I watched this last night when you posted in on Telegram (or someone did). As always, thank you for the tireless work you and your wife continue to do...despite the punchings from both sides. I'm hoping to make it to come support the cause in Florida next weekend.

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Thanks. Only I do not have a telegram channel. Only fan channels. I do not do telegram, just so that you know.

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Ugh...that feels creepy.


Imitation is the greatest form of flattery 🤨?

Or the creepiest...🤔

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It’s hard to keep track of who posts on what platform...Yeadon is only on Telegram, but you aren’t. McCullough is hacked so much I’ve given up trying to follow. Geert I follow on his site. Jessica--->substack. Kirsch is somehow everywhere ....🤪

At least we all know that nobody who’s anybody is on Twitter 😂

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That's not actually true about twitter. I believe Aaron Kheriarty, Ryan Cole, Jay Battacharya, Jennifer Margulis all post on twitter. I believe they do so to try to reach a wider audience and I appreciate their doing this. I am so grateful to our doctor heroes including most especially Drs. Robert and Jill Malone.

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Yes, I know Twitter hasn't banned everyone worth listening to [yet]...I was just being cheeky. Seems like everything is racket right now and I was just making a (albeit poorly executed) joke.

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Ah, Sarah, got it now. It's weird in this always non audio context in which we find ourselves with other like minded people it's hard sometimes to realize that something is a joke. Because I couldn't hear your tone of voice or see your face. And so I wanted to lift up these other hero doctors that managed to stay.

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Fake accounts is a big problem with Telegram and Telegram seemingly does nothing to address it. I use Telegram but its failure even to attempt to stop fake accounts eventually may be the reason I give up on it. I'm aware Telegram has a mechanism it touts for reporting fraudulent accounts. As far as I can tell, however, that mechanism is itself a fraud. I've never seen any evidence that Telegram does anything when it gets a report about a fraudulent account. It doesn't even acknowledge receipt of reports.

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Agreed. It's super aggravating (as my phone dings with a telegram message from Dr Robert Malone- no kidding). I can find almost everyone on Substack and Rumble anyway, with the exception of Dr Yeadon. I started on Telegram in a chat group with my relatives that haven't lost their minds....it was one of my only open dialogue spaces....and it snowballed from there. It's a slippery slope...but I feel like i'm reaching the end of doing anything other than my family chat there.

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Are you secretly that nice young lady "Phenom" What'sherface?

Asking for a friend. Or at least she says he is. Haha

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That is creepy for sure. Thanks for that link, I don't do any except for Rumble. I subscribe to Dr. Malone, did Alex B for a while until his attack on Dr. M. I have seen Stew Peters a handful of times, heard where he dissed Dr. M, was done even looking. I will say CTH with Sundance I read and support. Huge respect for Dr. Malone and Jill. Will add, am so proud Dr. M pronounced "Toronto" like us Canucks that live here, no biggy but still put a smile on my face. Sorry I went on. Cheers.

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I see no boundry. The integrity of human life is under seige! Medical mad men want to reprogram the DNA of humans and improve on God's design. Not possible. If the atomic bomb doesn't get us in the near future and the world is not incinerated, the continued bio DNA experimentation will end humanity in the near future. Big Pharma needs to be reined in and we need to hold them accountable.

For those interested in learning about Death by Medicine, go to my article: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/death-by-medicine

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I'm hopeful. Very recently Robert Roos, an MEP posted a video on his twitter where a pfizer exec admits no research was done with regards to transmission. The truth is slowly coming out.


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I do think the ??? that have formulated these attacks on our world have aspirations beyond the medical issues. They seem to want such transhumans as will continue to exist transformed to better meet their "needs" as compared to improving God's design.

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How did you get caught up in this?

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Do you think they don’t care.or they just can’t believe such a thing is happening, & they think you are a nut? I’m certainly not saying that you are, it’s just a question.

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The boundary Dr. Malone is specifically talking about here is the point at which those who refuse to see will finally decide to open their eyes, look - and act. He's not talking about his personal boundary nor a general boundary re the shot itself, that particular boundary he has always made very clear since shortly after his own "vaccine" shots - and that is that it should not be for anyone at all and is dangerous.

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Unfortunately, they are drowning in fear and will not stop their child from getting injected. We need to stop the injections once and for all. WE need authoritative figures around the world to ban together and speak up. We are going down the wrong road in medicine, and it is being pushed carelessly because they believe they can use it for a drug delivery system. The only valid use is to fix genetic defect diseases which has to be done with great caution.

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Completely agree. But, based on the numbers of children given the shot so far compared to population I think more parents have opened their eyes than many imagine.

But yes, to save all ages the toxic shots just be stopped entirely. Then honest studies need to be done to determine how much of the adverse events were caused solely by the mRNA itself vs the toxic spike protein.

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There is an effort to divide us, for certain. I'm looking forward to watching your talk. I think that gathering around the children is a perfect line to draw.

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Hi, I love your articles, especially the ones about medical matters. Please let me know if you would like to hire me on as a proof-reader. I would not charge any money, just do it for the love of proof-reading. Lately I have seen the title of the movie referred to as "Uniformed Consent" several times. I believe its correct name is "Uninformed Consent" ... that is, un + informed, rather than "uniformed" which implies a uniform. It drives me a bit crazy to see typos, especially in the titles of things that people will seek to find and need to know how to spell.

As I said, the offer stands. I used to work as a copy editor, and I am good at spotting typos.

Otherwise, please keep doing what you are doing, Dr. Malone! And I totally agree with your statement about the importance of staying undivided in the medical truth movement.

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I too, am a typo recognizer. It just happens naturally, unless I am asked to review a paper. It then leaps into full mode; commas, sentence structure and content. This is from a high school educated person, who just can't help it...

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I completely agree. United we MUST stand and not let little differences get in the way. Dr. Trozzi very recently posted a similar message.

I follow Dr. Bridle on substack as well. He is a true scientist, one that reminds us of who a scientist is and what makes him great!

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As always, I commend you for your integrity, courage and rationality. You and other doctors like you are heroes in my book. Your messages are always enlightening.

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Divide and Conquer is/was always a tactic of the cabal. We have to stay together!

Gladiator - (Not related to the group Lockingshields.) 1:25 min https://youtu.be/LWRfWr65rlg

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Very inspiring clip!

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Just found the information from my Vienna Bar Association in my mailbox and thought you might be interested: The adopted 8th sanctions package of the EU is directly applicable in all member states (including Austria who should be neutral by its constitution) and now also includes a ban on legal services to clients not on a sanctions list, i.e. a ban on directly or indirectly providing services in the areas of providing legal services to the government of Russia or legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia. The main exceptions are humanitarian purposes and court proceedings.

This is all so inhuman and unfair...

I really need your article now. Your articles always give me hope and energy! Thank you so much!

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Leben Sie in Oesterreich? Es ist moeglich Telegraph oder Substack zu lesen oder sind Sie blockiert?

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Ja, ich kann es lesen.

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Sind Sie in Oesterreuch? Koennen Sie Telegram oder Substack bekommen auf Ihren Laptop?

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Thank you, as always. I really appreciate your telling the condensed journey of your mRNA invention, how Merck sat on it, and then the CIA/DARPA picked it up. Its good you mentioned InQTel as very, very few people seem to know that the CIA has a Venture Capital operation. This ties into your recent discussion of Cyber Warfare and that InQTel has had a hand in many of the most influential Internet and Social Media companies.

Ultimately, technologies (including mRNA vaccines!) are not inherently Good or Evil, but like any tool or weapon, it depends on its user to assert those values. Sadly, Human Nature has resulted in many promising technologies to ultimately be used against Humanity.

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I found out that my daughter is PG with our first grand child. Expect June delivery.

That intensifies the way we look at "delivery"!


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"uninformed" not "uniformed". Just a small nit.

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I listened to this on GETTR last. It was so good I listened to it again.

The children are so hooked on social media . They hear the messages on social media telling them they are not good enough. Trying to confuse them.

This transgender problem is definitely a way to mutilate our children. To stop having babies. So terrible.

We need to talk to our children. Make sure they know they can come to you for answers to their questions. Spend time with your children away from electronics.

These shots are just another way to destroy the younger generation.

The family is the strongest unit. The Big Bad Dudes are trying to destroy the family unit. Stand strong. Thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill for your tireless fight for right.

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HI DR. M: I watched UNINFORMED CONSENT 2 or 3 weeks ago, and it was devastating to absorb. It was hard to hold back the tears, and also difficult to control my anger at "governments" who would do things like this to their citizens. But then, you're pretty familiar, yourself, with being "attacked" by those you thought were on your (our) side. God bless, and NEVER STOP RESISTING!!

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Thank you for continuing to fight for all of us, especially for our children.

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Dr. Malone:

Thank you for this. Watched the movie and found it informative, particularly to hear how things have gone down across the border in Canada.

In the interview of you, you indicate that while you recognize that there is an agenda being orchestrated or implemented globally. You note that it is not yet clear to you what is the motivator or the actual goals.

Your concession of this point is important and CRITICAL going forward. While many are focused on the vaccine and the pandemic, it is important to pause and reflect.....

What role was the pandemic perhaps designed to play and why? They all seem to have their talking points? Yes?

What have been the effects of the horrid medical advice and public health policies like lockdowns, medicine practiced by "protocols", witch hunts, impact to economy, loss of jobs, transfer of wealth within classes, etc.? Is our current day society recognizable compared to three years ago? In what ways has it changed? How have people changed? What has the fear allowed?

While we are busy focused on the 'health freedom movement' have we considered what the left hand is doing while the right hand is busy flicking us in the nose relative to COVID and the vaccines?

Here's the thing....What they hope to usher in.....and it fits with all the crazy pieces of the puzzle....is a global form of governance that runs on social impact markets. That is, all things---Internet of things----will be of value....because they can be measured, and therefore they can drive markets....even air we breath, water, land, etc. Then there is us---consider the internet of bodies----and the drive towards working on us hackable animals to make us do "the right thing" according to the data and algorithms.

Consider....we currently pay for our government with taxes. What happens when technology and automation make it so that we no longer have to work? How do we fund our governance? They are working towards a new financial system and towards a new governance system. They claim it will be equitable and that we will own nothing and be happy.

But the rub lies in the fact that we will also lose our privacy, independence and free will. Why would we trust those who have built their careers on maximizing their returns on the labor and backs of others to create a system that they maintain puts us all on equal footing. One only needs to note that when they talk about global warming in Davos, they have all arrived there by private jet as they tell the world that our fossil fuel vehicles must be retired.

They are narcissists that think they can rule the world and the human race with technology. And they do not want to only control the masses....they want to engineer our evolution. That is where you get into the transhumanism and cyborg stuff.

For now, I say this with respect, the battle is....NOT the vaccine (that is important...I know as well as many, given that it killed my mother)....the battle is what the vaccine has done and what the coordinated solution will end up being. We must begin to educate people around the social impact markets....it is critical. We are losing valuable time as we are strung along with all things COVID.

Think of it as they created a problem with a solution in mind. It is what high paid consultants often do....define a problem and sell the solution!

Please take a look at the following blog....while it can be hard to keep up with references and much of the research, know that this woman has been tracking and researching since as early as 2017. She was very focused on education and the vulnerable among us being placed on "pay for success" plans . Look at the things that got her attention at that time.....then reflect on what I have said above.

To your point about "THE CHILDREN" being the ones we must protect....I could not agree more. You will see from Alison's reseach that is is very much the children they are after....the plan is to track and trace from cradle to grave and to nudge and train, and manipulate for betterment of whatever they determine to be society's goals as they pursue their madman plans of being godlike in their ability to replicate the natural and divine world, life force.

I know others, like Alison, that have been watching the financial side of things for some time and who agree that the purpose of the pandemic is to demolish society as we know it so the WEF/UN elites can, as they are fond of saying "Build Back Better." However, as we have learned from the pandemic and the likes of Trudeau.....these narcissistic globalists think that the ends justify the means. Given that they have been willing to kill, maim, starve, and threaten people to surrender and comply to their wishes should given us plenty of reason to fight their agenda.

As your interviewee and you said....something in your gut tells you it is wrong.

Man is not meant to be programmed and a commodity....please consider doing some research on the social impact markets and smart cities that they see as the hold grail of the future (I can connect you to people who have a better understanding than me). The remaking of the financial systems is the key to understanding why we have all been subjected to this seeming global script of the WEF elite types. That is why they have sought to get the digital ID and digital currency. They need that for the blockchain that will be used to constitute and contain our "value."

I expect it will help explain to people why we need to be wary when they suddenly say they want to make amends for those harmed by the vaccine and move on. The question is what would they have us move onto?

Note....Biden has MIT working on digital currency.

Here's the Blog.....called "wrench in the gears" by Alison McDowell

She knew from the outset when the lockdowns went into effect and the 5G was going up in her neighborhood that it was just the beginning.


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