Thanks for posting this. Things are even worse than pictured. TPTB have succeeded in making the entire planet "Round-Up Ready" and it is showing in so many health areas - from ASD to cancer to autoimmune diseases to death. Klaus and Bill G. are orgasmic, of course... What you present was the state of things 20 years ago when I started to follow this. It is much worse today.

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Wow...pretty alarming percentages. I'm a label reading consumer if it's anything foody in a package.

Always wondering as I read the product info if the descriptions have left out some info or just flat out distorted it? We just had a newborn grandchild enter the family. And I was getting concerned about all the mandate childhood Vax from birth to 18. Keeping tabs on RFK research he has done.

It's the New Frontier man.

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Truly good to know about so we can avoid it for ourselves and loved ones! Label reading is a must…now more than ever, with the caveat that we may never know how much of the unregulated toxins are still in a product. 😢 Growing our own, knowing our farmers and their practices, is critical but exhausting!

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A dessicant is generally not used in temperate climes for harvesting grain. The fact that Lithuania's climate is so soggy that farmers kill the crops with pesticides to induce the seeds to dry, has little relevance to Saskatchewan or the Dakotas or Kansas, where the ripening grain coincides with the hottest and driest period of summer.

If Canadian food has significant glyphosate in it, this should caution us that glyphosate is not biodegrading as rapidly as previously thought. Most glyphosate goes on before fields are tilled, to kill weeds. Normally a glyphosate-resistant crop such as hybrid corn is then planted and further cultivated mechanically to keep surviving weeds down. Wheat and rye crops are typically rotated after the corn crop, and those often are further rotated with lentils or dry beans.

What should be concerning about these findings, is that glyphosate or its metabolites may not rotting nearly as fast as stated on their EPA labeling. A metabolite residue that's showing up months after application, and makes it into the human diet, should prompt further review.

Of course, another factor to be considered is that the dosages humans are getting, may not be dietary.

Glyphosate is commonly used on ornamental flower-gardens and lawns for weed control. It is usually sprayed, creating an aerosol fog. Frequently it is used far in excess of label directions, as amateur gardeners find that at the EPA-permitted dosages, their lawns and flower beds just don't quite look beautiful enough.

The manufacturers and distributors of glyphosate and all other pesticides are obligated by law to put down on the label what EPA authorized. But if consumers are going to overuse these products, the manufacturers are not required to step in and limit sales. Since most humans live in cities where lawns are commonplace, inhaled glyphosate may be a bigger medical problem than we initially guess.

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We lived in a rural area in Brazoria co. TX and they often resorted to spraying weed killer rather than mowing the roadsides. Spray went everywhere.

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I might have added those roads ran next to rice paddies. Most if not all was sold to Iraq I guess because when the fighting began they switched to, my wife thinks rapeseed I thought some fodder for cattle, but now??? Maybe solar energy farms.

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How awful!

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I think so!

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Glyphosate kills the grass, so it's not what is being sprayed on the lawns. Glyphosate is used along edges and fences. It's perfectly safe as long as used properly. Don't spray it on your shoes.

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TDoug; It's perfectly safe is something I've heard before. In the case of the widespread use in farmlands the damage to the air, water and soil is extreme. There are graphs showing the most concentrated areas, the mid-west is one of the areas.

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I have a son with ASD. I have always had different theories about what causes ASD. I believe Stephanie Seneff (MIT) has done research on glyphosate and made the connect to ASD years ago. Thank you Dr. Malone for writing about this topic.

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Yes! Been following her work for years! Dr. Seneff is brilliant!

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Thanks so much Dr.Malone for this post. My wife is an OR nurse and always buys organic and or American grown foods. I, because I’m dumb, never paid attention to it. After reading your very educational post I think it’s time for me to pay more attention to the foods I buy!!! As I get older and time has taken its toll on my body I do pay attention to what I eat and how it affects my joint pain. Certain breads and processed sugary foods inflame my bad knees to the point that I limp and struggle on stairs. When I eat better my knees are better. I believe it is joint inflammation from specific grains. Trying to buy better and eat better foods. J.Goodrich

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The breads with the best texture and flavor are the worse ones for inflammation. I only buy Roma Sandwich bread - two slices only 23 carbs and it does not inflame my joints like other breads/buns do. Also potatoes and dairy can inflame too.

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Organic? Wheat is one of the worst offenders.

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I’m working at a gym and a trainer I know there said sugary things (like cherry pies 🙄) are horrible for arthritis. Every now and then I have a cherry pie….

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James; This may sound strange, but check out using organic peanut oil on your joints. My mother first turned me on to this remedy from Edgar Cayce. Both my husband and I have used it successfully.

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By the way always loved John Denver was sad when I heard he died.

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Never heard of that. Stupid question do I put it right on my knee??

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023

Yes, any joints that are sore. It's not an instant cure, but after repeated use it definitely can reduce soreness. Massage it in, even a little heat for absorbing. My mother was motivated, her sister died from complications of arthritis. (John was a complicated man. He treated my son and I with generosity and trust. I was also his massage therapist, he had a funky toe.)

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I do too at Christmas and Thanksgiving when I have company. I get one each, cherry and apple! I do by cherries when they are in season! You should by the book Eat Right for Your Type. It has all foods as beneficial, neutral or avoid for each blood type.

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However, organic tart cherry juice is really helpful for anti inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. 😉 Bonus that tart cherry juice has naturally occurring melatonin so my daily glass helps me sleep well!

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Can't vouch for innocence - but as a former horse owner, when my knees get really angry - I coat them with Absorbine Jr. It is a bit fragrant. The pain is gone for quite awhile. Never fails to amaze and reward me.

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why do you think over 50% of the US population has been diagnosed with inflammatory diseases? Irritable bowel syndrome is a good example. Where the

Trace toxins in the foods, consumed create an inflammatory condition, which opens up microscopic holes in the lining of the gut that allows more toxins to be absorbed from various sources! Suggesting that autism is caused by

Glyphosate and that myriad of vaccines are not the cause seems to be misdirection! Before the 1986 vaccine act was implemented that absolve vaccine manufactures from liability autism was one and 10,000 infants and today it is one and 36. There is a massive correlation because they have not prove that all these vaccines are safe and effective just like the injections called MRNAnano drug injections. !

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Add to the list of patents glyphosate holds…one of which is an antibiotic, and we know what antibiotics do to our guts! 🥴 There’s the connection to the gut imbalance, irritation and leaky gut…😭

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In Washington, we carefully sourced our seeds for what we grew, the meat and fish we consumed. We had 23 chickens for eggs and raised our own “meat” birds. There is a reason We called it Frankencorn. Ed

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Now we have many forms of frankenfood. 💔

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Thanks for bringing this to everyones attention. The chemical companies and the USDA are killing us. My wife who we though was gluten intolerant has discovered that she can enjoy organic non-GMO breads and pastries without the ensuing migraine. She now buys organic wheat berries and grinds our flour and its is delicious. I also agree with another reader who commented that our situation is worse that one thinks. Here in the Upper Cumberland area of Tennessee there are thousands of acres in soybean and corn (mostly for ethanol) under production. These crops are all managed using what has come to be known as "no-till" practices where chemicals rather than working/tilling the soil is used to manage weeds and insects. Usually Round-Up , glyphosate, is sprayed, sometimes twice. Then the insecticides are applied and what you get is sterile soil. On our small farm you can actually see the difference in land that has been cropped using no-till and land that has not been so abused. I relate the difference in production to micro nutrients, soil enzymes and worms and grubs that are destroyed using no till methods. These farming methods are recommended by the USDA. It would not surprise me if USDA is not as compromised by the chemical companies as much as the FDA is by big pharma. Then think of the connections between energy policy, the green new deal and poison food. Fuel cost which effects the cost to till then fosters the use of chemicals. And, if ethanol produced from corn was not required to be added to gas how much more food could be grown for the worlds hungry.

As these chemicals are applied they not only get into the plants and soil... they leach into the groundwater and small streams, which lead to larger rivers, which lead to the TVA lakes from which we get our drinking water.

There are bright spots a few of us are returning to basics and using regenerative farming methods that over time will restore the soil.

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Doubt there is such a thing as an uncompromised gov. agency. Congress truly abrogated their legislative duty creating these monsters then letting them run free range. And the courts, all of them, complicit in the havoc they are causing

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Like your wife, I also suffered from severe migraines that were thought to result from gluten intolerance. I gave up wheat and the migraines disappeared. Commercial gluten-free bakery products are pretty awful, however, and my hunger for real and nutritious bread put me on the trail of organic heritage grains. My discovery of Sunrise Flour Mill products from Minnesota has been a godsend. I purchase their flour and other products online, bake my own bread, and reap the flavor and health rewards. And no migraines!

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As many have questioned, is it the gluten that we are sensitive to or what is sprayed on the gluten? Glad that you found relief!

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Will, I assume you know of Zach Bush M.D.? He says more about the farming practices used and is educating farmers all over the world. Farmers Footprint.

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I just looked him up and joined the distribution list. Thank you DD

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I took a quick look at all the tabs sometime back and my antenna went up. This happens on occasion and I avoid what I think is suspicious. The powers that be are much too good at weaving a narrative and getting people on board...it's the feel-good phrases they pack around everything. I rarely provide feedback to the source of the link based on my 'feelings' because others have their own gut instincts. I am a firm believer that there are more than two sides to many things - gray areas, like those around Glyphosate.

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I completely agree. If you're a homeowner with a small (say 3 acre) farm, you can't do without Roundup or you would be overgrown with weeds that cannot be eliminated any other way. I keep wondering if this crusade against Roundup in particular has some other angle, like Big Ag trying to get rid of small farm holders. There are a LOT of herbicides that they can revert to, some of them even worse, if Roundup is banned, and they will lobby hard to keep using their herbicides, while we have lost ours.

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Interesting angle Diane. I was assuming a couple of things: Gates behind it - invested in so many things with farm land in the US for sure, and labs that grow fake meat and then there is the WEF agenda 30 which wants non-traditional food sources, nothing that produces nitrogen, etc. Fertilizers and weed killer are important to food production so eliminating these things in the hands of the unworthy….

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Oh wow! That is concerning, for sure.

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Iam, can you show me this info? I have never seen Zach affiliate himself with any political persuasion.

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deletedApr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023
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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023

Because he is on a panel discussion and so is Booker, that makes him affiliated with Booker's policies? Dr. Malone has been known to support both Dems and Pubs on certain issues.

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deletedApr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023
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Drs Malone - with the real, ongoing war against the Farm and small farmer, how can we trust any of these studies? Who is doing real science these days and who is just manipulating the public?

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Read Zach Bush M.D. He is passionate about getting the word out about glyphosate use.

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He has been out there for a long time. Personally, I think he is paid to market what he markets. We all know that truth does not exist because it is in the mind of the beholder, always has been . There is a God; no there is not. All people are inherently good, just get off track; all people are sinful and must repent for redemption. Isolating the cause of autism is problematic because it does not affect every child within a family. Not genetic, not food, not environment, not whatever....

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Shelley, I have been reading and listening to Zach for years. It's like the video I saw of George Webb attacking Dr. Malone.(Twitter) Dr. Bush is as honest and forthright as any I have researched. His history is similar to Dr. Malone, just a different focus. He was the first Dr. I heard of to recommend C, zinc, natural immunity, no masks, no statins, etc.

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D D I am sure this doc believes in his studies and those of others that “prove” in his mind that this substance does whatever he thinks its does. I cannot and would not dispute that. If that is his science and you make it your science, I am totally fine with that. Enough money is being thrown at glyphosate that the FDA will bend its knee and take it off the market just to be replaced by a worse herbicide. By now, we both know that individuals are hardly free to choose, cause gov mandates whatever the highest bidder wants.… and we accept their choices for us.

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Thanks for your thoughtful response, Shelley. Yes the problem of "truth" is hard to define. Glyphosate evolved out of excess chemicals left over from the "agent orange" of Vietnam. It's like a race for existence, who will win, the unconscious money mongers or the conscious caring of our future.

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Just having the opportunity to settle for the greater benefit/risk ratio would satisfy me. I don’t taint anyone’s food or property with my use of glyphosate. But your point; if farmers use it, it’s not until their harvest is sold to someone else that the innocent could be subjected to what might be a cancer-causing agent in large enough quantities. Food makers are not about to tell farmers to quit using something that would affect the abundance or price of the product they require. Fluoride is waste product and I believe manufactured vitamin E is also a waste product from making paint and the hyped scare of mercury in fish has the vitamin market now synthesizing the lanolin in sheep’s wool to make their D3 products. And, oh sure, let’s get a 3rd party lab to find if the D3 level in that little pill is really 5,000 units of absorbable D3. It’s all a gamble D D.

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Another overlooked possibility is poor nutrition in the early stages of pregnancy

I heard anecdotally comparison of a vegan + meat eating placenta - very unfavourable

I don’t know - we should be doing population studies to create informed choices

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I read a headline some years back that a study of pregnant women in NYC found toxins (generally) in large amounts. The environment in which we live plays into our health no doubt. A few decades ago there was an article that discussed the study of diseases and life spans based on where and for how people lived. I think older studies of food/environment on humans had no other purpose than to highlight the findings. I am leery of more recent studies that look to prove something for an agenda. CA outlaws everything and puts warning labels on everything. Glyphosate (do not know about 'other herbicides' when properly used at the right time, have a profound and positive effect on the volume of production.

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Dr. Stephanie Seneff (researcher from MIT) has been studying this for many years.

I would much rather read your thoughts on why there's a mad rush to get mRNA into everything. What is going on???

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Thanks for posting this Dr Malone. Until recently, I thought glyphosate was only used for weed control. I was shocked to learn it was part of the harvesting process. Everyone should be growing some sort of food at home - whether it’s on your own land, or in containers inside. The only way to ensure that our food is truly ‘organic’ is to grow our own.

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The globalists have recently shifted. Now they claim GMO crops are the path to rescue humanity from climate change: https://www.globalresearch.ca/myth-gmos-saving-planet/5804013

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Thanks for the link.

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Catholic church was on board with this decades ago... you know to feed the hungry. I should say that Catholics were divided between GMO/feed the hungry and it's not nice to replace Mother Nature.

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Okay, one last. Home grown tomatoes are absolutely delicious. Store bought have no taste/flavor and, it appears, the preservatives they use make my nose itch and throat tingle. Same for apples. Hard Pass. Wash those vegetables if store bought, IMHO. Ed

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Just keep in mind that glyphosate can not be washed off or cooked out. 😢

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diquat, roundup, desiccants. This is how you change the language and get away with putting poison's on food. Not a clearer example could be given to the corruption of these captured agencies by big agrobusiness. But they want t o tell you your meat and milk are destroying the environment with the CO2 burden.

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Glyphosate not only kills weeds, it is commonly called roundup, but it kills everything in the soil. The soil is virtually dead, it is now dirt not soil. You have to put lots of fertilizer on it to get crops to grow. Tremendous expense to farmers, plus they have to buy the seeds from Monsanto at an increased cost too. The crops you grow have to be genetically modified in order to not be killed by roundup, so your body doesn't recognize this new food as normal food that it has normally been used to eating. Humans have evolved over thousands of years eating the food we eat, and now we are eating genetically modified food. Over 90% of the food grown in the US is GMO food, genetically modified. Almost everything you eat, corn, soybeans, wheat is now GMO, and this is fed to cows, pigs, chickens etc too. The makers of roundup have already lost lawsuits over cancer causing effects of roundup. And it is water soluble so it easily runs off the fields into our water systems, rivers, wells, rainclouds. It is everywhere now even in Antarctica. The only way to get away from roundup (glyphosate) and GMO foods is to eat organic foods only. But even then you can't be sure the water and rain falling on it is free from glyphosate. Monsanto, now Bayer is the maker of roundup. Mexico and Europe have had tremendous pressure put on them by the US and Canada to allow the selling of GMO glyphosate laced crops in their countries. Europe has finally allowed the US to sell them GMO glyphosate foods, but Mexico is having a big problem with the Biden Administration because Mexico is banning roundup and GMO foods. Biden says this violates NAFTA agreements and Mexico will be penalized unless they relent.

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