yes, spelling Nazis, I see you. site, sight. Think about it.

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Some time ago, I wrote a comment under an article related to British politics, in which I made reference to the Labor Party. I was promptly corrected, presumably by a UK citizen, who pointed out that it is the Labour Party. To which I confessed, "You're right, of corse."

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"I like making puns. Are my puns refined? Yes, of coarse."

- Ned B.

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Some people will say that I am uneducated because I spell dirt, d-u-r-t. Well, if d-u-r-t doesn't spell dirt, what in the hell does it spell?

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I wouldn't let it hirt your feelings.

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"It is a man with a poor imagination that can only think of one way to spell a word."

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The 3rd definition on Merriam/Webster's web "cite" defines 'labor', used as a noun, thusly.

3. usually Labour : the Labour party of the United Kingdom or of another part of the Commonwealth of Nations

Colour is another example of England buggering up the English language.

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"The Cat only grinned when it saw Alice. It looked good-natured, she thought; still it had very long claws and a great many teeth, so she felt that it ought to be treated with respect.

'Cheshire Puss,' she began, rather timidly, as she did not at all know whether it would like the name; however, it only grinned a little wider. 'Come, it's pleased so far,' thought Alice, and she went on, 'would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'

'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the Cat.

'I don't much care where -' said Alice.

'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat."

The Biden admin has indeed shown long claws and a great many teeth. We cannot afford to be aimless in response.

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Trump will be very focused, and he has a great deal more support now.

Trump was hog tied and obstructed by incredible forces of the deep state. If anyone has tried to make significant changes in a business or even a division of a national company, they can begin to appreciate what Donald Trump faced, times several hundred thousand, all out to sabatage, with millions at their disposal, and the immense power of law as well.

All the three letter agencies, the MSM, the hundreds of thousands of committed leftist government employees, including many in the military, the Democrats of course, but also the RINOS, the lawfare and legal system, etc, were all working non stop to sabatoge Trump. In short, the "March through the institutions" was essentially complete, and all are committed to fighting Trump. Yet he accomplished a great deal in those four years of great resistance.

Even in his 2020 defeat by any means election, what he started has continued. As stated before, BRICS is an off shoot of Trump's "rational nationalism". India and many nations ignore the would be globalist, and do what is best for their citizens. Donald Trump inspired the growing resistance to the attempted EU nd US domination of the planet. Just as he is forcing global changes before he takes office, he inspired many nations to resist the would be One World Government, and that continued even after the 2020 defeat. Trump has been very powerful, even out of office.

The globalist have lost, they just have ot surrendered. and the harms (to long to list) and divisons they created, along with many citizens turning away from fundemental religious and moral values common to most religions, may very well yet break the global economy.

"Tyranny is most easily established on the ruins of liberty, abused to licentatiousness. " George Washinton"

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I agree. Do you know who wrote the bolded article in this?

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It’s something how people have the intuitive ability to see and absorb the right and positive actions taken by others. For most of us wether it was a relative, a co worker, a teacher, a priest or maybe a political figure, there was someone we know that was a light of hope in our life, someone that always did the right thing, maybe at a time when we needed a good example. Their light had shone into our life and made a difference, an impression. This made us want to do the right thing and maybe be a light in someone else’s life. So many times people don’t necessarily need words, they don’t need to be preached too, they can be won over by someone’s actions. Maybe at work, everyone is slacking off, complaining about their job, but you kept working hard, you kept smiling with a good attitude, you were a light in the darkness.

Sometimes God sends us into dark places so that we can be the light. We’re not needed where things are bright. We are needed to shine our light into the darkness. People that are doing fine don’t need our help, it’s the people that are hurting, people with a problem, anger, fear, an addiction, maybe someone that doesn’t have a mentor in their life, they just need some direction. This is where we can make a difference. This is where our kindness and our mercy can have the greatest impact. To me Drs. Malone you both are a light for me and tens of thousands of others in a time of darkness. Your life of integrity and excellence has made a huge difference. It may not have happened immediately, but with consistency and stability your light shone into the darkness. Light will always conquer over darkness.

This same theory applies to our country and its leaders. Look at what our country and the world has had to suffer through over these past 4 years. The president elect has not even been sworn in and yet massive changes towards peace, freedom and liberty have already begun. Many countries that had swallowed the pill of tyranny are now backtracking. Even many people that voted against Trump admit the great contrast between Biden’s term and Trumps 1st term. We all can be certain that this Trump 2nd term will be far more efficient and effective moving back towards our constitutional system, without the mistakes of his 1st term.

This makes me think of Ronald Reagan’s farewell address to the country on January 11, 1989, when he again talked about America as the shining city on the hill and how that changed the world. I can only hope that this new administration can have many similar successes over the next 4 years. Our country and the world wait with great anticipation. J.Goodrich

Reagan’s farewell address; reagans farewell address to the nati - Google Search

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When i was a young teen, shortly after my brother committed suicide, I found myself in a band of roving teens who's goals were not nobel.

One day, at the park not far from my home, we were breaking bottles, and doing stupid shit, when someone called the cops on us, for being, and doing what we weren't supposed to.

Cops showed up, and we ran through the woods, I separated, and headed back towards my house. I was intercepted by a cruiser, and after having a quick grab, was thrown into the car, and brought home.

Officer Baer sat me down on my front porch, and berraded me on how he knew I was a good kid, smart, and he couldn't understand why I chose to hang out with those other "dumbasses", that night.

The officer knew about my disfunctional home, single mom, working 3 jobs, trying her best to deal with a son who killed himself, and raising me, by herself, being my brothers were all moved out by that time. Mom wasnt home, and he knew it, and i'll never forget that night.

Officer Baer gave me a break, and never told my mom about me vandalizing the park, and he made me promise to never betray her trust again, by showing me I wasnt the only one dealing with loss.

I never hung with those guys again, and never got into trouble again, keeping my promise to him, and unknowingly, my mom.

Observation of others good deeds can have a profound, lifelong effect, even when you are the recipient of that deed.

45 years later, I found myself kneeling at his casket, saying goodbye, and thanking him for caring about me that night. I will never forget his impact on me, and my life.

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Wow, T. T., what a powerful story, well told, with a moral and a deep meaning that we can take to heart when encountering others in our lives who have misbehaved at the behest of their own suffering.

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Perfect example T of how we can influence someone we all can have on someone by showing some care. As good as my parents were I had to learn by experiencing supposed friends that didn’t care about me at all, they only cared about themselves. Luckily at a young age I started my business and got away from them. They were not very nice people and many to this day do the same thing. I sometimes wonder how some of them are still breathing.

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Thank you. Brought tears to my eyes. We need more stories like yours. Hope your Mom found happiness.

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When a human being brings out the best in another human being, it's really something special.

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Hope you also thanked him while he was alive...

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I just pray that the warmongers and the snake oil salesman all disappear. If not, we are on the slippery slope to hell on earth.

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Leadership is not a position but rather influence, and as John Maxwell says, Servant-Leadership is what prompts others to follow. It’s when we value the success and safety of others, that they understand we care for them, That is a biblical principle, that Jesus taught and lived by.

If we hide the Light of Truth, in particular biblical Truth, it’s a sign we really do not care for others. Light dispels darkness, BUT darkness will fight against Light and even physically injure those who carry it, but in the end, Light will always prevail. The question is, are we willing to be Light bearers—as Jesus called his followers to be—or hide in the darkness around us?

Look at the Vets who suffer every day with physical, mental, and emotional pain—they did not value their own lives while serving our nation, they gave their bodies and lives so we can be free. That is the cost of freedom, and there’s a cost to following Christ, one that is ignored in many Churches—He is to be LORD and Savior, not just Savior. And that means living for him can cost us our life, like it did with Christians throughout history, who were not silent about God’s Truth.

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James, so well said. We must continue to be the light in dark places. Faith is rising after a long decline. Many had to see the creeping darkness to again seek the light - Trump will rise to the occasion, imo. 🇺🇸💫

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James another way of phasing that might be riffing on Ps 23: when we find ourselves uprooted from our place of peace and tranquility and thrust into that "shadow of death" valley, perhaps we’re there to help another find their way out ‘cause we know that our time in that desolate valley is only temporary.

I believe to my core that this nation, USofA, was divinely conceived out of a world smothering in shadows - 250’ish years ago that initial feeble flame of freedom was lit, a flame that continued to grow and eventually led the world repeatedly out of death-like abysses; while I’m still pessimistic about America’s future in the near term, I still believe, to my core, God has not abandoned America (despite the appearance that the obverse is in effect).

Gob Bless (the) USofA.

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James, I guess 🤷 that I feel the betrayal of our nation on a different level. I'm cautiously optimistic about all of these so-called people who have all of a sudden 🙄 found the old time religion and that they now agree with us.

I for one, while I'm thankful 🙏 for all of the help from Elonmusk, I' still think that he is compromised by the "Shy-knees!"

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Ana, I think things will improve greatly. Be patient, everyone will talk now. Things are transitioning. Keep praying for Trump to be OK. Right now that’s what I really worry about. We’ve all been through so much, things will get better!! Happy Sunday Ana!!

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Good for you. Staying optimistic is what we need!

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I so agree James with all you said. Praying for the new administration to be successful and bring light and transparency to a rather dark world! And so agree with your sentiments about the wonderful Malones! They are heroes to me and great examples of courageous patriots who stand for truth in spite of the obstacles. I fully support these dedicated truth tellers! 💯‼️💯‼️🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Well said James. Good to remember.

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Clear thinking once again.

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Doctors Malone, I'm very concerned about this rift in the our camp after such a glorious victory on November 5th.

IMHO, after the immigration assault that We The People have endured for the last 4 years, we need some time to regroup and heal before we even consider ANY TYPE of immigration!

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We regrouped on November 5th, because our nation was imploding. To stall moving forward on the immigration invasion, and the H1B Visas, is similar to haulting the bombing of N. Vietnam—Vets I know said we had them on the brink of surrender, but we paused—they regrouped and the rest is history. (We lost 58,000 Americans in that war.)

There’s no peace with the wicked. They are relentless in their desire to destroy our Republic. It’s now or never, so we need to tenaciously move forward to save our Republic, or they will finish the job they began—and if given the chance, they will.

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Amen 🙏 and Amén 🙏‼️

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Ana these Hb visa atrocities have been escalating for over 40 yrs. Not only have imported labor taken over the IT field but post doct positions as well. All solely because they work cheap.

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Rambler, I understand that it has been around for a long time.

I'm just saying 🤷 that if we just had a hard fought election over AMERICA 🇺🇸 FIRST, I just don't think that bringing in the topic of ANY IMMIGRATION ISSUES should be tabled until we HEAL OUR LAND by healing our FAMILIES, OUR EDUCATION SYSTEMS, & OUR ECONOMY ‼️🤷🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

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AND out of state/country students pay full freight, if not more at times.

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Exactly. VERY important to keep a lot of universities afloat. I say, "Too bad." Universities should be better, attract their own support and funding, and cut their costs. Attract better students or close.

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Chain migration follows

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MORATORIUM needs to follow!! 🤷🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

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Pushing this visa crap is betraying the voters who put them in. 30 million illegals entered in the last 4, need to go back, and shut the damn border down, end anchor babies, etc. If we do not heal first, there isnt going to be a real solution put forth

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We ABSOLUTELY need to heal. IMHO the only way that we can heal is by us seeing 👀 that all of the atrocities against us and our country need to be addressed FIRST!!!! PERIOD!!! FULL STOP!!!

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" All solely because they work cheap." If you had not put this in absolute terms I would not have responded.

I probably would not have been published as an undergraduate were it not for a somewhat rebellious Indian post doc. Randy believed in merit and being the first person in his family to attend university, was not invested in caste or educational hierarchy. He was slated to present the paper we had worked on at an American Vacuum Society conference in San Francisco but on the day of the presentation he urged me to present it in his stead. The presentation went well but the professor was not pleased with Randy's general lack of subservience and Randy moved on to work with another professor before going into industry. The Indian post doc that ran the lab had been there for ten years and was thoroughly undistinguished. I had a disagreement with him in which I told him "where he could stick it." I was summoned to the professor's office to explain myself and he declared that I was a "young turk." The admins in the department subsequently gave me a t-shirt with "YOUNG TURK" emblazoned on it. The shirt is in tatters but I still have it. Over the last 40 years I have seen good, bad, and indifferent engineers and scientists from India. This is not surprising as I will always remember Randy telling me about a fellow graduate student at IIT Delhi that had proudly displayed the magnetic stirrer he had fabricated using a piece of copper sealed in a fused quartz tube. Randy prospered and I considered working for him at one time but I preferred California to Colorado. In 1990 he went to India on business and was one of those who perished on Indian Airlines flight #605. I still miss him.

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Cherry picking does not prove your point. I can point to some beauts from india and china. And the point I was making is that the large numbers here, many more than should be legally allowed,are here for economics rather than any merit. They come cheap and jam up the professional advance of US grads

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A single example is sufficient to rebut your assertion due the absolute nature of "all" and "solely." Your statement does not allow for exceptions. "Most" and "usually" would not have been challenged. That should have been clear from my first sentence.

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Not really. The upward path begins with post-docs. So every one held by foreigners blocks that of US grad. And when those are given to foreigners because they will accept working for 2/3 less and then go to another less paying post - doc job etc. then my point pretty well proven. They are scabs.

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Don't let the deep state tear the movement apart. They love the infighting on immigration and MAHA.

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MAGA wants to stop or at least pause all immigration, including all of the rampant H1B fraud. The examples flying around Twitter over the past few days are incredible. Cooks, janitors, entry level accountants, it's absurd.

Trump ran on mass deportations and that's how he won. Elon and Vivek talking about how they want to get rid of country caps on HB1 is completely out of touch.

You can't call this infighting when Elon and Vivek exposed themselves as opposition.

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I see your point. This tech visa immigration issue should have been discussed between Elon and Trump before now.

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Garrisson's swamp is frighteningly accurate. Great selection of powerful images. Thanks!!!

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Dec 29Edited

Really get a laugh out of these every week. Thanks for putting them together. And, yes, you're exactly right. We aren't even close to being out of the woods. Trump failed miserably last time and unfortunately, he seems to have surrounded himself by many that have anything but "we the people's" best interest in mind, i.e./e.g. Thiel, Fink, Dimon, Musk, and several others are extremely troubling.

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Love Greg Reese, seems very much be spot on.

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Are you really saying Trump "failed miserably last term" as an absolute, without a qualifier? Even if you'd merely said "Trump failed last term," that would still be incongruous because he did not fail in all things he did (to say the least.) But you go so far as to add on the word "miserably?" ??

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Uh, if Trump had "failed miserably" last time, as you say, we MAGA people are smart enough to have not voted for him this time. We would NOT vote for a "miserable failure." Trump was NOT a "miserable failure." If you are, by chance, on our side, then you might want to think carefully before using a form of the adjective "miserable."

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Respectfully, the vast majority of so called “MAGA people” (your term, not mine) did not vote for Trump for his demonstrated successes. Rather, they voted against Harris and the Biden administration atrocities. They did not vote based upon Trump past performance; they voted for a rhetoric and the “lesser of two evils.” In other words, they applied a standard of judgement, or discernment, to Biden they were unwilling (or unable?) to apply to Trump. There has been much analysis of “left delusion” and rightly so. No one should think the “right” is not capable of being spellbound and a bit delusional or subject to Orwellian Newspeak as well. The idea promulgated that “Biden/Harris are destroying us, and Trump is going to save us” is a bit delusional based upon an unsubstantiated hope in rhetoric rather than performance. It seems to be more of a Rep-Dem tag team than good vs. evil. I did not provide a “qualifier” (“substantiation”?) considering the audience most likely to be reading Dr. Malone as being informed outside of the psyop enabling mainstream media. This was probably a shortcoming on my part. I apologize. Some, not exhaustive, “qualifiers”:

- Trump and Biden gave us poor little ole' Americans $814BIL in stimmy checks...but took back $2.5TRIL with inflation; and there was $5TRIL in total stimmy packages...where'd that go? Three packages were funded by Congress and signed by presidents...$2.2TRIL package signed by Trump Mar2020, $900BIL signed by Trump Dec 2020, $1.9TRIL signed by Biden. Both Harris AND Trump's proposed spending plans will add trillions of dollars to the national debt (estimated: Harris $4TRil additional debt and Trump adds $8TRIL to debt).

- As a corollary, Trump increased funding from $4.1 TRIL to $7.2TRIL in his last term while Obama increased $3.6 TRIL to $4.0TRIL over his 8 years. Trump did far worse as far as centralization of power and aggrandizement of Government and government expenditure and deficit. But, again, this was/is a tag-team effort. Republicans have increased budgets then Democrats come in and pervert the programs. Rep and Dem have worked together to destroy many foundational pillars of the nation over the past 75+ years.

- Probably most pertinent to this audience, Trump gave us Warp Speed responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people. Yes, yes, I know the arguments….e.g. ” Trump trusted his people and they lied and betrayed him…he’s learned.” Sorry, when you’re in charge you don’t get to blame your subordinates. This is cowardice. And it’s a bit naive to believe Trump was then…and is now…an uniformed, innocent bystander.

- Trump is a Las Vegas/New York investment insider and knows how to play the game and play people and people have been played. Again, as hinted at above, he's in bed with big tech, big money insiders Musk, Thiel, Dimon, Fink and other neocon globalists championing abominable things such as "security through surveillance,” neuralink, facial recognition, CBDC, etc.

This is from his last term. If the past is a predictor of the future, and there is absolutely nothing to indicate anything has changed in this regard…actually just the opposite….standby for what’s to come this round.

At any rate, thank you for taking time to respond. This is an important issue for us all. Please do not read an emotion into my response that isn’t there…respectful passion, yes, anger, no. People want to believe they made the right choice. I believe did not but it’s irrelevant now and we have to deal with the consequences. Perhaps things will be different this round. I hope so. If they are, it will not be due to Trump’s past performance. Also, this is nothing to do with being “smart enough” and everything to do with objective, informed inquiry over speculative neglect. Hacking through the morass of psyop messaging is hard, it takes time, and reflective discernment….regardless of who’s propagating the messaging…Biden, Harris, Trump, Musk, etc, etc.. People are busy eking out a living. So, I reiterate, and I choose my word with reflection, consideration, and care… Trump was a MISERASBLE (caps for emphasis not yelling) failure.

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I don't understand how you have the information that would allow you to accurately conclude why the vast majority of voters voted for Trump.

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Apologize, again, upfront for a long-ish answer to your short statement. So, fair enough, I suppose. Neither is there information to accurately conclude that what I deduce above was not the case. Likewise, I would say the vote was also primarily an emotionally driven event for those that voted for Biden over Trump in 2020, or Trump over Biden in 2020, or for Harris over Trump in 2024, or, as I postulate above, Trump over Harris in 2024.

But, having said that, I imagine we could surmise that everyone…all 155 MIL+/- 2024 general election voters…sat down, pulled together all the resources readily available on candidate job qualification merits and rationally, calmly, and without emotion or prejudice weighed the positives and negatives of each candidate…first in the primaries then in the general election…and cast a rational, unemotional vote which was not influenced by social media, mainstream media, podcasts of choice, etc. I suppose we could conclude this was the case. I choose to believe that is naive, but neither can I “prove,” or “accurately conclude” (not 100% sure what this really means), this was not the case any more than someone else can “prove” it was the case. Perhaps it’s somewhere in the middle(?) I don’t think even that is possible.

Hence, I think it is worthwhile to come to some sort of conclusion before everyone moves on. Even if we knew with scientific method accuracy why people voted the way they did we’d still be left with “so what?...it is what it is.” So, we’re left with anecdotal evidence, general observation both in our immediate sphere of family, work, daily interactions as well as observing the wider culture through social media, mainstream media, etc. etc. We have hints and indicators that run the gamut such as https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/09/09/issues-and-the-2024-election/ to the viral nature of “LET’S GO BRANDON.”

I think there’s enough information to give us a general sense of things but definitely not “scientific method” accurate. That said, I’ll give you; it is human nature to surround ourselves with influencers with which we agree, and which reinforce our preconceptions. It is hard to listen to someone that is presenting a case that is diametrically opposed to our position…especially when that person or persons are expressing that position with emotional rhetoric—rational or irrational. Usually, we end up yelling back at the listening device and “arguing” with them. It’s like when a driver cuts us off and we “yell” at them angrily…as if they can hear us…which they can’t…but it makes us feel better and we move merrily along with a “I guess I told them what for!” Not.

Also, we, most of us anyway, long to hear what “experts” say then judge what they say based upon our guiding worldview. There is a place for that for sure. Dr. Malone, in fact, represents one of those specialists in whom I trust. These people have credentials, etc, etc that we regard as important. But most of us are just normal, ordinary people with no credentialing letters on our signature blocks especially related to any given subject. Most only have our own life experiences from which to pull our “expertise.” We take those life experiences and try to use them to help guide us through the maze the “experts” create hoping, with varying degrees of confidence, there is a piece of proverbial cheese we can sink our teeth into and trust if we can just navigate things correctly. This leads me to one last point.

Ultimately, all roads in this discussion lead to one, foundational, issue: Religion. Each and every human being makes judgements and decisions…to include casting votes…based on how they view the consequences of those decisions through the religious lens through which they judge things. All decisions and choices in each sphere of life….individual choices, family governance choices, and civil government (local, state, and federal) choices…are rooted in a religious worldview. Christian, Islam, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist, take your pick, the list is long. But, that’s for another discussion. At any rate, as far as I know, the information I have is only as accurate as any other ordinary person might have and I have a conclusion based upon those data such as it is. You, me, we all must form our own conclusions on why people voted for Trump or Harris. Until something better comes along, my conclusions are what they are. It’s 2025 and like I said, it’s a bit irrelevant and OBE now. Let’s watch what happens. Happy New Year. I hope it’s a good one.

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I suspect the real question is not, is Trump smart enough? Do we have enough of the Republican Party willing to support Trump so significant change can take place? Will those who put Trump in office stick with him when all hell breaks loose? Can the team he has put together stay unified and focused or will Petty differences defeat the effort? Last time around the answer to these questions was “NO”.

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Amen! I am beginning to wonder if the writer has heard Teddy Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena."

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Thank you.

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I do believe this collection of "funnies" is one of your most thought provoking in a long time! But the "putting the 2 year old to bed" caused me to actually laugh out loud and bring back memories of my one child who behaved exactly this way! And, You know, where ARE the drones and what exactly were they? Are we ever to find out?

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People a lot more in the know than I am say they are military drones looking for radioactive material of some kind that was snuck into the country.

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The fact that that explanation has been disavowed by the authorities makes it all the more likely.

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Do we really want to?

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I just told my husband, Jimmy Carter was in way over his head as POTUS, but he was a good man. Joe Biden was the worst president in my lifetime and to top it off he is a vile, hate filled man who sold out his country for a few pieces of silver.

I am a southern born and raised woman and I found the Trish video hilarious. Joe Biden, well bless his heart.

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Obama legalized propaganda. FAKE NEWS rules. Trump needs to fix this. My book Invisible Treason -- it was #1 New Book on Amazon when it came out -- discusses this.


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The guy who needs to take a bullet for the country is the talking biracial magpie himself.

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Oh my gosh, the Sunday strip was 🔥today! I kept annoying my husband making him look. And the video clip! She’s brilliant!🤣

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Your search results for drones cracked me up! I tried a search a couple of days ago and all I could find were results from 7 days before. There is no current drone news. It just disappeared from mainstream. Poof! As if it never happened! Last I heard, the U.S. Military (Air Force and Navy) have been ordered to stand down. I have a couple of sources that keep me up on what's really happening and why, but it's certainly not mainstream info. I trust it though.

I don't think you have to be rich to set up homesteading, but it sure would help to make it more doable. Plus, you'd need a lot of help, help which is not available to me where I am. I could homestead, but I can't do it alone, and no one around me seems to be interested in doing it or helping me with it. And I'm in RURAL KENTUCKY! I do what I can handle on a very small scale. I know how to grow my own food, and I know a lot about edible and medicinal wild plants. In general. I think homesteading is catching on...a movement, if you will.

Hmm. The memes about children make me wonder how things went over the holidays with your grandchildren there. Lol!

All we can do now, is watch and wait for things to unfold.

Happy New Year everyone! Let's make it a good one! Carry on!

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To H1-B be, or not H1-B ,

that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of criticism

for exploitation to gain outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep;


For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,

The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,

The insolence of office, and the spurns

That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make

With a bare bodkin?

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I really believe Trump will do a better job this time, but we need miracles.

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BTW, the RAINBOW flag toon shown today originated some years ago- as the "RAINBOW COALITION" Flag created by Council on Foreign Relations member - JESSE JACKSON.

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OMG 😂, Jimmy Carter still being in the Senate, if he was a Senator is so on point in today's Congress! Congress is truely a nursing home!

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BTW he passed today.

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Thank you, I saw after posted.

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