May 12·edited May 12

And just like that, Sheriff Andy precluded any chance of Opie becoming Ophelia. Happy Days ahead for Opie.

Minor point of correction, Buddy Epson developed a product line of Hillbilly printers using then-new black gold/Texas tea ink technology. Epson's associate, Buddy Ebsen, relocated to California shortly after inking a deal with Epson to supply raw materials. The confusion is common and understandable.

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Good Lord. Or, shall I say: Good, Lord.

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Oh my gawd, you gave me such a laugh - thank you!

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You better check your tether, young man, or you'll spin out of orbit and then you'll really be sorry. Thanks for the teeter, Tater. Glad I put my coffee down first.

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Bah, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That's funny!

C'mon listen to a story 'bout a man named Jed. A poor mountaineer, barely kep his family fed.

I can name that tune in one note...

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I knew something sounded odd in that. I kept saying it to myself … 🤪

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What an awesome clarification!

Thank You

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Great and funny correction without being snarky! Great job.

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Isn't it, Texas T?

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Or is it Tea for Texas?

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Nice! Used to hurry home from school to catch those afternoon reruns. Wiki (where only real facts reside) says, “The series starts with Jed Clampett, a poor, widowed hillbilly who lives with his daughter and mother-in-law near an oil-rich swamp in Silver Dollar City in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri.” As a child, I instantly knew the Clampetts weren’t from Texas. We don’t have hillbillies. We have rednecks. “Y’all” is plural, we don’t say, “Weeell doggies,” and if we had to eat possum innards, we wouldn’t admit it much less feed it to our bank president. But somehow, we felt a kinship with the Clampetts.

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I'm sorry, but as a Yankee, whose education in various country dialects was in Basic Training from people, many of whom were local to the Tennessee/Kentucky border. I was told that "Y'all" is the second person singular of "you" and "All y'all" is the second person plural. Of course, it wasn't presented exactly that way. It wasn't until we were all settled in that I found out one of my buddies who was pulling my chain, actually had a Master's Degree in Economics.

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Ha! A guy with a degree in Economics should indeed know how to count, and respect to you for accurate apostrophe placement. We Texans are civilized just enough to use “you” for 2nd person singular and “you” but mostly “y’all” for 2nd person plural. To our ears, “y’all” for 1st person singular sounds like uncoached Yankees (no disrespect) playing rubes in a B movie, and it’s a sure sign of a newcomer trying to fit in. But you bring up a good point. Here, “all y’all” is 2nd person plural emphatic, as in “ALL y’all gonna git a whuppin’ if any y’all ride them bikes ‘cross my t’mater patch again!” I can’t speak for Tennessee and Kentucky, but if you see any of those jokers again, please tell them boys they done did themselves proud fightin’ for the Republic back in 18 and 36. Vols and Long Rifles, we proud of ALL y’all!

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Ha! A gentleman with a degree in Economics should indeed know how to count. Even we Texans are civilized enough to use “you” for 2nd person singular and “you” but mostly “y’all” for 2nd person plural. To our ears, “y’all” for 1st person singular sounds like uncoached Yankees (no disrespect) playing rubes in a B movie, and it’s a sure sign of a newcomer trying to fit in. But you bring up a good point. Here, “all y’all” is 2nd person plural emphatic, as in “ALL y’all gonna git a whuppin’ if any y’all ride them bikes ‘cross my t’mater patch again!” I can’t speak for Tennessee and Kentucky, but if you see any of those jokers again, please tell them boys they done did themselves proud fightin’ for the Republic back in 18 and 36. Vols and Long Rifles, we proud of ALL y’all!

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"YOU gave her what!" Hit the nail on the head! I usually got something to help me take care of the house. Wishing all mothers ...peace, harmony and hopefully a day of rest!

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I remember shopping with my Dad for a gift for Mom, and asking him if he thought Mom might like a new Teflon-coated cookie sheet. (That was back when Teflon was a "new" thing.)

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Hahaha! You caught on to Mother's Day early!

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May 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Top 2: Hostage situation (OMG that’s too funny 🤣) and Tell me why. The latter reminded me of how truly stupid I was in college by taking extra philosophy classes that rendered me not a drop smarter but succeeded in bringing down my GPA. There are days when I wish I could recoup the time I spent in college and reuse it in a much more productive way. If only I knew then what I know now…oh well.

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Crabjo, I was in constant discussions with my professors on the worthiness of some of the courses that I had to take.

One of them finally got tired and just told me: It’s just your Union dues!?!?!

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Not really, they just want to know how much crap you'll let them force you to absorb to prove you're a lab rodent.

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OMG, Philosophy. I had to sit in the back of the classroom, because if I sat in the front my eyes would start to glaze over and I'd fall asleep! At least from the back it was less obvious that I was staring out the window and wishing I were anywhere else!

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Please pardon my randomness at jumping in on this. ( Akin to asking, ‘Mind if I say something?’ — well, I’m about to say it anyway! )

Apart from the fact that philosophy in the classical sense is about exposure to the ‘wisdom’ and perspective experience of life at different levels of intellect and society:

I came up with this tragically simple thought after meeting a billionaire entrepreneur and actually being part of some meaningful conversation with him through some mutual friends: (he has four degrees in math etc from Stanford) — ‘Dammit man! Damn the random numbers — go to Stanford !’

Yes. Occasionally there are deep realizations about what could have been !

And yes! There are ops to pursue better, Much More profitable thinking.

Even redemptive ideas like reflecting the light of profitable ways.

Charlie Kirk is making big ripples in this pool of discussion. Learning how to think is every bit as important as how to read, how to pay attention, then how to make things happen.

Thanks for indulging my reflections.

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Ken, you're absolutely 💯 correct.

Paying attention and learning how to think and how to decipher a situation are and will be critical for our survival!!!

I'm encouraged when I see 👀 what the young generation and some of its leaders like Charlie Kirk are doing to fight against this assault on our country's core foundations!!!!

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Thx for the ditto ❣️

You epitomize the courage and hope of our future w our heads on straight. We can have faith in a team like this.

No need to be uncivil about it either.

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Ken, with ALL OF THE CRAZINESS AROUND, it most definitely isn't EASY!!!

I PRAY to Our Heavenly Father EVERYDAY for PATIENCE and for me to behave in such a way that everyone who I meet will be able to see 👀 HIS LIGHT through me and my actions 🎬!!!!

To quote my mentor Zig Ziglar: People say that Motivation doesn't last. Neither does bathing. That's why I recommend it daily! Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆

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Make yourself as comfortable as possible, close you eyes and focus on the lotus blossom with your third eye. Inhale through your nose and, either aloud or in your mind, chant; "Om Mani Padme Hum" and repeat while exhaling through your mouth. Rinse and repeat as often as necessary. When you awaken, you'll be refreshed.

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Just like the song from the AARP commercials . The only thing I like about them

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May 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The grandma meme with her liking LSD and ducks is hilarious! Great way to start the day with a belly laugh. Wishing a wonderful Mother’s Day to Dr. Jill, filled with adoration from both her human and animal children!

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Happy Mother’s Day to all!!! When I look at these protesting college students I can’t help but think that the people around them have taken on their day to day problems of life for far to long. There are people around us that seem to always put their problems square on our shoulders. If we live our lives to please others we will never fulfill our own lives. I know there’s a fine line here when wanting to help someone, but we are not responsible for other peoples happiness. We all want to be giving but we should never let people control us by always dumping their problems of life on us. Sometimes when we continually try to solve someone’s problems we are actually hurting them more than we’re helping them. Many of these people are controlling. They’re not interested in you, they’re interested in what you can do for them. A true friend understands that you can’t always meet all of their demands. Sometimes we need to take care of ourselves or our own families. You can’t keep everyone happy all the time. There’s a scripture that says they have made me a keeper of vineyards but my own vineyard I have not kept. We should never make others happy while neglecting our own happiness. Sometimes we need to give people back their problems and in doing so it allows them to grow and self reflect, at the same time it frees us. J.Goodrich

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May 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I did the midnight shift at a charitable counseling service for a while. Their dictate to us followed a psychiatrist theory that repeating the callers problems back to them ( as many times as needed would be helpful) Sometimes it may well.be. At least they finally conclude its up to them.

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I like that advice Jean. Not to long ago, for some reason, people we knew would always show up at our house with their problems. Sometime at 3 in the morning. Maybe DD I right I should put a sign out front open 24 hours a day….

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...or a pressure activated switch under your doormat that would play a recording, at high volume, of a pissed off Rottweiler barking and flingsting hisself at the door.

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This is from a transcript of a Dennis Prager video on "Happiness":



<<This transcript was compiled from uncorrected Closed Captioning.


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Young adults in college perhaps are three types. Those whose parents don't want to lose their child's 'love' so anything goes; ones with parents of the same mind set, and those that only care to learn and get the heck out. Over time some of our youth replaced personal aspirations with fascist tendencies. I believe they were couched to do so while being 'educated'.

You are right James, let them reap the consequences and maintain your own happiness.

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James, some of these people are MASTER MANIPULATORS!

They see 👀 our Christian ✝️ values as weaknesses for them to easily exploit.

They use it to shaming us and make us feel guilty for (their words) Not being Christian like!

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You’re right Ana!! It’s OK at times to just say no.

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May 13·edited May 13


You Got that right !

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The difference between altruism and gullibility perhaps?

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Wow James, That is a mouthful of wisdom! You could hang your shingle out and make a few bucks!

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May 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm in my heaven on earth right now. In our screened gazebo, husband and two cats to boot! Dinner later with son and wife (they're bringing) and the warmest day yet! I hope you and Jill are relishing the day too, and everyone else here :)

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You have a great day too..and Happy Mother's day to Jill ❤️

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"We the people" have finally realized that biological warfare was and is being used to destroy our country and subjugate humanity. I wonder what the biden cartel and friends are "cooking" up next to create the next "emergency" to be exploited. Internal and external war perhaps? They have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything, including murder in any form, is always an option.

All our enemies, here and abroad, are beyond ruthless and consider anyone in their way expendable!

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Red green, we MUST get ahead of their next plot by telling people to TRUST, BUT VERIFY!

It's so important for FEAR 😨 not to win out again!!!!

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You are absolutely correct. We have observed the blatant application of fear by the media world wide. It is their #1 tool to be exploited.

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could you come here and explain to the sheeple walking the streets with blue paper masks on ? Right now, in May of 2024?

It's unbelievable that I can even make this request ! Must be all the chemtrails they've sucked in over the years.

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T., I believe that they're doing it to basically to hide their identity. How convenient 🙄!

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May 27th

WHO shackling of humanity.

UN soldiers already here, and other western countries, ready to pounce

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The economy will finally lose its grip of the edge of the cliff and fall deep down into the bottomless hole.

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My EX husband gave me an ironing board and iron for my birthday.

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🤣 … and “mother’s husband” gave her a new cookstove for Christmas. They loaded it in the back of the truck without thinking to tie it down and it toppled out of the back on to the freeway. Dented and scratched, that blessed woman decided to love it anyway. Unreal.

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May 13·edited May 13

Hi Gayle,

How is he feeling since you beat him senseless with it ?

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T., Silly Nilly ‼️

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Obviously Ron Howards parents didn’t get what Andy was saying…..

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Thank you, Dr M, for our Sunday Funnies! And Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there! So glad my little ones are grown now. I feel for the young parents out there nowadays trying to navigate through all the crazy ideas “they” are currently pushing. Use your common sense. ❤️

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Thanks very much for making me laugh this morning! Love each one of these♥️ God Bless everyone and Happy Mothers Day to all the beautiful women 🙏🏻

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Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's that raised their children and did not reject them.

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Lots of good stuff to share/ repost!

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These funnies had me laughing out loud. The dog video was delightful. My husband gave a bouquet of red roses and white hydrangeas. They are beautiful. No getting a vacuum cleaner in this house. Happy Mother’s Day ladies.

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I do have to say that if my husband gave me a vacuum cleaner I would graciously thank him . Never complain about a gift given.

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Spot on!

A mop or a vacuum cleaner!!! Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹

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But, but they are work savers and save the knees

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May 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A woman is supposed to get those to do her 'jobs', not as gifts of appreciation, says someone who got a wheelbarrow for MD to make cleaning stalls more efficient. [I actually request it]

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May 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Shelley, my saying is: If you don't tell your husband what you want, you'll get a Chihuahua!!!!! 😆 🤣 😂 😹

I started saying that after I got a Chihuahua for one of my birthdays 🎂 🥳!

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Ana, when my husband and I were virtual newlyweds, I found an ad from a jewelry store in our town, and I circled the necklace I wanted, and wrote HINT all over the page. (There were only two jewelry stores in town.). Mother's Day arrived, and he gave me a bracelet from the other jewelry store. We will celebrate 46 years together in June. Now I go with him to the store!!

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You did your very best. Live and learn . . .

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Yes, they do need help!

Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹

We're on our 45th years. Right behind you!

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47 for us in July! Have received some gifts both practical and not. Love them all because I love HIM! ❤️

P.S. He just finished washing my dishes for me.

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Don't get me wrong!

The little Chihuahua grew on me!!!

We do however seldom exchange gifts 🎁. We usually just get what we want or need when it strikes us.

We go out for a romantic dinner on special occasions 💐

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Same here! Small gifts when needed after so many years together. Every day is a gift 🎁.

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Not 'the' dishes but 'my' dishes - not sure how that would pan out today!

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The dishes that I was using, not a claim of ownership 🤣 He had already washed the dishes he had used.

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So very true. Oh my gosh an extreme gift if you did not ask for it. A live animal, rather than a stuffed teddy . . . perhaps even worse than getting clothing that you don't like and never want to wear.

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My inlaws gave me a fancy dress (like that) and a horse blanket. They were very offended when I squeaked with joy over the horse blanket.

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Shelley, I have always loved pets! The funny part about it was that I had NEVER expressed that I wanted a Chihuahua 😂 !

As it turned out, Chihuahuas were one of his favorite breeds because his grandmother had one!!!

My favorite dog 🐕 is a cat 🐈 😻 🐈‍⬛️ 😄!

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Hilarious. I had assumed you never mentioned a Chihuahua. The oldest default position there is when it comes to giving presents to a family member! Get the person something you'd like.

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You and Micheal are so spiritually linked

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Really bad for the animal too! Being an unwanted animal or child is incredibly painful.

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Haha, I got my wife a used 6 year old handicapped ShihTsu for Valentines day this year. Bentley turned out to be the best gift ever

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…what you wish for…

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I finally got something I needed!

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Only if it is a Dyson Gen5outsize Cordless with 8 accessories!!! Only then will she know she is truly loved! 🤣

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