
For those that wish to know which states have opt out programs for school aged vaccines - here you go:


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It might also be worthwhile checking the fine print of your state's actual policy. Here's what is in Utah's fine print:

"Proof of immunity to disease(s) can be accepted in place of vaccination only if a document is presented to the school from a healthcare provider stating the student previously contracted the disease."

Find me a child over the age of 2 who has not had covid by now.

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Love the state of Connecticut. No religious exemptions allowed starting 2022-2023, but if prior grandfathered in - you’re good? WTF?! This is all so repulsive and repugnant.

It was polite to call DC the “swamp”.

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What good was state religious control when they can't even protect the people?

No good whatsoever. God exists, but man made religions are not always the way to the Creators.

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Thank you!!!

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They will play blame game ping pong, with the CDC saying that it's up to the states to actually make the rules, and states saying that they're simply following the CDC guidance. End result: No accountability for anybody.


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CDC: Don't blame us, we only make recommendations, each school can make their own decisions. Take it up with them.

Schools: Don't blame us, we're just following the CDC's recommendations. Take it up with them.

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Them : Don't blame us, we're just following Satan. We prosecute you. U don't prosecute Us.

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This is exactly right, and the CDC knows exactly what it is doing.

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Same scam as auto tire shops use. When your tires wear out prematurely "its the people who do your alignments fault!" Go talk to them and they say "its bad tires!" Bottom line is all of the "health" agencies are pure grift at this point. They serve no public interest and they must all be completely dismantled.

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There are so many new age alt healing modalities out there, yet even with the high demand low supply, we are still almost invisible to the public as they are addicted to "healthcare' from death doctors and not healers.

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Unfortunately, millions of families do not have the option to take their kids out of public schools. Parents need to demand that their local/state governments pass laws that prevent the covid vaccine mandate for students

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One of my readers commented yesterday (and I agree) that one of our first steps as......whatever this is......should be to ensure that the parents who would normally be unable to drop out are able to do so. Whether this is some sort of schooling fund or pod creation, I dunno, but this is too important to just throw our hands into the air.

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Get on the state legislature's website in your state. Find the committee that regulates health or vaccines or whatever they call it in your state. Email the member(s) of the committee and urge them to introduce legislation taking them out of the CDC death cult. Complaint to your school and school board if they intend to require these shots. If they won't help get a lawyer. This corruption crap has got to end if we want to survive.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

It will take a multi-pronged approach, and even those who are able to escape this via homeschooling or private schools need to advocate for those with no options. We are all paying taxes to support this abomination, whether we like it or not.

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I actually think it is not that complicated. As the CDC states, it is a recommendation. The states can pass legislation or governors can pass provisions that prevent the covid vaccine from being mandated. My governor did that, and my son did not have to get vaccinated to attend a state university. Several of his friends who attended private colleges had to get vaccinated.

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Of course it is simple, but many refuse to do what can be done! My red state governor sat on his hands and let the local health department institute a reign of terror!

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Get out of Mystery Babylon, and find holy places of sanctuary. Mystery Babylon is gonna go bye bye soon. Don't get caught with them if you wish to advance to the Golden Age unsinged.

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This is awful. Forcing a child to take a vaccine that doesn't even work is past criminal, it's attempted murder.

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I would love to see the numbers of previously healthy non-vaccinated under 18 that died of covid (if there are even any) versus the number of previously healthy under 18 that died from the jab (which we see almost daily). CDC and big pharma will do anything to stop those numbers from hitting the news cycle, but too bad for them, its going to happen soon.

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Oh, it works. It works to maim, sterilize, and/or kill.

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They will take the entire nation off the cliff before falling out of step with the comrade to their left.

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Well it works to kill and maim. It does that pretty efficiently.

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Not only is it time for parents to take their kids out of public schools, they need to quit taking them to pediatricians.

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Just a question - Can/do pediatricians have the option to decline one or more of the vaccine "recommendations"? If they can, might this be another avenue to educate and recruit for supporting a more valid approach on this issue.

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Pediatricians have been pushing and promoting dangerous (and useless) vaccines long before COVID, and they jumped on this bandwagon right away so I wouldn't expect any support from them. They have also been accepting grants from the state of California for pushing the COVID shot since they were approved for kids, anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000, in addition to fees.

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Is that $10,000 per shot or just a basic premium for agreeing to do the shots?

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No, not per shot, here's what went out to all California doctors:


When the shots first came out, they were offering grants up to $55,000.

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Thank you.

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Many pediatricians collect money from insurance companies for fully vaxxed kids that match the cdc schedule. They get some amount for ages 0-2 and then more those beyond. I’ve heard it’s something like a few thousand dollars per kid, but someone please correct me if I’m wrong. This is one of the reasons peds offices require it. Apparently it’s really hard for them to financially stay afloat without this money.

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It seems to be all about the money, doesn't? This gets worse all the time.

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The insurance companies tell docs what to do a lot. This could also impact.

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Specifically the health insurers. They've made the life insurers the bag holders of this "vaccine" debacle. I would assume massive litigation is just over the horizon since life insurers are not in business to be the bag holders of big pharma and health insurers malfeasance.

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Like the way you think 👍

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Parents can refuse to have their children vaccinated, no matter what the pediatrician says. Some pediatricians will refuse you as a patient. Fine, go somewhere else. My nephew took this route with their fourth child, after the third was vaccine injured. The pediatrician struck them off, and they found another who was fine withholding all vaccinations until the child was two. After that age, ordinary vaccines aren’t a problem—something to do with the closing of the blood brain barrier. Of course, mRNA vaccines will always be dangerous, and now parents have to prevent their children from being jabbed with both covid and flu vaccines.

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I disagree profoundly with your assertion that after age 2 regular vaccines are "not a problem".

Dr Paul Thomas did a study on the children in his practice. Across the board the UN-INJECTED children are FAR healthier than partially or fully jabbed children. He is one of the few pediatricians, who has given parents the option to vaxx or not based on FULLY informed consent.

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My guess is their state licensing boards will weigh in (and not in a good way) on this just as state pharmacy boards told their member pharmacists in 2020 they would lose their licenses if they dispensed hydroxychloroquine for COVID.

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They most certainly do have that choice, as of now (excluding California). The problem is that they have incentives to push the parents to adhere to the vaccine schedule.

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Good question!

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Catastropic error. ABOLISH the CDC they are incompetent.

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The word I'd use is corrupt.

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Fauci and CDC cannot even explain the dosing mechanisms. The way these shots work is that the shot injects instruction packets into the body that get uploaded into cells (which cells and cell types, they have no idea at this point despite early claims it was only the muscle tissue at the injection site) in order to hijack the cells to coax them to manufacture the actual vaccinating agent (spike protein). Given that estimates exist that each shot contains enough instruction packets to upload some 4 copies to every single cell in the body, what exactly is the control mechanism to manufacture the right amount of the vaccinating agent? The answer? There is none. They do not know how many instruction packets result in a hijacked cell that begins manufacturing the actual vaccinating agent, nor do they know how much vaccinating agent each cell will produce. Dosing is purely a matter of arm waving speculation and Fauci and CDC knows it, but will never admit it. And this is what just got added to your child's vaccine schedule....

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No error! It's what they are about. They are a Commie Dem controlled Fed agency. No more, No Less! It's how the Left operates. Anyone that can't see this is on their side. End of Story!

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Private School or Home School.....NOW!

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Most of the time, private schools follow lock-step with public school policies.

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That was/is not the case in my hometown. My guess is that the private schools will take the unvaccinated students because they will want the money, the star athletes, etc.

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That's why I didn't say "all".

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Color me skeptical.....then home school.

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Too true.

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Simply horrified. So grateful my kids grew up before this. Hopefully my daughter will be home-schooling her babies. I just watched this twice-through. Anyone who hasn't seen it should: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/the-real-anthony-fauci-documentary-trailer-rfk-jr-bestselling-book/

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Thank you for the link.

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I'm reading the book now, It is dense (lots of info, sources) but is very interesting.

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Great movie! A must watch!

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not everyone can homeschool their kids, many parents have to both work to support the household, especially these days when inflation is through the roof. So parents need to come together and push back hard on this new ruling! We pay for schools through our taxes, we have a say!!

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You’re so right! The reality is that most households need two incomes

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Especially under Brandon! 🤬🤬🤬

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True dat!

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While they scare parents with this, the IMF pushes for economic slavery. Why is NO ONE in Congress pushing back against the CBDC?!

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This is a massive crime against humanity that is perpetuated by big Pharma having the politicians in their pocket and having three lobbyist calling on each congressman in Washington DC reminding them that their ability to be reelected depends on their continued support for big Pharma ! In addition the whole medical research industry in this country which is funded by NIH and CDC only doles out the money to those who follow the rules for research that perpetuate big Pharma‘s goals. This is overlaid by the CDC DARPA CIA consortium that is driven by the military industrial complex to create bio warfare weapons! God help us!

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And doing this just 19 days in front of a general election means they really don’t care, they being all the powers that be. The people no longer matter, not even a little.

And we have no opposition political party to interpose on our behalf. Let’s see if the Republican leadership even mentions this vote, much less rails against it like they should.

I have a granddaughter that’s in a private Christian school in WA State. If this becomes WA law she will be withdrawn from school. The citizens of Washington narrowly prevented the State from adding the C19 vaccine to the required childhood immunisation schedule early this year, as they were intending to do. But over 1,000 citizens joined a Health Dept. zoom call to protest, when normally there might be 3 or 4 citizens joining one of their regular public meetings. So they backed down, and that in spite of their efforts to surreptitiously push the requirement thorough the bureaucracy without the citizens being aware of it. But a group of watchful citizens found out about it and alerted the public. Let’s hope and pray this gets defeated before more states add it as a requirement. If that happens it may very well spell the death knell for public education in America.

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My husband and I watched The Real Anthony Fauci documentary last night. Terrifying and devastating. Finding it hard to function today. It's all so evil. What can we do to save our children and ourselves from these monsters? It seems like they are so far ahead of us. Hoping Part 2 of the doc (coming out Oct 25) offers actions/solutions.

This CDC thing today is yet another gut-punch.

I agree with others, get ready for a homeschool and private school BOOM!!!

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How long was the movie? I was going to watch today, but find myself avoiding it. I feel so mentally drained over all of this today.

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The first part is nearly 2 hours and part 2 will be slightly shorter, I believe. It was chilling to watch the part about Event 201. I was unsure as to whether they had switched to covering what actually happened with covid, it was so similar.

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Thanks for the heads up. I haven’t even finished the book yet as I get so angry, I can only read in bits.

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Hi Cheryl, Part 1 is 1 hour 50 mins long, but I'm not going to sugarcoat it... it is the hardest thing my husband and I have ever watched. I had to take several breaks to collect myself before I could keep watching. It's THAT bad. Definitely a must watch. But it is also extremely hard to watch. I hope that helps you prepare for it.

One other note. How hard it hits you is probably going to be determined by your vaxx status. My husband and I did not get the vaxx, but our 2 child-bearing age daughters and their significant others did. Now, we have a huge decision to make... do we have them watch it or not? They got the first 2 doses and do not plan to get any more. They can't undo what's done. I'm afraid it will really freak them out. Anyway, that's our situation.

Sorry that I can't end on a more positive note. All I can say is I wish eternal damnation in the hottest place in Hell to the monsters who did this to our world.

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Yes, that helps a lot. I was choked up just reading this. I’m off Monday and my Sister doesn’t believe me, but I might spring this on her and if she doesn’t like it she can leave. I’ve debated about sending this to my Daughter who hates anything political and she’s my only child. We’ve had a lot of rocky times, but she never wanted the vax. She took the J&J as she couldn’t find work and was feeling suicidal (she works with austistic children and no one wanted her around their kids without a vaccine). She doesn’t plan on getting anymore, but sadly her significant other had to get vaxxed as he’s in same line of work. I think I’ll hold off sending her this as she’s dealing with a death right now, but I’m gonna bring it up before I leave on my next visit out to see her and see if she’ll agree to let me send it to her and that I think it’s important she watches then go from there. I also wish the same. I pray we see some accountability in our lifetime 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Your situation is tough.

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Thank you Dr. Malone for sharing this horrible news. This news makes my unvaccinated blood boil. How can they in good conscience vote for mRNA injections for kids? We need new legislation ASAP. These vaccinations need years of data analysis before being added to the childhood vaccination list. Years….and years. Not months.

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They have no conscience. Psychopaths are devoid of empathy.

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There is zero science in support of this. It is another blatant and repugnant gross violation of “first do no harm”, “informed consent” and the Nuremberg principles.

Only a dark agenda can account for it.

For my discussion on the danger to children see here:

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It's how Commie Leftist operate. They control such institutions.

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Absolutely! 💯

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Over 1,000 colleges took CDC recommendations to create COVID-19 vaccine mandates because those colleges believe that following CDC recommendations will release them from liability. We have worked tirelessly to motivate students and parents to speak out, but many that agree with us remain hidden in the shadows. I hope this decision has gone too far in the eyes of many because we need a revolution, and we need it now. Find a list of colleges that do/don't mandate the C19 vaccine and follow our work at www.nocollegemandates.com.

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