Since money has changed hands--lots of it--we are not talking merely about propaganda, but about fraud.

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Yes, CRIMINAL fraud - prosecute!

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The word "reparations" comes to mind. How many generations from now will that pop up, and which uninvolved people will be held responsible??

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can only shake my head at the degree of corruption here. I'm sorry for those who were manipulated (scared) into taking these vaccines.

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Sadly we are faced with a horse/barn door conundrum. Our gov has collaborated with pharma in infecting a big part of the world’s population with these poisonous creations. Now the question in my mind is just how many jabs are too many? It does not look too good looking down the next several decades for cancer and autoimmune incidence in the jabbed. There should be a special tribune convened to address the legal consequence of malpractice by gov agencies and uber harsh criminal charges applied to those that qualify.

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Totally agree, but when the Sherrif, his deputies, the judge, 3/4 of the jury, the newspaper and even the town Cryer have all been captured by the snake-oil sellers, this is no easy fight. But we can't even contemplate giving up. Eventually truth will out, as it always has done in the past.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Having had three or more jabs seems to be pretty bad.

The consequences often also hinge upon the particular "batch" that a person's shot came from.

See howbad.info to find out the number and percent of people who took shots from each of the batches and were harmed or died. This website has a lot of other excellent information about the shots. You will need the information from the shot card you were given to find out "how bad" your batch was.

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A lot of people keep asking the question, how many more must die and then it's hushed.

I say maybe it's more like, what "one" persons death from the BADVAX batch is the one that pushes this wretched theater of denial off the cliff. What if Taylor Swift SD made the news?

And the autopsy confirmed yet another jab death via heart attack? By a reliable lab!

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The media would bury it as "natural causes".

Or like I read today that Brook Shields had a major seizure from drinking too much water.

Yeah, I'm sure she developed seizures from drinking too much water (which usually happens to people who run a 26 mile marathon without replenishing the electrolytes in their bodies)

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I read that fluff piece as well. I thought, really what? Gee I don't recall them stating just how much water she drank, and what is too much. I really hate to speak ill of the dead, Mathew Perry God rest his soul, had quite the issues, but also pushed the jabs, a t-shirt he wore said, could I be more vaccinated!! Forgive me if not the exact words, but I still believe those things contributed to his death. Just wondering if those Hollyweirdo's are having a come to Jesus moment, adding 2 plus 2 getting 4? I certainly would, but those people think they are way smarter and better than the rest of us primitive peasants. Thanks again Dr. Malone for all you do, greatly loved and appreciated. God Bless!

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In order to drink too much water, and have a medical issue, you would usually need to have an electroyte imbalance from extreme exertion. Personally, i think its simply part of the campaign of fear that cintinues. I mean, if I'm fearing my bathtub, my gutters, my own body and the natural aging process, like all these tv commercials tell me to, i guess fear of water is a natural progression.

I agree, these people are all jabbed up, and most likely their real reason for whats happening to them.

Hollyweird is run by Satanists, pedos, and cannibals. Truly sick people whove foresaken God and the principles of good hearted people,, repulsive, at best

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What happens when that moment arrives that you require an emergency transfusion. Ponder the inevitable that the donated blood will be tainted by spike proteins and other goodies swarming within unvaccinated blood. What’s the plan?

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We've asked about that before and shedding. Earlier this week I saw an article about women looking for sperm donors who were not jabbed. They are pretty upset. My thinking is how does one prove they weren't jabbed.

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We hear about the hunt for unjabbed sperm donors instead of marital partners. That's an additional social issue.

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I’m unvaxed!!!!! 😘

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Ha, ha, ha! Has anyone shed on you?

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I don’t know, Maybe just twice.

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Oh James, you are certainly priceless! Whew...still laughing.

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Hey James, just think of the fortune you can make by selling your sperm to the highest bidders. That would be amazing, your dear wife would not have to worry about her work place again. I know thank God she was now exempt, but having a stash of extra $$$ would be a bonus. Remember get a lawyer to make sure all i dotted and t crossed, these buyers can't go back on their contract and sue you. I am being sarcastic, but ..... Wishing you all the best and your wife of course. God Bless.

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Are you saying his wife should put him out to stud? It's what they do with race horses and prize bulls...good money in it.

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Haha, James.

Would you even know what to do at this point ?


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Seriously? Has there been any research on sperm affected by covid vax?

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There have been discussions on the jab and fertility - on women's menstrual cycles and sperm. It was even discussed by the Pfizer guy interviewed by O’Keefe’s group. Another doctor was telling a Jewish orthodox group back in 2021 or 22 that the jab material was migrating to the reproductive organs.

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Or what happens when I go in for a colonoscopy, and being unconscious, I'm jabbed by one of the psychopaths who are in the room looking up my rectum ?

Do I take names ?

Do I get photos of everyone in the room, so I can play "Clue" and find the candlestick in the library ?

Yeah, these are the things we conspiracy factoid loones think about.

Well, I got till next week to figure out what to do.

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Paul, that is a really good question IMO.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

There's a website you can checkout called https://safeblood.com

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The gift that keeps on giving, like STD.

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See safeblood.com

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Yes have looked at it. Not so sure that's the answer but it's certainly a place to start. Thank you.

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There's a new private company addressing this, I believe it's called Safeblood. They were featured on a recent Highwire episode

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So, I think the way that they think that they can say this is that the whole 'FDA approval process" is null and void, since it was approved and implemented by the DOD under their regulations under pandemic preparedness as not 'countermeasure', not a pharmaceutical product (either drug or vaccine). See Sasha L. stack she explained it in detail. Essentially, all they have been saying, I believe is just a smoke screen to make the public think that this is a process under the FDA regs, when it is entirely separate, and likely would have been even less well accepted by the public if they thought they were being administered a 'countermeasure' under DOD regs.

The obvious question would be "countermeasure under DOD regulations? Who or what are we countering?? Are we at war? With whom?" And no matter what the answer to that question that they gave it would blow up in their face: The bats? Huh??, Do we need to enlist Batman & Robin?? The Chinese?? (Joe and Family Inc. had taken money to keep quiet about Chinese involvement in anything) We thought you told us that it was not a lab leak,. One of Dr. Fauci's 'not gain of function' experiments? couldn't admit that, that is why the bat fairy tale was invented in a scramble . . .

Oh what a tangled web one weaves when one tries to deceive -- and I don't mean to imply that the virus came from a spider . . . lol!

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I thought the virus came from a military base somewhere in North Carolina, then sent to the Chinese, who then distributed it worldwide ?

Perfect play of the hand, on the part of the elites. Put full blame on a country where we have no physical access, thereby removing any retaliation against the true culprits.

Ah, but what the hell do I know. I'm just some FDA, living the dream.

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Does anyone know how many Bio Weapon labs we have in the US? How come China had one running in California?

Fort Detrick, Rocky Mountain and University of NC come to mind. who is running CDC, a graduate of NC Bio site. Do we have any chance of stopping this road to hell?

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Some 'FDA' not THE FDA?

Yes, what you say is one of the later theories or scuttlebutt floating around, now that you mention it. I can't keep up with it. Nothing I have seen detracts from the basic truth that Fauci was/is up to his neck and over in this, and I have other fish to fry than to keep up with the latest. Was it a military base or a University in NC??

Actually, some of us (i.e., gov't. and family members do have access, IIRC.

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No spider, but indeed an evil web of deceit, all leading back to the mastermind, self-proclaimed eugenicist 'who' I'll not name, but The Gates of Hell will open for him, his comrades, and minions.

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Roger Kimber, I totally agree that the fact that the DOD took over manufacturing at the implementation of __ " EUA " __ is underappreciated; plus your reference to "Sasha L. stack" sashalatypova.substack.com She presents, in my opinion, the most thorough description of how "EUA" material is absolutely different from clinical trial material, since the pharmaceutical companies MAY have been responsible for their respective clinical trial materials, but the EUA materials were the responsibility of the US Department of Defense.... that would be for ALL vials marked as Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Johnson&Johnson. Latypova makes the case that EUA materials required NO clinical evaluation; that NO good manufacturing practices are stipulated; standard protocols are largely eliminated under EUA. Look at her charts showing the management and the policy arrangements. The government took over, largely by BARDA, so maybe the media's focus on the drug companies has been a deliberate distraction.

Katherine Watts at bailiwicknews.substack.com provides additional information that complements what we can learn from Sasha Latypova. Watts throws in terms like "criminal" and "biomedical weapon" , while S Latypova, with 20+ years in the pharmaceutical industry is more "nothing but the facts" and "here's the documentation through the DECADES that have defined arrangements that you will find hard to believe."

totalityofevidence.com makes mention of Sasha Latypova only once - maybe her warnings wish to be largely ignored by Totality of Evidence.

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Hi Everyone - REACT19 is a non-profit dedicated to helping the vaccine injured get treatment.


Recruitment is now OPEN for REACT’s patient-led research collaboration:




The study will help all of us understand many aspects of what we are experiencing, including treatments that people have tried.

The study is a collaboration between React19 and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. We plan to publish the results in top research journals and through our platforms.

Many have already joined and interesting patterns have already started to come out.

However we need all your contributions to send a clear message through the scientific community! You can truly make the difference if you participate.

You do not have to take the survey in one sitting. You can start the survey and save your progress so that you can continue when you prefer.

Feel free to send us an email if you have any questions.

#Vaccinelnjuries #CovidVaccine

Thank you so much for helping to gather this knowledge!!!!

Take good care of yourselves, and be well.


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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I hope the U of MD is not associated with Johns Hopkins.

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They are competitors

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One is up to no good. The other may get in trouble for its fact finding mission.

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“Health” Canada says the issue of DNA contamination is moot. Billons of people have been jabbed and they aren’t seeing any major issues.

This Is the perfect example of technocrats in action. In my own social sphere their are deaths, cancer, heart, neurological and reproductive issues and they have one thing in common. Don’t these experts not have family or friends???


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Those evil doers did not have family, friends take the jabs. So many in our government in Canada, Ottawa alone, then all the provinces, cities etc, not a word of any of the scum getting sick, side effects or dropping dead, not yet. Justine Trudope' wife couldn't wait to leave IT set up a new home with a doctor. What took so long Opie Dopie.

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I know of one Canadian family that has so far had …

1. A Bladder cancer diagnosis in Dec 2022 (60 male) …multiple others outside of this family were also diagnosed with bladder cancer.

2. Two brain tumors (35y/o female & 91y/o male) found on imaging in last 2 months.

3. 60y/o female diagnosed with rare urogenital condition requiring surgery and now weekly treatments for continued pain. Nov 2022

This is just in one family!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This looks to me like Dr. Malone is taking a flame thrower to quite a few bridges...

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FDA: No evidence found of autoimmunity, nor of antigen immune tolerance, nor of plasmid DNA integration, nor of DNA persistence, nor of malignant transformation, nor of genomic instability, nor of cell growth dysregulation, nor of any other toxicity...because we choose not to look. And if we decide to look and we find such evidence, or if it is thrust under our noses, then it is of no consequence and of no concern because...safe and effective.

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It's hard to see that through their safe and effective million dollar check blinders.

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My husband just said after I read him the substack that” criminal conduct and fraudulent misrepresentations are not generally protected from prosecution by grants of immunity.”

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"... the FDA remains willfully ignorant and in denial of these risks".

For once, wikipedia get's something right

Willful ignorance = agnotology, which is: the study of deliberate, culturally induced ignorance or doubt, typically to sell a product, influence opinion, or win favor, particularly through the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data (disinformation).

Sure sounds like the FDA/ CDC et al!

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You succeed as a government bureaucrat by not rocking the boat, following the lead of your superiors, not asking difficult questions, putting public concerns at ease, going along to get along, claiming willful ignorance if contrary proof is overwhelming, and, if necessary, lying through your teeth. Advanced courses in the above requirements are currently being offered in China, Building and Bridge Division.

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Lying through your teeth seems like the current model most used.

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I'll say it again. Big Pharma has convinced the FDA that humanity can now be lab rats! It goes beyond the corruption of the cells of the injected, because research is now finding that the spike protein can be exhaled and transferred by the vaccinated and transferred to the unvaccinated who now become vaccinated. The intensity grows as more and more injections are delivered to the vaccinated. We are accelerating the transformation of humans in this process. Do you agree Dr. Malone? Let's not get lost in the complex micro mechanics of cellular function and not recognize the great harm that has been done and will be done if we keep going down this medical mine field!

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Fortunately fewer and fewer injections are being delivered as people become aware of this horror. But I suspect the philanthropaths and other anti-humans behind this long-wanted extermination campaign already have other ways to deliver their death weapons.

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Unfortunately, that is just the opening salvo! They are working on many many RNA injections for treating ill health without the safeguards.! Next April, WHO will become the global controller of you healthcare!

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It can still be STOPPED, but the masses need to take action and now not in 2024. However, the years of relentless fear mongering has created a “Mass formation” where people are living in an altered state of reality, and are looking for security and Freedom and Liberty are on the back burner, and when they awake it will likely be too late. It will be in God's' hands and given the mass genocide of preborn babies, America is in deep S***.

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I will simply opt out of any medicine that has been subsumed into the WHO and start paying/trading with providers inthe parallel economy. Kind of looking forward to it actually.

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Thank you for again providing compelling documentation of our, US in particular, Government's utter failure to meet its obligations to our citizenry. Much damage, claims to the contrary not withstanding, has been inflicted. Culpability is wide spread.

Should we be fortunate enough in 2024, major work needs to be done to get back on track. We need to succinctly establish responsible agencies with crystal clear documentation of their obligations and limits. We need to close and lock revolving doors. We need to close all avenues of capture. We need to set out the goal of public health agencies as relates to our citizenry. Are they to support optimum care by Public Health and Physicians for each individual citizen or cookbook mandated care all must follow? Should the citizenry be facilitated and encouraged to learn and understand recommendations pursuant their well-being? Just starter thoughts. I took a course by an outfit named Praxis. Part of their shtick was obligations needed to be fully and clearly set out for everyone to know and understand and be held to.

In the meantime, as of today, your review and analysis is gold and well sets the stage to support needed actions.

Have a enjoyable and productive tomorrow. Hopefully, will be up here appreciating getting to share. Safe travels!

Very Bestest ♡♡♡

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I can only imagine your frustration at watching this continuing, ongoing denial of the data and facts. This is more wait and see until the deformed are born, cancer rates go sky high, (already happening) and unexplained death is so staggering that the hypnosis is broken. This is like watching, in slow motion, the train coming down the tracks. Dylan sang "Blood on the Tracks", but nothing like this blood.

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I dont see the hypnosis breaking under current and ongoing circumstances. In my own , distorted opinion, the only way the transfixed actually wake up is through cataclysmic obliteration of our society /lives / norms, as we know it.

World war, on American soil, could do it.

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As Dan Bongino says almost every day "it isn't bad enough yet" when asking what it will take for the people to wake up and fight back.

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This can happen without obliteration, but what it would take is a quantum leap in evolution. It's a crap shoot...

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I'm pretty sure Desmot, Dr. R's buddy, feels the same way i do, that an event which overwhems the entombed thought process, is the only real cure for this mental incapacitation.

I hope you're right, and my forecast is wrong. Time will eventually shine a light

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Truly, not unbelievable anymore the arrogance in believing there will be no criminal accountability by pharma.

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See my post above, they may get away with it on a technicality.

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the attempted "there is no God" technicality just might not hold true though

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