I cry each day as the push to inject continues unabated! USA Today Network published this Sunday an extensive article on the Tripledemic of Respiratory Illnesses! Take the RNA for Covid, RSV for respiratory syndrome and the Flu shot! Title was "How Arizonans can avoid infection!
The counter article which they will never publish is: How Arizonians can avoid injections!
I think the problem (threat) is much bigger and more complex than the push to vaxx us all. It is about the money, for sure, but it is also about the slow insidious dumbing down and erasing common sense that has been a strategy in the works for decades. A brainless, non-thinking population is ripe for the picking. I personally see it as a war with dark principalities. There is a plan and those who are implementing have no idea who they work for. That makes me want to cry for sure.
I try to get something out on Nextdoor occasionally (not my only effort). Today I ended up sending a private message to one woman who asked about the cryptic comment I made about an experimental medical product causing many problems. Her response to the evidence I sent was to send me a fact check from AP, which she said was reliable and non partisan. She also apparently had my comment taken down, which is fine with me. I always get some "likes" when I post truth.
Wife abandoned next door when the suspended her for posting a link to an article re the librarian associations love affair with improper books in childrens section.
That doesn't mean anything though. It May still happen.
I think that my last name has kept them from doing it because I call them out for ONLY TELLING ME THAT MY INFORMATION IS FALSE & I point 👉 👈 👇 to the fact that they are ONLY CHALLENGING MY STATEMENT on the thread where others have expressed the same sentiment.
I think you're right, Ana. I have been suspended twice. Last time I was content to just stay off, as I was not going to grovel and promise to be a good girl as they said I should do (in other words, of course). At some point, they decided they couldn't do without me, I suppose and I began to get notifications again. The way I look at it, if I share something vaccine related and get several likes, then I have encouraged those people to stand firm and perhaps speak up themselves. If Nextdoor decides to permanently suspend me, that's okay. People are incessantly posting about their pets and anguishing over the fact that animals are not treated well enough. What about humans, made in the image of God? I didn't take the covid shots, but I know people who did and who are injured, and I'm not going to let it go. There needs to be accountability.
I escaped from Chicago to the Colorado Rockies 36 years ago to get away from Communists and Colorado was pretty Red then. Now it's mauve, but the part where we reside, particularly our little corner of Heaven, is Red.
We're in an obscure, secluded valley on the Western Slope. Reading through some of your comments, we are on the exact same page, chapter and verse, on the issues.
Oh yeah, Michelle Malkin who is a real firecracker. Saw that some years ago and burned it to DVD. Don't hear much from her, but I'm sure she's still getting after it.
Patriot4Trump, in view of how both the rats 🐀 🐀 and the RINOS are feverishly working to set traps for Trump to make sure he can't fulfill his promises, should we be successful in getting him elected.
WE NEED TO BE GATHERING all of the AVAILABLE TOOLS to keep them from passing (buried in the current bills being pushed) TRAPS AGAINST OUR AMERICA 🇺🇸 FIRST AGENDA!!!!
Co going thru what Illinois has forever…politics dominated by one city. Chicago for them, Denver for Co has Sarah Hoyt complained about until she finally bailed
I initially read the title of the video as license to “fail.” I put my glasses on and saw it was license to “fall.” Good news, with or without my glasses, both work.
Much of my reading is from what are obviously OCRed (scanned) books. Typos are infrequent but sometimes comical. For example, "He dosed the door." Who knew that doors needed medication?
My biggest worry is this: Biden fades to black, Garland is locked up in his own federal prison, Myorkis gets deported to Guantanamo, and Harris chokes to death in a laughing fit AND NOTHING CHANGES because half the country especially those with some money and power are either stupid dopes or demon possessed agents of Satan. Leaders are often just the canary in the coal mine. Is it really possible that half the country is okay with this lunacy??
Absolutely agree! I believe you have it correct: “demon possessed agents of Satan”! I truly believe the powerful, rich elites are ignorant, because one day some of the sheep will wake up & wonder what the heck just happened 4 years ago! Everyday more & more distractions are thrown at American citizens, more propaganda about everything from the southern border to the “long 19-man-made virus” the leftist lunatics & rich elites are trying to force citizens to take!
Ever since the multi multi millionaires that made their massive fortunes playing a game, the only reason being they live in America the beautiful, started kneeling during our national anthem, I completely ended my support of their ungrateful despicable actions and stopped watching all of their pampered ungracious lives. This includes football, hockey baseball basketball and soccer. J.Goodrich
A boyfriend took me to a triple header and that ended my interest in baseball and him too. My dad loved football but I could never get what was so terrific about watching big men in skintight leggings hunched over a pig skin ball that wasn’t even round with the only objective being to fumble it fifty yards to some sticks in the ground. Needless to say I don’t watch football either now that my dad is gone.
You tap into my opinion about pro basketball, a game invented for children to teach them teamwork so that ball could make the nearly impossible 10’ journey into the net now dominated by “one man franchises” for whom that 10’ is….childs play.
Hi Ana hope things are going good. Before all of sports were completely taken over by the extreme far left Marxist democrats I was a big football and hockey fan. After they became part of the terrorists against America democrat group i quit cold turkey. I can’t support any group or company that wants to destroy our country and with that goes along with the sexualizing of children. It’s unbelievable how quickly they collapsed. My wife still can’t believe how I turned them off as quickly as they became complicit with terrorists and perverts, but that’s what they are. As Bill Parcells used to say, you are what you are.
It seems like many of us are afflicted by the same malaise!!!
I'm at the point of setting an appointment with my pastor to discuss my cognitive dissonance!
I just can't reconcile my feelings of UN-FORGIVENESS and being a TRUE CHRISTIAN!!!!
I'm mad 😠 😡 at everyone who has subverted our country's institutions in an effort to destroy everything that was the foundation of our success as a country and as a people!
I'm angry 😠 😡 about us not being able to leave a legacy for our children and our children's children as we as Christians are supposed to do!!!
I free subscribed to Christopher Cooks sub stack and though I don’t go along with his wanting anarchy in some form, he did say something that made me think. He said why should 1/2 of the country force upon the other 1/2 a government they don’t want? I know we all think about the break up of America but I sometimes wonder if it’s inevitable. How can we except Marxism and all of their other totalitarian ideas? And how can they except equal justice, non corrupt government, work for what you get, not indoctrinating kids, manipulating the system because you can’t win, and on and on?
That 1/2 of the country grates a bit James because there is not a poll out there that can be believed and the vote rigged in the last few elections so badly I cannot see how a realistic number can be found today
Truth! I haven't trusted polls in years. What is the point anyway? Are we so dumb that we would swoon and change our minds if the polls tossed out big numbers for the candidate we aren't for? I don't get it.
James, on another thread on this substack, I made the comment about how they're working to outnumber and to replace the current constitutional WE THE PEOPLE.
My sister shared the following video from Congressman Higgins.
Ana, I share your concerns. I spent the last year listening to Bible in a Year with Father Schmitz. Here is what became very clear to me. In EVERY case when humans deviated from righteousness as outlined in the law God gave the Jews, He destroyed them. And he punished the Israelites if they were complicit. Forgiveness is for the repentant. Justice is for the unrepentant . A moral cleansing is absolutely needed and those who stand with it will survive and prosper. A backbone of steel will be required to restore justice and right the ship of state. We must speak louder and stand with those in authority to restore this than those who are corrupted. The other is to take back control of our tax dollars. I wish I were young and understand what I do now because I would start a tax revolt and get everyone to withhold their tax money until each and every one of us got to decide how our money is spent.
There is zero indication that anyone in our govt will pay for their crimes against the US, against humanity. All this, regardless of which party is in control
Quit watching baseball when they went on strike for more money. For a man to stand on dirt or grass to wait for a ball that may or may not come his way for 10 million per season made me think about such time wasting things similar to watching grass grow. Hahahah......America's premier pastime! There's your reality. It's Past It's Time.
The other sports easily followed suit. Rome had the Colosseum too. Fed Christians to lions.
Fairly recently the “hammer thrower” Gwen Berry turned her back on the flag when getting her medal. I’m confused why a person like Gwen, that hates her country goes to throw a hammer (????) to represent what she hates. It makes me think how self centered people can be. People have given their lives so Gwen can throw a friggen hammer in the Olympics, to me she should have stayed home. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/FZYZixrVqX3gaihN/?mibextid=UVffzb
I must watch the game but not all that other stuff. Chief stadium is only 50 minutes away from me so, a fan but only for playoff games and SB. Brothers will root for 49ers as they still live and CA and we were all born in Santa Clara County, where the 49ers stadium is. We should have quite the text messaging going on today!
The marketing firm that saw the potential for Swifties to get into the woke NFL has done an amazing job. But this season is it. Getting Swifties to stick around for season two is as likely as Star Wars fans eagerly anticipating another Kathleen Kennedy propaganda movie.
yes....but good luck getting the Swifties to stick around as NFL fans, and good luck to TK if he is hoping for a long term commitment -- if he's smart he'll negotiate now for a share in the rights to the predictable song when she moves on.
I have no interest in football. To me, it is a waste of time, but obviously many people love it. Because of my disinterest, I have no clue as to who owns and runs it, and who makes such decisions as playing a second, fake "National Anthem". And who was pushing the players to get dangerous, untested, NOT proven "safe and effective" bioweapon shots. Obviously whoever is doing such things is/are Anti-American, Anti-human and member(s) of the Globalist Criminal Cabal working to divide, damage, and kill us. It is a sad commentary on the level of mental acuity and awareness of monumental forces affecting our world, of and by the many fans of the NFL, that they would be so caught up in their sport and its trappings as to be so oblivious to, or just accepting of, such behaviors by the NFL leadership. In effect, the fans are partying "on the deck of the Titanic" as it is going DOWN, along with the ship of America and the freedom and prosperity of humanity in general.
This is but a telling microcosm of the degree to which the Totalitarian Overloards are succeeding in their take-down of our current system to pave the way for their "Great Reset" of a Post-human world. THANK GOD there are so many others who aren't swallowing their deception and ARE pushing back!!!!
A good thought. Little by little I’m getting some things from way back when of my parents and my childhood. This picture was us four kids first day of school in 1972. The little kid on the right is me. Wouldn’t it be something if you could go back in time and fix some of the illnesses and mistakes that happened throughout our lives? Those were happy days. Hope you all have a great Sunday!! https://share.icloud.com/photos/07b0fwxexhTlU0x6JF0bVBGwg J.Goodrich
Love those pictures of our youth. One of my fav's of myself is me dressed for Easter; gloves, hat, little purse, black patent shoes, white anklets, special dress and coat. What you can't see is my scarred inside.
What a good looking family. I spent much of last year digitizing old pictures and slides. What fun! I'm wondering if you were spoiled as the youngest, or perhaps just picked on. I can relate to your sister as I too had three brothers and no sister. I was second oldest.
Thanks Shelley, my 3 older siblings going through the system broke my parents but good. By the time I went through the system they threw me the car keys and said try to be home some time tomorrow 😂. Only kidding to a point…
Happens a lot with large families when the zeal for parental control wears off over time and effort. My youngest brother was even given chocolate milk in a baby bottle when he was two.
I did have it a lot easier than my oldest brother. Though I would tend to joke around a lot, make people laugh so I wouldn’t get beaten up mostly by him. John was the Airborne Ranger and a black belt, God he was a tough kid. He overdosed in 2008 after a long addiction that started with prescription oxy’s. There’s just the three of us left and my brother and sister both vaxed and I think have both been sickened by it.
My father was the teacher when it came to us kids learning to earn what you get. I asked him to help me get my first decent car, he said do you need a ride to get it? I said no I mean financially, he said ohhhh well I suggest you get a job. I ended up getting a personal loan at 18 % interest. I’ll never forget it was $138–per month for 3 years. I got a job and made every payment. After he died I missed his direction. For all he went through in life, oddly, it didn’t affect him being a great father. He had a very difficult life as a kid all the way through his recovery from WW2. He was really an amazing guy, not unlike many from his generation. I wish I was more aware of it while he was with us.
You have to laugh or all you would do is cry.
I cry each day as the push to inject continues unabated! USA Today Network published this Sunday an extensive article on the Tripledemic of Respiratory Illnesses! Take the RNA for Covid, RSV for respiratory syndrome and the Flu shot! Title was "How Arizonans can avoid infection!
The counter article which they will never publish is: How Arizonians can avoid injections!
1986 "riveted" them "Unavoidably Unsafe". The forever forged no prosecution shield.
In the new game of Monopoly, No Vaxx ....Do Not pass go, Do not collect $200.
If you live on Boardwalk or Park place...there's a saline solution for you.
I think the problem (threat) is much bigger and more complex than the push to vaxx us all. It is about the money, for sure, but it is also about the slow insidious dumbing down and erasing common sense that has been a strategy in the works for decades. A brainless, non-thinking population is ripe for the picking. I personally see it as a war with dark principalities. There is a plan and those who are implementing have no idea who they work for. That makes me want to cry for sure.
Agree! There is an alignment of goals between Barda(DOD,CIA)and Big Pharma + Gates Gang and WEF!
I totally agree 👍 !
I try to get something out on Nextdoor occasionally (not my only effort). Today I ended up sending a private message to one woman who asked about the cryptic comment I made about an experimental medical product causing many problems. Her response to the evidence I sent was to send me a fact check from AP, which she said was reliable and non partisan. She also apparently had my comment taken down, which is fine with me. I always get some "likes" when I post truth.
Wife abandoned next door when the suspended her for posting a link to an article re the librarian associations love affair with improper books in childrens section.
Michael, to date 📅 I haven't been suspended.
That doesn't mean anything though. It May still happen.
I think that my last name has kept them from doing it because I call them out for ONLY TELLING ME THAT MY INFORMATION IS FALSE & I point 👉 👈 👇 to the fact that they are ONLY CHALLENGING MY STATEMENT on the thread where others have expressed the same sentiment.
Anne, I maybe mistaken, but I think that Next Door is out of Silicon Valley.
I always have some pushback on my border crisis comments!
I think you're right, Ana. I have been suspended twice. Last time I was content to just stay off, as I was not going to grovel and promise to be a good girl as they said I should do (in other words, of course). At some point, they decided they couldn't do without me, I suppose and I began to get notifications again. The way I look at it, if I share something vaccine related and get several likes, then I have encouraged those people to stand firm and perhaps speak up themselves. If Nextdoor decides to permanently suspend me, that's okay. People are incessantly posting about their pets and anguishing over the fact that animals are not treated well enough. What about humans, made in the image of God? I didn't take the covid shots, but I know people who did and who are injured, and I'm not going to let it go. There needs to be accountability.
Anne, they're exactly the ones for whom the term: Speaks with a forked tongue 👅 was meant.
They claim to be so humane hence the name: HUMANE SOCIETY yet most of them have no compulsion about aborting babies.
Maybe we need an ANIMAL SOCIETY?
The dems always mis-label everything!
Just saying 😌
I escaped from Chicago to the Colorado Rockies 36 years ago to get away from Communists and Colorado was pretty Red then. Now it's mauve, but the part where we reside, particularly our little corner of Heaven, is Red.
Where is your little corner of Colorado Heaven? We're in Weld County (Windsor) but even in our red county, blue is creeping in ...
We're in an obscure, secluded valley on the Western Slope. Reading through some of your comments, we are on the exact same page, chapter and verse, on the issues.
Oh yeah, Michelle Malkin who is a real firecracker. Saw that some years ago and burned it to DVD. Don't hear much from her, but I'm sure she's still getting after it.
Afraid she finally called it quits. Miss her too
Patriot4Trump, I am wondering 🤔 if you have and if you can share with me a list of the CONSPIRACY THEORIES that were proven to not be CONSPIRACIES?
Patriot4Trump, in view of how both the rats 🐀 🐀 and the RINOS are feverishly working to set traps for Trump to make sure he can't fulfill his promises, should we be successful in getting him elected.
WE NEED TO BE GATHERING all of the AVAILABLE TOOLS to keep them from passing (buried in the current bills being pushed) TRAPS AGAINST OUR AMERICA 🇺🇸 FIRST AGENDA!!!!
Lots of hardheads in Colorado, not so many in the Col Spr vicinity.
Co going thru what Illinois has forever…politics dominated by one city. Chicago for them, Denver for Co has Sarah Hoyt complained about until she finally bailed
I initially read the title of the video as license to “fail.” I put my glasses on and saw it was license to “fall.” Good news, with or without my glasses, both work.
Same here. Except I already had my glasses on.
Me too!!!
I think 🤔 that it comes from information overload!!!
Lol😆 🤣 😂
Much of my reading is from what are obviously OCRed (scanned) books. Typos are infrequent but sometimes comical. For example, "He dosed the door." Who knew that doors needed medication?
Yes. Prime example of how we very often see what we expect to see, instead of what's actually there. I do that too.
I did the same thing! Freudian -- you read what you knew to be true.
Yep. And license to flail.
My biggest worry is this: Biden fades to black, Garland is locked up in his own federal prison, Myorkis gets deported to Guantanamo, and Harris chokes to death in a laughing fit AND NOTHING CHANGES because half the country especially those with some money and power are either stupid dopes or demon possessed agents of Satan. Leaders are often just the canary in the coal mine. Is it really possible that half the country is okay with this lunacy??
Yes, still watching MSM and therein lies the truth. ??? 👹
PS, mom and I had to take another breather because it is republican’s fault they won’t sign bill to close border. It’s their fault! 👹
But they don’t want to give money to Ukraine and Israel! They are bargaining! She hung up and I give up. 😳
Painful isn’t it.
It truly is!
A question I ask myself often - who on earth wants to live like this? And then this one- who on earth would vote for this corrupt moron? 👿👿👿🤪🤪🤪
Who would vote for the WOAT, the morons who watch TheView, R.madcow, CNN, MSNBC, racist joy reid Al sharp as a potato sharpton etc etc.
Righto! Morons voting for a moron! 🤬🤬🤬
Birds 🐦 🐦⬛ of a feather 🪶!
I know three black members of my church who definitely will. I wish they would leave and go to a woke church where they fit in.
Absolutely agree! I believe you have it correct: “demon possessed agents of Satan”! I truly believe the powerful, rich elites are ignorant, because one day some of the sheep will wake up & wonder what the heck just happened 4 years ago! Everyday more & more distractions are thrown at American citizens, more propaganda about everything from the southern border to the “long 19-man-made virus” the leftist lunatics & rich elites are trying to force citizens to take!
Demon possessed agents! Agree! 👿
That is a big worry for me,too, on top of the things to be worried about. It’s not just that they’re okay with it, it’s that they actually believe it!
Good one BL. I guess will see in November
Ever since the multi multi millionaires that made their massive fortunes playing a game, the only reason being they live in America the beautiful, started kneeling during our national anthem, I completely ended my support of their ungrateful despicable actions and stopped watching all of their pampered ungracious lives. This includes football, hockey baseball basketball and soccer. J.Goodrich
A boyfriend took me to a triple header and that ended my interest in baseball and him too. My dad loved football but I could never get what was so terrific about watching big men in skintight leggings hunched over a pig skin ball that wasn’t even round with the only objective being to fumble it fifty yards to some sticks in the ground. Needless to say I don’t watch football either now that my dad is gone.
Barbara your description of football makes me question why I ever watched a game to begin with, and your right!!!!
You tap into my opinion about pro basketball, a game invented for children to teach them teamwork so that ball could make the nearly impossible 10’ journey into the net now dominated by “one man franchises” for whom that 10’ is….childs play.
James, I resemble your remark!
I'm not a sport aficionado, however if I were, I wouldn't watch them either!!
We just finished watching 👀 the Puppy 🐶 Bowl 🥣 complete with the actual playing of our National Anthem 🇺🇸!!!
You'll be glad 😊 to hear that the Tangerine 🍊 Team won 🏆 Puppy 🐶 Bowl 🥣 XX!!!!
Hi Ana hope things are going good. Before all of sports were completely taken over by the extreme far left Marxist democrats I was a big football and hockey fan. After they became part of the terrorists against America democrat group i quit cold turkey. I can’t support any group or company that wants to destroy our country and with that goes along with the sexualizing of children. It’s unbelievable how quickly they collapsed. My wife still can’t believe how I turned them off as quickly as they became complicit with terrorists and perverts, but that’s what they are. As Bill Parcells used to say, you are what you are.
It seems like many of us are afflicted by the same malaise!!!
I'm at the point of setting an appointment with my pastor to discuss my cognitive dissonance!
I just can't reconcile my feelings of UN-FORGIVENESS and being a TRUE CHRISTIAN!!!!
I'm mad 😠 😡 at everyone who has subverted our country's institutions in an effort to destroy everything that was the foundation of our success as a country and as a people!
I'm angry 😠 😡 about us not being able to leave a legacy for our children and our children's children as we as Christians are supposed to do!!!
I'm just sick 😫 about this terrible mess!!
I free subscribed to Christopher Cooks sub stack and though I don’t go along with his wanting anarchy in some form, he did say something that made me think. He said why should 1/2 of the country force upon the other 1/2 a government they don’t want? I know we all think about the break up of America but I sometimes wonder if it’s inevitable. How can we except Marxism and all of their other totalitarian ideas? And how can they except equal justice, non corrupt government, work for what you get, not indoctrinating kids, manipulating the system because you can’t win, and on and on?
That 1/2 of the country grates a bit James because there is not a poll out there that can be believed and the vote rigged in the last few elections so badly I cannot see how a realistic number can be found today
Truth! I haven't trusted polls in years. What is the point anyway? Are we so dumb that we would swoon and change our minds if the polls tossed out big numbers for the candidate we aren't for? I don't get it.
James, on another thread on this substack, I made the comment about how they're working to outnumber and to replace the current constitutional WE THE PEOPLE.
My sister shared the following video from Congressman Higgins.
I'm encouraged!!!
Ana, I share your concerns. I spent the last year listening to Bible in a Year with Father Schmitz. Here is what became very clear to me. In EVERY case when humans deviated from righteousness as outlined in the law God gave the Jews, He destroyed them. And he punished the Israelites if they were complicit. Forgiveness is for the repentant. Justice is for the unrepentant . A moral cleansing is absolutely needed and those who stand with it will survive and prosper. A backbone of steel will be required to restore justice and right the ship of state. We must speak louder and stand with those in authority to restore this than those who are corrupted. The other is to take back control of our tax dollars. I wish I were young and understand what I do now because I would start a tax revolt and get everyone to withhold their tax money until each and every one of us got to decide how our money is spent.
Very well put Ana, if you have faith in your pastor I’m sure he or she is a good American that will give you good advise.
Brought to you by the brewers of Bud Light. The profits brew other things too.
We recently witnessed what was really on their minds. Didn't we?
And the worst part, my dear friend James?
There is zero indication that anyone in our govt will pay for their crimes against the US, against humanity. All this, regardless of which party is in control
me TOO James!
James: yes.
Quit watching baseball when they went on strike for more money. For a man to stand on dirt or grass to wait for a ball that may or may not come his way for 10 million per season made me think about such time wasting things similar to watching grass grow. Hahahah......America's premier pastime! There's your reality. It's Past It's Time.
The other sports easily followed suit. Rome had the Colosseum too. Fed Christians to lions.
Fairly recently the “hammer thrower” Gwen Berry turned her back on the flag when getting her medal. I’m confused why a person like Gwen, that hates her country goes to throw a hammer (????) to represent what she hates. It makes me think how self centered people can be. People have given their lives so Gwen can throw a friggen hammer in the Olympics, to me she should have stayed home. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/FZYZixrVqX3gaihN/?mibextid=UVffzb
Absolutely disgusting! What a disgrace she is! 🤮🤬
Good points MrG, maybe she decided to throw a hammer became she couldn’t throw a javelin
The DUMBING OF AMERICA has consequences of un- foreseen Magnitudes.
When you throw hammers in anger on job sites...they forever banish your return.
That one is just for you Jim....Hahahaha Them building trades blues.
That’s a good one, right in the back of my head!!!!
Very few people are making money off this game: The 'house' (gambling), Taylor Swift, and the NFL. The rest of us are being played.
p.s. lifelong fan who is BOYCOTTING this circus.
I must watch the game but not all that other stuff. Chief stadium is only 50 minutes away from me so, a fan but only for playoff games and SB. Brothers will root for 49ers as they still live and CA and we were all born in Santa Clara County, where the 49ers stadium is. We should have quite the text messaging going on today!
The marketing firm that saw the potential for Swifties to get into the woke NFL has done an amazing job. But this season is it. Getting Swifties to stick around for season two is as likely as Star Wars fans eagerly anticipating another Kathleen Kennedy propaganda movie.
yes....but good luck getting the Swifties to stick around as NFL fans, and good luck to TK if he is hoping for a long term commitment -- if he's smart he'll negotiate now for a share in the rights to the predictable song when she moves on.
Yes, out of the breakup, she will get a new album. He will get a facial tic and a wrecked career.
And that propaganda movie was extremely bad I hear.
I’m gonna watch it just to see them take a beating by the Niners🐸🥂
I would NEVER monetize them, just like I don't monetize ---
Wikipedia or any other WOKE ORGANIZATIONS!
I feel the same. I won’t give the media the viewer rating either.
Kudos to "License to Fall"! Perfect synchronization of music and video at 1:05!
I have no interest in football. To me, it is a waste of time, but obviously many people love it. Because of my disinterest, I have no clue as to who owns and runs it, and who makes such decisions as playing a second, fake "National Anthem". And who was pushing the players to get dangerous, untested, NOT proven "safe and effective" bioweapon shots. Obviously whoever is doing such things is/are Anti-American, Anti-human and member(s) of the Globalist Criminal Cabal working to divide, damage, and kill us. It is a sad commentary on the level of mental acuity and awareness of monumental forces affecting our world, of and by the many fans of the NFL, that they would be so caught up in their sport and its trappings as to be so oblivious to, or just accepting of, such behaviors by the NFL leadership. In effect, the fans are partying "on the deck of the Titanic" as it is going DOWN, along with the ship of America and the freedom and prosperity of humanity in general.
This is but a telling microcosm of the degree to which the Totalitarian Overloards are succeeding in their take-down of our current system to pave the way for their "Great Reset" of a Post-human world. THANK GOD there are so many others who aren't swallowing their deception and ARE pushing back!!!!
Beautifully said !
Thank you.
We KNOW what it is:
A good thought. Little by little I’m getting some things from way back when of my parents and my childhood. This picture was us four kids first day of school in 1972. The little kid on the right is me. Wouldn’t it be something if you could go back in time and fix some of the illnesses and mistakes that happened throughout our lives? Those were happy days. Hope you all have a great Sunday!! https://share.icloud.com/photos/07b0fwxexhTlU0x6JF0bVBGwg J.Goodrich
"I'm so thankful I had a childhood before technology took over."
Love those pictures of our youth. One of my fav's of myself is me dressed for Easter; gloves, hat, little purse, black patent shoes, white anklets, special dress and coat. What you can't see is my scarred inside.
DD - pictures do not always tell 1,000 words, do they? I can relate.
Handsome family. It is refreshing to see and share our happy days of yore ! :)
Great photo, James. Love the tie.
Bet it doesn't fit now.
What a good looking family. I spent much of last year digitizing old pictures and slides. What fun! I'm wondering if you were spoiled as the youngest, or perhaps just picked on. I can relate to your sister as I too had three brothers and no sister. I was second oldest.
Thanks Shelley, my 3 older siblings going through the system broke my parents but good. By the time I went through the system they threw me the car keys and said try to be home some time tomorrow 😂. Only kidding to a point…
Happens a lot with large families when the zeal for parental control wears off over time and effort. My youngest brother was even given chocolate milk in a baby bottle when he was two.
I did have it a lot easier than my oldest brother. Though I would tend to joke around a lot, make people laugh so I wouldn’t get beaten up mostly by him. John was the Airborne Ranger and a black belt, God he was a tough kid. He overdosed in 2008 after a long addiction that started with prescription oxy’s. There’s just the three of us left and my brother and sister both vaxed and I think have both been sickened by it.
😔 😟
Had the opposite situation. Stepdad spoiled his son and then there was me….he learned better and I was better for it
My father was the teacher when it came to us kids learning to earn what you get. I asked him to help me get my first decent car, he said do you need a ride to get it? I said no I mean financially, he said ohhhh well I suggest you get a job. I ended up getting a personal loan at 18 % interest. I’ll never forget it was $138–per month for 3 years. I got a job and made every payment. After he died I missed his direction. For all he went through in life, oddly, it didn’t affect him being a great father. He had a very difficult life as a kid all the way through his recovery from WW2. He was really an amazing guy, not unlike many from his generation. I wish I was more aware of it while he was with us.
Great pic! And yes, it would be great if we could go back to those days!
That’s awesome Mr James! Good looking set of sibs. Thanks for sharing that.
Hey Docs!
Extra tangy today - just as the situation warrants.
Separate anthems, separate flags - including the grotesque Rainbow - proclaiming the Leftist credo: ex uno, multis.