A horse and a chicken grew up together on the farm and were the best friends. They went everywhere together. One day, the horse waded into the pond to get a drink, and he realized that his feet were stuck in the mud and that he was sinking. He yelled for the chicken and said,
"I'm stuck in the mud and sinking, go get help, go get the farmer!"
The chicken ran to the house and, realizing the farmer wasn't home, grabbed the Porshe keys, drove down by the barn, got a length of rope, sped back to the pond, tied the rope to the bumper of the car, threw the other end to the horse, and pulled the horse out of the water.
A couple of weeks later the chicken stepped into a mud puddle in the farm yard and realized that her feet were stuck and that she was sinking.
She hollered for the horse, "Go get the car!"
The horse said, "I don't need the car."
He stepped over the mud puddle, straddled it with one foot on each edge, and said, "grab my pecker and pull yourself out."
The moral of this story is:
If you're hung like a horse, you don't need a Porsche to pick up chicks.
Please thank Dr. Brooke Miller @Brookemillermd (X) for the joke!
What made our forefathers strong…
For most places in the USA, if you order today - PsyWar will get there before Christmas!
Three more sleeps until Christmas!
Recently, Elon Musk announced that his artificial intelligence program GROK, soon to be running on X Premium, will provide a summary to the active legislation on the Congressional docket.
GROK will summarize the basic ideas of the proposed legislation, and make it accessible to the public. Hopefully, this will allow the citizens to understand the "real purpose" of these laws.
The member of Congress, who, has admittedly not read the proposed legislation, may get to see more of what it’s about, if they have the time look, before making it the law of the land.
Everyone should get on board and ask Mr. Musk to include the line item RATIFY / ANNUL / UNDECIDED feature so that the will of the people can be made known about each and every matter of government importance.
All new laws must be Ratified in order to be put on the books or Annulled to take them off the books.
But why stop there?
The business of the State Legislatures should be included too.
The twelve thousand county commissioner’s country wide vote on hundreds of billions of dollars of activity every month…. And the local school board needs help too.
# A1. Should the US Congress allow the Citizens they represent to ratify or annul the laws, programs and policies they are governed by?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Undecided
# A2. As lawful agents of the Citizens should the US Congress and the State Legislatures create an enhanced voting franchise specifically designed to enable the demonstrably sapient segment of the population to ratify or annul the Laws, Policies and Programs of their own government bodies?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Undecided
3 days till Christmas, and I'm giggling at my computer, getting ready to venture out into the 15*f weather. Too cold to take the pups out today, so it's tooling around we go by ourselves.
Sun it out, for a while at least for now. Enjoy this fine day on planet Uranus
(sorry, I live in NJ, and it always feels as though we're in the stink end of a joke, somehow. Must be those govt issued drones flying over my house right now, sniffin out false flags)
See ya !