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Fantastic article. I get dismayed by the media response to this plandemic and the ridiculous public health response. You give me hope for our future. (BTW, you writing style reminds me of that of my colleague and dear friend Peter Doshi; neither of you mince). Peace...

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I like Peter. I’ve corresponded with him several times before.

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Great article!! Thank you so much!!

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Thank for an excellent article...well done, sir.

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Thank you for what you do!

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I'm now a regular reader. He doesn't have a lot of material, but what is there seems good. Only 21? Wow. Off to a good start.

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Fauci has thoroughly poisoned the healthcare system well. I will never look at doctors and nurses the same way again. They're mostly indoctrinated footsoldiers in the Big Pharma war on ordinary people.

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What's more worrisome is wondering what those compliant workers who remain will be asked to do next.

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Collect 8 more test mice ?

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We certainly can't use the last 8!

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Ayn Rand, both in her fiction and non-fiction, wrote widely against socialism and communism. I cannot recall the exact quote, but somewhere discussing socialized health care, she said more or less: A doctor working under such a system who doesn't know the system is corrupt is dangerous to the patient. A doctor who remains in the system and knows it's corrupt is more dangerous yet. It's critical to emphasize here that by "socialized medicine" she was disparaging government takeover and control of the health system. Her argument, broadly speaking is just as applicable to Communist Russia as it is to the "enlightened" public health systems of Western Europe as it is to the so-called "private" system of nations like the USA, that if one be honest, are much closer to a form of fascism (government and corporate partnership.)

Commentary: I may well have the quote wrong. For example, why couldn't a medic remain in the system and still try to help when he could, but know that he was constrained in what he could do? In my opinion, Rand makes her characters too polar, either "good" or "evil." Ah, if only the real world were as simple. It's really quite a range of greys from white to black. In her Atlas Shrugged Dr. Robert Stadler is a scientist who goes from being a professor to some of the heroes but later "sells out" by becoming a government-funded researcher and crony. It is his invention that, commandeered by insane politicians, produces widespread death and destruction.

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Not all nurses are “believers”!

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True. Other nurses are unemployed. :(

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

I'm sorry, but the disgusting, appalling, criminal, and EVIL conduct of the pharmaceutical companies, the public health agencies, the government, the media, and the Medical Profession throughout the covid FRAUD have convinced me to never, ever take any of them seriously the rest of my life, however long that might be.

The article is exceedingly well written and reasoned. But for me, it is unnecessary. I will never willingly take another jab. Ever.

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Likewise. I am 70 years old and wondering where I can get medical care should I need it.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

72 here and wondering the same thing. I've been thinking maybe we need an alternate insurance system that will cover alternative treatments. Time to get off the allopathic treadmill and find those healthcare professionals that actually promote health. People need to be able to vote with their feet.

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My biggest concern right now is finding a hospital that I would be willing to go to, if needed. The three major ones near me are all still pushing the shots. One, Duke Hospital, is in the news now because they have refused to do a kidney transplant for a 14 year old unvaccinated girl. My (now former) doctors are affiliated with Duke and I won't go to them again. The websites of all three hospital systems have absolute lies about the shots. I understand doctors and nurses are concerned about losing their jobs, but maybe if they had all stood together for truth, it wouldn't have come to this. My respect is for those who have spoken out, at great cost.

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I'm 72 and today I had my skin doc check up. I was asked again if I had a covid vax. My nurse practitioner (my rural clinic) keeps suggesting I need those jabs. My concern right now is where to get vitamin D3 I can trust to be what it says. Now all they push is D3 made by processing sheep wool - lanolin they call it. And all the tuna and salmon say wild caught but they are still farmed and have no where near the health benefits of those bred and raised in the wild. Now I'm taking D3 product from the EU that contains anchovies....

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you may like https://thenhf.com/charles-frohman/

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Interesting. I had never heard of them.

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Dr Peter McCullough and others have started Wellness Care. It is telehealth and has a fee to join. FLCCC has listings of providers that will prescribe COVID pre and during care. I put in my zip and found a provider close to me-hoping this provider has values that align with FLCCC so I can continue with her-if not I will look into Dr.

McCullough's group. Hospitals are and will continue to be untrustworthy for sometime, in my opinion. I intend to buddy up if needing to use a hospital and keep my jab status to myself or if needed give them a dose of " misinformation" so they don't jab me.

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I recently joined Wellness Care. It was $99/year. I’ve also had great experiences with www.MyFreeDoctor.com

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Anne - I am lucky in that I live 1/2 hour from Sheri Tenpenny's practice. She no longer sees patients but has docs on her staff that left big healthcare systems due to the Covid crap. The doc I now see is wonderful. Only problem is that if I have some type of emergency, calling her is not an option if it's out of normal business hours. So I pray I never have one. I would be terrified to go to a hospital now. The other rub is that it's expensive. Only a small amount of what I pay goes toward my deductible - I am responsible for the full charges. Like Kim says in her comment below, I hope and pray there is some type of alternative system that comes out of this nightmare. I will NEVER, EVER see an allopathic doctor again. It felt so good to fire my PCP when they told me there was no treatment for Covid. I sent them a nasty message through their portal. Got some canned BS reply back.

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We should start a “Me Too “ movement of people with nowhere to go for hands on medical care. Telemedicine can help but it’s not so great for profuse bleeding, broken bones, or serious acute infections. Fortunately, we now have some independent options, including the medical professionals listed on the FLCCC and AAPS websites.

FLCCC: https://covid19criticalcare.com/providers/

AAPS: https://aaps.wufoo.com/reports/m5p6z0/

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I have heard that a group of actual doctors are going to open a hospital near me that closed quite a few years ago. I pray it happens soon.

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That is sooooooo awesome!

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There is something called People’s Health Alliance. Started in UK and now in about two dozen countries. Doctors and other healthcare practitioners caring for people. People for people. Period. Each town that wants such creates its own hub. The time has come! Starting inUS also. Sorry I don’t have US contact but available from UK branch.

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This is great information!

Here is their website: https://the-pha.org/.

And their directory of practitioners: https://the-pha.org/practitioners/ (currently UK only).

Many such groups are sprouting around the world 🌎 . May they spread like healthy weeds 🌱

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I'm 61 and healthy but wondering the same. Today is something of a special day for me. I'm now done with "primary prevention" products. I will no longer take aspirin, statins or blood pressure medication simply because I hit a treatment threshold and "guidelines" say I must be treated. After being prescribed Paxlovid this year (I refused), I looked into the other "normal" medications I was taking and guess what? If you look at studies, they are all but useless, at least in terms of reducing overall deaths.

Credit where due: Yes, these drugs will reduce risks of cardiovascular "events" but only by a quite small amount. Aspirin therapy would reduce one's annual death risk by 0.03% [grin.] The all-cause death rates stay virtually unchanged.These drugs are more effective for "secondary prevention," although even there the absolute benefit it usually in the low percentage range. Even tiny advantages might justify treatment, but drug side effects always exist, are hard to document, and subtract and in some cases, I suspect, more than cancel out from any actual benefit.

Unlike the highly dubious Covid-19 "countermeasures," note that all the treatments I've cited have been in use many decades. Ask yourself: what does it say about medical practice when they knowingly promote, or in some cases are legally required to, treatments that can be shown to on average be of (almost) no value? To take a drug for years or decades, often with side effects of varying severity, that statistically will extend one's life for a few months, or in some cases, a few weeks? To me, it says "We're in this for the money (or because we want to keep our jobs), we're in Big Pharma's pocket, and patient benefit is not foremost in our minds."

Note that none of the above says that ALL medical treatment is without value. I will still use doctors, but with a wary eye. I will NOT consent to taking a drug unless I've done my own homework. I'd make an exception for emergency treatment, severe pain and so forth.

As for choosing hospitals or other treatment, I don't have any wonderful solution The best I can offer for now is to find one or more MDs who share your philosophy and/or individuals who will have health care power of attorney to advocate your treatment if needed. Tread carefully with Big Medicine. They do NOT have your health and safety as top priority, sad to say.

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The problem is, you can't know ahead of time whether something is going to save you or kill you. My mother was prescribed an antibiotic, Trovan, went into a coma and nearly lost her liver. One pill. (But of course, "it couldn't be the drug" - right before it was taken off the market for liver failure.) But then she had a 3-lead pacemaker installed and it was like turning the clock back 20 years. Even her eyesight was improved. But then she had a simple abcess, the radiologist thoroughly botched up inserting a coil (he "lost" it) and she lost half her digestive tract. She told them to pull the plug and she died.

For me, I simply try to assess whether something is improving my health or not. I was prescribed Lipitor and after 11 pills I was crippled. I figured it couldn't be good and quit. Doctors strenuously argued with me (couldn't be the drug) but luckily, it was at a time when we still had control over our own medical decision. I still regret taking as many as 11 pills. The things that have improved my health are stopping flu shots (years ago), acupuncture and clean food.

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Sorry for your troubles. In fairness to the medical system, I have not suffered any side effects -- that I know of. What was really an eye-opener to me was how many of the treatments I had accepted without question were known to be of very little value. And mind you, I'd been following the Covid-19 disaster since 2020, but it wasn't until mid-2022 that I turned the spotlight on what I was currently taking (drugs) or used to take without question (flu or pneumonia shot).

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Kim. I’m so very sorry about your mother.

Years ago, I was also prescribed Lipitor for a high CRP (C-Reactive Protein) level. It can be an indication of inflammation. My mother died suddenly of heart disease. That statin sent my thyroid into overdrive. Everything in my body hurt including my fingernails. My heart raced after going up a flight of stairs (I was in my 40s). I stopped the drug even tho my doc said there was no connection (typical to dismiss iatrogenic cause). Took two years of meds to get my thyroid straightened out. No issues since. If only back then I had educated myself on statins - that they simply make money for big pharma.

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The profit motive is surely one. In one of Kendrick's books (Doctoring Data, I think) he notes that with (I think) Crestor, when it was still on patent, based on "number needed to treat," it would cost $250,000 treating hundreds of patients for five years, to prevent one heart attack/death/etc. Of course when a drug goes off-patent (generic) it will be much cheaper. But its overall lack of efficacy won't change. It's a low value public health intervention. So why does it continue as policy? Again, money should be the prime suspect. Somebody still makes the drug. I suspect that, particularly once generic, most of the cost is paying salaries for government bureaucrats and the related staff in the private sector, on down to the prescribing medical personnel. This has been going on for decades. If the Covid-19 fiasco can be thanked for anything, it's for making the charade plain for all to see. A good example of this is recommending the jabs for children. Leave aside for a moment the fact that the mRNA jabs were poorly tested and all the other dodgy aspects; it makes no medical sense (at least, I've never heard a persuasive argument) that children at near zero risk of a disease be inoculated with a "vaccine" that won't even prevent infection (oops! There goes the "protect Granny" argument!) Risks of harm? It's a mystery, and no one is allowed to talk about it or investigate. This speaks volumes: it's all about money (and probably, varying types of political power). Virtually all prior standards of ethics, safety, and even basic science are cast aside.

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One thing is still take is a baby aspirin every day. Can you please share info you have on that? I’m assuming bleeding risk is too high vs. any small benefit?

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Sure. Here's my notes from Cochrane.org (may require paid access):

"Summary of Cochrane Review of Aspirin evidence:

For primary prevention, aspirin did NOT modify mortality and increased the risk of major bleedings. The detailed table provided a more nuanced report:

Mortality improves (placebo to treatment) from 40.1 to 38.8 per thousand patients-year, approx. 3.3% improvement. [all % here are relative, not absolute.]

Cardiovascular mortality barely improves: 13.7 to 13.4 ; + 2.2%.

Non-fatal cardiovascular events: 77.0 to 49.7, a good relative improvement of ~ 35%.

Major bleeding risk increased however, from 7.7 to 13.4; up 74%.

All cardiovascular events dropped from 42.8 to 37.1; an improvement of ~ 13%."

Later I looked at this huge meta-analysis.


One needs to have some familiarity with such studies to pick out data and sometimes they hide it, to some extent. For me, the most important figure is the change in all-cause mortality. Look at bottom of Figure 5: "Total any death" and subtract one from the other. This study is honest enough to admit: "For primary prevention, however, the balance is less clear because the risks without aspirin, and hence the absolute benefits of aspirin, are generally an order of magnitude lower than in secondary prevention." This is typical gobbledegook as found in such studies. If one crunches the numbers, they might as well have said "This is useless for primary prevention."

Irony: Unless I missed it, nowhere in this study do they show the overall reduction in all-cause deaths for secondary prevention, even though it is a much better result! I had to do some digging, and came up with 0.48% (annual).

Comment: this is an example of what can be found with (sometimes) freely available studies. But it requires a bit of knowledge to search and to interpret. As I've stated earlier, it doesn't inspire confidence --at least in me -- that such minuscule benefits are recommended and sometimes even mandated, as treatment for tens of millions of patients.

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Thank you. I was able to look at the Cochrane page.

I noticed what they say about the shots:


Fascinating that they still have this bs posted on their website. It’s dated November of 2021.

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My use of Cochrane was only for products I use or had used. Alas, I've read that they now take "tainted" donations (e.g. B&MGF) so a skeptic would assume that will color their analyses going forward.

And I would have to grudgingly agree that the "vaccines" ARE in fact, "effective." What needs to be clarified is precisely what "effective" means here. I don't think anyone disputes that the jab does in fact make most people generate antibodies. The more pertinent questions of course would be what extent of protection that affords against the real virus, for how long, risks of side effects, etc.

An analogy can be made for (say) the efficacy of statins. These drugs do, in fact, slightly reduce the incidence of stroke, heart attack, etc. compared to taking nothing. The problem is that other causes of death increase slightly, resulting in virtually no difference in all-cause mortality.

Whether this is "effective" is a matter of opinion. To Pharma and its hired researchers it will mean one thing, but to a cynical ex-patient like myself, quite another.

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LOL I literally just pasted that exact stat (FDA gets 75% of money from regulated companies) into the article I'm writing today! Great minds think alike!

But as we've discussed before, people are much more trusting of their 'monkeysphere', and EVERYBODY'S seems to be abuzz with adverse reactions -- so much so that one half of the aisle has completely normalized the side effects WHILE CALLING PEOPLE WHO WARN ABOUT SIDE EFFECTS CRAZY!

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“Why is the president of the United States shilling for the pharmaceutical industry? Because that's exactly what this is...”

Are you kidding me? Because that is what this president has done for his entire political career, shill for one special interest or another.

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You should watch Trevor Loudon's Enemies Within DVD. He documents how the Communist Party USA found Biden and launched his political career starting with his first Senate seat. Loudon has the receipts on all of his documentaries. I met him in Salem OR in 2009. He has been on this path since the commies took over New Zealand where he is from. He came to the US to warn us. Oh, and Biden is just one of more than two dozen former and current commie Reps and Senators. It goes back decades.

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To understand why the FDA is not going to take any action to withdraw these products, you need to read Katherine Watts’ Bailiwick News substack.

Here is a relevant abstract from today

KW: Right. I came across it because of Brook Jackson’s case. Brook Jackson is the whistleblower who was working for Ventavia, who was a subcontracted to Pfizer under the contract Pfizer had with the Department of the Defense to produce a hundred million doses of what they call a vaccine and distribute it through the DOD to all the people in the United States. Brook Jackson, as soon as she got to her trial site—she had three—in Texas, she noticed there were terrible problems with the clinical trials. She reported it first to her bosses at Ventavia, then to people at Pfizer. Then she tried to file, I think an anonymous hotline report, to the FDA and within hours of the FDA report, she was fired. Then she filed a False Claims Act case because her theory at that time was that Pfizer was defrauding the U.S. government by falsely saying they were doing good clinical trials, and that the U.S. government would want to know this because they would want to not spend money on a fraudulently produced product.

It turned out that that is not the case. The U.S. government was in on the fraudulent clinical trials and in on the whole fraud entirely. That came out in Pfizer’s April 2022 motion to dismiss. Because Brook, when she filed her False Claims Act, she attached the Statement of Work, which was a contract that was supposed to govern how the clinical trials were done. And in its motion to dismiss Pfizer attached another contract called an Other Transaction Authority—OTA contract—saying in effect, no, we had no obligation to conduct valid clinical trials because the only goods and services we were providing to the U.S. government, according to this contract are a large scale manufacturing demonstration for a prototype. So they split off the clinical trials from the manufacturing and production side. I looked at that contract and had already come to the conclusion that it was a joint fraud between Pfizer and the DOD. And this corroborated that in Pfizer’s own words.

So the OTA is a separate contracting, purchasing framework that U.S. government agencies can enter into with private companies. And the report that I sent you is from KEI. The title of it is Other Transaction Agreements: Government Contracts that Eliminate Protections for the Public on Pricing, Access and Competition, Including in Connection with COVID 19 Vaccines and Treatments [KEI Briefing Note 2020: 3 Other Transaction Agreements: Government Contracts that May Eliminate Protections for the Public on Pricing, Access and Competition, Including in Connection with COVID-19; local PDF].

It started in 1958, according to that report through NASA. But it’s since been expanded to, I think they said, 11 agencies have it now, have this special authority that Congress has given them to enter into these contracts. And it suspends all kinds of oversight.

That’s the bottom line of what an OTA does. In my view, Pfizer is probably correct that under the terms of the OTA, they had no obligation to ever conduct a valid clinical trial. They could make the entire thing a fraud. They could make the entire thing seem to be real and said that actual data, but it didn’t have to be good data. It didn’t have to be in compliance with any of the regulations that otherwise govern clinical trials. That’s why in the one piece I’ve done on it, I compared it to the Emergency Use Authorization because OTA did for the financial contracting side, what EUA did to the drug regulation side: they both just took them out of the normal.

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My "necessary and sufficient" example of cover-up is the very odd behavior of DoD in February when they "fixed" a "glitch" in the DMED database. If they can make up a million or more health care records to make their database say what it wants to say (e.g. "No proof of unusual, possibly vaccine caused problems here!") in my opinion, that shows complicity at the highest levels of the U.S. Government (DoD in this case.) Dismally, that means the entire system is corrupt and you simply cannot trust anything they say anymore.

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That's great example of how the federal system has been built and managed since the election of Bush41. He and his successors have captured and placed NWO enablers in all of the Executive branch. Prior to Bush41, only the State Dept and CIA were working toward globalism. Trump advisor pretty much keep the system in place.

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DOD attack on its own citizens. They only defend their department, not us commoners.

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There are finally numerous outlets that are discussing trials and vax manufacturing. I just read one this week that showed the fed gov keeps getting horrible reports year after year coming from those that do on site reviews of the places that make pharmaceuticals or vaccines. The issues are never address but are found year after year after year.

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I was listening to Ron DeSantis Roundtable and noticed your Twitter account is back. Congratulations.


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Thanks for sharing the great news!

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It's wonderful to see real scientific evidence piling up as far as the eye can see and credible scientists who can explain the data in ways that any lay person can understand. By contrast, the entities mentioned above have lost credibility to such an extent that I'm not sure how they can be effective in the future. The government agencies should be defunded, torn down and built anew so that they can not held captive by serial corporate felons, who are free to experiment on the populace with no liability for the results.

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I just received an email from Regence, my health insurance company, telling me to get the bivalent booster, saying it is safe and effective. Why are they shilling for the pharmaceutical companies?

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They profit from it financially and will be punished financially if they don’t.

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How can the insurance company profit when they are paying out rather than receiving payment?

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Because even if a "private" corporation, they rely on government money, directly or indirectly. For example, I'm one of millions of Americans with an Obamacare health coverage.The government pays most of my premium directly to the insurer. I pay a small amount monthly, but I get all that back as a tax refund.

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Good question. If you have the time to do the research, please share it with me. If NEJM and John’s Hopkins can be induced/bought to publish a hit piece on hcq or ivermectin and support that part of the narrative I expect there’s an “agreement” for the govt to indemnify your insurance company.

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So great to know that there is a jab that will hijack my cells to manufacture not one, but two different spike proteins! [/sarcasm off]

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Very funny

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Not only does the WH need to fire all of their advisors. The American People needs to fire all of their politicians and start over.

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The writer is 21? Wow. I’m impressed. I just heard that you have been reinstated on Twitter, Dr. Malone. Wonderful. I don’t know if our Twitter peeps lobbied. If so - great job!

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Colleges such as Yale and University of California are requiring it for the students but not the administrators!

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Wow! "4,500 FDA-approved medications are recalled a year, on average. 139 for deadly side effects." I know the agency is captured by big pharma but I had no idea their track record is this bad! Even Forbes mag is willing to state that the FDA gets 75% of its funding from big pharma. The agency--and apparently our the Biden Admin--does not work for the people of America. This is a major system failure and the American people are the big losers here. Thank you Rav Arora for this article and Dr. Malone for republishing it. So good to see the many faces of journalism with integrity.

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Do Not Comply. The Government is not your Friend.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

Man, your Gettr account links to a Daily Mail story on Twitter reinstatement and right out the gate it smears with "Malone, whose early work focused on mRNA technology, has repeatedly 'made discredited claims' regarding the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines."

If you follow out the link for "discredited claims", bingo--right into the infamous trash piece in the Atlantic (ie the toy of Steve Job's wife).....It's just too much, all the unending garbage and refusal to even look at the data.

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