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Third Dr. J. T. Walker/Pfizer-Project Veritas Video

The mRNA vaccines must be pulled from the market, for the sake of humanity

Today is 02 February, 2023, and this has gone on much longer than it should. The content and implications of the two previous videos involving Dr. Jordon Trishton Walker were stunning, as far as I am concerned, but mostly involved future (potential) risks associated with what Dr. Walker asserted were both planned and ongoing Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 research studies. With today’s disclosure from the undercover investigations, we now learn more about current vaccine reproductive risk findings, Pfizer’s lack of comprehension of the basis for those risks, and (according to Dr. Walker) Pfizer’s leading hypothesis concerning the patho-physiologic basis for those risks. Once again, the implications are stunning and broad ranging, consistent with what many physicians are beginning to suspect, and once again Dr. Walker (Pfizer Global Director of Research and Development- Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning at the time of the interview) appears to not fully comprehend those implications.

The transcript of the above video is appended below.

Just to re-cap, testimony long ago to a Rabbinical Court convened by the Orthodox Jewish community in New York in response to observations of menstrual irregularities in members of that community who had accepted the mRNA and Adenoviral vectored genetic COVID “vaccines” resulted in a determination on November 01, 2021 by the convened Rabbis that these products were forbidden to be used in many populations:

Once again, as myself and my colleagues did on May 11, 2022, I call for withdrawal of the COVID-19 mRNA gene-therapy based “vaccines” from all global and domestic markets. They are neither safe nor effective. But what this latest investigative reporting video documents is that a Pfizer senior executive with line responsibility for “mRNA Scientific Planning” is aware that these products have significant reproductive risks. Basically, this confirms risks which were identified by Bret Weinstein, Steve Kirsch and myself on 14 June 2021 during the Dark Horse Podcast titled “How to Save the World in Three Easy Steps”. Bret, Steve and I discussed the Pfizer non-clinical data package finding that, in rodent testing, it was demonstrated that the cationic lipid-mRNA nanoplexes demonstrated an unusual affinity for the ovaries, and speculated that this would have broad ranging implications for reproductive health.

Why is this important? Because neither Pfizer nor the FDA (nor the UK MOH, or EMA) can claim that these risks were not predicted or were unpredictable.

What are the most important take-aways from this new video evidence?

  1. Pfizer is well aware of the alterations in menstruation associated with administration of their mRNA-based product. Apparently Pfizer (and the FDA) do not find this particularly concerning, as Dr. Walker comments that this will have to be investigated sometime in the future (“so people will have to investigate that down the line”)

  2. Per Dr. Walker, a leading internal hypothesis for the cause of this (the pathophysiologic basis) is that the mRNA/Pseudouridine/lipid nanoparticle is damaging some aspect of the “hypothalamus, pituitary, gonadal axis”. (“somehow the vaccine must be interacting with that axis, the HPG axis, to cause mutations in menstrual cycles”)

  3. Pfizer apparently does not “really know what's going on” with this toxic effect of the product which has been injected into literally billions of human beings - men, women, and children. And apparently they believe that they may never know.

  4. In stating “I hope we don't find out that somehow this mRNA lingers in the body”, Dr. Walker, Pfizer Global Director of Research and Development- Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning, is acknowledging that he is unaware of the Cell publication of Röltgen et al, published Mar 17, 2022, in which it was demonstrated that the pseudouridine-containing mRNA product persists in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection.

  5. Dr. Walker’s response to the prospect that Pfizer may have “fucked” up the entire next generation was that he would have to remove reference to his employment at Pfizer from his resume !!??!!

  6. Pfizer is actively developing the mRNA delivery technology for the purpose of developing gene editing-based medicines.

  7. Dr. Walker again confirms that Pfizer is engaged in ongoing gain of function research with SARS-CoV-2

  8. No-one at Pfizer “gives a shit” about COVID, and the firm has moved on to new horizons in product development for the mRNA technology.

  9. Dr. Walker believes that Pfizer will not be able to be held accountable for malfeasance or fraud involving the mRNA products “because usually when you give drugs to people, if there's a known side effect, it's encoded on the FDA label.” (which displays his remarkably high level of ignorance of relevant regulatory and legal statutes and policies).

  10. Dr. Walker recognizes that it takes years to determine long term safety of a vaccine product (“we'll see in the next couple of years if anything comes up”).

  11. Dr. Walker asserts that “The vaccine doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier. “. I am not aware of data clearly demonstrating that neither vaccine nor encoded spike protein cross the Blood Brain Barrier. In fact, all of the data I am aware of indicate otherwise.

  12. Dr. Walker and by extension Pfizer senior management are aware that public health policies which have coerced, compelled and mandated vaccination will have major scandalous political implications if the mRNA “vaccine” is shown to cause significant reproductive or other harms. “I will say if it does come down the line there's something wrong with the vaccine, then obviously people will criticize the big push because there was a lot of social pressure, government pressure, job pressure to get the vaccine. I had to get the vaccine otherwise I would have gotten fired. If something were to happen downstream and it was really bad, the scale of that scandal would be enormous.”

So, what is the HPG axis, and why would it matter if this were being damaged by the Pfizer mRNA product? Is this a reasonable hypothesis? Well, first off, the anterior hypothalamus and the adrenals are very fatty organs, and are reasonably likely to attract mRNA/cationic lipid nanoplexes.

Why should you care?

Per Wikipedia:

The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis or HTPA axis) is a complex set of direct influences and feedback interactions among three components: the hypothalamus (a part of the brain located below the thalamus), the pituitary gland (a pea-shaped structure located below the hypothalamus), and the adrenal (also called "suprarenal") glands (small, conical organs on top of the kidneys). These organs and their interactions constitute the HPA axis.

The HPA axis is a major neuroendocrine system[1] that controls reactions to stress and regulates many body processes, including digestion, the immune system, mood and emotions, sexuality, and energy storage and expenditure. It is the common mechanism for interactions among glands, hormones, and parts of the midbrain that mediate the general adaptation syndrome (GAS).[2]

While steroid hormones are produced mainly in vertebrates, the physiological role of the HPA axis and corticosteroids in stress response is so fundamental that analogous systems can be found in invertebrates and monocellular organisms as well.

The HPA axis, hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis (HPG), hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis (HPT), and the hypothalamic–neurohypophyseal system are the four major neuroendocrine systems through which the hypothalamus and pituitary direct neuroendocrine function.[1]

If the HPA axis is being damaged by these product, that has profound implications for almost all of human physiology as well as reproductive biology.

Please keep in mind, these products are being administered to young children as well as adults.

Damage to the HPA axis can damage the following systems in your body:

  • Immune system

  • Stress responses

  • Digestion

  • Mood and emotions

  • Sexuality and sex drive

  • Energy storage and stamina

  • Reproduction

  • Fetal development

  • Placental and ovarian functions required to maintain pregnancy

The implications of all of this are profound.

The next key questions are what does Pfizer know, when did they know it, did they disclose what they know to the FDA, EMA, and other global regulatory agencies, when did they make disclosures, and why has the general public not been informed of these risks?

Inquiring minds want to know, and the world deserves answers.

Video Transcript

Dr. Jordan Walker:

There is something irregular about their menstrual cycles, so people will have to investigate that down the line.

Project Veritas Reporter:


Dr. Jordan Walker:

Because that is a little concerning. The vaccine shouldn't be interfering with that, so we don't really know what's going on.

Project Veritas Reporter:

It shouldn't?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

It shouldn't, no.

Project Veritas Reporter:

But is it?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

There's something happening, but we don't always figure it out.

Project Veritas Reporter:

Well, I mean, you're a urologist, so you must understand what's going on with it, right?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

Well, that's why I don't understand that. It's weird. I hope we don't find out that somehow this mRNA lingers in the body because it has to be affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles. Yeah, or like the entire next generation is like super fucked up. Could you imagine the scandal? Oh, my god. I would take Pfizer off my resume.

Project Veritas Reporter:

So tell me more. What's developing with the whole virus mutation process?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

Well, they're still conducting the experiments on it, but it seems like from what I've heard they're optimizing it but they're going slow because everyone's very cautious. Obviously you don't want to accelerate it too much, but I think they're also just trying to do it as an exploratory thing because you obviously don't want to advertise that you're trying to figure out future mutations.

Project Veritas Reporter:

Why would the research study be delayed for COVID stuff?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

Well, not for COVID specifically. So now we're basically focusing on mRNA beyond COVID. A lot of our forward looking research says you've got to make sure they're on track and things like that.

Project Veritas Reporter:

What is RNA going to be used for in the future?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

Lots of stuff, but I can't tell you because you can't release it.

Project Veritas Reporter:

Wait, why not? Oh come on. I feel like it's just going to be like, what, for flu?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

It will be for other things too. There's a whole list of things we're developing it for, not just for viruses. We're applying it for oncology. Well, I'm less certain about the oncology prospects, but we're doing it for gene editing.

Project Veritas Reporter:


Dr. Jordan Walker:

We prefer to move beyond, at least internally, our focus will be to move beyond COVID. Now they have a dedicated COVID mRNA team that just keeps their eye on that, and so the company has folks on, "Okay, now where are we going to use this technology in the future?" Because that's what's going on now. No one gives a shit about COVID.

Project Veritas Reporter:

Is Pfizer going to be held liable for any of these vaccine injuries that have happened?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

I don't think so because usually when you give drugs to people, if there's a known side effect, it's encoded on the FDA label. But it could be a scandal. There are a lot of people on Vioxx and heart attacks.

Project Veritas Reporter:

Really. Vioxx?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

That wasn't for us. That was another pharma company. Well, they still have to do the monitoring for it over time so there haven't been any problems so far, but we'll see in the next couple of years if anything comes up. I'm hoping it won't obviously.

Project Veritas Reporter:

Hope nobody's growing three legs or something like that, right?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

Yeah, or like the entire next generation is like super fucked up. Could you imagine the scandal? Oh my God. I'd take Pfizer off my resume. There's something irregular about their menstrual cycles so we will have to investigate that down the line because that is a little concerning because if you think about the science, it shouldn't be interacting with... It's called the hypothalamus, pituitary, gonadal axis, the hormones that regulate their menstrual cycles and things like that. The vaccine shouldn't be interfering with that so we don't really know.

Project Veritas Reporter:

It shouldn't?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

It shouldn't, no.

Project Veritas Reporter:

But is it?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

There's something happening, but we don't always figure it out.

Project Veritas Reporter:

Well, you're a urologist so you must understand what's going on with it, right?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

Well, that's why don't understand that. It's weird.

Project Veritas Reporter:

I've heard that, menstrual cycles...

Dr. Jordan Walker:

I don't know what's going on there actually. I hope we don't discover something really bad down the line. I hope we don't find out that somehow this mRNA lingers in the body because it has to be impacting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles. So somehow the vaccine must be interacting with that axis, the HPG axis, to cause mutations in menstrual cycles. If you think about how this axis-

Project Veritas Reporter:

The HPG axis?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

Yeah, it goes hypothalamus, pituitary, and then gonads [inaudible 00:04:32].

Project Veritas Reporter:

So the HPG axis is why the fertility problems are happening?

Dr. Jordan Walker:

Yeah because they control the cycle so if anything is impacting that, it must be impacting these hormones somehow, but then we need to figure out how are they affecting hormones because the signaling starts in the brain. The vaccine doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier. I will say if it does come down the line there's something wrong with the vaccine, then obviously people will criticize the big push because there was a lot of social pressure, government pressure, job pressure to get the vaccine. I had to get the vaccine otherwise I would have gotten fired. If something were to happen downstream and it was really bad, the scale of that scandal would be enormous.

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Who is Robert Malone
Robert W Malone MD, MS