stage a Malone book burning in Times Square.

Years ago at such an esteemed event, they ran out of fuel. Tea bags were next . By the time they ran out of tea bags, they were so desperate to keep the flames going that they called in the trucks with all the unsold Hillary Clinton hardcovers.

13,999 airport bookstores, worldwide, awash in unsold copies of It Takes A Village Drag Queen, were saved from bankruptcy.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I tried to do a calculation with the idea of Ivermectin/ Hydroxy being used as front line of defence for covid. I am not a mathematician so I couldn't do a really good job but I would suggest Ivermection/Hydroxy would have saved millions of lives trillions of dollars and the world overall.

now they are talking Amnesty, hmmmmmm

Remember 2008 bank collapse, no penalties, no named culprits, no time served.

Will we let it happen again.

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Will we let it happen again?

Probably, shamefully.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

At 3:20 mins Neil reminds us that The Atlantic wrote the un injected should be put on *no fly*lists. Remember in canada there were no fly lists, I was on it.

I didn t capitalize canada purposefully

IVERMECTIN HYDROXY work,,,,, who knew, when did they know, who suppressed it


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We know who did it here in the US...Dr. Rick Bright ...He took P. Trumps/Peter Navarro's provision that HCQ should be ordered and enough purchased to provide OTC to most Americans, and added to it, without authorization from P. Trump, a hospitalization requirement. He effectively gutted the heroic effort of the Trump directive. God curse his soul.

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Dr. Malone, take my word for it on this --- have your hardcover book ready to go, to be physically shipped BEFORE December 29, 2022. Now, you may think that you still have plenty of time. You do not. Trust me. Move the merchandise as quickly as you can. And thank you.

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If for no other reason than the diesel shortage and transportation costs skyrocketing.

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If we are lucky and common sense and justice prevails - Your book, pitched well, should be a great guide as to why action is needed and help us in achieving a meaningful course to see our issues will be addressed from the beginningin the coming term.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Cycle of abuse: Start with small abuses and escalate to bodily harm and even death. Send roses. Act as if everything is back to normal. Ask for amnesty. Rinse. Repeat.

This is true for individual abuse and it appears to be true for institutional and governmental abuse. Unless there is a full accounting and wrongdoers are prosecuted, given the stiffest sentences, and the crimes are named publicly with details, the abuse will escalate as they do it more and more.

Amnesty: Hell No! Not now, not ever. Prosecute those who broke the law. This will not begin to remedy the harms done, but it may prevent future harms. If my neighbor gave me the stink eye when I said I wasn't getting another "booster". Him or her I might offer amnesty. Not because they were misled, but because they scapegoated others. But even with amnesty, I won't trust that person. Ever. Again.

If you give us a way to rid our bodies of the spike protein, so we don't have to worry about our children and grandchildren who were vaccinated in order to go to school or even to play with other children. So we don't fear for the fertility of future generations. That might warrant some leniency of sentencing. Both the spike in Covid and in vaccines has become permanent. When we know enough about this, the future is bleak. And there is so much more.

No amnesty! Not now! Not ever!

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I’m looking forward to your book arriving. I shared Neil Oliver’s video to my close contacts- brilliant.


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Wonderful words by Neil Oliver - and how so many of us feel. Gratitude is such a weak word compared to how we wish we could express our great thanks to you and those with you.

Elon, in my opinion, has showed his true colors by the very lack of action, by not immediately restoring ALL politically blocked accounts. Add to that he's in a position to fully expose the govt violating freedom of speech through social media and he hasn't done that either. If one's faith is in him it's inappropriately placed.

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I'm giving Elon some time. I suspect that there were a lot of "poison pills" that were seeded through the software, to blow up in his face. And I suspect that there's a LOT going on behind the scenes that need careful, deliberate action on his part.

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he's feeling Pensive

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

Thanks for funnies, Dr. Malone. I am still struggling with last night’s substack. I feel like a faceless pawn on a chess board, but it is Sunday… and I am off to be with my Father and some of His children. Regardless of the battle raging here, I know He loves me completely. Peace.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

An excellent slate today! Love the gentle giant style of Neil Oliver.

Just the hope of free speech is bursting through the barriers.

On Twitter this morning, wonderful to see, credited to Dr. Lynn Fynn.

Parody article in "Journal of the Fucking Obvious."



Of course Twitter won't let you retweet but if you copy the url when you are on the post and then paste back into your status and tweet, you have gotten around the deboosting tactic.

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Your link produced this result -

"You’re unable to view this Tweet because this account owner limits who can view their Tweets. "

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Try this


and if it doesn't work try going to @carl_jurassic directly, he is a good one to follow.

FYI, Another trick on Twitter I am seeing playing outi s that you go to a post and all you see is a block of color and not the meme. Click on the block of color and the meme appears. Just little roadblocks put in the way all over Twitter as softer censorship.

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Alexei, let me know if it works, I can also post the meme directly to my feed and then repost here.

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Yep, thank you, it works!

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Now you have some new workaround ideas as well!

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This is catching on, Jurassic Carl posts another parody article in the "Journal of the Fucking Obvious:" We should call for a special issue with a panel of esteemed guest editors.


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Yay your book is written. I have been looking forward to reading it.

The wolf campaign funny is so spot on. I remember one of the debates between Trump and Biden. Biden said that he would raise taxes and shut down the pipeline. I thought to myself that people couldn’t vote for Biden. He just said he was going to raise taxes.

I actually had a cousin say to me that she wasn’t going to vote for Trump because he was a bully and had a terrible personality. She is also the same cousin who has had 5 Covid vaxes.

Thank you for all you do for humanity.

Have a great Sunday. Now to get ready for church.

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Trump was a poor example of a civilized human for our children. Definitely better ideas. Too bad media played him up the way they did.

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I didn’t like his personality but I could see he was trying to get back the freedoms we had already lost. He put some good things into play. He got rid of the climate change pact in France. He got rid of NAFTA . Of course Biden brought these back. He opened the pipeline to make it so we weren’t dependent on other countries for our fuel. He brought industries back from China . He created many more jobs. I think he really does love America. He is use to having his way. But he has been a good businessmen and was running America like a business. Which worked.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

He was a genius on trade...One of his great, but unrecognized accomplishments was the he met NAT'L SECURITY objectives through TRADE AGREEMENTS. AND he gave us bi-lateral trade, instead of multilateral. Big protection for us.

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I agree. He was also a great on foreign policy bringing some of the middle eastern countries together. Which was amazing. No coverage on mainstream news about this historic feat.

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I totally agree he really messed up on the Covid mess. He has a big ego. He wanted to be the one to bring in the vax. Now he is to prideful to say he was wrong. The bad dudes were counting his behavior. He fell right into their trap. I liked his policies . He was trying to clean house. The rats cleaned him. Everyone get out and vote on Tuesday. It is so important.

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I liked his policies too he betrayed us. We do need to vote. ❤️

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My problem with Trump is that he ushered in all the lockdowns, mandates....all of it. He was Google-eyed over the injections - probably his family trust invested in them. Had he held his ground and listened to the non-Fauci folks who tried to educate him and his instincts against it all he claims he had, I think the elections would have either been different or we woukd have weathered things better. The country would have been stronger. Our economy wouldn’t have taken the nose-dive it did until later and maybe not as bad. HE LET IT ALL HAPPEN. And everyone wants to ignore this and only focus on the things he did right. We won’t forgive the other bad guys but we won’t see Trump was one, too. Either on purpose or just not savvy enough to know better. It doesn’t matter. It started on HIS watch and I do not forget nor forgive. We really need a different leader with a proven track record of defiance and strength. He isn’t that person.

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Did Trump know the truth? No. Fauci, Birx, etc led him into a den of horror. What was he to do? I won’t blame him for the shots. I was excited for them. Did I take them? No. Still can’t understand why soooo many of my friends continue to boost themselves. It’s insane! Thankfully my kids decided the first two were enough. Just praying for their health.

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Wrong. He had many advisors and several told him Fauci et al were wrong. He even claims his instincts told him not to allow the lockdowns and mandates. His family talked him into them. But he KNEW. We do not need someone like him as a leader.

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Can't seem to heart your comment. Fully agree. To me performance counts. We have several heartening candidates for 2024. IMO Trump is definitely one of them.

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Worse that so many so-called conservatives did same

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My cousin is a conservative. She is in mass formation psychosis . She is kind and thoughtful. Helps drive people to drs appointments. Cleans out little old ladies house that are hoarders. She really is amazing.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oliver is simply great. Thanks.

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