Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Some have gone from preparing for retirement to traveling all the time while writing daily substack articles.” Hahaha, thank you for your sense of humor. Seriously though, thank you for traveling and writing daily substack articles!

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Sep 13, 2022·edited Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank's a lot for all your work. I believe there are some very reckless people out there. And probably also some people employed as agent provocateur... Well never mind. I'm so glad to have been following your relentless effort against this madness for the past two years. I find it difficult to express all my gratitude. Words fail me.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A lot of people will do the agent provocateur role for free just to try to achieve a feeling of self relevance from the attention it generates...

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Man has always been his own greatest enemy. We are subject to bias, error, and outright corruption; history and the present times fully illustrate the base passions and acts we are capable of. This is the reason we need salvation. The explanation as to why people turn on their own is actually very simple.

"The line separating good and evil passes... right through every human heart". Never allow yourself to hate the opposing side, for you will become that which you despise. There is a reason for Love being the answer, anything else (i.e. fear and hate) is self-destruction. What you do to others you do to yourself. These are laws, and they exist and operate regardless of your beliefs. Take heart, for although it may not always be evident, those who do the right thing, out of Love or good will, will always reap their reward.

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Well said and much needed

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I never realized the Reign of Terror was less than a year.

Great history lesson.

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deletedSep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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We haven’t seen anything yet. God willing, we won’t get that far before we stop what they have planned.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many thanks for the effort at clarity. The Jacobins' greatest ally were the silent majority, who naively assumed that the guillotine's hunger would be satisfied with a few more heads, and simply ignored what was going on, until it struck them personally. The American sheeple largely did nothing to search for objective facts, and followed orders instead of asking questions and thinking for ourselves. It was only after we resumed thinking for ourselves that we came up against the new ugly trend: Each power-mad wanna-be, jumping into the leadership vacuum, offering to become The New Boss.

Intelligence professionals recognize the New Boss Wanna-Be dynamic for the powerful force it is. Every Kremlinological conspiracy theory handicapped on the leader board, first by Counterintelligence head JJ Angleton and then by the world's second largest set of IBM 370 mainframes upon his retirement (yes, JJ abstracted his handicapping process into software before he retired), presumed that some in the Kremlin would rise to prominence and others would end up in GULAG and that all of the buggers were trying to win but most would lose. That is the real nature of conspiracies...the participants constantly cheat each other. Looking for heroes among them is a fool's errand.

Doc, you've done as much in the way of heroics as anybody. Thank you for your service.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This cycle keeps repeating itself. Lenin/Trosky/Stalin style. The claims are always about who is the purist, who is the most fundamentalist, etc. Then when one emerges, the paranoia sets in and the gulags' start.

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Well said! I’m exhausted by the “ Us vs. Them” Puritanism. The loyalty demands. If DC was hit by a meteor, America would experience a renaissance .If the UN was hit by a meteor, equity, diversity, a clean environment and world peace would be attainable. If Brussels was hit by a meteor… it would be a trifecta.

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perfect trifecta.

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Deborah, I’m truly at my wit’s end.if the GOP had any concept of why they continue losing elections, they would heed their own advice to Dems. Why they feel it necessary to proffer “ words of wisdom” to the left as opposed to applying it to themselves?The abortion insanity would be a good place to start.

Another wise move would be to stop their own polarizing hammering of who is “ Conservative enough” versus making the message about ALL Americans! Widen the umbrella. Modernize. Every time I try to contact a member of Senate or Congress or I receive a campaign donation call and attempt to voice an opinion or idea, invariably, it ends badly. Either “ We don’t have time for this” or the call is ended.But they want my money. Just not my voice. The exceptions are DeSantis,Ron Johnson., Byron Donalds and Burgess Owens.

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I stopped giving money to any of them because of the very same scenarios Gail. The Republicans are using the exact same corrupt system as the democrats. There TRULY is no difference between the Republicans and Democrats in power with very few exceptions (that don't make a difference at the end of the day). My last phone call was about me having a meeting with my Congressman. Told them I would give the maximum individual donation if I could have a 5 minute meeting with them. That ended the phone calls to me. Haven't heard from them since. The entire system is corrupt Gail. It's not just one level or one party. The secrecy, control files, dirty money, deep state. If you read Catherine Austin Fitts site you will come to understand how deep and dirty it really is and it's disgusting. This is why I say that all of the problems must start with transparency. My husband tells me that the novel Dune (set far in the future) had banned computers because of the AI and corruption. Once we get real clean elections then we can start to get this under control but it is a multi-level, multi-generational plan and conservatives who are busy with their lives and who don't crave power over other people are averse to wanting to conspire in this way. But we have to start somewhere. Honestly, I do not know if it can be done now, but we have to try. Clean elections with paper! Then hammer down on the transparency. I'm so disappointed in Trump. He has the star power to get there but he has no talent for outfoxing the controllers that were planted in multiple layers to steal his presidency from him and, most of all the american people.

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And why the hell is McConnell the Senate front person? He’s repugnant. Not only do Dems find him grotesque, but 90% of Republicans and Independents across the entire voting bloc are repulsed by him.The guy has less than zero appeal. He is as repugnant physically, vocally as Schumer,Nadler,Raskin,Maxine,Biden and Schiff, minus the energy or nimble ability to lie, smear and persuade. He’s a corpse, but less animated.

Why would the RNC appoint Rick Scott as the National Senate Spokesperson? What do they not understand about appealing optics, ideas and presentation? Every time he speaks, he makes an epic blunder in judgement.He happens to be a good guy. He was an effective governor, but this is a different era.

Marco Rubio was on Watters and asked what he thought about dredging up James Taylor at Biden’s surreal celebration today. Rubio’s response? “ Well, I don’t know who he is”. Though I’ve always been unimpressed by James Taylor, he was a known entity, even though he sucked and still does. But how did Rubio not know of the absurd trip to France w/ Kerry after the terrorist attacks? The idiocy of his “ You’ve Got A Friend” with Kerry smiling like a goon, tapping his foot? Rubio was a Senator, for God’s sake.My daughters know enough James Taylor to find it hilarious and they’re 30 and 32!

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"Nobody likes Florida Sen. Rick Scott. Dogs don’t like him. Children don’t like him. Even Mitch McConnell struggles to be civil to the man."

haha..... DOGS DON'T LIKE HIM!! from a recent article https://floridaphoenix.com/2022/09/12/u-s-sen-rick-scotts-epic-fail-at-gop-campaign-job-squandered-millions-crap-candidates/

As for Rubio, his parents weren't citizens (from Cuba) when he was born in Miami. I see him as a utilitarian type of person for the Republicans feeble attempt to broaden their umbrella but , in my experience, hispanic, spanish speaking households do not share a lot of what you and I think of as "american "culture. Our immigration system is so broken for so long.... did you know that if we, as american citizens, wanted to immigrate to Russia that it is almost impossible?? We've had our freedoms weaponized against us for generations now and it has to be stopped; clean elections and then a demand for transparency, that's the answer I keep getting in my prayers.

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Interesting. You are one of the (very) few remembering the monumental work, not universally appreciated, of Jim Angleton.You might even be as old as I am. He was superbly unique in several ways.

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JJ created a culture at La Compania that rejected Groupthink, back before Groupthink had been defined. POTUS would get his daily briefing during the Cold War, expressing probabilities of threats. Since the Bayesian math used all the competing theories with no favoritism for any, it was great for the purpose. I often wonder, now that the infamous Steele dossier has been debunked, just how Vladimir Putin operated to reinforce the view that the Dossier might be real. Putin's new alliance with Iran is quite disturbing. He seems to have formed it while we were preoccupied with infighting and were gambling on competing conspiracy theories instead of calmly considering the probability of each being true, based on its track record of correct results. Somehow people recalled Khomeini supporters in the streets chanting "Marg bar Amrika! Marg bar Rosiya! Marg bar Israel!" and never considered that the Ayatollahs might change this position and form a gas cartel with Putin. Considering that US sanctions had nearly forced regime change in Iran when the nee Administration lifted them for no apparent reason, there seems to have been profound ignorance of the available intelligence. I very much doubt that there was a total shutdown of what JJ built. More likely the White House simply ignored the warnings or worse, was so hellbent on finding something to blame on the previous administration that they saw the negatives for Europe as a positive for partisan politics. If the Ayatollahs took the teeth out of NATO with a multi-year capacity to shut off the heat in winter and slam the brakes on Europe's economy, that was a massive win for Putin and loss for the US. Worse yet, it was probably preventable.

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So I was admiring the orchids, when I had a flash of guess- insight, tbd: let’s look at the separate layers of concern for each gladiator, and how each has constraints imposed by the exigencies of infighting vs. external wounds unexpectedly suffered. Bear finds himself rather alone except for the ridiculous gasbag in Belarus, and a small handful of useful biting ants in Caucasus. And he can’t get past the easily seen economic defects of his 1950’s economy, made worse by the creeping competition of the gas stations building up in Mediterranean, with new proposed pipeline tentacles spreading through NATO- type Europe from Mediterranean , from at least two different directions.And , surprise, the kibosh put on Uncle’s selling oil and gas via LNG ports aplenty by crazy Uncle Brandon is going to end after midterms 2022 and/or The Big Reverse in 2024. So there goes his Red Gas Station economy, poof! No more EU’s coming in, and he cannot count on China. He planted the Luddites and Eco-weirdos in Uncle’s backyard to screw with Uncle’s abilities to drill and sell and ship oil AND Gas, but as noted, that may end, even sooner than anticipated. No one listens to the mentally ill teen in Scandinavia except for twerking Tik-Tock types. In the Bear den, noises have been heard deep inside of late, wait- I have to check with the other orchid enthusiasts- and the abject disasters coming daily are really riling up the other Bears and their keepers, I’m told. Iran has to sell it’s drones to Bear, that’s shameful, but Turkey won’t , and Bear is hurting and poor and lacking in baby Bears . And China merely nods and steps away. Uncle, on the other hand, has a growing number of pissed-off nephews who want a new Uncle in the stadium, running the offense and less shrinking defense. Trumpey Bear’s words and growls have been heard , and they are being repeated over and over in a growing crescendo-“ F...Brandon “. The economy tanked -badly- and the betrayal at Afghanistan keeps on hurting and shaming and angering.But Uncle Brandon will not help, nor will the useful idiots or the whore press , or the Unisex creeps who Brandon keeps doting on. So- we will be living in interesting times due to Brandon, not due to the Bear. Even if it’s not Navalny, there may well be a change in Bear den.

Time to check the orchids.

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Morton, you're the second person to mention the Bear Substitution concept to me in as many weeks. In between there was a brief photo essay about the remains of a Bear Den journalist and her mashina...a CSI team were collecting it off the street. Her father, an old friend and advisor to Papa Bear, was scheduled to ride with her.

So yes, entirely possible.

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When an unforeseen time-glitch made Bear friend unavoidably late at the pickup site , impatient little daughter left in a snit, pissed at the slight, and rode off alone to her date with destiny and fragmentation.Last I heard, or anyone heard, ... it’s so old fashioned to use timer or set delay stuff with activators, everyone is using command detonation, only really old retired folks should be questioned as to who, what, when,

where , how and why.

Did you note the transfer of several more conscripts from their snug postings in Syria, inter Alia, to action central? Into the grinder? Papa Bear must have run plumb out of Chechens.

Peace out, Bob- have one on me.


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So, Bob , what do you make of Putin now, grabbing guys off the streets with press/gangs, looking for-wait for it, 300,000 draftees a la Vietnam in our day. Will a whole lot skiddaddle to “Canada” ? And a mock referendum, no less. That’s so original.I’m more concerned about his oft-repeated threat of nuclear strikes during Brandon’s time in the barrel. Ah, PJT- can’t you say something to help us lest Brandon screw this up, please.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You can really tell complex stories with interwoven litterary and historic references. Nice read, with some laughs and with the Shakespeare citation some tears. 👍🏻

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your devotion. You must be tired!

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and I have a headache from looking at the screen too long. Now I have to get back to work.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

THANK YOU FOR PUBLISHING! interesting article

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I read these hysterical substacks targeting you, I always realize they couldn't possibly have been reading your posts, because you've repeatedly addressed these issues.

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deletedSep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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One of the more hilarious takes is that they get after Dr. Malone for getting angry at his detractors, but if you question THEM, they get furious. LOL.

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You are right, and they wouldn't. They have a separate and distinct agenda.

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The answer is simple - think for yourself, don't blindly follow leaders. Make up your own mind, do your own work, educate yourself - and having gone through a PhD, educating yourself is what happens anyway - "*We* ask the questions here, Mr Luce, it's up to *you* to figure out the answers..." That way, you don't have to worry about who is or is not "controlled opposition".

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Agreed. Blindly following leaders is what got us into this mess. People really have to learn to do their own research and trust their own intuition.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Don't blindly follow leaders and watch your parking meters, says Dylan.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m quite open to the idea of controlled opposition, have had doubts about your past ties to the deep state, and have also felt you are too good to be true, but the more I learn about you the more I think you are just what you say you are: one of the few outspoken good guys with impeccable scientific credentials.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can't imagine the awful sinking feeling you must get when reading this shit from detractors. If these people spent half the amount of time you do in addressing these ills of the world, there could be some major uplifting in the world. But no, they spend their time looking for ways to spread lies and rumors. As I've said before, there is karmuppance to be paid for the intent of suffering slander on good people! I personally would feel the loss of your valued expert knowledge and humor and everything you represent. And I know someday you will step back and watch this drama unfold. Thank you for everything!

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is now a thing they call Truthers, who are only in” this thing” for money and personal gratification. You my friend are not one of those. Watching from here in New Zealand, you have one major mess to clear away in the USA. Money appears to drive everything and the DS control in your country leaves it devoid of any hope and glory- instead your government and previous governments seem to have dragged you all into septic pit of squalor that has infected the rest of the world

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Dr. Malone. You are needed in this fight for truth. People will attach you, but please continue to be strong and of good courage. You are a bright light in the deep darkness that is trying to control us. Any thinking person would quickly see, if the read you prolific publications, that you are a man of conviction and a believer in the scientific method, a lover of truth. Shame on them for their ignorance or their perverted motives and their self-aggrandisement. Fight on, Sir!

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Your integrity speaks louder and clearer than your critics' attacks because your whistle blew first and loudest - it seems - taking the gravest risk for a minimal or nonexistent reward. While others spent and continue to spend great time and money taloring explanations for inconvenient and ugly revelations, you have used foundational principles which are rooted in long-established laws and protocols.

When the lethal black hurricane of lies finally dies out, we expect to see you standing, directing, and helping to save the remanants of our civilization.

The tiniest spark defeats the dark, if even for an instant. God exists, and he always wins when the sound and fury are over and done with.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more.

Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts

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