I’m glad Epoch is finally offering long-overdue coverage of the murder-for-bribery scandal.

I addressed the incentivization of lethal protocols like remdesivir and ventilation in my last article:


One of the most informative resources I found was the Protocol Kills website (https://www.protocolkills.com/). I featured two of their charts in my article—you can see at a glance what hospitals are getting paid for each procedure along with a state-by-state comparison.

Simply removing these incentives would save countless lives. Combine that with promoting early treatment protocols, and we would have likely had a 100% survival rate for COVID—not to mention saving the millions maimed and murdered by the “savior” injections.

Those responsible for formulating, coercing, and implementing these protocols must be tried for crimes against humanity NOW.

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Apparently FEMA is paying up to $9K for funeral expenses for anyone who died with a diagnosis of "covid"...

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I had heard about compensation for funeral expenses but didn’t have specifics—thanks for the info. Do you happen to have a link for that handy? No worries if not.

Conversely, my understanding is those who request autopsies for their vaxx-murdered relatives are denied compensation (presumably for relatives designated as “COVID” deaths).

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I have read that morticians have recently been (in the past year) finding large, strange blood clots in 20% - 60% of bodies that they are embalming.

No wonder autopsies are being discouraged--don't want to expose the clot shot!

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I can now confirm it is true and the amount is $9K.

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One of my readers was kind enough to provide the FEMA link about this:

“This assistance is limited to a maximum financial amount of $9,000 per funeral and a maximum of $35,500 per application.”


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That's quite the incentive

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I don't have specifics, just something I heard in family discussions about a deceased member where I'm not directly involved.

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True, my friend's widow received 9k.

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My sister who is a dialysis patient had a stroke while at dialysis a number of months ago, fortunately they caught it and transferred her to a hospital for treatment and she recovered. Sadly there are many others who don't get help in time. She has had the full complement of shots even having been covid recovered and it wasn't worse than the flu for her, but the shots compounded her suffering.

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I used parts of your letter in an Email to Senator Capito (R) of WV. I used her website to contact her via message. I got a response from her/her team saying how safe and effective the vaccines are. I was furious and frustrated. She talks out of both sides of her mouth. She promotes the vaccines, but doesn't support Biden's mandates. True politician to the core. I like Manchin despite he is a Democrat (LOL).

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I’m delighted to hear you were able to use my letter, Donna, although I’m sorry to hear you got a boilerplate mantra in response! That is seriously disappointing, and no doubt her base *will* notice and register their complaints in November.

Manchin singlehandedly blocked Build Back Better—that took some serious cahones and integrity! I hardly pay attention to party lines any more—what matters are their words and deeds.

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Dr Malone I’m now officially freaking out. In California there are six evil bills (I know you have been fighting this through Unity Project) that are getting voted on very soon. The super majority of Democrats makes these bills likely to pass. I have 3 teenagers and my husband thinks the “vaccines” are no big deal (despite my showing him at least 100 studies and the full 3 hour McCullough interview and Ron Johnson hearing and more). In my worst nightmares I never thought that in the USA i could ever live through this communist-like threat to my children’s bodies.

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Leave this state. If we were younger, we would.

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We left in our 70s. It can be done. But do what's best for you.

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If you can, move to a free state like Florida. Or find local like-minded parents and pod home school.

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Has he seen this?


Or videos of athletes collapsing?

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I showed him 20,000 VAERS deaths but he thinks that’s a small number. He says life is full of risk. I actually think something’s happened to his brain.

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My husband is similar in that he doesn’t want to think anything out of the ordinary is going on. Even though he didn’t want any information, I kept texting him things anyway. I think he must have read some because he doesn’t protest my viewpoint anymore

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Very very rude comment and extremely ignorant. Thank you

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Mar 3, 2022·edited Mar 3, 2022


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Peace. Some comments are not worth spending precious energies on. I totally get your concern. I would not know what to do but I do trust divine guidance and protection and I wish/pray that for you.

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Mar 8, 2022·edited Mar 8, 2022

No, but yours is. She is talking about her own husband in an off handed way. You blatantly call someone "extremely ignorant." Sorry toots, but that was extremely ignorant and rude to a complete stranger. You don't look virtuous nor smart.

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Your husband sounds just like my husband. It is beyond frustrating. He will not listen.

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Rationalization. confirmation bias, and blind obedience to authority are mental shortcuts, much easier than the exercise of critical thinking, and research skills. Much easier to follow your friends over the cliff. Check out Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump, Alberta Canada.

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It is maddening to see the fraud and inconsistencies in the covid narrative, even more maddening and disappointing to see the ignorance and apathy of fellow medical professionals. Even without doing any research, in my own experience working in a surgical practice, for the last year we have had a significant increase in post-operative embolisms and thrombosis. We have had a significant increase in patients being diagnosed with unexplainable neuropathic and brain disease. Autoimmune disease post booster vaccination has increased, incidence of Parkinson diagnosis, incidence of early onset Alzheimer's, incidents of Bell's palsy, incidents of autoimmune anemia. In the area I live in a significant majority of people have been vaccinated and have had one or two boosters. Several patients when asked about the etiology of their new diagnosis quoted that the specialist that diagnosed them came to the conclusion that on a more likely than not basis their newly acquired disease was a result of vaccination against covid. I know more people through my work and through my personal life who have had severe lifelong adverse reactions to vaccination. than I know who have been severely ill or have died from covid infection. And after that's been said, many of the healthcare professionals I work with will not admit or entertain the idea that it is even possible for a vaccine that was approved for an emergency use authorization could be causing such chaos and even mock those of us who are unvaccinated because we don't believe they are safe or effective.

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Mar 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone you are a genius. Thank you for being so thorough and clear is interpreting all this information.

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Nice guy I corresponded with on the internet had a stroke. Hospital said he was positive for covid and put him on a vent. Family not allowed to see him for 10 days. He was starting to breath a bit and they talked about getting him off the vent. Three days after his family was allowec to see him, his kidneys failed. He died the next day. No idea if remdesivir was involved. But there is a hot place in hell for any organization that would leave a sick person alone, without family.

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And now 9 out 10 deaths in England are vaxxed (and 4 out 5 are triple jabbed). There is no joy in being right with such predictions now proving true. England is ahead of us so expect further increases in US vaxxed deaths in next month or so.

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Do you have a source for the 9 out of 10 deaths? I want to share this but I'm not seeing that documented anywhere.

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Table 10, found on page 41 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in England between 24th Jan and 20th Feb 22, and it confirms the vast majority were recorded among the triple vaccinated population.

(Saw same info in a WND article too)

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“At the very least, these vaccines should not be administered to children and should not be mandated until such a time as when we know they are safe.”

With all due respect, Dr. Malone, we already have a galaxy’s worth of evidence that these transfections are neither safe nor effective—for *all* ages and demographics. I understand you are trying to walk a delicate line, but there is no longer time to mince words. Every day these injections are given is another day thousands more are potentially injured and killed.

Like Dr. Tess Lawrie said to Dr. Andrew “Shill” Hill regarding the need to deploy life-saving ivermectin protocols immediately to save lives, “We don’t have to wait for studies … we have enough evidence now that shows that ivermectin saves lives, it prevents hospitalization.”

Anyone who hasn’t read this galvanizing exchange between Lawrie and Hill should do so if they want to see what moral courage looks like in action:


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Mar 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"And there you have it. The FDA never required Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech to analyze duration or amount of protein expressed in cell culture after 48 hours, prior to injecting into humans. Let alone doing a thorough evaluation in either non-clinical animal models or in humans."

For decades petrochemical companies have operated on the 'don't look don't find policy'.. they don't do the testing that may show harm & then they brazenly state, "We see no harm."

Most widely used chemicals have NEVER had human health and safety testing. We have been Rockefeller lab rats for generations now!


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Mentioned in this 2018 Emory Law Journal article:

"...some have suggested that the PREP Act incentivizes manufacturers of

emergency medical products to willfully disregard or consciously avoid

problematic risk information so that they cannot fall within the Act’s

“knowing” requirements. In an article in the Journal of the American Medical

Association about the role of litigation in defining drug risks, the authors cite a

memorandum from a drug company executive, which states: “If the FDA asks

for bad news, we have to give, but if we don’t have it, we can’t give it to

them.” It appears that the PREP Act may incentivize precisely this kind of



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It's the mentality of mob bosses and all corrupt businesses, if you don't get caught who cares? Ethics is for schoolmarms. It's strange that the dystopian fiction of the past seems to becoming the current reality in strange formations.

And who is doing investigative journalism these days? None of the papers that used to be counted on for good gutsy journalism, but rather the fringe outlets and sources such as Zero Hedge and Epoch Times which have been riddled with bad, excessively alarming articles in the past.

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I'm sorry to see, again, a reference to Covid deaths which cites the known inaccuracy that what the U.S. is calling "covid deaths" represents those who actually died OF covid, when we know it does not. We don't know -- and never will know -- how many Americans actually died OF covid rather than WITH it.

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And don’t forget that PCR tests were used with high CT’s producing a 90% false positive rate.

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Absolutely. They were never intended to be used to diagnose anything.

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Mar 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone! I spotted you at CPAC and enthusiastically said your name. I wish I had the opportunity to thank you in person...you smiled when I said your name but proceeded on to the VIP wing. Don’t stop speaking truth and communicating the science. Thank

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Governments knew these shots were poison and pushed and mandated them anyway. Dr. Fleming knew and said they were poison. Alex Jones knew and said they were poison. Each day they are more and more vindicated.

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The more I read about this virus the more I wonder what’s been perpetuated on our children and their children.

Before I read your article Dr. Malone I read this…


And…. although none of this is my field of expertise… there is enough here to fill me with fear and trepidation….may the angels watch over us.

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Mar 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks to the Epoch Times for reporting on these things--I do think the facade is cracking. Of course, the administration and the mainstream press will simply quit talking about it, with Ukraine as a distraction.....

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Mar 3, 2022·edited Mar 3, 2022

Dr Malone my eyes go wobbly reading medical papers so thank you for summarizing the content. Lymph nodes being under siege by synthetic mRNA - why didn't people ask about bio-distribution before taking the vaccine? Simple answer- people didnt think at all coz they 'trusted the (bogus) science' and (repeat after me), the bs coming out by TV scientist on MSM. 🤨 So many layers of culpability!

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Dr. Malone, I don't know if you follow journalist John Waters in Ireland, but he is on the side of the angels on COVID. I thought you'd like this piece he published today on Mass Formation Psychosis: https://johnwaters.substack.com/p/whipnosis-part-1-of-3?s=r

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Thanks, Dr. Malone - should be enough tech data to convince my daughter (who works for a drug company) not to vaccinate my only two grand kids!

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