Due to regulatory capture and/or incompetence, why even have an FDA?

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Or an EPA!

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Or faa. They want into this too.

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The three-letter doo doo is wide and deep.

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Or a CDC

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Since the whole administrative state is out of control, as we say in Texas, "Vamanos!"

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and add inmediatamente

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Mar 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm glad to see the data you have collected, this is not new news by any stretch. As I' mentioned before, Dr. Zach Bush M.D. is traveling the world educating farmers about this very real and devastating problem. That is why I promote his very small line of products that have been tested and found to be effective for a healthy gut as well as skin and sinus. He is no grifter because he sells a product that has been found to significantly assist the microbiome. Glyphosate is in the water, air and soil, especially where the farms are most prevalent. For a non-pharmaceutical assist, check out ION (intelligence of nature). My husband and I have taken it for over four years, as well as our cats, even tho we eat organic and the cats eat raw with organic supplementation included. The cost is nothing compared to doctor and prescription costs, of which we have none.

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Humans do have a built in natural detox system, if you understand the means to employ it.

I always wonder what is exactly trapped in my sweat soaked towels I sit on after My Sauna?

Can you actually sweat out some of these known poison's. Or is it the Livers function?

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Both. But any toxin in your bloodstream will come out in sweat. There is a sauna detox protocol first developed by L. Ron Hubbard that he wrote about in "Clean Body, Clear Mind". There used to be a large clinic in Los Angeles called HealthMed where you could go through this program. Firefighters who had toxic exposures went there.

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I wouldn't quote L Ron Hubbard. You lose credibility by doing so.

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Not to me. He was brilliant and put out loads of super-useful information. I'm not saying he wasn't over-the-top in some aspects, but much of his data is spot on and the world would do well to make good use of it.

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What quote? My credibility isn't the issue. Did he or did he not write the book? It is what it is and scientology doesn't have to play in to the fact that he really did pioneer this method of toxin detox, originally for drug users. Luckily, the firefighters as well as many people who have been chemically poisoned didn't worry about using a technique for detox he developed. Doesn't mean a thing about his character.

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Read his book.

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I did. I went thru the program at HealthMed.

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What is his website or products called?.. I would be interested to check it out.

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Zack Bush M.D. ION is the product. I don't have a link right now. His website is filled with tips on healthy living. Triple board cert. and out of the box for a very long time.

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Thank you, Looking forward to checking it out.

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It's called The Purif, as in Purification. If that is what you are asking.

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50% of Americans live in suburbs, 80-90% live in urban areas (I’m assuming overlapping definitions), 10-20% are rural — the point being that most of America cannot grow own food or even a significant portion. Those who can and know how (sorry, laughed a bit as I wrote that) don’t/won’t cause that time is better spent watching MarchMadness, etc.

Commercially grown food is a necessity. Use of chemicals is a necessity as we are in a constant battle with the true rulers of this planet - insects. Could we do better? Sure; but until the consumer is willing to eat what I eat out of the garden, with all the blemishes, etc…

Pray for Baltimore

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Agree. The greater majority of us stuck with the supermarket and the inflationary prices there today. As for organic, aside from high cost, I have a couple of observations. First how many sources are. Either they simply lie or they are in close proximity to non organic ops so cross contamination impossible to prevent. Also, every warning about e. coli contamination of fresh vegs I have seen has been organic source so there is an obvious problem there. And whereto begin addressing all this has to include developers who will develop land for habitat or cultivation not caring a whit about its history. And corrupted gov agencies and….

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There looks to be a lot of changes in ingredients of foods we may have used for decades to make them cheaper to manufacture to cope with inflation. We notice stuff no tasting quite the same. I won't go near a fast food place anymore. Actually haven't for many years except when on the road and there were few alternatives. Then we would stop at a grocery instead and make our own from the deli section.

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I don't trust the organic claims as a guarantor of food safety. There is no heavy metal monitoring required and so many plants can accumulate them.

You're totally right about the cross contamination. I sort of laugh about the concept of organic farming in valley or any land mass that receives runoff from other farms.

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Good points. You can't trust them all. Organic foods producers can now use the organic seal if the product is only 70% organic (I think Dr. Joseph Mercola shared that info or Organic Consumers Association). Also, Apeel, a coating to make fruit and vegetables look fresher than they are is being used on organic products (not required on label) and you can't wash it off.

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Apeel brought to you by Mr. Evil, I mean Bill Gates.

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And the buyers who sell it to unsuspecting customers without a second thought.

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Mar 29·edited Mar 29

Right, they think it's GGGRREEAATTT!!! ~Tony the Tiger

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Thanks for the prayers! Baltimore sure needs them. 7 cars of folks deep in the water. Outlook poor. Bridge a major route. Took 5 years to build. Fee and covert taxes already in the budget in process with B'more strapped n hurting. Long heal ahead.

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That was the first thing I saw in my batch of emails this morning. At 1.6 miles, who would have though the entire structure would collapse. Wea hours of the morning saved many people. Prayers for those people and the rescue folks.

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What you describe is exactly what the government rulers want everyone to think and believe. The current state of commercially grown food - vegetables and protein (meat) sources - have become a clear risk to human health. Those who shrug their shoulders and say there's nothing I can do remind me of the life-long smoker who says "it's too late for me to quit".

Luckily life still has options - and we can choose if it is important enough. It's an individual decision.

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Life, existence is all about trade offs. Whether is having "pure," "clean" food or something else. Something else may be hunger, possibly famine; something else may be contamination - Salem witchery may have been due to ergot "poisoning;" had we better pesticides in medieval Europe, Ancient Rome, etc., then millions of deaths due to plague may have been averted/avoided - and with that lack of loss feudalism may not have died away and a better social/economic paradigm entered for much longer; GMO crops like Golden Rice languish while millions suffer.

I’m not saying, and I did NOT say, we shouldn’t do better but demanding the best in lieu of TODAY’s good is a trade off I find immoral. I like bread; I like bread so much that I desire (I myself say I DEMAND) the best for me. Because of that I buy "organic" berries locally and from around the country (there’s probably 300# in the house right now) that I mill right before I bake. I use 3 ingredients: flour, water, salt (salt kind’a sort’a optional). But not everyone is willing to go thru what I do nor willing to pay the premium. Did I say I like bread?

Someday our tech will advance to a point where many (all⁉️) of today’s complaints will be behind us - my thoughts: the same mindset then will find something to complain about as we do today. If being a pragmatist makes me a government drone, well guilty - but when you open your eyes and finally see the millions dying and suffering I hope you’re capable of sleeping well.

Are we all Orioles today? <- thought I was being funny (Baltimore orioles) - Maryland has a ridiculous number of state animals.

Perhaps we’re all Bal’morians 🤔 today

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There are farmers - even some large corporate farmers in California - who are experimenting or practicing organic or other chemical-free agricultural techniques. I don't know why anyone should assume that it is impossible to grow good (healthy) food in large volumes.

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Larry, please read what I wrote, carefully.

And then read what you wrote, carefully - specifically, the part about "experimenting " with "organic." Mankind was practicing organic, pesticide free farming/ranching for several millennia - would you explain how well it worked? If we try no-till farming, how do we control weeds w/o herbicides; what happens to crop yields in, say, the Midwest grain fields w/o pesticides; ergot is becoming a problem, again, and scientists are looking for ways to control it - in the mean time tons (tonnes?) of rye is destroyed because of ergot contamination. How do we achieve the crop yields that feed the world w/o fertilizer?

I’m not organic but I do try to limit what I expose my garden and myself to. One example, 🤔 two, would be controlling potato bugs and asparagus beetles. For years I would examine potato leaves for the yellow patches and squish’s by hand, likewise picking off asparagus beetles by hand and squishing them ( 🤨 you’re not gonna report me to PETA are you): the result being nether of those pests are much of a pest for me now. Would you explain to me where the labor will come from to do the same for 100s, 1,000s of acres.

How would YOU control wireworms?

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I am not a farmer or gardener or an expert on high-volume agriculture.

But I know there are people out there trying to apply no-chemical techniques to higher-volume farming. That does not necessarily mean no chemical fertilizers; those are not usually considered to be toxic sources.

No-till is supported by the USDA, though I don't know the details of how it would work on a large farm. It seems like it would work better in orchards or in fields of perennial crops (like berries). And I think we should look at adapting to foods that are easier to grown using less destructive techniques.

I simply see no reason to assume that we NEED toxic chemicals to grow the volume and quality of food needed by the people of Earth. I don't see any reason why someone would assert this categorically.

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Who says we have to feed the entire world, anyway?

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Don’t know if your abuse of my comment was intentional or just how you (un)intentionally read what I said, but let me reiterate that I said "feed the world," not the "entire" world. Feeding the ENTIRE world would be immoral in that it would create an unconscionable dependency, feeding the world would just be a reflection of the great gift we’ve been given. While there may be a fine line between creating a dependency and benevolence, I, and many others, believe that from those whom much has been given, from them (much) should be given.

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Two other significant (and related) sources of air, water, soil, animal, and plant contamination are the chemtrails/contrails from jet fuel and (whatever), plus cloud seeding and other geo-engineering -- aka weather control.

Just two examples:

* Cloud Seeding Experiment in Idaho: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/cloud-seeding-experiment-in-idaho

* The Highwire Episode 363 Eye in the Sky: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/eye-on-the-sky/

Our legislators are either doing nothing or openly resisting a fix for any of this. Joe Biden and Bill Gates want to block out the life-giving sun, no doubt with very toxic chemicals. A couple of states are fighting back but we're a long way from success. See NH (https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234) and TN (https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/113/Amend/SA0653.pdf). Also, Harvard (of all places) appears to be abandoning its foolhardy geoengineering experiments (https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/03/18/1089879/harvard-halts-its-long-planned-atmospheric-geoengineering-experiment/)..

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

Call them by what they call them, Stratospheric Aerosol Injections. Not only do they admit the injections exist, they have lots of material trying to defend it.

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And yet the legacy media calls all this "conspiracy theory."

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Keeps the normies befuddled and occupied by hate for anyone with a thinking beaner

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Sick f**ks

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The chem trails have got to stop. TN put in some legislation about stoppping them recently. Don't have the link.

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This may be the bill you're looking for https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB2063



AMENDMENT #1 rewrites the bill to prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.

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It is hard to know where our food comes from and what is in it even if we are buying "organic" labeled products. Even growing our own vegetables in a raised bed summer kitchen garden, the organic soil inputs may be suspect. Where I live, the soil seems to be held together by poison ivy. Glyphosate (Round Up) appears to be the main herbicide used to suppress the Ivy. I don't think the alternatives are much safer. (The last county I lived in was held together with quack grass). Frankly, I would move back if the economy wasn't so FUBAR. So we are all in a conundrum since most of us need to buy groceries in stores. Even using cow manure on fields may be a problem if you don't know what the cows fed on (organic herbicide free grasses?) and what medicines they were given. Better living through chemistry - NOT!

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I used coarse salt in Maui to control weeds and just ordered a new bag for my Texas lawn. Carefully applied, it will kill the weed and the grass will fill in over the summer.

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I use a recipe of two gallons vinegar, two cups salt and 1/4 cup Dawn dish soap to lightly spray on weeds on a sunny day. Works like a charm, although patience is required as it takes a day or two to see the leafy weeds brown and shrivel. I welcome any thoughts on this.

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I did not know about the salt and Dawn. I've tried high concentration white vinegar in water. The weeds shrivel but never seem to die.

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I have used the vinegar salt and dawn also. Worked great but I did read it kills igood organic materials in the soil.

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Sounds like Kamala and Joe

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

It does a fine job killing moss too. . . in the lawn, on the roof, or between your paving stones on the walk or patio.

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I have used vinegar on thistles

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And it washes your hands quite nicely

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Can't put the salt on bricks. It'll eat them up.

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Worth a try on the ivy since it wold be spot application , not broadcast.

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O, We have a problem with salt being overused on the highways in winter in Mn. It pollutes the water and our plants.

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They now have new and improved liquid bromide like spray solutions.

Perhaps you have noticed the semi whitish lines on the city streets prior to the winter storm warnings for the metro. The pre treat is more cost effective.

I Have "0" facts on what it does on water shed run off near the the River DD.

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It eats auto and truck chassis

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Henry Kissinger said: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”

We the People are the Heirs of the American Experiment and We are Squandering Our American Inheritance!

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Kissinger ugh! his passing will not be lamented. A better corollary to what he said: "Control the WEF and save the people."

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Need a t-shirt that says that

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Mar 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You and Dr. JM are My Favorites. Think further HBOT and RODI. Your Crazy Friend. 😁, Ed

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What is RODI?

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But, wait there's more. I actually kept a head of broccoli in my fridge from just before Christmas until I threw it away in mid-February, looking as fresh as the day I bought it. It was on a black Styrofoam tray with clear plastic wrap over it. How can this be?

Apeel is a sprayable coating from plant-derived materials that has been approved for fresh fruits and vegetables in the United States, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, and South Africa without any restrictions. Apeel Sciences is the parent company name but has multiple product names registered for edible food coatings. The Apeel product line currently offers two product types. The first is called Invisipeel which can be applied directly to crops in a field by farmers. The second product type requires farmers to wait until the crops are ready before harvesting and applying. This second category has two approved products: Edipeel for non-organic produce and Organipeel for organic produce.

Apeel has received a total of $719.1 million in funding from 33 investors. Some of the most notable investors in Apeel’s Edipeel technology include:

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

The World Economic Forum

The Rockefeller Foundation

Infectious Disease Startups

The government of Singapore

So, why are some of the world’s arguably notoriously corrupt organizations funding this? What do they have to gain with the unrestricted use of adding Apeel to all fresh vegetables and fruits in several countries? Before we put our conspiracy hats on, let’s discuss what this plant-derived food additive really is.

To know what’s in it and how it is made: https://www.nutritionwithjudy.com/meet-apeel

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I call you "Researcher Extraordinaire"

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Nope DD. The article was in my email this morning from a JBS member in a different state. Others find and I collect and sometimes pass along. I notice that you do the same.

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Population reduction spray

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So, last night the ball and chain and I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at the bay, looking across to the city of violence and pain, as we do quite frequently, during the week.

Being overcast and cloud covered, you couldnt see the toilet , nor the bridges, other than the faint twinkle of red lights upon the top of the Outerbridge Crossing.

As i looked up in the sky, above the waterway, and saw these:



I had never seen this before, as they are a recent addition to the poison bestowed upon us, and only sprayed at night.

Only demonic forces would do this to others, their friends and relatives, themselves.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

I've remember reading a few research studies in the past which discussed how glyphosate mimicks glycine in the body. Glycine is the animo acid which constitutes up to 42% of animal tendon, cartilage, and bone tissues. The body puts glyphosate in these tissues instead of glycine resulting in multiple problems. Many believe the 30+ horses which had to be euthanized at the Santa Anita racetrack in 2019 was most likely due to the high amount of glyphosate in their alfalfa/hay.

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In the words of Dane Wigington,

Can anything grown in the world be considered "organic" anymore ?

You be the judge.

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By at least buying organic you can support the farmer who has to jump through many hoops for cert. It does matter, you can be assured of that. Tough to grow and maintain purity? Yes, but the options are dismal.

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I bought this:


Then i come to find out that Bill gates Apeel is being used on their apples, katy perry being one of the big investors in the company.


Apeel is approved by the FDA, as GRAS,

Claiming it is organic.

I cant say it is, or isnt. Trusting anything BG or FDA approved is just not in my wheelhouse anymore

I buy local from farmers whenever possible, as it is the only choice that i have any faith in being truly organic, whatever organic really means under the current cataclysm we are living under

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Yes, I read that too, consumer beware. I too, buy at the co-op and know where their food comes from. I pay closer attention than ever before.

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The great awakening

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I eat a lot of blue berries, mainly from South America, Fuji apples and bananas. I always peel the apples. I should wash the BBs with treated water. I know there is a product available specifically for making water for rinsing foods and cleaning surfaces. Just can't remember the name of it. It also purifies water for drinking.

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chlorine dioxide?

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I've seen that advertised but never bought any. The one I researched last year was a counter top machine that 'cured' for a better word, the water you put in it. I think they also supplied an additive. I'm at a loss. It was around $150.

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There are veg. and fruit washes that spray on, or you can soak them. I take the easier way out with the spray. Reverse osmosis is our water treatment, it is also recommended by the "Midwestern Doctor" I think the water tastes noticeably better. Under the counter or on top.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

Baking soda, i hear

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

A product I refuse to by given who is associated with it T. Armand Hammer.

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You've sparked my interest.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

Thanks so much for this 'Good to know.' Immediately forwarded to my boss lady with kids and family aged friends. Worthy share for Fallout. I have a fairly organic property. No pesticides and natural BY of pine trees. Talking to a neighbor was surprised at the variety of creatures that frequent us. Am contemplating what to try and grow and how. Your heads up helps. All our creatures will love it. Thank heavens I'm an antique. Will try washing fresh stuff more faithfully and vigorously.

Have another fun in the sun with good friends and beloved creatures. Pass along my sympathies on the Roman - New York Times dustup. Roman and ETv clear winners in my book.Per Federalist, happy to learn of your progress made!

Bestest all ♡♡♡ ♡

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Speaker Johnson has announce he will be working on two bills. One for Israel $ and one for Ukraine $s, in spite of conservative resistance.


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Thanks for keeping me posted !

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RINOS at their best

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When it comes to food, quantity has a quality all its own.

Several anecdotal experiments have been done with Mcdonalds.

Supersize Me was the example of excess killing you.

Several other examples., are people that ate only from the Micky Ds menu, but at 1500 to 1600 calories per day. Everyone in this group, lost weight, and cholesterol markers improved.

About 20 years ago, a nutrition professor went on a twinkly diet. Nothing but twinkies, with a protein shake, and vitamins, at 1600 calories per day, and some Doritos for a little change from the processed sugar pulp.

He lost lots of weight, and all his cholesterol markers went down.

No word on how this may have effected anyone with Diabetes.

For short term, and middle term, quantity is way more important that quality.

Long term, I will let you know if I get there.

I suspect a few folks have sub acute allergies to a lot of processed carbs.

I suspect a lot of folks (myself included) have a bigger problem with how much we eat.

Currently, I am using Ozempic (got it ordered due to pre DB symptoms) and I am only using it as weight loss.

Never did increase to full dose, after a few months, I backed off to every ten days (usually Q weekly) am now at every 2 weeks, and next month, I bump it up to every 3 weeks.

I am slowly changing my habits. I now do a normal breakfast, consistently. Most of the time, also a normal lunch and dinner.

More walking, less portions, rare piggy nights.

In past 2 years, lost about 50 lbs, I still get plateaus, but still slowly losing the weight,

Cutting carbs also allowed me to decrease stool softeners to almost non use. I have cut one bp med in half. Of course, always include your doctor when you muck around with your health.

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WHAT? McDonald's and Twinkies for weight loss is so absurd I can barely stomach it!!!

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Cant stomach the absurdity??

Wait till you try the food!

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So, you are taking Ozempic?

Have you found yourself dancing with a bunch of people in fancy, flowery dresses?

Have you had the side effects of flat buttocks, or shitting the bed while you sleep?


Be careful, as people are reporting gall bladder and kidney damage from it


Thyroid cancers being reported as well


Stay healthy......my friend

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nope, like I said, I have a plan, and so far, not been punched in the face. (with a nod to Mike Tyson)

unlike a lot of stupid and pathetic leftists, I know exactly what the risks and benefits are, to any med I take.

been a nurse for 40 years. Informed consent was one of my biggest concerns for patients, much to the chagrin of doctors I used to work for.

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Great !

I have found out over the years that my biggest culprit for my "digestive" and fat retention issues are the foods and drinks I was consuming. I have removed so many products from my diet, and added others which I used to think were "bad for you", and I feel so much better (besides the things not correctable with diet).

Stopped drinking alcohol, and the weight dropped off.

Stopped eating all corn products, seed oils, soy products, or soy containing products, and things just worked better.

Stopped eating all cheese, except for on a rare pizza treat, which I can't live without

Biggest improvement ?

Removed all Hydrogenated oil products (specifically commercial peanutbutter) and it's amazing how well your digestive system can work for you, and not against you.

Pro biotics, pre-biotics, and the Zelenko protocol, and I never get sick anymore

(unless I'm surrounded by blue haired people, of course)

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absolutely correct, I suspect modern processed food stuff is a culprit in a lot of sub acute chronic conditions, Eliminating about 50 percent of my carb intake has resulted in me not needing stool softeners, anymore.

I should have been diabetic 16 years ago, (I suspect drinking 6 to 8 cups, per day, of black coffee has something to do with that, I saw an old study from 20 years ago, and switching to black coffee was something I could do)

My plan, I started Oz q week, at the starter dose. I never increased to maintenance dose. It really helped with lowering my food portions, frequency, and even my drinking. After about 6 month, I started taking it every ten days. About 11 months after I started, I now take it q 2 weeks, next month I bump up to q 3 weeks.

I will do that probably all summer, then switch to q month, till I get to one syringe (I was able to accumulate due to smaller dosing)

End game, when I get to one syringe, that I will use prn, probably last a year.

And Ozempic is the crutch I found most useful to get me back on my "feet"

At this point, I think I have a new breakfast habit, pretty close to a new lunch habit, and supper getting better (IE less) .

My plan, learn new habits of eating, and activity, with less alcohol consumption, after two years of "training".

It takes me about two years to really change a habit. Stopping smoking was easy, I just never picked them up again. I HAVE to pick up food.

After 2 years, I stopped even thinking about cigarettes. I suspect every has a different time table for change.

I did add zinc, which seems to ward off leftist germs ;-}

I am also working on "ritual".

Humans have been doing rituals for hundreds of thousands of years, and I suspect its because they worked, often enough. My walking, and prepping smaller meals, has turned into a ritual. More on that if some cool supernatural shit happens, like finding that lost thing. "if" I go thru the "ritual", ending with getting my keys to go buy the missing thing, and then viola, finding the thing before I leave.

If I don't do the ritual, and just go out and buy it, I wont find the lost tool till I get back home. absolutely amazing how often that happens.

Rituals. Time honored human activity. And easier to do that just common sense.


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I have a “gluten intolerant” family member, who has discovered by accident that Indian flour, at least the flour used in nan, doesn’t cause any of the gastric problems associated with North American bread and wheat. Could it be an intolerance to glyphosate used to finish the wheat instead? We certainly suspect so! Shades of an industry that at one point in the 1990s suggested putting statins in drinking water and has exposed us to way too much fluoride for decades.

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Yes Scott, I won't eat wheat that is not organic. Einkorn wheat is the best I have found so far. Sold by Jovial foods, available in pasta form also.

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Yes, I can't prove it, but I have been told, or read, more than once that gluten intolerant folks tend to be able to tolerate Einkorn wheat. That's what I use in the sourdough bread we make and eat at home. I get mine (wheat berries) from an outfit in Iowa called Breadtopia. They say theirs is organic.

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I have seen the same comment made about European bread, where apparently the wheat is grown with fewer chemicals.

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Not surprising, this sensitivity to, more than likely, glycosphate or maybe gluten developed since our last trip to Europe, but I would be surprised if it was a problem there meaning the issue is glycosphate.

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We found organic flour is good to use. My grandson who can’t eat gluten can eat organic flour. I think it is the pesticides

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Glyphosate is used almost universally on non-organic wheat during the harvest to uniformly dry wheat prior to harvesting saving time and therefore money. It is probably used around the field for weed control during the growing season.

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There are supposed to be strict controls to label organic. There certainly are bio-dynamic wines. Biodynamic is a step up for verification and certification. It can take years and money to achieve the cert. It's no wonder organic can be pricey.

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Hi, could you expand upon the term Biodynamic? Sounds interesting, but a new term to me. I am not a heavy drinker, but when alcoholic beverages come up my Scots Irish ancestry originally coming from Whiskey Rebellion country kicks in. I don’t know for certain if I had any ancestors involved, but it’s highly likely on both my father’s and my mother’s side.

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The certification for biodynamic is too complicated for me to explain, I use Benziger wines that are organic and some are biodynamic. There are many uses for biodynamics.

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There can also be a gluten issue, check out Einkorn flour from Italy. Much lower gluten index.

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Also real sour dough bread is good. The mother in the sour dough eats the gluten. It makes the most tasty turkey dressing.

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Snark observation: if only there were some way that we could alter our DNA to tolerate toxins like glyphosate, then humans could become "Roundup Ready."

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Thank goodness you're being snarky there because it seems to me a large share of our troubles these last 4 years have arisen out of people thinking they could fix a problem by altering our DNA. It ain't been working out real well so far.

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Yuval be kidding !

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Oh me. What a depressing essay. I have a long history of attempting to address issues related to those discussed. Most of you can’t begin to know how hard it is for an established farmer or rancher to deal with all of the problems raised here. Round-up, weed killers and pesticides are critically important to modern agriculture. In my personal journey we have been able to eliminate round-up. We attempted to eliminate weed killer, that lasted two years. On the third year we were forced to spray because cattle must have something to eat besides weeds. Four years ago we rented a 1000 acres of grass. The place was run down so we put cross fences so we could rotate the cattle. Then we began a weed control program. This year we rented the 1000 acres directly to the east of our current location. No cross fences, no weed control program. The 1000 acres we have had for only four years will graze two times as many cattle. I wish I could put pictures on here. You would not believe the difference. We stoped mass treating our cattle for worms because we were killing all of the dung beetles. Pharo Cattle Co. Bulls are rated for fly resistance, a heritable trait according to knit Pharo. One of the reasons we buy his outrageously priced bulls. So a win there. In our butcher program we do not use antibiotics or hormones, we do feed cracked corn, which almost certainly was sprayed with round-up at some point. Trying to fatten cattle in west central Oklahoma on forage without irrigation is near impossible. My family has put a lot of effort into this over the last 15 years. I have no other neighbors who are working on this like we are and we are not close to what you are asking for Dr. Malone. There is a reason only 6 percent of our food is grown organically. It is a very difficult bar to reach, especially on the scale we have to operate. Farmers and ranchers, like all other business people respond to the market signals. They must to survive. The market pays for pounds of beef and bushels of grain. Our butchered beef, for instance, is outstanding. Even with the cracked corn as a down side for some, no hormones, no antibiotics and you know where it comes from and how the cattle are treated. It is a hard sell. Walmart is to convenient and cheap. My banker tells me the farm butchered beef marked is saturated. Not enough consumer interest! We have a long way to go and somebody will have to help pay the cost of making the change. That burden cannot be born by farmers and ranchers alone. And I still question if sufficient amounts of food can be grown and afforded even if everyone wanted to make the change. If it only works for the well healed that is not a plan.

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I have often wondered about such the "Accumulative" levels of GLy GBH when showering with city water know to have this as well as fluorides. Can the dermis absorb an amount that will find a way into and then join vascular flow networks over time. A hot shower can open up the pores pretty well in a sustained lengthy shower. Something I do not partake in. Long...Hot...Showers!! I'm in and out.

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Yes, the skin absorbs everything. The effects of chlorine in the water are amplified by heat. Get a filter, they are inexpensive.

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I filter my St Paul drinking water. Even for morning Coffee.

I capture rain and snow H20 for my indoor house plants. They love it.

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I was referring to a shower filter, we too use reverse osmosis for drinking. Unfortunately the rain and snow has even been affected by glyphosate, we do the best that we can, in spite of it. Your plants get better water than most people!

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We have BLIZZARD like wind gusts over in N Maplewood as I view out the patio door east.

I guess Sunday/Monday wasn't enough of the nice white stuff. Hahhahah

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I will look into it. most of the summer i swim in WBEAR LAKE in the late afternoons.

Pretty regular too. Mahtomedi east shore. Nice/clean and clear. SHHHHH!!!

I have never felt more PH balanced in my life than after it.

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