I had to comment on Dr. Morens. When I think of “Dr. Morens, Dr. Fauci, Peter Daszek, Dr. Collins, Dr. Walensky, Dr. Birx, Dr. Hotez, Dr. Peter Marks and all the other esteemed deep state Doctors, I think of science. The science of crime, the science of corruption, the science of total DECEPTION. I think about all of the people I know that died of heart attacks. I think of all of the people I know that had life altering strokes, blood clots, cancers (my sister), people that have digestion problems, auto immune diseases, I think of people that had parents die alone isolated in hospital beds and the families that couldn’t have funerals for them, I think of kids that had to be masked and all the harms it caused, schools shutting down, social distancing, people being divided vaxed or unvaxed, graduations cancelled, weddings cancelled, businesses that took whole lives to build destroyed. Then I think of Dr. Morens, snickering at questions, being asked of him under oath at the House Select Committee hearing. I see his blatant lies spewing out of his mouth. I read his emails looking for his fooking kick back. And I think if these people don’t receive JUSTICE what has America become? J.Goodrich

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What we have let it. When Ben Franklin said we had a republic if we could keep it he really should had said…if you WILL keep it and I have to say that willingness has been very lacking at least as far back as when wilson and his progressives cadres began dismantling it. Maybe we have had a wake up clll…have to wait and see

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Dr. Nash, I honestly think we are too far in debt with a government that won’t do what it takes to pay the debt down. By continually overspending year after year after year decade after decade they have lowered every Americans standard of living to the point that kids under 25-30 will never be able to buy a home or even a new car. The only way this could possibly change would take every American to drastically lower their standard of living. Maybe start producing energy to lower the price of gas oil and natural gas but then place a deficit tax of 3 dollars a gallon on it to pay down the deficit and stop spending money we don’t have. They won’t, and like in Rome, Germany,China, England, Zimbabwean etc. the currency will collapse and then we will have no choice on our standard of living being drastically lowered. If Trump gets in which I hope he will and the government continues to overspend we will eventually end up in recession. They will start lowering interest rates, this to stimulate the economy. That will raise inflation more. Rome began using non silver coins and no one wanted their fake currency so they forced it on the world at the end of a sword like we are doing. Eventually no one will want Americas fake worthless dollar and we will go into a Great Depression. Republic no republic democracy socialism, communism it always ends with the currency collapsing.

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The gov has to cut spending drastically and a good start would be to begin eliminating all of those goldurned agencies. They are the big spenders and if eliminated we would see immediate improvement in our finances. Then pass legislation requiring new legislation be held to 5 pages and understandable by anyone. This would kill the wastage siphoned off bythe pols buying votes. There are ways

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Agreed!! They would have to stop insider trading and lobbyist money pouring into their coffers. Jail sentences to those selling off weapons technologies to our communist enemies. This would mean politicians would have to live on their 200 thousand dollar salary plus or minus. These multi multi millionaire politicians we have may not be able to survive on just being very wealthy.

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There are ways

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There are!! I don’t hear it mentioned though. If Trump isn’t shot to death and is able to somehow beat the democrats election interference and millions of stolen votes, he must reduce the deficit in the first year even by 1000 dollars. Not reduce the rate of growth on the deficit but that we owe a little less than when he gets sworn in. That would be a miracle!!!!!

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I have read that most of the new jobs that Biden created are government jobs. We surely didn't need those. That would be a good place to start cutting.

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I think we could eliminate 2/3 of the goverment jobs right now and never miss it. And save a lot of money. Our government has become a massive, bloated whale.

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May 25·edited May 25

Norma, that's right out of Obummer's playbook.

They had people that were hired at the Military bases when none were needed. People were standing around doing nothing.

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"Ancient Rome was as confident of the immutability of its world and the continual expansion and improvement of the human lot as we are today." ~ Arthur Erickson

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Yes and here we are David being told our debt is different than everyone else’s catastrophic debt. Who should we believe Mr. Jamie Diamond, Janet Yellen or history time and time again?

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We the people could do it. Citizen Taxpayers Revolt. Everyone stop paying taxes until given the right to assign your tax dollars. We need an organization and a date. How about Jan 2025. On a more realistic note: Rand Paul has calculated that a 1% reduction in every non-entitlement budget would pay down the debt in 10 years. I say half those budgets deserve to be ZERO like the NIAID, DOE, etc. some need to be given to States to manage like DHS. If Homeland Security isn’t going to protect the homeland, then let those funds go to states to protect themselves. !!

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I hope you're right about that Micheal!

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I am absolutely sickened by these EVIL and CORRUPT monsters! 👿

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A former neighbor just died suddenly…at the gym…in the middle of a workout. Everyone on our former Oregon suburban cul-de-sac is saddened and baffled. How could this have happened to a young man?

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I’m so sorry Big E, it’s so unbelievable these people have pushed these injections and still are. I can only pray that these pushers will find retribution in some form, even if it’s in the next life….

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Thank you, kind sir James. Even sadder is that the neighbor who told me about this tragedy is a retired hospital maternity nurse-manager who 100% bought into the injection, masking, and social distancing fear porn. She recoiled from me in 2021 when I was unmasked and stood too close to her while we conversed outside. She also held outdoor neighborhood gatherings but wanted all to wear masks. I didn't, but my husband (who knew masks were worthless) did.

I broached the vax issue with her and provided much research on several occasions before and after we left Oregon, but she just could not be convinced. She, her husband, granddaughters and other family members are all vaxxed. She once told me "I know you don't believe in the shots..."

The blindness among medical professionals and those in related sciences such as pharmacology is most difficult for me to accept.

She's otherwise an absolutely lovely person, smart, rational, and a cancer survivor.

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Yup Big E, I had lunch with a former client a couple of years ago, as I was learning the truth about the hoax and she was filled with fear. Another client ridiculed me for not being vaxed, another friend and I got into ... and it goes on and on. Damn

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Thank goodness for our wonderful tribe on Substack and others of like minds— curious and open to new ideas 💡.

Best of everything to you, DD. Keep shining the light. The dim bulbs will illuminate eventually.

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My wife as you may know is an OR nurse in Boston. You’re 1000% right, most all medical workers (nurses) are completely sold on prescription everything. Towards the end of the pandemic we went to a couple of weddings for the children of nurses at the hospital. First off these women can DRINK!!!! My God, but the shot was a big topic of discussion and they did not like unvaxed people!! I was outnumbered 1000 to one actually two, someone’s husband, Jay, was unvaxed also. But they were all nice but were crushing Aaron Rodgers for being unvaxed. Now the big drug in there is ozempic which I’ve heard is very dangerous. I think 90% of them are on it. I had a podcast of a doctor that said after so long on it your body will stop digesting food properly even after you stop taking it. If I remember correctly he said the drug has poison in it they extract from a lizard. I’ve tried to find the video, I do have it I’m having a hard time figuring out which one it is. Any ways I agree with your med workers comment Big E!!….

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"These women can drink!" and so do the doctors and pilots and so many others trusted to care for us. You know ozempic is bad, along with "diet pills" (speed amphetamine) and I could go on and on, as well as you can too. Funny how I can retrieve these memories that I never thought much about, until now.

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DD, I really think many of these OR miracle workers have PTSD. This may have something to do with having a few drinks to try to remove your mind from what you saw and did that day. It’s impossible for me to even imagine a baby or a kid dying on the table and the pressure to revive them. Or someone walks in through the doors, sick as they may be, but never walks out. This is why I fix houses and buildings, if something doesn’t look right I can just change change it. I can’t give medical people enough credit for deciding to dedicate their life to help fix people, their amazing.

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To all who are awake the realization that breaks our spirits is just what you've articulated James, we don't live in a nation that strives for truth or justice anymore. Convenience took over, God & Bible were eliminated, Money became god, Power became the goal and too many American opportunists profited...

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"...what has America become?"

That's an easy one. We've become a nascent third world Socialist $hithole that our government, and other globalist elites, have been banging like a screen door in a hurricane for their own gain.

That being said, having defended my country's corporate business interests by supporting a corrupt government in the S. E. Asian War Games, I invoke the Pontius Pilate response and wash my hands of the whole sorry mess. I vote and follow most of the laws that apply to free citizens, but draw the line at my property boundaries which are also protected by three big-assed black bears who don't like drop in visitors.

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I think you (Quite Rightly) mirror the feelings and opinions of people right across the whole of the Globe James.

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Les!!! How are you my brother!!! I was talking with I believe James Lord here on Dr. Malones S S and he was saying how Australia is worse off than even we Americans are. I agreed with him. Les what happened to the priest there? I heard they jailed a priest?? Is that right??

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G'Day mate!! Not sure about any Priests, but everything else here in OZ is terrible. I believe the same as I do about Your Government AND that of Britain, that these people are ALL placed there by "fair means or Fowl" to (Literally) destroy the USA, Britain and Australia. AND they are all doing a good job of it. Canada and New Zealand are already under the spell of the WEF. Hope all is well with you mate, I always read your posts, and todays was a ripper, you wrote VERY WELL.

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I wrote a response and it has disappeared. Have to go to watch a friend play his last game of football being Saturday afternoon here, but will scribe another later. Go well my friend.

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You as well Les. Will talk soon…

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Those were terrible and dark days!!!

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May 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

True story… We raised 3 boys on a very middle class ONE income, we had a tight budget… only went on vacation a few times over their early teens, used cars, etc. Our food budget was $400-450 a month… lots of spaghetti dishes, bag lunches. One is married with a child just shy of two 2 years old (2 dogs, too)… they have an excellent income and might be able to buy a 'starter home’ in an area further outside of the NOVa area ($380-450k??!!) in a year or two. They spend $1200 per month on groceries (w/ diapers), they do eat healthfully w/ almost no processed foods. We could NOT afford to do this today.

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We have a similar story. I homeschooled my two kids. One in college, one just graduated (having passed all the indoctrination sessions). We were fortunate that she got a full ride scholarship so we didn't have to pay for them to brainwash her and hope to begin the deprogramming this summer. Anyway, I can't figure out how they will be able to make it in the US now.

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May 26·edited May 26

Homeschooling can be an excellent experience for the child and the family, it takes dedication.

Well, my FIL was one of 11… born in the Depression. It was tough, but you figure it out, you pull together, you make do… everyone has to work together for the survival and good of the family. They couldn’t have done it without the tight community of their church and their strong faith in God. I know how important that was in the raising of our own kids.

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My great funnies. Word salad is hilarious. She sounds like a first grader. Watch this “Trump” made me laugh out loud. It makes you wonder what drug these crazies are taking. I’m excited for the new Fallout. The Fallout on Vitamin D was excellent. I’m so glad my mom gave me vitamin D as a child. Where I live up north it is imperative that I take vitamin D . Have a great weekend and remember those blessed souls who have passed away.

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The humor about Kamala's manner of speaking is never-ending. But I suspect if she were the Democratic nominee, the vast majority of the Daily Show audience would vote for her.

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Excellent. Thank you Dr. Malone

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Another outstanding collection. Sorta off subject but we voted today ina runoff election for school board. The one we voted against, on record, was pretty iffy to say the least. Now what was interesting is the renoffs are usually poorly attended and yet I was told that this one, with only that single issue, was showing a fairly strong interest. This just may mean the progressives have finally ripped their drawers with their wu flu extravaganza and now have to deal with an awake electorate, one they have not seen in way, way too long.

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The ‘like’ buttons aren't working for me right now. Glad you’re 'on it’ with your school board.

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A full list of scenarios where giving up your rights will make you safer.

That looks just like a Pfizer or Moderna package insert.

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WHO wants you to FALL IN! The FALL OUT is being ignored by main stream media. Don't want to give the truth tellers a platform to save humanity from RNA injections that reprogram cellular function for profit and not good health! The RNA pushers believe they have achieved a God like status in life.

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Hot off the press: UCLA Med School Prioritized Racial Diveristy, Leading To "Shocking Decline" In Medical Knowledge

"One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot..."

This, in large part, is why I escaped academia and that was 15 years ago.

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Another reason I got fired , did the same thing to a resident in surgery. I was not sympathetic enough or woke enough .

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On January 10th of 1963, forty-five current communist goals were submitted to the Congressional record. Number thirteen was, “Do away with loyalty oaths.”

Sixty years later on the very same day, Biden, Obrador, and Trudeau met in Mexico City for the Declaration of North America which states a plan to unify North America under the ideas of diversity, climate change, migration, health, and regional security. The beginnings of a North American Union, which is a step towards a one world government.

According to law, elected officials must swear an oath that they will support, defend, and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

And through the Freedom of Information Act, US attorney Todd Callender, along with his team at Project Proper Oath, found that not a single member of the existing cabinet has a valid oath of office.

US Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, has no oath of office, and has also failed to register as a foreign agent, which is required due to serving on the boards and conducting international business with Raytheon, Nucor, and Tenet Healthcare.

US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, responsible for declaring a national emergency during COVID, has no oath of office.

Former director of the Centers for Disease Control, Rochelle Walensky, had no oath of office.

US special counsel, Jack Smith, responsible for investigating the January 6th U.S. Capitol attack, has no oath of office.

US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Matthew Graves, chief prosecutor of Jan-sixers, has no oath of office.

Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, has no oath of office.

Within 30 days of appointment to public office, all public officials are legally required to have a signed and notarized copy of their oath of office.


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Bush 43 already tried his version 20 years ago with the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, going from Mexico to Canada (through Cass CO, MO). The Partnership was founded in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005, by Prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin, President of Mexico Vicente Fox, and U.S. President George W. Bush. Globalists have learned from the adverse reaction that such internationalist adventures as the NAFTA Super-Highway, will only succeed if such initiatives are pursued covertly with a determination to ridicule anyone who dares contemplate its larger purpose of increasing global sovereignty. I’ll note that it was done in after Texas fought the building of the highway through its state.

I posted a reference to this in a reply to James Goodrich on 12/24/23


Thursday, January 10, 1963

Mr. HERLONG. “Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism,

and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.

At Mrs. Nordman's request, I include in the RECORD, under unanimous consent, the following "Current Communist Goals," which she identifies as an excerpt from "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen: [From "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen]”

Read the goals here: https://cns7prod.s3.amazonaws.com/attachments/communist_goals.pdf

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The whole truth and nothing but! Find it here! Also -enjoyed your Fallout episode on vitamin D. I guess we can call it the forbidden letter. Your interviews with Jan are excellent. Next thing you know the government will take it out of the alphabet except then CDC would become CC ...

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An early morning walk with your face towards the Sun is supposed to be very beneficial. I still take 5000iu per day.

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CITIZEN! According to our A I overseeing your purchases, it indicates you have purchased an item that does not meet our approval. Our contract with the WHO specifically forbids the purchase of vitamins or supplements for health purposes. Because you also did not receive your monthly vaccination required of everyone's compliance in order to prevent you from contracting or spreading a future designed illness we have had no choice except to fine you the amount of your entire financial asset balance and close your accounts.

Your fine will be used to fund your overseers programmers expenses.

Have a nice day!

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Trump selected stelar drain-swamp team members:

Pence, Bolton, Pompeo, Kushner, “my generals”, Carson, etc. - all war-mongering RINO grifters and bible-idiots genocide supporters

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Yes, that is a problem!! I hope he does better this time.

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Japan Fights Back Against WHO Pandemic Treaty and Deadly Shots

Warns the world to not trust the Japanese Replicon vaccine

The Japanese are normally not inclined to protest. But thousands of them are now marching together in protest of the deadly experimental shots and the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty. They are being ignored by their government and media, and they deserve our recognition and support.

They are launching a class action lawsuit for the families who lost loved ones to the deadly shots. And for those whose lives have been destroyed. And the plaintiffs are being heard as they share their painful stories.


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They may not be so inclined to protest today but I remember when President Ike planned a trip there the communists got them so riled up the country was in protest overdrive and he finally had to cancel the trip. Has the gov there developed a commie specific pacifier? I would think the commies would love this “treaty”

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Mr. Guy, the link was good up to the first ?. The rest just identifies how the user of the link got the link to start with. I think I may have mentioned this before.

Did you know that Greg has been living in Russia for quite a few months now? He is an interesting guy, not?

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Where can the link be cut at, what do you mean by up to first?

Greg Reese works with Infowars and is in Russia for protection against the New World Order.

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Do you see the ? right after pandemic? Everything beyond and including that ? are not required. The info just divulges the source used to get the link to you to start with. - https://gregreese.substack.com/p/japan-fights-back-against-who-pandemic

That is all that is required.

Yes, I know. My sons have been groupies of Alex since 1992, although a little older than he is.

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Thanks for the update...

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I loved watching Jan on the Epoch app but one of my top three favorites now is FALLOUT. So informational, no hype or hysteria. It's just like I'm eavesdropping on a conversation between a couple of well educated and informed gentlemen. Thank you, Dr. Malone!

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I find myself waking up in the middle of the night regularly. I turn on my FaceBook which is now mostly REELS, Ads, and silly Willy stuff. There are Rabbit Holes that can take you to some intense information and discussions. I live in a nice area, in a nice house with nice children, and late at night I wonder will this all be a memory of what once was, replaced by terrorist attacks, attacking mobs, poisoned air and deadly GOF diseases killing us by the millions, no food, and our 2 pet pigs butchered by starving people. I go from global demise to the mundane of losing our 2 precious pets. The pigs' fate bothers me as much as the big issues. I can conceptualize the loss of my pigs but I cannot imagine how the demise of my world could be. I think maybe I am in denial.

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