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Sunday Strip and the new Headwind.TV Interview

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and I appear together in a new documentary.

New Headwind.TV Documentary Release

Epoch Cinema has now sponsored and posted a new full documentary with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and myself (the link is below , the above clip is the trailer). Those of you who have been following along these past many months may remember that Jill and I traveled to the Andalusia region of Spain last winter to film a long and intensive documentary series with the Headwind.TV crew. There have been multiple episodes developed from the video captured during that long shoot. Since that filming, Headwind.TV has received a major award in Belgium (their home country) for the entire series (“About People in the Eye of the Storm”), which combines a commitment to enabling the airing of alternative voices and points of view with top drawer cinematography and scenic beauty. To facilitate distribution in the United States, I was honored to help the Headwind.TV group to connect with The Epoch Times, and this collaboration has had remarkable success in bringing to North America these videos and the associated thinking and perspectives which have been so heavily censored and demonized by corporate-controlled old media.

So, without further ado, here is a link to the latest full episode:
“Headwind —The Debate: Dr. Robert Malone vs. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche”

For those who have not seen the prior episodes in this (Headwind 2) as well as the preceding series (Headwind 1), you can stream those which were previously released here. Upcoming but not yet released is a roundtable discussion between Geert, Dr. Mattias Desmet and myself.

Here are links (no subscription required) to the previously released episodes from Headwind 2:

Headwind 2 ~ Episode 1

Dr. Robert W. Malone

Headwind 2 ~ Episode 2

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

A quick update on all things in my life.

For those that don’t know, a very close friend invited Jill and I to spend a week on a 80 foot catamaran in the Greek Islands, followed by a quick trip to Poland and then to Venice for six days. The best part of the trip was the community of six adults and three teenaged boys - I miss them already.

A much needed vacation and time to work on the book!

The boat trip was amazing. Please don’t hate me for it. It is the first real vacation we have had in literally years and I did manage to make real progress on the book and keep the Substack going daily. Thank you Jill -for your work on these projects too.

One of the people on this trip has done more than you could possibly imagine to allow this resistance to globalism, the WEF, WHO and the efforts to clean up our own government. I would dearly like to shout his name from the tree tops because he deserves so many accolades, but I also know that he wishes to remain anonymous. Thank you Cicero.

Anyway, thanks for humoring me and allowing me to share my life. Believe it or not, I read every single comment and those comments from all of you, give me so much inspiration for my writing. I particularly wish to acknowledge Dr. Nick Hudson of Panda and our many discussion in Venice this past week for contributing to some of the ideas (Utilitarianism, Marxism and Malthusian) and the wonderful writer, who so often comments on my writings -Margaret Anna Alice. Her comment and column inspired me to write the article on the Senate bill yesterday.

Thanks for reading, and now for the Sunday funnies.

And without further ado, this week’s Sunday Strip!

Russell Brand: “This Just Got Very Real” (on Rumble)

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Who is Robert Malone
Robert W Malone MD, MS