You forgot the most important bit: reversing the lifetime bans—which means you should soon be reinstated should you wish to depart Twitter heaven :-)


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Actually I did. Maybe it was too subtle - it hasn't happened yet. That was the point of my last comment.

"What does this mean for Trump? Heck what does this mean for me?

Time will tell."

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Aha, nothing wrong with subtle :-)

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Monday is what it sounds like ! see ya then Dr M

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I will look for Dr. Malone among many of your colleagues, but just today there have been some interesting releases. Catturd is ecstatic. Dr. Chris Martenson is saying all the forbidden ideas.

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Nope, not too subtle - just clever...

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I think maybe those of us that took our leave from Twitter should enjoy our freedom and stay off Twitter

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That’s why I said “should you wish”—I know Robert has previously stated he’d rather not return, but I suspect he may feel differently now that there is an overt commitment to free speech (even as the covert intentions may be suspect). He would have a chance of reaching a wider audience and awakening more people with his truth bombs if he does choose to do so.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

I'm a skeptic about everything. I don't believe shit stinks 'til I smell it.

Let's give it a little time. If Musk proves good to his word, THEN I'll change my mind.

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Who is a scriptwriter?

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Exposure is the key to determine ones performance.

Robert has warmed up on the sidelines nicely eh?

#GoRWM A returning QB?

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The government might make Musk an offer he can’t refuse, if you know what I mean.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, agree, given I received a Twitter smack for saying "idiot". How do I know? It was the only criticism in my post. I was stopped, frisked and asked if I wanted to edit my remark. I suppose with their sophisticated technologies, they appropriately read my tone of "sarcasm".

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Not me, I'm going back. I got a lifetime ban for advocating pig ivermectin and thumbing my nose at them when I quit. But... with Elon.. it's all worth another try. Heck, I'd even pay to be verified.

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Never really was a Twitter subscriber. Followed 1 member to offer encouragement. Left. Now signed up on GETTR and Parlor. With enough time to participate would join Truth.

I'm hopeful (lawsuit not withstanding) our good Doctors will continue their participation on GETTR in particular and Gab and Truth (etc?) in general., so we will have a choice to run free.

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I wasn’t on and never will be, but I’m happy for those that may really need to use it.

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The other side of the coin is people like myself who have a Twitter account they NEVER use.

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Welcome back everybody! Step right up and shake hands with the new boss! Let's consolidate that control!

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I wish I could share the enthusiasm, but I think looking to an eccentric billionaire to be the savior and protector of free speech is fool's gold. It's an illusion that offers no genuine protection at all. Musk's acquisition of Twitter is more about a transfer of power. Naturally, he will 'allow' the feeling of free speech again for a period, during which time many will rejoice and flock to his newly 'liberated' platform in droves. Meanwhile, the Big Tech modus operandi will prevail in full swing behind the scenes all over again to even greater effect. The bigger story is being missed in the early celebrations. This has all the hallmarks of another massive psyop. At the very least, the inherent dependence on the good graces of one man, plus Musk's bigger plans for the platform, which have already been widely covered, should be considered serious red flags.

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Well you step up and fix it all. Seriously, he’s neither devil nor savior.

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By the same token, anyone who had the temerity early on to question rather than celebrate the mRNA injections should also have sorted Covid and government authoritarianism themselves, yes? While not a perfect apples per apples comparison with your position above, the parallels in the rationale are clear.

Unfortunately, no one person alone can “fix it all”, including even Musk, because the mess belongs to us all, which is partly the point I was trying to make. In regards to Musk being neither a savior or devil, are you sure? I’m not, but I have concerns, which is why I conveyed them.

The acquisition represents a disruption for sure, and on many levels that’s very satisfying. I’m as happy as anyone to see the current lot shown the door. That does not mean there isn’t something bigger afoot. It does not mean that on this new trajectory history won’t repeat itself with increasing scale and intensity, or that this is not yet another billionaire Big Tech “free gift” with even bigger consequences on down the line, i.e., another psyop. I think it is and that it’s better to be aware of all possibilities than not.

Since we are presumably all on the side of free speech here, hopefully, it was okay for me to say so.

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Just one comment to this very interesting take on Elon Musk. The duality of human nature is... natural.

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I think it’s too early to tell and your skepticism is justified. For now, it appears to be at least be a positive moment.

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I agree that it could very well be into the fire from the pan. Who knows these days? But then again, I can’t help a little frisson of glee seeing the current group of dictators being shown the door. And, like Dr. Malone, I like Elon. That may be misguided, as there are many things he does that are concerning. However, there is something about him that seems genuine.

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He's only a man. But I think it's pretty clear who he's working for.



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Forward the Martian Technocracy!

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Read the Bible. The devil does not reveal himself so easily. So, no will not do research, however will wait and see the actions taken. God Bless.

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Are you really that uninterested in seeing what actions this man has already taken? Be a human, not a goldfish!


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What an evil commendation!

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Thanks to those who commented. Here is my collective response. The concerns I initially highlighted above touched on three main aspects:

First, was the inherent reliance on the good graces of one man who, like all existing Big Tech masters, happens to be another eccentric billionaire. This is an obvious red flag any way you look at it. Musk supporters seem to want to extend trust or adopt a ‘wait and see’ posture towards this. My question is, Why? This is obviously a ‘solution’ with failure built-in from the get-go. Furthermore, if the past 2.5 years have taught us anything, I would have thought it’s that we’ve had a bit too much trust and not enough healthy skepticism to go around.

Next was the Big Tech modus operandi or model. Most will probably accept that there is no “Free Lunch” coming from Big Tech and there never was. However, in percentage terms, few likely understand what this really means. Few realise what Big Tech has actually done with the model it chose to adopt, starting with Google, and then to relentlessly pursue with impunity at great cost to We The People over the past 20 years. These costs are enormous and global in scale, but the looming threats of things to come are all-pervasive. On its current trajectory, the Big Tech model seeks to control not only our speech and access to information, it seeks to control our “everything”. Harvard Professor, Shoshana Zuboff’s, ‘The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power’ from 2019 is still probably the definitive work on this subject. Note, when I refer to Big Tech here, I am doing so for those who still see a clear demarcation between Big Tech and the Deep State, a distinction I find myself increasingly unable to make these days.

If Musk is anything, he’s intelligent. He will be as aware and familiar with these matters as anyone. Whether he sees them as concerns or opportunities, is another matter. Musk’s PR campaign has made his Twitter acquisition primarily about free speech, with himself as our savior. Not only is this unconvincing, Musk has also conveniently avoided fundamentally challenging or calling out the Big Tech model itself, a model which has led us to where we are now in the Covid era. This is another huge red flag for many of us who are familiar with and concerned about such things. We see history set to repeat itself, but with greater intensity. The Big Tech model still stands, and all indications are that its modus operandi will not change and is not meant to, not one iota with this transfer of power of Twitter to a new owner. Yes, the appearance of “freer” speech will be generously bestowed on us once again, just as it was once before, but in exchange for what and for how long? That’s the question people should be asking and should always ask when it comes to Big Tech, instead of continuing to be so easily distracted by the appearance of free gifts, as we’ve been doing for over 20 years now. This brings me to the third sphere of concerns I referred to in my original comment, which relates to what Musk could do or actually plans to do with Twitter.

Even just going by Musk’s public musings and what’s already been covered in the public domain, here are some things we can be reasonably sure are coming: Musk wants the identities of every human on the planet oops, I mean the platform authenticated, ostensibly to thwart bots. Is this really necessary to properly combat bots? First, I’ve spent a quarter of a century in tech myself, and I’m not at all convinced it is or that it would work. Second, should we not be asking other questions like, ‘What could possibly go wrong?’ or ‘Cui bono and how?’ Next, Musk apparently wants to make Twitter the “EVERYTHING” platform. This is Musk through and through. Musk’s vision seemingly involves a single platform where hundreds of millions, and presumably, eventually billions of us will have had our identities authenticated, have an ever-growing web of ‘services’ built around us that we all become increasingly dependent on and at some point, we will find difficult to escape. Meanwhile, the platform and its algorithms will know everything about us. EVERYTHING. Do you see yet, where this potentially leads? Does some of it sound familiar? It should.

Now, some further questions, observations and speculation as a healthy skeptic to hopefully point to other lines of inquiry for those interested to consider and investigate themselves:

Musk is the richest man in the world, by a wide margin. You may choose to believe he reached that position on his own in this day and age without ‘help’, but I do not. He cut his teeth on PayPal, and well done to him. So did Peter Thiel, another impressive and eccentric billionaire. Are we to believe that of the two, it’s only Thiel who is thoroughly in bed with the Deep State? Here are some basic questions I would have for Musk:

1) In your earlier life, did you sign a State Secret Agreement with the US Gov’t? (If he has, he is forbidden from saying so.)

2) What involvement have you had with In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s seed capital incubator during your career?

3) Will you please disclose any and all involvement you have had with the World Economic Forum and other globalist organizations, such as the Bilderberg Group et al, including any agreements as well as the contents of any closed-door discussions?

If Musk were to come clean on all those questions and pass with flying colors, many of my other points would still stand, but I would certainly reconsider my position about him personally. However, I’m not terribly worried. Musk will never come clean on those questions.

Speaking of the World Economic Forum, why is Musk not taking that organization and its leaders to task to the fullest extent? Sure, he may chip at it around the edges, like he does with everything controversial to great effect. In doing so, he dazzles many of us and convinces us that he is on side of the people and the good. But when have you ever seen him take any serious risks in this regard? He is the wealthiest, and one of the most powerful people in the world and we’re supposed to be impressed with occasional cheeky Tweets sent to stir the pot? Really? Consider the difference Musk might have been able to make if he had truly taken a stand against Covid-authoritarianism or had come out strongly early on (or ever) concerning the risks and potentially much bigger agendas at play with the mRNA injections. Are we to believe he is unaware of these things or that he, his day job, and his seemingly-friendlier-than-Bill-Gates’s version of world domination are all too important to invest his energies in such causes as so many others with far less power, far fewer resources, and commensurately so much more to lose have done?

Musk’s early and persistent warnings about the dangers and potential threats posed by AI are commendable. It puts my mind at ease and almost makes me want to look the other way as Musk himself charges ahead in the race to merge man and machine, and seeks to link us all in a hive mind where we will all will become um, free? Just kidding. It does not at all. Never mind his words, judge Musk by his actions, his inaction, and the same motives and opportunities that drive other billionaires and technocratic totalitarians in our midst. If you do this with an open mind, I think you will likely see that Musk has much more in common and a greater affinity with them than he does with We The People. I understand people want to see a hero in Musk. God knows, we need more heroes, but my sense is that this is another trap. Identifying villains, whether they be Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, or even the previous Twitter Board down nearer the bottom of the totem pole is much easier than knowing with certainty who is really a hero. I believe Musk still has much to prove in this regard, and I think he’s a big enough man to be able to shoulder whatever scrutiny and criticism may come his way in the meantime, while some of us are still trying to figure things out.

A final observation:

It was interesting to see some of the very people excited about Musk’s acquisition of Twitter as a victory for free speech go into attack mode here on Dr. Malone’s page when others tried to speak “freely” about Musk; something, even Musk himself would have had no problem with. Just an observation.

Also, regarding James Corbett coming across as a bit “paranoid” in his Musk documentary, many of my friends think I’m paranoid for doubting the Covid narratives and having concerns about the mRNA injections. This should be another lesson of the last three years: in and of itself, being a bit “paranoid” is not necessarily a bad thing.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Elon is a globalist & is deeply imbedded with the military industrial complex. I'm with James Corbett on this one, Elon is not the rebel do-gooder he "pretends" to be


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Very hard to know who is controlled opposition, but important to consider always. Trump, for all good done, somehow lost his street sense when it came to the jabs?..pushing them still after challenged to say "misled on these now that the data is clear". He STILL supports vax...isn't that all we need to know? (Sorry for the reference but Hitler worked miracles in Germany long before he headed a chunk of the population to be gassed. Germans who loved him refused to see his crimes.) Trump won the Right and then piped piper-ed them into getting the shot. If the main goal of the globalist was to get everyone vaxxed, which it clearly is, they did so by splitting the population then having both sides brought to the same place by the leaders. Those of us who resisted now must stay diligent and look at facts and not become fan boys of Musk or anyone.

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Mostly agree with you on the vax. Although I don't think Trump is controlled opposition. I do think he made a heavy psychic investment in the vaccines, and succeeded in doing what a lot of the experts said couldn't be done.

My opinion, it has more to do with his pride keeping him from admitting he was fooled, than acting as controlled opposition. Also my opinion, it's hard to see how anyone wouldn't have been fooled. I think the vaccine developers fooled themselves.

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Agree with you. He had 2 opposing problems. A germophobe probably made terrified of the bug by his deep state medical staff and a monumental ego that could not admit he had been had.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Whether it's his pride or he's controlled opposition they are both equally wrong, people are dying from the jab, and those are the lucky ones

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Exactly. The reasons don't matter...pride, insecurity, ego, germaphobe...what matters only is their actions. If they can't get past their issues when in a position of power then they don't deserve a leadership position. (Case in point: Bill Clinton. Total lack of self control in keeping his dick in his pants and then didn't run the country trying to defend his lies for over a year.) In my view, now with over 1,000 peer reviewed studies listing the horrendous adverse reactions and deaths from the jab means that anyone pushing this vax still, with this data and videos of those dropping dead, deserves intense scrutiny...maybe jail. Musk claims that AI is our biggest threat (I agree with him) while working on Neuralink to chip our brains. For me that's Trump claiming still to 'make America better' while telling his followers to get what he clearly knows has a kill rate much higher than covid. Bottom line: When things don't add up don't make excuses on why suddenly it might be OK that 2+2=5.

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One can make an argument the vax developers knew it was dangerous, and blundered on ahead anyway. May be. I just think it's more likely they disregarded/explained away data they didn't want to believe.

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DyingOnThisHill Good advice!! Sidebar: BeenTRYING to "click"the damn heart on your post (and others' posts TOO), but weirdly, it is not working for me. Maybe it is just my PC with the problem. No fan boy or fan girl am I anymore!

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Clicking on a heart is quirky. I do it, it doesn't seem to respond, then I refresh and the heart is red.

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Had no problem just now. Thanks to you Evil, for getting to the heart of it. Haha.

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The Heart response is always delayed.

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Substack is screwy or censored or both

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I hear ya. Tried writing a bit more but it just disappeared after I hit post. Tried liking your post=failed.

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Substack is screwy or censored or both

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Not yet... The liking emoji is always delayed.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

Is it Really that hard to know who is controlled opposition? What do you use to gage whether Dr. Malone is "controlled opposition" Use the same geiger counter. (Or perhaps your "gut feeling") Time will tell is always good too...

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Sure but there’s no one in this life who is pure. Actions matter. We’ll see by what he does who he is. But I’m tired of everything reduced to a good guys bad guys narrative.

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The issue is we need to agree on what's right vs wrong in order to have a government/society. We shouldn't look to call out each other's faults, but if we can't agree on basic things like "killing people is immoral and should be punished," then we won't have a society. I think Musk is trying to change people's view of what is right and wrong and I will not shut up because it makes you uncomfortable. Right and wrong matter.

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As I posted here before his SpaceX hosted a drag show for ALL ages. What does that tell us?

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Please say it isn't so.

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That was a report posted on Texas Minute who are pretty good at keeping track of politics here in Texas

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B.T. I have been sharing that imporant video on here too today. Happy to see you have been too!!

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Hope you don't.

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Color me guardedly optimistic!

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What shades Robert, Warm Whites or Cool Blues? I still love a sunny yellow kitchen too!

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Trying to avoid blues and yellows at the moment as I don't want to be identified as a Ukie Nazi supporter...

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Roger that...warm whites are always in style.

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randall, your commentary is priceless.

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Yes the kitchen appliance manufactures got some balls and when Nut-o on colors only because the old white (only) appliances lasted "forever". This was the real start of planned obsolescence in home machinery. The old switcheroo was profit gold.

Your refrigerator is white? Oh you poor thing you!

Painted to look like stainless steel is trending now.

You cant keep a stainless steel fridge smudge finger print free!

The ego works to thin the wallet...not much else.

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A Swiss couple we knew had ordered a red fridge and stove, back in the day, which was a shock to most, I will say talk about a pop of color the the stark white kitchen. Smeg carries small colored kitchen appliances, my favorite is pink toaster, kettle, waffle maker.

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Elon seems unpredictable, but maybe that’s part of his charisma and genius. I recently started watching a couple of interviews here and there. Whenever the issue of free speech pops up, he adamantly denounces anyone who would destroy that Constitutional right. In that light, I also have high expectations that he will uphold our freedoms with Twitter or any other enterprise he acquires.

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unpredictable or oddly fresh?

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Maybe a little of both. ")

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I am in “wait and see” mode. I don’t trust anyone with the kind of wealth he has. But, you are right. Time will tell. I hope he is sincere.

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Read this while you wait. You can see a lot in the historical record already!


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This is disturbing.

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I read he entered the building carrying a kitchen sink! Now THAT is a Friday funny.

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If twitter resurrects you, please don't abandon GETTR.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Journalist Margaret Menge of the Crossroads Report has a post today, and is filling up her Twitter feed post by post with lovely huge pictures of all the banned and why.

The mood is festive today.



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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am going to take a chance on optimism today. Return to my old dormant Twitter account, follow more people, find the deplatformed and connect with them, and see how that goes for awhile.

If the promise is real in any way it could be a pole shift not to be missed.

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As one who was permanently suspended for spreading "Covid misinformation" in early 2020, I'm thrilled by Elon's playful and extravagant gesture. How many lives and $billions might've been saved had Twitter not conspired with the Ruling Class to cripple and impoverish so many. We won't grasp the full extent of their treachery for another 20 years - a period that they hoped would secure their global totalitarian government. God bless Elon for his intellect, social awareness, and courage to defend our God-given rights. He stands among giants!

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You have a link or two to share? I'm not familiar with his pharmaceutical connections. I'm not impressed with Tesla so there's that.

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I'm familiar with AI's Neuralink strategies. Whether Elon is involved or not, the development of AI to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) will continue. I don't know what's in his heart but - based on what little we know of him now - I'll feel better about this research if he's involved. If it does evolve into ASI, we'll need as many Elon's as we can get to stop it - if stopping it is even possible.

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Probably not - big subject. I've read James Barrat and others who've reported on the subject, but it's not my forte. https://jamesbarrat.com/

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Elon Musk is tossing out everything INCLUDING the proverbial kitchen sink. (Bravo, Elon!)

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Elon- Tesla

Elitist Agenda- green, global warming

Elon- The Boring Co.

Elites and Military- DUMBS

Elon- Neurolink

Elitist Agenda- transhumanism

Elon- SpaceX

Elitist Agenda- “WEF” “you may go to Mars”

Elon- population collapse

Elitist Agenda- depopulation

Elon- Starlink, 5g, LASAR and MASER enabled

DARPA- Project Black Jack

Elitist Agenda- psyop CONTROL SOCIAL MEDIA

Elon- Chief Twit

Here’s a cute TT bit:


And then there’s Doge!


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Adding to your great list...Corbett Report (James Corbett) on Substack with video. First part of video is comical, so just wait for it! Will never trust Musk again! Already shared on Robert's page separately but just thought you, Kova, would especially be interested.


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Thank you.

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Competition for Amazon can’t be all that bad. Especially if there’s freedom of speech to boot!🥂

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I was able to sign on to Twitter again, although my Tweeting is still “permanently” suspended...

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"You will know them by their fruit"... we shall see what he is.

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This tree has already borne plenty fruit.

Elon is a con man and a WEF Young Global Leader. What else do you need to know?


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I don't have the 'warm and fuzzies' for him. I think WEF may just be a front for something else, probably IC related.

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