Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Explains why a majority of the medical community is staying silent and continues to go along with this madness. The once high regard for the profession has been fatally damaged...

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Try crushed beyond repair.

And they have nobody to blame but themselves.

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It is so sad to me. The hours upon hours I spent at the medical library printing and studying to see medicine reduced to disintegratation. For my wife, I had to ask the “doctor” to do reflexes (I suck at reflexes) and a Hoffman’s. She did not even know what a Hoffman’s was. I did it. Positive. Insisted on C-spine MRI against “doctors” recommendation. Upper motor neuron lesion. Brilliant neurosurgeon had Her in surgery rapidly. I’m just floored. We took so much pride in looking out for individuals (no letters behind my name; but, I’d like to think I have a brain). Ed

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Ed, you’re 1000% correct. My wife has worked in operating rooms in Boston (Mass General, Brigham and Woman’s, Childrens Hosp. Etc.) for almost 40 years. One of the most important things I have learned from her is the fact that you have to advocate for yourself. She has not only diagnosed family and friends with diseases but has recommended true slick specialist that are truly the best. She is in the room when they are doing their thing. Operating room nurses are better than PCP because they see what happens in the operating room. Example, my sister in law had a pituitary tumor, had gone to her primary care couldn’t diagnose it. My wife heard her symptoms noticed her face had panned and told her what it was amazing!! Every day she is in the OR she has to scold the doctors for throwing things on the floor, throwing countable items out (like sponges) paying attention to needles etc.. her nickname is Mother Teresa 😇.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Malinformation is any such speech which can cause mistrust of the government."

Like when Fauci said getting mRNA shots was "just like for measles"? Or claimed natural immunity would not protect people from Covid, well before that could possibly be known? Or claimed the virus came from a market, with nothing but speculation and a conflict of interest?

These miscreants must get the logs from their own eyes. Otherwise, some observant citizens may lose trust in the government.... :)

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There is some solace in the fact the loudest supporters of censoring "malinformation" have received at least 3 shots, if not more.

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A headline came across my cell phone this morning that FDA is recommending the population get a bivalent booster.

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FDA announced a bunch of BS today. The Wall Street Journal said the FDA announcement included the new policy that unvaxxed people only need one bivalent shot to be considered all caught up and fully vaxxed. No more need for a two shot series. The FDA supposedly based the change on a UK study about how beneficial one shot can be for adolescents. The same story also cites the CDC in claiming an average of 9,000 unvaxxed people per day in the US are still lining up for their first covid shots.

Regime media makes incredible announcements from the government and never asks a question.

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Thanks! How disgusting. We have a local Covid Bus. Ive never seen any lineups let alone anyone going in. No doubt there are some. We seem to still have a third of the locals masking. As far as I'm concerned they can keep all their vaxes for themselves and sadly the mind-blown they've created.

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Good catch! Thanks! Will be waiting to learn whether each incarnation addresses a significant risk, is proven SAFE and is proven EFFECTIVE. That there are NO negative interactions or questionable applications. Then I'll spend a while waiting to see what happens with it. Finally, I'll reflect on whether I want to join the 'vaccinated..' Assuming I've survived.

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Your article is an exemplar of the US becoming East Germany. The left is unrelenting in its ambition to take more of the economy out of the private sector and place it in the hands of elected Democrats and administrative tyrants. Culturally, we are facing the extinction of truth and the absolutes all reasonable people agree on. Government officials have used private companies as agents to censor speech they don’t approve of.

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I wonder how many of those elected Democrats (aka, Globalist foot soldiers) will be spared once CBDC comes calling?

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You wonder legitimately. CATO Institute is an American libertarian think tank I'm sure you're familiar with. It published a February 2023 study revealing the risks of CBDCs. The following are highlights from that study: 1. Obviously, China would do it, NOT THE AMERIAN PEOPLE. FYI, due to fundamental threats to the American economy, policy analysts, industry reps, and EVEN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS themselves are pushing back against CBDCs; 2. Senator Ted Cruz said, "A CBDC would allow the government to spy on us. Congress needs to stop the Fed for developing a CBDC now!"; 3. CBDC offers countless opportunities for the government to control citizens' financial assets; 4. CBDCs are a nightmare for civil liberties. Government becomes the center of every transaction, giving governments visibility into financial transactions and the ability to revoke anything, thus enabling them to target what people can own and what people can do= exact opposite of the purpose of cryptocurrency technology; and 5. Since all transactions go through a central authority, if it is compromised by an attack, the entire network will be disabled. IT IS THE 5TH highlighted risk that has government officials from both parties, including swamp creatures, pushing back against it.

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Thanks for your reply and for the additional info. There might be some kind of technology solution for an attack that puts the entire network at risk. Something about distributing eggs among several baskets. In my opinion, what elected reps primarily need to be thinking about is the effect that CBDC will have on their status as useful figurehead puppets for the billionaire oligarchs.

At the moment the overlords are spending a lot of money on bribery and intimidation to get the laws and policies they want. They don't like spending money. Put all elected reps under the CBDC umbrella and, voila, no more bribery money needed. Politician not toeing the line, politician loses personal financial transaction privileges.

That is, if elected politicians are even needed anymore once CBDC and Digital IDs are implemented. Who needs new legislation when you have ruthless CBDC control?

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I appreciate your reply and recognize the cynicism in your ending rhetorical question. I read that in late February of this year, US Congressman and majority House whip Tom Emmer introduced a new bill seeking to block the Federal Reserve (the Fed) from issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Indeed, if the bill is successful, it will dent the hopes of the United States to roll out a CBDC, which has dominated the debate on crypto regulations. Notably, the Fed has not made it clear regarding unveiling CBDCs, but players in the technology as well as banking sector view it as an ideal move to counter the growth of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC)and Ethereum (ETH). At the same time he introduced the bill Fed chair Jerome Powell stated that a CBDC pegged on the U.S. dollar would significantly sustain the dollar’s global dominance. Overall, more global jurisdictions are increasingly researching on CBDCs. I certainly haven't seen or read a word about this.

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I believe FedNow lies on the path toward CBDC. FedNow doesn't appear to have garnered much meaningful resistance. Certification of participant institutions began earlier this month.

A number of state legislatures are cranking up opposition to CBDC as well. You're right, over 100 countries are somewhere on the journey to CBDC. A handful have already implemented it.

CBDC represents a redefinition of the word "money". It is essentially a programmable token that will be declared "legal tender", thereby forcing merchants to accept it when offered as payment. I think it very likely that government payments such as tax refunds, employee paychecks, and social security benefits will eventually be accessible only via one's personal CBDC account at the central bank (or one of its several branches), thus "nudging" the public into acceptance. CBDC and Digital IDs together represent the complete loss of financial transaction freedom, and therefore the complete loss of personal freedom in general. If implemented successfully, it will literally be "game over".

Catherine Austin Fitts, John Titus, economist Richard Werner, and many others have described the threat posed by CBDC. I think it's our #1 threat. Look for Episode 108 at peakprosperity.com titled "Hello CBDC's, Goodbye Freedoms!", in which Chris Martenson lays out the basics and describes the current implementation status (Note: his presentation style is a little "folksey" but he knows what he's talking about).

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Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s challenging to comment on such a deep situation that you have shown so thoroughly and brilliantly. There are many paths which can destroy good people. I want to narrow the focus of my comment to an aspect of 5th generation warfare being used. The best way to take over a country, a branch of government, or an industry is to divide the people into groups. Pit one group against the other. The government can pick its winner and then with unlimited resources crush the opposition. The people who are weak, have little character, and less integrity will always gravitate to the power center (government), cling to and take the benefits (money) and help the power center to crush the opposition. This executive branch of our United States, continually divides the population into groups time and time again, issue after issue. They even make new groups with new names. This is constantly done to weaken the people, crush the opposing side, and allow the government picked side to succeed. This not only destroys the opposing group but is dividing our country. A true positive leader would unite these groups, would welcome opposing opinions, make better conditions so people could keep more of their money and thrive, close the border and stop the poison from killing our children, negotiate an end to the Ukraine war that we are losing and throwing our money away, I could go on. We need new leadership!!! Why the house continues to scratch around the edges of this can only make me think the majority of them are part of the weak, low character, low integrity group that are taking the benefits of it (money).


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Now that was a great mouthful!

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I doubt half of Americans understand that the complete decimation of the family and marriage has resulted in the total fracturing of America.

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I have. mentioned before that our Republic has a badly sprung moral compass. That became particularly true for medicine when it traded Hippocrates for Mammon after the passage of medicare

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Scientism is holding a magnet under the moral compass. It's disturbing how many doctors that study or specialize in medical ethics were supporters of covid vax mandates... and still are.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just read a statement this morning from one of your detractors, (actually it was a video) and it made my skin crawl. Unless lawsuits are filed, like yours, this just keeps escalating. In the meantime the venom gets released in the unsuspecting, easily influenced and duped public. I'm so sorry this is happening to you and so many others of similar integrity. If these tactics make me feel sick and scared, I can only imagine how it affects you and Jill. More powerful lawsuits and the money it takes to file them looks like the only way to achieve any freedom.

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Which one created the video? I cannot take action if I do not know

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023

George Webb He calls you "Bob Malone" April 18 Twitter

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The Anti-Defamation League has recently attacked me as a conspiracy theorist..."

The irony of this leaves me speechless.

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Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“What a bizarre world we are living in”. Robert Malone, M.D.

Unfortunately, a more true statement cannot be made. Ed

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You know when your being attacked with malicious, phony B.S. hit pieces, that your right over the target. Also, if anyone did harm to my dogs or horses, it would be the last thing they did.

Keep up the good fight Doc!

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Manipulation and control of our NIH and their myriad of 3 letter agencies is known by our DC politicians who pretend to represent their constituients! They are gutless and go with the flow so they get re-elected! To do otherwise, they are targeted for dismissal! That's why we can't stop this push to use mRNA injections for disease treatment. Our cattle and hogs are being injected, they are coming with a melonoma injection, cancer injections and MANY more. The safe guards to prevent great harm has been trashed and the injections for Covid prove this but it makes NO DIFFERENCE to the money men who will be handsomely rewarded. Paxlovid which is a poor substitute for Ivermectin cost at least 10 times a simple effective Covid treatment. Effective simple medical treatment is not rewarding for Big Pharma. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/medical-common-sense-ignored

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The Biden administration has committed a federal cyberbullying-cyberstalking crime, yet no federal prosecutor has brought charges. Biden's Department of Injustice would never permit it. There are corresponding state laws that were violated so a state Attorney General in a free state could bring the criminals to justice. Florida appears to have such a law. https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/cyberbullying-laws-florida.htm

Criminal and civil actions against the government for cyber crimes may be a path to circumvent the wall of legal immunity that surrounds the malfeasance of the Covid conspirators.

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That is being suggested/promoted. Levin has sounded the challenge on several occasions. I thought I ran across an article suggesting one state attorney was considering it. On the other hand there may be others whose strategy is to proceed quietly until they are sure they are on a solid ground.

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Similar to the recent definition change of "vaccine", I am changing the definition of intelligence to "vaccine hesitancy".

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Thanks for educating uses about the crimes.

According to the rules of 5th generation warfare, the organization which captures the moral high ground will win the support of the majority of people and consequently win the war. Misinformation can be used to fool people for a long time but the truth is slowly being exposed.

The Washington DC Cabal has not only lost the moral high ground, it is now considered to be an evil empire by most people of the world. The war is devolving to something below 5th gen warfare.

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Fascinating, keep strength. As always, thank you.

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Dr. Malone, thank you for being willing and able to “see the forest for the trees” and then defining for us what you’re discerning is happening. Perhaps startlingly to some, what your research reveals is that every standard upon which our Republic was founded is failing and crumbling before our eyes.

More and more lately, I’m reminded of the question posed to David in Psalm 11, before he was crowned King of Israel and while he was being hunted down by the wicked King Saul. Everything looked hopeless. David was advised to flee to the mountains, for what can the righteous do when the foundations of everything are being destroyed?

David’s confidence was rock solid:


We wait for God to ultimately judge the wicked, but we stand our ground and keep doing right and speaking truth and exposing the wrong.

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How true. God does the same for all His people, great and small. I consider David often.

David’s situation looked somewhere between tenuous and hopeless for more than a few years. When God had perfected David, through suffering and endurance, David was approved and God intervened and established his throne.

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Dear Heavily Vaccinated,

Have Your God

Call My God.

Because Your God

Is An Idiot.


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