This is a perfect example of the insanity we're living in. Those committing the crimes are calling them out. This in intentionally designed to obfuscate, confuse and ultimately make people give up any hope of clarity or truth. It doesn't work in the end, but when you're in it, what a f'ing drag. I can already hear my leftie-friends using this BS piece to prove to me how the left is not for censorship.
The Wall street Journal censors it's own subscriber's comments.
I used to be a WSJ paid subscriber. They regularly censored not just my comments, but I noticed comments by others with a conservative point of view would be disappeared. I non-renewed my subscription, and then progressively wrote the different layers of management to complain about their censorship and explain why I wasn't renewing. Silence. Finally got a reply from some low-level flunkie named Louise Story. She ignored what I was saying for a couple of cycles of emails. "We'd love to have you back!" When I finally got her to understand, she wrote me the WSJ doesn't publish defamatory comments. I replied, all the unkind things I wrote about the Democrat party were factual. "Defamatory" means "false." My comments weren't defamatory.
I'm not going to pay someone to censor me. Haven't paid to get through WSJ's paywall for years.
And another thing. Why is it whenever I open Microsoft Edge there are always slanted "news" stories? The bias of the "reporting" is obvious to anyone with half a brain.
You can't get away from Ministry of Truth agitprop just by ignoring their mouthpieces. They try to force-feed it to us.
Yes - and have you ever tried to “personalize” that page? It is reminiscent of Henry Ford’s quip about the Model T, “you can have any color you want — as long as it’s black.” In an age of RSS it should be dead easy to subscribe to feeds and truly personalize the page, but instead I merely get to select from Microsoft’s “curated” and pre-chewed food.
Yes, Steve, I have tried. I was determined to get rid of the propaganda.
It took a couple of hours of online searches to finally get the info on how to disable it. It can be done, but they seem to go out of their way to make it difficult.
Good on me. But how about those poor dumb bastards who get fed this stuff, and delude themselves into thinking they're informed?
Like you, I finally realized I could only disable it - not truly personalize it - and that meant several wasted hours I can never reclaim. It was truly disappointing to realize you could only "choose your shade of black" and were prevented from having anything approaching a true color palette at your disposal. So, I continue to just use My Yahoo as my primary portal [ironically, in part, because it allows me to suppress Yahoo! News ;-)]. It is one of the few homepages I have found that allows me true personalization with RSS feeds containing only what I want - not what Big Tech wants to push at me. In contrast, Microsoft has managed to deliver a product that is analogous to the USPS not delivering the mail, but instead "curating" what I get in my mailbox. It's utterly disgraceful.
Victor Davis Hanson, one of the outstanding historical minds we have, left the National review after publishing there for 20 years, for similar reasons. All the think tanks and publications I used to read are dead to me. It's invigorating and I feel freer now.
Same for me. When I allowed myself the freedom to really explore all those 'woo' subjects we were instructed were nonsense or "conspiratorial" I started my best education. Among the things I learned was how the CIA weaponized that word to undermine anyone who criticized official narrative of JFK's assassination as well as about Project Mockingbird, which never went away; it got bigger and bigger and now we're living with the results of the media take-over.
The Left has officially launched their “covid amnesia” campaign. After all, it’s an election year and their poll numbers are deservedly in the tank. Time to double down…their followers will believe anything their media tells them.
Excellent piece, thank you. I have to admit, I am frustrated that so many people seem to accept a life of cognitive dissonance rather than doing the work required to live in truth. I'm not sure if it is cowardice or moral corruption. Maybe a bit of both.
Many just want to “fit in” with their peers at work or school. If you go against The Narrative, you get Other’d. It’s really just the middle school social dynamic carried over into adulthood with more dire consequences (ie, loss of livelihood, promotion, etc).
I understand, I have gotten to the place in my life where that is not nearly so important. I am retired, so I cannot be fired... Although, knowing my no BS nature, I would have quit or gotten fired.
"cowardice or moral corruption" is for the politicians, some doctors, etc. But we need to start adding "mass formation psychosis" for our friends and family who are hypnotized or traumatized or conditioned to be blinded by the fear and value being part of the "collective we" - it's global peer pressure to accept TNI and MSM propaganda. It's very frustrating when it seems like willful blindness, but for most, eg a friend who's only source of info is FB and ABC news is trapped like a fly in a spider web.
Yup - "None so blind as those who will not see" but I must be gentle (calm, strong, stable) and have compassion on my friends and family and when given an opportunity ask questions and keep praying for them to wake up.
It's also that a lot of people work for local, state, and federal government and have profited in one way or another through the unbelievably excessive spending of the last 2 years.
Cowardice, moral corruption And the cognitive dissonance itself. Cog dis is a psy-op weapon that effectively stuns its prey into states of confusion, indecision and inaction. It’s a standard tactic used by abusive intimate partners. All human beings are vulnerable to psychological abuse such as this. But luckily many have developed a keener BS detector! Blessing you for yours.
What we feed grows, if one is feeding on FB and MSM, without thinking or any questioning, one is trapped, add in peer pressure of "hatred" for anyone off script and one is in a prison of fear. Hard work and critical thought used to be valued, skills that require consistency and habit in order to become a character. Human nature is lazy, we don't naturally want to be responsible. Critical thought takes work and habitual practice. Suffering can be a gift, it's interesting that those who have to work to gain an education or keep food on the table are better at critical and independent thinking, and open to diverse views. The ones who have a smooth road without bumps are the blind ones, lazy in thought and work, etc. I keep seeing analogies to the Pixar movie Wall-E....
I am a researcher and a 'seeker of truth' by nature (and former professional life). When I get overwhelmed by the shear magnitude of the corruption, evil and blindness (purposeful or ignorance) we are experiencing, I go to God and His word. This has been my verse this week. "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."
Amen! Believing and acting on God's Word is the only way to build a life on solid ground. When the storms come we will stand firm, all the way to the end by His Grace. Isaiah 41:10
The article is excellent. There is no better way to describe the NY Times than to compare it to Orwell's Ministry of Truth. I do not read the NY Times but was not surprised to read how it has defamed and slandered Kennedy and attempted, by minimizing the success of his book, to stifle sales of the facts about the evil little weasel Fauci.
While I usually bristle at seeing promotions for products, I was excited to see the promo for Dr. Malone's book. I immediately pre-ordered it and I am confident it will be the #1 best selling book in June. I do not expect it to be reviewed in the Old Gray Lady or for its actual sales to be documented by the State-Run Propaganda Machine.
One of the oldest tricks in politics is to wrongfully accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing - that way, the public will perceive his retaliatory response as tit-for-tat. The issue will have been neutralized.
Sadly, the entire world seems to have caught on to that trick. A few years ago, I heard a so-called "climate scientist" at Penn State pull the very same trick during a faculty chat with alumni. His opponents were dishonestly politicizing the issue, he claimed. This from a "climate science" department that was more proficient at bringing lawsuits than they were at producing accurate climate models. Having followed the global warming issue for years, I easily spotted the scam.
More recently, the "diversity, inclusion, equity, and climate change" committee took to censoring the academic work of the rest of the university on political correctness grounds. A professor was intimidated into removing his name and his contribution to a body of work for citing an academic theory that had long been accepted and recognized by the academic community at large.
Caveat emptor, when it comes to any academic research from Penn State these days. Theories aren't proof. If you don't like a theory, prove it wrong. That's how it has been traditionally done.
Not anymore. Penn State got caught with a hand in the cookie jar. Other colleges and universities? Proceed at your own risk.
I often wonder if any college outside of Hillsdale, Michigan is still attempting to educate young people. Everything I read about every institution (especially elite Ivy League schools) leads me to believe that that are all enriching themselves while indoctrinating our children and grandchildren to hate America, to believe the planet is dying, and that all white people are to blame for everything.
Remarkably savvy and academically wide-ranging in their selecting those who speak at a Hillsdale event. Via YT of all places, I've discovered many new voices and encountered many new thoughts on a wide range of subjects. Very much 'The Mouse That Roars' when it comes to academic truth-seeking these days...may there always be a Hillsdale!
They don't call it New York Slimes for nothing! Truth is the enemy of a Communist state. Stakeholder capitalism as outline in Herr Schwaabs vision of the great reset. In a more frightening developement, a lawyer working with Dr Fuelmichs Nueremberg case has been arrested in France on charges of terrorism and treason for seeking the truth! Virginia Recchia. Please say a prayer for her safety!
My view there is no communism as there is no one other than maybe a few hippies that wants to live equally in a commune. This is full on fascism, been going on for a long time.
My view is that those hippies are total control freaks—you have to live THEIR way if you want to join.
I had first-hand experience living in a “cooperative” a while back. The supposedly coolest, free-est chick was really the leader and was always leaving post-it notes all over the kitchen that anthropomorphized every cooking object, “Clean me.” “Wash me.” “Place me back where I belong.”
Oy, and we all had to be okay with others walking around nude in the house. Okay, fine. But SHE was the only one who did—and she always sat on the velvet-upholstered couch watching Star Trek naked. Yuck.
I would change the date though to earlier, and even earlier than what this historian is focused on: I plucked this out of the link: the German Empire was founded on ‘blood and iron’ in the 1860s and 1870s, it was a firmly capitalist state dominated by big business, high finance, and a political elite utterly devoid of morality. These base qualities of the bourgeois world-economy and its other main exponents—Britain, France, and Russia, Austria-Hungary and Italy, as well as the middling and smaller European powers—expansion by any means necessary was the driving force. If possible, the main centres of economic and military power collaborated to loot and pillage the earth, as happened, e.g., in Berlin 1878.
Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Luckily I was never subjected to the NY Slimes growing up in Northern NJ. My father totally disliked the NY Slimes and that was 50 years ago. He was a smart man. RIP Dad.
So narrative management has been around for a long time. Maybe the desire to control allowable speech has intensified recently owing to the nature of social media, how it gives everyone everywhere a voice. It seems to be bordering on hysteria now, which might explain NYT claiming the opposite, they are reliably horrible.
Yes, a long time. Centuries. This current event comes out of desperation, a perception that humans are only a destructive force. But in realty it is this fascist system that siphons surpluses to the top that forces people to fit in to the destructive hierarchy.
When this flips the planet will need every human to help restore the natural balance (long explanation).
The fascists are fighting the laws of nature that can not be suspended for even a hundredth of a second. These attempts to sterilize the planet and humans has certainly changed the arrangement for harsher conditions and will turn against them, become harsher for them, than those working to integrate back into the biology. They will lose. They are the weakest people because of their sterilized lifestyles.
I often quip send them to Mars its already sterilized there for them!
Anyone can step aside from the hierarchy, I suggest starting with planting a garden. Next plant eight different species of productive bushes and trees. Think about the solar aspect, the shortest growers towards the sun. I am positively working this advice given to me and making gains to my health and well being.
Join me producing another system apart from the existing hierarchy.
Convoluted to serve the hierarchy by design certainly!
In some areas agribusiness has brought the system down so far it would take natural processes a thousand years to repair, And in most cases nature does need intelligent humans to help speed natural succession with positive fertility enriching design having the ability to grow food for humans and wildlife at the same time.
One backyard at a time if need be!
I know of these designs through participating in a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) based on Permaculture A Designers' Manual (there are variations of this PDC). But there are other people and organizations specializing in narrower geographical and climate influences, regenerative is a keyword for those farms now under the influence of the chemicals, they can convert. Others geared to growing more natural food that doesn't harm soil life (where the beneficial microbes live) can help out too.
An increasing amount of people are making gains right now. Use all of the financial gains made from this hierarchal system into producing a different living arrangement while you still can!
We don't have the billions required to fight this global coup d'état. We know this problem all too well, thanks to excellent reporting like this article. We must now focus on deceiving the deceivers...genius is our ultimate weapon.
Way to give the NYT “what for”!!! Bravo Mr Lyons for a well written piece! I will never forget their betrayal to the American public nor any other who have become “the Ministry of Truth” I would much rather support 20 independent and honest journalists any day than give one red cent of support to the likes of them!
At this point to continue to try and relate or understand the NYT's or any social media company in the context of fairness and the constitution is a fools errand. We need to stop playing the game and just ignore all of them.
This is a perfect example of the insanity we're living in. Those committing the crimes are calling them out. This in intentionally designed to obfuscate, confuse and ultimately make people give up any hope of clarity or truth. It doesn't work in the end, but when you're in it, what a f'ing drag. I can already hear my leftie-friends using this BS piece to prove to me how the left is not for censorship.
It's not just the NYT.
The Wall street Journal censors it's own subscriber's comments.
I used to be a WSJ paid subscriber. They regularly censored not just my comments, but I noticed comments by others with a conservative point of view would be disappeared. I non-renewed my subscription, and then progressively wrote the different layers of management to complain about their censorship and explain why I wasn't renewing. Silence. Finally got a reply from some low-level flunkie named Louise Story. She ignored what I was saying for a couple of cycles of emails. "We'd love to have you back!" When I finally got her to understand, she wrote me the WSJ doesn't publish defamatory comments. I replied, all the unkind things I wrote about the Democrat party were factual. "Defamatory" means "false." My comments weren't defamatory.
I'm not going to pay someone to censor me. Haven't paid to get through WSJ's paywall for years.
And another thing. Why is it whenever I open Microsoft Edge there are always slanted "news" stories? The bias of the "reporting" is obvious to anyone with half a brain.
You can't get away from Ministry of Truth agitprop just by ignoring their mouthpieces. They try to force-feed it to us.
Yes - and have you ever tried to “personalize” that page? It is reminiscent of Henry Ford’s quip about the Model T, “you can have any color you want — as long as it’s black.” In an age of RSS it should be dead easy to subscribe to feeds and truly personalize the page, but instead I merely get to select from Microsoft’s “curated” and pre-chewed food.
Yes, Steve, I have tried. I was determined to get rid of the propaganda.
It took a couple of hours of online searches to finally get the info on how to disable it. It can be done, but they seem to go out of their way to make it difficult.
Good on me. But how about those poor dumb bastards who get fed this stuff, and delude themselves into thinking they're informed?
Like you, I finally realized I could only disable it - not truly personalize it - and that meant several wasted hours I can never reclaim. It was truly disappointing to realize you could only "choose your shade of black" and were prevented from having anything approaching a true color palette at your disposal. So, I continue to just use My Yahoo as my primary portal [ironically, in part, because it allows me to suppress Yahoo! News ;-)]. It is one of the few homepages I have found that allows me true personalization with RSS feeds containing only what I want - not what Big Tech wants to push at me. In contrast, Microsoft has managed to deliver a product that is analogous to the USPS not delivering the mail, but instead "curating" what I get in my mailbox. It's utterly disgraceful.
Change your browser. I use Firefox. No politics No tracking Your bookmarks sync from each device you use
Has anyone besides me thought about dropping DISH because they dropped RT?
We don't even have a television in our home.
Victor Davis Hanson, one of the outstanding historical minds we have, left the National review after publishing there for 20 years, for similar reasons. All the think tanks and publications I used to read are dead to me. It's invigorating and I feel freer now.
Same for me. When I allowed myself the freedom to really explore all those 'woo' subjects we were instructed were nonsense or "conspiratorial" I started my best education. Among the things I learned was how the CIA weaponized that word to undermine anyone who criticized official narrative of JFK's assassination as well as about Project Mockingbird, which never went away; it got bigger and bigger and now we're living with the results of the media take-over.
It's like were living in the "kinder, gentler" version of Hitler's vision.
Agree. TPTB have tied up pretty much tied up all legacy media. Every once in awhile something slips past, but mostly everything should be doubted.
Gates funding of most of the influential media in the West must play a pivotal role in forming opinions -
Yup - money can certainly buy an awful lot of influence can't it?
Yes I have noticed this too.
The Left has officially launched their “covid amnesia” campaign. After all, it’s an election year and their poll numbers are deservedly in the tank. Time to double down…their followers will believe anything their media tells them.
Excellent piece, thank you. I have to admit, I am frustrated that so many people seem to accept a life of cognitive dissonance rather than doing the work required to live in truth. I'm not sure if it is cowardice or moral corruption. Maybe a bit of both.
Many just want to “fit in” with their peers at work or school. If you go against The Narrative, you get Other’d. It’s really just the middle school social dynamic carried over into adulthood with more dire consequences (ie, loss of livelihood, promotion, etc).
It’s the Facebook mentality. “Adults” who use it are not adults. FB is an adolescence extender.
I understand, I have gotten to the place in my life where that is not nearly so important. I am retired, so I cannot be fired... Although, knowing my no BS nature, I would have quit or gotten fired.
"cowardice or moral corruption" is for the politicians, some doctors, etc. But we need to start adding "mass formation psychosis" for our friends and family who are hypnotized or traumatized or conditioned to be blinded by the fear and value being part of the "collective we" - it's global peer pressure to accept TNI and MSM propaganda. It's very frustrating when it seems like willful blindness, but for most, eg a friend who's only source of info is FB and ABC news is trapped like a fly in a spider web.
"Willful blindness is the correct terminology.
Yup - "None so blind as those who will not see" but I must be gentle (calm, strong, stable) and have compassion on my friends and family and when given an opportunity ask questions and keep praying for them to wake up.
It was a purposeful psy-op that worked on many, and still is working on some.
Why Anger towards the Unvaccinated was Intentional Psychological Manipulation
A look at a Yale study from 2020
It's also that a lot of people work for local, state, and federal government and have profited in one way or another through the unbelievably excessive spending of the last 2 years.
Stimulus checks i.e. weed money.
Cowardice, moral corruption And the cognitive dissonance itself. Cog dis is a psy-op weapon that effectively stuns its prey into states of confusion, indecision and inaction. It’s a standard tactic used by abusive intimate partners. All human beings are vulnerable to psychological abuse such as this. But luckily many have developed a keener BS detector! Blessing you for yours.
I can't figure this out either. It doesn't really take that much work to get at the truth. People want to be manipulated?
What we feed grows, if one is feeding on FB and MSM, without thinking or any questioning, one is trapped, add in peer pressure of "hatred" for anyone off script and one is in a prison of fear. Hard work and critical thought used to be valued, skills that require consistency and habit in order to become a character. Human nature is lazy, we don't naturally want to be responsible. Critical thought takes work and habitual practice. Suffering can be a gift, it's interesting that those who have to work to gain an education or keep food on the table are better at critical and independent thinking, and open to diverse views. The ones who have a smooth road without bumps are the blind ones, lazy in thought and work, etc. I keep seeing analogies to the Pixar movie Wall-E....
I am a researcher and a 'seeker of truth' by nature (and former professional life). When I get overwhelmed by the shear magnitude of the corruption, evil and blindness (purposeful or ignorance) we are experiencing, I go to God and His word. This has been my verse this week. "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."
Amen! Believing and acting on God's Word is the only way to build a life on solid ground. When the storms come we will stand firm, all the way to the end by His Grace. Isaiah 41:10
Thank you for this excellent article.
The article is excellent. There is no better way to describe the NY Times than to compare it to Orwell's Ministry of Truth. I do not read the NY Times but was not surprised to read how it has defamed and slandered Kennedy and attempted, by minimizing the success of his book, to stifle sales of the facts about the evil little weasel Fauci.
While I usually bristle at seeing promotions for products, I was excited to see the promo for Dr. Malone's book. I immediately pre-ordered it and I am confident it will be the #1 best selling book in June. I do not expect it to be reviewed in the Old Gray Lady or for its actual sales to be documented by the State-Run Propaganda Machine.
One of the oldest tricks in politics is to wrongfully accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing - that way, the public will perceive his retaliatory response as tit-for-tat. The issue will have been neutralized.
Sadly, the entire world seems to have caught on to that trick. A few years ago, I heard a so-called "climate scientist" at Penn State pull the very same trick during a faculty chat with alumni. His opponents were dishonestly politicizing the issue, he claimed. This from a "climate science" department that was more proficient at bringing lawsuits than they were at producing accurate climate models. Having followed the global warming issue for years, I easily spotted the scam.
More recently, the "diversity, inclusion, equity, and climate change" committee took to censoring the academic work of the rest of the university on political correctness grounds. A professor was intimidated into removing his name and his contribution to a body of work for citing an academic theory that had long been accepted and recognized by the academic community at large.
Caveat emptor, when it comes to any academic research from Penn State these days. Theories aren't proof. If you don't like a theory, prove it wrong. That's how it has been traditionally done.
Not anymore. Penn State got caught with a hand in the cookie jar. Other colleges and universities? Proceed at your own risk.
I often wonder if any college outside of Hillsdale, Michigan is still attempting to educate young people. Everything I read about every institution (especially elite Ivy League schools) leads me to believe that that are all enriching themselves while indoctrinating our children and grandchildren to hate America, to believe the planet is dying, and that all white people are to blame for everything.
Remarkably savvy and academically wide-ranging in their selecting those who speak at a Hillsdale event. Via YT of all places, I've discovered many new voices and encountered many new thoughts on a wide range of subjects. Very much 'The Mouse That Roars' when it comes to academic truth-seeking these days...may there always be a Hillsdale!
A work friend is looking at Alvernia University in Reading, PA - might be similar to Hillsdale.
NYTimes have just told how they support freedom of speech, openness, honesty, and truth. The next time they tell us 2 + 2 = 5….how can it not be true.
They don't call it New York Slimes for nothing! Truth is the enemy of a Communist state. Stakeholder capitalism as outline in Herr Schwaabs vision of the great reset. In a more frightening developement, a lawyer working with Dr Fuelmichs Nueremberg case has been arrested in France on charges of terrorism and treason for seeking the truth! Virginia Recchia. Please say a prayer for her safety!
My view there is no communism as there is no one other than maybe a few hippies that wants to live equally in a commune. This is full on fascism, been going on for a long time.
Can be both. I certainly feel I am living in communist Russia (almost), but definitely name it fascistic!
My view is that those hippies are total control freaks—you have to live THEIR way if you want to join.
I had first-hand experience living in a “cooperative” a while back. The supposedly coolest, free-est chick was really the leader and was always leaving post-it notes all over the kitchen that anthropomorphized every cooking object, “Clean me.” “Wash me.” “Place me back where I belong.”
Oy, and we all had to be okay with others walking around nude in the house. Okay, fine. But SHE was the only one who did—and she always sat on the velvet-upholstered couch watching Star Trek naked. Yuck.
Oops! Did I digress?
Ha! That is why communism always fails! Thanks for sharing. :-)
In support of your thesis see DiLorenzo, T., article Economic Facism.
Not available at above link.
Sorry. Try all articles-Author-D-DiLorenzo, Thomas-Economic Facism, June , 1994. Worth the trouble!
I would change the date though to earlier, and even earlier than what this historian is focused on: I plucked this out of the link: the German Empire was founded on ‘blood and iron’ in the 1860s and 1870s, it was a firmly capitalist state dominated by big business, high finance, and a political elite utterly devoid of morality. These base qualities of the bourgeois world-economy and its other main exponents—Britain, France, and Russia, Austria-Hungary and Italy, as well as the middling and smaller European powers—expansion by any means necessary was the driving force. If possible, the main centres of economic and military power collaborated to loot and pillage the earth, as happened, e.g., in Berlin 1878.
Could be where I first encountered the idea.
Oh how horrible!
What a well written rebuttal
Luckily I was never subjected to the NY Slimes growing up in Northern NJ. My father totally disliked the NY Slimes and that was 50 years ago. He was a smart man. RIP Dad.
The Slimes is a tabloid staffed by clever writers who have little popular appeal and less integrity.
Definitely humorous less and smug. See no Comic section.
The NYT used to be called the Gray Lady. It is now the Gray Whore.
"I can't read the NYT anymore"
This was in a comment a few days ago and I agreed.
This is a paradigm shift: from the most trusted name in news, to another corporate shill
Like Big Pharma that thinks, or thought, that they could get away with anything and still be legitimate
NYT, WA Post, BBC, etc thinks, or thought, that they could join the Trusted News Initiative and still be legitimate
The collective that now views them as illegitimate is growing and it will be hard to climb back to legitimacy
So narrative management has been around for a long time. Maybe the desire to control allowable speech has intensified recently owing to the nature of social media, how it gives everyone everywhere a voice. It seems to be bordering on hysteria now, which might explain NYT claiming the opposite, they are reliably horrible.
So true. Twain: When you don't read the newspaper you're uninformed, when you do you're misinformed.
Fantastic !!!
Yes, a long time. Centuries. This current event comes out of desperation, a perception that humans are only a destructive force. But in realty it is this fascist system that siphons surpluses to the top that forces people to fit in to the destructive hierarchy.
When this flips the planet will need every human to help restore the natural balance (long explanation).
I like your optimism, when this flips
The fascists are fighting the laws of nature that can not be suspended for even a hundredth of a second. These attempts to sterilize the planet and humans has certainly changed the arrangement for harsher conditions and will turn against them, become harsher for them, than those working to integrate back into the biology. They will lose. They are the weakest people because of their sterilized lifestyles.
I often quip send them to Mars its already sterilized there for them!
Anyone can step aside from the hierarchy, I suggest starting with planting a garden. Next plant eight different species of productive bushes and trees. Think about the solar aspect, the shortest growers towards the sun. I am positively working this advice given to me and making gains to my health and well being.
Join me producing another system apart from the existing hierarchy.
Harmonize with nature, how very old fashioned! We are convoluted creatures aren’t we!
Convoluted to serve the hierarchy by design certainly!
In some areas agribusiness has brought the system down so far it would take natural processes a thousand years to repair, And in most cases nature does need intelligent humans to help speed natural succession with positive fertility enriching design having the ability to grow food for humans and wildlife at the same time.
One backyard at a time if need be!
I know of these designs through participating in a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) based on Permaculture A Designers' Manual (there are variations of this PDC). But there are other people and organizations specializing in narrower geographical and climate influences, regenerative is a keyword for those farms now under the influence of the chemicals, they can convert. Others geared to growing more natural food that doesn't harm soil life (where the beneficial microbes live) can help out too.
An increasing amount of people are making gains right now. Use all of the financial gains made from this hierarchal system into producing a different living arrangement while you still can!
Very interesting perspective and completely new to me thank you for that
We don't have the billions required to fight this global coup d'état. We know this problem all too well, thanks to excellent reporting like this article. We must now focus on deceiving the deceivers...genius is our ultimate weapon.
Great write up! They are on the wrong side! Thank you for your amazing work Dr Malone.
Way to give the NYT “what for”!!! Bravo Mr Lyons for a well written piece! I will never forget their betrayal to the American public nor any other who have become “the Ministry of Truth” I would much rather support 20 independent and honest journalists any day than give one red cent of support to the likes of them!
At this point to continue to try and relate or understand the NYT's or any social media company in the context of fairness and the constitution is a fools errand. We need to stop playing the game and just ignore all of them.