Thank God RFK, Jr is safe. If you hadn’t sent this we would not know. I just searched his name and crickets except whiny headlines about his requests for security. He is a candidate who articulates problems and solutions and engages in civil dialogue, all the others just slander others. What stinks is who can we trust to interrogate this assassin and find out who paid him.

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HeldFast, as you probably know I lean to the right. In the primary I am taking a Democrat ballot and voting for RFK Jr. Honestly all independent conservatives should. Imagine two pro American candidates running against each other, it would be like 1984.

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I am too; Maybe it was your comment that inspired me to do the same awhile ago. He walks his talk and he doesn’t waste time slandering and he will hopefully force some critical issues to steer us back within the Constitutional guardrails. I wish our Primary Ballots had all the candidates listed rather than stratified for Party only.

There will never be a candidate someone can agree with 100%. My Pastor says if you want to read a book with which you agree 100%, then write it yourself.

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Kennedy is not a conservative by any stretch. Very liberal and can't be trusted.

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SweetMe I only want to give him a primary vote to vote against the corrupt BIG GUY. Years ago I pulled a democrat primary ballot in Mass. to vote against Ted Kennedy. I think I was the only primary vote in the state against him.

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When Her Majesty Hillary ran against Obama, I did something I never do- voted in the Democrat primary, for Obama.

Not that it made a bit of difference in the outcome. But I thought I was being clever, and actually wrong-footed myself. Yeah, I and thousands of other voters denied Clinton the nomination. But Obama was hardly an improvement.

You do what's right for you, JG.

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Hillarious clearly stated her intention to initiate a nuclear war with Russia. Of course we can't know for certain how things would have turned out with different "parameters plugged in" , but as horrible as Herr Obama is, at least we aren't (yet) in a full-fledged nuclear war.

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Evil Incarnate, by the way love your handle. Sub stacks great, isn’t it? I love getting likes or comments weeks later and you go back and read the past. Looking back and reading your post made me think of the Democrats choice in candidates, Hillary and Obama. What a horrendous ticket to choose from. I remember when Obama and the democrats stole healthcare away from Americans I had anxiety over what was taking place. The democrats at the time took a beating after implementing their medical take over but here we are 13 years later and his top down government take over is still going and expanding. Getting back to my anxiety, I’ve been experiencIng it again lately only with more fear. It’s getting more clear how one event happens which leads to another to another and before you know it Joe Biden turns into this evil demented clown that’s forcefully injecting babies with experimental drugs and mutilating kids genitals. If you look back in history I don’t see a lot of good that comes from these types of scenarios. I think the fearful anxiety I have now is a continuation of the anxiety I had 13 years ago. Funny how your mind and body feel that something’s really wrong and now we see those feelings continue still 13 years later and for good reason.

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

Maybe you didn't read the article. It was about an assassination attempt on Kennedy's life. Or perhaps you believe that it's alright to have a public figure assassinated if you don't agree with their political positions or some other beliefs. Why not, with all the other murderous programs going on in America and worldwide? Not even innocent little children are safe from poisoned, injected harm and in other ways having their lives totally destroyed. SweetMe? Wow.

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Leslie, very well stated!

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Who do you like? The warmongers neocons?

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If Gov. DeSantis is still in the race for the PA primary, he gets my vote (and I hope he is). But if he is not, I will also do this. I'd much rather have RFK Jr in the White House, as much as I disagree with him on so many issues. But at least he is full-witted and has integrity.

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I had it in my inbox at 11:30 am today from the Western Journal. I also had two more emails from other outlets that I delete because of the same subject line. I guess it just depends on who your sources are.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

From that list of candidates who got SS protection, it looks like he's well outside the window of the time that the vast majority of the candidates started receiving protection. He IS a member of the kennedy clan. they have access to untold billions - probably tens or hundreds of billions of assets worldwide. if rfk, jr really feels the need for security protection, he could foot the bill for some until it's seen that his candidacy is going anywhere. The dnc sure seems to think he's NOT a candidate.

And WHY are people so "certain" this fake marshal guy is an "assassin?" His outfit is pretty clownish - did he ever present any kind of threat to anyone?

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RFK asked for protection because he knew he was under threat. And when a candidate asks for protection, he should be given it. Whether or not we agree with RFK's positions, he's not a drama king and 2 previous Kennedys were assassinated. Every presidential administration has a moral obligation to protect any candidate who asks.

As for the supposed assassin, he came with fake credentials and was heavily armed. That made him a definite threat.

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In an interview, he stated that he gets a lot of threats. But the criminals are in charge and may want him dead.

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I'll start here from my standpoint that RFK Jr's participation is vital, particularly considering the current state of the ruling class positions, actions and duplicity. Our citizenry deserves and needs his witness and perspectives as we attempt to lurch forward to better, more just tomorrow's! RFK Jr has engaged and doubtless pays for the protection he is receiving. Frankly I share the concern re whether our SS adequately and faithfully offers effective protection for RFK Jr or in fact DJT. All too many craven opportunists keep surfacing.

In sum. we the people need assurance (particularly at this level) that our candidates (particularly those with clear need for protection) are afforded effective with fidelity protection at our expense.

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Who in their right mind would accept SS from the DS. the same that assassinated his father and uncle. The Kennedy's have tons of money, get some navy seals that are vetted properly, not involved with any politicians, purely out for service to the country. I saw the video, funny the one guy called out "Officer" and the so-called assassin was the only one to respond by looking in the direction of the call, the two going through his pockets did not even look. That guy seemed off to me, probably one from the abcd teams.

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"The dnc sure seems to think he's NOT a candidate."

Oh, no. They KNOW he is a candidate. That's why they want someone to knock him off.

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He has been paying for his private security. Over $100k per month.

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Don’t forget, a few of his siblings and cousins have already expressed sentiments that they are against his candidacy and many of his policy positions

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What difference does that make? He has stood with integrity for what he believes to be true and I respect him for it. His work to expose the vaccine fraud (both childhood and covid) is incredible. The ones not due respect are the family members who are blind and critical of what he is, and has done, for many years.

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I totally respect and admire him. My point was that many members of his family have chosen to stand with the deep state, traitors all IMO

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Ohh, I see. You're right. Read what Caroline's son says about RFK jr. It's insane. https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/4109922-jfk-grandson-calls-rfk-jr-s-white-house-bid-an-embarrassment-endorses-biden/

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Well, I guess the fact he wants to take away 2nd amendment for a start... and not at all.pro life. I mean so he fight against vax and that pretty much all you got.

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I never heard from RFK Jr. that he would support the abolishment of the 2nd amendment. On the contrary, he is been a passionate advocate of the US constitution and human rights. He has shown commitment to improve the welfare of common people in his entire life.

If you have no control over what they (any authoritative groups) do to your body, you're not a free man, but a slave. Once enslaved, you can easily become a target and a victim of malicious impulses by your owners, and you won't have any means to defend yourself or your family. The tyrants then have a complete control over your life.

"Medical experimentations" took place in the fascist concentration camps as a manifestation of eugenic ideology showing absolute disrespect to the sanctity of human life. Genocidal tendencies of humankind have been around from the beginning of time, but it gained sort of "legitimacy" in the 19th. century of Europe as "scientific" as a result of Darwin's influence in academia. Removing mysticism from our existence has put humanity into a murderous trajectory. The proponents of ideas, such as men have the power to make improvements on God's creation always start with a virtuous, positive, uplifting goal for the betterment of mankind, but the means are never defined and up to the interpretations of the enforcers.

Who would be the unholy person who is against enhancing individual traits, eradicating mental illness or diseases?

After Hitler's rein of terror was over, humanity hoped that the eugenics would be discarded from human consciousness forever. Yet, this nasty ideology is still alive today! It morphed into technocracy, which in essence is only a slight modification to the eugenic ideology.

Once God is removed from the equation, and society anoints some group of individuals with the absolute power - scientists, doctors - over the life of their fellow men and get to play God, tyranny ensues and earth becomes hell as we witnessed particularly in the last three years.

I happened to be close to some wealthy people in the past. At the minimum, they lack empathy toward the less fortunate ones, but many times, I witnessed palpable hatred toward the common men. They look at us as an enemy.

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I never read he was anti 2nd amendment. I did read he’s against fossil fuels - climate change.

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My immediate family wouldn't support me if I ran for a position on my HOA Board. Fortunately none of them live in my neighborhood. I gather all your family members would support you no matter what position you sought. Let's just hope you don't have a very large and extended family.

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ron, did you actually read the article, or just filled in the blanks in your mind. Get past your prejudices to see and read this article for what it's worth. (mass formation)

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Oh yes, and of course the LAPD have agreed to go along with this assassin ruse. And, I

gather, you have access to and knowledge of Kennedy's personal financial worth.

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Yup. Agree.

The only way I see to fix this is get completely rid of the voting machines, and all mail in voting.

In person, with validated ID, and auditable against the voter roles.

Registration with verified address and citizenship.

They can not be punished if they also control the "counting" of the votes.

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Speaking of counting votes, here's a link to an article I did that examines outlier election data from 1956 to 2020. One election stands out like a sore thumb. Care to guess which one, lol? https://www.wnd.com/2023/09/outlier-2020-elections-peculiar-vote-data/

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A couple of days ago Dr Malone shared an interesting nugget that 68% is the average percentage of registered voters who participate in a presidential election. I thought how can that be since according to the total votes cast in 2020 would be close to 93%?? Statistically that could not happen. Several statistical sites agree there are 168 mil registered to vote. 75 mil DJT, 81 mil JRB is 156 mil. Let’s assume due to outdated voter rolls deceased people, people who move and register at their new address and never removed from their old address is conservatively 10% of that 168 mil registered. That would mean actual true registered voters would be about 151 mil. I’m no mathematician, but something stinks bigly, yuge about 2020. The only way to fix the system is paper ballots, ID and in person with R & D poll watchers, during voting day and especially during the counting.

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And completely transparent vote counting. Absolute transparency or nothing. I was robbed of my right to vote here in Commiefornia by a Mendocino county poll worker. I don't trust government to wipe it's own butt (see EPA hallway feces accounts) let alone act in the interest of their employers, We the People.

Government: It is the problem to the solution.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, there is much truth to your questioning the secret service. It’s another corrupt government agency, look at the cocaine in the Whitehouse. The picture in your post of the man being arrested resembled Ray Epps. Could he be a cia plant? I may have mentioned this a while back, I sometimes struggle to understand it. Merrick Garlands grandparents lived in czarist Russia. They were segregated, stripped of their rights and placed into the settlement of Pale. They could no longer run businesses in the general public. Food, jobs, money and a future were scarce. They fled Russia and eventually Merrick’s parents ended up in Chicago. As he got older he ended up going to Harvard law School. Not bad for a grandchild from relatives of the Pale settlement. In his confirmation hearings for attorney general Corey Booker asked him to explain his family history. Merrick broke down and said America took his family in and protected them and that he was going to be the best attorney general ever in American history. He said this was to pay the country back that took his family in. This is what confuses me as Merrick puts his political opponents in handcuffs and leg irons. This seems to be his form of justice. Does he not realize his grandparents were persecuted for being Jewish and religious persecution is political persecution because it’s always politicians that do the persecution. How does he justify his absolute corruption of jailing people for years and years for trespassing, how can he not see the two tiered justice system he has created, how can he not see he has turned into the totalitarian czars that stripped his grandparents of their rights and cast them to the settlement of Pale??? He is destroying the very place that once protected him and his family by his own hands imprisoning people for political reasons. He is an absolute disgrace as attorney general and should be removed. https://youtu.be/zLKuVjFk_j4?si=tJE9AvJaeF7I1k5k If you watch this video it’s difficult not to see what a complete fraud this man is as he puts American citizens in hand cuffs and leg irons because they have different political thoughts. Being a student and lawyer with constitutional background I argue he is much worse than the czars that segregated his grandparents.


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Garland is extremely ambitious and will obviously do whatever he feels is necessary to keep his position. And we all know Lord Acton's statement--"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." I think rest of it is fitting: "Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”

The past 3 years have shown us the truth of his observations.

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The background you brought up is interesting. It made me ponder on others with similar backgrounds that gravitate towards becoming what one would think they would despise. George Schwartz comes to mind. He too came to the US. Or, it could just be a vengeful attitude that McConnell kept him from a SCOTUS judgeship. Who knows what radicalizes a person.

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I do find it super interesting also. Even being denied a confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court certainly wouldn’t turn me into a tyrant especially with his family history. It would be like me becoming a nazi after my father was shot in the back by one. Confusing to me.

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Dare I say you are not a "J".

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I posted the Corey Booker interview at the end of my post

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Booker, another commie. This is the waltz they do in front of the cameras to show their bona fides on issues critical to the left in dividing the country.

Garland's daughter is also a lawyer who said if her dad was confirmed she would not take the clerks position in Justice Kagan office during his term. That's okay because her husband it owner of PanoramaEd. It makes millions under school board contracts that promote Critical Race Theory. Parents Defending Education (PDE) VP and Investigations and Strategy Asra Nomani accused Garland of “trying to silence parents.” Nomani also stated that they were “a Trojan horse for Big Tech in K-12 schools.”

“Parents are concerned over intrusive surveys and ‘screeners’ that ask 12-year-olds if they are pansexual or gender fluid. The surveys are often created/administered by [Panorama Education],” Erika Sanzi noted. She is another PDE leader.


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“….;,withhold Secret Service protection from Mr. Kennedy might actually be a good thing. Because I have come to the point where I have very little confidence that the US Secret Service would act in completely good faith to protect Mr. Kennedy from physical threats to life and limb. Little faith that, even if a security detail was to be provided by the Biden administration, it would not be weaponized in some way to benefit the current president.”

Completely agree. 😢

And prayers always 🙏🙏🙏

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Well they have kept President Trump alive so far.

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Want to bet DJT has a few of his own hired security mixed in with the Secret Service? I know if I were him, I would.

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I had a feeling something like this would happen and I'm grateful that RFK's guards were able to protect him. I was born in 1950 so I lived through the assassinations of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy. Then there was the attempted assassination of President Reagan.

Biden is showing himself for the low life that he is by refusing RFK Secret Service protection. I just checked online and some of the msm is reporting about this, but they're citing his low ratings (an implied excuse for Biden's denial) and Newsweek's report said he was getting conservative support "thanks to his promotion of discredited conspiracy theories about coronavirus vaccines." Nothing can stop them from their corrupt bias.

I hope Trumps security detail, including Secret Service agents, is extremely, very sharp.

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This is an awesome assessment. At this point, despite my disagreement with some of RFK Jr’s political positions, I would choose him over today’s many RINO warmongers who lack RFK Jr’s integrity, intellect, compassion, and willingness to learn from others -- even those who disagree with him. And I completely agree that trusting the Secret Service to protect him could be a fatal mistake. So sad that our country has come to this. 😢

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There is a “mandatory” statement about disagreement with some positions of RFK.

Have you ever 100% agree with every position of politician you voted for?

Why in case such statements are apparently mandatory?

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Nope, never agree 100% with all politicians. But I do not consider making this statement "mandatory" in any way. I'm simply pointing out that even a staunch conservative might choose a traditional liberal (such as RFK Jr) with integrity and willingness to discuss the issues over a self-proclaimed, dug-in conservative without such qualities (many "Republican" candidates fall into this category).

In my state, Democrats typically are MORE honest than many of those elected or running as Republicans. Often Republicans put R after their names to fool voters and get elected in a generally red state; then, once elected, they vote with Democrats to rapidly turn our red state purple and blue.

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It appears there is about 60 of them in Texas.

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Yes, they grow the RINOS very big in Texas. So happy about the outcome with AG Paxton 👍He never should have been impeached for doing a good job.

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OK -- but I still consider that your preface of having some disagreements with RFK was -- completely unnecessary and unusual.

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True, that is clearly so with our lying representative who would come home and tell us that that he was working 💪 hard for our conservative views. Thank 😊 God for a new tool that allowed us to discover that he had been lying to us all along. That tool should be available to all of our other states.


We're on a mission to Primary him.

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Excellent tool! Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) offers similar tools for evaluating legislator votes of bills related to Education, Freedom, and Spending: https://index.idahofreedom.org/

The group does a lot of other great stuff for freedom and education. Its mission is to defeat Marxism and socialism by building a culture of liberty around America's founding principles so that Idahoans can prosper.

Check them out at https://idahofreedom.org/

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Big E, that is a good tool!!!

I'm so pleased that we're getting tools that make it easier to hold our elected officials accountable!

I wish that all of these tools would take the best features from each and come up with ONE tool for all of the states!!!

If you have time, check out the RICE link on our tool.

It takes all of the representatives and places them in RANK ORDER on how they RATE from Conservative to Liberal.

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I did and - can’t figure out how is it working


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Thank you !!! We are currently ruled by an absolutely corrupt criminal government.

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RFK Jr. voice needs to be heard by all American voters. His views need a voice. Apparently, President Biden who has the power to order SS for RFK Jr. is hoping he ends his campaign out of fear! WE need honest dialog from all parties to right this Republic! That is what is not happening, and it is reflected in the policies of the Biden administration who has the power to return free speech to all! The Biden draconian administration policies on Covid need to be removed since we have the medical protocols available without injections to manage any viral issue coming our way.

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Joe Biden has refused Secret Service protection for RFK Jr. for his presidential candidacy. Biden is perhaps the lowest piece of pure scum ever to hold our presidential office. Now this Sept. 15th incident, of an armed man posing as a federal agent at an RFK Jr. event, which has the appearance of a potential assassination attempt on JFK Jr. Let’s see if the Biden regime NOW provides the RFK Jr. candidacy with protection.

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Trusting any part of the Federal govt to act in good faith or speak truth is, in my view, foolish. Even if they speak the truth - their intention is to use it to deceive us concerning another matter.

Kennedy is certainly safer with his current security service.

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“Instead, what I see is a downward spiral of tit for tat, ubiquitous psyop propaganda promoted by the ... administration in close cooperation with social and legacy media, designed to support the goals and objectives of a corporatist state, and an ethic of “anything goes” forever tribal war - against ourselves. It is hard to overlook the fact that the only winner in this political battlefield will be our offshore enemies and competitors.”


I removed the word “Biden” from the quote above because it isn’t just “Biden’s” administration that’s guilty. It’s simply THE ADMINISTRATION.

Whether democrat or republic, THE ADMINISTRATION continues to attack and destroy THE INDIVIDUAL.

The sooner we accept this reality of life, the sooner we can change it:


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I long for the day when I just worried about our government being ragingly incompetent. Now I have to fear it is actively trying to kill it's citizens.

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Like you, Dr. Malone, one of my earliest memories is of the JFK assassination, in the days when bulletins interrupted regular programming on television as I sat getting my hair braided for afternoon kindergarten. My mother told a story of having to hide the Life Magazines with all the funeral photos b/c I would pull them out and cry over them. Unfortunately, she never bothered to make the connection to losing my own father through divorce. (BTW, I also had a Schwinn Varsity bike that I rode all over town with a girlfriend who also had one.)

Thank you for this excellent post and listing all the truth CNN leaves out of their "reporting." I have been concerned from the beginning for RFK Jr's safety and pray for it. I'm thankful Gavin de Becker's firm is involved as like you, I have more confidence in them than what the current regime would provide.

Knowing how many assassinations the CIA has been involved in, I've had to look differently at 9/11. To think that the government whose main job is to protect its citizens would willingly kill 3,000 innocent people and destroy the lives of thousands of others, is evil I cannot wrap my mind around. The more that's exposed, the more convinced I am that our country is under judgment and only repentance on a grand scale will stop its ultimate destruction.

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Secret Service now Biden! Stop being an A$$. Praying for protection of RFK.

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The key thing is to have an honest election in 2024. Most (70% of Rs, perhaps 30% of Ds) now realize the 2020 Election was stolen, to the point where when any object they -- including President Trump are under attack, threatened, charged with crimes, and the target of 24/7 legal harassment.

We speak to that issue in our book "Invisible Treason" which will be out next month.

The solution? Paper ballots, photo ID, same day voting, and NO VOTING MACHINES or voting equipment connected to the Internet. Plus criminal charges for voter fraud.


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Thank you for highlighting this problem. The mystery for me is why anybody continues to believe Joe Biden is anything other than a corrupt liar who cares not one whit for anything other than himself. He does not care.

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