Smelled this rat from the beginning. The saving grace is they overplayed their hand so badly during COVID that they tanked their credibility. Add to that the experts ( thank you Dr Malone) and others speaking out and the next Administration's Cabinet and assembled panal of experts and this Turkey of a "scamdemic" should do no more
than make Neusome look like the lapdog of China,the CCP that he is and add to the growing call for big money indictments of big Pharma reps under RICO for the COVID plandemic
I do not think they tanked their credibility. Transhumans are programmable. And scared.
Dr MALONE is terrific for problem identification. His in depth experience and insights are amazing! What we need is a completely new set of solutions. A new source for trusting, other than government.
In a nutshell, the Fed Act codified into Title 12 USC as governed by FDR's 1933 Trading with the Enemy Act. If you endorse private credit instead of redeeming lawful money by demand, you pledge all your substance into the national debt like mortgage chattel.
Newly ear-pierced Donald shaking a fist - "FIGHT!!" is the exact opposite of productive.
This new suiitor did not know how to hold his tongue right. So the clerk and her supervisor sent him packing, and dishonored the US - and it is bad business to refuse money ($52 lawful money, USPS Money Order says, "Pay to...." not "Pay to the Order of..."). He could not find a professional process server in time (2024) so I explained how he should hold his shoulders and sent him back into the US Courthouse. The second the supervisor came out, dragging her feet like that he knew she was going to file it.
So painful to listen to the Wen woman spreading fear and plugging shots for pharma. She said it, get these vaccines out before Trump takes over. If mortality rate is 51% then why is it also mild. If she is concerned for the vulnerable from a mild illness, why isn't she concerned with the potential for harms in the vulnerable from the shots. The hypocrisy of it and presented in such a slick fashion. They know the drug pushing will be ending soon, better get in their last licks, absolutely no concern for harm to humans from vaccines.
Leana Wen left her position as head of Planned Parenthood in 2019, over philosophical differences concerning the future direction of that organization. ( Wonder if it was their deep dive into the "trans" industry??) Now she's popped up in another extremely lucrative and government related area.
My family & myself did not comply with the CV-19 vaxx requirements; none of my family have had flu shots, & if more mandates will be required during Trumps term, we will not comply!
First they came for health care workers, but I wasn’t a health care worker so I didn’t say anything; then they came for athletes, but I wasn’t an athlete so I didn’t say anything; then they came for the farmers and food producers, but I wasn’t a farmer so I didn’t say anything…,… J.Goodrich
Our County Mayor stood in protest with others outside our hospital, because employees were mandated to take the gene therapy shot for the Wuhan biolgoical lab virus—AKA CCP Virus, or Kung Flu. The hospital did not cave. He went on to be a U.S. Congressman. 🙂
Off topic: I’m going to order DMSO and experiment on myself for the pain from my Knee replacement. My doctor will not know until after the results, which I anticipate will be positive. I’m not wanting to debate him about its safety and efficacy…yet.
Just a FYI on the DMSO, I use it a DMSO roll-on (less messy) & a castor oil roll on for my knees - does wonders. I roll on in am & pm. Not as potent as oral DMSO - put does help. Easy to travel with too. I also take bromelain, put collagen powder in my coffee & do whatever I can to up the protein, bone build, so I can delay my 🦵surgery while longer. (bone-on-bone, old meniscus tares, arthritis). Hope this helps. Can get both roll-on's on Amazon. 👍 Best to you in 2025.
I've used the roll on myself many times for knee pain. There's a shirt lasting garlicky taste and if used for too many days in a row I got a very minor localized skin irritation. This can be remedied with using something like aloe Vera concurrently.
Leonard- No, I don't recall any garlic tastes/smells using DMSO roll-on's on knee. But I cook w/ onions + garlic + spices a lot (nature's medicine) - so - prob.wouldnt notice it anyway 😄. I roll-on DMSO + castor oil on my knees - so - it's a minimal amount of both. Not as much as oral. I don't overdue it w/ anything, so there's no side effects. - Hope this helps 👍
Tetanus is a terrible thing, but it's very enlightening to learn that although I'm due for my next ten year dose of vaccine, I don't need it. A neighbor of mine back when I lived in the western mountains of Maine told me stories about logging with horses when he was young. His family had a black horse named Chub who worked in the woods with his father, and he got tetanus. There was no vaccine back in them days. He fell down in the stream and the entire family worked like dogs to drag him up out of the water. Although all was gloom and doom and many suggested shooting the horse, his father would not give up on Chub, so the entire family, and families were big back then, worked like dogs to keep that horse alive, gave him feed and water in tiny increments, massages, blankets over him on cool nights, sleeping beside him down by the stream. Chub lived. He beat tetanus. I always thought that was one of the most remarkable stories of how love and devotion can sometimes win out in the most dire of circumstances.
I have heard stories before of faith and prayer saving peoples lives. It can work. Maybe knowing that they are loved motivates the body's chemistry to heal.
Mr. Jewett - saw your comment. Yes - it all comes down to Love. Giving it. Receiving it. Living from that place of peace & purpose, makes the time here on earth worthwhile. Sir, I can personally attest to the healing power of faith. Three times in 8 years I was in an ER. Once on a missions trip overseas, 2x here in States, once when I had to call the ambulance for me - covid. Cutting to the chase here - medicine can only do so much - it was the prayers of others & the touch of Jesus that had me walking out of ER, 3 different times, no surgery, amazing recovery. I've lived thru too much, not to know, God's love & hands 🙌 on me healed me. Have faith God hears. He does. Trust His plan. Jeremiah 29:11 / Proverbs 3:5 - Elizabeth
You know we NEVER vaccinate pregnant dogs or cats in Vet Med....we KNOW it can affect the fetus adversely....wonder why they don't 'know' in human med? Of course they know....they don't care.
I am so happy I am a veterinarian so I have the training and knowledge base to get through these things safely. My skepticism during COVID saved both myself and my husband from that vaccine. NEITHER one of us has ever contracted COVID...he's 68 and a diabetic, I'm 60 and in good health. I have not had the flu in recent memory.....going back 20 or 30 years. I have had Strep throat a couple of times(I am now a carrier). I combat respiratory viruses by staying in good shape, making sure I supplement Vitamin D in the winter---get plenty of sun in summer with my horses. I do iodine nasal spray when my employees come in all coughy and sneezy. I am usually the ONLY one in my clinic that does not get sick.....and my employees are ALL younger than me.
My brother in law and his wife took the shot and one booster. They have had COVID multiple times each and he now has squamous cell carcinoma on his tongue. He has realized the mistake but it's too late to put that genie back in the bottle. He is currently taking Ivermectin and Mebendazole, etc as outlined by Dr Marik. He is doing well on this regimen. He took the standard chemo and radiation at first. The chemo caused him to lose weight and they burned him during radiation due to a malfunctioning machine. Last Christmas they did a PET scan and told him he still had active tumor in his tongue and surrounding lymph nodes. They recommended radical surgery, which he declined(I agreed with his decision--I lost my brother at age 23 to same tumor...he had the surgery...and lived for a couple months in sheer misery before he died a horrible death suffocating in front of my mother). My BIL says his lymph nodes are no longer swollen and he looks better than he looked BEFORE his diagnosis. Make of that what you will.
Human medicine is so broken. All many doctors seem to care about is profit margin. Those like Wen are evil...there is no other word for it. They KNOW they are wrong, but push it anyway. I don't know how they sleep at night.
Thats really interesting Lois. The vaccination protocols for production animals including equine are not as rigid re pregnancy. I guess something to do with the live attenuated vs killed components. Certainly no shortage of Tet vax for equine or farm animals. I also have watched my entire vaccinated veterinary staff x50 succumb to every lurgie including multiple days off required to recover while me the elderly statesman unvaccinated one remains hopelessly resilient to the swirling infusions.
Lois you are a rare veterinarian. Many of them are also brainwashed starting in vet school, just as our young doctors are in med school, to push drugs and surgeries and to fear the world outside. Thanks for sharing your stories about your family.
Is the test used for bird flu the same one used to test for c-19 (Polymerase chain reaction-PCR-test). Kary Mullis, the man who invented it, publicly stated (I saw the video) that the PCR was not designed to test for Covid or diagnose it, or any type of flu at all. He also stated that the test was being misused. He invented it in the 1980s, long before covid. Of course the ds is going to try to pull off another pandemic because it worked so well the first time and made the industry billions $$$. This psy-op also resulted in imposing control over billions. I didn't fall for it the first time, and I won't fall for it this time. It won't work. Too many people know. If it doesn't work again for them, well, how about an "alien invasion?" Lol! I won't fall for that one either. Sorry. Yes. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
AMEN! I have an autoimmune disease… and I get sick much less often than my friends who kept getting jabbed. Almost all regret it. The ones who *still believe*… believe in ‘scientism’ (and the propaganda), not actual science. It is possible that one day there may be a biological weapon that is sufficient to cause the wide spread actual harm desired, but I cannot live in that world of fear… it is unhealthy, stress damages your immune system, too. Thank you, Robert.
I’m so grateful we have a reliable resource for information concerning all of this nonsense.
It is interesting that you brought up tetanus. The last time a went to the dr. I believe a month ago for yearly. He asked if I had had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years. I told him no. He then asked me if I had had my childhood hood shots. I said yes. . Interesting isn’t it.
As for the flu vaccine. the last three years that I took the flu vax I got the flu. I haven’t had a flu shot for years and have not had the flu. That is a big reason I was questioning the Covid shot. Then I heard you talking on the Dark Horse Podcast which made me even more adamant about not taking it.
Also about tetanus....the bacteria is easily killed by penicillins, which penetrate deep wounds pretty well. If you get a deep wound, treat aggressively with a penicillin and likely won't have an issue even without a tetanus shot.....unless you are a horse.....they are so darn fragile AND they carry Clostridium Tetanii in their OWN about a design error!!
My mom's younger brother died from tetanus which he contracted from a cat scratch. She instilled in me an advoidance of cats it took being adopted by two to overcome.
Tetanus from a cat? That seems unlikely....I have had 'cat scratch fever' twice. I believe it's caused by what used to be named Bartonella...think it's mycoplasma now. First time, all the lymph nodes in one arm swelled up--in my elbow, arm pit, from a 2 month old bite on my hand. Second time, within hours of being ravaged by a cray cray feline, I was nauseated, feverish, headache and wasn't right for several days...both times, Azithromycin did the trick.
Had a feral I was trying to get in a carrier. Would be 'help" screaming at me to let her go. Cat got frightened and savaged (bit) me up and down both arms. Bled profusely up to the front of the barn. Washed off. Cat checked to see if I was OK. Sleveral other feral bites. Never treated. Lucky me. The rest of the story - she got in Carrier voluntarily later. Got her home to 6 kittens the next day. Ended up forced to move. Turned into my Mother's beloved cat.
It is for sure....horses are so susceptible to little things. Retained placenta....likely a huge problem in horse--laminitis, sepsis, you name it. Death possible. Retained placenta in cow? Smells horrible, she likely doesn't even stop eating. May or may not run a mild fever. No biggie.
And if you get a cytokine storm don't forget the steroids. I have saved several sepsis patients with them (worth checking the electrolytes as hyponatremia often accompanies inadequate steroid levels).
Wonder if all patients would respond? I for one appear to not respond to steroid treatments I have been prescribed (and injected) for pain from arthritic inflammation with absolutely no relief.
Most of my joint inflammation has come from eating too much sugar (not everyone’s situation, I know)… I found that taking quality turmeric and curcumin capsules helped, although I had to stop as I was bruising too easily. Christmas sweets are either finished or trashed, I was getting achy again.
I take daily dose of cbd oil. After failed steriod treatment was in a really bad way and my wife suggested cbd. Asked my pcp (an osteopath) who said she had patients with good results. As did I and now use it as a crutch.
Yes, I tried that route first. My gut had issues with it. Some do well. I have multi-systemic issues, so sometimes it’s hard to know what will trigger which issues.
That’s too bad. The pain can be truly awful. I’ve gotten a few for my arthritic hands and fingers and am blessed that it gives relief. I feel your pain!
The medical establishment just can’t let go. I am tired of the fear mongering that goes on the California regarding Bird Flu. I don’t perceive it as a problem for me or anyone else. They will have to prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt before I dash off to get another vaccine.
On a happier note- Happy New Year and all the best in 2025! Thanks for your excellent columns. They are a beacon and a blessing!
First: Wishin' all a healthy and satisfying 2025 ✨️
Thank you for this review! Your discussion and reminders are a big help for our thinking for ourselves!
Your coverage here is all the more timely in that I've now seen 3 headlines reporting that China will be deploying cognitive attacks on us (tic tok + ?). That they are joining the current efforts implies the current cabal hasnt been very successful? Your book couldn't be more timely.
Thank you for your interview today! Helps with many relevant Bird Flu concerns. Surely Gates and cohorts are investing in ways to get vaccines in everyone. Mosquitoes as syringes and food as vehicles. No one seems to address the issue of how much (quantity) an individual may end up being exposed to.
So glad you great Drs are with us offering information, insights and encouraging words. Renewed today and am looking forward to more great stuff in the coming year!
Smelled this rat from the beginning. The saving grace is they overplayed their hand so badly during COVID that they tanked their credibility. Add to that the experts ( thank you Dr Malone) and others speaking out and the next Administration's Cabinet and assembled panal of experts and this Turkey of a "scamdemic" should do no more
than make Neusome look like the lapdog of China,the CCP that he is and add to the growing call for big money indictments of big Pharma reps under RICO for the COVID plandemic
I do not think they tanked their credibility. Transhumans are programmable. And scared.
Dr MALONE is terrific for problem identification. His in depth experience and insights are amazing! What we need is a completely new set of solutions. A new source for trusting, other than government.
Here is the current Trust indenture:
In a nutshell, the Fed Act codified into Title 12 USC as governed by FDR's 1933 Trading with the Enemy Act. If you endorse private credit instead of redeeming lawful money by demand, you pledge all your substance into the national debt like mortgage chattel.
Learn more:
Absolutely agree! Thank you!
This is the real circle-jerk!
Newly ear-pierced Donald shaking a fist - "FIGHT!!" is the exact opposite of productive.
This new suiitor did not know how to hold his tongue right. So the clerk and her supervisor sent him packing, and dishonored the US - and it is bad business to refuse money ($52 lawful money, USPS Money Order says, "Pay to...." not "Pay to the Order of..."). He could not find a professional process server in time (2024) so I explained how he should hold his shoulders and sent him back into the US Courthouse. The second the supervisor came out, dragging her feet like that he knew she was going to file it.
He is redeemed. Now everybody knows it. Not only that; he has assisted the United States in restoring honor - "some kind of mistake".
So painful to listen to the Wen woman spreading fear and plugging shots for pharma. She said it, get these vaccines out before Trump takes over. If mortality rate is 51% then why is it also mild. If she is concerned for the vulnerable from a mild illness, why isn't she concerned with the potential for harms in the vulnerable from the shots. The hypocrisy of it and presented in such a slick fashion. They know the drug pushing will be ending soon, better get in their last licks, absolutely no concern for harm to humans from vaccines.
Leana Wen left her position as head of Planned Parenthood in 2019, over philosophical differences concerning the future direction of that organization. ( Wonder if it was their deep dive into the "trans" industry??) Now she's popped up in another extremely lucrative and government related area.
Just like the COVID psyop, my family will NOT comply!
My family & myself did not comply with the CV-19 vaxx requirements; none of my family have had flu shots, & if more mandates will be required during Trumps term, we will not comply!
You have horses.....isn't it STRANGE that they can produce stand alone Tetanus Toxoid for horses but not for people?
I smell a liar.
Same with West Nile Virus.
This is Dr. Wen on Face the Nation.,vid:QYvU_oWjEdU,st:0
First they came for health care workers, but I wasn’t a health care worker so I didn’t say anything; then they came for athletes, but I wasn’t an athlete so I didn’t say anything; then they came for the farmers and food producers, but I wasn’t a farmer so I didn’t say anything…,… J.Goodrich
Good analogy there.
Our County Mayor stood in protest with others outside our hospital, because employees were mandated to take the gene therapy shot for the Wuhan biolgoical lab virus—AKA CCP Virus, or Kung Flu. The hospital did not cave. He went on to be a U.S. Congressman. 🙂
Off topic: I’m going to order DMSO and experiment on myself for the pain from my Knee replacement. My doctor will not know until after the results, which I anticipate will be positive. I’m not wanting to debate him about its safety and efficacy…yet.
Just a FYI on the DMSO, I use it a DMSO roll-on (less messy) & a castor oil roll on for my knees - does wonders. I roll on in am & pm. Not as potent as oral DMSO - put does help. Easy to travel with too. I also take bromelain, put collagen powder in my coffee & do whatever I can to up the protein, bone build, so I can delay my 🦵surgery while longer. (bone-on-bone, old meniscus tares, arthritis). Hope this helps. Can get both roll-on's on Amazon. 👍 Best to you in 2025.
Elizabeth. - His Light Beacon
I've used the roll on myself many times for knee pain. There's a shirt lasting garlicky taste and if used for too many days in a row I got a very minor localized skin irritation. This can be remedied with using something like aloe Vera concurrently.
Yes Angela. I agree. Aloe Vera is great for everything. :)>
Elizabeth, do you experience tasting, or smelling like, garlic? It is associated with use of DMSO.
Leonora- I spelled your name right - but I see spellchecker changed it to 'Leonard'. Sorry. Can't trust spellcheck anymore.
Leonard- No, I don't recall any garlic tastes/smells using DMSO roll-on's on knee. But I cook w/ onions + garlic + spices a lot (nature's medicine) - so - prob.wouldnt notice it anyway 😄. I roll-on DMSO + castor oil on my knees - so - it's a minimal amount of both. Not as much as oral. I don't overdue it w/ anything, so there's no side effects. - Hope this helps 👍
I use it for a knee that NEEDS a replacement (but isn’t going to get one if I have anything to say about it!). Seems to work pretty well.
Tetanus is a terrible thing, but it's very enlightening to learn that although I'm due for my next ten year dose of vaccine, I don't need it. A neighbor of mine back when I lived in the western mountains of Maine told me stories about logging with horses when he was young. His family had a black horse named Chub who worked in the woods with his father, and he got tetanus. There was no vaccine back in them days. He fell down in the stream and the entire family worked like dogs to drag him up out of the water. Although all was gloom and doom and many suggested shooting the horse, his father would not give up on Chub, so the entire family, and families were big back then, worked like dogs to keep that horse alive, gave him feed and water in tiny increments, massages, blankets over him on cool nights, sleeping beside him down by the stream. Chub lived. He beat tetanus. I always thought that was one of the most remarkable stories of how love and devotion can sometimes win out in the most dire of circumstances.
I have heard stories before of faith and prayer saving peoples lives. It can work. Maybe knowing that they are loved motivates the body's chemistry to heal.
Mr. Jewett - saw your comment. Yes - it all comes down to Love. Giving it. Receiving it. Living from that place of peace & purpose, makes the time here on earth worthwhile. Sir, I can personally attest to the healing power of faith. Three times in 8 years I was in an ER. Once on a missions trip overseas, 2x here in States, once when I had to call the ambulance for me - covid. Cutting to the chase here - medicine can only do so much - it was the prayers of others & the touch of Jesus that had me walking out of ER, 3 different times, no surgery, amazing recovery. I've lived thru too much, not to know, God's love & hands 🙌 on me healed me. Have faith God hears. He does. Trust His plan. Jeremiah 29:11 / Proverbs 3:5 - Elizabeth
Beautiful story. Thank you
You know we NEVER vaccinate pregnant dogs or cats in Vet Med....we KNOW it can affect the fetus adversely....wonder why they don't 'know' in human med? Of course they know....they don't care.
I am so happy I am a veterinarian so I have the training and knowledge base to get through these things safely. My skepticism during COVID saved both myself and my husband from that vaccine. NEITHER one of us has ever contracted COVID...he's 68 and a diabetic, I'm 60 and in good health. I have not had the flu in recent memory.....going back 20 or 30 years. I have had Strep throat a couple of times(I am now a carrier). I combat respiratory viruses by staying in good shape, making sure I supplement Vitamin D in the winter---get plenty of sun in summer with my horses. I do iodine nasal spray when my employees come in all coughy and sneezy. I am usually the ONLY one in my clinic that does not get sick.....and my employees are ALL younger than me.
My brother in law and his wife took the shot and one booster. They have had COVID multiple times each and he now has squamous cell carcinoma on his tongue. He has realized the mistake but it's too late to put that genie back in the bottle. He is currently taking Ivermectin and Mebendazole, etc as outlined by Dr Marik. He is doing well on this regimen. He took the standard chemo and radiation at first. The chemo caused him to lose weight and they burned him during radiation due to a malfunctioning machine. Last Christmas they did a PET scan and told him he still had active tumor in his tongue and surrounding lymph nodes. They recommended radical surgery, which he declined(I agreed with his decision--I lost my brother at age 23 to same tumor...he had the surgery...and lived for a couple months in sheer misery before he died a horrible death suffocating in front of my mother). My BIL says his lymph nodes are no longer swollen and he looks better than he looked BEFORE his diagnosis. Make of that what you will.
Human medicine is so broken. All many doctors seem to care about is profit margin. Those like Wen are evil...there is no other word for it. They KNOW they are wrong, but push it anyway. I don't know how they sleep at night.
Thats really interesting Lois. The vaccination protocols for production animals including equine are not as rigid re pregnancy. I guess something to do with the live attenuated vs killed components. Certainly no shortage of Tet vax for equine or farm animals. I also have watched my entire vaccinated veterinary staff x50 succumb to every lurgie including multiple days off required to recover while me the elderly statesman unvaccinated one remains hopelessly resilient to the swirling infusions.
Yay for the boomers!
Lois you are a rare veterinarian. Many of them are also brainwashed starting in vet school, just as our young doctors are in med school, to push drugs and surgeries and to fear the world outside. Thanks for sharing your stories about your family.
Dr. Wen always looks giddy when she talks about vaccines. She can’t wait to see how the experiment plays out this time.
I expect she's giddy because she's anticipating a nice addition to an off-shore bank account.
Dr. Wen is being fitted for a hemp necktie should she try a Covid reprise.
Is the test used for bird flu the same one used to test for c-19 (Polymerase chain reaction-PCR-test). Kary Mullis, the man who invented it, publicly stated (I saw the video) that the PCR was not designed to test for Covid or diagnose it, or any type of flu at all. He also stated that the test was being misused. He invented it in the 1980s, long before covid. Of course the ds is going to try to pull off another pandemic because it worked so well the first time and made the industry billions $$$. This psy-op also resulted in imposing control over billions. I didn't fall for it the first time, and I won't fall for it this time. It won't work. Too many people know. If it doesn't work again for them, well, how about an "alien invasion?" Lol! I won't fall for that one either. Sorry. Yes. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Einen guten Rutsch!!
Have a merry New Year’s Eve tonight!! All the best, health, joy, happiness and lot’s of love for 2025!
Bonne Année!
AMEN! I have an autoimmune disease… and I get sick much less often than my friends who kept getting jabbed. Almost all regret it. The ones who *still believe*… believe in ‘scientism’ (and the propaganda), not actual science. It is possible that one day there may be a biological weapon that is sufficient to cause the wide spread actual harm desired, but I cannot live in that world of fear… it is unhealthy, stress damages your immune system, too. Thank you, Robert.
I’m so grateful we have a reliable resource for information concerning all of this nonsense.
It is interesting that you brought up tetanus. The last time a went to the dr. I believe a month ago for yearly. He asked if I had had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years. I told him no. He then asked me if I had had my childhood hood shots. I said yes. . Interesting isn’t it.
As for the flu vaccine. the last three years that I took the flu vax I got the flu. I haven’t had a flu shot for years and have not had the flu. That is a big reason I was questioning the Covid shot. Then I heard you talking on the Dark Horse Podcast which made me even more adamant about not taking it.
Have a great safe New Year’s Eve!
Have a gr
Also about tetanus....the bacteria is easily killed by penicillins, which penetrate deep wounds pretty well. If you get a deep wound, treat aggressively with a penicillin and likely won't have an issue even without a tetanus shot.....unless you are a horse.....they are so darn fragile AND they carry Clostridium Tetanii in their OWN about a design error!!
About 15 years ago, we had a foal die of Clostridium Tetanii - it was pretty horrible.
My mom's younger brother died from tetanus which he contracted from a cat scratch. She instilled in me an advoidance of cats it took being adopted by two to overcome.
Tetanus from a cat? That seems unlikely....I have had 'cat scratch fever' twice. I believe it's caused by what used to be named Bartonella...think it's mycoplasma now. First time, all the lymph nodes in one arm swelled up--in my elbow, arm pit, from a 2 month old bite on my hand. Second time, within hours of being ravaged by a cray cray feline, I was nauseated, feverish, headache and wasn't right for several days...both times, Azithromycin did the trick.
That was the story. Would have been back in the '30s and so pre-antibiotics and believe the cat a stray so could have had dirty. feet I guess..
Had a feral I was trying to get in a carrier. Would be 'help" screaming at me to let her go. Cat got frightened and savaged (bit) me up and down both arms. Bled profusely up to the front of the barn. Washed off. Cat checked to see if I was OK. Sleveral other feral bites. Never treated. Lucky me. The rest of the story - she got in Carrier voluntarily later. Got her home to 6 kittens the next day. Ended up forced to move. Turned into my Mother's beloved cat.
Yes.You are correct on this one. Cat scratch fever for sure more likely. Tetanus needs that deep tissue inoculation with anaerobic conditions
It is for sure....horses are so susceptible to little things. Retained placenta....likely a huge problem in horse--laminitis, sepsis, you name it. Death possible. Retained placenta in cow? Smells horrible, she likely doesn't even stop eating. May or may not run a mild fever. No biggie.
I'm so sorry.
Me too 💔
Lois, is there a sub for Penicillin? I'm allergic.
And if you get a cytokine storm don't forget the steroids. I have saved several sepsis patients with them (worth checking the electrolytes as hyponatremia often accompanies inadequate steroid levels).
Wonder if all patients would respond? I for one appear to not respond to steroid treatments I have been prescribed (and injected) for pain from arthritic inflammation with absolutely no relief.
Most of my joint inflammation has come from eating too much sugar (not everyone’s situation, I know)… I found that taking quality turmeric and curcumin capsules helped, although I had to stop as I was bruising too easily. Christmas sweets are either finished or trashed, I was getting achy again.
So very true…
I take daily dose of cbd oil. After failed steriod treatment was in a really bad way and my wife suggested cbd. Asked my pcp (an osteopath) who said she had patients with good results. As did I and now use it as a crutch.
My spouse takes a shot of really high quality EVO oil, single source.. the peppery taste is bit intense for me.
Some of the old remedies work best
…and with fewer side effects.
May the Lord bless you with peace as we enter a new year, I think it will be a bumpy one… keep your eyes on Him.
Yes, I tried that route first. My gut had issues with it. Some do well. I have multi-systemic issues, so sometimes it’s hard to know what will trigger which issues.
Thank you for that. Hope same for you
That’s too bad. The pain can be truly awful. I’ve gotten a few for my arthritic hands and fingers and am blessed that it gives relief. I feel your pain!
The medical establishment just can’t let go. I am tired of the fear mongering that goes on the California regarding Bird Flu. I don’t perceive it as a problem for me or anyone else. They will have to prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt before I dash off to get another vaccine.
On a happier note- Happy New Year and all the best in 2025! Thanks for your excellent columns. They are a beacon and a blessing!
First: Wishin' all a healthy and satisfying 2025 ✨️
Thank you for this review! Your discussion and reminders are a big help for our thinking for ourselves!
Your coverage here is all the more timely in that I've now seen 3 headlines reporting that China will be deploying cognitive attacks on us (tic tok + ?). That they are joining the current efforts implies the current cabal hasnt been very successful? Your book couldn't be more timely.
Thank you for your interview today! Helps with many relevant Bird Flu concerns. Surely Gates and cohorts are investing in ways to get vaccines in everyone. Mosquitoes as syringes and food as vehicles. No one seems to address the issue of how much (quantity) an individual may end up being exposed to.
So glad you great Drs are with us offering information, insights and encouraging words. Renewed today and am looking forward to more great stuff in the coming year!