“Crack Kills”
Pardon for the late cartoons. We flew home from Florida early this morning and have spent the afternoon alternating between searching for cartoons and doing laundry. Now it is time to get some dogs fed…
Home again. It is good to be home.
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Welcome home. Around here, we're trying to figure out what is happening within our airspace. Shooting down something over Alaska, shooting down something over Canada, restricting airspace over Lake Michigan, restricting airspace over Montana. No details about any of it. Is Biden just trying to distract us? Are we under attack? If we reduce our carbon footprint, will it all go away? Has Zelenskyy really bought a mansion in Florida? Are there still parents who are stupid enough to allow their babies to get the covid shots, now that the CDC (Center for Demons and Criminals) added the shots to the childhood schedule? Is this clown world seriously real or am I having a nightmare?
I love the subtlety of the conch shell on the chalk tray.