Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you were trying to choose a doctor to be your PCP, Surgeon, or a Nutritionists, for me, I would choose someone that was constantly looking at new technologies, have an open mind, and hopefully have the wisdom to make correct decisions be it new or old techniques. I certainly wouldn’t want someone with a closed mind to new ideas. This is why I have great respect for you Dr. Malone. You look at these new ideas and technologies and are fearless in sharing your honest wise opinions with us, and I know that’s what makes this sub stack so great, it’s your fearless honesty!! J.Goodrich

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Righto James- Docs Malone are courageous truth tellers who are making a difference in the world! God bless them both! ✝️💟🙏🏻‼️🙌🏻❤️

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Absolutely James! New technologies change daily, & keeping up with this is consuming for me; I also appreciate all the time both doctors put into keeping their "followers-of-truth" in the scientific, & medical loops!

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My wife has done general surgery for decades as a OR nurse. More recently she has used robots which allow the surgeon to see much clearer but the patient is under anesthesia for longer which adds risk obviously. So it’s up to the surgeon to make the choice which is less risk. I always tell people when there getting a procedure done choose wisely and ask an OR nurse who’s the best if you can 🙂🙂.

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I’ve often said that sometimes I think the nurses know more than the doctors in some respects. 🙂

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I had a nurse while in the hospital who advised me on the meds I was given, because she had to deal with the after effects of the drugs when the doctor had gone home. They now have hospitalists, who in my opinion are not as good as the family doctor—I say that by experience, but it’s an efficient way to keep the Primary Physician in the office. GOOD NURSES ARE A BLESSING! ❤️

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Good advice!

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Back in the '60s, and all that entailed, PCP was a hog tranquilizer that many people took while looking for the ultimate high when nothing else was available and, while it did modify their personal reality, it was dangerous with unknown and erratic results.

When people ask me who my provider is I tell them, "Elias". When they ask me, "Who is Elias", I tell them that he is my landscape services "provider", but my PHYSICIAN'S name is Doctor____ _. _________, M.D. He's been keeping me in good health for the past 28 years and I'm over 3/4 century. I think he deserves the title he worked so hard to obtain and maintain.

Words have EXACT meanings, except when they're spewed by politicians and other government swine, and those meanings can be found in fat books called dictionaries and those who can't figure out where in the dictionary they can find those words can usually have their basic needs met with grunts and gestures.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Being Sunday, the Sunday script gives me a chance to put a “nice” thought provoking post out, thanks Drs. Malone for allowing this. Here it is…

When I was a kid growing up my mother always made sure every Sunday the 6 of us would go to Church. Being raised as a Catholic meant I had god parents, my Uncle Ben and Aunt Annette. My Uncle Ben sadly had passed away a little over 10 years ago, but my aunt lived until this past Tuesday. Over many years living with my mothers Italian family, all in this same small town, my cousins, aunts and uncles were very close. As time went by, like many families, life happened and many of us had grown apart.

When I think of my Aunt Annette though, my mothers sister in law, I don’t think back to negative things that had happened. Though they had 2 houses in view of the ocean in Plymouth I don’t think of her houses. I remember but don’t care what kind of cars they drove. Though there were times when there was some falling out over properties my grandparents had left to my mother and her siblings I don’t think of those negative things.

What I do think of is what a good mother Aunt Annette was to my two adopted cousins. I think of what a good grandmother she was to her grandchildren and what a good childhood her and my uncle provided all of them. How she taught them right from wrong. How she always treated me with kindness and respect when I stayed in Plymouth with them, one year for a whole summer. My uncle taught me a great work ethic and how to do many trades and my aunt would always make sure I had great meals many times eating on the farmers porch overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. They were a great couple that had a great life together. I know my uncle has been patiently waiting for her.

Wouldn’t it be nice to think that when I pass away, maybe, my nephews, nieces, cousins or siblings would overlook the meaningless material things that I have and think of things I may have taught them or kindness I showed them. After all we enter this world with nothing and we leave this world with nothing. Thanks for the memories of your kindness Aunt Annette. J.Goodrich

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As I was reading this James, I had the memory of one of the last things my mother did in hospice in the nursing home. She flung off a turquoise ring from her finger. Very deliberately, and I got the symbolism. Even tho she was not fully present in this world, she knew she needed to let go of everything.

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Isn’t it something that when your young material things mean so much. So many people choose greed over people. In the end all of the things mean nothing, it’s the nice things that you’ve done for people that really matter!!

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I’m so sorry for your loss James.

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Thank you Melanie!!

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So sorry for you loss James, but what a great tribute to your Aunt! I don’t have a large family, but yes, I do hope when it’s my time, I’m remembered for my positive attributes.

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Thanks Cheryl, for all the bad things that happen over time, its good to point out the good things that really matter.

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Definitely! 😊

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The Einstein funny was great. Now those shark funnies made me giggle partly because I am fascinated by sharks. I watch shark week every year. I watch shark movies. I have to watch all the Jaws movies during shark week. When we went to Hawaii last Thanksgiving we went swimming with the sharks in a shark cage. Loved it! My son said next time he would swim with the sharks without a cage. I said to him “ Haven’t you seen the movie Jaws?” Have a great Sunday!

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Beautiful family memories James; I get emotional, & I'm sorry for your loss. It has been hard for our family the past few years, losing all of my husband's family, & my life partner. But, as we know, "you can't take it with you when you leave this earth"...My deepest condolence for you & your family...

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Thank you Patricia, they both had a really great life and were wonderful parents. I miss those days way back when as a kid down in Plymouth. I’m so sorry for the people you have lost, hopefully their all together in a better place!!

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So beautiful James! A lovely thought for us all - to be remembered well for how we made the world a better place! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Thanks Jennifer Aunt Annette was a great mother and Aunt to me!!

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Belated wishes for fair skies and following winds for her journey to the next level.


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Thank you Nealstar !!!

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Someone saved my mental and psychological life post-RVN and while I'm a-religious, but try to remain spiritual, I hope for an afterlife of sorts to maybe see my aged, venerable and hoary-headed mentor again (I liked to call him that just to mess with him).

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Nealstar, I suppose in a way that’s faith..?? 🤔

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Jury's out on what it would be called, but one can't empirically discount the possibility of another dimension. I saw a program about A. Einstein and his theory of relativity which was a clearer presentation than the usual Energy=Mass x the speed of light squared. Point really being with the Cosmos being infinite what can we positively rule out?

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I read something Einstein wrote a long time ago. It was about the moment of dying the bodies energy appears to stop, but that this energy is what pushes us into the next life so to speak.

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I really enjoyed this tribute, James. How fortunate you were to have such a kind Aunt who left you with such good memories!

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Thanks Barbara, both my aunt and uncle were really good to all of us kids. Sometimes you wish you could go back in time when you realize how special things were back then…

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Nice, tribute, James.

Sounds like Auntie was a lovely lady. Lucky to have had those experiences to not only share, but also to keep her memory and spirit alive, within yourself. They say we never really die, when there are those left behind to hold and keep the memory alive.

Personally, those who influenced my own personal existence, at least to me, are still here in spirit, through me, through my actions towards, and with others. Every drop of kindness bestowed upon me, I try, although difficult at times, to pass onto others I interact with, through life.

I admit, I have been quite negative recently, influenced by world and local happenings, but with any luck, "this too, shall pass".

I've shared your little glimpse in life you wrote here with others. I guess, in my mind, Auntie is still here, and continues her effect on others

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Thank you T!! I’m like you, I can get wrapped up in all the negative things happening and I think I try to write a “nice” positive post to remember how much good is around me or in my life. This is for me and I hope can make others remember someone or something to shake me out of the negative. I always will remember aunt Annette’s kindness but at the same time she never missed an opportunity to teach me right from wrong or something to be careful of. She really was a lovely lady. I was lucky to have experienced her so long ago during those summers in Plymouth at her home.

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Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Change the 4 into 11.

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Change the = to a ≠ and you can solve it six ways from Sunday.

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That reminds me of a Philosophy final from way back in high school days. The test was one word smack dab in the middle of an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper: "Why?". The "A" grade was earned by a very bright gal, who wrote, "Why not?".

I was not in the class, my major interest was my Chem lab partner; the epitome of the all American Girl Next Door.

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That is the one I came up with but I like changing the 4 better.

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Thank you! It was driving me nuts 😂😂😂

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lol me, too! 🤣😂🤣

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OR change the 8 to a 9 and the zero to an 8!

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Moving only one stick of course!

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Thanks! Those match sticks were not lighting up my brain, lol!

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Take the upper right stick off the 8 (which makes it a 6) and put that on top the 4 (which makes it a 9) then 6 + 3 - 9 = 0. That moved just one stick.

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Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Morning Ritual: All except for you, Dr. Malone. You light up the darkness.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

RIP Donald Sutherland. Fine, charismatic actor.

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He defined the role of Hawkeye in M*A*S*H and was perfect with Elliot Gould as Trapper John. I have NEVER seen him do anything other than an outstanding job no matter what role he played. I actually saw, but did not meet, him in a restaurant line in Chicago. I said to my companion, "That guy thinks he's Donald Sutherland", and when the line moved and I caught his profile, it turned out to be Donald Sutherland. Perfect gentleman.

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The actor we love to hate...Adian Quinn, Ben Kingsley and Donald Sutherland----The Assignment

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All the way back to an "endearing" detective with none other than Hanoi Jane herself--Klute. Old time suspense.

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According to the blessed Joan Rivers, "Hanoi Janie Fondue".

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I didn’t catch that one. But I know that in the 90s Hollywood was still making some watchable stuff.

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Worth it if you can find it. Quinn plays both the Jackal, and a recently immigrated Cuban who looks like the Jackal. Sutherland is his CIA handler. Kingsley good. Supposedly "true story".

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Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Meanwhile.....inside the White House.....Dementia Man, continues to guide our beloved nation.

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Yes, he does; but, I have an addition to your sentence: "guide our beloved nation into a deep hole". I'm so upset with the actor-in-deception, & pray we see positive change this November! :)

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I maybe should have referenced he UN-Guides our Historic nation.

I can't wait for the book a few years from now....


The secrets of a President who did only what he was told!

Nothing but a theater of Goofball amnesia Fidgeting. Hahaha

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Yes, I have wondered "WHO" has been telling this clown "what to do"! I hope there will eventually be a book about the Biden crime family, all have an alleged connection!

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George Soros through his finger puppet Obamaturd.

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Straight down the rabbit hole.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

No one should ever assume Biden is running a single thing. The problem is that there should be a huge group of people demanding to know who is making all the decisions.

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And I bet he treats all of those you just kindly mentioned like crap in private.

And gave the K9 growler all the attention. He's gone now. Someone was really going to get hurt quite badly as a result. Joe Biden is what most will call a non listener. 👉😔👈

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Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I shared the yellow stripey things with my ladies golf group as one carries an epi pen in her golf bag in case of bee/wasp stings. Appropriately, I also shared the alcohol is a solution with same group.

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Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Volvo hearse is owned by Chum & Waters Funeral Services, expats operating on the coast of Sweden. Sadly, both were taken by sharks in the line of duty.

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Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I was a kid in Australia the summers were so hot we could literally cook eggs on the road. My birthday was in the hottest part of the year and I remember every year my birthday cake would melt. Every 11 years like clockwork we'd get massive forest fires. Nothing has really changed except the amount of information we now have about our planet.

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Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The equation answers I've read so far are telling. Many will spend time to solve problems, find different answers, no ridicule of others - Doc truly has drawn in a diverse, thoughtful, and smart group of people that make this SS a joy to be part of.

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Dear Drs. Malone,

In today's schools, proposing the matchstick puzzle would be considered racist, sexist, and who knows whatist. [sarcasm on] Shame on you for trying to make us think! [sarcasm off]

Thanks to those readers who helped my non-mathematical non-whatist mind solve the puzzle. It's obvious once you know the right answers -- pretty much like other puzzles in life. (Two good answers provided below: Change the 4 into 11 or use the middle bar of the 8 to create a not-equal sign before the zero.)

Thanks, Drs. Malone, for keeping the Friday Funnies and Sunday Strips a-coming. We need the laughs and the honest medicine and psychology in today's nutso 🥜 whatist 🙄 world 🌐.

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There is actually a third solution 😱.

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Try asking anyone under 30 what a match book or box (the small ones) is, much less a match. I was trying to explain my Sansa Clip+ .mp3 player to a millennial and said it was about the size of a matchbox. Deer in headlights, "What's a matchbox?"

What's situational awareness, Sparky?

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Kinda feel like the Einstein character these days trying to explain our fraudulent elections systems to folks...

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but, but, but, but computers are so much more accurate than pencil and paper. riiiiight.

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Yeah, but pencil and paper have their limitations, but for base 10, fingers and toes rock.

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Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a wonderful set of memes today. Keep up the great work hunting these down and sharing them with us.

I happen to like bees, and in particularly Bumble Bees and Honey Bees.

Satan can keep his wasps.......

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I like bees too. We have some acreage with wild flowers and I'd built my wife a garden about 25 years ago so we have all kinds of bugs (fine, insects, whatever). Got bumble and honey bees and the bumble bees are big fat suckers. If I remember correctly, some physicist posited that scientifically they shouldn't be able to fly. Which should be a big "heads up" for all the Schlemmings™ "following the science" vis á vis the Dos Equis Virus.

As far as wasps, I call in an air strike on them and their nests. Love that RAID.

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Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I like the Shark and Chemistry themes / memes today.

Thanks Doc and always Mrs. Doc.

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Jun 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My hubby is a quadriplegic through a work accident. The labyrinth of people we have to see regularly and the maze that is the healthcare industry is truly staggering! But I digress. We had a doctor come by Friday for the annual visit from Anthem. He seemed good enough. He was a doctor for the navy before working for Anthem now. After the long list of the usual questions, he asked if Frank had his covid vaccine. Let’s just say I let him know where we stood on it! lol He then replied with the lame “There’s a lot of misinformation and disinformation out there.” 🙄 I said we’re gonna have to agree to disagree. I told him of our PCP doctor who was in excellent health till she got her jab, and now she had to retire due to a medical reason. I told him of a friend who’s a nurse who got an ocular clot after her jab and had to take a medical leave for months. He thinks these are coincidences. The psychosis is so crazy and still blows my mind. 🫨🤯

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Jun 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Karen, your a saint!! A surgeon at the hospital where my wife works, (forced by the hospital), took his 3rd shot. He got two blood clots in his lung that went into his brain and had a cerebral stroke. I had renovated much of his houses interior. He was/ maybe still is a brilliant man and sent my wife a clinical description of what happened to him. My wife had told me at one point (because I asked why do they keep allowing this when they know something’s wrong) many of the medical people looked at the shots as a trial in science and they are part of the trial. It makes no sense to me. Imagine me building a building as a trial design and it collapsed killing 1000 people, couldn’t I say let’s just try a different formulation, no I would put myself in jail. Recently, just a few months ago, the hospital made it mandatory for a fourth shot, unbelievable, I told my wife no more, are they out of their minds??? Thank God they allowed a religious exemption, though they said that could change at any time…..BTW the surgeon, who was about 54, luckily survived but damaged his brain in a way he hasn’t returned to work.

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Jun 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What is interesting and telling about the stick math puzzle is that NO ONE said there was more than one solution. Everyone, including me, found a solution and quit there. When I see from reading all the other comments that there are actually, what is it, FIVE solutions, I was embarrassed!! Why didn’t I look further?

I think Dr Braun, that the reason you get up early and race to the Malone Funnies is because the comments are frequently even better than the cartoons themselves. You just can’t resist these vibrant minds!

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Correction, Come Quickly Lord did!! My apologies

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