I remember as a child being able to go from zero to full speed running in a second. Running full steam around the bases, was simple. I remember driving my first muscle car 0-60 in 5 seconds, God how I love speed. One time I drove from the Sagamore bridge on Cape Cod to my house, which normally is more than an hours drive, in less than 30 minutes. I was sure if I could go fast enough I could get time to reverse, but that’s a story for another day.

Today it’s certainly different, although I still love speed I like “control” much more than when I was a kid. We see that control in many cases is in our mind, it’s a decision we all have to make as to how much we control ourselves or are willing to give control to others. However, we learn to control what we can, reality shows us, that control in our lives can be altered in many ways by an illusion cast onto us.

If I have learned anything in the past four years it’s the love for my freedoms, my liberties, and the ability for myself to control as much of my life that I can.

It’s as obvious as the sun rose this morning that there is a large group of really messed up people that have it out to control all of us, from the time we are born to the day we are laid to rest, and this past 4 years had given them a taste of that power. We see with clear eyes the illusions they create to gain control over us. They create dilemma’s to make dyer situations and then crack down on us for resisting their remedies of control. It is in many ways a matrix they create that traps us into their systems. Wasn’t that Covid and now proven by The Horowitz report of the FBI’s involvement in their January 6th scheme, yet still people rot in their gulags which was done to control us by crushing resistance.

I hope that we all realize the importance that this next administration stays aware of how close we came to losing control over our lives based on illusion. We also have got a taste of what the government elites schemes and goals to control us are. We must never forget their real goal of ultimate control and power over us and make certain that “We” get to control our own lives, and that this control over one’s life always stays in the hands of “We the People” not a foreign corrupt perverted group. We must never forget what they did to us, how they did it and what their ultimate goals really are. J.Goodrich

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It is actually, IMHO, even bigger than the psychopaths seeking to control us. It's like the stops have been pulled out. Hubs and I were talking about the major downside to AI and how it is destined to make pets of humans. As an experiment he asked ChatGPT to write a poem about his business. All he did was give the name of the business and in seconds there was a five stanza poem that artfully described the highest best intentions of the business. I swear my heart constricted. We are being slowly replaced. What need do humans have of thinking, being individuals with common sense and innovation if we allow AI to do it for us. I see nothing bu atrophy of our brains.

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Meemanator I believe as we are replaced generations will just exist to be slaves to their system. This is probably their motivation to reduce the population by 6 plus billion people.

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Looking at the way bigger picture, I think it's just satan working overtime to destroy God's creation.

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Do not share your pessimism James. I predict a snapback reaction is in the offering to curtail much of this nonsense

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I know it’s happened I just hope people don’t forget, because they will never give up and for some reason people are drawn into their lies. At this point I trust no one. I’m hopeful but I need to see prosecutions and a lot of action!!

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Agreed. Ha! - we've got souls and machines don't.

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Hope and faith, hope and faith. God owns time so how long it takes is not set in stone.

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Notably historically and currently, the fact that over 10,000 a day turn 65!

Now there's a force to reckon with.

How.....I do not have a clue whatsoever.

But am anxious to see what DJT has up his sleeve next 4 years at bat!

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tru dat, the leftist vermin just want to kill as many "resource grabbing peasants" as they can, so that the "few" resources will be the "specials" to enjoy.

The sane folks know there are plenty of resources to go around, and that smart folks will keep adding to that basket.

Especially when we make it to another planet.

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We are under a mandate by God to have dominion over the earth. He did not spell out every aspect of how to do it, because he gave us the intelligence, creativity, snd freedom to know how to accomplish it; therefore, pleasing God.

You are correct, AI creates brain atrophy, and I will add slavery, to a system that is hostile to God. We should never cede our God-given mandate and intelligence to a manmade machine which is programmed by men with nefarious desires.


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We live free as GOD created us! But always remember our two sides inside Us!

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Yes and NO. We give one side control and power over our will, or we allow the control to tempt us and often lose the battle. If one has the Holy Spirit, one has the power of the Holy Spirit which is Jesus (as trinity) to tell Satan he has no power over us because Jesus lives in this temple. It's amazing! And Biblical. And really changes lives for God's glory.

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J Peterson pointed out that most of the time, the psychopaths average about one percent of the population. Sane folks notice when that number gets to 3 percent.

Sane folks usually do something when the psychopaths reach about 5 percent of the population.

Since these rabid vermin tend to fester in colleges and media, and government, that problem has reached about ten percent, today.

And in the past, the sane folks got together, and exterminated enough rabid vermin to get that number back down to 1 percent.


The Orange Exterminator is back.

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Hope springs eternal. I think we will need Divine Intervention along with the Orange Exterminator. :-)

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Meemanator, I used this line “hope springs eternal” on Sunday, but just saw your comment now. Just pointing that out! Seemed strange…

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Great minds! Or, maybe in sync spirits?

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Like with calculators. We all forgot how to do math. With smartphones, we've forgotten everyone's phone numbers. And that was way before AI... as far as we know...

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Such a relatable comment. I loved riding my bike as fast as I could and riding my galloping horse out in a field, and once I could drive getting up to speed. I think it’s a true physical experience of freedom. Not to mention riding my bike, horse, or driving the car wherever I wanted to.

Makes me want a road trip. I guess I better gas up the car and get going while I still can.

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Everyone knew that 55 mph was what you hit on the way to your favorite mph.

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THAT is a goooood one!

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I will never forget! Great post!

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Thank you Teresa!!

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YES. it is a very real concern that memory of this debacle will be lost and later generations, maybe even this young one now forming, will FAIL to recall this just has some generations after the Holocaust have failed to understand the gravity of what happened then.

What caused the poverty in Germany after WWI and the subsequent rise to power of a populist national party that turned on other nations, Jews, and caused Germany's collapse with war, again?!

What allowed the deep state to germinate 70 years ago and grow to a level it is the tail wagging the dog of the Federal government?

What allowed a hateful man like A. Fauci to be accommodated by this deep state and to kill millions worldwide with an apparent aim to take down the USA itself?

Will individuals really remember in their minds, what happened and why??

in this vein: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/begging-for-the-wonder-drug?

John Leake, in this article: "Please share this story with your friends and family and exhort them never to forget." how apropos!

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Red, Today people have such a short memory, 4 years is a lifetime especially knowing the media will attack Trump everyday 7 days a week.

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Memory of these events won’t help. They are quickly reinterpreted and manipulated . Fauchi isn’t worthy of a legacy. And it isn’t humanity he hates. It’s God. The Old Testament clearly outlines what must be remembered. It is moral perversion, narcissism, hubris, hypocrisy, ignorance of divine law AND the unwillingness to follow that which God has said is good. Mankind wants to BE like unto God. Witness Bill Gates. Technology will solve all problems. Paradise on earth. Climate is warming? No problem. We will just put a giant space sunscreen between us and the sun. Cow farts are contributing. No problem. We have a drug for that. Remember the Tower of Babel. As we climb into the stars and worship every form of “advancement “ our FIRST concern should be our spiritual nature and not just our physical. Who we are BEING not just how richly we are living. Simply by observing what comes natural in humans with no spiritual compass we can see in any age at any time what must be remembered.

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Seeing stuff like this still gets my blood to boiling. I hope we will see some kind of justice soon.

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Sounds like maybe we should print out all our posts and save them. History needs more than lefty propaganda.

Print it out your thoughts using a laser printer and keep them in a safe place. We need to remember and to teach our descendants!

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JG, for me it was always about endurance, another expression of control. Knowing what you can do and recognizing your limitations - and how both can and do change over time. High School in Reston/Herndon in the 70s I ran, and ran and ran, in the woods I hiked and in the Marines I marched. I rowed at UW in Seattle during grad school where endurance AND strength WITH a team was important - a first for this loner. Over the years first running then effortless walking were taken but I still have my rowing - just put up 14k (meters) on the erg before b’fast.

This nation was designed to endure AND for strength AND for team work - a government that exceeds its limits will lose its aniline to govern at home and lose respect in the greater world. We’ve seen the high point of what America can be and recently it’s nadir. I’m looking forward to seeing America elevating again.

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SR Miller, I’m also hopeful and looking forward to watching the rise of America again. It’s been a lot like a ball bouncing up and down between Obama, Trump, and Biden. It’s a shame we have to suffer through the lows because of corruption, anti American leadership or politicians just out to enrich themselves and sell out America. It seems now we are seeing pardons for profits, so despicable.

At one time I was an athlete until I began to notice girls. Then I began to work, hard physical work. But constant repetition is not so good for the body. I have come to learn the hard way that pain is weakness, and I have a lot of both now. Exercise will be the only thing that will allow me to continue to do my current job. Maybe eventually the pain will force me to change what it is that I currently do.

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James, you have not detailed the source but DMSO sounds like it could potentially help. Suggest the Mid-Western Doctor: Forgotten Medicine . . . substack.

In the last two months or so he has authored very detailed letters covering DMSO(Di-methyl sulfoxide) and its potential for many different ailments. Applied carefully or drunk in water. Best of luck my friend.

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I'm with you, Mr. Goodrich. I like cars, and always wanted a really fast car, which I finally bought in 2009 (and still have). But in the voyage of self-discovery that is life, I came to grips with the reality that, under most circumstances, I am more Buick LeSabre-speed. Further, cars are nice and interesting if only because their design and production combines so many fields of talent and know-how. But ultimately, they're transport from point A to point B. And with the various threats to life as I have always known it, presented by these ##$(*&*#$*#, having the most exciting or luxurious or interesting car just doesn't seem all that important any more.

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James this is the car I had cut the trip time in half. They certainly made cars different and interesting in 1964. I bought this car for 3500 dollars in 1985, it was a rust free car delivered to me from the West Coast. What a deal. When I got the car I had to take the motor out and rebuilt it. 389 tri power car with a 4 speed!

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Very nice! I subscribe to the "Rare Classic Cars & Automotive History" channel on YouTube. Adam has several times profiled mid-60s Pontiacs, and makes a good case that these years were the best of the brand in terms of quality, design, appeal. A GTO no less! The epitome of muscle cars. Nice work!

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Had some fast cars in my day too, my 67 El Camino would turn a 12 second 1/4 mile, but I figured out that if I didn't save my need for speed to a race track somewhere I was likely to end up in the crowbar hotel. So I ended up doing this for 25 years.


I'm still not scared of speed in the least, but I find I'm not in such a hurry anymore.

BTW, That's a pretty sharp GTO! I'm working on what might be it's grandfather right now, hope to have it on the road next summer, a 1928 Pontiac 2 dr. coach. Gonna' call it granpa's GTO.

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Great car! Love the style and colors inside and out! Must have been fun to own.

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Thanks I actually still have that one. It was too nice to sell so we kept it. Still register it and drive it a couple times a year, lots of fun.

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Yeah, I love to go fast too. Back in the 90's I started fixing up a rusty 280ZX, then got a 300ZX, and finally another with twin turbos 450HP-- amazing when they kick in. I Flew to North Carolina and bought that one; drove it back to MinnEsota. Dragged it twice on city streets when in my 60's!

Not classic cars but fun to drive fast. I was very lucky driving significantly over 100 and never being radar trapped, no accidents. Then, with the wife's crummy little Jeep 4x4 went off the road in slimy snow and totaled it at 30mph!

Life is funny@#!





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As a 'biodefense' expert, does Robert Malone know about this document: Joint Publication 3-41 CBRN Defense.

Seems important, assuming it was the basis of the Coup in early 2020.


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I would like to see the transparency of government and return of power to the people, become infectious and happen all over the globe.

Wouldn't it be grand to see governments everywhere, reduced to the simple task of protecting their citizens, and doing what's right. I know, I'm dreaming, but...

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I could do that, when running downhill. It was the stopping I had trouble with.

Totally agree the rabid leftist vermin create problems and then propose solutions for those problems.

When Obummers chief of staff said, "never let a crisis go to waste", I wonder if he knew the rabid democrats would start creating crisis's to take advantage of.

You know, like nazis and commies.

The weird part, you could negotiate with nazis and commies.

There is nothing to talk about with the leftist rabid vermin.

Ditto with rabid muslims.

You can only avoid them, or make them go away.

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You know, there's a fine line between Yuletide and UHaultide. Either way, such tidings warm my heart, and fill me with hope for a better 4 years ahead.

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I love the witty wordplay, James.

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Oh how I love the Teddy Bears Picnic song! My mother sang that to us kids many years ago! What a trip down memory lane!

Such good memes as usual. I wait all week for your Friday and Sunday Funnies, Drs Malone. You never disappoint!

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I sang it to my daughter when she was an infant and “bear” was her first word! Also read the book to her and our son and now to my grandchildren! Ann Murray’s rendition is lovely. My granddaughters love to have teddy bear picnics with their stuffed animals.

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Call me odd but really enjoyed the Teddy Bears Picnic

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Me too!

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Yes, and I haven’t thought of it or heard it in forever. My mom used to sing it to me when I was very young. I loved it!

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I did too! We are not odd

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LOL - some of are...!

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So did I: a song my mother used to sing to me. She passed away this year, aged 97.

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I've heard a part of the tune before, but never the words! I enjoyed it, too!

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I LOVE the Teddy Bear's Picnic, and sang along with it. What a treat to hear this again, decades and decades later! It never occurred to me to go looking for it on You Tube, and it's like getting an early Christmas present. Wonderful treat, thank you! (But nothing compared to the treat it will be when RFK JR starts cleaning up the 3-letter agencies he'll be in charge of).

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Dec 13Edited

‘Christmas’ is the celebration of the First Advent (coming) of the Messiah Jesus….we look forward to His 2nd. When are we going to stop playing 'regime change' and leave the people of other nations alone to live their lives? It’s awfully hard to share the love and message of Jesus when your country (and its allies) is bombing or starving them. This needs to stop.

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Will only happen when profit removed from war

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Dec 13Edited

I love my country, but I do not approve of the neocons… Maybe I am naive, but I think we would not have as many problems as we do, if we would not seek to be the ‘Roman Empire 2.0’.

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The country is its people. The government outright owns the country. Too many sad tales that hold the truth we despise finding when our remorse sets in.

LBJ: remember the USS Liberty - https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=PD5gtM1A990

FDR: remember Japan - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/12/report-evidence-suggests-fdr-let-pearl-harbor-happen

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I had heard of the attack before now, but not fully. That being said, I don’t believe in charismatic people just magically appearing on the scene, I have often wondered, especially lately, if Owens is an IC operative. I would like us to stop with the never ending wars, but there are certain countries that have made strange allegiances. It makes me wonder who was actually prosecuting Trump and at whose behest?

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Interesting thought. Candace is all about Candace. If it brings her attention, she is all in. IC operative, probably not. I don't believe in billionaire that got rich by tinkering in their garages. They were all seeded $$ by the USG to build technology it could use to track people - and now silence people too.

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She married a British man whose family has a title, but is Catholic, that can cause its own issues.

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Like Gates?

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This simply made me sick to my stomach to hear this.

Candace is an angel for liberty and God.

Our nation has been so betrayed. . . I can not say more.

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She is now. She has been all over the political map for years. Perhaps wisdom takes a while to set in.

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Yes, we are all trying to find our way in this darkness.

I was a Boy Scout, a Catholic. Now Lutheran. I believed in the good of the world and America as the beacon on the Hill. I had no idea about the "deep state"-- figured it was all just conspiracy theory. I believed in the Warren Commision's report. . . I was most recently appalled at the Oct 7th rapes and massacre IN Israel by Hamas.

Now I see my Lutheran pastor advocate his congregation read a book by Greg Boyd, Evan. Christian pastor, advocating do not vote, do not have anything to do with the world of man, stay in your little church cubicle. In other words, do as 2/3 of Lutheran pastors did in Germany during WWII and be complicit in the Holocaust. Now, I understand that it is likely that LBJ, who I always HAD reviled, was likely the designer in JFK's assassination and at the least, complicit in that of the USS Liberty's. Over this past year I have seen Israeli's witnessing of video that they cannot believe the IDF could have been unaware that Oct 7th massacres were not going on; that they "allowed" it. Did they?!

I believed in the Jewish cause, too. Have ready many books about their struggles and persecution through the ages. Many more than probably 90% of America. Like Candace, I believed in the cause of Israel.

No longer will I trumpet the Jewish cause or support them in any way. Will not denigrate them, but, support, never again. And, I truly hope that LBJ, that POS, will rot in eternal hell.

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Enter my solution: make citizen taxpayers assign their very own tax dollars for or not for every government agency and every spending proposal every year with every tax return.

Just imagine, the CIA managed to incite a war in (for example) Ukraine, the president proposed 90 billion in weapons, and citizen taxpayers assigned $10,000. (There are always those who LOVE war! Certainly Hollywood producers). It’s our money and our government. Let us decide how much each of us wants what they are proposing.

Another what if: what if RFK proposed farms dotted all over the country that grew food and housed people with addiction problems or mental illnesses that had both shelter and food and medical care AND work until they were well enough to go home. What if he needed 90 billion to make it work. What would citizen taxpayers say. I, personally, would say “Yes, use my tax money that way. See if it helps. Based on performance, maybe I’ll say yes again next year!”

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What you are proposing is a democracy which our Founders wisely rejected. We require a representative form of gov...just a better bunch of reps

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Good ones! I was reminded of a comment I saw on another post - I wish I could claim it was mine.

"If genitalia does not affirm gender, why does removing genitalia affirm gender?"

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Now that is a profound question? However, it makes makes way too much common sense.

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While I did not come up with that one, I do have many many others that defy commen sense. But then that's normal in upside down world.

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Jolly making as always Docs!

Daniel Penny is a normie’s idea of a chivalrous hero.

Ashli Babbit slayer Michael Byrd is the Left’s idea of the same.

Mangione is the leading contender for 2028 Democrat Presidential nomination.

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Scary isn't it?

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The funnies were great as usual but I liked the gap in employment by a member of Congress, which says a lot.

Since my maiden name is Bair, I love anything involving bears. Enough said on that subject! It's a pretty cool video.

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Perhaps the best collection of 'Friday Funnies Memes' out there. The perfect satire to complement the bizarro government think-tanks (oops, thats an oxymoron isn't it) to solving humanity ills. Which by the way, they create. Your monopoly meme says it all.

His Light Beacon - Elizabeth

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What a collection! No subject left unscathed.

Love your bears in the woods! Bet there are already Christmas decorations around in the Malone household.

My top favs - the U-Hauls and PDJT with the extinguisher on PJB's WW3. The Eagle re crimalizing deserves an honorable mention.

Tis the season to find happiness.

Have a great one on the hunt.

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No email re: Malone substack!

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I had an email issue too. Nothing worked prior to my text to their 'suppport.' It was the last option on their e-mail support list at that point. What did happen was I now get this substack at 2 separate email addresses. The cost escalated dramatically. Be sure they don't charge you extra if they continue your present access and they add (restore) your email address. Hope you can shift back sans additional costs.


A GREAT PRESENT FOR THE DAY! Have a wonderful weekend!

Until our next ....

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You did tell me that a while back. I only have one email address so they can only send to that one. I did not receive an email for Friday Funnies. I had to go to SS to find it. So, doing what you told me to do has not worked yet.

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Been bigly missed!! You cannot go to Who is Robert Molone.com and get on there? That iswhat I had to do when it quit coming to my e-mail. Hope you get it fixed

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Of course I can go hunt for them. I get emails from the other SSs I follow just not Malone's. I followed the instructions to reinstate my email address with his SS but evidently that has failed. Now it is up to me to intuit when his next SS will post. I've no time for that . . . Will try once in a while to jump on for a howdy to my favorite commenters which is all of you!

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As I said you were missed. Definitely a great fact checker and keep us honest. I would raise holy hell with substack since you paid for this stack. Anywhoo, was glad to hear you had a good turkey day and hope same for X-mas. Keep in touch with the gang when you can. We enjoy you

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SS blocks itself from that. Provides instructions and washes its hands. Malone's commenters are by far the most savvy and friendly. I have not jumped ship, just hard getting aboard. I'll pop up once in a while.

Right now I am furious over S. Korea's predicament. The president had no choice and very few media outlets are truthful about the course he took. It's dem controlled assemble are N Korea supporters and are paid to be. Not looking good. Just another fire joining the hot bed of the world.

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We could have wiped out n. korea when we had the chance but instead let china save their butt. Russia threatening us with a-bombs they could not deliver was idle threat and poor excuse not to use tactical nukes. Instead we got the frozen chosin

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First off, love the bear story and photograph. The NJ drone image with Santa and his reindeer tells me that we are strong, resilient people who never lose our sense of humor - Bravo for another tremendous set, Dr. Malone!

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I heard years ago that the government can’t give you anything that it hasn’t already taken from you!

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So very, very true.


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Biden Administration is leaving many new Christmas presents for the incoming Trump administration to side track DC reforms! CDC head Xavier Becerra is loved by the investment community that has poured billions and billions in developing RNA injections. Bill Gates being first in line. They now have 5 years to get their 10X return on investment to materialize since EUA is extended 5 years! ! Dick Durbin has joined the fray to express his view RFK Jr. is not qualified to run HHS. He probably would endorse the return of Alex Azar who guided the Covid con into reality. The silence from our Congressman in DC on the harm created expresses the fact they will not bite the hand that feeds them. I would not be surprised that those on the Armed Services Oversight Committee were informed ahead of time that a bio warfare exercise was going to be launched against Trump. 2025 will be interesting as they sneak pro big pharma operatives into the Trump administration.

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Though we often stumble across Hippocrates when any discussion of medical ethics arises I realized we hardly ever hear any more the names of Galen or any of the other ancient practitioners of the medical arts. And given the recent slide of medicine into less savory issues it occurred to me that perhaps it would be a good idea if universities could be aroused from their woke induced comatose condition and begin offering a course in the History of Medicine. The one semester of the History of Science course I took was one of the most fascinating I ever had and made me wish in later yrs I had taken both semesters. Perhaps a Med. History course would serve to reintroduce the sense of purpose and idealism that once drove many students into this area of study. Reaching back into prehistory it has the scope to be one of the most intriguing history courses ever offered.

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Nah! Doesn’t fit Big Pharma management of sick care. That’s why Role of nutrition is not taught in our Medical schools. Reduces need for expensive Rx drugs that keep Big Pharma in control!

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Been thinking about that. No reason to fall over and play dead for big pharma. If there is still such a thing as pre-med, state legs. could insist that state unis require Hist. of Med be taken by all pre-med students

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Great memes today! Thank you 💯🙏🏻🇺🇸

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One of my neighbors is concerned our "security" gate has been open for a few months (electric repairs). Of course, our gate barely keeps out the random vandal. I told him to add security cams to the house, and then I pointed out, I have large bears, and giant bobcats guarding my property. Wish I could attach a pic, "Bob" is about 45 to 50 pounds. Yogi is about 500.

Say hello to my big fat friends.

and remember, support your right to keep and arm bears.

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