As a mother of 8 and grandmother of 18 I can tell you exactly what Alex Berensons problem is He doesn’t feel he’s getting enough attention and is doing what children often do - being very obnoxious to get attention. Alex is not stupid he knows that Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA and he also knows that ivermectin works it would take minimal investigation to find this out. But Dr. Malone is getting lots and lots of attention now and it is galling him. I could tell by his sub stack this morning that he is ramping it up and he’s thrilled that he has all this attention now

I had a sure fire way of dealing with this when the child got obnoxious Or had a tantrum I ignored them or isolated them depending on the situation they never did it the second time. Dr. Malone you have a lot to offer the world you have shown proof of your invention and of ivermectin just ignore him he will go away eventually.

Our world is in dire straits right now we have no time for this kind of nonsense and you have much to offer us that is good

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A most perfect explanation! No conspiracy here. Just the “green eyed monster” - jealousy. Mothers know best!

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I cancelled my paid subscription to him. Not sure what attention he is getting

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Never argue with a mama bear ... lol

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 17, 2022

I think its much more strategic on AB’s part. He’s aligning with his true party and its not really helping humanity or the cause. Not when it comes down to his own self-protection or promotion vs. the cause. He really is a coward and traitor of the people. Not a true journalist! A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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I doubt it will even help him with the cool kids

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Nobody likes a traitor. Nobody.

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When someone builds a popular platform the likelihood they will be bent increases exponentially. All you have to do is make a Faucian deal with the devil.

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I think you have hit the nail on the head. Dr Malone directly asked the question regarding AB's motives. "Controlled opposition" seems to fit. The Covid19 Thing is the highest-stakes game I've ever seen played in our country, in our world. I believe what AB did on national TV to Dr Malone is far beyond ego-motivated, FAR BEYOND.

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I remember once telling my mom that I was running away from home. She offered to help pack my bag. 😂 My husband’s mom had an ingenious way of getting her kids to stop yelling at her for attention from the upstairs bedrooms: she pretended not to hear them. Moms used to be very clever. I wonder if they still are?

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Thanks for the morning wisdom and chuckle, Virginia. Reminds me of my childhood. Toughened us up, didn’t it?

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This should be the opening paragraph of a parenting book! I love this, my husband and I both had belly laughs over this. When I broke my ankle skateboarding, my Mom told my worried friends, “tell her to hobble on in.”

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We all know none of this was even remotely possible without inflicting tremendous FEAR. Those of us who saw through this charade from Day One and/or had no fear of DYING - grew up in these exact generations. The average age of a patient in a doctors office was probably in the vicinity of 80 with one foot in the grave. You wouldn't be seen in a doctors office for fear you'd be considered a hypochondriac! We grinned and bared everything! Practically losing limbs. I think that's the one common denominator that separates us from the rest! The younger folks today have been so coddled - they fear everything.

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So true. In my case (born ‘61), my grandmother (born 1894) helped form my world view. I grew up hearing about the Great Flu Epidemic. I knew early in 2020 that these comparisons being made between Covid 19 and Spanish Flu were ridiculous.

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AB actually closed with that during there recent interview. His book hadn't sold nearly as many copies. Part of me wondered why RFK Jr even granted the interview? He mentioned several things AB brought attention to which either he didn't know or had forgotten. Whereas AB only gave RFK Jr credit for one thing he didn't know. I forget what it was - but something so glaringly oblivious I thought he was either an imbecile or lying. It may've been Goverment agencies being captured - whatever it was he acted completely dumbfounded. I had been impressed with the entire interview until he said that!

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The thing about Berenson's book is all the information in it was already available through his posts.

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If you read Berenson's defense of his actions yesterday from his substack and the comments of his readers about that short piece you will see that at least 90% of the comments are extremely pro Dr. Malone and anti Berenson. The people have seen that he is a self important minor intellect who seeks fame for its own sake and is looking to regain his place among the woke army of NYT readers. Bless you Dr. Malone. If you're taking flak, you are over the target.

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apparently his rebuttal has backfired, profusely - I personally felt the way he addressed it was utterly craven and totally pathetic - the Daily Beast asked me to comment?!? WTH did that mean? I can just imagine his phone rang well into the night! I can think of fewer publications LESS relevant than the DB other than the Huffington Post et al. If there's one good thing that will come of this crisis is Independent news is now exploding. Never understood all this FB and Twitter crap - what's wrong with these newsletters? Anyhow, is it the least bit possible this has something to do with the march scheduled for next Sunday in DC? Both Malone and RFK Jr are listed as speakers and many, many others but no mention of Berenson? I know it's a reach but there has to be a reason why he did this. Was is nothing more than a mere litmus test to see how much influence Malone holds?

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If you watch the video, malone describes the 300 people requesting censorship of rogan as random people including just writers, while he heads a group of 16,000 doctors which have proper authority. Alex probably took that as an insult and just responded in kind. I think this is more likely than ego concerns about the marches or whatever.

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Perhaps he was one of the 300? Hah!!

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I don’t think it’s a reach at all. I think you just solved the mystery of what was really going on. Brilliant!

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Berenson's a jerk. His strategy backfired big time. Read the comments on his Substack post. He isn't fooling anybody.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 17, 2022

I cancelled my subscription with Alex. He doesn’t seem to connect all the dots in this big picture. For example: Presidential election fraud, he doesn’t believe. Now this. Done with him!

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And his need to put that out there was weird (and telling). One of the most remarkable things about this struggle is that so many people has set aside partisan issues to focus on this fight for humanity.

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YES!! I thought the very same thing, which staYed with me, nagging at my always questioning mind, bothering the hEck out of me, as Alex hAd been one of my go-to sources throughout this madness.!. Then...his attack, or how another commenter stated, his "hitjob". Strike three... AB's ouuuuT!!

I did tell Alex, when I canceled my subscription, I would consider coming back should he decide to address aLL his supporters he SO let down, and deservingly give us "Why?"!!

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Believes it or doesn't, election fraud? If he's in denial I highly suggest he read John Funds books - irrefutable evidence - like RFK Jr's book he too lists every single source. It's inarguable. I must've missed that one.

I remained subscribed simply to stay informed and keep track of the subterfuge as I do with main stream media and many other publications. It's my way of starting the day with a good laugh! The lies are becoming more outrageous and entirely delusional!

The few of us that remain can easily pass on what Alex then says.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

AB's views on election fraud essentially amount to: "I looked into it, didn't see anything significant--but I'm not going to give any details at all. Trust me--I'm a trained journalist." Read Navarro's "The Immaculate Deception," Hemingway's "Rigged," Byrne's "The Deep Rig," or Fund's "Our Broken Elections" and you simply cannot ignore the irregularities. Then read the infamous Time Magazine article where they actually boasted about how a 'cabal' 'fortified' the election. Then give me logical refutations and explanations for it all.

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I just ordered Hemingway’s “Rigged”, after hearing her interviewed. She is a sharp gal. Can’t wait to get it!

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I am about 30% in Rigged & it is great.

I get a little annoyed when I have to put the book down & get back to work.

I think you will enjoy it!

Have a good one!

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Thanks for the reply! Glad you too read Funds books - notice how the man was never interviewed on national television. I've spent the last several years educating people about the Motor Voter Act - btw my posts are always removed when I mention it in the comment sections of any of the large newspapers. It states no proof of citizenship required when registering to vote. The only way you can expose someone voted illegally is to contest the election (must be less than 1%) or someone turns the person in. Your voting record is public in formation. The deliberate rallying cry to get them to the polls is NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN PROSECUTED FOR VOTER FRAUD not that that it isn't rampant - and that no one is ever prosecutor for it. It's also not the presidential election but the smaller lower turn out elections that are the most important and matter the most - where voter fraud has the greatest impact. Had Sweeney contested the results of the recent election in NJ it would've confirmed just how rife it is. Rest assured the political promises (Governor in 2025) he was given to walk away.

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He is not to be trusted. A wolf in sheep’s clothing!

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Good to have a scout

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Any views support him.

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Same. And unsubscribed entirely for good measure. Plenty of sane people to follow... Matthew Crawford, Metatron, ElGatoMalo etc. All on substack.

Ivor Cummins, Alex Belfield, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan.

It's crazy Alex thinks he can kick off and crazier to double-down. Good luck to him. I hope he wins against Twitter he's got some important alignment. Very strange affair.

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Good mentions on the follows. I'd add Eugyppius, Dr. Paul Alexander (he tends to post like Twitter), Aaron Siri, Dr. Toby Rogers and Steve Kirsch.

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I have 3 comments on his post about this myself. But baby-bathwater. Berenson DID add a lot of legitimacy to those who questioned the vaxx orthodoxy. He also parsed a lot of government data showing the lack of effectiveness and truth in the vaxx & vaxx narrative. In fact he was kicked off Twitter for posting actual Israeli government data showing the stuff wasn't working.

This isn't a time to let the champions of truth to take each other down. While I agree his attack on Dr. Robert Malone was both undeserved and much more importantly, not true, and the comments on his Substack are well deserved and hopefully teach him some humility, lets not destroy the value of his work while we slap him on the wrist.

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Agree -

However . . . . until he (or someone else) explains in great detail exactly why he acted the way he did (sans any and all respect for Malone) I cannot personally afford to grant him immunity. Trust is something you earn and is practically impossible to repair once it is shattered.

We now live in a society where truth and justice cease to exist. Lawlessness corruption malfeasance abound us. Name one thing that is still sacrosanct? Just one. Like you stated he just legitimized the narrative and therefore must also be held accountable. We need to know exactly what was behind his actions as you can see his remarks were well prepared in advance,

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All food for thought. But I never said to grant him immunity. (under the circumstances, a very funny phrase to use) I said not to take this problem and let it hurt anyone who is helping us win the fight against this new phase of oligarchy. Hold Berenson to account once the dust has settled from our victory party. In the meantime, trashing one of the people leading us into battle is a luxury we can't afford.

There are a lot of really great doctors, scientists and even some politicians who are risking and losing it all to bring us the truth. But the nature of reality is that no two people see truth exactly the same way even when they are being completely honest with themselves and us.

Eye on the prize is all I'm saying.

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You are either all for or not. He has publicly denigrated one of our best warriors! Not to mention Ivermectin. Unforgivable in my book. Its all about him. Can’t be trusted.

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Very well said. And you're right - his book helped expose a lot of it and his interview with RFK Jr was very impressive. But (don't you loath that word) what if this is another Jake Tapper scenario? As you see I've not terminated my subscription - the truth will eventually surface. My ONLY concern and greatest fear is this will negatively effect the work and tremendous sacrifices all the great doctors and experts have in fact risked to bring out the truth. Lets just say Malone is wrong (strictly for arguments sake) it wouldn't matter in the least because people are finally starting to question the entire narrative. IF for nothing more just one 3 hour podcast got people to start thinking! That's all we ever wanted, an opening. You can see by the number of people refusing the boosters (countries discarding hundreds of thousands of them) we are making incredible gains. I can only imagine the desperation and magnitude of money being offered to quell the progress.

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Thank you. Perfect. I can only augment and not argue with you here. Isn't it interesting in nations with clearly Marxist-Maoist leaders like Canada, as the narrative falls apart and the evidence that the vaxx is both ineffective and not safe, that the pressure to take the shots goes UP not down, and the demonization of those who think for themselves ramps up to cultural revolutionary magnitudes?

I think the next great challenge is to make people aware of why this is happening.

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Agree! I think there are so many races going on here. The greatest obvioulsy is when and if this will end, that all of us eagerly await. There was an article I read about a prominent doctor at Mass General (where Harvard trains - in MA) saying this is all about to reach it's conclusion - no boosters. It will all be over by the spring. The one race I'm most hoping for is legal accountability. When will that commence? What Fauci has done is apodictic. How much longer must we wait? A firing squad is not enough. Once he goes down the rest follow as you know it will be a cannibalistic feeding frenzy.

How great will it be to watch all these billionaires/pharmaceutical companies/politicians be stripped of every penny and transferred to all those they destroyed. Reiner Fuellmich is claiming every person will receive a million dollars!

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True. But he has proven himself to be untrustworthy. We certainly value his contributions but can’t afford to follow anyone who undermines this critical fight.

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You are right about that. The problem appears to be determining if his undermining it is of greater consequences than his contributions.

I tend to look at a lot of issues as a function of resolution of your view. If you turn down the power of your telescope, the moon is a white round bright smooth ball. If its high enough its a mottled be-speckled pockmarked haphazard landscape. You only really need to know that if you plan to go there.

So let's not turn the magnification up so high that the differences tear down the commonalities, which we urgently need if we are to win this fight. And its an existential fight.

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I think a firm whack on the nuts would be more in line with True Justice.

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Yeah. Sure seems like he sees this winding down and is signaling that he wants to be invited back to all the right the dinner parties. Even mentioned his nannies recently: Wonder if they have voting cards?

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Do the arithmetic. Berenson's income stream jumped dramatically since leaving Twitter. Looks like maybe he got too big for his britches too fast (although he still hasn't learned how to tie a tie knot).

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Yes the living out of the back of a car look isn't a good one.

One of my best friends looks like this a lot as he grew up with a nanny and now is unable to dress himself. We call him RW.

Rich and wrinkled

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

Alex had one job yesterday. Only one job. It was to fall on his sword and apologize profusely.

If he was a normal, sane person who had simply made a grievous mistake, he would have done so yesterday morning. But he didn't do that.

Instead, while his last post of Friday was melting the Substack servers with comment velocity hitting the critical point, there was nothing but crickets from Alex yesterday morning.

Alex, the frenetic Substack poster who posts 3 times a day -- pithy, snarky little posts, not rigorous ones like the post above from the Doc -- before lunchtime on the West Coast.

Finally, at 3pm PST yesterday, Alex doubled down on his madness.

With 3 days and two nights to think on it, I've rejected the notion that Alex is a sane, rational operator. So no, I don't think Phizer or any other enemy paid him for his Fox slander. Nor do I think he's just "egotistical" (i.e. within 1 sigma of you or me).

I think he's "off his rocker". Technically speaking (by a non-technician who can read), here's my best guess: https://floridabhcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Bipolar-Disorders_Adult-Guidelines-2019-2020.pdf

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Entirely possible. If you watch that video closely, Berenson appears unsettled, agitated and irritated when he first appears on camera, even before they go to Dr. Malone for comment. I have experience with mental health disorders in the family and the first thing I thought was, he looks off his meds! Had seen him on camera before and he had always appeared calm and deliberate.

If he is dealing with mental health issues I wish him well, but in any case the attack was completely out-of-line. If it was a one-off thing where he might have had a bad day and a horrendous cab ride on the way over, there is an easy remedy: Apologize. But he is apparently unwilling to do that.

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Berenson's demeanor certainly matches up with a pre-meditated, non-sequitor plan to jump Dr Malone. As Dr Malone has pointed out, the discussion issue was the 270 call for Spotify to censor Joe Rogan. I think it might be charitable to consider mental health issues with Berenson, but his reaction since leads me to Dr Malone's question of controlled opposition and all that may entail for Berenson. Leading up to his attack, Berenson definitely seemed in a state of adrenaline, ready to pounce. Mental health or paying the piper??

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very well said - I kept checking my emails to see how long it would take for his response and was shocked when he then dug his grave even deeper. I now look forward to the fallout from this and wonder if - when - and what others will say? I'm most curious about RFK Jr but highly doubt he will offer his opinion publicly

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Amen to that!

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People thought Berenson’s comments were out of line.

Let’s all move on….

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I like to kick it in the head until it stops moving. Your objection is noted and dismissed.

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Thanks for listening….!

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I’ll be moving on without Alex Berenson.

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i saw that . his readers lambasted him. very strange .

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His readers are also Dr Malones readers. They just made it clear whose side they chose on this one.

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Betrayal Loss of trust. loose cannon

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Alex Berenson just lost most of his audience. I’ve already unsubscribed. He is definitely controlled opposition. As evidenced by his running to the daily beast. He showed his true colours by attacking you. You could tell he planned it or was told to do it. As his statement had nothing to do with the segment. They are trying to take well credentialed Doctors and Scientists out, because you are the ones that can truly stop this.

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Annual subscription here but won't renew. No more books either. I canceled annual subscription to Andrew Sullivan (too much TDS) but got the emails for the year.

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AS is a bona fide NUT!

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In his book he refers to RFK Jr and Neomi Wolf as conspiracy theorists. There is a lot missing in his book, perhaps on purpose. He does send some great information, the one on the Alberta data shortly before his meltdown is a bombshell.

He has been hard to pin down. His performance on Fox made it a bit easier.

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I have long felt the smearing and suppression of life-saving early treatment protocols is one of the most heinous aspects of this mass deception campaign and constitutes negligent homicide, which makes Berenson and others who jump on the IVM disinformation bandwagon accomplices in mass murder, as I noted in one of my numerous comments calling him out for his embarrassing behavior in his double-down post (https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/the-daily-beast-asked-me-to-comment/comments).

I expose the ivermectin disinformation campaign in my “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded) and honestly find it appalling that anyone who purports to be on the side of truth could parrot BigPharma talking points on this crystal-clear issue.

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100%. To knowingly deny early treatment to sick people, hundreds of thousands who died and are still dying, alone in isolation, is murder.

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Absolutely. This is the true Crime Against Humanity, and it is still happening right now. Today.

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Everyday I make sure someone that didn’t know about IVM does…it’s the one thing I can do. Got my directory of US physicians that prescribe and US pharmacies that fill. Plus I keep links to Rogan/McCullough Rogan/Malone.

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Alex said “I’ll be back with more information about ivermectin”. Let’s see what that position is. If it is a takedown then we’ll know which side he’s on.

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MAA! Great comment. A close childhood friend of mine and I talked for over 2 hours today about all "this." We compared notes on all the people we're discovering/reading/following. We both mentioned you and had a lot of good things to say. Your comment here is one of the best replies as to the seriousness of AB's attack. Thanks for all you're doing!

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What an amazing comment, Christine—thank you so much for sharing that experience with me! It makes me feel as if I’m reaching the very people I am trying to buoy up in the resistance and deepens my resolve and inspiration. Warm hugs to you and your friend! 🤗

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Berenson demeaned himself. His skill set is journalism, and I liked the work he did at digging up information and insights. But he significantly exceeded his expertise here. And made an ass of himself in the process.

I ignored it at first, figured people have off days. But then he doubled down in his signature snarky, sarcastic manner.

I, and many others, have cancelled our subscriptions in response. Most of us are looking for truth. Most of us are sick of being lied to. Most of us see the rapid degeneration and disintegration of freedoms and society.

There is a much bigger thing going on here and Alex missed the moment

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Plus if Berenson bothered to do any critical research he would have found that Ivermectin has anti-cancer properties and is a potential treatment for a number of cancers. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/.

Of course, big Pharma would not allow it. It’s too cheap and too non-toxic.

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Alex is a journalist that happened to find himself on the right side of an issue, and used his skill set to find data/charts/sources that supported a contrary view to the existing narrative. This at a time when many of us were seeking alternate sources of information to the obvious propaganda being spewed in msm and so he prospered. Until this unfortunate incident on Fox, I didn't begrudge him the monetary windfall he enjoyed from this contrary position even with the annoying self promotion that it entailed. However, as so often happens, the money went to his head and he appointed himself as the arbiter of truth for all things Covid, declaring IVM ineffective without any basis. In addition, it appears he doesn't like to share the limelight and feels a need to denigrate others that are far more qualified to have an opinion. His jealousy/ego might explain the outburst on Friday night, but I think it is just as likely that he was influenced by the establishment (pharma/media/government) to become controlled opposition as Dr. Malone suggested. His appearance on The Daily Beast only adds to the likelihood of that later possibility.

Thank you Dr. Malone for the great work you and other doctors are doing to get the truth about vaccine safety and early treatment out there. Your success has attracted attention and I guess you should expect they are going to throw crap at you whenever they can.

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I think your initial conclusion that Alex doesn't like to share the limelight was the correct one. His reaction to Dr. Malone was that of a Lefty and not that of a liberal.

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Unless you're an avid reader I don't think a lot of people know who AB even is. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Glenn Greenwald although a tad to verbose, is more popular.

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I like Glenn a lot. I'll always at least consider his opinion.

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I think you nailed it.

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Superbly written!!

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Alex Berenson has just "doubled-down" on his remarks in a reply to the Daily Beast.

I really do not know what is going through his mind and find his attitude inexplicable. A simple contrite retraction and clarification would have been better.

I would just say read the comments below from the subscribers and followers of Alex Berenson (which includes me) and who are in clear disagreement with him on this:


Let us hope Alex wakes up soon and let us leave this senseless spat behind us all and focus on the main battle.

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It's too late. Alex's double down and insults, using the leftist Daily Beast to do, means there is no return for him. He's toast.

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I just dropped Alex’s sub stack and subscribe to this one. Thank you Dr. Malone for what you’re doing. Honestly I watched both of you faithfully but Alex jumped the shark on Friday I don’t know what the hell happened. But keep your eyes focused on the prize we need you.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

I subscribe to both and will continue to follow both. This is what a healthy search for the truth looks like. Different opinions, presenting their case, as no sole person is the arbitor of truth. This is sorely lacking in mainstream media, healthy debate of different facts and opinions on what they mean.

I grew up in a large family and this was the norm growing up around the dinner table. We should all be allowed to agree to disagree.

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I know that Robert Malone would agree with “agree to disagree” and “healthy debate.” What Berenson did was neither.

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Agreed, but it doesn't change a large body of Alex's work that has been good.

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True. But the issue is how we assess his work from now on. He is tainted.

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Thank him for the memories.

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The legacy media now is using this to discredit Dr. Malone and Alex is proud of it. Probably to get back in their graces.

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who said what? what venues?

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Daily Mail. I think Alex wants to be acknowledged again by "legitimate" media.

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agree. dont give a xxxx about berenson per se. but i will use his prior info to make my case so--"shoot"the messenger but use his messages re vax.

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Time will tell. I’m not a fan of Alex’s approach here, and am poised to cancel my subscription pending the unfolding of this debate. Following a person who uses cancel/attack mechanisms and is disrespecting and dishonorable goes against my grain, whether he’s a “good reporter” or not. Integrity is as integrity does.

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With all due respect, that was not a search for truth. It was a tacky, baseless, inappropriate attack.

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I can agree to disagree as long as millions of people aren’t being injured, disabled, or killed by the disagreement. AB did some good work but we cannot afford to lose a scintilla of the momentum that allowed Malone’s voice to finally be heard.

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Agree as I am sure Malone also does - however there's more than ample reason why Malone titled his response they way he did. He bushwhacked him without a modicum of respect. that is not the way you debate anyone.

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I may continue to follow both, but that was FAR from a "healthy discussion." He just attacked the guy personally for a slight exaggeration. Alex is not a scientist and knows far less about this than Dr. Malone. Nor is he a practicing MD with clinical observations. If he'd simply said he disagreed with him on a few things (like he did with RFK who endorsed his book) it would have been fine. But he was a total jerk.

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I also and my dad would have smacked me for being disrespectful at the inappropriate time. You can't teach common sense.

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Yes, that is wise.

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Thank you for all that you do Dr. Malone. You bring hope and reason to a dark world.

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You, sir, have so much grace. You handled Alex like a gentleman. I appreciate all that you do for us ♥️

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Yes, I was amazed at how graceful his response was. Good for him.

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I've long been trying to get Alex to change his stance on early treatment with many comments and emails to him. It's very disappointing that he not only won't change his mind but that he's publicly attacking you like this. I've unsubscribed from him. We're with you! Keep fighting the good fight!

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Once again Dr. Malone, a great message and the photo of the care packet from India was the clincher. Alex committed professional suicide yesterday. That act of self-sabotage is baffling to me as I hate to consider that all of his efforts so far have been mostly motivated by the desire to make a name for himself rather than any real commitment to the cause: exposing the lies of 'safe and effective' with regard to the jabs and 'there is no early treatment", both of which reveal the deeper, more sinister agendas of the Deep State.

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I'll admit I was riding free on Dr. Malone's substack. I just became a paid subscriber out of respect for Dr. Malone and as a middle finger to Berenson.

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I am with you. Cancelled my sub to Berenson. He's a disgrace.

Thank you for speaking out the truth.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

Thank you for sharing the contents of the Uttar Pradesh kit/protocol. It is incredible that our own "president" had the opportunity to know what was in these kits that saved countless lives and refused that information. Thank you for your bravery and commitment to the truth and public health, Dr. Malone.

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