The CDC, Fauci, Bill Gates and company must keep the lid on because they are deeply culpable starting with funding gain of function research, suppressing known therapeutic treatments, and hiding data.
Yes I 100% agree. I said, if I had a time machine I would go back in time and stop him.
I remember sitting in my docs waiting room reading a people magazine (back before it was too toxic) on or about 1996 and read an article on Bill Gates. After a lot of mumbo jumbo about how rich he is and how big his Washington Lake home was, he said when he was a child, his mother would yell downstairs (basement) and ask him, after many hours of being down there, “Bill, What are you doing?” He replied, “I’m thinking!” That has always stuck with me, because I am a thinker, problem solver, etc but I never did that much thinking.
BUT——Now we know what he was thinking because all he had was his own echo chamber of thoughts to keep him company. And if you are the only one answering your own questions, than you are correct 100% of the time.
He is/was a loner, still inept social being, incapable of person to person interaction without using his awkward hand movements, probably never played outdoors or with another child in his youth.
I believe he just stared out the living room window being a spectator instead of a participant in Life. Which is why he created “WINDOWS” so we can all see what he sees through his window —- it’s creepy when you break it all down and speaks VOLUMES!!!
Actually he reminds me of that Marvel character in the movies. He gets the stones of power and snaps his fingers to remove 50% of the population. Thanos, I think. I could see Bill Gates in that role. He seems awfully interested in this doom and gloom stuff. Not healthy. For any of us!
Yes, he said “sadly” Omicron and natural immunity (T&B cells) beat the vaccines to provide protection. He doesn’t want that, that’s why it’s sad to him.
He would rather a vaccine be injected prior to infection so people don’t have to rely on their own natural immunity to stay ahead of the curve and this way people with pre-existing conditions would be better off.
What a Piece of work! Keep in mind and this is my opinion- Bill Gates’ beginning reference point starts from a place of Robot world! He doesn’t like being Human. Humans have too many faults. Therefore he should interfere with nature. He is a mixed up, confused, deranged, evil Frankenstein lab dweller.
He definitely seems to be very autistic or having some other social disorder! I wonder if his Mom & Dad ignored him too much. It always creeps me out to see him with children, (lots of images from Africa & India) knowing that his desired outcome would be for many of them to die!
The COVID and vaccine lies are huge, and we are not permitted to call out these lies. Our freedoms are being crushed. Bank accounts of those who donated to the truckers are frozen. According to Trudeau, if you support causes like the trucker protest you "should be worried." Don't think it can't ever happen here. One day, if we don't correct course, some of us could end up like this guy:
Indeed, your name (mine) out there along with my address, my IP address, picture of my house, along with my message to my heroes the Truckers all exposed for all to see. I had several calls to inform me of all this before I had a chance to see. I was horrified. Castro's son along with big foot Singh have to go, actually the lake of fire would be my first choice for them, now. Thank you Dr. Malone for all you do, we appreciate and respect you. God Bless you and your Family.
We all should be contacting our senators and congressmen on this. Also ask them why the FDA joined Pfizer in refusing to turn over data from their trials?
Phone calls to MoC do work.. brief and polite messages are best. Folks who answer phones don't set policy they take messages and angry rants get filed under crackpot.
Capitol switchboard 202-224-3121 and they will connect to any Member or Committee staff who all take messages. They can also locate your MoC by zip code it you're unsure which gem is yours.
I used to think like that but who can make that judgment objectively and what good does it do? I once had a bad attitude toward my father as you surmise, that no one deserves respect. The Bible and tradition teach something else. "Honor thy father and mother" is not conditional. And forgiveness is conditional, if we won't forgive others neither will God forgive us. Romans 13 does not say that we should only honor civil authorities if they earn it.
This is a great interview. So many nuggets. But the real eye popper for me was the CDC explicitly blowing off EUA law and doing what they wanted to do as though it didn’t exist. This is something I have not understood from the beginning, how they could do that. But of course laws all over the place, and the Constitution itself, are being completely ignored by lawless governments at every level.
That is why, for Christians, I don’t believe biblical injunctions about obeying the authorities apply regarding any of the covid mandates. The mandates themselves are lawless, whereas biblical injunctions are predicated on a government enforcing laws that protect the good and punish the evil. Mandates do the opposite, enshrining lawlessness and causing clear, identifiable harm to human beings.
"And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor to teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said unto them. Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." Acts 4:18-20 AV. The apostles made a distinction between just and unjust law as modeled by MLK. See MLK,s Letter From Birmingham Jail.
This morning 2/24/22 on Maria Bartolommeo’s morning news, she spoke with the CEO Stephen Bascel of Moderna. She point blank asked him to address the “rumor” that they tested the Covid strain and found a DNA 🧬 strand that belongs to Moderna. (Sorry that is really the abbreviated unscientific version of her question). He actually grinned and smiled and said ““HIS” scientists are looking into it.” Ugh that’s like the Fox watching the Hen house. It’s an uncomfortable clip to watch, especially prior to him mentioning that they made BILLIONS of dollars last year and are planning a new vaccine—- “for the NEW strain that is coming”. To increase their earnings. Felt like he was talking to his investors. I tried to find the clip but it might take a while to Cache.
"CEO Bancel has Wuhan lab connection. "Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel was previously CEO of BioMerieux until 2011. BioMerieux is owned by French billionaire Alain Merieux, who was instrumental in the creation of the P4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and is a close friend of Xi Jinping."
Dr, Malone, I love the affection that shows in the photo of you and Dr. Cole. Two giants in the battle enjoying a moment of mutual admiration and support. Thank you both for all you give to us.
It's interesting that I just finished a fiction book by Brad Taylor, The Widow's Strike, that in many ways sounded just like what is happening now in our govt with this virus - so much so that I went back to check the copyright date on the story. 2013.
On another track, the Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. This statement from the interview "It is less deadly than earlier variants but spreads more readily. Natural immunity has provided that broad natural immunity". Who but God can take what men meant for evil and turn it for our good? Praise be to Him.
Feb 24, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Wonder who the sellouts were in congress that ever approved of big pharma funding their government regulators? This is exactly the expected outcome...fraud, malfeasance, corruption, people needlessly dying as a was all 100% predictable with such a funding model.
The CDC isn't the only one hiding info in Washington State.
That brings us, at long last, to Snohomish County. For months they have been breaking down data between vaccinated and unvaccinated cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. It was one of the only places left that I could be confident in the numbers because they were easily available. Last month’s vaccine efficacy chart looked like this (data through December):
The data was clearly showing the protection granted by the jab faded quickly, which tracked with nearly everywhere else around the world. I looked forward to the new report being released and seeing what the new numbers were.
Well, the report is out, and guess what we don’t see inside? Not only have they removed the vaccine efficacy charts, THEY HAVE REMOVED EVERY PIECE OF DATA RELATED TO THE BREAKDOWN OF CASES, HOSPTAILIZATIONS, AND DEATHS. All of it. Gone. The numbers get inconvenient? Disappear ‘em!
Of course, data is only ‘inconvenient’ if the goal is one other than truthfully informing us of our risks. This is one of the dangers of central planning. The ‘leaders’ get tunnel vision and ignore everything but the goal of getting people vaccinated, and soon they are lying to us to ‘increase uptake’. This problem won’t be solved by hiding even more data.
I can’t help but think if we had access to the hard true data that once plotted in a histogram, the unvaccinated would become the outliers because there would be less Vax injuries. That would be very interesting to see. But truth be told, eventually insurance companies and cemeteries will start to show the true data.
You're right. All one needs do is watch at the supermarket when clerks are confronted with the necessity of making the simplest arithmetical calculation; they're flummoxed if they are under 30 years of age. That said, most of them can still add 2 + 2 and get 4, so they will likely notice when insurance rates climb. Reality has a way of 'mugging' liberals and even the stupid among us.
I hear your pain on the data wipeouts. Before throwing in the towel (which may be inevitable) we might hope the forensics folks can do more than we know — it often happens and data may be reconstructed sometimes. But, I share this pain. Good ending on “This problem won’t be solved by hiding even more data”
Good report. Thank you. But fraud is not unusual in science, nor is it unexpected. Frauds are most often unintentional, but often purposeful to support the extreme egos of participants and the extreme competiveness many of them feel. The basis of the scientific method is to find and correct such mistakes. What's unusual is such a widespread adoption of obvious fraud. The real criminal fraud has many co-conspirators, too many to prosecute. But we need to focus on specific culprits who are driving the rest to conform. If even one person is prosecuted, or even litigated civilly, the rest will correct their participation quickly.
If we can't make a case in court, we should just accept the new standards and adapt accordingly. But I'm confident a case will be made, and this disaster won't end until we do.
The most important lesson for society at large is that scientists, and doctors, are not mystical wizards that must be worshiped, but mechanics we hire to do a job. Like any employees, they must be supervised carefully, or they'll naturally take advantage of us. They have terrorized us, but we allowed it. They have killed millions of us, but we allowed it. We seem to have lost our own natural survival instincts. That's unlikely to have a happy ending. It's not too late to recover.
Although you would never know it if you watch corporate media its all coming apart now. The evidence surrounding the vaccine efficacy, media censorship VAERS data, VAERS data coverup and much more is emerging from the shadows.
Now the question is does the concept of Noble Truth justify the terrible price paid by the innocent victims.
Aid agencies are reporting 150,000.000 tertiary dead(not confirmed) due to lockdowns and corporate driven management of the pandemic(opinion).
Early in 2020 some very brave and innocent doctors/scientists testified and informed the American Congress and the CDC/FDA/WHO of alternatives. Doctors of renown, heavily credentialed and experienced in their fields, doctors that had the scientific weight to demand attention.
Looking rearward it seems clear now the corporate strategy did not include any alternate form of attack but the highly profitable gene therapy incorrectly called vaccine. Hence the need for the Noble Truth narrative.
In Canada, cars lined up for PCR testing which we now know/believe was over cycled, to drive the numbers(only my opinion)
Imagine what this pandemic would have looked like if, as an example caplets of Ivermectin were made available at the same time as the drive in PCR program. I am told Ivermectin is so safe the dosages can be approximate. Lets say each PCR tester had a selection of caplets for 100 - 150 lbs 150-200lbs 200 -300lbs etc.. just given as prophylactic. Instead of what actually happened, go home let it develop and if to the point of serious symptomology go the hospital.
Another band of techs specialize in nursing homes distributing ivermectin in roughly the same manor. Possibly at the same time delivering nasal irrigation devices/products and basic training to the staff. Depending on the size of the home a nasal wash every 2nd-3rd day, would that have helped. How many seniors would have been saved dying alone and terrified. Did you have a senior die alone.
I would start small, and local, charge a college administrator who mandated a vax where a kid died. Or charge a pharmacist who refused to fill a prescription and the patient died. Civil litigation is proceeding. We need a lot more. Lots of malpractice suits. Deluge the courts. When DoJ change management in 3 years, we'll probably see a lot more aggressive justice.
Doubtful we’ll see aggressive justice. They are all career employees. Unless they can fired at will (like I can be at my company), they will drive their own agenda and screw whatever some politicians want. If the bureaucrats want a cover up, they’ll ensure a coverup.
From reading Judy Mikovits and RFK Jrs books, this scientific fraud combined with propaganda fraud has been occurring at the FDA, CDC and NIH for decades, albeit on a smaller scale. They have lots of practice. Nothing has been done, so they became emboldened. The answer to your question about Walensky is COVID-19 pandemic is political. She has a political job to do as she is a political appointee and that takes being able to lie. They manipulate events and lie to get us in wars, where young people are killed and much profit is made. COVID-19 is just another type of war.
Truth, like every other aspect of our environment, is only what we perceive. Many truths are approximations. Newton's physics was accepted as truth for centuries, until Einstein showed us it varies according to where you are and how fast you're moving. Perspective determines truth in physics, and in every other aspect of our existence. What works for me might not work for others. Insecure people rely on having some accepted fundamentals to anchor their perceptions, and help them make sense of an incomprehensible universe. If it makes them feel better to believe something, that's all that matters.
"It's always hard to answer somebody else's “why?”
An old mentor of mine with deep experience in Washington was fond of saying that "why" folks acted in ways contrary to ethics or logic could be attributed to personal gain, ignorance or both. It has served well as a rule of thumb especially in the realm of politics.
The CDC, Fauci, Bill Gates and company must keep the lid on because they are deeply culpable starting with funding gain of function research, suppressing known therapeutic treatments, and hiding data.
Not just therapeutics, hell they wouldn't even acknowledge enhancing the immune system through diet and vitamins.
BillGates - a hideous, abhorrent, opportunistic individual. Tis no wonder Melissa divorced him - oh what skeletons lurk.
Yes I 100% agree. I said, if I had a time machine I would go back in time and stop him.
I remember sitting in my docs waiting room reading a people magazine (back before it was too toxic) on or about 1996 and read an article on Bill Gates. After a lot of mumbo jumbo about how rich he is and how big his Washington Lake home was, he said when he was a child, his mother would yell downstairs (basement) and ask him, after many hours of being down there, “Bill, What are you doing?” He replied, “I’m thinking!” That has always stuck with me, because I am a thinker, problem solver, etc but I never did that much thinking.
BUT——Now we know what he was thinking because all he had was his own echo chamber of thoughts to keep him company. And if you are the only one answering your own questions, than you are correct 100% of the time.
He is/was a loner, still inept social being, incapable of person to person interaction without using his awkward hand movements, probably never played outdoors or with another child in his youth.
I believe he just stared out the living room window being a spectator instead of a participant in Life. Which is why he created “WINDOWS” so we can all see what he sees through his window —- it’s creepy when you break it all down and speaks VOLUMES!!!
Actually he reminds me of that Marvel character in the movies. He gets the stones of power and snaps his fingers to remove 50% of the population. Thanos, I think. I could see Bill Gates in that role. He seems awfully interested in this doom and gloom stuff. Not healthy. For any of us!
Yes, he said “sadly” Omicron and natural immunity (T&B cells) beat the vaccines to provide protection. He doesn’t want that, that’s why it’s sad to him.
He would rather a vaccine be injected prior to infection so people don’t have to rely on their own natural immunity to stay ahead of the curve and this way people with pre-existing conditions would be better off.
What a Piece of work! Keep in mind and this is my opinion- Bill Gates’ beginning reference point starts from a place of Robot world! He doesn’t like being Human. Humans have too many faults. Therefore he should interfere with nature. He is a mixed up, confused, deranged, evil Frankenstein lab dweller.
He definitely seems to be very autistic or having some other social disorder! I wonder if his Mom & Dad ignored him too much. It always creeps me out to see him with children, (lots of images from Africa & India) knowing that his desired outcome would be for many of them to die!
The COVID and vaccine lies are huge, and we are not permitted to call out these lies. Our freedoms are being crushed. Bank accounts of those who donated to the truckers are frozen. According to Trudeau, if you support causes like the trucker protest you "should be worried." Don't think it can't ever happen here. One day, if we don't correct course, some of us could end up like this guy:
Indeed, your name (mine) out there along with my address, my IP address, picture of my house, along with my message to my heroes the Truckers all exposed for all to see. I had several calls to inform me of all this before I had a chance to see. I was horrified. Castro's son along with big foot Singh have to go, actually the lake of fire would be my first choice for them, now. Thank you Dr. Malone for all you do, we appreciate and respect you. God Bless you and your Family.
Wow! That is so wrong.
We all should be contacting our senators and congressmen on this. Also ask them why the FDA joined Pfizer in refusing to turn over data from their trials?
Phone calls to MoC do work.. brief and polite messages are best. Folks who answer phones don't set policy they take messages and angry rants get filed under crackpot.
Capitol switchboard 202-224-3121 and they will connect to any Member or Committee staff who all take messages. They can also locate your MoC by zip code it you're unsure which gem is yours.
Doesn't matter what they think of us, only what we think of them. Tell your friends.
great line... I'm going to borrow it.
You have an opportunity to fix that in November.
Respect the office if not the officer. Once we start getting heated and disgusted with these government representatives, they clam up.
Nobody deserves respect. Respect can only be earned. Unearned respect is just submission. Heat and disgust are how we make them behave.
I used to think like that but who can make that judgment objectively and what good does it do? I once had a bad attitude toward my father as you surmise, that no one deserves respect. The Bible and tradition teach something else. "Honor thy father and mother" is not conditional. And forgiveness is conditional, if we won't forgive others neither will God forgive us. Romans 13 does not say that we should only honor civil authorities if they earn it.
My relationship with my parents does not carry to doctors.
This is a great interview. So many nuggets. But the real eye popper for me was the CDC explicitly blowing off EUA law and doing what they wanted to do as though it didn’t exist. This is something I have not understood from the beginning, how they could do that. But of course laws all over the place, and the Constitution itself, are being completely ignored by lawless governments at every level.
That is why, for Christians, I don’t believe biblical injunctions about obeying the authorities apply regarding any of the covid mandates. The mandates themselves are lawless, whereas biblical injunctions are predicated on a government enforcing laws that protect the good and punish the evil. Mandates do the opposite, enshrining lawlessness and causing clear, identifiable harm to human beings.
"And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor to teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said unto them. Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." Acts 4:18-20 AV. The apostles made a distinction between just and unjust law as modeled by MLK. See MLK,s Letter From Birmingham Jail.
I thank God for you and all the others who are on the frontline, fighting this battle for all of us. My deepest heart-felt thanks.
This morning 2/24/22 on Maria Bartolommeo’s morning news, she spoke with the CEO Stephen Bascel of Moderna. She point blank asked him to address the “rumor” that they tested the Covid strain and found a DNA 🧬 strand that belongs to Moderna. (Sorry that is really the abbreviated unscientific version of her question). He actually grinned and smiled and said ““HIS” scientists are looking into it.” Ugh that’s like the Fox watching the Hen house. It’s an uncomfortable clip to watch, especially prior to him mentioning that they made BILLIONS of dollars last year and are planning a new vaccine—- “for the NEW strain that is coming”. To increase their earnings. Felt like he was talking to his investors. I tried to find the clip but it might take a while to Cache.
Take a look at this:
"CEO Bancel has Wuhan lab connection. "Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel was previously CEO of BioMerieux until 2011. BioMerieux is owned by French billionaire Alain Merieux, who was instrumental in the creation of the P4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and is a close friend of Xi Jinping."
Not sure if you know, but Maria Bartolommeo profile is on WEF sight.
Interesting. (I believe his surname is Bancel, though)
Yes you are correct.
Dr, Malone, I love the affection that shows in the photo of you and Dr. Cole. Two giants in the battle enjoying a moment of mutual admiration and support. Thank you both for all you give to us.
It's interesting that I just finished a fiction book by Brad Taylor, The Widow's Strike, that in many ways sounded just like what is happening now in our govt with this virus - so much so that I went back to check the copyright date on the story. 2013.
On another track, the Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. This statement from the interview "It is less deadly than earlier variants but spreads more readily. Natural immunity has provided that broad natural immunity". Who but God can take what men meant for evil and turn it for our good? Praise be to Him.
Praise be to Him 💜
Tebje Gospodi. Amin.
Excellent interview. The transcript format was great, actually. Thank you!
Wonder who the sellouts were in congress that ever approved of big pharma funding their government regulators? This is exactly the expected outcome...fraud, malfeasance, corruption, people needlessly dying as a was all 100% predictable with such a funding model.
Our government lies to us about everything at this point - the brazenness of the Covid approach/saga just unmasked it for all to see.
The CDC isn't the only one hiding info in Washington State.
That brings us, at long last, to Snohomish County. For months they have been breaking down data between vaccinated and unvaccinated cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. It was one of the only places left that I could be confident in the numbers because they were easily available. Last month’s vaccine efficacy chart looked like this (data through December):
The data was clearly showing the protection granted by the jab faded quickly, which tracked with nearly everywhere else around the world. I looked forward to the new report being released and seeing what the new numbers were.
Well, the report is out, and guess what we don’t see inside? Not only have they removed the vaccine efficacy charts, THEY HAVE REMOVED EVERY PIECE OF DATA RELATED TO THE BREAKDOWN OF CASES, HOSPTAILIZATIONS, AND DEATHS. All of it. Gone. The numbers get inconvenient? Disappear ‘em!
Of course, data is only ‘inconvenient’ if the goal is one other than truthfully informing us of our risks. This is one of the dangers of central planning. The ‘leaders’ get tunnel vision and ignore everything but the goal of getting people vaccinated, and soon they are lying to us to ‘increase uptake’. This problem won’t be solved by hiding even more data.
I can’t help but think if we had access to the hard true data that once plotted in a histogram, the unvaccinated would become the outliers because there would be less Vax injuries. That would be very interesting to see. But truth be told, eventually insurance companies and cemeteries will start to show the true data.
The problem is too few can understand the data any more. That hasn't been taught in most schools for a long time.
You're right. All one needs do is watch at the supermarket when clerks are confronted with the necessity of making the simplest arithmetical calculation; they're flummoxed if they are under 30 years of age. That said, most of them can still add 2 + 2 and get 4, so they will likely notice when insurance rates climb. Reality has a way of 'mugging' liberals and even the stupid among us.
I hear your pain on the data wipeouts. Before throwing in the towel (which may be inevitable) we might hope the forensics folks can do more than we know — it often happens and data may be reconstructed sometimes. But, I share this pain. Good ending on “This problem won’t be solved by hiding even more data”
They sure didn't have any problem throwing all manner of stats at us when the efficacy still looked good. 🤷♂️
Good report. Thank you. But fraud is not unusual in science, nor is it unexpected. Frauds are most often unintentional, but often purposeful to support the extreme egos of participants and the extreme competiveness many of them feel. The basis of the scientific method is to find and correct such mistakes. What's unusual is such a widespread adoption of obvious fraud. The real criminal fraud has many co-conspirators, too many to prosecute. But we need to focus on specific culprits who are driving the rest to conform. If even one person is prosecuted, or even litigated civilly, the rest will correct their participation quickly.
If we can't make a case in court, we should just accept the new standards and adapt accordingly. But I'm confident a case will be made, and this disaster won't end until we do.
The most important lesson for society at large is that scientists, and doctors, are not mystical wizards that must be worshiped, but mechanics we hire to do a job. Like any employees, they must be supervised carefully, or they'll naturally take advantage of us. They have terrorized us, but we allowed it. They have killed millions of us, but we allowed it. We seem to have lost our own natural survival instincts. That's unlikely to have a happy ending. It's not too late to recover.
Has a crime been committed, what do you think.
54 min ago
Although you would never know it if you watch corporate media its all coming apart now. The evidence surrounding the vaccine efficacy, media censorship VAERS data, VAERS data coverup and much more is emerging from the shadows.
Now the question is does the concept of Noble Truth justify the terrible price paid by the innocent victims.
Aid agencies are reporting 150,000.000 tertiary dead(not confirmed) due to lockdowns and corporate driven management of the pandemic(opinion).
Early in 2020 some very brave and innocent doctors/scientists testified and informed the American Congress and the CDC/FDA/WHO of alternatives. Doctors of renown, heavily credentialed and experienced in their fields, doctors that had the scientific weight to demand attention.
Looking rearward it seems clear now the corporate strategy did not include any alternate form of attack but the highly profitable gene therapy incorrectly called vaccine. Hence the need for the Noble Truth narrative.
In Canada, cars lined up for PCR testing which we now know/believe was over cycled, to drive the numbers(only my opinion)
Imagine what this pandemic would have looked like if, as an example caplets of Ivermectin were made available at the same time as the drive in PCR program. I am told Ivermectin is so safe the dosages can be approximate. Lets say each PCR tester had a selection of caplets for 100 - 150 lbs 150-200lbs 200 -300lbs etc.. just given as prophylactic. Instead of what actually happened, go home let it develop and if to the point of serious symptomology go the hospital.
Another band of techs specialize in nursing homes distributing ivermectin in roughly the same manor. Possibly at the same time delivering nasal irrigation devices/products and basic training to the staff. Depending on the size of the home a nasal wash every 2nd-3rd day, would that have helped. How many seniors would have been saved dying alone and terrified. Did you have a senior die alone.
Was this a crime or just bad management
I would start small, and local, charge a college administrator who mandated a vax where a kid died. Or charge a pharmacist who refused to fill a prescription and the patient died. Civil litigation is proceeding. We need a lot more. Lots of malpractice suits. Deluge the courts. When DoJ change management in 3 years, we'll probably see a lot more aggressive justice.
Doubtful we’ll see aggressive justice. They are all career employees. Unless they can fired at will (like I can be at my company), they will drive their own agenda and screw whatever some politicians want. If the bureaucrats want a cover up, they’ll ensure a coverup.
I don't want them fired. I want them prosecuted. Well probably have to wait for 2025 for either. We can litigate now.
Thank You David good plan and place to start
From reading Judy Mikovits and RFK Jrs books, this scientific fraud combined with propaganda fraud has been occurring at the FDA, CDC and NIH for decades, albeit on a smaller scale. They have lots of practice. Nothing has been done, so they became emboldened. The answer to your question about Walensky is COVID-19 pandemic is political. She has a political job to do as she is a political appointee and that takes being able to lie. They manipulate events and lie to get us in wars, where young people are killed and much profit is made. COVID-19 is just another type of war.
Yes the callousness of medicine to the traditional vax injuries for decades so they could get their grants has laid the foundation for all this.
Trudeau and Walensky seem to have gone to the same acting classes, similar facial expressions of feigned surprise and concern.
Betrayers of Truth is a good analysis and explanation.
Truth is so yesterday. Where you been?
Truth, like every other aspect of our environment, is only what we perceive. Many truths are approximations. Newton's physics was accepted as truth for centuries, until Einstein showed us it varies according to where you are and how fast you're moving. Perspective determines truth in physics, and in every other aspect of our existence. What works for me might not work for others. Insecure people rely on having some accepted fundamentals to anchor their perceptions, and help them make sense of an incomprehensible universe. If it makes them feel better to believe something, that's all that matters.
"It's always hard to answer somebody else's “why?”
An old mentor of mine with deep experience in Washington was fond of saying that "why" folks acted in ways contrary to ethics or logic could be attributed to personal gain, ignorance or both. It has served well as a rule of thumb especially in the realm of politics.