Dec 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yet more evidence that the FBI needs a serious house cleaning.

The institutional rot, brazen abuse of power, and moral bankruptcy of this policy is truly staggering, even after all the prior revelations!

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It's too late for that. Destroy the agency and start over, or better yet, let the states handle their own criminal investigations. Could they have done a worse job than the FBI on Las Vegas, Hunter's laptop, 911, the JFK Assassination?

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FBI has systematically gone after other religion motivated groups in the past who did peaceful protest. It is good that a big enough group is now taking notice of their long-term 1st amendment violations.

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As a Catholic woman, I find this disgraceful. My friends, family and I are patriotic, philanthropic, church going prayerful people. We help the poor, the homeless and the sick . What are the ulterior motives of the government labeling us as “domestic terrorists “?

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Reading your list of virtues, doesn’t it seem like that’s exactly what is being targeted? Traditional values being framed as an attack on “freedom" (gender, satanic, even pedophelia)

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Definitely what they're targeting, except it's never "freedom" cited as the supposed excuse for tyranny and control, it's always the euphemistic opposite: "public health" – a nihilistic fulcrum used precisely to upend freedom.

Mattias Desmet's upcoming book is about the bureaucratization of our society, including but not limited to the evil metastasized thoughtless administrative state and its many overreaching three-letter acronyms.

It's going to get worse I imagine, but just remember, the devil is a tool (eschatologically speaking), and his unknowing acolytes are but cogs in a machine that will not endure. Have faith, stick to your guns literally and figuratively, and laugh in the face of these humorless goons.

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:10-12)

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As a Protestant I agree wholeheartedly!

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As a secular man, I too find this disgraceful. I happen to count a family of traditional Catholics (members of a SSPX congregation, the very group that is being targeted by the FBI) among my close friends, so I have first-hand knowledge of how utterly despicable the FBI's accusations are.

The ulterior motive here is that any individual who happens to be guided by a moral compass and world-view that is resistant to the elite green/woke/socialist master narrative is a dangerous suspect, and thus can't be allowed to organize with like-minded people or to transmit their values to others, even if it is just their own children. Being true to one's own thoughts, experiences, and feelings is an act of rebellion against their domineering avarice and ambition, so they must crush it. The FBI is currently tasked with such repression because America doesn't yet have a formal equivalent of the Chinese Communist Party's United Front Work Department.

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We have already tipped over to socialism which is just a slow communism. Communism always goes after the Church and this is the phase our government is in right now. They have already destroyed most traditional families and now it is after Christianity.

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An interesting commentary by former agent on Foxnews yesterday brought up something I have been seeing for years i.e., it is no longer just the higher muckety mucks but now even field agents whose conduct is directed by political (read woke) bias rather than by protocol. And with any law enforcement, protocols are essential to maintain because once abandoned, then abandoning the law follows. And news reports have over the years shown the agents abandoning protocols established for decades.

The agent finally admitted to another problem I have suspected. Originally, only lawyers or accountants were hired as agents. Today his comments suggest administration committed to new hires consisting mainly of blithering flibbergibbits with liberal arts degrees saturated with leftist ideology and setting out to put the world straight. He seemed, rightly, disgusted.

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The FBI was intended to be an investigative agency. It has morphed into a police force, like the East German Stasi.

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Wish you could have enjoyed a visit by the stasi just to make that comparison. I have dealt with the f.b.i.on several occasions and would not make that comparison.

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Ask the people who were arrested by the FBI for the alleged crime being at D.C. on January 6, 2021 to exercise their First Amendment right to petition their government to redress their concerns of an apparent corrupted election.

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You go do that. Cannot think of a single reason to do so myself but……

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Tucker on "X" is amazing, if you're not following along. He is finally released from his anklets, and is allowed to talk honestly.

I follow along on another platform which posts his "X" videos. Tucker is pretty amazing, as usual.

"Blithering Flibbergibbits"

Haha !

I gotta use that elsewhere.

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The best. And Gen Flynn

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Yes...Lawyers and accountants. The problem with that is they look at the world as Lawyers and Accountants. The feds started to move back to hiring former cops for awhile and then Obama happened and they went a different way. The lawyers and accountants kept things straight and ethical and the pre service LE got the job done. It worked so of course someone had to mess with it.

Combining Immigration, Customs, etc., into DHS did not help either. The old way of multiple agencies was an excellent check and balance against certain kinds of stupid

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I believe the correct phrase is "YES MEN"!

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I read recently that the FBI is heavily recruiting from the Ivy League - that would go a long way to explaining the leftist mentality at field offices.

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Perhaps this ex agent was placed on that interview with the intention of eliciting sympathy for an institution that many are clamoring is corrupted beyond repair?

Personally I do not believe it is salvageable.

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Makes sense in light of how things seem.

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Not your daddy’s f.b.i. anymore (at least not mine).

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You are correct Dr. Nash it is not.

Of the three letter federal agencies the FBI (Flower's by Ina, Fan Belt Inspectors, etc.) is by far the most afflicted with rules, rules and more rules. The FBI has it's own document classification system that supersedes all others. The field agents are ok to work with and the further they are from DC or a big field office the better they seem to be. FBI hires and screens HARD for compliance and loyalty. As an agency the FBI does not admit to mistakes; Ruby Ridge comes to mind and the way SA Ed Morales was treated after the 1986 Miami shoot out was and is appalling.

The FBI does training extremely well. I went through their SWAT school and Officer survival school. Both were excellent. The FBI collects data for Uniform Crime Reports and does a stellar job at it. Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) and the technical aspects of LE, namely forensics, again excellent job all around.

Post 9/11 my PD had a dedicated agent that would stop in and actually take an interest in what was going on. Not a perfect system but as a municipal police officer I had a contact that was responsive to what was needed on the ground in my patch. The info and briefs were mostly relevant and I got at least a follow up call.

It all got worse when the Obama Presidency took over. Instead of calling terrorists, well terrorists, it became "violent extremists". The focus shifted from actual terrorists and bad guys to "home grown" / "domestic violent extremists". Soon became apparent that meant the Tea Party, then MAGA, the religious right, pro life, etc, etc. Essentially anyone who challenged political orthodoxy as defined by the Obama Regime.

The current FBI, at the top levels (DC and the major field offices), is completely overrun by political law enforcement. Until and unless ALL of the politics and political LE is removed the FBI will continue to abuse citizens of the US and fail at it's core missions.

To my FBI LE cousins should you be reading. Please correct anything I got wrong.

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My dad was a cop who underwent the f.b.i. Program instigated by Hoover for police officers. That was a good program that benefitted smaller depts as I imagine the one in Wichita Falls Tx was in the 30s-40s.

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The FBI conducts the National Academy (NA) for Chiefs, Sheriffs and upper end PD admin. The command lobotomy gets completed there and it is an exclusive club the FBI utilizes for “other” purposes. Just my observation and opinion based on real world events.

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Appreciate your input as you were witness to the changes.

The Marine " recruit" goes through boot camp in 1968 not fully realizing he is a pawn until he is stuck in Vietnam or another lonely, rotten place, and he realizes he is expendable trash - white, black, or olive. The guys who had some college knew way ahead that they were pawns. Most recruits though felt they were fighting Communism which seemed a good thing.

I guess FBI recruits think they are going to do good except for those sociopaths who join for the wrong reasons. It seems government now wants sociopaths.

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The FBI has always been corrupt.

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Amen. J. Edgar Hoover was corrupt and his organization was corrupt in the old days, and that is NOT to say that only bad guys work for the agency. There ARE a few good men in the FBI, but they are a distinct minority and must often submit to the rotten ones in order to keep a job.

Sibel Edmonds exposed the corruption inside the Washington Field Office in her 2012 book Classified Woman.

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She also wrote an earlier book. Robert Mueller was the chief of the FBI Washington DC field office. He ignored the valuable information she gave before 9-11-2001 .

The office of translators was run by a very disgusting, corrupt man. Hard to believe the incompetence and corruption before 9-11.

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Corruption in the entire federal government, especially the Pentagon, was rampant prior to 911. Cynthia McKinney was onto it, but the congressional accountants in the Pentagon were killed that day by the explosives set from the inside.

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And who has not? That sort of comment is a start down the slippery slope of anarchy.

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That’s like saying “it’s okay to do because everyone else is doing it.” Out of control corruption of those empowered to enforce Constitutional laws will inevitably lead to anarchy.

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Anarchy would be an upgrade from anarcho tyranny. Antifa and BLM burned and looted cities and reigned terror with no repercussions. Meanwhile people fooled by the feds into strolling around in the capitol building on Jan 6 have been persecuted and imprisoned for years.

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I think we are on the slippery slope down tyrannical governments. A far more dangerous road.

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And it is mainly located at the bureaucratic top. To paraphrase, poop slides downhill.

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Seeing what happened to JFK and then Trump to a lesser degree, who's at the bureaucratic top? It seems to be the agencies.

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Who writes and “interprets” the laws that in effect have allowed criminal activity to flourish? Who is invested with the power of the purse to oversee fed agencies and rein them in? That is the top I refer to.

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And it is mainly located at the bureaucratic top. Too much parasitic poop slides downhill.

Fixed it for ya !

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Couldn’t get your meaning on this one.

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This cat is definitely out of the bag.

Lets see how many others we can run up this tree.

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Yes our 1st Amendment. Communists have always tried to eliminate religion from society. Lenin stripped the rights of the church to own property or teach religion. Stalin declared a 5 year plan to completely eliminate religious expression in the country. From 1920-1930 clergy and many of its believers were shot or sent to labor camps. In recent years China has witnessed a spike in state repression against both house churches and state sanctioned organizations including a campaign to remove rooftop crosses, forced demolition of churches and harassment and imprisonment of Christian pastors and priests. Sound familiar? Christopher Wrays is now intimidating priests and believers here in America. This infiltration by our government is completely illegal anti American and disgraceful. Political elites believe that religion is incompatible with the advancement of communism. Religion allows people to free their mind of state elite control. We all have a much higher power beyond this government, and this is completely unacceptable to our government. J.Goodrich

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Sometimes we need reminding that we have done so, for the benefit of all.

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USA reprises the Bolshevik Revolution.

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I had to look up the definition of reprise as I wasn't sure about its full meaning.

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Yup, read my post if you haven't already done so.

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Pearl Harbor Day today … for all those who served , thank you 🙏( thanks Dad and uncle John ) 😘RIP …..

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My step dad Ed Zechmann was on the destroyer USS Ward some 60 miles west of Pearl on sub patrol when they fired on and sank the first Japanese Sub attempting to sneak into the harbor just a few hours prior to aircraft attacks. They are called the First Shot Navy Vets.

I think they are all in a final resting place on earth. Many had ashes scattered on the Arizona.

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What history you tell here. Thanks. My dad and his two brothers served in the ETO or European slaughterhouse. Little was ever mentioned.

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I guess our family had some sort of luck.

None were injured or killed in theater. (Active duty)

How many that served since 1900 never returned home to tell the story? 🤔

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too many

some 440,000 service members died in ww2 years (includes DOW within so many months or a year). Some 72,000 or so are MIA from WW2. Most were killed by artillery - vaporized - sickening.

The sacrifices of the living and dead are not appreciated by many in this America.

Since 1900 - too many

I looked at a listing years ago of New York state died in WW2 - page after page and the huge majority were names consistent with men from northern Europe- and to include Germany. The number of Anglo names seemed to never end.

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Nice reply! A DNA of which is passed along residing deep in the pathways and fabrics within my present being.

The blessing of which is flowed into my offspring in gladness and gratitude.

A melting pot we are! But will this last a forever humanity endeavor improvement?

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I hope families let their children know. Most Americans have short memories and I doubt leftist school teachers have much to say to their students.

It is in our family's DNA to remember.

I would hope we stop having wars engineered by international financiers.

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Here is the key: "the FBI abused its counterterrorism tools." There is no terrorism of any consequence except the terror coming from D.C. with threats, imprisonments, false courts, random assassinations (Ashli Babbitt, the man in Utah), mysterious explosions (TN post 2020 election), Congress must repeal the Patriot Act and all of its idiotic surveillance. Grasp this WE are labeled terrorists just as Jews were labeled enemies in Germany, or kulaks in USSR. It means they can do whatever they want and yet maintain legitimacy.

Does anyone still believe that there is any such thing as national security? When was the last time the feds did anything to protect Americans, their sole enemy? You think Biden/Obama/Clinton has failed in any measure to sell anything to anybody who would pay especially if it meant the destruction of their hated foes, us?

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Congress will NOT repeal the Patriot act, without a physical overhaul of Congress. They're all planted agents of the Uniparty / leftist agenda, and vote, regulate, and do what they're commanded to do. There are a few stand-outs who are not part of this, but again, the majority are all in cahoots with this agenda for totalitarianism, guided by their masters.

When has any government given back rights and freedoms they've taken away from their constituents, without being forced to ?

I do not recall any.

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While at it do away with homeland security. We needed another “intelligence” agency, much less more new federal departments like a teen needs zits.

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17 intelligence agencies all working together! What could go wrong ?

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I recently heard that the US govt is the largest employer in the world, surpassing Wally World.

Seems like a game plan / textbook ploy. Hire everyone who is willing, get them on your side, so that when intelligence steps in and says "no", you have an overwhelming population to go against the intelligent decision process of reducing the size of "Gubberment".

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Our United States Constitution grants no power to the federal government for a nationwide police force. For well over a hundred years our country managed to get along without the FBI. As Latasha has pointed out “the FBI has been corrupt since its inception.” Hundreds of thousands of United States citizens sacrificed their lives to secure and defend our freedoms and rights enshrined in our Constitution. The FBI along with the DOJ who are sworn to support the Constitution gravely dishonor the sacrifices the true patriots made.

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We did, however, create the Federal Marshals in 1789, under George Washington.

I don't disagree with the need for a detective agency at the federal level, but police agencies have always been vulnerable to infiltration and subversion by criminal groups, and it seems like the FBI has suffered from this for some time.

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Disagree. For well over a hundred years this republic did not have to contend with the mafia, Latin American drug cartels, Asian triads and imported criminal “families” from Eastern Europe who have spread themselves across all our state lines. We do now and thanks to the allowance of dual citizenship these vermin are firmly embedded into the national fabric. As much as I embrace state independence from federal interference, they cannot deal with this sort of criminal enterprise.

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And we are still plagued by all those in spite of the FBI.

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But how much worse might it be without them? The problem as I see it is the politization of the agency and the d.o.j. has largely tied their hands in dealing with them. Our legal apparatus is in shambles. Criminals run criminal empires while incarcerated in prison. Eastern mob figures lord it from some of the most expensive real estate protected by bevies of lawyers invoking laws written by politicians (and judges) designed to protect them. We have big problems transcending a corrupt f.b.i.

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I disagree with you. The US has always had types of gangs/mafia that created lots of problems for citizens. Those are not new problems for civilization or the US. There were standards to enter the US in the first hundred years and if you didn’t meet them you couldn’t come. Those standards were relaxed, relaxed some more, and some more until now we invite the terrorist in to set up camp. That happened significantly after the FBI’s creation. They haven’t made those things better, only worse.

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Yeah…redcoats and hessians. We’re dealt them. That was then, much, much worse here now.

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The FBI has been corrupt since inception. This is just another iteration for them. What I find most upsetting is most likely absolutely nothing will happen to any of them or at best some individual will be the fall guy, like Scooter Libby was but those most responsible will continue their careers and retire with full benefits paid by those they harmed. That should be enough to infuriate every American.

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Good Morning fellow travelers and Dr.'s Malone.

An observation on FBI Director Chris Wray's testimony addressed directly to Mr. Wray if I were to meet him.


If you are the example your subordinates should follow it is no wonder the FBI is so utterly screwed up. Having obtained hundreds of warrants, subpoenas, court orders, written thousands of citations and testified under oath more times than I can count, I can say with absolute certainty that you, Mr. Wray are lying. You are unprepared to testify honestly and lack any real knowledge of what you speak. The testimony you gave was deceitful and your attitude toward those that you answer to was despicable. You are making the job of every working officer, trooper, deputy, agent or peace officer by any definition THAT MUCH HARDER.

You discredit all of us that swore the oath, did our utmost to uphold that oath and discharge our duties to the community.

May God have mercy on your soul.

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Oh, come on now !

I know you would just walk up to him and beat him senseless with a frozen water bottle. This way, when he woke up, his Perrier would be at room temperature, and he'd know nothing of what happened.

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T. OMG you made me laugh so hard! Even tho I detest violence the image was so "upstanding". When my first husband was in the FCI (pen), someone reached out behind him in line and whacked a guy with a lock in a sock. Gee, that could kill a person, oops.

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In the 50s in Brooklyn, the whites and blacks told me that you roll up a newspaper and hit the bad guy with the end of the newspaper it will feel like concrete. It is very effective especially for us smaller guys.

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Wow !

If i had been locked in an FCI,

and had no way out,

I'm pretty sure that if my chouce was

to get clocked with a lock in a sock,

'Id rather be that,

Then to be rocked

with a c*ck, in a jock.

Hands down,

I know I be a clown

Out on the loose,

parading around

Quoting Dr. Seuss


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I prefer a Chicago Yellow pages and a straight baton.

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Wow !

Do they still make yellow pages ?

I have a Grainger catalog, if you can't find one locally. About 4" thick, and weighs enough to stop a door from closing.


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Yes that would work.

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I watched Wray's body language the dozen or more times he was questioned by Congress. He is skilled at keeping a calm demeanor- classic sociopathic qualities.

He works for his globalist masters and doesn't give a shit about the rest of the USA.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Want to be cheered up by some vigorous pushback on this issue against Director Wray? There's YouTube video posted on or about December 5th, in which Senator Josh Hawley eviscerates Wray over the Richmond affair.

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Again, is there any long term consequences for Wray ?

If not, I'm not interested in the entertainment value it would provide, as it's just part of the show.

No consequences = Nothing to get excited about.

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True but at least it got some exposure value for the more interested people that care.

Smoke em when ya got em.

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LMAO, I never smoked anything. No cigs, no stogies, no mara-ja-hookie, no nada.

I have smoked after sex, with an old girlfriend, but that was from all the friction of moving back and forth


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To smoke another person is to bag the body like ashes from the scene in a quiet unseen way. Like in the popular old time gangster movies. Hahah

Cigs after sex was Hollywood script too.

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Funny, Dannion B. always said after one of his near misses with death that he wanted his friends to "smoke him" literally.

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Gonna need a really really big Bong. 🤯👍

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That was an old joke. Do you smoke after sex? I don't know. Never looked.

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Precisely !

I'm old, so Old Jokes still are prevalent in the empty space behind the ojos.

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They problem is almost nobody who needs to see it is watching.

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AMEN, and it will dissipate as a latent fart in the wind.....

Never to be smelt again.

Anyone going to Maui this weekend ? I hear there's some land for sale.

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Congress has constitutional oversight, every time FBI, DOJ, Homeland Security et al say their “policy” is not to comment on “ongoing” investigations, that witness is in contempt; “policy”’does not trump Constitution‼️

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But nothing ever comes of it. Wray is skilled like a lot of sociopaths in keeping calm.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Hey Dr. R.

Your very last sentence in your expose' hits me hard.

"The fact that this is not headline news is also pretty shocking"

Can I assume that this statement is rhetorical?

What is headline news anymore today? I meet people all the time, and when the first find out I'm a conservative, the first "jab" they give me is "Oh, you must watch Fox news", BS statement they're all programmed to say by the "Media".

Well, I don't watch "Fox / Faux" news, nor any other mainstream media platform. My 3 television sets have not touched upon ANY media channel, either local, nor cable since Tucker left (thank God) Faux news. (the cable companies MONITOR what you watch, and report it to "Them", as we all know) It's all lies and propaganda, expecially Faux News, as they purposely mislead you telling you that they're "conservative", when they're actually NOT any of the sorts. They use truths supplanted with fabrications and omissions, to push the agenda of making conservatives "think" they have a say. Faux news is simply controlled opposition. These wack-a-moles who accuse me of being a "Fox news" junkie, and all reciting the playbook notes out loud, as usual, as that's what they're being told to say.

With over 90% of the media owned by a group of 6 or so corporations / billionaires who are constantly controlling the narrative of "who sees what", and millions of brainwashed sheep who simply "go along", I'm personally not surprised by this information not coming out, nor being shared, other than on honest reporting sites, such as your own, here on Substack.

I'm not dissing you in any way, but I would think at this point in our shared time in history, that this wouldn't be a surprise to anyone with their eyes even somewhat open. I'm simply going to believe that your statement was rhetoric, and not literal.

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Have to agree that the fact it is not headline news is hardly shocking. Nor is the lack of headline news about Don Joe’s income. Point in fact is we no longer have, if we ever had, a truly free press. Sad but true

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At least NOW, we know.

The Great Awakening is real.

Now if we can only get that alarm clock to ring louder.

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We are in a war for the World...

...not a World War

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Thanks for putting a spotlight on this HUGE threat to our country Dr. Malone.

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Watch Wray and the #2 DOJ stooge quote policy bullshit over and over to justify their actions and refuse to answer any questions. They are prisoners of their own asylum. The same bureaucratic BS could be heard at Trumps impeachment, his crime was ignoring policies and bypassing/insulting bureaucrats.

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At the 9-11 hearings, those running the show simply came up the "national security" BS.

Seventy five percent of the questions were never answered due to "national security".

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Wow Robert, I forget just how close to Richmond Va. you reside. I was born and raised Catholic,

recall mass in Latin, was the proverbial little alter boy holding the holy gadgets and gizmos on stage. So yeah this indeed caught my eyes. When I look back on all of it, the Benedictine Nuns were the real reckoning force behind the scenes. When a woman becomes that dedicated to serve her Lord and Master in Servitude, beware the wrath of God. Seems what we need again are those 6ft 180 lb broad shoulder farm gals trained to weed out the vermin and sniff out FBI imposters.

I once attended a 5 day industry training seminar in Atchison Kansas hosted on the 100 year old near self sustained large farm that housed and train those Benedictine Nuns for the church and education round the globe. These gals had skill sets that went back to early settler days but walked humbly in the modern world. A real eye opener then, as 40 years had past to reveal what it was like.

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I attended an all-girls Catholic high school (La Reina), was the first girl to register when it opened to freshman only. Now the place is the size of a very large shopping mall. My parish priest, Father Farmer, quit about seven years into Vatican II. The Church has been on its pre-determined slide downhill ever since. The Nun’s convent was nestled in the hills of Hidden Valley and was a great place for our retreats. One thing I noticed was the really cool and very large automatic potato peeler!

The FBI is really doing the biding of the disgraceful Jesuit Bergoglio as he has too many detractors thanks to John Henry Weston of Lifesitenews, Raymond Arroyo, who hosts The World Over Live on EWTN, and Micheal Matt, whose program (band from YouTube) is aptly named “The Remnant Underground” and his newspaper The Remnant which his father founded in the 1960s.

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An experience worth remembering and writing about 🤔👍 🪟

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This is a nice story you tell. I grew up in the old Brooklyn , New York- sort of like The Bells of St. Mary's.

I grew up with The Wanderer and am familiar with all you mention. I prefer the Remnant for it is hard hitting. Check out psychiatrist Richard Gallagher MD)'s book Demonic Foes.

I gave a few copies to people I knew but they would not read it because they said it would scare them.

Malachi Martin often exaggerated but Gallagher's book is factual in all areas. Gallagher had no interest in the topic until a priest knocked on his door some 30 years ago. Gallagher is around 80 years of age and lives in Westchester County, New York.

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Thank you for the book reference. My paternal grandparents were from NYC, great grandparents and GG grandparents immigrated from Ireland, devote Catholics. After their marriage the moved to San Francisco.

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I am going to die with the old Catholic Faith, not the monstrous crap professed by the current globalist Pope. I had practical study of what is properly called the demonic (includes real exorcisms) and reinforced a lot of the old teachings in me . Many quantum physicists believe in God who they call "the highest intelligence".

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