May 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There’s a physician in my county who’s been ridiculed and dropped by medical groups for loudly saying and actually putting up a large sign in his own yard that says “no more boosters” ... this poor man is losing his practice because he doesn’t agree with the agenda. I am standing behind him by going to him for treatment and will pay cash. My own insurance company and doctor is pushing the vax down my throat and I’m sick of it. I’d be willing to pay out of pocket for doctors who aren’t being experimental drug pushers.

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Thank you Sam. This is what everybody should do!

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Newsom was trained by the WEF.

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Yes he was 100% WEF trained and his father was also a huge proponent of the green agenda.

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Ive read it many times. So is the gov of Washington state. Macron, New Zealand leader, Trudeau, Merkel was one of first students. Many many others too. They are installed all over the world. That is why this was successfully implemented to this point. Its been planned for a while. These ppl are like communists taking over the world. That is why so much is upside down. “The Great Reset”.

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Gov Newsom in CA too.

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They’re probably not going to advertise openly, but I bet there are plenty there.

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You have to KNOW word of mouth.. just like my podiatrist.. he is a wonderful Christian, Trump supporter and his wife also works in the News.. also like minded. I found out from my sister who had him for years. Ask your friends who they like .. frankly, many people in medicine lean to the bleeding heart liberal side.. I found that out when I worked in Hospitals. I had to really hold my nose when the HEROS work here signs went up at the local pharmacy .. where clerks who had two week training were giving Covid shots: I actually changed pharmacies.. but that is a long story.. ASK AROUND..

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Absolutely, living in a medical school community, there were few, no extremely few who carefully, quietly did not push.

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:) thanks for confirming that.. think about Doctors without Borders: an org I do respect but however most of them lean left heavily.. let's put it that way

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I like your long story!

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Thanks. I always write too much, but medicine and people are complicated. :) ttyl. I need to get in the tub.. again..finish doing bills..LOL.

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Yeah I’m sure advertising their stance on this issue is dangerous. It’s so sad! This doctor in my area is risking everything including his license. Other doctors are calling for his license to be suspended. It’s absolutely disgusting.

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wow. He will be fine: I worked in medicine and actually worked with another Medical Doctor who was trained in "court cases" for malpractice and we actually would review the "medical transcripts" and the legal "charges". It was very time consuming and challenging this was years ago. before I lost my "vision" (cataracts).. and it takes what is called a PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE to establish and pull a Medical Doctor's license. I assure you. :)

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What area? I may change docs.

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Do you mind sharing where you are? I might change docs as well.

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I live in Northern VA.. Alexandria called Fairfax.. near the POTOMAC RIVER yeah the heart of the BLUE SWAMP.. believe me it is TOUGH FINDING A DECENT DOCTOR. The Podiatrist I am referring to is Richard Lee, M.D.. and I cannot give you P.C right (family practice medicine) because stuff is so messed up. DO NOT USE SPINE AND PAIN Associates.. they are drug pushers and insane.. I grew up here.. and still praying for release. Technically I live in Fairfax County..:)

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This issue is beyond politics!

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I wish I could find a doctor like that! Maybe soon it will prove effective advertising.

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There is an online service in the USA that will treat for Covid. It's called myfreedoctor.com they prescribe treatment for Covid and they will also give you the names of pharmacies in your area that will fill the subscriptions.

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Thank you. But I think what most people would like to find is that old time, personal family doctor that you actually see face to face.

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no question - but living in France with socialized medicine, I would have like to have had at least that option. But I got through it ! Got Covid, (smell and taste) but have been fine and NO VAX.

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Congratulations!!! Thank God there are people out there like you that can remain a control. I will never get the jab, but I haven't knowingly gotten covid.

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thank you

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I stopped doing business with EOMMO's (Employees of Monopolized Medical Organizations) over a year ago. I now pay out of pocket to a functional "doctor". I do not call her a doctor, I call her Tracy. I told her, if I start addressing you as doctor it means I am losing confidence in your professionalism...

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Sadly, if not yet, in the future they will lose their license and be incarcerated when providing care without a license…

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I bet more people would have no problem seeing ‘unlicensed’ doctors.

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This is a very real risk for doctors like Sam.

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Good for you! I am doing the same thing.

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I wish there was a doctor doing that here - I too would pay cash to see him!

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Where is the tech located? Can you remove it yourself?

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BRAVO!! We not only need to end the state of emergency now but prevent the government from ever being able to invoke one again. As the quote at the opening of my “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis) goes:

“‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded—and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed such emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist.”

—F. A. Hayek, Law, Legislation, and Liberty


Dr. Malone, are you on the World Council for Health mailing list? They just put out an alert letting us know we have less than *24 HOURS* to submit comments for the stakeholder listening session for the 75th World Health Assembly, where they will be voting on the proposed International Health Regulations amendments that threaten to end national sovereignty starting in November.

Here is the form to submit comments:


I encourage everyone to sign up for notifications from the WCHF (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org) so you can get action alerts like this as soon as they come out.

Thanks to everyone here for helping us fight One-World Tyranny! 🙌

See more details and a list of resources at the end of this post:

• “Dialogue with a Curious Injectee” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-curious-injectee)

And the #StopTheWHO update in the announcements of my last post:

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

And here is the response I submitted last month during their public comment window:

• “Letter to the WHO” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-who)

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I just checked the countdown, and it's at 14 hours, 50 minutes now!

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I just emailed my comment. I attempted through the website you linked, but I got an error message - hmmmm, so I had to email my comment directly. Send to OGA.RSVP@hhs.gov - I copied the text from the link - added my name and where I was from - and added at the end of the sentence, "I am writing to voice my opinion on the IHR AMENDMENTS.

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Same here. I am trying since this morning. I always have the same reply : *** Forbidden. You sent forms too often. Please wait a few minutes. *** ... They don't want to hear from us.

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This fab find was picked up by Naked Emperor yesterday. Few outperform you curating critical info.. icymi wanna make sure it hits your radar. :~)


Call for Papers on potential toxic effects of COVID-19 vaccines


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Oh wow, thank you for letting me know! I'm backlogged on Stacks as I'm too busy putting out fires—the IHR amendments being the latest …

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Me too!

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

I see this as something to be handled at the state government level.

Each state legislature should pass laws denying authority to any associations or boards that refuse to adopt the principals spelled out in this Global COVID Summit, Declaration IV.

Some may worry, who will handle these things if, for example, the Texas Board of Gynecologists lose their powers? In the short term, nobody. It won't be the end of the world. And a helluva lot better than allowing these abusive organizations to continue their silliness. Then the gynecologists can form a state association to fill the void.

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Evil Carnate, as I gynecologist, I hope your right.

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Dr Malone is supposed to be at the Better Way Conference in Bath, England May 20-22 Buy a Physical or Virtual pass

https://betterwayconference.org/ - https://betterwayconference.org/speakers/

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Sent my comment last night!

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I did this just in time!

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“They just put out an alert letting us know we have less than *24 HOURS* to submit comments for the stakeholder listening session . . . .”

Oh! Another last-minute alert to get people scrambling as if they have the power to get people scrambling, as if they have any authority at all.

Ignore them, period.

And beware that it could be another 100 Flowers campaign.

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Thank you so much Freedom Fighters!

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Who would have ever believed that the Hippocratic Oath would be so callously disregarded by so many physicians, who uttered those words with at least some enthusiasm as they were receiving their medical degrees?

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Good Morning Dr. Malone..

I live in BC Canada… we have socialized medicine… and as such most Doctors in Canada tow the government line… because after all..every doctor , hospital and practitioner is on the government dole.

Last week… I fired my doctor and… am probably on some sort of list. If I need medical attention.. I throw the dice and go to emerg. And here is why :

More than two months ago I asked for compassionate permission from my Dr. to fly… just to access my desperately I’ll heart patient granddaughter. I am not vaxed and my request was flat out denied. ( Unvaxed are not allowed on trains or planes in Canada ). On March 13 th as my pumpkin was undergoing her second open heart procedure… I was is emergency with DVT and a clot on my lung…..

On April 5th my beautiful 12 year old granddaughter…damaged with a stroke..kidney damage.. blood clots and a brain hemorrhage ( double vaxed in October) drew her last breath and we chartered a float plane to be by her side.

No… I did not not get a call when all the charts from my clot in March were sent to the Drs office… and no …there was no follow up…. And no .. no call after our pumpkin died. ….She is in my opinion

as morally bankrupt… and as faithless to the Hippocratic oath as most others throughout the world and I applaud with breaking heart the brave 17,000

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I am so sorry, what they are doing in Canada is just pure evil.

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My condolences. A heartbreaking story.

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Thank you’ll for your kind thoughts … it is one story in many ..wrought by a senseless

two years of disregard for the basic tenets of human rights and good medicine.

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I know. I’m a retired alternative practitioner and have lost 3 former patients. My BFF is finally free of her symptoms but her granddaughter is still damaged. As is another 17 yo I’m working with. I’ve been doing what I can but it’s tough. Harder still when it’s your own loved one. ❤️

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God bless all our alternative practitioners… holding the line and doing what they can… thank you

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God bless your valiant effort.

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OMG, my deepest condolences. I also live in BC, am not vaxxed and concur with all your comments. Is there any indication that your granddaughter's condition was vax related or has she suffered from heart conditions all her life? What a tragic story.

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Thank you for your sweet reply… she was born with a defect… a blue baby as they were once known… in and out of Childrens all her life… but the most alive.. sassy fun loving child in the family… loved and adored by our tribe… 16 strong. She needed repairs to her aorta and aortic valve replacement. The first operation was perfect… we thought. Then the aorta splice formed a pseudo aneurysm and she was in 2 weeks later for repairs. That was when everything went sideways and I mention the vax because it was mandatory for 12 and over

In October of last year… and a day before she passed she was discharging large clots… I don’t know if there was a correlation… but her surgeon tendered his resignation a few weeks later…

In my ignorance… my mind drifts to the question… why would a shot that is known to cause clots be billed as the safest vaccine ever…before open heart surgery because of draconian senseless edicts.

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Oh I am so sorry, my own cardiologist reports a huge spike in patients (young males mostly). He has chosen to be vaxxed, because he says he is doing what he loves, and wanted to keep doing it. Your story is so poignant as to the unintended consequences that no one seems to want to listen to... did you see this https://tnc.news/2022/05/08/judges-rule-against-provincial-health-officers-in-b-c-and-alberta/ Bonny Henry is being told she must be accountable for her actions.

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It has always struck me that the plethora of mother figures telling us what we should do is overwhelming…. sad that all those little hearts for our health workers festooning every corner … before the vax arrived… are now fighting for their rights if they say…. My body… my choice.

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Thank you Dr. Malone! Great job!

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You people are doing the right thing and when the smoke clears, you will find yourselves on the right side of history. I am comforted in these times by remembering that in times such as these, the majority are most often wrong, if not always wrong. I think Mark Twain said something along these lines - that, if you find yourself in the majority, that should give you pause.

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people -- take action when you are "sick and tired" of "being sick and tired"

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And we are being pushed in a very dangerous direction.

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I watched it live yesterday. The speeches were powerful and well delivered. For all of us who can, I think there's a good opportunity here to put more skin in the game by getting behind this. Otherwise, we're just talking to ourselves in a vacuum and if not now, when? We know Big Tech domains are comprehensively censored, but we still have old-fashioned email. I'm looking at my disheveled contact databases now and can see about 20k contacts, half of which may still be active. I'm going to clean this up, remove select addresses, and let it rip to basically everyone I know. This will take some courage. I promise to report back in a few days.

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God bless you, Dr. Malone, and your group of 17,000! As an RN (Retired), I am appalled at the Pfizer ads on radio and TV promoting their jab, and now the oral med. Also, the two medical centers in my city strongly promoting the "vaccine" and boosters. Our local paper runs a daily report of how many people have "Covid", keeping people fearful. I live in an Independent Living Retirement Community, and see the fear as masks return, and administration says they will follow CDC guidelines! It is difficult not to feel hopeless with all the evil happening.

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This needs a global (electronic) book for members of the public to sign, so those responsible in each country for this dictatorial nightmare can see the utter contempt in which they are held.

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The fact that this powerful declaration and Elon Musk opening up Twitter for free speech are both happening almost simultaneously is not coincidental. Dark forces are being pushed back. If our eyes were opened to see behind the scenes I’m sure we would see mighty angels protecting you all and not only saving our country, but humanity all over the world! Praising God for using humble instruments to further His cause of Love and Truth to mankind.

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One of our family practice doctors whom is a Mormon actually preached a sermon telling the followers that they are not doing right by God unless they dutifully mask up and line up for the shots. I cringe when I think about him lining up his numerous kids for the jab. I was also told that a few elderly people in the church passed away shortly after the jabs, one from multiple strokes and the other from invasive fast growing cancer. Coincidence? So it’s not just the censorship of the medical community, some are apparently in line with the safe and effective theory and that masks actually work. I’m sad that this was my doctor and my children’s. How they won’t wake up and see the truth at this point is frightening.

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I agree but you must go further. The medical community has burnt its bridges with their patients.

They must denounce everything they have done to us for the last two years. The AMA is filled with leftist woke morons who have given directives to hospitals across this country to not list the babies gender on their birth certificates. This is totally evil. They need to be purged and reformed.

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17,000 professionals with credentials vs Pharma and Government shills. I think we can see who is going to win this one. I hope those responsible like prison cells. Too bad there is no more gallows.

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Time to add new tiers. Grow the list with categories. People want to see it grow and see if their colleagues are on that list. All Ph.D.s MS in sciences, engineering, materials and physics, data analytics. All that relevant stuff that has been trashed.

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