Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is so much going on, as you say, so many people profiting, and imo some genuine demonic influence.

Still, a couple thoughts, I’ve been dealing with this in my work a long time.

1. Childhood has become totally artificial and boring. A big reason so many kids escape to online is because adults have destroyed childhood, destroyed free play, and drug kids into conformity for “ADHD” if they fidget in their seats:


2. Related to the above lack of free play, lack of nonconformity in general, is the lack of a teen counterculture. Where have the punks gone? Trans is the only option left… we may need to bring back CBGB. As silly as those trends were, they didn’t render you permanently sterile! See here, for fans of Mollie Hemingway like me:


Keep up the good fight!

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's probably no coincidence that all of the new social norms result in sterility and/or non-reproduction.

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It's definitely no coincidence that all the new social norms promote divisiveness and conflict, because that is the key strategy of the Left, The Left has never gained much power in a happy, secure country, always having to step in to take advantage of political chaos, economic misery or social upheaval. The United States has been too stable for them to get much of a toehold, so they have been working to destabilize our culture and society to create the conditions in which they flourish. The old standbys----class warfare, racism, gender conflicts ginned up by 'feminism", even the chaos of the 60s, all failed to accomplish the level of destabilization necessary for real advancement of Leftist goals.

So they invented additional genders, shifted racism to the former victim class and pumped it up, accelerated the wars on religion and the family, and widened the scope of their efforts. Their success can be attributed to the internet and social media.

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All this is true, but there’s another reason this delusion has come in like a flood, a reason that Christians understand but others usually don’t. And that is demonic activity. Unfortunately, people who refuse God open themselves, however unwittingly, to demonic influence. The widespread abandonment of Christianity has opened our culture to these other influences.

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All too true.

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We can no longer tolerate children farting and breathing. These bodily functions produce carbon dioxide and methane destroying the planet. Mother Gaia must be protected.

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“Related to the above lack of free play, lack of nonconformity in general, is the lack of a teen counterculture.”

Very good point!

All kids need to do something to separate themselves from the parents’ identity. In my youth that involved growing my hair long, smoking marijuana, and listening to rock music (not recommending the marijuana part of that experience). In my parent’s generation it was men with crew cut hair who listened to cutting edge folk music. In subsequent generations it was wearing weird clothes and listening to punk music.

All of these acts of rebellion gave youth a sense of belonging to a new generation, a club that only they could belong to. None of these acts of rebellion resulted in any permanent irreversible damage..., well, maybe hearing loss in some cases.

But then tattoos became the vogue, not just a little butterfly on the arm, but a tapestry of images everywhere, along with piercings of anything and everything imaginable. Perfectly normal young people somehow felt the need to permanently scar themselves with tattoos. Why? Because, as I’ve had it explained to me, they wanted to memorialize some aspects of their lives so they will always remember.


The reasoning behind this explanation for tattoos seemed awfully thin but as a means of rebellion against a previous generation tattoos worked wonders.

But tattoos can eventually be removed if you are willing to put up with the pain and pay the costs.

It appears that we seem to need to inflict ever higher levels of self damage to get noticed by our parents. As each generation eventually blends into the mainstream of life we now have a generation that seems utterly determined to make sure that blending into the mainstream will never happen to them.


I don’t know why.

Maybe it stems from their perceived lack of opportunities to leave their mark on the world that so many young people simply give up trying. How can they hope to get a start in life when absolutely everything is so expensive and completely out of reach?

Maybe it is that parents are so busy trying to make a living in this extremely over priced world that they simply don’t have the time to interact with their children sufficiently for the kids to develop their self identity as part of a family. Indeed using a computer or iPhone to substitute for parenting time has become normalized in many families. The results are universally devastating - kids who develop without motivation and drive are then thrown into adulthood unprepared for the challenges they must face as adults.

Assuming we will have another generation to follow this one that is growing up now, I have to wonder what they will have to do to create a separate group identity for themselves. Are we looking at amputations of various body parts? Perhaps hair transplants from head to arms? Maybe adding body parts, for instance attaching extra fingers on hands?

The future appears to be a Fellini movie in the making, absurd notions that get no pushback, leading to ever higher levels of insanity that becomes the new acceptable norm.

The current wave of accepting and normalizing transgenderism is beyond normal youthful rebellion. It is a major sign of a diseased society that needs to reform itself now or perish.

Focusing on those who are currently displaying gender dysphoria as the source of the problem is like focusing on tumors as the disease of cancer.

Cancer tumors are a sign of serious underlying physical health problems that develop as a result of a host of factors, primarily the toxins that we find in our world today amplified by our lack of good wholistic health practices - diet, exercise, sleep, and emotional equanimity.

Focusing on supporting healthy functioning families will be critical to reversing the trend to self destructive behaviors. Families where the parents can have real time to actually interact and play with their children will go a long ways to helping children develop emotionally. How to do this when everybody is so busy trying to work to pay the bills?


In previous eras families tended to live in communities where they shared time with each other. We didn’t live in isolated nuclear families as much as we do now. Grandparents and other relatives were around to help out. And perhaps expectations of what it means to be middle class were lower and therefore easier to achieve.

While there is no single magic bullet to address the rise of transgenderism, we must not sit idly and let the underlying factors that cause transgenderism destroy us. We must return to our human roots, recognize what really matters and discard the rest as noise.

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Thank you for your in depth analysis. But, and a big but - kid don’t think like this. Hind sight is always 20-20.

These kids are not choosing- they are being pushed, nudged, dragged and threatened in the here and now by powerful forces they know nothing about, absolutely nothing, and made to think something is was their decision. This is another psy-op or part of 5GW. It MUST stop for many reasons. And these children will be the very last to see the benefits of stopping it, until it’s too late for each of them on an individual basis. And THEN, each will be shunned.

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The new generation of kids doesnt even know how to rebel. We were the last of the rebel generation born before the 60s, and before vaccinations were forced on infants and young children. I think that includes Robert Malone, who is still rebelling. But vaccinating generation after generation of toddlers has damaged immunity enough for people to now be scared of their own shadow. But I think it has also damaged their H-P-A hormone axis, and that Transgender activist in NZ looked pale and distinctly unhappy with coarse manky hair. After starting hormones in mid 20s, she looked normal and happy with normal hair. She recounted being desperately unhappy in her years before hormone supplements, and is a prime example of someone with underactive H-P-A axis, but this is a medical problem, more than a gender problem.

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Where have the punks gone? I'm right here at 60! 😉

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Count me in at 70

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As in...look mom and dad, I'm trying my damdest to create and identity for myself that is way different from yours and Grandmas. Thanks for affording me this experiment to my mind and body. I'll be in my room. Call me when dinner is ready. Sigh..........

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Adrian, just read the Federalist article. Very much on point. Thanks for providing it here.

Medicalizing all behaviors..., what an easy way out. Very damaging, of course, but so easy. “Take two pills and call me in the morning.” Not much doctoring going on here, but it is certainly fast.

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Fast and profitable with guaranteed return customers.

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I suggest Pete Hegseth’s new book Battle for the American Mind as an explanation of the past and a look to the future. Just finished reading it.

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Robert, perhaps social media is not the cause of this dysphoria, but rather it is a constructed 5th gen channel to control the storyline of an unfolding genuine transformation of body-chemistry brought on by the massive introduction of GMOs into the food stream from the mid 1980's, and the escalation of forced childhood 'vaccinations' from the 1960s onward.

Whitney Webb in her book, One Nation Under Blackmail, sets out what most 'eyes wide open' Americans sensed if not outright knew, that the government is about as close as it can get to being an outright criminal narco state.

I posit that the sequence of events for 'rapid-onset gender dysphoria' effected person is, first, I feel homosexual, and second, what do I do about that.

I posit that ROGD is not a social creation but a neuro chemical creation that creates in vulnerable individuals homosexual feelings. Presuming that the agro-chemical, pharmacological crime organizations know this is caused by their products, just as the tobacco cartels knew their products caused cancer, it is in the financial interests of these companies and their government family members, to 'celebrate' these real neurological changes as new age liberation, wokeness, a blossoming of diversity, so as to prevent real research and disclosure of the underlying cause of this sudden and statistically significant outbreak of physio-psychological dis-ease.

All the trans proponents are members of the narcco state - pharma, news, academia, Hollywood, intelligence, medical,... .

This train of consideration could bring some logic to the otherwise illogical Covid ‘vaccination’ war against the public what we have been besieged with since 2020. If the gender twisting nature of the chemical world were on the verge of being exposed, a kind of criminal logic begins to emerge that makes sense of what we are experiencing.

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Counter culture is conspiracy theories and new age spiritual stuff

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“In general, cis-gendered people are considered evil and unsupportive, regardless of their actual views on the topic."

What does "cis-gendered" even mean? It's just another one of their moronic made up words that we use to our detriment. Can we please just stop the madness and cease pretending that these freaks are normal? Just a decade ago the psychiatry shamans wisely considerer "transgenderism" to be a mental illness. Now the reverse is true. We have allowed the inmates to run the asylum. Let's just stop pretending otherwise.

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Apr 16, 2023·edited Apr 16, 2023

LGBTQ+ is another moronic made up acronym and we should just stop using it. As a gay man I have nothing in common with transsexual or "queer" people. The acronym is a slur to gays and lesbians. The gay rights movement was fought so people could be authentic and live normal lives and even marry the person they loved. Trans and queer (TQ) ideology is fake, bizarre, pedophilic, destructive and pathological, and has undone much of the good work of gays and lesbians in the past. TQ has validated every feverish argument against legalizing gay marriage.

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The mere fact that they must continue to add letters, numbers and symbols to the acronym is proof of their madness.

Thank you for your post, which exposes the lies of the left. The notion that we can define a person by an imbecilic acronym is obscene. I don't think that with whom I choose to sleep and what we do is either terribly interesting nor does it define me. Nor you. Men are men and woman are women. Their sexuality is irrelevant.

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MDJD, when the media uses percentages of gay and lesbian people to justify inserting the teaching of different types of relationships to elementary school children, I always figured that many gay and lesbians were against this. Personally I grew up without all of these issues and had a happy healthy childhood. I don’t think there are big groups of gay or lesbian 3rd graders protesting to bring these issues in the classrooms. I sincerely think most kids that aren’t sexualized have no clue about these issues. They just want to be kids. Am I wrong?

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I agree that third graders are not begging to have drag queens read them pornography. It is their "teachers" who purvey the smut. Anyone who sexualizes a child of that age by sexualizing their school curriculum is a pedophile and should be arrested. It is so infuriating that the reason Anita Bryant didn't want gays teaching grade school was because she thought gay teachers would become pedophiles. The radical left trans teachers of today have sadly vindicated her and gone further. Not even Bryant could foresee trans/queer teachers and radical feminists who would want to castrate and sexually mutilate the children. Transexuals are delusional and should not be allowed near children because delusions can be contagious. Lesbians and gays increasingly recognize the dangers of being burdened with these TQ+ appendages.

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Amen MDJD, there are men that have fetishes to wear diapers, and companies that supply them, so shouldn’t we teach this to children? When I was a kid, 1-17 this was considered child molestation or child abuse, how in the hell has this become in any way ok? I have my own thoughts on the answer but will leave it there and thank you for responding to me. Always appreciate a persons opinion, thanks!!

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To your point of pediophilia, a lot of the trendy nouveau trans like Dylan Mulvaney call themselves "girls", not women, but girls. They also dress and style themselves like 12-15 year olds instead of adults. I'd like a psychologist to dig into that as far as whey they want to infantilize themselves instead of being adults.

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When you control the language you control the narrative. When you control the narrative you control the people. The Left has known this since its inception.

The problem is that we on the Right always meekly accept this semantic manipulation, and even contribute to semantic infiltration by using the Left's terminology. Think of every conservative article mindlessly using the term "abortion RIGHTS'.

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When you control the language you control the narrative. When you control the narrative you control the people.


Had to re-post this for emphasis.

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Yes. Huxley and Orwell laid that out in gruesome detail They had the collectivsts' number and exposed it with devastating effect. Our modern ones are no less comical. Or evil.

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Yes, individuality and critical-independent thinkers are the target. Divergents must be eliminated!

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Here's another addition to the Right being sucked into the semantic infiltration of the Left. PJ Media is usually considered to be a right-of-center publication, but today in a story about a former intelligence officer I found this: "Plame was a CIA analyst married to an American diplomat, Joe Wilson whose covert cover was blown by the Bush White House leading to the conviction of Scooter Libby."

No no no, a thousand times no! That was the narrative of the Left, However Plame's occupation with the CIA (1) had not been "covert' since she chose to date and then marry someone in the Diplomatic Corps, and (2) it was widely known in DC that she was with the CIA. Her own husband used to brag, trying for some cred as a tolerant not-too-Leftist kinda guy, "my wife's with the CIA, you know." Andrea Mitchell said that everyone who was anyone in the Beltway knew Plame was with the CIA and she was an analyst. She had made donations to the Dems in her married name and listing as her employer an invented CIA cover company, and as it was common knowledge that she was married to Joe Wilson and working for the CIA claiming to be employed by an imaginary cover story company blew the cover. That made her less than popular in the CIA and she was looking for a job elsewhere in the Beltway when someone in Dick Cheney's organization commented, about Wilson, "his wife works for the CIA you know" and that is what led to the bloodletting designed to take down Cheney but only getting poor Scooter Libby in the crossfire. That got her fame and fortune and a way out of a sticky situation with the CIA. The Bush White House did NOT "blow the cover' of a 'covert" operative.

We have GOT to stop parroting the Left's lies for them. This just shows how effective the Left is, in inserting its narrative into the discourse even on the Right.

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Another home run post by you.

We must stop pretending that "their truth" is anything other than pure fiction.

Like "more women are abused on Super Bowl Sunday than any other day." Who makes up this crazy batspit?

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dont, know if some chemist was the first adopter of the trans- gengered but That is where i recognize the adopted terms from.

Cis–trans isomerism, also known as geometric isomerism or configurational isomerism, is a term used in chemistry that concerns the spatial arrangement of atoms within molecules. The prefixes "cis" and "trans" are from Latin: "this side of" and "the other side of"

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In Princeton NJ, high school biology teachers talk about trans as a biology term, and then casually, right smack dab in the middle of a science lesson, morph into pushing the transgender religion as if it were science. See my free substack report for more on that and other outrageous stuff taught in schools: https://caroldansereau.substack.com/p/the-anti-science-disaster-of-gender

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I too wondered about the chemical origin of the "cis-trans" terminology. If so it is ironically misused to describe gender fluidity. Cis and trans molecules are geometric isomers that have different physical and chemical properties from one another. They are by definition fixed in position (for example by a double bond) so they can not rotate from one to the other. The gender use of the term more likely comes from the Latin definition of "cis" (on the same side) and "trans" (on the other side). It was a euphemistic way of describing a confused person. We already have the perfectly useful term "demented" to describe such people.

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Thank you, I'm writing that down.

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The same goes for "gender affirmation". Every time I see that phrase, it's always used in the context of identifying as the opposite biological gender than what was seen at birth. It sounds so positive. Who doesn't want to be affirmed? But it's become a euphemism.

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How about "schizophrenia affirmation"? We kinda tried that in the '60s and '70s when we closed all the mental hospitals. How'd that work out for us?

Or how about "anorexia affirmation"? Maybe we should give that one a go.

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Many gender dysphoric kids have also dealt with anorexia. When they announced that they were "born in the wrong body" (mystical insanity), the same people who tried to get them to see reality and love their bodies in the realm of anorexia, suddenly go full in on endorsing self-harm via chemical and surgical "treatments."

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023

It's become my hill to explain Cis, and one I'll beg everyone to share- this (and gender studies) are terms that are deeply connected with pedophilia. No joke. "Cis" was invented by Volkmar Sigusch, a german scientist who was a supporter of pedophilia. He thought it was an acceptable sexual orientation, and many of his colleagues agreed with him. For example, his contemporary, Helmut Kentler, WITH the support of the German Gov, put foster males into the home of known pedophiles. As an experiment!!! These foster boys eventually sued the gov- their stories are on record. This dovetails with Dr. John Money, the John Hopkins doc who was an early supporter of gender studies and gender identify. He's well known for trying to convince a boy and his twin that one of them was a girl, and forced them into committing sex acts with each other in front of adults. For science. Disgusting

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Thank you for that.

No surprise.

These depraved pedos still want us to swallow the patent fiction that Epstein committed suicide.

What secrets was he keeping?

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Trans "special privileges," or Trans SPs, is a better description of this hysteria than Trans "rights" since the T cult members already have the same rights as everyone else.

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Just an additional quick thought about the "questioned" science of the Topic.

Chromosomes do not lie, only the brain/mind can do that.

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Chromosomes do not lie, only the brain can do that.

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The internet , social media are spreading transgender ideology. Who would have heard of it otherwise? Less internet would be helpful ; for everyone. Parents protect your children. Adults stop being sheep.

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It would also help if they stopped teaching about it and promoting it in our school systems...

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I grew up with four sisters and one brother. I remember in grade school wondering what it would be like to be a girl: what was life like for my sisters. Today, that musing alone would make you a prime candidate for covertly encouraged gender reassignment.

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Same. I grew up in the 60s and 70s with three brothers. As a girl in that period, I was very jealous of their freedom, clothing, and sports. Did that make me trans? Heck no. I was a classic tomboy, and yet very much a woman then and today...and glad to be one. That period in life is full of curiosity and contrast. I'm still a woman who would very much rather go for a rugged hike outdoors than go shopping in a mall....but still very much female. Being female, or male, has a wide variety of tastes, likes, and appearances that can accommodate many different paths.

Robert, I very much appreciate this post. I intend to share it with my young adult children who have grown up with this craziness. They think any comments I make in regards to these disturbing trends are, of course, transphobic. I appreciate the data you've pulled together here.

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Apr 16, 2023·edited Apr 16, 2023

I was a girl with three brothers in an era where girls learned to cook and sew while the boys got to do interesting things. When I grew up I was able to do those interesting things. I bred and trained horses, I operated heavy equipment on my ranch, I drove trucks, etc.

But the thing is, I did all these things AS A WOMAN. I had the freedom to wear Carhart overalls and work gloves and then change into a nice dress and wear makeup and go out to dinner. I keep wondering how much of the angst and resentment and confusion with some of our younger people stems from the failure to understand that social rules are not binding---that you don't have to change who you are to do what you want to do. But when your life is experienced in a room behind a keyboard, you don't have the experience to understand this because everything you "know" is what someone else has told you.

I once met a man who was a cross-dresser on weekends, in a group of like-minded enthusiastically heterosexual men with wives and girlfriends who supported this quirk. As he told me, "Sometimes I just want to be pretty." He identified an envy and found a way to address it without overturning his entire life and entering into a fantasy. He didn't want to BE a woman, just experience one of the things reserved for women. The rest of the time he ran a big construction company and no one knew his secret life.

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You had me until the last paragraph. Now that's downright weird.

And many of our problems wouldn't exist if the FBI hadn't been run for decades by a cross dressing blackmailer.

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Apr 16, 2023·edited Apr 16, 2023

I agree...it is kind of weird. But on the other hand, this guy figured out a way to channel his personal quirk in a way that didn't disrupt his life or anyone else's, in a very private way. I suggest that if more people did this kind of thing, in private, to address their personal issues, in general we'd all be a lot better off

I also don't think the FBI problems are related to Hoover's cross dressing. If they were, I think they'd take a much different form.

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I suppose you're right Who was it that said we have our public life, our private life and our secret life?

Agree with your FBI comment, as well but I despise them so much I couldn't resist the slap.

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I'm with you on the FBI thing.

But wouldn't it be great if more people would step away from the narcissistic conviction that their issues are everyone's issues and just dealt with them in a way that didn't disrupt other lives, or society? Kind of the difference between "it's just me" and "LOOK AT MEEEEEEE ~~~"

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His focus on pushing Christianity when and where he could certainly did not end with a win in that regard either.

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JT, you described me. I did and do all those things. Arm wrestled some men at my wedding reception – all draws! I weighted 110lbs. During the 70s, a worker asked what my hubby (he worked their also) gave me for Christmas. I said a new, larger wheelbarrow. What on earth for she asked; mucking manure to which she said “you, you?” Yup, I wore makeup, did my nails… I’m still mucking but no longer ‘doing’ my nails.

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My wife was a tomboy. I knew I was on to something special in one of our early dates we went fishing and she baited her hook herself. And she still much prefers outdoors to indoors. We muck stalls together, deliver foal and puppies together, ... but she never has figure out engines and is scared of chainsaws.

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Uhhh...not to violate the secret oath of womanhood, but not figuring out engines and being afraid of chain saws means not having to fix engines or cut down trees. It's the same philosophy as never admitting you can type.

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And you let us feel good about it.

Win, win.

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He had envy .. and acted on it .. and entered into a world of fantasy and day dreams and pretend to feed his envy instead of dealing with his envy.... and all this was done as an adult not as a child .

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Yep. And he didn't disrupt his life or anyone else's, didn't demand that his friends or family adapt to his quirk, turned it into a harmless game limited to some weekends and made it fit into a productive life. Different strokes........

And I'd say he DID deal with his envy. He identified it, isolated it and figured out how integrate it into his life without making a big deal out of it. I know a lot of macho men won't appreciate this, but I think of it as similar to fantasy football, a little role playing for fun.

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At one point I rented the upper floor of a townhouse from a homosexual couple. They assumed I wouldn't become pregnant (I didn't). I assumed I would not have to be afraid of them (right). They did invite my parents and I out to their country home where they were having a weekend get together of like minded. One of the invited spoke with us. He was incredibly more feminine than I would ever want to be. He made me extremely uncomfortable. On reflection did decide I would have been equally uncomfortable with a woman carrying on like that.

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Yet he was still a man, not really pretending to be a woman just exhibiting certain characteristics we associate with some women. I have known some homosexuals like that but never felt they were actually imitating women, like drag queens do. As you said, you wouldn't have been comfortable around a woman who acted like that.

The English say "there's naught as queer as folk"---translated to American, "there's nothing as weird as people".

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You certainly have a point. Further he was there to share a weekend with like minded. From my perspective, other than he made me uncomfortable, it was of no moment. One point seems curious. Why is it worth the risks of surgery and drugs when one can be a homosexual in what ever sexual role one wants to pursue?+

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Just my opinion here, but I get the impression that for some men it is not acceptable to admit to being gay, but being trans would mean that they are really women so liking men would not mean they are homosexual.

"Catilin" Jenner said in an interview that "she" is not attracted to men but that being attracted to women does not mean "she" is gay. This sounded pretty sexually confused, as well as an admission that Bruce is a guy who is attracted to women but finds some kind of gratification in assuming some of the elements of womanhood---which seem to be acting out and dressing up more than anything. There seems to be a lack of commitment, shown by keeping the dangly bits and not shifting attraction to women.

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I grew up in the 50/60s, three brothers, no sisters, all within five years. I did whatever my brothers did. Never cared for dolls. When they started playing team baseball, I would ride my horse over and watch their games. All my girlfriends but one, also had a horse – no girly stuff. Don't remember thinking I wanted to be a guy, just that being a girl was not my thing until it was.

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Great line: ..."just that being a girl was not my thing until it was." I think that's exactly how it works for many young women. Me too.

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We never ask the key question: "Do you think you ARE a woman, or do you just wish you could be /want to be a woman?"

Envy of a perceived advantage of being the other sex is not the same as being the other sex, but this distinction is not allowed to be voiced.

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Perhaps the finest rational for home schooling. The family has been destroyed by maladjusted young people coming into the workplace. Teachers, social workers, and the newest abomination...influencers.

Protect your children, parents!!!

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As a leftwing person who is silenced and attacked for fighting the Gender Madness, I meet countless people from across the political spectrum reaching the same conclusion: do private schools if they're affordable and not part of the Gender Cult. Or do homeschooling. I never would have done anything but public school when my kids were small, but now I hope my beloved grandchildren don't go there! By the way there are plenty of young people who disagree with the Gender Borg, but they get attacked and erased like us older folks.

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Curious why you remain leftwing. You must have realized that they're nuts and their ideas simply don't work.

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Even when you homeschool, I think you still should address it with your children, especially if they have friends in public or private school. Where we live – in super-progressive, MA there’s a likelihood that one or more of their friends will one day identify as the other gender. So with my 2 daughters, ages 10 and 8, I made the following points based on my own personal belief system (they aren’t for everyone, but perhaps they will be useful to some):

• No one is 100% masculine or 100% feminine – we are all human beings with both masculine and feminine qualities. Just because a girl is strong, muscular, assertive and dominating, doesn’t mean that she’s really a boy inside. Just because a boy is sensitive, sweet, likes wearing dresses or styling people’s hair doesn’t mean he’s really a girl. We are born one way, and as human beings we experience physical and personality traits of both genders. This makes us more balanced, authentic and loving human beings, even though we are physically the gender we are born as.

• Compared with many women, I have more “masculine”-type characteristics and was even mistaken for a man when I was a teenager (I think due to my height and shoulder width, despite long hair - someone once tapped my shoulder from behind and said, "Excuse me, sir"). Had I been heavily influenced at an early age by popular transgender ideology, I might have been more susceptible to believing I was really a man. And if that had happened, I might have missed out on what has been - hands down- THE most rewarding and wonderful part of my life: motherhood. I wouldn’t have had you both and this amazing life journey with you.

• You will likely have friends who say they are another gender or “they” – they are likely confused, and don’t realize it is their other side surfacing, perhaps due to natural hormonal changes. You don’t need to agree with their choice, but should honor their journey and accept who they think they are.

• You are beautiful and strong just the way you are!

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The cult is ensnaring many homeschooling children through social media. I knew a HS family whose middle daughter decided she was Jack back in 2008.

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Apr 16, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! Thanks for covering this topic. Last year my 10th grade daughter told me I would be called a bigot at her school if I said XX ovum female and XY sperm male. I am now working with the Utah Log Cabin Republicans to draft legislation to get males out of the county gym bathrooms. I was scared when I came out of the shower and a big man was there, and another one was there but I was dressed. The county has failed to disclose to patrons and parents the opposite genders are allowed in bathrooms. I am going to put another dog in the fight: I took my son to the country library and in the teens section there is literal child pornography, children depicted performing sexual acts in detail, available for check out to any kid and there were boys about 8 playing video games in the teen area. It's unacceptable that pedophilia abuse of children is being normalized. I have contacted Moms for Liberty and Utah Parents United to see if we can get legislation changed because as far as I know, having children depicted in sex acts is child pornography and distributing it to minors to groom them is illegal. I am going to ask my peeps at the Utah Log Cabin if we can file criminal charged against the county for possession of child pornography and distribution to minors.

If you want to know more about the depopulation agenda written in the 70's by Kissinger, here's a good site.


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Good for you for getting involved! If more parents did this, all this nonsense would be over in a flash! Bravo!

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Thanks! We'll see, we're up against the huge medical-pharmaceutical corporate industrial complex and as far as I can tell, we live in a corporatocracy.

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If only people would understand: if a large enough number of us would stand up, we would have enormous power. We could scuttle all of their plans because there are far, far more of us than them.

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It's time to panic over the state of America. ROGD, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, started with the transgender movement that came into its own only a few years ago. How could America have won two world wars and become the greatest, most prosperous, and freest country in the world without today’s proper pronouns, transgenders serving in the military? Also "gender affirming care” will destroy thousands of children with future sterility, inability to have an orgasm, and a lifetime of mental health and physical issues. This is systematic child abuse. Should we panic over this damage to our next generation? Lastly, it is appalling and horrific that recently Washington state passed a bill allowing children to legally be taken away from their parents for not consenting to gender transition procedures on their child. According to Senate Bill 5599, shelters could contact the Department of Children, Youth, and Families instead of parents for minors seeking reproductive health services or gender-affirming care.

The proposal would pave the way for more of a "compelling reason" to conceal a child who seeks sex change operations or reproductive health services such as abortion.

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In CA, the law already states that the school is obligated to help girls get an abortion and prevent the parents from finding out. As in, the parents believe their daughter is in school. In reality, they are driven to their appointment by school staff and excused from school without alerting the parents. All is paid for by State sponsored insurance. They also put girls on birth control in the 7th grade without parental consent or knowledge.

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I believe I've read that and a multitude of other utterly loathsome laws of CA.

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I believe these issues are being pushed by the left, teachers unions, and the LGBTQIA-acronym (?). If you disagree with them you are an anti trans racist. Have you ever woke up and wrote a somewhat angry post that probably should be crumpled up and thrown away? This is that post I wrote on Saturday morning.

It’s so dumbfounding to deal with old radical 60 hipy types that grew up in a free country, where all they spoke of was peace and freedom. They support the left and with that they support their forever wars lining the pockets of the military-industrial complex which in turn lines their pockets. They now want to crush people’s freedom of speech, even speech that is spoken for the protection of children, while they spew their vulgar, offensive words with no care of who they offend. Typical hypocritical leftist blather. Anyone who abrogates the responsibilities of protecting their children to the state create a very frightening country in which to live. So many hours I have spent trying to figure out what motivates a group of people to think they can control peoples thoughts or speech. I always come back to the same conclusions. They are extremely weak minded, unable to deal with diametric view points, mainly because their theories always fail, and at the very core they are selfish closed minded beings. Whatever 5th generation type games they play the end result will always be the same, complete control and a silenced opposition. This is the final goal of the lefts utopian America. J.Goodrich

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But you know well James, the changing of the Guards has never been pleasant nor easy. Simply a never ending battle for supremacy and who's right....who's wrong.

Ebb/Flow. Yin/Yang. Clock pendulum moves left/right. The foolish pursuits of only pleasures.

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I do know and don’t expect RINO republicans, that are up to their necks in the corruption, will suddenly give up their slice of the grift. They will probably fight harder to hide their crimes and their RHINO status.

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That is how the Overton window moves. However, its movement has always been incrementally to the Left – toward tyranny. It may inch back to the right but never to where it previously was.

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And always difficult to predict and or measure with accuracy. (hindsight 20/20)

We are along to experience the ride, and try not to be just a casual observer.

Those days are gone. Re-arm/Re-educate ourselves daily. Pray/meditate when you can.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Doc Malone, I work in a high school in suburban CT. Thanks for helping make sense of what I've been observing over the last several years. We've got "dead names", pronoun police, gender neutral bathrooms and other sick constructs up the wazoo. When I mention or display my feelings that something ain't right I'm a homophobe to the neo libtards and admin, a boat rocker to closet conservatives and an evil monster to the duped kids. One of the kids is a "they/them", can never figure out who the hell I'm talking to. Retirement next year if I make it.

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Thank God my kids were out of the local elementary school because that's the same crap going on there nowadays.

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Adults can do what they like biologically and sexually.

Every adult has the right to their own lifestyle choices.

No one cared about transsexuals until trans became a militant political operation aimed at undermining women and targeting highly impressionable children and teens.

All RATIONAL people oppose biological men competing against women.

All RATIONAL people oppose indoctrinating children and teens.

All RATIONAL people oppose pushing minors to get dangerous, health-compromising, body-mutilating, irreversible trans operations and drugs.

Trans and gender identity campaigns are being manufactured for political and financial purposes.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Music, dark humor, exposes, news stories and good scientific data seem to be the best solutions for waking people up. But will this be enough?" you ask. I suggest that the underlying problem is our having forgotten God; and that our greatest need is for a widespread, repentant return to the one who made us in his image, knows us, loves us and will bless us - personally and nationally - if we seek and follow him.

Solzhenitsyn wrote: "Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: ‘Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.’ Since then I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: ‘Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.’”

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‘Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.’


God has been removed from the narrative by the fringe and anyone calling on Him is ridiculed and marginalized. Wait until the US Fed CBDC is employed to ensure conformance with their rules of "acceptable behavior".

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See: Transgender associated with autism, low vitamin D, low BMD, etc. - many studies

Vitamin D levels have been crashing

1) There has been a big increase in Autism

2) Vitamin D has been proven to both prevent and treat Autism

3) There has been a big increase in Transgender etc. individuals

4) Perhaps low vitamin D before and/or after birth increases gender confusion

5) Speculation: Increased vitamin D levels sometime after conception will decrease gender confusion



Posted April 6, 2023 600 visitors by April 16

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There is definitely something wrong with these individuals, and I keep thinking that vaccinations in young children could be causing development disorders. Some young children might be developing normally till they get MMR vaccine, then their immune system gets damaged and they grow up being abnormal. I think body dysphoria is a possible result of vaccine damage, and drug companies would never tell anyone, just look at the Covid vaccine. The Transgender problem is becoming so prolific that there must be a cause that is making young people vulnerable to this cult mentality. There are still plenty of normal children, but I have read of lots of cases where vaccines have caused autism to develop.

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Absolutely! I remember when they gave me the Salk polio vaccine which was a live vaccine cultured on kidney monkey tissue that was contaminated with SIV, cytomegalovirus and frequently hepatitis, deactivated with formaldehyde. I remember distinctly something inside me died, some connection...

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Fascinating! Kids never play outdoors any more. When I grew up, we were outdoors until mom called us in for dinner. Natural sunshine the best source of vitamin D. I could see how this plays a roll. I will read more on this. Thanks for the link.

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Yeah they are as white as ghosts, and as AG said, boys drugged with meth pharma at at least 30% last I heard. I spoke with quite a few college kids at HSU who were somewhat survivors of being drugged in grammar school by the psychologists. They were small thin and weak with a mind that knew it was trapped and couldn't do anything about it. Kids don't play outside anymore it's all helicopter moms. When I was a kid after the war I must've heard it said a million times by some father to his wife, "Stop mothering the boy you will ruin him."

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Don't forget the COLA WARS blended in nicely with the CHIP WARS!

Sugars and salts of all cheap ass types.

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And McDonald's is the worlds largest purveyor of MSG which is used to make laboratory rats obese so they can be studied all they have to do is add a little to their food and like magic they're blimps.

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The taste buds can easily become addicted to factory flavonoids from Lab testing.

Ask any lab rat trapped in a lab maze. The lure is stronger than a cocaine Lab test.

Millions are spent on new flavonoid applications. Billions on hypno-marketing the brain.

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Perhaps that’s why our supposed leaders and farcical medical experts have been slow to recommend vitamin D.

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Henry, thanks for the link. Have sent it to myself to open and read.

Have a friend who will want to see this information herself, soon.

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"That is over 2.58 million more people who will are or will be considering transgender surgeries!"

Don't forget the life long medications and other treatments!

The whole thing has a Salem Witches feel to it don't you think.

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