I am still snickering that she lost to “none of the above” in a landslide. The “nah” vote was 63 percent to Haley’s 31 percent.
So, what the heck is she still doing in the primary race?
Some “Due diligence” was required on my part for me to understand the above cartoons…
But yes, it is true that for the past two years the NFL has played two national anthems at the Super Bowl. Quoting from the Washington Examiner:
The NFL will continue trying to disunite America by featuring two separate “anthems” to begin the Super Bowl. Our country has only one national anthem, which speaks for all its citizens. To suggest otherwise is anathema.
As also happened last year, fans will be asked to stand at attention not just for “The Star-Spangled Banner” but also for “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” long known colloquially as the “black national anthem.”…
The affront lies not in the message within the song but in the message sent by when and how the song is to be presented. By pairing it with the national anthem and expecting attendees to stand at attention, the NFL signals that “The Star-Spangled Banner” does not speak for everyone. Rather than respecting a single unifying anthem, the league presents two, one for white people and one for black people, as if the latter were not included in the meaning and grandeur of the first.
This is part of the political Left’s radical racial agenda of national division. Identity politics define people by racial or sexual group membership while immutably characterizing each group and each person within it as either victim or victimizer. Rather than one history in which modern sensibilities demand that black people receive equal recognition, separatism posits that there must be a separate month for black history. Rather than one course of mathematics, the “woke” educrats push a separate black mathematics. The separate black anthem is a musical endorsement of the forces and agenda that are driving deep fissures into our culture and threatening our society.
"My dad was World War II vet, and I was raised to be proud of that flag. I was raised to know that meritocracy is, what my country comes down to. And that's what the NFL and military used to stand for: meritocracy, coming together. We cared about the fact of winning and became brothers. That's what our country is all about. We, the people, do not care about this mess."
Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT).
Huh? When I first saw this cartoon, I didn’t get the joke. What was I missing? I had to do a little searching on Startpage to get the joke.
The cartoon above is in reference to a little seen news story from two weeks ago.
Well… - these Biden gaffs are coming at us so hot and heavy; it is easy to miss some of them. Particularly as the “factcheckers” (such as Snopes) are hard at work to cover up Biden’s obvious dementia. You know, so that the president of the United States, the man in charge of the nuclear football - looks ”perfectly normal”.
Don’t be fooled. This mistake by Snopes was no accident. This is more of the psywar campaign by the democrats and the deep state against the American people.
The above cartoon is missing the most obvious choice.
007 - License to Fall
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You have to laugh or all you would do is cry.
I initially read the title of the video as license to “fail.” I put my glasses on and saw it was license to “fall.” Good news, with or without my glasses, both work.