Post nordstream & covid, I think we now have a negative social contract. I assume that when an event happens that endangers it's citizens, I assume our government initiated it.

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Western governments refusing to defend borders while tempting migrants with better social benefits than domestic homeless receive is a perfect representation of that negative social contract.

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Some would call it treason. And They aren't "migrants".

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Always. Your USA dirty deeds are everywhere. The suffering and destruction it caused world wide. USA should be forewarned they are not that special, that nothing can happen to them. My heartfelt apologies to the innocent citizens in America, but the DC crowd the wicked politicians need a Yuge wake up and FO call. Stay safe all. God Bless.

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There are other major players in these anti-social games. Why do you assume that governments are the only major causative groups?

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Answer - Mainly because governments of democratic federal republics have received the power and authority from their citizens to STOP individuals, groups, corporations, or other nations or entities from taken actions that harm the collective citizenry. When those governments collude with unelected entities or foreign governments for ideological reasons or for purposes based on corrupt greed, the democratic republic governments' actions inevitably cause harm to their own citizens and bring chaos and strife to the society they were entrusted and had sworn oaths to govern lawfully and righteously.

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What we see, though, is this authority to STOP not really working that well. Maybe STOP is not the entire answer. Does STOP equal KILL? How do you actually accomplish STOP for real? You have to realize that the person you are trying to STOP is trying to complete some unfinished cycle of action. You then have to persuade that person to complete that action in some relatively rational way. If you don't, he will take that incomplete action to his grave and try again next life to complete it.

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Our current U.S. federal government (and many state & local govts) and other western govts) are actually NOT even trying to stop harm from coming to their citizens. The corrupt globalists who have lied, cheated, and weaseled their way into seats of power have no intention of stopping the harm; they are in fact orchestrating it! Remember, the O.P. asked how government is supposed to STOP the current destruction of society... I merely replied with the way our Constitution established or federal government and charged it with certain responsibilities while limiting its powers. Unfortunately, over the ensuing 236 years, the dozens of successive Congresses managed to bloat the federal government far beyond the 1787 Constitutional limits that had originally been established by wise and forward-thinking men.

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How do you think this happened?

I think part of the problem is that they left a hole in the Constitution involving the regulation of very large companies. Subsequently, large trading companies, such as Hudson Bay Company, caused constant problems in the far West, and then our U.S. railroad companies, then oil companies, food companies, and later drug companies took advantage of their freedoms to take advantage of our people, and other people around the world.

I think we need to go back and deny the large companies some of their political freedoms, such as making contributions to campaigns and lobbying Congress.

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We are experiencing corporate fascism at this time. The mega-multinational corporations are telling the government what laws to pass, what laws to remove, and what laws to change to give advantage to specific market incumbents while obstructing potential new entrants. Congress stopped writing bills years (decades) ago. All bills now come from K Street lobbyists for the industries/ firms they represent. Congress has systematically removed the most critical restrictions on campaign donations, and the media only complain about large donations to politicians they don't like. Bottom line is - Congress is the culprit but you can see the corrupt holdouts who refuse to vote for Jordan as House Speaker. He won't protect the huge Grift that's been going on for decades...

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They are willfully not using any authority to STOP anything that caused chaos, the fracturing of society and deaths. Actually, at a minimum, they aid and abet and more than likely instigate it all or a portion of it. I have been watching it for decades.

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So have I. I'm 69.

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

This is a statement about where humankind needs to turn to save our specie and particularly our young. I am not religious, I qualify myself as an Idealist - that God is in all things and everywhere always, the "All in All." But I do pay attention to spiritual and religious thinking and values, for they have value, great value if not used for the condemnation of and separation from others. The same could be said of world governments and leaders. Sadly, both "social contracts" and systems often lead to chaos and murder on mass scales. Never before has humankind been so prevailed upon to look outside the proverbial (material, 3D spacetime) box, or prison, but to look inside instead. Yet, instead all we hear are calls for imprisonment, poisoning, blame, retribution, more killing, more heartache and now on a global wide scale. No one seems or feels safe. I experience miracles, and sometimes saving. Lots of people do. They are a fact of life. Focus your attention on miracles, read valid testimonies about them and notice them in your own life no matter how small (as in synchronicities). Turn not against your fellow human being near or far - doesn't matter, hate knows not the limits the human mind has confined itself to. Neither does love. Love (oh God, not that word again, or God, Love Itself, even worse you're thinking) is not powerless. It unifies individuals and unifies with God, healing, empowering and uplifting as it does. There's nothing God cannot do. Yes Harari, there is a God and humans do have free will. Will, pray, visualize in your waking and sleeping state that humanity, including yourself, turns to love in these challenging times. Your spirit, your fellow human being's spirit, the human spirit, will brighten and extend beyond measure as a result - our spiritual contract.

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Oct 7th is the 9/11 of Israel

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Since 911 for America was actually a “false flag attack”, orchestrated and carried out by a powerful cabal of government and corporate players … are you saying that Israel planned and executed these attacks and then pointed the finger at Hamas ?

Or that they knew about them and let them happen, and then pointed the finger ?

Unless you are suggesting that Israel planned and carried out the attacks (or maybe they were faked attacks like 911) - the comparison to 911 is a not an accurate one. However the consequences (a war of terror that severely punishes the accused) could be similar, but I don’t think the rest of the non-western world will let them get away with this.

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The United States doesn't need a social contract of a different sort. There are no Madisons, Hamiltons and Jays with us today. Nor does the society have the cohesive character required for a profound action. Any effort to "improve" or "update" the Constitution would be a disaster, because the document represents a timeless insight into the human condition, both for ill and for good. Our basic problem as a culture is that we have strayed from recognizing that morality is not evolving, as the leftists would have us believe, but that the essence of morality is of divine origin, and until there is repentance and a revival of faith on a mass scale, the prospects for our future are bleak indeed.

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Well said. "Improving" the Constitution is not possible. As you noted, it was written specifically to account for human failings just as the Ten Commandments cannot be improved.

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"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -John Adams

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Then obviously those who have been elected these last 115 years were neither moral or religious, and citizens became self-occupied with government on auto pilot until they too enjoyed the freedom of the non-religious.

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The social contract is a psychological need for safety in groups. It means the more people act from integrity, the more integrity and safety the group has. It does not mean you sacrifice your integrity for the sake of the group. Yet, the need for safety by the social contract has been sneakily repackaged to easily appeal to our natural instincts. The wolf is presenting as a sheep, kindly asking the sheep to sacrifice their lambs in the interest of 'so-called' protection of other sheep. The utilitarian smoke and mirrors trick. It is a crafty manipulation that worked long enough for the wolf to gain advantage, and the sheep are left holding the pieces, and are wandering around dazed and confused, not fully understanding the con, and not yet taking responsibility for floating whimsically into danger without vetting the process. Most can be conned, it does not exonerate the skilled perpetrator, but neither can the victim claim complete innocence. To mend the social contract, victims need to do the work of uncovering their own blind spots, and often this will only happen if they are directly and severely impacted by their denial, then they can spread the word until it penetrates the fog enough in the minds of others.

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Would you mind giving one or more examples of your own previous blind spots and how you uncovered them?

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Childlike nievete in believing that voting is the solution, when it is voting that has brought us to this place. "Elections have consequences."

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I don't think it was childlike naivete that had us believing our votes actually counted. What we didn't realize was that once elected (legitimately, in this example), we then needed to ride herd on our "representatives" 24/7/365 to see that our will was done. We voted them in, assumed they went off to do what we'd asked and they'd promised, and we got back to the business of earning a living and raising our families. Little did we know we needed to stand over each and every one of them to prod them away from corruption toward doing what was right for their constituents. Meanwhile, darker forces were at work learning the finer points of stealing elections. Now what we have are hundreds of sold out and out for themselves "representatives" and an apparently very successful election stealing operation running in the background.

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deletedOct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023
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I agree, humans are not that altruistic, but the propaganda presented taking the shot as doing it for 'grandma' or the community at large, and people hide behind that. Yes, the commandments are easy to understand and shouldn't be that difficult to implement, but temptation is very alluring, especially if you haven't been given the right values or been taught the value of discipline to implement them in the face of great temptation. It seems to me that with two parents working outside the home there is little time and energy to really shape children early on, so they don't have to learn the hard way.

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Oh, I am not implying women should not work, I just think the current work paradigm costs children on so many levels.

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We can compare, complain and pick sides until the cows come home, and yet I go to the answer found in the ability to be compassionate and well informed. History is full of the stuff that wars are made from, ad nauseam. What is missing? Knowing that we are all one, that we affect each other and everything else, through our intentions. When the intention is to protect ourselves from revealing who we are in greed, hatred and personality faults, we are always warring with the truth of our deeper holy selves. When we take the stand of honor and respect for human life and all of the Creators creation, life can flourish. That is what Dr. Malone and others in a similar vein are intent on doing. Be careful to stay clear of hatred or we can become part of the problem of war, large and small.

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I know that many find it difficult or impossible to take the high road when they are experiencing extreme pain from unjust loss of friends and/or loved ones. That is why we have to keep our faith and support each other even when we disagree with each other.

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Can you suggest a way to stay clear of hatred? What do you say to those who have lost loved ones in this most recent or other similar conflicts?

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Feels like a baited question, you know the answer.

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I have my answer. I am curious what yours is.

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Larry is baiting everyone today. He must be bored or feeling antagonistic. I applaud your response.

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Fool me once...

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Hmmm...isn't like 500 years or so of killing each other in assorted spats region by region enough to curb the enthusiasm to continue the murder thy neighbor desire.

Huh...guess not.

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The longer they had waited, the more that would die and suffer from the jab. Could it be possible to deranged leadership to want war to kill them and somewhat cover their mandated evil tracks?

I never saw a world in 76 years with as insane and evil a money hungry leadership as it has now.

This deadly evil attitude has infected leadership across the world.

Elected officials have turned into self appointed dictators everywhere we look.

Law should be enforced to protect the peace, freedom and safety of the people instead of used to subjugate them.

The moron we have pretending to lead the USA is the laughing stock of the entire world.

We had 4 years of a President we could be proud of overlooking the fact of his "in your face" New York mouth. At least he was respected and we had peace for a time.

There is nothing that works to obtain public support for a war like surprise attacks and mass deaths.

The Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, 9-11, and now a "surprise attack on Israel! Anything to escalate the cause for the money hungry war monger money changers.

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Just wait till the illegal Border Jumpers in the USA start a war here on U S soil that makes the Civil war look like a cafeteria food fight.

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Pledge not to vote for any presidential candidate that won't deport every single illegal admitted under the criminal Biden regime.

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I think all illegals caught should have a computer chip inserted into them like a wolf or bear.. One that triggers a beep and denies them ever acquiring future citizenship.

I am not against anybody using the right process, only illegals like are now trespassing.

Getting caught with this chip should require service on a chain gang for 5 years, then deportation. A second offense gets them shot.

If caught with a weapon, the first time gets them shot.

Liberals that don't like this will change their mind when SHTF and these illegals start raping, robbing, and killing.

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That's lovely Jay, compare humans to a wolf or a bear. Perhaps you could come up with a little more humane ( I know, "they" are just animals) way of looking for liberation of hatred. Only the weak look for the weak to get a leg up. This is the way to peace? or just another excuse for war. Thanks for your enlightening suggestions. ( insert sarcasm)

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Illegals used to come here to work and I don't have a problem with that. Some are now good friends of mine and also don't like who is coming in now. There are a great many that are here to wait for the signal and do the Hamas thing. While they wait they get fed, funded and housed.

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We can only hope that people are losing faith in their governments; I'm particular to this occurring in the US. People have begged for the Federal Government to be everything to everyone. The closer they have pushed towards this objective the less capable and effective they have become. Besides the inherent unconstitutionality these historical efforts it has also fed the politicians and bureaucracies to believe that their powers are god like and should be used accordingly. Yes, it was the despicable actions taken to fight the "virus" but don't forget the belief that they could control the earths temperatures... the "climate change" crusade. We should all hope that people have lost faith in government and demand more liberty and that which was promised them in the Bill of Rights and our Constitution. They should demand nothing less. Ironically, the only hope that we have to thrive once again as individuals and a people is with a massive shrinking of the federal government and sound money. The exact opposite of what we have had over the course of the last 50 years. Where are the wise men to lead us there?

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Yes, I could not have made that comment unless I had experienced pretty big betrayals and correspondingly big blind spots. Suffering forced me to look for answers. I was taught to practice impartial self-observation and do it most of the time. It is not where you sit for an hour meditating and for the rest of the day stop being an observer. On the contrary, it seems the price of psychological freedom is constant vigilance. You slow down enough to see how under the control of mental conflicts we really are, and in that slowness, you can stop a deceptive, negative thought from adding more negativity to it. You literally ignore the first thought out of existence and break the destructive pattern. I found it exceedingly difficult to do but gets easier with practice like working on any muscle. I would chat to my child's schoolmate's father while walking to school, he was well dressed, drove expensive cars (plural, that's right, on different days obviously), and over time explained he worked in the financial investing sector, and he was from the Virgin Islands. I had inherited some money and thought he could help me invest. It was all lies. He caught me for some of the money. My intuition kicked in and I did some research, my husband discovered he was involved in a court case for fraud. Once I cut him off, he began walking into my kid's classroom in the mornings to create fear in me and tried to corner me at the school. I was terrified, but knew I couldn't cave, and so he stopped. His own child was removed by authorities and put in foster care for abuse. In that case, I noticed (bit too late unfortunately) when I I was in the presence of badness, and I didn't ignore it once observed. Years ago, I did ignore that feeling. I went for an interview for a music producer and writer and got the job. Afterwards, for no apparent reason I felt I had been in the presence of evil and dismissed it as paranoia. As it turned out, I discovered he also was a con artist who had taken a client and his wife's life savings, that was his M.O. So, self-observation helped me discover that I historically ignored my gut feelings, which are lifesaving. Also, I noticed I had many self-sabotaging patterns, once seen it is easier to let them go, sometimes immediately, or over time. Even in close personal relationships, I noticed how a charming person would choose me as a friend, and I complied, falling hook, line and sinker for the mask. I would invest lots of time and energy with those who were exploitative. I dug and discovered I confused interest for regard. I am committed to catching red flags early now, it saves so much hurt, time and money. I am committed to asking for every situation, 'what is my part in this' sometimes the revelation is that I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, other times, I realize I was operating from a faulty perspective.

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You are describing classic sociopaths.

Unfortunately, we are now ruled by them.

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Quite an observation. This is a continuation of the false story. Truth from untruth is hard to define. This is where the practice of quiet time is so necessary.

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Ah, the value of embracing responsibility for your own thoughts/feelings/actions, and of deep learning from your personal experience. So much better than knee-jerk blame and hate of others. Holding on to anger is a sure self-poisoning choice. "...as we forgive others who trespass against us."

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I have struggled to forgive others for years, I have finally come to a better understanding of what forgiveness means, and find it easier now to do.

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I once struggled with feelings of hate towards those who believe the Covid lies, because I know they are aiding the enemy whether they know it or not. Then I consecrated my heart to the Blessed Virgin Mary and I've been incapable of hate ever since. By unclogging my mind and heart of this negative emotion, I'm now able to focus on helping humanity by spreading truth.

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Better late than never...

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"Mutual obligation" ? A "tie that binds"? "From Each According to Ability and to Each According to Need" certainly "ties" those with "ability" - with an "obligation" -for life - under the diktats of Marxism.

Unless I missed something vis-'a-vis this latest attack with some 5000 rocket propelled BOMBS and INVASION of Israel and horrific slaughter of people of Israel by Hamas, Hezbollah extremists - the ones who daily chant "DEATH TO ALL JEWS AND ISRAEL" - who "teach" their children to HATE ALL JEWS! Over what? A TINY strip of land - real estate - of primarily DIRT AND SAND - that was given to the German Jewish survivors of the death camps of the National SOCIALISTS aka the "NAZI's"- by the UNITED NATIONS. Israel did NOT INVADE nor appropriate some "Palestinian" land of milk, cream and honey.

Through decades of hard work, the formerly BARREN lands were made productive and viable - and

coveted by those who did not in any way shape or form actually husband raw land into useful, productive and life sustaining PROPERTY.

Anyone who has followed any or all of the multitude of WARS in history - on every continent and by every nation - one unmistakable recurring fact emerges: ALL wars are fought over REAL ESTATE, i.e., PROPERTY. Just like Russia is trying to appropriate the LAND in the Ukraine - for its mineral resources and fertile SOIL.

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Am I mis-informed...In regards to Benji yahoo...Did or did he not sell his entire population of all citizens to the Pfizer exclusive rights to a vaccinated Cov19 shot with a contract in written perpetuity of "0" liability?

And to allow Pfizer rights to experiment in Reponses to any and all new Pandemics? SAY WHAT?

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The Israelis are experiencing ontological shock. I wish them well and hope they can recuperate to see how complacent they've been. I read on The Tablet a couple of days before the Hamas assault an article about the 1973 war, which the Israelis almost lost except for the fighting e'lan of their service men and women and a timely infusion of military aid from President Nixon. Golda Meir was presented numerous times that there was a massive build up of Arab armies all around the country but she and her head of intelligence just refused to believe front line commanders evidence. So, they were surprised by the attack, their hubris and stiff-neckedness causing it. The country paid for it. The attack by Hamas should have been found out, or at least anticipated, as the entire existence of Hamas is to destroy the Jewish and kill all the Jews. My guess is that there was ample evidence by Israeli intelligence, and probably our own, but certain people just didn't want to be so, and they ignored it.

Danny Huckabee

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Indeed, it is very difficult to believe that no one knew about Hamas' plans and could have acted to thwart them. We have some other events in our history that are similar. They all deserve investigation and better understanding.

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Golda Meir. Now there is a rich story.

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To be more scientific and less philosophical, the 'social contract' is more our evolved DNA directed behavior now that we know these things in more detail than when "We the People" was written. Cooperative survival has stubbornly taken over and widened from tribal alliances to viewing every human as a valuable member of society. We have periods when we lose track of this with the stresses of the moment but a wide majority behaves this way even though a few do not. Most of us see them as the minority and do not follow. They see themselves as the majority till the rest of us say they are not. We need to be a little louder in telling them they are not the majority but only the few who are out of step.

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Why do you see this behavior as "DNA directed?"

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Because it is. Read Steven Pinker, Charles Murray and the research of Ian Robertson, Neuroscientist and clinical psychologist. Humans have species specific behaviors just as birds build specifically shaped nests and spiders webs. For us ,it is cooperative behavior that favors survival including market-exchange(sharing) of talent/innovation.

The "Golden Rule" is a real thing but it comes from our DNA. Almost every individual follows this but for a few. It is so part of everyday humanity that we take it for granted. It is rare to recognize it. Everyone has a degree of selflessness but for a few who are unfortunately predators of the rest, if they can get away with it.

We should spend more quiet time and recognize how significant and beneficial human cooperation/innovation are for most of us.

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Some races of people receiving the benefits of a good deed, say "Thank You" and become friends. Other races of people receiving those benefits then look at the giver thinking "Fool, I got you now,!"

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What we should be realizing now is that not all you learned in school or were told by experts is true. Pinker is and evolutionary psychologist, Evolutionary psychology is just another failed theory based on incorrect conclusions obtained from incomplete observations. What drives human behavior and experience is past life experience. Millions of years of it. I don't expect you to take my word for it, but I don't expect you to take Pinker's word for it, either. All that information in our DNA? Really? It's unlikely just on the face of it. And it's incorrect.

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Postings yesterday and today leave me reflecting on Global forces as they relate to National affairs. Events and forces impacting our U.S. and Israel are currently paramount. More specifically we are reflecting on issues related our responses to attacks related to Covid generally and Hamas in particular.

My personal take on this is to first consider the goals of the Globalists as they are contributing in setting off these conflagrations. They have been spending years devising schemes to create sufficient instability, doubt and fear to grab control. IMO they have a substantial role here.

Next, I'm looking at the impact these destabilizations have wrought within our respective nations. I equate our social fabric with our trust in our Governments and each other. Unquestionably severely rent.

The next question, in my mind, is where and how to effectively raise our responses. I think our Good Doctors have been setting the stage. Recognizing and understanding basic issues. Recognizing what hasn't and isn't working. Coming together to develop strategies and initiatives to push ahead.

As for ourselves, thanks to your support, inroads have begun. We have to expect a hell on earth through 11/24. I anticipate the need for committed focus and efforts by each and all.

As for Israel, should they survive despite the all of the attacks by the Globalists and our U.S. governing forces, one can hope they will come together to forge effective responses and recovery. I have done what little I can to SOS, our strongest line of defense in that regard (ML). I was able to pass along a couple issues before, that surfaced here or maybe with the ET, successfully. But that's a loose path to pin hopes on.

Thank you for sharing these matters with us. Safe travels and much success opening eyes and generating commitments.

Bestest plus!

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They renamed the Washington Redskins the Washington Commanders. The new name says it all. We are the servants and they are the bosses. Our just is to obey, and they know what’s best for us in every arena. God help us!

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I thought they chose Commanders to wink at everyone with the obvious shorthand, the Washington Commies

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A bit unfair to use Israel as the prime violator of the social contract. Our own Constitution begins....We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America..

And yet what has our government done under Biden? It has subverted our immigration laws and opened our borders. Compounding that by using tax revenue confiscated from hard working citizens to lavish upon the lawless aliens. It has failed to ensure justice while corrupting our Intel and law enforcement agencies. It has devalued our currency and put us $32 trillion in debt. It has locked down the healthy and mandated experimental vaccines without warrant. It has oppressed us and tried to drive wedges amongst us based on race, ethnicity, politics and sexual orientation. The Biden regime has broken the social compact - trampled and spit on it. The only proper result would be a massive resistance. In every form possible until we are rid of this corrupt cancer on our land.

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That more perfect union fell a tad under it's second president. A hundred and ten years ago it vanished all together.

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We have the Constitution of the United States of America. It provides us protection but it is up to us to vote for those people who want to uphold that Constitution. It starts at the city level ,then the county level ,then the state level , and then the country level. We need to help those seeking election that will follow the guidelines of the constitution. Check out those seeking to run for office. If they have a voting record , check that out. We have elections coming in a year that could make all the difference in where our country is headed.

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And never forget the observation that "our Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Stop admitting people who have no interest in being like us, of us or with us.

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Absolutely 💯

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