Whatsherface is amazing. Extraordinary to see directly the editing / censoring of the Way Back Machine. We are living in Orwell's world for sure now.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think I may be in love with the super Snarky one! WOW... Smart lil lady!

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Sounds like she's single.

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The purging of Wikipedia of any thoughts or ideas which are not approved by the leftist collective has been going on for quite some time. The difference today is in the utter boldness of it. They aren't even pretending to be objective. I wouldn't trust Wikipedia for so much as as metric conversion table.

The Wayback machine has been compromised as well. I'm surprised they haven't purged the old Wikipedia articles such as this one. Archive.today is a good alternative.

I like this Whatsherface though. Very direct. Love the dripping sarcasm about Alex Jones.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

PubMed is being censored too. I have caught it several times in the last year. Wondering if the articles are removed from database detection or if the algorithms are managed to render some search queries unproductive.

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Yes- the articles that are not the narrative for big pharma - particularly about vaccines and early treatment get harder and harder to find. You have to know what you are looking for, in order to set up the "search" terms to find them. It is sick.

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Exactly. I have been terrified about this threat for nearly 2 years. Wishing someone like Steve Kirsch or savvy IT type followers of Substack authors like Dr. Malone, Dr. Tess Lawrie would gather to help preserve an alternative independent archive. PubMed is federally funded, is vulnerable and a target. It is an urgent need. Journals and universities need to care about this. This is something that could draw decent sized donorship I would think.

Save our Science. Preserve our Past.

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Meanwhile, my alma mater is busy designing new and more powerful AI algorithms that will target mis/disinformation more effectively. I am so ashamed of them. and all the others participating in this takedown of real science.

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Dr. Tess Lawrie is awesome and she is gently and firm when confrontative with her colleagues. I have listened to her and am so respecting of her approach.

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That has been true of Pubmed for some time. Encountered it at work and have been retired for 20 yrs. Medicine and biomed took a big turn to the dark side when Medicare began pouring big bucks into the machine

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Was that W's Medicare part D?

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Long before. Started in 1965

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Same as uni loans. Tra$h.

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Try a Blockchain distributed search engine you will be happily surprised w results! :~)


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This is very cool!

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It is Deception

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This may be another example of something we have discussed on this substack before. Cliques, or networks as they like to call themselves, not only promoting each other for grants honors and jobs but also selective editing on Pubmed. The number of citations on your c.v. play big in their gamemanship.

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I noticed a huge reduction from the year prior in the ability to call up articles via search inquiry that had the words "vaccine" and "autoimmune" or "autoimmunity." It was shocking. I wish I had archived that older search and results.

Authors keep copies of their papers, can prove their existence as do journals, although dead authors and lapsed and boutique journals might become harder to source. But definitely your google scholar, academia.edu or researchgate cites and reads could be messed with as a scientist.

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Had to look that up!

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Moi aussi!

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You describe the situation completely.

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I typed in the titles of both Aseem Malhotra’s and co-authors James Lyons-Weiler and Russell L. Blaylock’s recent vaccine papers into three Internet search engines: presearch.com, Brave and PubMed.

Both journal articles appeared first (right after any ad) in the presearch results. Brave’s first result found it on canadahealthalliance.org but the paper itself was its 15th result, and neither paper were on PubMed. I don’t use Google search, so cannot comment on results there.

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Nothing is ever truly deleted in the digital age. We've been spoiled by nicely curated, easily accessible information. It used to be much harder to manually dig through archives. It will be again.

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I remember card catalogs, photocopying needed articles out of journals at the library.

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I remember when photocopies were rare. We used mimeograph for copies. Microfiche for research.

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I had to do that longer than most. Our library's computer kept kicking me out and had to renew. Catalogue was my friend

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as do I, for many hundreds if not thousands of articles

remember "microfiche?" that was not a happy thing

might as well call it humanbane

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Betsy, you are so smart! You watch and pay attention. I so appreciate you.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All your readers must understand that Wikipedia can be edited by anyone that feels they have information that’s relevant. But relevant information can be deleted if it is not in the best interest of special interests that are pushing drugs or discrediting drugs because there is a monetary goal involved. Facts about the true value of vitamin D in the blood for good health are not included in Wikipedia because they have been deleted. There is no real money to be made with selling vitamin D for good health but patented proprietary and profitable branded big Pharma drugs such as Paxlovid and Remdesivir are profitable!

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As we witnessed Wikipedia (someone likely in govt) immediately deleted all mentions of Bill Clinton's name from Jeffrey Epstein's page in the fall of 2020 as soon as Hunter's hard drives were leaked. The corrupt are good at covering their tracks. I wonder if they've done the same to Wayback archives by now.... The Deep State owns everyone it seems.

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The corrupt are good at covering their tracks because they have lots of help doing it.

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They don't own everyone, just the weak

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“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984

Great Sunday post & links Dr. Malone!

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ricky Gervais and Whatsherface. What a delightful way to start my day.

Off to church to pray for this world. And especially you, Robert and Jill. 🙏🙏

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In reality, there is nothing funny here.\

They all are sad testaments to the mess we are in.

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Sorta goes back to that trope about comedy being underscored by tragedy.

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Brave souls like Dr. Malone and Whatshername have my unwavering support.

I haven't trusted Snopes for more than a decade when it became quite clear they were liberal leaning - I figured that out about Wikipedia too this year. I wondered how long it would take for Wayback machine to start being purged. Though I really hate to admit this I do believe there is no gray area anymore. There is a distinct line in the sand now. Either you want to know what is true or you want to believe what you are told to believe because it's easier. Or something.

I read Dr. Desmet's book The Psychology of Totalitarianism and I was blown away by the raw truth. I only disagreed with him on one thing - that what we are experiencing wasn't planned. Not only has it been in the works for decades, if not centuries, it is now nearing completion.

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Et Tu, Wayback Machine? TRUTH is officially kaput.☠️

Dr. Malone, Thank you for again proving that if the clown shoe will fit, they will proudly wear it. 🤡

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Really enjoyed "Whatshername".

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Always a gift of a smile. Greta, the angry child holding the foolish climate change poster is

Sadly funny. How could one Gumpy overcharged kid make so much trouble?

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She is simply the climate thugs bumper sticker

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She didn't make the trouble, just provided a new idol for people who were already disciples of communism.

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022

Forgot the most important comment today. I'm sooooooooooo very glad Whatsherface and the revisionists gave you the impetus and energy to start this substack. The information you provide, with compassion and concern is a cool breeze, a gentle shower and bright sunshine in an increasingly dark world. Thank you Dr. Malone!!!

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I love JP's "Make 1984 fiction again" shirt! So fitting.

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Love to wake up to the funnies. Loved the Health Freedom Movement! The clown shoes are priceless. Love Whatsherface. Have a great Sunday!

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The Perfect assortment. Or..... Let's just call it the Value Pack!

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Such great funnies this am Doc! Oh the absurdity of it all! We’ve gotta laugh or we’ll cry! Thank you for all you do Dr. Malone! You are treasured by many! God bless you and Jill! ✝️💜‼️

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Ah, the humor in reality and the 10s of thousands who will willingly walk to their demise, not believing all the fact based evidence right in front of them.

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Sadly the evidence is not exactly right in front of them. MSM is literally the only source of " news" for those unwitting lab rats and sure has not given them the warning they need.

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