The reason fascism is hardly known either in popular or academic culture is because our education indoctrination system and the propaganda machine of social media has us focused more on 20 genders than the evils tearing our country apart:



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May 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A very thoughtful article with some interesting references. No wonder you are on the naughty list of those in power. Nothing more dangerous than information!

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Gaslighting the masses into fascism...

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May 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Such an enlightening post. An in depth look at what fascism actually means. I think many people just use the term without truly understanding what it means. Keep reminding us, Dr Malone, of the evils we must continue to fight.

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They want us to believe that the problems we face are environment, food, energy and public health, and that on close examination these problems are caused by us. Is there any better narrative than this to take the spotlight off of THEM, off of their ruinous policies, the most egregious of which is destruction of our money for the purpose of self-enrichment? When you destroy money you destroy economies. There is no political freedom without economic freedom. And of course the weaponization of public health should by now be laid bare. When will American wake up?

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Shocking how similar this appears to be to the current state of affairs. And to communism.

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May 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks so much for your ongoing contributions to fine points of political considerations. History and politics have barely touched my focus prior to the Tea Party days. Mother loved Roosevelt and Margaret Mead. Dad said he helped McCarthy. As a virtual 'tabla rosa' your educational efforts are appreciated! personally view Mr Tuckers offering from a global view. It surely fits the UN, WEF, WHO directions. So now we more clearly see our would be oppressors to focus on ways to defeat them. It doesn't look to me like there is a workable common ground. Local battles over our tentacle are needed, but it seems to me we also need to address the octopus.

Again thanks for your educating! Have a wonderful day.

Bestest Plus! ♡♡♡

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Nice piece by Tucker and it fits our time. The philosophy of an administrative state started earlier, thinking of the 1870 German higher education that was brought to America and promoted in the elite universities starting with Johns Hopkins; the socialist movement in the US mimicking Lenin; progressive Teddy Roosevelt reining in the powerful corporations; the bankers making and breaking businesses and funding the Bolshevik Revolution and placing Wilson in control prior to their Great War, then funding Hitler’s rise to power. Their dream has always been the same. Money conquers and controls and the press has always been allied to the cause.

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Fascism is a disease of the community, which we don't normally recognize unless it rises to national or international proportions. Like most diseases, diagnosis is not possible until it becomes severe enough to cause significant damage to some members of the community. Prevention and cure of fascism, like many diseases comes from sunshine, from the light of day. Fascism grows in the darkness, in hidden corners of communities and increases the darkness it needs to survive by oppression andcensorship. Fascism aims to destroy other communities lest they might "see the light" or worse, spread it. When fighting fascism it is important to fight the community or communities of fascism. Fascist individuals, even leaders have little influence without support of a fascist community. However, a community deeply infected with the fascism virus can take over, censor, and control even strong, healthy people and leaders. How is this possible? It uses the power and influence of the community.

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May 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is great stuff. This is why I subscribe even though I am strongly pro-Palestinian.

Looked through the lens of fascism, it now makes sense why many Trump voters are small-business owners. They are looking for someone to champion their interests. These owners can see that their interests are not well represented by the current Democratic party, which focuses on big business.

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When Franklin walked out from the constitutional convention in 1787 and was asked what type of government a republic or a monarchy he responded a republic if you can keep it, I’m not sure he understood that the if YOU can keep it should have been pointed at the government!!!! I’ve read another quote supposably by Franklin that said a republic will only work with virtuous people, again this government has no virtue, I’d take the virtue of the people over this government every day of the week, even with the government brainwashed Maoist Marxist democrats. It’s the government that has been destroying America. We the people are not sweeping fascism into our country, government is. When I hear democrats like Maxine Waters talk about right wing extremist plotting up in the hills to overthrow the government after “Biden Wins”, I can’t help but think it’s another politician projecting a seed of what her radical leftist brainwashed communists will do when Trump wins. There is no virtue in lying, and that’s all the democrat politicians do from Russian collusion to the January 6th “insurrection” to Covid and all the mRNA lies they pushed on the world, despicable people. She wants to project the Democrat violence that is a sure thing onto the Republicans. This democrat party has been destroying this country for decades and deserve to be tarred and feathered. I’ve said it before there are many people, like Maxine Waters, that are so intolerant, they should not and can not exist in a free society. Biden, Hillary, Obama, Merrick Garland, the whole bunch of them should be driven out of Washington DC on a rail, they are the ones that have ushered fascism and Totalitarianism into America.

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💯‼️James! Spot on!

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The quote about the Constitution only being suitable for a moral, religious people came from John Adams, but that message is a point that needs to keep being made, because it's true.

A little-known sentiment from Franklin was that despite what he'd helped to create, he thought in the future, Americans would likely settle for a soft despotism.

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I agree that many Americans have fallen away from religion, but it seems it’s the government itself that is destroying our constitutional republic. It seems to me much of these problems with the people goes right back to the negative influences of the government mainly the left. I know this March through the institutions, by the left, have been going on for decades, but for me Obama was the first modern day president to vocally despise the restrictions the constitution put on government. Now he’s finalizing his destruction through his puppet Joe Biden. I guess what I’m saying is the Franklin statement seems to point at the people but most all our problems stem from within the government itself.

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Knowing what I know, I agree that the government is the main culprit at this point in time, not the people: We didn't vote for what we are now experiencing. However, many have accepted that we did, not questioning how the current regime is being imposed. I don't place blame in how we have voted, but rather that many have accepted a lie, despite that. It's a point I've made about our current situation, that there's plenty of blaming of the voters that is unjustified, and it is damaging to our society. Were we of stronger moral character, I don't think we would stand for this.

Be confident of the fact that we did not vote for this, and if you are not, seek out answers to what's been happening with our elections. If you dig deep enough, you will see.

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SO much of what Biden does, no one voted for, not even congress - he just does what he wants (or is told to do) - clearly an evil dictator.

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Alexis de Tocqueville said it too.

Article 1, Section 1 of the USC is clear: All legislative power is within Congress. Our founders did not intend to have 9 unelected justices make the law of the land, but that is not how it ended up. (Roe v. Wade is a perfect example and even Ted Cruz used to say, it’s the law of the land before Dobbs.)

The USC will be flawed because human nature is flawed. My belief is that we wouldn’t be in this mess that we face in the 21st century if only we had kept the federal government limited, as intended. But, now we have a lot of ignorant voters who vote! https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/book-review-tyranny-of-the-minority?r=76q58

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Yes, there's ignorance to blame, but we also have the issue that we have voters, politicians, and a bureaucracy who know of the Constitution, but say to themselves, and sometimes to others, that the Constitution "is no longer workable," as this article discusses. They're not worried about overweening government power. They see concern over that as bed-wetting, that our modernity has obviated the need for limits on government.

They also see the public as stupid, in need of their management. So, they think it's morally justifiable to ignore the Constitution, because of what they want to justify about their own activism, and at a deeper level, their own existence, because that activism is where they have invested their existence. It's their identity.

They are deeply demoralized themselves, and seek to demoralize society.

I think it's important to understand the point that not everyone who goes this way is ignorant of a version of history. As Evan Sayet said 17 years ago, they know everything you and I know, but they don't *need* to know it to serve their objectives. He introduced a novel concept to conservatism back then, which is that we are dealing with a population which, as unsettling as it is to contemplate, really does hate this country, and what it stands for. He explained their inverted morality; where "good" is the oppressor, and "wrong" is the victim of good. He got into the consequences of this in a talk he gave then to the Heritage Foundation, called "How Modern Liberals 'Think'." He also wrote a book about it, "The Kindergarden of Eden."


In short, every standard we use to improve ourselves, and our society, they are against. In their minds, the attempt to be right, or better is the problem. So, they are always attacking "right" as not right, and turning the tables, declaring "wrong" is not wrong. This is infused throughout our organs of culture. We see it in the news that's reported, in the entertainment we consume, and in our schools.

It says that being rational is a hate crime, a cover for one's racism. The law, and those who follow it, are the oppressors, the criminals are its victims. So, turn the law against the law-abiders, don't enforce it on those who attack and damage society. Turn morality against the moral, call them evil and racist, declare the perverse as victims, who can do whatever they want. Celebrate their "liberation," and demand that everyone accept it, or else they're attacked as civil rights violators.

This has the consequence, as well, of growing the administrative state, because as the quality of society degrades; importantly, as people become demoralized; it creates more people who need to be managed.

To shrink government, the individual must have a moral foundation, not just a moral sense of themselves, but of their relationship to others, and be able to take the attacks on that moral sense of self--resiliency--in order to be able to say, "No, I don't need that kind of help. I have a right to exist, I have a voice, I have a right to virtuous action. These demand a modicum of respect, and protection." This requires a society that also has a moral sense of itself, which will be altruistic enough to provide some level of protection for individuals who agree with that moral sense of self. In short, it requires people with standards, who believe that there are certain things which are not negotiable, who are willing to go to the mat for them, and say no, we're not allowing this to be violated, we will not support it, and the violators will be punished, possibly isolated from society. As we know, this is the basic purpose government serves. The rest is a social contract on how it should go about this.

One of my criticisms of the Left, and probably of many on the Right, is that they see the government as a giant social-cause/charitable NGO with police power. To me, that's very dangerous, because it's tantamount to a violation of the First Amendment's prohibition against state religion.

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Thanks much Dr. Malone, an excellent article. What is described therein is a very accurate description of the situation in the United States (of Israel) today and for decades before.

The points in the definition by John Flynn is quite close to the definition I've been using for years, the definition offered by a 1984 edition of Webster's New Riverside dictionary.

It has seemed obvious to me that this country became the Fourth Reich under Cheney/Bush with their Tel Aviv commanded Global War Of Terror subsequent to the staged events of 11 September.

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Jeffrey Tucker writes" "Generations have been taught" - THAT is the Key and operative phrase of explicitly and exactly the backstory over the past half century- and more - by the "Collective academy" WITHIN the American "education" system - and other "free" nations also - that systematically spoon-feed GENERATIONS of YOUNG students into becoming political ACTIVISTS.

"As We Go Marching" (1944) is a GREAT educational read, as are "The Marxification of education by James Lindsay (2022); "RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION" by Andrew Brietbart (2011), "TENURED RADICALS" (1990/91) & "THE LONG MARCH" (2000) by Roger Kimball; and "INSIDE American Education"(1993) by Thomas Sowell - ALL of these authors raise the ALARM BELLS over MANY years - yet NOTHING has changed within the "educational" pedagogy of American and other "western" scholastic institutions: "TENURED" radical Marxist "professors" still DOMINATE and INFEST so-called "higher- education"; and young tyro "teachers" are indoctrinated in teachers COLLEGES with Marxist

political and cultural bullshit as educational gospel...and then TEACH that crap to YOUNG students.

The THREE tyrannical societal systems, i.e., Socialism, Communism and Fascism all attack capitalism, the free market and private property as the cause of ALL societal woes and must be destroyed in the name of "social justice", "equity" and other inane platitudes that resonate within the uneducated masses that inevitably lead to revolution, bloodshed and destruction of private property.

It is unfortunate the Mr. Tucker does not define "NAZI" for what it stands for; "The National SOCIALIST German Workers" - a LEFT-WING LABOR PARTY - who called themselves the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS in short form - or that Hitler -( who came to power a decade AFTER Benito Mussolini )- liked and copied the "corporatist" (Fascist) economic system (he)saw in Italy - which was at that time hailed as the new economic revolution by much of the western world - including FDR and the NY Times.

Bottom line, circa 2024 AD: "One-World-Order" via transnational "governance" proclaimed by the "INTERNATIONAL Collective Left" as the ultimate panacea that will transcend ALL "injustice" and provide a global utopian heaven-on-earth where from birth to death there is NO inequality whatsoever is nothing but an IMPOSSIBLE dream with NO basis in reality - just Socialism/Communism/Fascism all mixed together that will still result in a world inundated in unending excrement.

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One point not discussed is that fascism falls on the far-left spectrum of the linear political line of left, center and right. Fascism is a totalitarian state - total government control as is communism, socialism, fabian socialism, etc. Far right is no government control – anarchy. But, how many times will we hear that so and so (Trump, for example) is a far right extremist. Trump is hardly an anarchist! I would argue that our Founding Fathers were right of center, since they believed in Limited government. Of course, We the People allowed the federal government to become the monster that is since We the People are the Heirs of the American Experiment and We are Squandering Our American Inheritance!

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What we the people did, i.e., our founders, was let lawyers, who comprised the majority of the signers of the Constitution, impose on us a Supreme Court. Had we stuck to only allowing Congress to write laws readable by the average joe, and back then the average joe could probably read better than todays average joe, we would not have evolved a passel of lawyers in lack robes reinventing the Constitution at will. As did Roberts when he invented a tax so as to approve the abominable affordable care act. Then we have the agencies doing same, again in collusion with the courts.

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The Anti-Federalist Papers warned of this. In fact, the reason they're worth reading is so many of their critical predictions about the Constitution have come true in flying colors. Though, I am still glad the Constitution was ratified. The Articles of Confederation were not working. Our nation would likely have had a short life had it not been replaced with the Constitution.

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Agreed!! The Anti-Federalists gave us the Bill Of Rights. I wrote about this in an article, Government Too Big Will Fail.

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May 9·edited May 9

Yes they did.

The Federalists saw the BoR as pointless, because from their POV, the federal government would only have its enumerated powers, nothing else. So, the people should feel safe in that fact. The Anti-Federalists knew better, demanded the BoR, or else they wouldn't support ratification. The Federalists agreed, promised that if the Constitution was ratified, the BoR would also be drafted and sent out for ratification, and they were true to their word.

Though, up until the 14th Amendment was ratified, the prohibitions in the BoR only applied to the federal government, not to the states. As one example, even though the First Amendment prohibited the establishment of a state religion, there were a couple states that had state churches for a while.

Even so, we still got what we now have. Though, this should not be seen as just a recent phenomenon. I keep thinking back to what happened under Pres. Wilson in the 1910's. Americans saw many of the same things we see now re. political persecution, because Wilson went after his political opponents, using agitators, and abusing the legal system. He was a supporter of the KKK, which was accurately described as "the armed wing of the Democratic Party," suppressing the vote for Republicans with threats of violence.

We've gone back and forth between tyranny and freedom for a long time, which actually gives me hope that this is just another one of those periods in our history, and we'll find our way back to freedom, once again. However, to do that, we (as a people) need to take the time to understand what has us, because it's not just about one man and his henchmen.

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So in the past 8 years, who is more like Adolf Hitler towards American growth interests.

Genocide Joe or Orange Man Bad? The Jeopardy Game Show Quiz.

I'll take, In the past 3yrs, who has destroyed an economy and America's pride and integrity for $500.

I hit the Daily Double jackpot on my answer of Joe Nobody Special Biden.

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Dr. Malone,

Please watch and comment on "The final war" Documentary, available on The Epoch Times.

Please, Please.

I believe it explains the reasons behind the total decay of the U.S. and all western countries, Covid included.

Thank you

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