Thank you for calling Offit a "high priest" and "anointed leader", I have come to view much of medicine and science as a new religion. In researching the danger of overdiagnosis and overtreatment in cancer, I stumbled onto this article which reminded me of how Covid is/was handled "Overtreatment is often the consequence of overdiagnosis, and is defined as treatment of a disease that if untreated is unlikely to cause symptoms or death. Overtreatment is associated with the potential for harm to the patient from inherent side effects or complications, some of which can be permanent, serious or even fatal. It also represents a drain on limited global health resources."
This article also contains a quote that reminded me of you, quoted below. Dr Malone, thank you, and Dr Jill and others on your team for being modern day heros, your labour is not in vain.
From inability to let well alone
From too much zeal for the new and contempt for what is old
From putting knowledge before wisdom, science before art, and
Cleverness before common sense;
From treating patients as cases;
And from making the cure of the disease more grievous than the
Endurance of the same, Good Lord, deliver us.
– Sir Robert Hutchison, 19th Century Physician, London
I deleted all social media today except Rumble and Substack; I’m done communicating with the ignorant sheep. I have to say, I haven’t missed it at all‼️
I deleted all SM, including my Amazon, Paypal,accounts, and my Parler account back in November of 2020. It was as if the suit of armor fell to the ground, overnight. Finding local mom and pops to spend my money was most challenging.
On a high note, your soul is now released, and you'll be able to flourish gracefully, from here on out
I do my Very Best to support our Mom and Pop shops for most everything,. I get a hug or a handshake and We have a Good laugh! Sometimes We might even have a pint. We know each other by name. I can tell You that Pauline turned 80 yo last Monday and still very active in the local gardening club. Ed
Never had any social media outside of the Drs. Malone and Dr. Mattias Desmet on Rumble/Substack. I text or talk directly and do my “Stuff”. Uhhh…I like chainsaws. 🏴☠️😁🔥Ed
The unrestrained, fearful, self-important, and so very loud, ignorant twittiots were the most distressing to filter through. Face book was an easy read years and years ago. I was incensed when people ID'ed my face in other people's posts. I went batshit over that, and just got the hell out of there. The avatars for callers to my so-called 'Smart Phone' are pictures that remind me of them, but nothing actually related to the person and certainly not there image.
The facial ID cat is out of the bag, too late to back away from but crap!
People keep marching towards the totalitarian future, that is clearly ahead, as though there is nothing the can do.
It’s so ironic to me the way people look at the government suppressing free speech. Many participants of the government say it’s protecting people from misinformation but I believe it gives people a different viewpoint to make informed decisions. I had a very bitter sweet occurrence over the past week. A neighbor/friend decided to move to their families house in Chatham on cape cod. They sold their house to a young couple. Decades ago I had done some work for their grandparents and their parents. At some point many years ago the family started using a local contractor named Larry. Larry was a a very good competent carpenter I would run into sometimes at the local lumber yard. I remember talking about the mRNA shots with him, he was very nervous of getting sick from Covid and said he had taken the vaccine. Not long ago, I believe after taking a booster shot Larry suffered a major heart attack and died, he was 66. I had run into this young couples father recently at the same lumber yard, and he asked me to do a few small jobs which I did. Now his daughter that just bought the home in my neighborhood wanted a price on some extensive work on their new home. They called the other day and gave me the job. I couldn’t help but think that this job would have been Larry’s. Larry had a wife, 2 daughters and a grandson. He wasn’t a close friend but I have a hard time remembering that last time I saw Larry at the lumber yard. I have a hard time thinking of Larry’s wife and kids. I have a hard time accepting why Larry is gone. I can’t help but think if there were true freedom of the press Larry may have been starting the work at this young couples home. J.Goodrich
About 24 years ago, I met a fella at a local mom and pop luncheonette, named Bill. Bill was former county Sheriff where I live, who was retired from the force, and enjoying his time away from the crazies he used to knock upside the head while arresting them for being stupid.
Anyway, Bill and I became somewhat good friends, and we would get together for lunch, and I had done some work for him as well, being a HIC here in the great state of communism, I reside.
So, about a year after the planned-demic began Bill's wife developed cancer. She wound up at a Sloan Kettering facility, back and forth to NYC for treatment, and during that time Bill would accompany her as both moral and emotional support. Luckily for his wife, she responded well, and to this day has been deemed cancer free.
Bill, on the other hand, was hounded like an old, decrepit dog, by the doctors treating his wife that he "needed to get the jab, otherwise, he was going to kill his wife, by exposing her to "the covid". Dozens of visits to the hospital, and Bill's "no's" became a yes. He finally caved into the pressure they put on him, as he said from "the guilt they put on me about my wife dying from my giving her the covid".
I clearly remember the day when he told me. My friend Oscar and I were hanging a 38' gutter on the back of my other house, when Bill walked into the backyard, talking to both of us up on ladders. When he said he had just gotten the jab, both Oscar and I looked at each other in disbelief. Oscar, Bill, Tom, Karen, Jane and all the other folks I was texting and emailing all of these anecdotal findings of this bioweapon I was coming across daily, were all warned, and I guess the pressure from the doctors finally made Bill give in. He received a second dose, I know, but once he did that we never spoke about it again. I rarely saw Bill after that day, him stopping by with a 6 pack of beer in his hand was a frequency I won't see anymore.
So shortly after being injected with death, Bill wound up having a major stroke. He was rushed to the hospital, and after several weeks, they saved his life........... Temporarily, and he wound up back at home, being shuttled by his now "feeling better" wife, to rehab. He had to learn how to walk and function again, whereas before the jabbo, he was a spry 180lb former cop who was at the top of his game, both physically and mentally.
I rarely hear from Bill anymore. I try reaching out, but it's always "I'm heading out to the doctor", or some other excuse I get from him. I guess he just isn't feeling up to having any company around anymore.
So, I'm traveling through Bills development, doing an estimate for one of the folks there, and Bill sees my work truck, and stops. When he got out of the car, I couldn't believe what I saw. Bill had lost nearly 40 lbs, his skin color was copy paper white, and all of his muscle tone was gone. I swear if you took a skeleton from the Halloween store, and covered it with skin, you'd think Bill's twin brother was in for a visit. I was sickened by how bad he looked.
Bill told me that he had been in and out of the hospital with both heart and clotting problems since he saw me back installing the gutter over the summer. His wife was doing fantastic, but he was in and out of the hospital, spending anywhere from a day to 3 weeks to stop him from dying. He had some sort of issue where he just couldn't keep his blood pressure stable, and his sugar levels were all over the place. He was also suffering from the inability to eat food. Apparently, food just didn't taste good, and he had zero hunger or appetite. Bill said he actually has to force himself to eat, simply because he just isn't hungry anymore.
It's been about a month since I've heard from him, usually a text, or a quick shout out on the phone. He's not much into "hanging out" anymore, and since food is no longer a motivator in life, he's rarely out at the little luncheonette, or anywhere else for that matter. I don't think he goes anywhere anymore, to be completely honest.
I'm waiting for the phone call that he's gone. Bill is a really good person, and cared about his friends, neighbors and fellow citizens. Bill cared more about his wife's safety, than all the things I sent him about how bad this poison was, and now he's paying for it. Bill believed them when they told him that "it was safe, and it would prevent him from spreading it to his wife". I have no idea how Bill feels about this today.
On a bright note, his wife is doing fantastic, and so far so good. It's really unnerving to me that these people will most likely be never fully held accountable for the horrors they've inflicted on those who trusted them.
I have other stories similar to this one, but it pretty much sums up what I'm seeing where I am in life.
Why not tell your friend about some of the remedies for vaccine injury? would be a good start, or just google FLCCC alliance.
In order to do that, Bill would have to admit that the vaccine caused his injury. I've tried discussing the subject, but he just won't bite. As soon as I mention it's the vaccine, cognitive dissonance sets in, and it's turned around to be "I have some sort of genetic predisposition to heart issue" statement from him, and the subject changes.
Some folks will never be able to face the fact that they made a mistake.
I think Peer pressure, and the concept of "I did what they told me to do, so it's their fault" comes to mind for a lot of folks out there who just followed along.
Bill just will not allow the subject to be broached, so I think he just can't admit to himself it was the jab that caused all this. His scenario, albeit, is a bit different, as he felt that he was protecting his wife, which we all know is just bull. I have to respect his wishes, and his choices.
Right? I have vaxxine damaged friends and family whose eyes glaze over and who, as one, change the subject obliquely to something along the lines of: "a change in my diet helped" or "the two were unrelated but, 'thankfully', my doctor had a pill for that..."
My mother in law, God rest her soul, was one of those who thought all cures came in a pill..
Doctors were revered, and obeyed. Fixing ailments needed water to wash them down with, or a bandaid to cover their entry point. We had some success with slowing her consuming of the decades long mind altering patterns, but just like an old horse, they tend to be set in their ways, and respond accordingly.
She left us before the planned demic took place, as well as my mother. My wife and i have recited the same psalm a few times over the last,few years, being "thankful, mom and dad aren't here to live through this shit".
Your Bill story is a gut wrencher. Many of us have a story like that one. Once the person gets jabbed there is no talk, not about the jab anyway. Their life changes and they just try to get by cause they can't take it back. You are that reminder. 'They' are coming after all of us, one way or another.
In a reverse universe, the alphabet news would be replaced by America’s Frontline Doctors; social media replaced by truth tellers; and the GOP congressional members would have spines of steel. The USG's and its lies would have been laughed off and people we know and love would still be here. Payment is sorely due and it can't come soon enough.
Shelley, I have often thought of that movie, there are many similar, where there’s a very isolated house out in the middle of nowhere and there’s been a pandemic or some kind of disaster, but that isolated group has something and another group has to get them and whatever it is they have. When you say they’re coming after all of us I agree, even the isolated, self sufficient, in the middle of nowhere and no threat to anyone, they can’t allow it. They can’t live in a free society. They have to control all.
Very similar stories T. Doesn’t it make sense with all of the corrupt people involved, the virus and the shots seem to purposely reduce population and people like Bill and Larry.
I (somehow which cannot understand how) was reared with the concept of simplistic thinking first. KISS. No not the rock group. Keep It Simple, Stupid. I've lived my life this way since I was in my teens. Again, I have no idea where I developed this outlook.
I see BGATES of Hell at his TED, spewing hate over humans, pushing eugenics, Margaret Sangar, Kalergi, Kissinger, Klaus, Rockefeller, and all these other proponents of death, pushing their "gotta limit the population" bullshit, and I'm completely convinced that we are systematically being poisoned by these sub human parasites so they can feel more comfortable knowing there are less resistant pests out there, they can take complete control over.
It's a no brainer to me, but then again, I'm just an orangutan with my thumb in the air.
I knew Larry more through other people than personally and like all of us especially me he wasn’t a perfect person, but he was very talented and ran a successful business, and certainly deserved better.
I am sorry; but, I cannot like this post. I have seen too much of “This”. Think brain/heart/aggressive cancers, auto-immune, auditory... The list goes on. This all just a coincidence.? (You know what I want to say; but won’t). Very Best, Ed
Edit - One young Lady, 41 Yo, breast cancer…She got double “jabbed” to protect Her Mom. I was taught to keep notes. Still at only 21 “suspect” adverse events so far that I personally know of…None/Zero reported to VAERS/Eudravigilance. The “Things” I see that are not being done appropriately and are being done are Evil.
I agree with you about the evil part of it. There is definitely something happening in society that reflects what evil represents. I don't think that this is anything that already hasn't happened, or been present in the past.
Human history has been a battle, from day one, to fight the demons we all have inside. I'm not making excuses for anyone, though, because you can choose right from wrong, but it appears that the "greed" demon has surpassed all others, which is why I think that so many of these doctors are going along with this.
My good friend Karen is 74, and her husband John is 84. John has had a heart condition for decades, and has been seeing the same doctor for at least two of those decades. In 2019, John and Karen both came down with what they called covid. Sick for 10 days, but eventually both of them recovered fully, with no ill effects.
Societal pressure being what it is, I've been blasting them both with article after article, after study showing the dangers of this jab. Their doctors ALL wanted them to get jabbed, but luckily they passed on it, and both are still healthy as before. Johns cardiologist, to just last week, told him that he needed to take the jab.
I ask them why they keep going back to this guy, and it's because of the two decades they have had John treated by him, knowing his history and such. This doctor is obviously corrupted, as to try to get an 84 Yr old man to take a vaccine for something that's been gone since 2020, it just plain evil.
Yes, I'm familiar with evil, and it comes in all packages.
I Like Your Thoughts and Writings. Unfortunately, I could not make it through to some. Our butcher has “vaccine regret”. His wife refused and would not allow their children to be jabbed. Not peer-reviewed and pblished; but, He now knows about Dr. Peter Mccollough and nattokinase. Very Best, Ed
Bring that (*+%#) near Me, You will have.a very unpleasant experience.
I Love Wendy, front office at physical therapy. Wonderful Lady. She was going for Her 5th jab. No way in heck was I going to go into that tire fire. Ed
I was born with one, but it took forever to get a lick of sense into it. Then even longer to learn to embrace those who willfully prefer ignorance.
They have yet to discover true purpose, to choose to confront tyranny with near (w)reckless courage. Were that men were courageous, for then the root of tyranny would find no purchase, no fertile soil, an infant would-be ruler brought to rein, and never permitted to reign.
Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Just read an article on Osterholm (Mn. epidemiologist) about his long COVID. He can't figure out how this happened, uses N95 mask and all...His last comment was telling and hilarious if it didn't make me want to scream. "Please get boosted. We're already seeing the XBB booster mat have some good protection". MAY was the telling word. I am thinking he has had some weakened immune response also.
Dr. Malone, don't self- identify too much about aging.(dotage) You are a vital, vigorous and healthy man, not to be messed with!
Thanks Dr. Malone, really enjoy your writing on all topics. Love the cartoons also. We are so lucky to have people like you who are committed to the truth and scientific integrity and human rights!
X - (Twitter), FaceBook and their lot. First, glad to hear X population purportedly increasing. Better offers you opportunities to spread the word. Even the new X name doesn’t heal my personal take. My only problem is trying to access X-Space for discussions. So far I’ve been lucky in finding a source that gets me in. If you will be participating in a discussion we could benefit from, you might consider giving us a heads-up and an access point for non Xers.
Not being a fan of the Zuck, no tears for Threads.
As for the upcoming continuation of censorship, me thinks our World Governments are up to such totalitarian evils, one could hardly expect less. They have plenty they don’t want to leak around. The question becomes devising ways to thwart their efforts to conceal their evils and the related words about them. Thanks for the leads to details.
Offered edit that IMO accurately reflects the topic under discussion. Note, we recognize and hugely appreciate this perspective!
“I also love my duel life as an intellectual - that is, using my mind and educating. I am blessed to be able to do both, as this keeps me as nimble as I can be”!
Hugely appreciate all opportunities to catch your writings, broadcasts, interviews and available details from your travel! One of your well satisfied, happy students!
Have a pleasant and rewarding day as you ready for western environs. Hope you guys have coached up a good team of ‘Farm Sitters” :)
…and no one will , seemingly, ever be held accountable. I am glad I believe in a just and holy God, because it would seem, many humans have lost their ability to understand that each person's life is valuable and that we are not useless eaters to be experimented on.
Hubs and I are in our mid 70s and we have managed to get this far with limited need for medical care. Though lately he has had issues with two lower back discs that are degenerative so he begrudgingly had to make an appointment with an ortho doc after going and getting an MRI at another office two weeks prior. The doc suggested a steroid epidural that will have to be administered at another office - two weeks from now. A month of hurting and suffering with his sciatica and no real hope the steroid will help anyway. However, the day after the appointment the doc sent him a request for a star rating. The doc, who only prescribed a procedure that another doc will do, wants a good word on social media.
Unfortunately for the doc we don't do social media and amazingly we do just fine. I have to wonder what Hubs would say about this doc - he has a great smile? He makes great referrals?
Pretty sure social media is like mold in the walls that hides its evil intentions. The black kind that causes all sorts of ills.
A while back we shared a discussion on the benefits of supplements that help support our systems (including musculoskeletal systems - think supporting muscles, discs and ligaments for our skeletal structures, I had been using a commercial formulation which was helping. As a result of our discussion here, have obtained the discussed collagen formulation and started it. So far I seem to be a little more comfortable, but it takes time to build up its effect. In any event you might want to look into the possibilities as you're stuck waiting. Best of improvements to your hubby.
Thank you so much! We are indeed looking into all options, both normal and non. One of our daughters is urging acupuncture. She knows someone who has had great results from a local practitioner. Our oldest granddaughter is a PT and she has given Hubs some stretching exercises to do. As I sat in the waiting room Thursday when Hubs was being referred to another doctor and another waiting room 45 miles away, I noticed most of the patients were elders waiting their turns in the large, cheerful, friendly lit space. Most were moving only with the aid of a wheeled walker. I thought about the irony. Science has given us ways to prolong life, but not make it better. And certainly not cheaper. Us Boomers are aging out and now Social Security and Medicare is upside down and running out so those who are in charge want us old folks eliminated. Well, except for the old folks in Congress. :-)
I do PT recommended exercises daily. One needs to be sure the issues being treated are up to the intervention. if I miss a day or two, I do register on how beneficial the PT is. On the other hand my supplements do help as well. Frequently MDs and maybe DOs aren't fully up on (or agreeable to) the merits the right supplements may offer. Sounds like your family is well up on additional strategies. I qualify as a senior senior, so I appreciate the problems. Very Best of Progress with it!
We have to be proactive for ourselves, which is why we refused to take the clot shot even though we were sternly lectured by some of our own tribe. It's us elders against the world isn't it? This story is somewhat deeper and wider and, for me, exposes the next level of the iceberg that is the boat wrecker of modern healthcare. Hubs had this problem 10 years ago and he was able to find a doc who treated him A to Z and that has held all this time. When he felt the first twinge in early June he knew what he needed to do but the doc who did the good job was long retired. A few weeks passed with him doing nothing so I took it on myself to search out ortho docs in our area. I found a practice in a new multi-story building five miles from our house. Hubs called and was told he would have to get an MRI first and the guardian of the door said they could give him a referral to a place in Atlanta - fifty miles away. Hubs opted to find someone else. He made an appointment with what turned out to be a pill pusher. His experience at that office was having to stand out in the hall for nearly two hours, bad back and all, because the booking agency made appointments ten minutes apart thus filling the waiting room to over capacity. For his trouble he did get a pain med script and referral for an MRI though...wait for it...guess where! To an office in the building where the first contacted ortho is, the one who was going to send him to Atlanta instead of downstairs.
Conclusion: it's just business and the business is about commerce not health and wellbeing. I do know there are old school docs who still practice good medicine and are not just drug reps for Big Pharma. I fear these are fewer and fewer though.
Is the lack of concern over censorship and freedom of expression because of the mass formation psychosis? The willful blindness in the face of facts is frustrating and disturbing. This is a good article on why freedom of speech is a moral imperative,
“When I say that Free Speech is a moral imperative, I mean exactly that: we are called and obligated to speak our various truths, and to hear the truths of others. Free Speech is foundational to a Free Society, and to the premise of democratic governance. Free Speech is foundational to honest, upright, and ethical conduct. Free Speech is essential if we are to embrace human equality as a fundamental moral truth.“ Peter Nayland Kust
Complete lacking of conscience, empathy, and testicular fortitude.
Flim Flam Fau-cheep will go to his grave grasping his pilfered gold, and his warehouse of lies in his manless purse. Would love to be a fly on the wall when he's sent the other way to meet his maker, Mephistopheles.
Thank you for calling Offit a "high priest" and "anointed leader", I have come to view much of medicine and science as a new religion. In researching the danger of overdiagnosis and overtreatment in cancer, I stumbled onto this article which reminded me of how Covid is/was handled "Overtreatment is often the consequence of overdiagnosis, and is defined as treatment of a disease that if untreated is unlikely to cause symptoms or death. Overtreatment is associated with the potential for harm to the patient from inherent side effects or complications, some of which can be permanent, serious or even fatal. It also represents a drain on limited global health resources."
This article also contains a quote that reminded me of you, quoted below. Dr Malone, thank you, and Dr Jill and others on your team for being modern day heros, your labour is not in vain.
From inability to let well alone
From too much zeal for the new and contempt for what is old
From putting knowledge before wisdom, science before art, and
Cleverness before common sense;
From treating patients as cases;
And from making the cure of the disease more grievous than the
Endurance of the same, Good Lord, deliver us.
– Sir Robert Hutchison, 19th Century Physician, London
[Citation5Shankar PR. Sir Robert Hutchison’s petition and the medical humanities. Intern J Med Educ. 2010;1:2–4. Available from:[Google Scholar]
Dr. "I am the science" Fauci was the apex of high priest strut.
Aldous, I read "smut" and gave myself a good laugh.
Lol, I can think of some other --ut words that fit as well
Never heard of "Thread"
Heard too much of "Offit".
Avoiding both.
I deleted all social media today except Rumble and Substack; I’m done communicating with the ignorant sheep. I have to say, I haven’t missed it at all‼️
Late to the game, son.
I deleted all SM, including my Amazon, Paypal,accounts, and my Parler account back in November of 2020. It was as if the suit of armor fell to the ground, overnight. Finding local mom and pops to spend my money was most challenging.
On a high note, your soul is now released, and you'll be able to flourish gracefully, from here on out
I do my Very Best to support our Mom and Pop shops for most everything,. I get a hug or a handshake and We have a Good laugh! Sometimes We might even have a pint. We know each other by name. I can tell You that Pauline turned 80 yo last Monday and still very active in the local gardening club. Ed
Never had any social media outside of the Drs. Malone and Dr. Mattias Desmet on Rumble/Substack. I text or talk directly and do my “Stuff”. Uhhh…I like chainsaws. 🏴☠️😁🔥Ed
The unrestrained, fearful, self-important, and so very loud, ignorant twittiots were the most distressing to filter through. Face book was an easy read years and years ago. I was incensed when people ID'ed my face in other people's posts. I went batshit over that, and just got the hell out of there. The avatars for callers to my so-called 'Smart Phone' are pictures that remind me of them, but nothing actually related to the person and certainly not there image.
The facial ID cat is out of the bag, too late to back away from but crap!
People keep marching towards the totalitarian future, that is clearly ahead, as though there is nothing the can do.
The key to the entire operation for our rulers is this maxim: "Never investigate that which you don't want to confirm."
The Censorship Industrial Complex can also never be disbanded and must continue to grow.
It’s so ironic to me the way people look at the government suppressing free speech. Many participants of the government say it’s protecting people from misinformation but I believe it gives people a different viewpoint to make informed decisions. I had a very bitter sweet occurrence over the past week. A neighbor/friend decided to move to their families house in Chatham on cape cod. They sold their house to a young couple. Decades ago I had done some work for their grandparents and their parents. At some point many years ago the family started using a local contractor named Larry. Larry was a a very good competent carpenter I would run into sometimes at the local lumber yard. I remember talking about the mRNA shots with him, he was very nervous of getting sick from Covid and said he had taken the vaccine. Not long ago, I believe after taking a booster shot Larry suffered a major heart attack and died, he was 66. I had run into this young couples father recently at the same lumber yard, and he asked me to do a few small jobs which I did. Now his daughter that just bought the home in my neighborhood wanted a price on some extensive work on their new home. They called the other day and gave me the job. I couldn’t help but think that this job would have been Larry’s. Larry had a wife, 2 daughters and a grandson. He wasn’t a close friend but I have a hard time remembering that last time I saw Larry at the lumber yard. I have a hard time thinking of Larry’s wife and kids. I have a hard time accepting why Larry is gone. I can’t help but think if there were true freedom of the press Larry may have been starting the work at this young couples home. J.Goodrich
About 24 years ago, I met a fella at a local mom and pop luncheonette, named Bill. Bill was former county Sheriff where I live, who was retired from the force, and enjoying his time away from the crazies he used to knock upside the head while arresting them for being stupid.
Anyway, Bill and I became somewhat good friends, and we would get together for lunch, and I had done some work for him as well, being a HIC here in the great state of communism, I reside.
So, about a year after the planned-demic began Bill's wife developed cancer. She wound up at a Sloan Kettering facility, back and forth to NYC for treatment, and during that time Bill would accompany her as both moral and emotional support. Luckily for his wife, she responded well, and to this day has been deemed cancer free.
Bill, on the other hand, was hounded like an old, decrepit dog, by the doctors treating his wife that he "needed to get the jab, otherwise, he was going to kill his wife, by exposing her to "the covid". Dozens of visits to the hospital, and Bill's "no's" became a yes. He finally caved into the pressure they put on him, as he said from "the guilt they put on me about my wife dying from my giving her the covid".
I clearly remember the day when he told me. My friend Oscar and I were hanging a 38' gutter on the back of my other house, when Bill walked into the backyard, talking to both of us up on ladders. When he said he had just gotten the jab, both Oscar and I looked at each other in disbelief. Oscar, Bill, Tom, Karen, Jane and all the other folks I was texting and emailing all of these anecdotal findings of this bioweapon I was coming across daily, were all warned, and I guess the pressure from the doctors finally made Bill give in. He received a second dose, I know, but once he did that we never spoke about it again. I rarely saw Bill after that day, him stopping by with a 6 pack of beer in his hand was a frequency I won't see anymore.
So shortly after being injected with death, Bill wound up having a major stroke. He was rushed to the hospital, and after several weeks, they saved his life........... Temporarily, and he wound up back at home, being shuttled by his now "feeling better" wife, to rehab. He had to learn how to walk and function again, whereas before the jabbo, he was a spry 180lb former cop who was at the top of his game, both physically and mentally.
I rarely hear from Bill anymore. I try reaching out, but it's always "I'm heading out to the doctor", or some other excuse I get from him. I guess he just isn't feeling up to having any company around anymore.
So, I'm traveling through Bills development, doing an estimate for one of the folks there, and Bill sees my work truck, and stops. When he got out of the car, I couldn't believe what I saw. Bill had lost nearly 40 lbs, his skin color was copy paper white, and all of his muscle tone was gone. I swear if you took a skeleton from the Halloween store, and covered it with skin, you'd think Bill's twin brother was in for a visit. I was sickened by how bad he looked.
Bill told me that he had been in and out of the hospital with both heart and clotting problems since he saw me back installing the gutter over the summer. His wife was doing fantastic, but he was in and out of the hospital, spending anywhere from a day to 3 weeks to stop him from dying. He had some sort of issue where he just couldn't keep his blood pressure stable, and his sugar levels were all over the place. He was also suffering from the inability to eat food. Apparently, food just didn't taste good, and he had zero hunger or appetite. Bill said he actually has to force himself to eat, simply because he just isn't hungry anymore.
It's been about a month since I've heard from him, usually a text, or a quick shout out on the phone. He's not much into "hanging out" anymore, and since food is no longer a motivator in life, he's rarely out at the little luncheonette, or anywhere else for that matter. I don't think he goes anywhere anymore, to be completely honest.
I'm waiting for the phone call that he's gone. Bill is a really good person, and cared about his friends, neighbors and fellow citizens. Bill cared more about his wife's safety, than all the things I sent him about how bad this poison was, and now he's paying for it. Bill believed them when they told him that "it was safe, and it would prevent him from spreading it to his wife". I have no idea how Bill feels about this today.
On a bright note, his wife is doing fantastic, and so far so good. It's really unnerving to me that these people will most likely be never fully held accountable for the horrors they've inflicted on those who trusted them.
I have other stories similar to this one, but it pretty much sums up what I'm seeing where I am in life.
Why not tell your friend about some of the remedies for vaccine injury? would be a good start, or just google FLCCC alliance.
In order to do that, Bill would have to admit that the vaccine caused his injury. I've tried discussing the subject, but he just won't bite. As soon as I mention it's the vaccine, cognitive dissonance sets in, and it's turned around to be "I have some sort of genetic predisposition to heart issue" statement from him, and the subject changes.
Some folks will never be able to face the fact that they made a mistake.
I think Peer pressure, and the concept of "I did what they told me to do, so it's their fault" comes to mind for a lot of folks out there who just followed along.
Bill just will not allow the subject to be broached, so I think he just can't admit to himself it was the jab that caused all this. His scenario, albeit, is a bit different, as he felt that he was protecting his wife, which we all know is just bull. I have to respect his wishes, and his choices.
Right? I have vaxxine damaged friends and family whose eyes glaze over and who, as one, change the subject obliquely to something along the lines of: "a change in my diet helped" or "the two were unrelated but, 'thankfully', my doctor had a pill for that..."
My mother in law, God rest her soul, was one of those who thought all cures came in a pill..
Doctors were revered, and obeyed. Fixing ailments needed water to wash them down with, or a bandaid to cover their entry point. We had some success with slowing her consuming of the decades long mind altering patterns, but just like an old horse, they tend to be set in their ways, and respond accordingly.
She left us before the planned demic took place, as well as my mother. My wife and i have recited the same psalm a few times over the last,few years, being "thankful, mom and dad aren't here to live through this shit".
Very thankful, indeed
Your Bill story is a gut wrencher. Many of us have a story like that one. Once the person gets jabbed there is no talk, not about the jab anyway. Their life changes and they just try to get by cause they can't take it back. You are that reminder. 'They' are coming after all of us, one way or another.
In a reverse universe, the alphabet news would be replaced by America’s Frontline Doctors; social media replaced by truth tellers; and the GOP congressional members would have spines of steel. The USG's and its lies would have been laughed off and people we know and love would still be here. Payment is sorely due and it can't come soon enough.
Shelley, I have often thought of that movie, there are many similar, where there’s a very isolated house out in the middle of nowhere and there’s been a pandemic or some kind of disaster, but that isolated group has something and another group has to get them and whatever it is they have. When you say they’re coming after all of us I agree, even the isolated, self sufficient, in the middle of nowhere and no threat to anyone, they can’t allow it. They can’t live in a free society. They have to control all.
So true James. The hunters and the hunted.
Very similar stories T. Doesn’t it make sense with all of the corrupt people involved, the virus and the shots seem to purposely reduce population and people like Bill and Larry.
No doubt in my mind.
I (somehow which cannot understand how) was reared with the concept of simplistic thinking first. KISS. No not the rock group. Keep It Simple, Stupid. I've lived my life this way since I was in my teens. Again, I have no idea where I developed this outlook.
I see BGATES of Hell at his TED, spewing hate over humans, pushing eugenics, Margaret Sangar, Kalergi, Kissinger, Klaus, Rockefeller, and all these other proponents of death, pushing their "gotta limit the population" bullshit, and I'm completely convinced that we are systematically being poisoned by these sub human parasites so they can feel more comfortable knowing there are less resistant pests out there, they can take complete control over.
It's a no brainer to me, but then again, I'm just an orangutan with my thumb in the air.
You and me both T!!!
I check one site to make sure We are not there yet…I will buy a sailboat, if necessary, to come back. I Love My Country!!! Ed
And Yes, Best Friend/Former Marine has My “Stuff”.
Damn, so there goes another and another and another... your empathetic response is very welcome to hear, James.
I knew Larry more through other people than personally and like all of us especially me he wasn’t a perfect person, but he was very talented and ran a successful business, and certainly deserved better.
Pretty well says it all James
How did Twain say it? "It's easier to cheat a man than to convince him he's been cheated."
Something along those lines seems endemic to our character.
I am sorry; but, I cannot like this post. I have seen too much of “This”. Think brain/heart/aggressive cancers, auto-immune, auditory... The list goes on. This all just a coincidence.? (You know what I want to say; but won’t). Very Best, Ed
Edit - One young Lady, 41 Yo, breast cancer…She got double “jabbed” to protect Her Mom. I was taught to keep notes. Still at only 21 “suspect” adverse events so far that I personally know of…None/Zero reported to VAERS/Eudravigilance. The “Things” I see that are not being done appropriately and are being done are Evil.
Edit Again - I could go on a Full On Rant.
I agree with you about the evil part of it. There is definitely something happening in society that reflects what evil represents. I don't think that this is anything that already hasn't happened, or been present in the past.
Human history has been a battle, from day one, to fight the demons we all have inside. I'm not making excuses for anyone, though, because you can choose right from wrong, but it appears that the "greed" demon has surpassed all others, which is why I think that so many of these doctors are going along with this.
My good friend Karen is 74, and her husband John is 84. John has had a heart condition for decades, and has been seeing the same doctor for at least two of those decades. In 2019, John and Karen both came down with what they called covid. Sick for 10 days, but eventually both of them recovered fully, with no ill effects.
Societal pressure being what it is, I've been blasting them both with article after article, after study showing the dangers of this jab. Their doctors ALL wanted them to get jabbed, but luckily they passed on it, and both are still healthy as before. Johns cardiologist, to just last week, told him that he needed to take the jab.
I ask them why they keep going back to this guy, and it's because of the two decades they have had John treated by him, knowing his history and such. This doctor is obviously corrupted, as to try to get an 84 Yr old man to take a vaccine for something that's been gone since 2020, it just plain evil.
Yes, I'm familiar with evil, and it comes in all packages.
I Like Your Thoughts and Writings. Unfortunately, I could not make it through to some. Our butcher has “vaccine regret”. His wife refused and would not allow their children to be jabbed. Not peer-reviewed and pblished; but, He now knows about Dr. Peter Mccollough and nattokinase. Very Best, Ed
Bring that (*+%#) near Me, You will have.a very unpleasant experience.
T. Pregnant women still get it , recommended by the ACOG
T. = Correct…Insanity. I do not like some posts as I can’t like some of the information I hear/find. 🤬Ed
I Love Wendy, front office at physical therapy. Wonderful Lady. She was going for Her 5th jab. No way in heck was I going to go into that tire fire. Ed
Uhhh…I was born with a brain and taught how to use it.🏴☠️🤣🔥, Ed
I was born with one, but it took forever to get a lick of sense into it. Then even longer to learn to embrace those who willfully prefer ignorance.
They have yet to discover true purpose, to choose to confront tyranny with near (w)reckless courage. Were that men were courageous, for then the root of tyranny would find no purchase, no fertile soil, an infant would-be ruler brought to rein, and never permitted to reign.
I think We would get along Better than Just Fine. Very Best, Ed
Just read an article on Osterholm (Mn. epidemiologist) about his long COVID. He can't figure out how this happened, uses N95 mask and all...His last comment was telling and hilarious if it didn't make me want to scream. "Please get boosted. We're already seeing the XBB booster mat have some good protection". MAY was the telling word. I am thinking he has had some weakened immune response also.
Dr. Malone, don't self- identify too much about aging.(dotage) You are a vital, vigorous and healthy man, not to be messed with!
Thanks Dr. Malone, really enjoy your writing on all topics. Love the cartoons also. We are so lucky to have people like you who are committed to the truth and scientific integrity and human rights!
Totally agree !
Thanks for being Clint Eastwood versus the evil that lays before us Dr. Malone. Remember, the good guys always win in the end ! Cheers !!!
I hope Mr. Eastwood did not comply 🧐
Dr Malone" Wonderful job. Thanks!
Love your potpourris.
X - (Twitter), FaceBook and their lot. First, glad to hear X population purportedly increasing. Better offers you opportunities to spread the word. Even the new X name doesn’t heal my personal take. My only problem is trying to access X-Space for discussions. So far I’ve been lucky in finding a source that gets me in. If you will be participating in a discussion we could benefit from, you might consider giving us a heads-up and an access point for non Xers.
Not being a fan of the Zuck, no tears for Threads.
As for the upcoming continuation of censorship, me thinks our World Governments are up to such totalitarian evils, one could hardly expect less. They have plenty they don’t want to leak around. The question becomes devising ways to thwart their efforts to conceal their evils and the related words about them. Thanks for the leads to details.
Offered edit that IMO accurately reflects the topic under discussion. Note, we recognize and hugely appreciate this perspective!
“I also love my duel life as an intellectual - that is, using my mind and educating. I am blessed to be able to do both, as this keeps me as nimble as I can be”!
Hugely appreciate all opportunities to catch your writings, broadcasts, interviews and available details from your travel! One of your well satisfied, happy students!
Have a pleasant and rewarding day as you ready for western environs. Hope you guys have coached up a good team of ‘Farm Sitters” :)
Very Bestest as Always!
The technocrats have succeeded, they have finally created it:
The Perfect Worst Government.
…and no one will , seemingly, ever be held accountable. I am glad I believe in a just and holy God, because it would seem, many humans have lost their ability to understand that each person's life is valuable and that we are not useless eaters to be experimented on.
Right"? With fear and trembling, to be sure. But He is good for His Word. We truly are, the 'good', the bad, the ugly, and all the rest of us, one.
If God be for us...let Him be our courage.
Hubs and I are in our mid 70s and we have managed to get this far with limited need for medical care. Though lately he has had issues with two lower back discs that are degenerative so he begrudgingly had to make an appointment with an ortho doc after going and getting an MRI at another office two weeks prior. The doc suggested a steroid epidural that will have to be administered at another office - two weeks from now. A month of hurting and suffering with his sciatica and no real hope the steroid will help anyway. However, the day after the appointment the doc sent him a request for a star rating. The doc, who only prescribed a procedure that another doc will do, wants a good word on social media.
Unfortunately for the doc we don't do social media and amazingly we do just fine. I have to wonder what Hubs would say about this doc - he has a great smile? He makes great referrals?
Pretty sure social media is like mold in the walls that hides its evil intentions. The black kind that causes all sorts of ills.
A while back we shared a discussion on the benefits of supplements that help support our systems (including musculoskeletal systems - think supporting muscles, discs and ligaments for our skeletal structures, I had been using a commercial formulation which was helping. As a result of our discussion here, have obtained the discussed collagen formulation and started it. So far I seem to be a little more comfortable, but it takes time to build up its effect. In any event you might want to look into the possibilities as you're stuck waiting. Best of improvements to your hubby.
Thank you so much! We are indeed looking into all options, both normal and non. One of our daughters is urging acupuncture. She knows someone who has had great results from a local practitioner. Our oldest granddaughter is a PT and she has given Hubs some stretching exercises to do. As I sat in the waiting room Thursday when Hubs was being referred to another doctor and another waiting room 45 miles away, I noticed most of the patients were elders waiting their turns in the large, cheerful, friendly lit space. Most were moving only with the aid of a wheeled walker. I thought about the irony. Science has given us ways to prolong life, but not make it better. And certainly not cheaper. Us Boomers are aging out and now Social Security and Medicare is upside down and running out so those who are in charge want us old folks eliminated. Well, except for the old folks in Congress. :-)
I do PT recommended exercises daily. One needs to be sure the issues being treated are up to the intervention. if I miss a day or two, I do register on how beneficial the PT is. On the other hand my supplements do help as well. Frequently MDs and maybe DOs aren't fully up on (or agreeable to) the merits the right supplements may offer. Sounds like your family is well up on additional strategies. I qualify as a senior senior, so I appreciate the problems. Very Best of Progress with it!
We have to be proactive for ourselves, which is why we refused to take the clot shot even though we were sternly lectured by some of our own tribe. It's us elders against the world isn't it? This story is somewhat deeper and wider and, for me, exposes the next level of the iceberg that is the boat wrecker of modern healthcare. Hubs had this problem 10 years ago and he was able to find a doc who treated him A to Z and that has held all this time. When he felt the first twinge in early June he knew what he needed to do but the doc who did the good job was long retired. A few weeks passed with him doing nothing so I took it on myself to search out ortho docs in our area. I found a practice in a new multi-story building five miles from our house. Hubs called and was told he would have to get an MRI first and the guardian of the door said they could give him a referral to a place in Atlanta - fifty miles away. Hubs opted to find someone else. He made an appointment with what turned out to be a pill pusher. His experience at that office was having to stand out in the hall for nearly two hours, bad back and all, because the booking agency made appointments ten minutes apart thus filling the waiting room to over capacity. For his trouble he did get a pain med script and referral for an MRI though...wait for it...guess where! To an office in the building where the first contacted ortho is, the one who was going to send him to Atlanta instead of downstairs.
Conclusion: it's just business and the business is about commerce not health and wellbeing. I do know there are old school docs who still practice good medicine and are not just drug reps for Big Pharma. I fear these are fewer and fewer though.
I love you Dr. Malone! You totally ROCK!
From a 77 year-old grandma in Atlanta!
I thank you for all the good you have done, and pray for you and Jill everyday. God bless you!
“Duel life” - yes, you actually do! Love the twist on words and glad you have the farm for respite. Blessings!
Is the lack of concern over censorship and freedom of expression because of the mass formation psychosis? The willful blindness in the face of facts is frustrating and disturbing. This is a good article on why freedom of speech is a moral imperative,
“When I say that Free Speech is a moral imperative, I mean exactly that: we are called and obligated to speak our various truths, and to hear the truths of others. Free Speech is foundational to a Free Society, and to the premise of democratic governance. Free Speech is foundational to honest, upright, and ethical conduct. Free Speech is essential if we are to embrace human equality as a fundamental moral truth.“ Peter Nayland Kust
Speaking of Bannon, Peter Hotez is on JAMA interview telling doctors how to resist anti-science aggression and refers to Bannon as starting a recent trend against him.
The so-called "leaders" like Paul Offit are always the last to know...
Or the last to tell...
Or paid to never reveal the truth.
Complete lacking of conscience, empathy, and testicular fortitude.
Flim Flam Fau-cheep will go to his grave grasping his pilfered gold, and his warehouse of lies in his manless purse. Would love to be a fly on the wall when he's sent the other way to meet his maker, Mephistopheles.