So, if I'm reading all of this correctly, one critic says it's a lie that you invented the technology, and another critic says that all of the failures of the technology are entirely your fault, because you invented it? Maybe Stew Peters and Alex Berenson could meet for a drink.
Additionally, As memory serves, Big Harm-Ya couldn’t get EUA (emergency use Auth) for a “gene therapy” drug but could get EUA for a vaccine. And Voilà mRNA vaccine is born!
That act right there, is exactly how Big Harm-Ya, MSM, & Washington elites, single handily mislead, manipulated, forced, coerced, connived, threatened the loss of freedom, loss of earnings, and instilled fear beyond comprehension to the unsuspected trusting scared to death public and world to believe the “jab” was just a run of the mill seasonal flu shot.
“IF” and everyone knows this, “IF” they would have told people the jab contained DNA altering Psuedouridine and other poisonous components that could kill, disable, cause organ injury, reproductive alterations to future births (if conception makes it to full term) still births, and possibly a human shelf life of 5-10 years…NO ONE would have allowed such poison injected in their bodies.
They are dragging you into the fold to see if something sticks and potentially bankrupting and will drown you in legal fees. Because it is obvious you, Dr. Malone, are NOT guilty for someone else taking your idea and “FRANKENSTEING” it???
The primary crimes have been withholding information needed to make rational risk decisions, and prohibiting early treatments that would have made the vax unnecessary for almost everyone.
Love "Big Harm-Ya". I also love making up new words my spell checker refuses to spell. Since it has now entered the social media lexicon actually don't know if I was first to use "Corportatocracy". My spell checker still marks it as a spelling error, lol. Speeding into the memory hole of the internet at break neck speed. I understand just enough from an ancient education in physiology to comprehend these posts but I will never possess sufficient legalese and knowledge of the bureaucracy to understand all this:
Blaming Dr. Malone as the inventor of mRNA payload tech for current vaccine injuries is like blaming the Chinese person who discovered/invented gunpowder for our incessant wars...
And what I imagine Fauci’s train of thought may have been over the last four decades
Writes Security is a Superstion. . . uuuuuh, the last word is spelled wrong.
EDIT: This comment was originally placed under another persons post(not yours!) where the word superstition was spelled wrong, she replied and I thought I replied INTO that same thread. Something wonky is going on with SUBSTACK's editing algorithm. I have heard others complain too. The fact that BELOW YOU also complain means it is happening to author's and users alike. Crazy.
Sorry, I know that but my vision issue makes mistakes. I have actually decided not to post that on this website but I can't seem to find a way to delete it and Substack's support is not the best 😬
All credit (and culpability!) to Dr. Malone where due. It is, sadly, the tendency of many to oversimplify matters; a grain of truth often grows into a field of bogus wheat. 😁 Dr. Malone was doubtlessly instrumental in early mRNA technology, but to give him too much credit or blame is like giving Thomas Edison credit for not only inventing the light bulb, but all subsequent means of artificial illumination, including those that didn't even exist during his lifetime.
I am not giving Malone credit for early experiments with mNRA technology but for having the courage to tell the public the truth as it surfaced ( most recent being that the mRNA stay in the body for at least 60 days which is not the information provide to people who accepted the vax with 'informed consent' ) Now, Malone has had dealings with the CIA as well, so maybe he is a plant too. I now take ALL information, wherever it comes from, with a shaker of salt
This are great points as we search around under the streetlights when we lost our keys in the house. The truth like everything else is best known with open communication and dialogue - trying to fly blind and wing it in an atmosphere of corruption & lies.
Malone doesn't get ( or want ) total credit for the technology. But his knowledge of it makes him the MOST reliable source to unpack the crime. Malone's ties to the CIA and the DOD also make him the most legitimate source of information. It's not his fault he became a rock star after going on Joe Rogan. The fasted way to become world renowned is to get on Rogan ( and now ROGAN is trapped in the quagmire )
Hello Dr. Malone - I can't begin to imagine your level of frustration. I hope you get enough positive feedback to help you carry on your excellent work. This article reminded me of ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive' by Sir Walter Scott. Although the poem is about love I think we can use it here as well. Stay well.
I have always been leery (now more than ever) of the deep pitfalls of molecular biologic applications in clinical practice - diagnostic as well therapeutic. Gene therapies are even more perilous in my view exactly because of the exponential uncertainties branching off each new path in the maze. I get the value of experimenting in search of cures for terrible maladies like Lesch-Nyan etc. But the reckless experiment thrust upon a billion mostly healthy but hapless humans ostensibly to fend off a bad flu like illness is simply unconscionable. The work you did to elucidate the mechanisms of synthetic RNA translation seem all well and good to me. You certainly did not sign on to the recent debacle as far as I can tell. One question for you Dr. Malone: With all you knew and understood about the biochemistry of these products, why did you want to be yourself a subject in the experiment. For the record - as a very skeptical MD, I wouldn't go near it before it was studied 5 years minimum - if then. This is also what I uniformly advised ALL my patients. It is a bitter irony of contemporary practice that the majority of my patients never sought my opinion before getting jabbed. And most of those who sounded me out when and got jabbed anyway. Thanks for being a lightning rod and giving a booming voice to the feelings of many like us.
I rejected the "vaccines" based on two things: 1) the behavior of those promulgating it and 2) enough of an understanding of gene therapy to know that administration at the cell level is uncontrolled. And it turns out that the presence of pseudouridine in the "mRNA" packet explains a good portion of 1) and completely exacerbates 2). Allowing us to conclude that recognizing 1) at the outset is all that is needed for one to be correct. That and a thick skin needed to stick to your convictions when all of the verbal abuse and accusations of being a wing nut conspiracy theorist hit...
I started with normal skepticism the same way I do for Flu shots - I avoid them.
I read all about how the messenger RNA is supposed to make one copy of the protein and then get "eaten" by enzymes in the cell.
Long before I heard of serious side effects, the shrill insistence of government and Karens (almost the same thing) that everybody must be vaxxed made me even more skeptical of this 'vaccine' in particular (I got all my normal shots, tetanus boosters, tropical disease shots.... Just never took the Flu jab, and don't want this abomination).
Then, as 2021 went by, first the stories of side effects, then the increase in all cause mortality, then the waning efficacy (if it ever had any without the 2 week time warp before victims were counted as vaccinated), the studies showing that the mRNA can reach parts that "other vaccines cannot reach," the gradual recognition of just how leaky this 'vaccine' is, and finally proof that the little messengers hang around in the body for extended periods doing who knows what damage.
We need one more statistic to see if things are as bad as the conspiracy theorists (predictive news sources) think: Live births for the most vaccinated nations and states for 2019, 2020, 2021, and finally 2022, when any effects on fertility will be fully observable. I would love to see no drop off, or even an increase from people being cooped up during 2020, but I'm worried what we'll see.
I'm a retired engineer but have done a lot of work in R & D experimentation with scientists to develop products and processes at a major Fort. 500 company. With liquid and many other "products" there are often many constituents, with many interacting effects between them, with many processing effects: time in oven, cure over days, temperatures, not to mention a myriad of processing set points. Luckily, reliable and accurate data from sensors in the manufacturing plant offer direct measurement, product characteristics can be easily measured for meeting any spec. Once the product is made it is mostly stable. Additionally, these mostly inert products do not "interact" with their environment and then perform in abnormal manners.
We often designed experiments to determine if the product or process performed in an expected manner and considered a few variables-- often no more than five or so. Having more made it very hard to see results that were statistically significant. If not, we had to RE-design and RE-run the experiment(usually simpler and with more replicates) so that real conclusions could direct our future actions. Still, it took months to tweak a formulation or process to make "changes" that passed into operational use.
Compare that to the body's immune system, of which after months of reading here and elsewhere, I have some minimal knowledge, one may consider doing . . . some type of experimental design. The number of variables appears to be endless and each one is thronged with interactions between others. The variables themselves are: 1) protein molecules of which only a tiny fraction of their potential / true structure is known in great detail, 2) enzymes known by theories of their performance, 3) body cells of near infinite variety, 4) blood serum, 5) concentration of all these, 6) the receptors on body cells and configuration of signaling proteins, 7) perhaps electrical charge of various species, 8) the fact that measuring different parameters using analytical equipment and testing necessarily makes the measurement ambiguous and subject to suspicion itself. The list is endless really. Did I hit the top three even?!
Compare that again to the mRNA molecule, its evolution into DNA in the body, theories of how it MUST(?) be operating; the fact that it cannot be monitored in real time; the virus molecule itself and that "seeing" it in a TEM image could take days of sample prep and still could be obscured by other particles in the field of view and no ability to "look" inside it other than having theories to guess at its insides, instincts, and tendencies; that monitoring for its presence is indirect detection using the RT-PCR test or iGg test and all their ambiguities. Again, due to my relative ignorance, did I even hit the top three?
The point:
How could any person of logic have so much hubris to feel they had ANY chance at all of manipulating these god-like, complicated systems with positive, significant effect?
Also not covered, the quiet secret of all pharmaceutical endeavours, is the massive problem of containment. Containment is the side industry in engineering that deals with managing all the waste and side products of manufacturing. Expensive, massive literature, technical. How could the containment specialists, if any, on these projects have had warp speed efficacy in controlling and standardizing manufacturing and managing the biohazardous waste?
That was going to me my question too…why did you get the jab, knowing all that you do? I did not get the injection because I came down with COVID early, March 2020, and knew enough about the benefits of naturally immunity to feel I wouldn’t benefit from getting injected. It appears many intelligent people got sucked into the 24 hour fear propaganda that Fauci and Gates flooded the fake news with over the last two years. I see where Steve Kirsch is in your same boat and is closely monitoring his own blood. I can’t think of two more capable men to give us honest answers to what hopefully is only looked back upon as a stupid mistake of greedy men power hungry men and that it could have been worse and we learn from it.
No doubt our good doctor will answer you himself, but for now .... he has said he needed to travel. Evidently air travel or where he needed to go required being vaccinated.
I have a friend who adamantly refused the vax for a year and then succumbed in order to eat in NYC restaurants. Obviously people make decisions impulsively
Both my kids have lived and worked in Manhattan for over 20 years. My daughter is out for good and after three random shootings in his neighborhood ( Chelsea ) my son is seriously on his way.
A lot of people got caught out by that one. My work is best done from wherever I can find a desk - travel for me is truly optional. Colleagues, including my senior management, got vaccinated in order to visit HQ in Santa Clara county, amongst other places. They seem to have been lucky, and I hope it stays that way.
He has discussed that here previously. He was apparently in a high risk category, and it was before the revelations of government and industry corruption.
I don't recall. Seems like it was a medical condition. It was a reasoned risk decision, based on information available at the time. Fuller disclosure would probably have changed choices for a lot of people.
I can offer a summarized answer Malone might give. (I've only listened to a few of his interviews, so with that disclaimer.) Dr. Malone was/is frequently employed and otherwise required to travel internationally. Early on, being "vaccinated" thus became an indirect requirement for continued employment.
Seems to be a good fit to me, using pseudouridine to create pseudo-MRNA to be part of a pseudo-vaccine to prevent a pseudo-pandemic. Also, promoted by a pseudo-scientist in behalf of a pseudophilanthropist and his pseudo-charity for a pseudo-president and a pseudo-world-leading political power. Ah, it would be nice to return to reality some day!
Doc: Thank you for that - me thinks I will have to read it a few more times to let it all sink in. But, as I labored through it, I kept asking my self “why would Dr Malone, as knowledgeable as he is, allow himself to become a participant in such a human experiment?”
I pray this monologue is not taken in the wrong way - I am simply perplexed!
I’m now 82 - unvaxxed (a misnomer) - and when the news about the availability of “vaccines” first broke the first question I asked my Doc; speaking for my wife and I, was “how long will this mRNA “vaccine” protect us: Answer: “We don’t know.” Second question: “will it alter our immune systems in any way?” Answer: “We don’t know.” So - I told her we were quite happy with the immune systems God gave us, so I think we will wait awhile and see how this all develops.
And here we are - still taking precautions - don’t wear masks - sing at Church - take the recommended supplements.
In Feb 2021 my hematologist assured me the “vaccines” were safe, but “it’s your body; do with it what you want” (paraphrasing). Another GP ended my appointed by saying “get the shots!” before walking out the door In a huff.
I am at a total loss as to why people would subject themselves to such a malicious experiment. Please help me understand!
Thank you for your history. My retort to your hematologist or any practitioner would have been (in the movie version at least 🙂) approximately: "Here we have a gene therapy, deceptively relabeled a "vaccine," using mRNA technology that has scarcely ever been tested, created innovative products and tested at most a few months, which have no long-term proofs of safety and even efficacy, and you are telling me they are 'safe'? How can you possibly know? Have you forgotten your vow 'do no harm'?"
My retort to my hematologist was “No sorry, I’m not that stupid and I don’t have enough risk to make the risk of untested vaccines worth it.” They asked again at my next appointment, but didn’t at the last one. So either they accepted my answer or perhaps they are starting to recognize the harm and don’t push it now.
It’s much more than that unfortunately. They did it to keep their jobs, participate in society, continue Med school, attend school, pressure from their families and more. Not right to judge.
You have to have enough education in gene technology and in virology to have understood there are risks. And you have to already be distrusting of big Pharma and the current medical system. Once the word “vaccine” is used, the vast majority of humans have been programmed into trusting in the safety and efficacy embodied in that word. The programming regarding vaccines is deep including the not-willing-to-argue-the-point that they have done little to nothing regarding disease control in all the time they have been used. Given that deep programming, it should not be surprising that so many folks accept the shots as vaccines and that they should be trusted. The real horror in all of this is the violation of trust that is occurring and that it appears to be intentional. This is no light matter and it contributes to our suicides, family abuse and drug over doses that is running amok in our society because of the train wreck involved in destroying that trust. We need a new beatitude - Blessed are they who do not easily fall prey to medical authority for theirs is the joy of good health and sound mind. Try to be understanding of those who could not resist. They were programmed successfully not to.
YES. Well stated. It is easy to sit in judgement on others when one has made the 50/50 chance choice with success. Often it is not studied consideration why humans make simple decisions that affect their very lives because it has not in the past been necessary.
People in the US mostly trust others. This is not Romania. We trust authority because over centuries, for the most part, organizations with authority have punished those doing bad things and not been an agent for bad things themselves.
It will be a while before the majority of the great unwashed see authority through the trees of tyranny.
Would you cut yourself off FOREVER from seeing your only child ever again if you had to take the jab to fly to another country to see him? A real dilemma, driving me nuts.
I have never met my first grandson and a second grandson (my 3rd) to that family is due in June. My country (if I can call it that here in Canada) is protecting my kids and grandkids from me--very nice of them. But my kids understand that I won't risk my life for them unnecessarily and they for damned sure know that I will not follow along with the "be responsible" plan just for the sake of it. I'd die for them without hesitation, but I won't play Russian roulette for them.
I’m so sorry you have to go through this. But I totally support what you are doing. Having a live, healthy grandfather is infinitely better than the other way ‘round.
Bang on, but I call it "German Roulette" because of the manufacturers. Did you get a good batch, a bad batch, or a placebo? Did they get it in the muscle (less risk) or a blood vessel?
Do ya feel lucky? I'm not taking that risk, for sure.
I’m sorry! 😢I too haven’t met by grandson, who is now 11/2 years old. I was there for the birth of my two granddaughters, but now it has been 21/2 years since I have seen them! I’m thankful for the video calls where I can see and talk to them! Hang in there and do all you can to stay in touch- letters or cards letting your grandsons know how much they mean to you can always be a testimonial of your love for them!
Ludmila, I am sorry for the very heart wrenching circumstances you & your child are stuck in! I sympathize with you as I am also currently not able to go to Europe and see my daughter & young grandchildren, because I won’t take the jab. I keep thinking about my ancestors who had to leave behind their families as they came to America and also as they migrated west within the states, back when a hand written letter received from your family was priceless! Hopefully the situation will change soon to allow us to be with our family! Best wishes!
My sister has had to deal with the same thing. She had covid early 2021, has heart and lung damage, and is pretty sure the jab would kill her. She may never see her son again.
My heart goes out to you. No one should be forced to play Russian roulette with their lives for any reason. Love will endure. I do not believe we have to prove our love by taking such risks. ❤️
Especially if the child got vaccinated, ask him to come and see you - he will handle the rigors of travel better, too.
If my UK relatives want to see me, they can come to the USA - most are vaccinated, poor things.
You have a very difficult situation and I sympathize. The ones I hold in contempt are grandparents of the sheep persuasion who want their grandkids vaccinated before allowing them to visit.
At Halloween 2021 friends of ours here who are in their 70s and will not get the shot happily handed out treats to roughly 30 kids (small community where they are). My relatives in Vancouver, also in their 70s and both double/triple shots (I lost count) would not hand out trick or treats because the kids were 'unvaccinated' and might get them sick. My head hurts trying to do the mental gymnastics these frightened people must have to do.
We have every right to judge the likely effects of bad decisions. Just because a little child was chasing a butterfly and it led him out to a busy highway, does not avoid the likely unhappy consequences of his actions, nor does the innocence of the actor exempt a disaster from inquiry.
A year ago people were weighing uncertainty vs uncertainty. The fog of disinformation was high. Steve Kirsh made one decision then that he would not make now for instance....
Thank you for your research, humility, ethical dedication to human health and advocacy for medical freedom with informed consent. Your voice has made a world of difference in this fight.
I wish Stew would have invited you on before attacking and pronouncing judgement. Joe Rogan did a much better job of being fair-minded, and Joe is not really even a true conservative in many respects. He simply understands the value of hearing both sides before allowing the concrete to harden. Measure twice, cut once. Would that everyone was more Rogan-esque in that regard.
Took me over an hour to "read" through this; the functions of the human body and its design are wonderfully made...COMPLEX, but wonderfully made. I now have a headache trying to understand the technical stuff! :) but it's how I learn.
Indeed, Humans are "fearfully and wonderfully" made. The arrogance of our scientific, medical, and intellectual self-appointed "experts" in thinking that they can simply treat the human organism (or any living thing, for that matter) as a machine is incredible. But, that is the face of modern medicine - mechanistic, reductionist, and pharmacentric. I advise my patients to avoid all mainstream medicine except for battlefield trauma (i.e.: fractures, gunshot wounds, burns, car crashes, etc.). Modern medicine IS good at battlefield injuries after 70 years (my lifetime) of unending and illegal wars of Empire.
You're a good guy! I wish they taught A YEAR of nutrition classes in Med School! THAT in my view, is where "medicine" can be found. And if that doesn't work, sure. Try something else!
Absolutely. I graduated from med school in '74 - we had bleeding bowls and leeches compared to today - but, we were at least encouraged to do hands on physical diagnosis, take good histories, think "outside the box", and use our own reasoning faculties to arrive at a Dx and Tx. Since that time, we have access to many amazing technologies, but they have done little to advance the health of the nation. The $Billions (Trillions?) spent on "health care" over the past 50 years in this country have resulted in the transfer of enormous wealth (and our health and very lives) to our Corporatist Overlords. For this expenditure, US citizens are among the sickest on the planet. Things like infant mortality are trending up and life span is dropping like a rock. Of course, people like Fauci, Gates, and Schwab are rubbing their claws in glee...
BBT- Could not agree with you more. I'm about your age and an MD. I'm appalled at the behavior of my 'colleagues' and at the fall from grace that my chosen profession has suffered. I still work part time and I have to bite my tongue.
Me. too, though as a cannabis doc, I am a bit more free to inform people. But, I have colleagues within the practice who are fully vaxxxed and I avoid the topic with them. Stand strong!
"Let Food be thy Medicine, and Medicine be thy Food." - Hippocrates. However, if I have a concussion, my femoral artery is cut, etc. food is NOT going to help me. A great ER department and an MD WILL! :)
I graduated in 1974 as an engineer and reading deep tomes like this is how I kind of learn. The depth of this, not knowing the implication of things and the reality of most of the acronymed chemistries puts me at a decided disadvantage. What it does do, however, is to offer a tiny glimpse into the terrible complications of gene science, the interactions required to make things work and then, when compared to the "fearfully and wonderfully"[see Doc Dotson below] human immune system reminds us of how TINY we humans are. It is like sitting under the stars on a dark night and having a bit of comprehension of, again, how tiny we are sitting down here and how large that universe is.
I believe people who have no appreciation for either of these scenarios also do not, can NOT, believe in God.
Our egos are huge; humility is what's required. My late rocket scientist spouse posited that even Einstein knew there was a greater force that could not be explained. :)
I would posit that, in fact, Einstein knew this with much MORE conviction than most humans because he studied, thought about, and understood the atom and the universe.
In stark contrast it is totally incomprehensible that Steve Hawking is an atheist!
Dr. Malone... Your latest drove me into a subscription so I could simply say "thank you" for your efforts to speak Truth to Power. I have had run-ins with FDA, academia, and assorted bureaucrats over the years and my alarms go off whenever I encounter people who have a long Hx of "working with" such "humanitarian" enterprises as Big Pharma, CDC, DOD, DARPA, etc. I am convinced, however, that you are the real deal - a good guy - who is seeking to right the wrongs of a corrupt and demonstrably Failed State. The corruption is so broad and so deep within EVERY institution in this land, however, that I fear it is beyond fixing. With people like Biden and Fauci and Walensky and Schwab and Gates in the driver's seat, I expect the worst. Of course, their relentless assaults on Humanity and endless war-making may indeed require "Build Back Better" -- and, soon. Perhaps that is all part of their plan - first rid themselves of the "useless eaters" and, then build their dystopic utopia on the bones of the peasants. Anyway, thanks for all you have done and do to help Humanity.
Friends following this particular thread... I turn to any here who might have ideas on how to help a famous scientist and humanitarian, Gerald Pollack, PhD. Jerry is a dear friend who has become the world authority on water - especially, "structured" water. He is a tenured Bioengineering Prof at UW in Seattle. He has been continuously bullied and threatened with firing if he does submit to Governor Inslee's executive orders that all State employees be vaxxxed. Obviously, this is madness and Jerry is trying to hold on to his position (and, lab), but the forces of Evil are arrayed against him. I have advised him to let them fire him and, then, sue the Hell out of them, but there is probably a better approach to this... He has been in touch with Children's Defense Fund, but is very concerned about what is being forced upon him. Anyone here have any suggestions - referrals for legal help - or? I give permission to Dr. Malone or the blog admin folks to allow access to my email address and I can supply more info about Jerry. He should get a Nobel Prize for his life work - was friends with Luc Montagnier... A fine man.
This is excellent writing and information. I thank you and Dr. Jill for all you have done and continue to do in helping concerned people like me to have greater understanding about these subjects that affect our lives so much right now.
I would love to make a request if you don't mind. If you could help explain the topics that Dr. Vanden Bossche talks about, I'm sure so many would appreciate it, besides myself. You have such a gift in your ability to explain technical details and subjects that require specialized education to people who don't have that background. I really appreciate his information as well but I really could use the help of someone like you to further explain his hypotheses and concerns.
Thank you again. You are truly an unselfish and caring man.
Ok, I’m not even through the first paragraph yet, but had to stop to make a point. Saying that Dr. Malone is at fault for vaccine deaths is not much different than saying that Henry Ford is at fault for deaths resulting from car accidents.
So, if I'm reading all of this correctly, one critic says it's a lie that you invented the technology, and another critic says that all of the failures of the technology are entirely your fault, because you invented it? Maybe Stew Peters and Alex Berenson could meet for a drink.
That’s what I got out of it too—-
Additionally, As memory serves, Big Harm-Ya couldn’t get EUA (emergency use Auth) for a “gene therapy” drug but could get EUA for a vaccine. And Voilà mRNA vaccine is born!
That act right there, is exactly how Big Harm-Ya, MSM, & Washington elites, single handily mislead, manipulated, forced, coerced, connived, threatened the loss of freedom, loss of earnings, and instilled fear beyond comprehension to the unsuspected trusting scared to death public and world to believe the “jab” was just a run of the mill seasonal flu shot.
“IF” and everyone knows this, “IF” they would have told people the jab contained DNA altering Psuedouridine and other poisonous components that could kill, disable, cause organ injury, reproductive alterations to future births (if conception makes it to full term) still births, and possibly a human shelf life of 5-10 years…NO ONE would have allowed such poison injected in their bodies.
They are dragging you into the fold to see if something sticks and potentially bankrupting and will drown you in legal fees. Because it is obvious you, Dr. Malone, are NOT guilty for someone else taking your idea and “FRANKENSTEING” it???
The primary crimes have been withholding information needed to make rational risk decisions, and prohibiting early treatments that would have made the vax unnecessary for almost everyone.
Love "Big Harm-Ya". I also love making up new words my spell checker refuses to spell. Since it has now entered the social media lexicon actually don't know if I was first to use "Corportatocracy". My spell checker still marks it as a spelling error, lol. Speeding into the memory hole of the internet at break neck speed. I understand just enough from an ancient education in physiology to comprehend these posts but I will never possess sufficient legalese and knowledge of the bureaucracy to understand all this:
Blaming Dr. Malone as the inventor of mRNA payload tech for current vaccine injuries is like blaming the Chinese person who discovered/invented gunpowder for our incessant wars...
Well said 👍
Wonderfully succinct summary of why both Peters and Berenson are wrong.
Paid character assassins abound in the medical world were greed trumps good medicine.
LOL - Excellent idea
And what I imagine Fauci’s train of thought may have been over the last four decades
sorry, I'm a stickler for spelling:
Writes Security is a Superstion. . . uuuuuh, the last word is spelled wrong.
EDIT: This comment was originally placed under another persons post(not yours!) where the word superstition was spelled wrong, she replied and I thought I replied INTO that same thread. Something wonky is going on with SUBSTACK's editing algorithm. I have heard others complain too. The fact that BELOW YOU also complain means it is happening to author's and users alike. Crazy.
Sorry, I know that but my vision issue makes mistakes. I have actually decided not to post that on this website but I can't seem to find a way to delete it and Substack's support is not the best 😬
OK, well then this ONE time. . . we can let that slide!
Pretty funny. Here in this high tech age it's impossible to change a title on your own page! ha!
Not trying to change the title ; trying to remove the three !chapters! I posted. I just keep getting AI instructions 🤬
For those of us flying blind without editors or well functioning (possibly Orwellian???) spell checkers guess we'll blame ourselves and move on.
All credit (and culpability!) to Dr. Malone where due. It is, sadly, the tendency of many to oversimplify matters; a grain of truth often grows into a field of bogus wheat. 😁 Dr. Malone was doubtlessly instrumental in early mRNA technology, but to give him too much credit or blame is like giving Thomas Edison credit for not only inventing the light bulb, but all subsequent means of artificial illumination, including those that didn't even exist during his lifetime.
I am not giving Malone credit for early experiments with mNRA technology but for having the courage to tell the public the truth as it surfaced ( most recent being that the mRNA stay in the body for at least 60 days which is not the information provide to people who accepted the vax with 'informed consent' ) Now, Malone has had dealings with the CIA as well, so maybe he is a plant too. I now take ALL information, wherever it comes from, with a shaker of salt
This are great points as we search around under the streetlights when we lost our keys in the house. The truth like everything else is best known with open communication and dialogue - trying to fly blind and wing it in an atmosphere of corruption & lies.
Malone doesn't get ( or want ) total credit for the technology. But his knowledge of it makes him the MOST reliable source to unpack the crime. Malone's ties to the CIA and the DOD also make him the most legitimate source of information. It's not his fault he became a rock star after going on Joe Rogan. The fasted way to become world renowned is to get on Rogan ( and now ROGAN is trapped in the quagmire )
What a concept. Throw in Russell Brand or JP for so added humor. Would love to be a fly on the wall.
Hello Dr. Malone - I can't begin to imagine your level of frustration. I hope you get enough positive feedback to help you carry on your excellent work. This article reminded me of ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive' by Sir Walter Scott. Although the poem is about love I think we can use it here as well. Stay well.
When it comes to love of money (big pharma etc), it is 'oh what a tangled web we weave'.
I have always been leery (now more than ever) of the deep pitfalls of molecular biologic applications in clinical practice - diagnostic as well therapeutic. Gene therapies are even more perilous in my view exactly because of the exponential uncertainties branching off each new path in the maze. I get the value of experimenting in search of cures for terrible maladies like Lesch-Nyan etc. But the reckless experiment thrust upon a billion mostly healthy but hapless humans ostensibly to fend off a bad flu like illness is simply unconscionable. The work you did to elucidate the mechanisms of synthetic RNA translation seem all well and good to me. You certainly did not sign on to the recent debacle as far as I can tell. One question for you Dr. Malone: With all you knew and understood about the biochemistry of these products, why did you want to be yourself a subject in the experiment. For the record - as a very skeptical MD, I wouldn't go near it before it was studied 5 years minimum - if then. This is also what I uniformly advised ALL my patients. It is a bitter irony of contemporary practice that the majority of my patients never sought my opinion before getting jabbed. And most of those who sounded me out when and got jabbed anyway. Thanks for being a lightning rod and giving a booming voice to the feelings of many like us.
I rejected the "vaccines" based on two things: 1) the behavior of those promulgating it and 2) enough of an understanding of gene therapy to know that administration at the cell level is uncontrolled. And it turns out that the presence of pseudouridine in the "mRNA" packet explains a good portion of 1) and completely exacerbates 2). Allowing us to conclude that recognizing 1) at the outset is all that is needed for one to be correct. That and a thick skin needed to stick to your convictions when all of the verbal abuse and accusations of being a wing nut conspiracy theorist hit...
Agree, had heard too much about the difficulty of making gene therapy work, only worth the risk for some very rare and challenging diseases.
I started with normal skepticism the same way I do for Flu shots - I avoid them.
I read all about how the messenger RNA is supposed to make one copy of the protein and then get "eaten" by enzymes in the cell.
Long before I heard of serious side effects, the shrill insistence of government and Karens (almost the same thing) that everybody must be vaxxed made me even more skeptical of this 'vaccine' in particular (I got all my normal shots, tetanus boosters, tropical disease shots.... Just never took the Flu jab, and don't want this abomination).
Then, as 2021 went by, first the stories of side effects, then the increase in all cause mortality, then the waning efficacy (if it ever had any without the 2 week time warp before victims were counted as vaccinated), the studies showing that the mRNA can reach parts that "other vaccines cannot reach," the gradual recognition of just how leaky this 'vaccine' is, and finally proof that the little messengers hang around in the body for extended periods doing who knows what damage.
We need one more statistic to see if things are as bad as the conspiracy theorists (predictive news sources) think: Live births for the most vaccinated nations and states for 2019, 2020, 2021, and finally 2022, when any effects on fertility will be fully observable. I would love to see no drop off, or even an increase from people being cooped up during 2020, but I'm worried what we'll see.
I'm a retired engineer but have done a lot of work in R & D experimentation with scientists to develop products and processes at a major Fort. 500 company. With liquid and many other "products" there are often many constituents, with many interacting effects between them, with many processing effects: time in oven, cure over days, temperatures, not to mention a myriad of processing set points. Luckily, reliable and accurate data from sensors in the manufacturing plant offer direct measurement, product characteristics can be easily measured for meeting any spec. Once the product is made it is mostly stable. Additionally, these mostly inert products do not "interact" with their environment and then perform in abnormal manners.
We often designed experiments to determine if the product or process performed in an expected manner and considered a few variables-- often no more than five or so. Having more made it very hard to see results that were statistically significant. If not, we had to RE-design and RE-run the experiment(usually simpler and with more replicates) so that real conclusions could direct our future actions. Still, it took months to tweak a formulation or process to make "changes" that passed into operational use.
Compare that to the body's immune system, of which after months of reading here and elsewhere, I have some minimal knowledge, one may consider doing . . . some type of experimental design. The number of variables appears to be endless and each one is thronged with interactions between others. The variables themselves are: 1) protein molecules of which only a tiny fraction of their potential / true structure is known in great detail, 2) enzymes known by theories of their performance, 3) body cells of near infinite variety, 4) blood serum, 5) concentration of all these, 6) the receptors on body cells and configuration of signaling proteins, 7) perhaps electrical charge of various species, 8) the fact that measuring different parameters using analytical equipment and testing necessarily makes the measurement ambiguous and subject to suspicion itself. The list is endless really. Did I hit the top three even?!
Compare that again to the mRNA molecule, its evolution into DNA in the body, theories of how it MUST(?) be operating; the fact that it cannot be monitored in real time; the virus molecule itself and that "seeing" it in a TEM image could take days of sample prep and still could be obscured by other particles in the field of view and no ability to "look" inside it other than having theories to guess at its insides, instincts, and tendencies; that monitoring for its presence is indirect detection using the RT-PCR test or iGg test and all their ambiguities. Again, due to my relative ignorance, did I even hit the top three?
The point:
How could any person of logic have so much hubris to feel they had ANY chance at all of manipulating these god-like, complicated systems with positive, significant effect?
Obviously you haven’t discussed this with Fauci and Gates.
Also not covered, the quiet secret of all pharmaceutical endeavours, is the massive problem of containment. Containment is the side industry in engineering that deals with managing all the waste and side products of manufacturing. Expensive, massive literature, technical. How could the containment specialists, if any, on these projects have had warp speed efficacy in controlling and standardizing manufacturing and managing the biohazardous waste?
We used to just dump them in rivers or bury them in the back yard. We do a lot better now.
Come on, trust the "science".
As with most things, we do the best we can with what we have. Good enough is usually good enough. Those seeking perfection are often disappointed.
That was going to me my question too…why did you get the jab, knowing all that you do? I did not get the injection because I came down with COVID early, March 2020, and knew enough about the benefits of naturally immunity to feel I wouldn’t benefit from getting injected. It appears many intelligent people got sucked into the 24 hour fear propaganda that Fauci and Gates flooded the fake news with over the last two years. I see where Steve Kirsch is in your same boat and is closely monitoring his own blood. I can’t think of two more capable men to give us honest answers to what hopefully is only looked back upon as a stupid mistake of greedy men power hungry men and that it could have been worse and we learn from it.
No doubt our good doctor will answer you himself, but for now .... he has said he needed to travel. Evidently air travel or where he needed to go required being vaccinated.
I have a friend who adamantly refused the vax for a year and then succumbed in order to eat in NYC restaurants. Obviously people make decisions impulsively
Believe me, eating out in NYC would be last on my list as a reason.
Thanks to a decade or so of stupid mayors, I won't even go there any more.
Those who can afford to leave are leaving, and I wish the city a very happy collapse from the policies they voted for.
Both my kids have lived and worked in Manhattan for over 20 years. My daughter is out for good and after three random shootings in his neighborhood ( Chelsea ) my son is seriously on his way.
A lot of people got caught out by that one. My work is best done from wherever I can find a desk - travel for me is truly optional. Colleagues, including my senior management, got vaccinated in order to visit HQ in Santa Clara county, amongst other places. They seem to have been lucky, and I hope it stays that way.
Yes, that's what I recall.
He has discussed that here previously. He was apparently in a high risk category, and it was before the revelations of government and industry corruption.
There was some thinking early on that the vax would help with Long Haul COVID. But now we know that it doesn't do that either. Malone discussed that.
My sister in the UK is fully vaccinated, and after a couple of Covid-like illnesses, she now seems to have 'long Covid' I feel very bad for her.
What was the high risk??
I don't recall. Seems like it was a medical condition. It was a reasoned risk decision, based on information available at the time. Fuller disclosure would probably have changed choices for a lot of people.
I think he covered most of it in this column:
I can offer a summarized answer Malone might give. (I've only listened to a few of his interviews, so with that disclaimer.) Dr. Malone was/is frequently employed and otherwise required to travel internationally. Early on, being "vaccinated" thus became an indirect requirement for continued employment.
Thank you for your question as I have been curious why he accepted the jab !
Seems to be a good fit to me, using pseudouridine to create pseudo-MRNA to be part of a pseudo-vaccine to prevent a pseudo-pandemic. Also, promoted by a pseudo-scientist in behalf of a pseudophilanthropist and his pseudo-charity for a pseudo-president and a pseudo-world-leading political power. Ah, it would be nice to return to reality some day!
LOL!!!!!😂😂😂 Laugh or cry!!!
PseudoUridine sounds so much like taking the piss, doesn't it?
And that's how it feels with this whole scamdemic and all those fakers you listed.
Oh yeah. Succinct and well spoken.
Doc: Thank you for that - me thinks I will have to read it a few more times to let it all sink in. But, as I labored through it, I kept asking my self “why would Dr Malone, as knowledgeable as he is, allow himself to become a participant in such a human experiment?”
I pray this monologue is not taken in the wrong way - I am simply perplexed!
I’m now 82 - unvaxxed (a misnomer) - and when the news about the availability of “vaccines” first broke the first question I asked my Doc; speaking for my wife and I, was “how long will this mRNA “vaccine” protect us: Answer: “We don’t know.” Second question: “will it alter our immune systems in any way?” Answer: “We don’t know.” So - I told her we were quite happy with the immune systems God gave us, so I think we will wait awhile and see how this all develops.
And here we are - still taking precautions - don’t wear masks - sing at Church - take the recommended supplements.
In Feb 2021 my hematologist assured me the “vaccines” were safe, but “it’s your body; do with it what you want” (paraphrasing). Another GP ended my appointed by saying “get the shots!” before walking out the door In a huff.
I am at a total loss as to why people would subject themselves to such a malicious experiment. Please help me understand!
Thank you for your history. My retort to your hematologist or any practitioner would have been (in the movie version at least 🙂) approximately: "Here we have a gene therapy, deceptively relabeled a "vaccine," using mRNA technology that has scarcely ever been tested, created innovative products and tested at most a few months, which have no long-term proofs of safety and even efficacy, and you are telling me they are 'safe'? How can you possibly know? Have you forgotten your vow 'do no harm'?"
My retort to my hematologist was “No sorry, I’m not that stupid and I don’t have enough risk to make the risk of untested vaccines worth it.” They asked again at my next appointment, but didn’t at the last one. So either they accepted my answer or perhaps they are starting to recognize the harm and don’t push it now.
Interestingly, my hematologist didn’t pursue the issue at my follow up appointment last month!
"I am at a total loss as to why people would subject themselves to such a malicious experiment. Please help me understand!"
It’s much more than that unfortunately. They did it to keep their jobs, participate in society, continue Med school, attend school, pressure from their families and more. Not right to judge.
Are any of the reasons you cite worth putting life at risk? Be my guest.
You have to have enough education in gene technology and in virology to have understood there are risks. And you have to already be distrusting of big Pharma and the current medical system. Once the word “vaccine” is used, the vast majority of humans have been programmed into trusting in the safety and efficacy embodied in that word. The programming regarding vaccines is deep including the not-willing-to-argue-the-point that they have done little to nothing regarding disease control in all the time they have been used. Given that deep programming, it should not be surprising that so many folks accept the shots as vaccines and that they should be trusted. The real horror in all of this is the violation of trust that is occurring and that it appears to be intentional. This is no light matter and it contributes to our suicides, family abuse and drug over doses that is running amok in our society because of the train wreck involved in destroying that trust. We need a new beatitude - Blessed are they who do not easily fall prey to medical authority for theirs is the joy of good health and sound mind. Try to be understanding of those who could not resist. They were programmed successfully not to.
YES. Well stated. It is easy to sit in judgement on others when one has made the 50/50 chance choice with success. Often it is not studied consideration why humans make simple decisions that affect their very lives because it has not in the past been necessary.
People in the US mostly trust others. This is not Romania. We trust authority because over centuries, for the most part, organizations with authority have punished those doing bad things and not been an agent for bad things themselves.
It will be a while before the majority of the great unwashed see authority through the trees of tyranny.
my first reply(below) was confused with comments on what another poster had written. Sorry! I revised it.
Would you cut yourself off FOREVER from seeing your only child ever again if you had to take the jab to fly to another country to see him? A real dilemma, driving me nuts.
I have never met my first grandson and a second grandson (my 3rd) to that family is due in June. My country (if I can call it that here in Canada) is protecting my kids and grandkids from me--very nice of them. But my kids understand that I won't risk my life for them unnecessarily and they for damned sure know that I will not follow along with the "be responsible" plan just for the sake of it. I'd die for them without hesitation, but I won't play Russian roulette for them.
I’m so sorry you have to go through this. But I totally support what you are doing. Having a live, healthy grandfather is infinitely better than the other way ‘round.
Bang on, but I call it "German Roulette" because of the manufacturers. Did you get a good batch, a bad batch, or a placebo? Did they get it in the muscle (less risk) or a blood vessel?
Do ya feel lucky? I'm not taking that risk, for sure.
I’m sorry! 😢I too haven’t met by grandson, who is now 11/2 years old. I was there for the birth of my two granddaughters, but now it has been 21/2 years since I have seen them! I’m thankful for the video calls where I can see and talk to them! Hang in there and do all you can to stay in touch- letters or cards letting your grandsons know how much they mean to you can always be a testimonial of your love for them!
Ludmila, I am sorry for the very heart wrenching circumstances you & your child are stuck in! I sympathize with you as I am also currently not able to go to Europe and see my daughter & young grandchildren, because I won’t take the jab. I keep thinking about my ancestors who had to leave behind their families as they came to America and also as they migrated west within the states, back when a hand written letter received from your family was priceless! Hopefully the situation will change soon to allow us to be with our family! Best wishes!
My sister has had to deal with the same thing. She had covid early 2021, has heart and lung damage, and is pretty sure the jab would kill her. She may never see her son again.
Is her heart and lung damage a result of covid infection?
My heart goes out to you. No one should be forced to play Russian roulette with their lives for any reason. Love will endure. I do not believe we have to prove our love by taking such risks. ❤️
Especially if the child got vaccinated, ask him to come and see you - he will handle the rigors of travel better, too.
If my UK relatives want to see me, they can come to the USA - most are vaccinated, poor things.
You have a very difficult situation and I sympathize. The ones I hold in contempt are grandparents of the sheep persuasion who want their grandkids vaccinated before allowing them to visit.
At Halloween 2021 friends of ours here who are in their 70s and will not get the shot happily handed out treats to roughly 30 kids (small community where they are). My relatives in Vancouver, also in their 70s and both double/triple shots (I lost count) would not hand out trick or treats because the kids were 'unvaccinated' and might get them sick. My head hurts trying to do the mental gymnastics these frightened people must have to do.
We have every right to judge the likely effects of bad decisions. Just because a little child was chasing a butterfly and it led him out to a busy highway, does not avoid the likely unhappy consequences of his actions, nor does the innocence of the actor exempt a disaster from inquiry.
For yourself only
Insensitivity- what got us in this place in the first place
Only for yourself and family.
A year ago people were weighing uncertainty vs uncertainty. The fog of disinformation was high. Steve Kirsh made one decision then that he would not make now for instance....
Thank you for your research, humility, ethical dedication to human health and advocacy for medical freedom with informed consent. Your voice has made a world of difference in this fight.
I wish Stew would have invited you on before attacking and pronouncing judgement. Joe Rogan did a much better job of being fair-minded, and Joe is not really even a true conservative in many respects. He simply understands the value of hearing both sides before allowing the concrete to harden. Measure twice, cut once. Would that everyone was more Rogan-esque in that regard.
Took me over an hour to "read" through this; the functions of the human body and its design are wonderfully made...COMPLEX, but wonderfully made. I now have a headache trying to understand the technical stuff! :) but it's how I learn.
Indeed, Humans are "fearfully and wonderfully" made. The arrogance of our scientific, medical, and intellectual self-appointed "experts" in thinking that they can simply treat the human organism (or any living thing, for that matter) as a machine is incredible. But, that is the face of modern medicine - mechanistic, reductionist, and pharmacentric. I advise my patients to avoid all mainstream medicine except for battlefield trauma (i.e.: fractures, gunshot wounds, burns, car crashes, etc.). Modern medicine IS good at battlefield injuries after 70 years (my lifetime) of unending and illegal wars of Empire.
You're a good guy! I wish they taught A YEAR of nutrition classes in Med School! THAT in my view, is where "medicine" can be found. And if that doesn't work, sure. Try something else!
Absolutely. I graduated from med school in '74 - we had bleeding bowls and leeches compared to today - but, we were at least encouraged to do hands on physical diagnosis, take good histories, think "outside the box", and use our own reasoning faculties to arrive at a Dx and Tx. Since that time, we have access to many amazing technologies, but they have done little to advance the health of the nation. The $Billions (Trillions?) spent on "health care" over the past 50 years in this country have resulted in the transfer of enormous wealth (and our health and very lives) to our Corporatist Overlords. For this expenditure, US citizens are among the sickest on the planet. Things like infant mortality are trending up and life span is dropping like a rock. Of course, people like Fauci, Gates, and Schwab are rubbing their claws in glee...
I love that visual metaphor . . . "rubbing their claws in glee. . ."
like Nancy Pelosi during Bidens SOTU speech in Congress!
BBT- Could not agree with you more. I'm about your age and an MD. I'm appalled at the behavior of my 'colleagues' and at the fall from grace that my chosen profession has suffered. I still work part time and I have to bite my tongue.
Me. too, though as a cannabis doc, I am a bit more free to inform people. But, I have colleagues within the practice who are fully vaxxxed and I avoid the topic with them. Stand strong!
hmmm. Sounds like you're a doc too. Aren't you describing integrated medicine, homeopathy?
"Let Food be thy Medicine, and Medicine be thy Food." - Hippocrates. However, if I have a concussion, my femoral artery is cut, etc. food is NOT going to help me. A great ER department and an MD WILL! :)
I graduated in 1974 as an engineer and reading deep tomes like this is how I kind of learn. The depth of this, not knowing the implication of things and the reality of most of the acronymed chemistries puts me at a decided disadvantage. What it does do, however, is to offer a tiny glimpse into the terrible complications of gene science, the interactions required to make things work and then, when compared to the "fearfully and wonderfully"[see Doc Dotson below] human immune system reminds us of how TINY we humans are. It is like sitting under the stars on a dark night and having a bit of comprehension of, again, how tiny we are sitting down here and how large that universe is.
I believe people who have no appreciation for either of these scenarios also do not, can NOT, believe in God.
Our egos are huge; humility is what's required. My late rocket scientist spouse posited that even Einstein knew there was a greater force that could not be explained. :)
I would posit that, in fact, Einstein knew this with much MORE conviction than most humans because he studied, thought about, and understood the atom and the universe.
In stark contrast it is totally incomprehensible that Steve Hawking is an atheist!
Spot on. I am still trying to digest string theory! bwahahahah!
as a sidebar: Isn't it glorious to speak our thoughts/minds/belief without the words being removed? :)
Dr. Malone... Your latest drove me into a subscription so I could simply say "thank you" for your efforts to speak Truth to Power. I have had run-ins with FDA, academia, and assorted bureaucrats over the years and my alarms go off whenever I encounter people who have a long Hx of "working with" such "humanitarian" enterprises as Big Pharma, CDC, DOD, DARPA, etc. I am convinced, however, that you are the real deal - a good guy - who is seeking to right the wrongs of a corrupt and demonstrably Failed State. The corruption is so broad and so deep within EVERY institution in this land, however, that I fear it is beyond fixing. With people like Biden and Fauci and Walensky and Schwab and Gates in the driver's seat, I expect the worst. Of course, their relentless assaults on Humanity and endless war-making may indeed require "Build Back Better" -- and, soon. Perhaps that is all part of their plan - first rid themselves of the "useless eaters" and, then build their dystopic utopia on the bones of the peasants. Anyway, thanks for all you have done and do to help Humanity.
Today's post is excellent!
Excellent summary of the "fix" we are in!
Friends following this particular thread... I turn to any here who might have ideas on how to help a famous scientist and humanitarian, Gerald Pollack, PhD. Jerry is a dear friend who has become the world authority on water - especially, "structured" water. He is a tenured Bioengineering Prof at UW in Seattle. He has been continuously bullied and threatened with firing if he does submit to Governor Inslee's executive orders that all State employees be vaxxxed. Obviously, this is madness and Jerry is trying to hold on to his position (and, lab), but the forces of Evil are arrayed against him. I have advised him to let them fire him and, then, sue the Hell out of them, but there is probably a better approach to this... He has been in touch with Children's Defense Fund, but is very concerned about what is being forced upon him. Anyone here have any suggestions - referrals for legal help - or? I give permission to Dr. Malone or the blog admin folks to allow access to my email address and I can supply more info about Jerry. He should get a Nobel Prize for his life work - was friends with Luc Montagnier... A fine man.
A person that comes to mind is Thomas Renz from Ohio who is filing multiple lawsuits in this regard.
Yes. I have sent a request to him for guidance, but he is buried with work from the vaxxx.
hmmm. :(
Seattle. oh my.
Agree 100000% ^^^
Same here. See my post below.
This is excellent writing and information. I thank you and Dr. Jill for all you have done and continue to do in helping concerned people like me to have greater understanding about these subjects that affect our lives so much right now.
I would love to make a request if you don't mind. If you could help explain the topics that Dr. Vanden Bossche talks about, I'm sure so many would appreciate it, besides myself. You have such a gift in your ability to explain technical details and subjects that require specialized education to people who don't have that background. I really appreciate his information as well but I really could use the help of someone like you to further explain his hypotheses and concerns.
Thank you again. You are truly an unselfish and caring man.
Oh yeah. Geert's got quite a brain. I'd love to understand the topics too! :)
Ok, I’m not even through the first paragraph yet, but had to stop to make a point. Saying that Dr. Malone is at fault for vaccine deaths is not much different than saying that Henry Ford is at fault for deaths resulting from car accidents.