Jun 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Now you really need to watch your back. You have touched on the untouchables. That’s a no-no.

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My thought too. Find a good lawyer through the Federalist Society or contact Harmeet Dillon and get someone on retainer as a just in case. The DOJ through its enforcement arm, the FBI, has been rounding up what it considers to be the enemies of the current regime.

Schedule F would curtail its power and that makes anyone with an audience who suggests it a threat.

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Federalist Society hates Trump and what what we stand for. Can't trust them. Thats how we got Kav the Squish. And, I think, Roberts.

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That's baloney. Kavanaugh was one of the most respected jurists on administrative law. There's nothing wrong with him.

Trump got all or most of his nominees from the Federalist Society. Don't forget there were about 300 Federal appointments in addition to the three Supreme Court nominees.

Roberts was a Bush appointee.

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Bet they are afraid to.

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It’s gone on for decades, expanded exponentially under Obama, was used to destroy Trump’s presidency with plenty of complicit Republicans and is now more powerful than “ We The People”. And the Establishment UniParty elite on the GOP side of the duopoly are either silent or praising the FBI, CIA, military industrial war machine and shutting down new candidates and the voices of those who voted to keep them in power, now enraged

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Touche’! The UN needs to be abolished. Ditto CIA, FISA, FBI, Patriot Act, NATO, USAID, federal unions, congressional perqs/ qualified immunity/ term limits enacted… SCOTUS and federal judiciary appointments, bureaucrats within every agency.. participation of any political actor currently holding any government position must not be allowed participation in the DAVS, WEF, Bilderberg forums, have any personal ties to any entity outside of their duties, abolish NGOs, lobbying of any sort , abolish government/ corporate projects, abolish the Dept of Education,EPA,HUD,OSHA,IRS,Dept Of Truth, surveilling American citizens, all perqs to illegal border crossers, enact nationwide requirements for Voter ID w/ photo, only paper ballots counted in public immediately after polls close, no mail ins but for verifiable proof of inability for in person, a receipt given to the voter, election results by the following day, no ballot harvesting or “ late ballots” accepted.

Investigation and audit of every agency including massive purges and hiring freeze.Absolutely NO inclusion of Silicon Valley / government coordination on any issues involving political campaigns,censorship of any information as : “ misinformation” or surveillance of citizens.

Our government is quite possibly the most corrupt of any other.We must demand full accountability, perks!

It will only happen if we put aside partisanship and welcome each other into a tremendous movement to save each other and ourselves. NOBODY is working for “ We The People”. We The People must take the reigns or we will cease to exist

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RemovedAug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022
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I agree. I get it. Please don't shout at me.

How to push back? What to do about it?

This may sound trivial but one of the best weapons to expose this and bring people back to their senses is humor. It gives people a way to rethink things and break through the propaganda.

Hysteria and overhyping turns people off and hardens positions. It's just not effective.

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In order to touch the untouchable we need a plan. A decentralized one. A safe one.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I purpose it is this: A Transparency Movement.

I beg all of you to read this:


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I agree. Florida has the Sunshine Law so that all discussions must be public; government conducted in the sunshine. Maybe it's why Florida works so well for the most part.

However, the drawback as I see it is that the bureaucracy will have to become transparent and produce for inspection. We have the FOIA which is supposed to make government processes and decisions more transparent. We have seen it is difficult and expensive to implement and the bureaucracy can circumvent it, delay it, or ignore it.

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Thanks for reading it. We spent a several months thinking and discussing these solutions. We just have no idea how to create a movement so we are spamming our favorite comments sections (but we are paid subscribers) ;)

Seriously though, thank you. This is what we need to do. Discuss together how to end corruption.

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Civil Service protects the bureaucracy that are not political appointees. However, due to some preferential hiring orders under some presidents (Bill Clinton comes to mind) people are hired into the permanent bureaucracy with political inclinations. These inclinations may make them more disposed to policies from the Left and make them ignore, slow down, or circumvent policies from the right. It's one reason an administration can have a great deal of difficulty in getting its programs put in place.

Trump's Cabinet secretaries were amazingly effective although they fought headwinds in their agencies. Trump told them to get rid of 2 regulations for every new one they implemented. Just easing up on regulations gave the economy a burst of energy.

Political appointees can be fired or discharged but civil servants can't be. It is too bad that Trump did not get rid of the political appointees at the CIA, FBI, etc. When Clinton became president one of his very first acts was to fire all the U. S. Attorneys.

The country is now so polarized that I doubt there are enough dispassionate people to fill non-political positions.

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You're on the right track, but you fall for a common error. The issue is almost never competing political parties. The divide is between those who favor big government versus those who would reduce government. For reasons I hope would be obvious, the bureaucrat will tend to support continued or expanded funding and power of his agency.

In theory, most government positions were given protection against being at the mercy of the executive branch, to reduce the downsides of the patronage or spoils system. But that immunity only protects against political partisanship; it does nothing to address the problems of groups seeking to keep or expand their powers. For example, the problem of regulatory capture by Big Pharma or campaign contributions are independent of political party in power.

Realistically, it may be impossible to completely defend against these various issues, but there are probably ways to minimize it. But as I've pointed out, reform would be the very last thing those in power would ever approve of.

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If you think reform is needed you are not understanding the concept. The concept has already been implemented and it did work. In Taiwan. They are able to keep the CCP out of their government using radical transparency ever since the 2014 sunflower revolution. Have you heard of it? Check it out. Think this idea through a little. It is not easy to grasp right away and you are forming surface level arguments. The government isn't involved here barely at all. Just the people. All we need to do is convince the people.

Sunflower revolution starts about 1/3 of the way into this short piece. :


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You make some good points but I have a difficult time having a discussion with someone who chooses as a handle "Satan's Doorknob." I mean, really?

I'm having a debate within myself as to whether I should even respond to people on the threads who are so cowardly that they come up with handles to disguise their identifies.

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Yikes. You think this is what you have?

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so I am actually online :) again. we just can't stay off. :) EC.. and working on a petition a Change org .. which is Ok when they are on the "correct" side. City Alexandria going full blown WOKE forcing Artists to be re juried. (my sister is one of founding artists) and I know many artists through her.. and a couple just from living here.. :) you live in one town long enough. YES reading your comment: Florida needs him. and he made it clear he is sticking to Florida but doesn't hurt to ask. ! I KNOW .. you are a journalist. I hope you are getting some fresh air. went to the local car show too ;) this AM doing life. and my favorite things.. online too. I have to laugh at that AGAIN. listening to music online. very relaxing. ;)

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While I support openness "in theory," it too has downsides. Not the least is that, if real or potential accountability is required, it will tend to increase "cover your ass" costs. Sure in some cases this is even desirable, for example, considering it a necessary cost to insure honesty or transparency. But in other cases, it may be counter-productive. A common example is "defensive medicine" where a doctor orders all manner of diagnostic tests. To defend against potentially ruinous legal claims, the doctor rationally tries to cover all possible diagnoses, no matter how improbable This, of course, has the effect of drastically raising costs as well as making the delivery of medical care that much more inefficient. Too often, it's easier to just blame the lawyers; but I'm arguing that is a missing the bigger picture.

Phillip Howard's "The Death of Common Sense" provides many such examples.

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If only there was a “safe” plan.

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Read National Security and Double Government by Michael J. Glennon, and then consider how many national security ghouls out there wrote the policies that past presidents merely rubber-stamped. The administrative state/managerial state is the seat of the technocracy's power.

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Thanks, Linda... my computer is acting very strange these days.

Nic Timeo - Nic Spurno is my family motto.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very informative and thank you! However, it ain’t gonna happen. I don’t see this changing and it will probably get worse. Anyone notice how fast all the stores had 6’ stickers on the floors and how quickly they had plexiglass up at the checkout? Made in advance and ready to go but now we the peons can’t get appliances for months to over a year. Venezuela was a great country once, too.

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But Hugh, I still have hope for America. We were founded for liberty and many of us are prepared to die for it. We owe it to future generations.

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You are right but people have changed and although there are plenty of us willing to fight for our freedom our society is different. It has changed for a lot of reasons which include indoctrination by schools and the media along with the introduction of the internet. Giving out participation trophies and creating safe spaces really screwed us up. We have done it to ourselves and that is why,even though I will fight for our freedom, I don’t feel sorry for us.

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I think it is all so intertwined. I'm old enough to remember when we were once a healthy people. Recently I saw a photograph of people on a US beach in the 70's. No one was obese or even overweight in the photograph. In my lifetime we have poisoned our people with glyphosate in our food, an ever increasing amount of childhood vaccinations that are more than twice as many as 30 some years ago when my son was born, fluroride in our water, children brought up by single mothers who have to work 2 jobs to make ends meet, a series of reckless wars where we have destroyed whole countries..........

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All true. But remember that no more than 45% of the colonists supported the war, and 30% fought for the British. This is still America. We can do this.

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I never knew of the percentages. With the weaponry of today I do believe we need most of the military and law enforcement behind us to prevail. I worry about the new “woke military “.

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Gene Sharp write a short instruction manual on how ordinary people can turn around their country. It's titled "From Dictatorship to Democracy."

https://www.goodreads.com › book › show › 1119326.From_Dictatorship_to_Democracy

"From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp - Goodreads

From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation by Gene Sharp is a fascinating working document on methods of non-violent disruption of dictatorial regimes. I read this in one day, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sharp first analyzes some of the fallacies of both violent confrontation of a regime, and of negotiating with it."

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I am way overdue on Goodreads too.. yeah have not read that one.. anything with word Democracy in it.. I have a tendency to skip.. will check out the reviews.. I was on there EARLY this morning reading reviews on Huxley's Grey Eminence. well I was thinking last night about Pelosi at the Vatican.. taking communion with the commie Pope. well gotta go. enough wandering around the GLOBE. :) when is BidenRot coming home? heard he wants to stay in Spain and was schooled by Macron. OMG.

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I saved it in my hard drive some years ago.

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Also remember that the MSM is a megaphone for a small minority.

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True, but the Communists have always been a minority, but they managed to take power (China, Venezuela, USSR, etc.)

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Yes, and we know their tactics well by now.

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True, but where is George Washington or Ben Franklin when we need them. Real leadership seems to be in short supply.

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Ron DeSantis is real leadership. Marjorie Taylor Green is real leadership. Tucker Carlson is real leadership. Dave Rubin is real leadership. Ben Shapiro is real leadership. Joe Rogan is real leadership. Elon Musk is real leadership. Mark Levin is real leadership.

I challenge you to add to the list.

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Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Archbishop Vigano, Eric Metaxas,

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Matt Walsh, Robert Malone, Alex Barenson, Naomi Wolff, Toby Rogers….there are many!

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It always has been.

Also, it’s important to ask every day: Am I being a real leader in my own life?

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plus there is a serious amount of good energy building up on Earth for this upcoming overhaul. it's quite the drama....

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It is a sad state of affairs, but we didn’t do this, we were duped, while it was done to us.

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Duped at first but some woke up.

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And some never duped in the first place—and stood by aghast at all who bought it hook, line, and sinker.

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What future generations? Have you checked birth rates by nation? Most of the, ah, shall we say "Nations that actually advanced civilization, created value and raises worldwide standards of living" are far below replacement levels?

Kudos for your optimism. But sadly, there are near-certain demographic trends that augur for a rather bleak future not just for us, but for the entire globe.

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Exactly! ... and don't forget the on-going WW3, which may end up with nukes, just because the managers of the American Empire cannot accept loosing the World (which they "rightfully own").


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We have to be realistic, at least in our own minds, and I agree with you.

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In order to touch the untouchable we need a plan. A decentralized one. A safe one.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I purpose it is this: A Transparency Movement.

I beg all of you to read this:


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Realistically there is no prospect for reform. It will probably require a total collapse of the system with all the grief that implies. But by all mans, vote harder, as the saying goes!

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Forged Transparency.. wow. what a brilliant concept.

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Oooo we like that name

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I like the OOoo. ;) yes I am back reviewing again. :) Thursday for me is always about reviewing what I missed during the week. a friend just emailed and there was a how called the Rationalist .. but then corrected himself and he always says Oof like the commercial for shoes which in reality do not release the pressure.. One chooses to release the pressure and stress by soaking.. in .. well. the day :

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did you go to Mr Rationalist thread and not Robert Malone's thread? yes, VERY INFORMATIVE; Good morning EC. I also am up.. HAPPY 4tth.

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"I still have hope for America."

Ugh... really now?


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Standby for the pillars of salt... . Although today it will be piles of post-nuclear dust and shadow figures burnt onto walls.

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Where in the world was this atrocity?

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The US of A...

I don't care about the degenerate who does that show, but the public cheering for him...

We are sooooo f'ed!

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uh huh.. do I detect sarcasm? good morning. still.. been a long one already.. :)

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Stickers can be designed and printed in less than 24 hours, no need to make them in advance. Plexiglass took awhile in my sh*thole city.

I’ve bought more appliances in the last three months than I have in the last five years.

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A year ago, there was a 6 month wait to receive an appliance. I ended up finding a way to fix my dishwasher and haven't checked back on refrigerators and stoves.

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I fixed my dishwasher with a zip tie!

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Mine is used most often as a drying rack for hand washed dishes Not because I'm trying to save energy or the machine doesn't work, rather that I'm a bachelor who eats out of cans mostly.

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

We’re waiting a year for our dishwasher and it’s been a year of waiting for a new drum for our dryer - and still no drum (on a brand new dryer that’s on its second drum…). Ya, it’s a real thing.

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Was reading comments on your post yesterday and saw one physician had dropped AMA membership when they embraced ACA. Got to thinking how their membership was then only something like 18%, way down from what I'd guess was over 90% when they "embraced" the Medicare gravy train. And that means they now must be supported almost entirely by big Pharma and perhaps gov grants. And that is bad news for us patients (understand we are customers/clients now) because the AMA is the go to source for legislators involved in medical affairs. We have seen in the Covid fiasco just how well that works out for us.

I thoroughly appreciated your presentation to the Texas Senate Committee yesterday (I am a Texas resident). And thought it interesting that you and Dr. Boerwinkle who followed you both strongly urged Texas to create a state alternative to the CDC which has been in free fall for some time now and proved dangerously inadequate during the Covid flapdoodle. It has become increasingly evident physicians need another source to go to for medical advice rather than establishment medicine as represented by the AMA.

Thank you for all that you have done to keep us informed during these trying times and am sorry for all the grief you have had to endure doing so.

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Thank you for watching and your comments!

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where can we watch this ?

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I’ve searched and unable to find. Read his presentation prior to but would love to hear!

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It was the Texas Senate committee on health and human services. They are archived . Https://senate.Texas.gov/av-archive.php

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I dropped my Consumer Reports subscription when they gave Obamacare a glowing review. You shall know them by their fruit.

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I did too.

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In order to touch the untouchable we need a plan. A decentralized one. A safe one.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I purpose it is this: A Transparency Movement.

I beg all of you to read this:


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Don't forget, the AMA was started and owned by the Rothschilds, so if you think the AMA is a meaningful institution and will defend our medical care in this country, think again.

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Good point. There are arguments on both sides for (in this case) socialized medicine. I freely admit to being of two minds on this issue. On the one hand, I'm an example of tens of millions who would not have health insurance were it not for the ACA and especially, the subsidy. For all practical purposes I get nearly free health care. On the other side of the ledger, as you allude, when government pays for something there are always strings attached. That's probably unavoidable. In the case of the USA, this basically started in the 1960s with Medicaid/Medicare. It has only expanded with ACA & co. Often similar complaints can be found about government funding of higher education, with all the inevitable regulation that came along with that. Many generations ago, a university was primarily interested in whether a prospective student had academic ability, as well as the ability to pay tuition. Nowadays, it seems to be more important to make sure that enough Blacks, Hispanics or transgender space aliens, are being admitted.

Major risk: a decrease in the overall quality of the good or service, and for sure, a loss of freedom to (in the present case) for doctors and patients.

I suppose the logical extreme would be a complete takeover of medicine. That's certainly possible, but it'd be on a scale except maybe from a Cuba or a Soviet Union. At some point, a patient would literally be better off avoiding such a system entirely.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Congress could shut it down at any time, but has not. With a 2/3rds vote they don't even need the President. The reason Congress doesn't shut it down is Congress is in on the scheme. Both parties are controlled by same invisible power. The plandemic exposed the entire charade for anybody with a few brain cells still working. Just changing the party that symbolically has power will change nothing. We need massive turn over and get rid of jackasses that have been systematically destroying the country for decades. I am pessimistic. I expect the drugged out sheep to vote for same old scum bags because the TV told them to.

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Indeed! Although I don't live in the US, I have observed many times before that it matters not who is in the White House, corporate money will buy whatever (and whoever) it needs.

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I do think it mattered to the deep state when Trump got in office. They thought the fix was in, but they underestimated the necessary fraud to put Clinton in office 2016. They were well prepared, however, in 2020. But Trump was the great disruptor in 2016, and it did delay the Great Reset, and simultaneously exposed them for all of us to see and be red-pilled - and now we are awake (not "woke")!

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I just hope the "awakening" continues across the board!

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Trump likely did some good, but the consensus in the Dissident Right, if I may be its spokesman, is simply that Trump was co-opted by Deep State as soon as he got into office. A big ego makes one fairly easy to subvert, doesn't it?

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This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this:


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Aside from working for fair elections and electing America first candidates, Americans need to quit obeying their mandates—-do not comply!

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Remember—“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” Edmund Burke. It’s now our turn to fight for liberty.

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Thanks for the reminder of this quote as we must try to encourage the faint hearted who knows the truth but are afraid to act on it!!

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Yes, it's our greatest weapon: Do Not Comply.

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Fully agree with your conclusions. I'm not optimistic. Given the world-wide coordination during Covid, this is a much larger issue than any single nation-state. I suspect it will be we the people who will determine our future country, and whether enough of us are willing to throw them out.

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Worldwide coordination was only able to occur with mass buy-in.

Definitely not as many folks buying in now.

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Maybe we could get mass Buy-ins to the other side of it? End up with a better society?

I beg all of you to read this:


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This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this:


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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thoughts to ponder...










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Last semester, my daughter's university had a mask policy where it was left up to each professor as to whether or not students had to wear masks. HER LOGIC PROFESSOR was the only one who made masks mandatory during class.

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Jim, I'm not the avid book reader I used to be, but I can suggest one of revelation to you for the search of the mysterious ways of all humanity.

INFINITE MIND A science of human vibrations of consciousness, by Valerie V. Hunt

Assuredly not about politics. More stellar and spirit essential awareness. Deep.

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And the benefits can be personal. For example, I'm into week three of my first Covid-19 case. Its mild, but that didn't stop my primary from prescribing Paxlovid over the phone. Since I'm fairly well informed on the issues, I did some quick googling and by no means did I fit the "high risk" profile, not to mention the EUA and unproven nature of this medication. I never picked up the Rx from the pharmacy. In the old days the shepherds seemed to take better care of the flock. Alas, in the present time it is probably better, from the sheep's point of view, to keep one's own counsel. The "shepherd" may still try and lead you to the slaughterhouse, but at least you don't have to voluntarily follow the herd.

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(I went to get the Jiddu Krishnamurti's book. Thanks for the lead)

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I ordered it. Thank you very much.

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Challenging a paradigm results in a fight or flight response that manifests as defending it at any or all costs-fight, or a paradigm shift-flight. so many biases, so little time.

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THIS is some" heavy-duty pondering" Jim. Thank you for sharing your seasoned perspectives.

One of the reason I enjoy my subscription.

Sensible conversations, opinions, new ideas and mature comments in lieu of insults and offensive language. Simply put, a place for matured minds.

Thanks again.

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This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this:


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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wonderful to see the incredible work of Brownstone amplified and shared with your readers. :~)

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone and Jill: the breadth of your intellect and consummate writing are truly a wonder to behold.

I had the great privilege of taking a class with Sheldon Wolin at the University of California at Santa Cruz. He had not yet written his book "Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism" Instead we read his classic " Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought." I am and was then training to be a musician but I truly can say that Wolin and this man's extraordinary breadth and clarity of thought changed me for life. We also read (it was the height of the Vietnam War) in this class the My Lai Massacre and wrestled with what could lead to this horrendous act. I always thought our country would never stray away from some sort of basic decent values the way it did with Vietnam but really where we are now is SO much worse.

I will also always be grateful to Wolin for another reason. When I asked him directly, my young 21 year old self, how does one have a right to be a musician when the world needs so much.? I had already been against and marched against the Vietnam war since high school and Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were killed in my last year of high school. Wolin answered that if there is a revolution then there always is that that needs to be preserved and cultivated and saved -such as great music, great writing, great art....great architecture, the earth and nature and all living creatures.

Chris Hedges has a series of interviews with Sheldon Wolin near the end of his life-in his 90's I believe. I am inspired by what you wrote today, Dr. Malone, to return to Wolin's writings. Thank you.

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I love the Hedges interviews! and Wolin is right - art and music is what must be cultivated and saved.

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So this is the miracle of our times and the miracle of substack conversation-it has been years since Wolin has been part of a conversation that I have been part of. That you, Dr. Robert Malone, corroborate the words of Wolin about art and music means more to me than I can say.

I do believe that we are creating something that will end up having a new and extraordinary power. It is as if we are weaving something......I watched a lot of Tess Lawrie's "A Better Way" conference. This conference and the speaking there symbolize for me this weaving together. I'm still thinking about how we musicians can contribute in a concrete way to the tapestry.

In the spirit of the exhortation of Mattias Desmet I, Rachel Goodwin, am becoming a bit less anonymous here on substack by adding my first name but still find that as a musician I have to think carefully about timing and place where I can speak the truths that you, Dr. Malone, have done so much to bring forth. We performers have to be very strategic and careful in speaking. It's something like professional sports but it isn't much talked about yet...For instance I know that Union musicians have to be fully vaccinated to perform, at least here in Boston. I'm a pianist and pianists don't generally belong to the Union because we are not part of orchestras.....thus I am freer to chose but it's a lonely position where I have to hide my vaxx status in order to continue in my chosen career. My colleagues and board members would not even begin to understand, let alone my family members who are in the arts. I have had to miss going to many concerts because I am not vaccinated. I have family members who are afraid to see me.

I draw a lot of strength from people who understand to their core what we are now all caught in, like Vera Sharev.

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Well, said, Rachel!

The "vaxx-free" (sounds better than unvaxxed, I believe) solitary path I understand very well. I live in Italy where the government made a determined push against those over-50s who had not yet taken the shots by January this year. As a person recovered from C19 since March 2020, whatever remote possibility (and it was remote, I assure you) that I might have been persuaded onboard got flushed down the toilet at that moment. I've had the first polite letter from the State asking me why not and I've replied, equally politely, that I don't need it. We will see now where the process takes us.

Last winter, despite the losses in Bergamo in March/April 2020, the percentage of older people without the shots in Italy remained significantly higher than elsewhere. By April this year, despite the penalties, 80% of those targetted had not changed their mind, a significant embarrassment for the government.

There was a period in spring when I couldn't go in a bar or restaurant or couldn't sit outside a bar. I couldn't go in a gardware store or anywhere, in fact, except a grocery store and a pharmacy. 6 of us drove around 600kms each way to a protest in Rome one Sunday knowing that any kind of breakdown or accident would leave us stranded because we couldn't stay in a hotel or take public transport.

On a brighter note, I sat outside a local bar one evening in February, wrapped up against the cold while waiting to pick a couple of pizzas to take home. The barman spotted me waiting and came out with a glass of wine. With a wink and a large smile, he said it's my gift to you, it's free, so we're not breaking the rules!

Forza e coraggio, Rachel!

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I agree, I am about 1/2 way through. I didn't like his demonizing the 2000 election as I thought while the outcome may have been almost arbitrary (hanging chads etc...) due to the vote adjudication process, at least the process was televised and transparent. I am sure his perspective was fueled by what followed - the patriot act, an unjust war, excess spending etc... . I am a true believer in his written words and he is spot-on.

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This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this:


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This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people. I

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this:


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Have printed this to read in the comfort of my chair. The past couple weeks of articles have blown me away with the detailed information and analysis, and I have shared them with all who will listen. The truth WILL be made known. Keep up the good, hard, work. As an aside, I found myself having a hospital-administered echo cardiogram, and in the midst of it the person performing the scan asked me if I had had the "vaccine". I said no, and he said "good", and then proceeded to tell me the horrible things he's seeing. He fully expects the lid to be blown off with regard to damaging side effects within the next six months.

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I hope he is right. Let the truth be known!

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Yes, the divisiveness the lies have created is heart-wrenching, let along the actual physical harm.

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When I think about, or interact with, people who are still blind to the truth, it nearly brings me to the breaking point at times. I continue to share the truth as I can, but I realize that it is devastating to come to the realization that one's government and healthcare agencies are not trustworthy. Some people just cannot accept that. Sadly, the only way many will be convinced it when it affects them personally, and even that seems to be often explained away.

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I'm reminded of Dr. Naomi Wolf, and the path to her eyes being opened to the hard, painful truth. I have family who won't even have a discussion, because knowledge would require change on their part, change that could potentially affect their business.

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Just today I learned about a 43 year old friend who is being tested to see if she has an autoimmune disease. I know the vaccine is not responsible for all health problems, but she was vaccinated, as well as her three daughters, ages 12 to 18. She has been very healthy, was a runner, and ate healthy food. I was shocked when she was fooled into being jabbed. She developed crippling pain in her back and hips several months ago. She has had numerous tests and has had physical therapy, in addition to some other treatments, but nothing is helping. It makes me angry and sad. She and her family are missionaries and I fear they will have to abandon their ministry if she does not improve. Another 50 year old woman had a stroke a few months ago, which thankfully didn't affect her very badly. Yet another friend developed diabetes and soon after that, was diagnosed with aggressive pancreatic cancer. Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, has seen a dramatic rise in cancers since the shots rolled out. I feel that the vaccinated are ticking time bombs.

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Anger and sadness certainly express how many of us are feeling. I am encouraged, however, by those who have a more visible public persona, and who are speaking out on all of our behalf. People like Dr. Malone, James A. Thorp, MD, and others. Dr. Thorp and a group of others published an excellent paper in TheGMS - The Gazette of Medical Sciences on 01 March 2022 entitled, Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship. Search it out and read it. It says it all. I have decided to become a "force multiplier", and to share relevant information with anyone willing to see and listen, in support of these great doctors, and patriots, who have sacrificed so much, and are choosing to honor their Hippocratic Oath at great personal cost.

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This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this:


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I will read and consider your paper. Whatever we do, it will require longstanding devotion and commitment, and there is no better role model than Dr. Malone.

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Don’t forget about the invisible powers controlling the invisible powers—philanthropaths, as described in my crash course titled “Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship”:

• Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is? (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

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Personally believe this is vital! During my federal employment I briefly was involved with drafting parts of laws, and drafting parts of regulations. I was surprised and dismayed to find we bureaucrats had such a substantial license. When I participated in responding to letters that came in response to published proposed regulations, I was advised how to respond. Personally felt the responses were generally non-responsive. SSA is likely one of the lesser of the Administrative States. One last observation, the laws that were passed were generally so loose that the regulatory interpretation could suit the administrative state. I couldn't agree more that a swift and decisive Schedule F authority is needed for all the reasons set out!

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This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this:


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For some unknown reason my Norton sees your hyperlink as a threat and doesn't want me to go there.

Beyond that, from what you've said expect we are pretty much in agreement. I came across an article this morning which seems to infer we may have an opportunity to use this Supreme Court decision as a part of devising actions. My own feeling has been with need to get our lawmakers to review and TIGHTEN the language in the laws they write so the regulatory state can't take the law off its track. We may need to demand more access and responsive consideration as a part of required review as regulations are proposed. We need more transparency/exposure and means of identifying and fixing problems


BREAKING: SCOTUS Reins in the Power of the EPA

By Stacey Lennox Jun 30, 2022 10:36 AM ET

On Thursday the Supreme Court handed down a ruling that will significantly curtail the power of executive agencies to control entire sectors of the economy through promulgating rules.

While some commentators view this decision narrowly as a determination of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to promulgate regulations to address climate change, In practice, IT SETS A PRECEDENT THAT WILL LIMIT THE ABILITY OF ALL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES TO MAKE REGULATIONS that shift entire industries without specific congressional authority to do so.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the clarity! We knew it was present, but we always didn’t know the power of the deep state!! Now we do! Thanks!

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This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this:


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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just posted on ZH:

"The Great Reset is Coming!

Not only the Progressive Party, but also Oligarch Republicans recognize that a dumbed-down, told-what-to think population is easier to control.  Mass Formation (Psychoses), like WW II Germany, Italy, and other Axis Powers, is easier to install in a Socialistic Environment.

Like we (USA) had during the1940s Defense Production Act days.  Consumption was directed solely towards producing war products.  People gladly put up with harsh rationing to build and ship those 647,925 jeeps, most of which were destroyed (burned in their crates) when the atomic bombs eliminated the need for a ground invasion of Japan.

Now the bad news.  we "won" [actually Russia "won") WW II by imposing total tyrannical control over the population and industry.  Not "Democracy."   Now we are deeply immersed in Corporate Capitalism, to help the semi or near rich and rich, and the Military Industrial and the Medical Industrial Complexes, not the population in general.

Guess what?  Properly directed, the command economy is more efficient than our Kleptocratic "Representative Democracy."  Opps, although not directed best, this is what China and Russia have.  Good Luck to US!"

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This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this:


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Mixing political and economic systems makes things more complicated. Being told what to produce and consume removes personal initiative and creativity at the execution level. This tends to be less efficient than when personal incentives or autonomous methods are used. The resulting products also tend to lack in quality even if quantity goals are met. Take Russian commercial aircraft - you don't see them outside of Russia primarily because of quality. China has many examples as well - cheep Chinese stuff. Note the word cheep vs inexpensive. Cheep has quality implications. Labor rates and production volume makes products less expensive, but at a cost to quality for fear of missing production targets. Production quantity is the primary metric in measuring efficiency (and revenue), especially in a command economy.

The political system is different altogether. Participatory versus Limited Democracy and the distribution of power therein. Russia is a federal, democratic state, but power is concentrated through influence and government channels. I'd characterize Russia more on the limited democracy side. The US is a participatory democracy where the democratically elected leaders gave away their power over the years to form governing bodies that are supposed to over-seen rather than directed. Unfortunately, the overseeing part is failing and highly corrupt. They operate with impunity because oversight is so poor or perverted by special interests. The US is a participatory democracy on paper, but operates as a limited democracy and tending toward a federation of government autocracies that are coordinated in action. Bottom line, the US government is broken and it will take both defensive and offensive actions to resist change.

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There are pros and cons to a command economy. Arguably, if WW II had gone on longer, without any sign of winning, the War Production Act would have been subverted, and the few young men left at home would have started a second "black" economy with the many underutilized, man-less women. But in the short term, there was very little "wasted," (read leisure) time. This semblance of efficiency made up the missing entrepreneurial innovations.

At the military end, dedication resulted in a tremendous advance in areas like nuclear technology and radar.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Schedule F. How appropriate!

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They were invisible, but not any more thanks to people like you and Jeffery Tucker. He said in another essay, "Elections aren't going to fix this" and had a great diagram of the entrenched bureaucracy. Corporations are paying this bureaucracy, the same corporations that follow the WEF globalist monopoly agenda.

Whitney Webb did a really good round table podcast Monday "Interrogating Cold War 2.0" on her investigative journalist site Unlimited Hangout. She had Catherine Austin Fitts (knows monetary systems), Ian Davis (came up with a power structure diagram of major players), Patrick Wood (knows technocrat players and history) and Kit Knightly analyzing the possible motives and outcomes of the some of the more powerful pieces on our game board.

If you are interested in an analysis (not too deep) of the CCP and technocracy, Dr. John Lee did a great interview on the Trigonometry show.

PS that picture of the monster almost looks like the one I have in my imagination, but mine is surrounded by more ominous storm clouds and is much more sinister looking)

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Hi, Candace! I just posted a response to Interrogating Cold War 2.0 on Substack. The question that it raises, along with two viewers of my previous episode, is whether Putin is part of the Great Reset. I do an in-depth analysis of his domestic economic policy from his St. Petersburg address (from Kanekoa's Substack) I suspect that Putin's policies are informed by his economic advisor Sergei Glazyev because they're very well thought out with practical, measurable progress and clearly defined goals that are the opposite of the GR. In fact, he deals with the 'Schedule F' bureaucracy by eliminating the petty harassment and routine audits that were used by the corrupt to shake down small business owners. He specifically talks about the 13% decrease in the birth rate and makes it the highest priority of governments at all levels to create an environment for families to thrive by looking at healthcare and education, along with the existing state support for every woman from the first months of pregnancy until her child is 17.

It surprised me and might surprise you too: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/russia-a-wrench-in-the-reset-gears

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This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

Dr. Malone identifies the problem, but what is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this:


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Here here! Well said! Another good site for these issues are Open the Books and revolving Door Project. Agreed, BUT the flaws are fundamentally coming from parts of human nature. There’s a lot of reward in receiving lobbyist money and there’s not much profit in putting health before profiteering. It’s a fundamental lack of civic morality, not just in our current era, but throughout the entire course of human history. What needs to be done to deter this flaw is to stop rewarding amoral behavior and start punishing it. It’s a big ask, but if there’s a mass movement then it’s doable.

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