Thank you for this. The reason our government does not endorse repurposed drugs or natural remedies is because they are not patentable. Sadly, our medical bureaucracy is run by pharma in conjunction with the insurance industry.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The cooperation between pharma and insurance is IMO a key vulnerability that should be scrutinized. We've already seen where big pharma has shifted their product liability, in the financial sense, upon life insurers. Similarly, they have also shifted it to health insurers. The fact that neither insurers are screaming like bloody murder over this reality is obviously because money is passing hands somewhere. And if it is not illegal, its certainly unethical. Whoever uncovers this will cause a great deal of change IMO. Of course this post in its entirety is simply my opinion.

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Scrutinized to perfection you indeed have! This was all part of that orchestrated plan.

1986 was green light all ahead full, for now bigger than ever pHARMA. "0" liability!

("We've already seen where big pharma has shifted their product liability, in the financial sense, upon life insurers. Similarly, they have also shifted it to health insurers. ")

You can bloody well bet your life on that.

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Oh and just wait for the medical scare stories of berberine overdose victims packing emergency rooms throughout Oklahoma. The CDC will tweet, “wake up people, you are a human not a berberine. Stop taking dangerous supplements!”

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I am so glad you are discovering the safer effects of herbs and other non-pharmaceutical health supplements! Homeopathy is under attack now also, and in our family alone there was an incredible benefit used for epilepsy in my step-daughter. The doctors couldn't use any higher dose of phenobarbital, so her mother and dad took her to a homeopathic practitioner, and that took care of the seizures. No more for the rest of her life so far. (She is now 41) Thank you for the carefully researched info. There has to be caution with all things ingested. (as well as injected!)

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I would add caution with all things applied to the skin, which is the largest organ in the body. Makeup, hair dye, soap, lotions, household cleaners, even essential oils (which can be helpful for certain conditions) can be harmful if not used carefully.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a timely post for me. Just last week I stumbled across this study suggesting that Berberine is a very strong and potentially much safer substitute for iron chelators than the existing recognized compounds. If you're familiar with this area, iron overload is a tricky problem particularly for men. The recognized chemical chelators have potential negative side effects. Blood donation is one of the few treatments that is effective for many people. But Berberine seems very promising.


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Good to know! I have been using for several months.

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When I worked in Blood Banking, if you were a Blood Donor before you are Dxd with Hemochromatosis, you could still donate, once Dxd, you could not. Not sure if that is still the situation.

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As of 3 yrs ago it was.

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My wife and I thank you.

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I have been aware of Berberine for 40 years. The source was either Goldenseal or Oregon Grape. I used it for illness and infections,(bronchitis, colds, etc.) and in those days you were recommended to stop after 2 weeks. More information is coming out, so I don’t know what the status is on that anymore. My husband has serious arthritis. He refuses to take pharmaceuticals. I gave him Berberine when he got Covid. 5 days later, he wondered if Covid killed his arthritis pain (lol). I took him off the Berberine to see if that was the reason. 5 days later, the pain slowly came back. Put him back on the Berberine and 5 days later, pain slowly disappeared. I found that they were testing Berberine for arthritis, and being that it was a scientific article, what I could understand is that it kills the inflammation. Dr. Malone, I would love for you to check that out as well.

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Good to know! I have a mother-in-law that would greatly benefit from treating arthritis. Thanks!

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I get this version: Berberis aristata from Indian Barberry extract (root) a highly recommended source

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Duly noted, thanks!

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Very interesting story! Please check out Anatabloc - this could help your husband - and he wouldn't have to stop after 2 weeks. This is an absolute miracle anti-inflammatory, refined from tobacco, invented in America, stopped by the FDA for political reasons, relocated to England, stopped conveniently in 2020, and just reappeared in England.

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Surak, you have a substack blog. Please post this. The GOP congress has a Bill to pull the US out of WHO. Read here and thank you. I think everyone knows that Roguski has been on this since the Biden admin submitted the amendment to WHO giving it sole power over the world's response to illness.


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What was the name of the product you use?

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The dose says 2, which I started him hour with initially, however, he only takes one a day, every day now. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B009LI7VRC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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Sorry for the typo, can’t edit.

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Thanks for this. One of the reasons I find your POV so compelling and relatable is the 'broken heartedness' you seem to have at discovering how corrupt and incompetent our entire global health ecosystem is. Me too. I guess docs etc were one of the few institutions in society that I trusted to some degree. Even though there were problems, I always thought the majority of operators were coming at this in a sense of good will. Nope. Not even close. For some reason, it really hit me hard too. Like losing faith in those institutions was my last straw for our society I think. It's all so horrible and overwhelming.

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Well, Glenn, the system was broken from its inception, and even long before Dr Malone and many others appeared on the scene; we're talking about 200 years ago, especially in the 1800s when remarkable medical science and discoveries were first being made even without advanced microscopy ; the medical history is quite clear and well documented but also extremely well buried under decades of lies and deception, and no more so than today; such luminaries as Louis Pasteur, a mediocre chemist and charlatan and plagiarist was the Fauci of his day who stole major discoveries from his contemporary, Antoine Bechamp; even at that early time Pasteur followed money, fame and influence, including the enormous lie that vaccines would be the cure-all for all human ailments; he was wrong and so was his unproven germ theory which became the foundation for the fraudulent medical science from which modern allopathic medicine evolved; we've never had real medicine and health care except the pre-planned propaganda bits designed to keep the masses in the dark while government, pharma, and many other nefarious actors could keep their power and profits intact.

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You defeat your argument by attacking allopathic (traditional) medicine with such vehemence and misinformation. Thoughtful patients and medical practitioners consider what works. Go ahead, if you get “sepsis” refuse modern antibiotics and see what happens. Most physicians I’m guessing take supplements, “antioxidants” and the like and don’t seek FDA approval to do so. Intelligence is the ability to rationally choose among many options to improve one’s health. A closed mind that condemns allopathic medicine outright is begging for trouble.

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I'm talking about the misuse of what came to be known as "allopathic medicine" , especially with the predominance of vaccines and prescription medications; the discovery of antibiotics has served us well but you well know that its overuse and misuse have led to the appearance of "superbugs" from overprescribing, even when they don't work; most physicians were never taught anything about naturopathy and downplay natural cures as they continue to reach for their prescription pads; long before the discovery of antibiotics, Florence Nightingale (from her experiences nursing soldiers during the Crimean War) was able to save countless lives by advocating for fresh air, pure water,, sufficient food supplies, efficient drainage, cleanliness of the patient and environment and light, particularly direct sunlight. If "covid" has taught us anything it is that the vast majority of medical practitioners did NOT "consider what works" for their patients but did what they were told to "follow the science" which meant "one size fits all" as dictated by all those pushing the "vaccine" narrative.

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Well said. Including both allopathic and functional medicine approaches to treatment in one's armamentaria should broaden a practitioner's available tools, not limit them. The keys are a thorough accurate history in concert with appropriate and timely application.

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Yeah, right, except that in REALITY we know that doesn't happen, unless you have been living on another planet during this whole Covid fiasco; except with those rare medical people who have risked careers and livelihoods in calling for alternative and available treatments; I sincerely hope your doctor is one of the rare ones actually using all of the resources in his/her "armamentaria"!

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And this is why many of us could never trust the critics. Rejecting germ theory is the giveaway. And of course, that's just a pedant's word game, and so uninteresting. Keep in mind you are as big a problem as the liars in govt. Happy Trails. Move along now.

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That's an idiotic comment,especially from someone who claims to have lost faith in the institutions! What hasn't hit you hard is facing the facts and the truth and it's not just about germ theory; Being too lazy and opinionated and reluctant to do the necessary research you want to change the status-quo while still holding on to antiquated and unproven propositions; you're a prime example of one of the ENABLERS of the problem while, at the same time, seemingly protesting about how e got where we are...

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Listen up, windbag. I chew up pseudo-intellectuals like you for breakfast and crap them out by dinner. Move along you conspiracy peddling freak show.

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Which booster vax shot you up to hotshot? Get back to CNN you're missing all the real facts.

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Giggling. Another loon. I suppose you are on the 'germ theory is a myth' train to nowhere as well, yes? And of course since - just like any good globalist-leftist - you can't imagine dissent to your beliefs without assuming I'm defective, you claim I'm a CNN fan. You shame yourself with such nonsense. Not me. Carry on, be known for the ridiculous human being you are on someone else's dime.

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Tony, please read my comment to you and Glenn, new comments.

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Not news to me, D D. Sort this lunatic Tony out of if you can. One of the horrifying aspects about this to me is not just the institutional reaction but also how all the kooks and wingnuts are co-opting this tragedy to suit their little pet ideas.

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It's really too much to take anymore. Some people who are supposedly on "my side" have mostly lost their minds. Take ole Tony below, he just assumed I'm some naif due to the simple nature of my comment. He reads far too much into it and then deigns to school me in his mythology. And then freaks out when I dismiss him as a wingnut for playing the "germ theory is wrong" word game. And it is a word game played by pedants, it's not been 'debunked'. But it is true that disease has many other causes often having nothing to do with viruses or bacteria etc. Yawn. I'm so bored.

I'm also seeing a lot of bashing of Malone cuz he's trying to work in a stepwise, coherent, linear fashion towards a goal here. He's not just trying to be the smartest guy in the room - who many less smart people seem to be caught up in. There are a lot of people hitching their pre-existing agendas to COVID and VAX issues and in a way, this is almost as immoral as the people who lied to us about all this as it makes us so easy to dismiss.

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Glenn, please read my post to you and Tony, new comments.

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I highly recommend True Botanica's Berberine Plus product. Lots of fascinating information on their website too!

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Thanks for the recommendation Brenda! If you don’t mind sharing, what have you used berberine for and what improvements have you seen?

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Mainly to help balance my blood sugar levels. I think it also is very helpful for my heart health.

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Hi. Is there a specific way you are supposed to take it for blood sugar levels? Prior to big meals, for example? Thanks.

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Sorry, but I can't give a "prescription" for how you should take it. I would look at the True Botanica or other websites on their recommendations for berberine usage!

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Dr Malone, Not sure if you’ve heard of it, but there is an organization, Greenmedinfo.com created and run by Sayer Ji, which is a kind of pub med for studies (or papers-not sure what their properly called) of natural substances and their ability to treat and heal people. They are a great resource and their founder has tremendous integrity. I just looked up berberine on their site and there was a long list of studies to explore. Thanks for the tip about this amazing natural medicine!

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Thanks for the link!

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Glad to share it!

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Greenmedinfo is one of the best. There are so many resources out there for botanicals. American Botanical Council https://abc.herbalgram.org/site/SPageNavigator/Welcome_to_ABC.html, American Herbalist Guild https://www.americanherbalistsguild.com/ are two others.

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I agree! And thank you for the info about the ABC and the AHG! I had not heard of them.

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Hear hear! In the herbal medicine world-the plants we use with berberine are Goldenseal, Oregon grape root(mahonia-a shrub), and Barberry root(an invasive shrub-grows everywhere). This is what gives these medicinals their golden yellow color.

Goldenseal is endangered. I use Herb Pharm brand because they are a wonderful company and they grow it. I have seen nothing work quite like it for diarrheal infections.

I'm moving onto Barberry. I've just tinctured my first batch of bark. We shall see.

My understanding is that very little Berberine crosses the GI mucosal barrier. However it does a wonderful job of drying excess secretions in the lungs and sinuses. One must actually be careful using it as it can dry too much. This is considered a low dose botanical except for acute infection.

I listened to Paul's recent FLCCC webinar on Berberine. He has inspired me to research the extracts found in capsules. I assume they have found a way to make this more absorbable so it moves into the blood stream. But I'm partial to the whole plant as it has many other constituents-not just berberine-that work synergistacally. I imagine the isolated capsule and the plant medicine together would be a great combo.

Thanks for covering this!

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As I'm always searching for natural remedies, this is great information! I have never heard of berberine..thank you!

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I've heard that Pfizer's blockbuster, Viagra, is essentially a repurposed drug. It seems that Pfizer was testing Viagra for hypertension, but it was no more effective at reducing blood pressure than older, generic antihypertensives. That and it wasn't considered to be as safe as the older drugs.

But, Viagra did have one nasty side effect. Men who took it got erections that wouldn't go away for several hours. So, Pfizer created a new disease, called it erectile dysfunction, and sold billions of doses worldwide.

That's the story I've been told. Perhaps somebody could verify it? Just askin'

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I believe it began as a heart med to increase blood flow in the heart. LOL, ooops it has a side effect. Oh wait! We can make a fortune off the side effect!!!! Who cares about people's hearts???

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Sounds quite accurate!

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Wonderful to see an all systems review of this old friend Berberine. Key thing for everyone to watch is the efforts to establish greater control leading to suppression of supplements by guys like Durbin from Illinois. He’s at it again under some protection bs and a few decades ago it was a joint effort w Hillary and Durbin when both were in the Senate. Dear Tom Harkin and Orrin Hatch lead the defeat as a bi-partisan effort. It had the hugest letter writing campaign ever recorded at the time. The control of OTC and affordable vitamins and supplements is a huge battle that everyone who took a protocol like Dr Zelenko to survive past years should consider toward ongoing survival and self sufficiency. Thanks Dr Malone!

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While it is always great to see these sorts of revelations, they always boil my blood in the process since yet another reminder that people's well being is the absolute last concern of big pharma and big hospital.

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Well, no kidding!

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I started taking Berberine when I was diagnosed with low grade prostate cancer. It is not at a stage where radiation or surgery or hormonal therapy is indicated. A quick internet search revealed that Berberine has been shown in numerous trials to slow the growth and reduce metastasis of prostatic cancer. My PSA has not increased in the 2 years since I started it. Also my triglycerides have come down, though I had not thought it was related until I read your essay today. I have been a proponent of nutritional therapy for many years, and often recommended various supplements to patients in my Ophthalmology practice ( now retired). The hardest thing to find out is what an appropriate dose is. I currently take 1200 mg of Berberine daily with no side effects that I have noticed.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The AHA is not dependable as you demonstrated. If I see anyone reference AHA, I’m on alert. I don’t trust anything from AHA.

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Great assemblage Doc. Herbs are truly miraculous for many diseases. My motto is “try herbs first” (via a qualified herbalist, esp if the condition is severe). Start your search for one at The American Herbalists Guild

The research and science on herbs is growing and is extremely encouraging.

There are great Ayurvedic herbs for psychiatric conditions BTW. Just sayin’. Let’s get folks

Off the SSRI’s.

I am at present seeking to reduce extreme high cholesterol (familial hypercholesterolemia) via herbs and supplements because statins caused bad side effects in me. Lots of herbs reduce LDL. Wish me luck

Thanks again and stay strong and may God bless you and your family. Peace

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s awesome to know someone is acting virtuous in this time of greed and corruption. You are the best Dr Malone and I wish you nothing but happiness, success and the recognition of your tireless efforts to help those you have never met.

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