Today feels like the first “real” day of spring. Warm weather at last!
The horses are feeling their “oats” and all is well.

Peace is hanging out on the grass with an emu, goose and dogs.
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On Friday, our latest episode of Fallout was aired.
In a surprising move, the FDA has settled a lawsuit surrounding ivermectin, and has agreed to remove posts telling people not to take ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19.
Besides the important precedent this sets for future FDA communications, this also tells us that the FDA would rather concede and settle this lawsuit than allow the case to go to discovery and have to turn over large numbers of internal documents, which could damage the reputation of the FDA and its senior management.
We’re diving into the structure of modern propaganda machines and why false narratives become so entrenched and amplified across many institutions, beginning with the specific example of the FDA communications regarding ivermectin.
Join us for this week’s episode of FALLOUT.
Our first FALLOUT live question and answer will be held on Friday, April 12, at 1 p.m. ET.
This livestream will begin on Friday, April 12, at 1 p.m. ET. Put your questions for Jan and I in the live chat!
A number of companies are now developing new vaccines and therapeutics using mRNA technology similar to what was deployed in the COVID-19 vaccines.
Moderna, for one, has dozens of mRNA vaccines and therapeutics in development, including for flu, RSV, HIV, Lyme disease, Zika virus, cystic fibrosis, and even cancer.
Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania are also working on a number of mRNA vaccines and treatments, including “mRNA technology to modify liver genes“ to help lower people’s risk of heart attack and stroke.
Where is all this headed? What’s the difference between mRNA vaccines and mRNA therapeutics? And what about mRNA vaccines for livestock? Should people be concerned?
We’re going to discuss all this and more in our first FALLOUT live Q&A on Friday, April 12, at 1 p.m. ET. Put your questions in the live chat!
As a carpenter, it wasn’t so long ago, I began to wonder how many of these jobs I have left in me. As my days that remain here grow shorter the value I place on them grows greater. It pushed a new perspective in me to not waste my days. In a way it has made me try to be more productive and look at every moment as valuable. If we look at every day as a gift given to us, and there is a set number of them, shouldn’t we insist to our selves that we make each day as meaningful as we can? Imagine every morning before you woke a bank deposited 86,400 dollars into your account for you to spend however you wanted. At the end of each day the bank would withdraw whatever money that was left unspent. That gift given to you was gone. You certainly would make sure you spent every dollar possible because money has value. 86,400 is the number of seconds in each day. Shouldn’t we look at this time as the most valuable asset in our lives? Once the day is gone we will never get that time back. I’ve made it a goal, to the best of my ability, to make this gift of each day productive, and use my time to be a positive influence to the people around me. In the end I don’t want to look back and think I wasted time. I hope you all have a valuable Sunday. J.Goodrich
Okay, first let me apologize for the rant I’m about to unleash. Where to begin! The FDA retracts its (false) statements about Ivermectin. Why? Because they would have to admit that they knew of a safe treatment for the USA funded Covid 19 and emergency use authorization would have been impossible and the wealth transfer from us, the taxpayers, to these money grubbing genocidal pharmaceutical companies never would have occurred. Fast forward, Covid 2024 has a nasty sequella : months and months of breathlessness, dizziness and a host of other debilitating symptoms. How do I know? I’ve joined the hordes of people seeing GPs and emergency rooms and getting the “you’ve got Covid” diagnosis and NO Treatment. My last two visits I asked for a prescription for ivermectin and said I would like to follow the FLCCC protocol for long Covid. The ER denied saying it doesn’t work. My GP said no because Kentucky has stripped doctors who do of their medical license. I simply don’t believe my doctor is anything but a clerk for the insurance company which is basically controlled by pharmaceutical companies. I managed to get all the ivermectin I need from Tennessee and the rest is basically over the counter. I’m a little better but very bitter that my health is being sacrificed on the alter of corporate greed. I’m old so who cares but I took a young mother to her doctor suffering from all my symptoms plus about 6 more. She is sick!! The GD doctor knows what’s wrong. Everyone in the community has had it. He said her tests were normal and take a vitamin. They simply WILL NOT treat this because they are threatened and they are cowards! Defund the FDA. Defund the NIAID and NIH. Jail anyone who stood and still stands in the way of truth in medical information and God Bless Drs Malone and the FLCCC and all the other brave souls who spoke up. And God help the rest of us.