
I meant to also add this little doozy of a new story.


Lots of chatter about the BLM being funded by the CCP - it will be interesting if that gets pinned down.

Candace Owens documentary almost get there- but it is soft evidence. Bottom line, did the CCP fund BLM and to what extent?

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So what entity is funding the whole trans and multigender phenomenon with all its concomitant emblems and fashion trends? It isn't a natural phenomenon at this base rate, and rate of growth. If not CCP, who and why?

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Look up Tucker Carlson's interview with Curtis Yarvin. He lays out a compelling description of the power structure dominating the western world.

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Read the Naked Communist


It will answer those questions, and answer questions you didn't know to ask.

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Watch Kara Dansky with M. Peterson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcztAjqcwfo Ms. Dansky gives whole lot of information about the Styker corp. and it is true. Look up how they infiltrated nursing.

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Remember when sowing dissention in the USA was election interference that allowed the Russians to hijack our elections?


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For a while there Russia could have been, if not our friend, at least not our adversary. Biden and the DNC throwing arms and money at Ukraine has pretty much fixed it so that will never be the case. Could this be a setup? Maybe.

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Make Russia Great Again is still allies with MAGA, and Donald and Putin are secret allies. That doesn't include the USA because the USA is run by a bunch of traitors and Presidential qabal transpedos.

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Yeah it sure seems like they're trying as hard as they can to create a Russia/China team-up. Even if it's them against the world, I don't really like our chances considering half of 'us' are working for them already.

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You are SO right.

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Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper headline a few days ago in Atlanta, GA: Soros gave Stacey Abrams, Democrat running for Governor, 1,000,000! Maybe it really came from the CCP! I believe very Little of what I read or hear from MSM!!!

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https://sonar21.com/why-were-ukrainian-nazis-in-the-u-s-capitol-on-january-6/ I am still waiting on what Ukraine was doing with the CIA/FBI on J6.

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I saw this news too awhile ago. Crickets. This connects a lot of other dots.

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Just like the bio weapon labs that Putin managed to incinerate in Ukraine, which allowed the world to avoid another mass weapon deployment in 2022. Crickets.

I suspect this was another version of a Nuland Soros color revolution false flag attack. Back in 2014 Maidan Ukraine, the protesters and the police were both shot to death by snipers. These snipers were not found and nobody even leaked their identities years later after the fact. More information came out that these snipers were foreign mercenaries hired by Nuland and Soros money, to overthrow the Ukrainian government and put them firmly into the Natostan IMF pocket.

False flags, CIA ops, sounds familiar to Americans yet?

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That's an interesting dot to connect. I think some are learning, but the magnitude and scale of the lies and theater too much for most to keep up with.

The first set of evidence that Russia's foreign minister brought to the UN Security Council after the start of the Special Military Operation requested an investigation and recognition of the problem of biolabs. The complaint named American university involvement in biolabs in Eastern Ukraine and evidence of experimentation on the population and ecosystems there. More crickets, more weapons and billions sent to Ukraine.

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Saudi Arabia, Brazil, India, China even, all understand the threat of world wide indiscriminate release of biological weapons. It is just something of a self survival issue, really. Since these labs are funded and run by US friendly places, that means they portray any push against NATOstan or US friendly places, as invasion and aggression.

Perhaps Russia has had to tip toe in Ukraine so slowly because they don't want their allies to think Russia is bsing em on the weapon threat and using it as an excuse for a war of conquest. Russian exotic weapons can destroy all NATO command centers, with no advance warning due to HVMs. As was done at the foreign mercenary FOB in Ukraine, that shocked so many mercs out of Ukraine early on in the war. Hundreds died and several dozens of millions of worth of military equipment was destroyed, with no warning whatsoever to NATO's anti missile defense and radar.

All that jaw jaw about "no fly zones" went out the window. What they did to Saddam and Qaddafi, they could not do to Putin.

"I think some are learning, but the magnitude and scale of the lies and theater too much for most to keep up with."

Spending much of my youth playing games like Crusader Kings 2 and real time strategy games or turn based strategy games, this doesn't feel too much for me to keep up with. In fact, the rate of the collective is merely catching up to what I've gone through. There is still much much more to discover.

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Indeed, the alliances being formed with Russia aren't just about common baskets of commodities backing their currencies or going off petrodollars. It is releasing themselves from NATOstan as you put it, and protection from all the bioweapons and many other exotic threats.

I think what you describe about Russian exotic weapons is happening now, surgically targeting key sites in Western Ukraine.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In reality, if it weren’t for US capital and traitors/whores in big business & big government , China would be the same broke backwater country it was 3 decades ago. A free & prosperous USA has nothing to fear from Godless thieves. The answer here isn’t to fear China, but take our country back from the looters & parasites that created this mess.

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China is suffering a population problem that is only going to get worse as time goes on. The population decline is going to be fast & steep. The question is what drastic measures will China take to try to mitigate this.

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It's not just a population problem, it's about land. China is big but most of it is not farmable. That they are allowed buy up American land is an abomination if not treason. Not to mention they have no clue how to manage resources - case in point - the snow crab shortage in Alaska looks very much like Chinese over harvesting.

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Yes, sorry that I just saw this comment, I agree.

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THe DS plan was to favor China as totalitarian policies are easier there. During the pop reset, Euro and USA was supposed to lose a few billion, that would create "sustainable" economies, as per Georgia Guidestones. Thus they gave orders to the Rockefellers and the ROckefellers told CLintons to give tech to CHina. That's why it looks like that.

China is bigger than the United States. It is an entire continent just like Russia is. Thus labeling Chinas as one thing would be like labeling USA as a banana republic. Parts of it is, but Florida is not.

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Next level truth. Well done Dr. Malone.

If you question one single word of Dr. Malone's article, this book is a must read.

The Naked Communist. This book was written in 1963 by a former FBI agent.


He discusses the 45 goals of communism. One of the most misunderstood beliefs about Karl Marx is that he was an atheist. Not true. He used to "believe in God", but then he became deceived when he realized that he could not be God. Upon coming to this realization, he came to HATE GOD. He wrote in his writing that he hated God and would do everything in his power to punish God by taking as many people to hell with him as possible. Communism is not an atheist (as defined as not believing in God) religion. Communism is a satanic religion where the adherents believe they can be God. This is the Luciferian deception. One of the titles of satan is "King over the Children of Pride." Satan is causing people to believe the same lie he told Eve in the garden. The snake said to Eve, "If you listen to me, you can be like God."

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Solzhenitsyn provided the evidence and clues tying Bolshevism to the current KHazarian conflict in Ukraine. The Ashkenazi's were the Khazarian lines that converted. They are not of the line of the House of Israel, except by inter marriage with Sephardic Jews.

Solzhenitsyn directly attributed the super majority of Bolsheviks to these Jews, aka the Ashkenazi Jews aka the Khazarians. https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html

Stalin's Jews, aka the NKVD, also factored in.

So this is an ironic time for this topic as Ye is being portrayed as crazy, just like they did with Donald and Putin when they have no real arguments.


The opening chapters of this book is not officially translated into English. And no wonder. Read the first chapter to see why.

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I have read that there is a Chinese police station in NYC!

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Yep - I have read that too!

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Lots in Canada. The CCP even meddled in our last election to make sure the CCP loving Trudeau got it.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We won’t have to worry about China if the gain of function virus that Boston University created that combines the Covid virus with the Omicron virus has an 80% kill rate and it Escapes from the Lab!

The Mad medical Man trying to improve on God‘s design is going to destroy humanity! We need to stop this madness now!

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Read the Georgia Guidestones before it was blown up.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

If it was blown up how can I read them? give me more direction!

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The writings were recorded on wikipedia and various articles. It was blown up at 4 am, 03 minutes and 33 second. There was a timer on the video from the cctv cameras.

Repeating digits are often something angels and secret societies like to use due to gematria.

The inscription read:[2][23]

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

Unite humanity with a living new language.

Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

Balance personal rights with social duties.

Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

*These can be analyzed as warnings or perhaps a religious monument adopted by the qabal. This is essentially a kind of eugenics 4th Reich theme, which is adopted by the davos qabal because they are the 4th Reich.

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The Georgia Guidestones were erected 42 years ago. There are thousands of Internet articles still available. Try doing a Google search of "Georgia Guidestones commandments).

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Only guy you didn't mention was DeSantis. Dude is not only right on CCP and Covidland, he governed Florida that way, didn't just tweet or give interviews. I hope he's not a neoconservative on UKR... time will tell. But so far, I'm loving his "individual freedom" platform.

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Let's compare the ACTIONS of the US version the CCP. Which one has overthrown over 80 governments, most of them democratically elected, since WW2? Which one has 800 military bases all over the world? Which one is continually saber rattling? Which one believes in "Manifest Destiny" and "Exceptionalism"?

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Hi Linda, hope all is well. You have valid points. The answers to your questions are complicated.

If I give someone a hammer, it is not the fault of the hammer if it is used for bad. The hammer can be used for good or evil. Good people have used America for good, and evil people have used America for evil.

1776 America is exceptional. 1776 America defeated slavery. 1776 America saved us from German imperialism in WW1. 1776 America saved us from Nazi and Japanese imperialism in WW2. 1776 America has been a greater force for good and freedom than any country in history.

Canadians have no clue they are free because of the blood spilled by America. Canada would be a Soviet Communist state if it were not for America.

You MUST read the Naked Communist.


When you read the Naked Communist, you will understand how socialism/communism has infected the healthy host of the 1776 United States.

I agree with you the overthrow of 80 governments is wrong. I am sure that around the world, many people are confused by the United States. The things the USA does communicates schizophrenia. They make completely different policy changes with each new government.

Wars during Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Biden - AND NO WARS DURING TRUMP. The US signed a treaty with Russia not to expand NATO, and then breaks the treaty by expanding NATO, and then they pretend they don't know why Russia attacks. The US convincing Ukraine to give up all its nuclear weapons, in return for protection from the United States, then does nothing when Russia attacks Crimea.

Don't you find it odd that Putin attacked Crimea during Obama, then waited 5 years until a Democrat was back in the White House before he attacked Ukraine again?

This is all a result of communist ideology within the US government.

They hate America because America is the only thing standing between Communism enslaving the entire world. Trump didn't do any saber rattling when he was in power. Instead, he brokered 5 peace deals between Israel and Muslim nations.

The Communist Party of America ran a candidate from 1919 until 1945. This is the year they stopped running candidates. After 30 years, they stopped running candidates all of a sudden. WHY? Because when FDR signed the treaty with Stalin - they realized the Democratic party was the Trojan Horse they needed to infect and destroy America. The Communist Party simply changed their strategy to completely take over the Democratic Party. If you don't believe it, just look at the BLM manifesto. BLM is the 2022 version of the KKK. The KKK was the militant arm of the Democratic party. When the KKK became unfashionable, they had to reinvent themselves. BLM blatantly lists out all the same Marxist goals of communism in their manifesto. Pelosi, Schumer, Mad Maxine Watters and her ilk call upon BLM to cause riots to achieve their goals.

Yes, I agree - the United States has made BIG errors. But to compare the USA to the CCP? The USA does not have concentration camps for Muslim Uigurs, Christians, and Falun Gong practitioners. The USA does not kill live people and harvest their organs. The USA is the number one destination for people fleeing communism. If the USA was so evil, racist, bigoted, homophobic and patriarchal, then why are all the caravans headed to America?

It is because they know the truth.

Why don't all the woke, insane liberal Hollywood sycophants - that rail against the USA and kneel for the flag and the anthem - LEAVE THE USA? Oh, they threaten, but they never follow through. It is because they are pathetic, ungrateful, self-righteous, trolling, virtue signaling hypocrites. They know darn well they would never have the opportunities for the life they have without the USA. Not always, BUT THE VAST MAJORITY of the time, when the USA messes up, it is wicked people within the government using their influence to promote communism.

This is what it means to Make America Great Again. In order for America to become great again, she must become good again, and for starters that means stamping out socialism/communism.

To the degree that socialism/communism has infected the USA, this is to the degree it has strayed from its Exceptionalism.

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Before reading Linda Hagge's brave comment (and your response to it), I was afraid I'd be the only American to apply birdshit to the salad that is our foreign policy. Unlike China, America gets a new leader every four or eight years. Our last two presidents did everything in their power to undo what their predecessor had done.

With the power of Executive Orders, the occupant of the White House can do just about whatever unconstitutional and self-defeating action he, she, or it chooses to do.

We are dealing with the consequences of a CIA-initiated coup in Ukraine and a corrupt American government that is determined to protect the puppet regime of Zelensky and the money-laundering operation that is going on in Kiev.

America (and its partner-in-crime NATO) destroyed Yugoslavia and Libya, destabilizing Europe in the process. Now, the Biden administration is trying to remove Putin and establish another CIA-controlled government in Moscow.

The world has had enough of our corruption and criminality. More than half the world's population belongs to the BRICS and the domination of the USA over the world is ending.

We are leading the world with perversion and violence. Time marches on.

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NATO is very aggressive in destroying countries for a "defensive alliance"...

Did you know that Libya was ranked number 1 in Africa due to Qaddafi's efforts and local democratic counsels?

Qaddafi wanted to start his own gold backed currency. A big no no with European central banksters, IMF, and Natostan.

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Charles, you are so right. On a flight to Florida, I had the distinct privilege of sitting beside a former US Senator (Democrat) from Minnesota. Great conversation. He told me he had never met anyone that wasn't from America that knew so much about America. I am so grateful to the people of America for keeping Canada free. God bless the USA!

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One of my dreams is that the world of wonderful people that now are loosely forming under the banner of "health freedom" and the wonderful people who have worked for peace (example Friends Committee on Legislation-one of many) and against the imperialism of our country of the USA, and the many wonderful people who understand the dangers of our polluting, rapacious treatment of the earth and all life on earth, can find together one voice. That we can do everything to find the connection between these three disastrous prongs and do all we can to change our direction in relation to all three. For the sake of our children and all future life.........

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I wouldn't call it USA Imperialism. It is the 4th Reich, directly from the 3rd Reich due to America's absorption of so many SS Nazis via Operation Paperclip.

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"Don't you find it odd that Putin attacked Crimea during Obama, then waited 5 years until a Democrat was back in the White House before he attacked Ukraine again?"

Putin never attacked Crimea. They were lying to you.


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I will not answer everything, except to say that much of what you say in your comment is completely false. No one has "used" the US for bad. The US has used itself for bad. The US CHOSE to become an imperialist power. The country debated it for two years in the late 19th c., with many doing everything they could to prevent it. They lost. Those who wanted us to take over other countries to rape them of their resources, ignore their sovereignty and force them to bow down to our corporations won. We started with the Philippines. Saying things like "1776 America defeated slavery" makes you sound ignorant. This country was founded on slavery when the rest of the world was beginning to end it. One of the reasons this county rebelled against England was SO WE COULD CONTINUE to use the economic model of slavery. Why do you think England recruited slaves to fight against the colonists? Furthermore, the US did not save the world from "German imperialism" in WW1. WW1 was not at all about imperialism, but about bankers fomenting war to make the biggest profits--it was an insane war fought for no good reason. There was no "good" or "bad" side; both sides were stupid and venal. Finally, your claim about Trump is hilarious. It's true that Trump did not start new wars, but he sure didn't stop the old ones, and in fact made things worse in the Middle East. He complained about not being able to use nuclear weapons. He assassinated people. Come on. Biden and Obama were and are terrible, but Trump is little better.

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Donald gave orders to the MIC Neomccain warmongers to withdraw, but they refused to obey in Syria and Afghanistan.

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LOL--he ordered them to stay and take the oil. He bragged about taking the oil. FFS.

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Your information is inaccurate.

Do not laugh, the qabal is controlling your mind partially. Fight the power, first. Worry about Donald later.

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LOL. I'm not worried about Donald. He is a typical ignorant spoiled billionaire, but no better or worse than any other president owned and controlled by our security agencies. And as usual, surrounded by absolute monsters in positions of power as they all are.

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Have you forgotten about the Abraham Accords? Have you forgotten that President Trump moved America's embassy to Israel's capitol? Next month, Trump will receive an award in NYC for being "Israel's best friend".

Who did Trump assassinate?

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Soleimani, who was actually fighting Al Qaeda. Killing him did nothing but stir up more hatred for the US. Moving the capitol to Jerusalem (not the capitol, which is Tel Aviv), did nothing to achieve peace in the ME, but was a further provocation to all Muslims everywhere. It was a stupid stupid move.

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It is nice to live in a world where sincere individuals can sincerely disagree.

Can you name one country in the world besides Israel where the USA was afraid to put its embassy in the other nation's capital city?

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Jerusalem is not the internationally recognized capitol of Israel. Therefore, it was inappropriate for the US to move its embassy there. There was no fear involved. The capitol is Tel Aviv.

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The Iranian intel guy as far as I remember.

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https://ia803108.us.archive.org/2/items/200YearsTogether/200%20Years%20Together.pdf I recommend reading Solzhenitsyn's 200 years together. It explains a lot of the background for why the Khazarian conflict in Ukraine is popping up once again.

Nuland, Vindman, they are all connected to the Khazarian Ashkenazi line.

The Ashkenazi genome does not have an ace receptor for the Covid bio weapon to latch unto, btw.


THat is very convenient to have an engineered bio weapon that doesn't affect certain genomes as much.

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Last week, Hillsdale College sponsored a four-day seminar on Russia. The first lecturer, a professor from New York's Bard College specifically singled out Victoria Nuland as the person most responsible for the war in Ukraine. Vindman, of course, is a traitor to the United States and he was the actual "whistleblower" in the first attempted criminal removal of President Trump from the Oval Office.

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The FBI Mueller investigation was the impeachment salvo but then they had to come out and say they had nothing. This was the first impeachment, I recall. One day later, Vindman comes out with the second salvo. I wasn't looking at it as it happened, so I cannot say the events were exactly like that, but that is what I heard from Americans that were paying attention during those years.


Some more info and references.



My investigation skills do come in useful even in 2022.

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It is true that the FBI led the charge to illegally remove President Trump from office; but it was Vindman who listened to the phone call between Trump and Zelensky that resulted in the first impeachment. It is hard to keep track of all the timelines for the several attempted coups.

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Wondering why in Israel did they mass jab most of the population bc many were prob Ashkenazi?

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The state of Israel has combinations of Sephardic tribes, not just Khazarian lines. If the Ashkhenazis are immune, then fine, but if they die, they can blame it on China or USA, the goyim. A sacrifice is often made for them to get what they want, a holocaust.

Totalitarian states will destroy their own people, just to foment fear and hate towards an external enemy. Although this time, it won't work.

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Technically the United States, but I am old enough to remember hearing a President and former General warning about something he called the Military/Industrial complex on KDKA playing on the old tube type Motorola Radio on my family's dining room mantle. This juggernaut took over right after or maybe was birthed during the final days of World War II and was already a formidable enemy. The people have protested while giving up their sons and daughters to the war machine they created. It took decades for someone to almost accidentally be elected to start to shut down the war machine, but they and other allies including the CCP worked hard to shut him down. JRR Tolkien invented hobbits, the shire people, who represented the British people, but they could also represent the average American people. We the people don't want endless war and having been to DC a time or two including at least one brief introduction to the Military/Industrial complex Orcs of the 90s on their own turf. Suffice it to say they are not even close to being like us. So you are both right and wrong. Yes we the people allowed this to happen, but the Orcs are booth secretive and became quite powerful before the veil was lifted.

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Yes, Eisenhower warned us, but only after he himself had mightily contributed to the rise of the Deep State. Those were the days when the CIA actually ran things by the president, and Ike signed off on all of it, including the killing of Patrice Lamumba, whose only crime was seeking help for his country from someone the US did not approve of.

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Eisenhower was played by Majestic 12. He gave authority to declass UFO secrets to Maj 12 and Maj 12 went rogue, 4th Reich style via Operation Paperclip.

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THe MIC was taken over by the 4th Reich, due to Operation Paperclip taking in so many SS officers, giving them American surnames and witness protection, wiping their SS and war crime records, hiding Nazis from the Nuremburg court literally. Just like the CIA did for Ukrainian nazis.

The ones you refer to as "orcs" may simply be German descendants of the Nazis.

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First, you said "compare the ACTIONS" but I don't see any comparisons; I just see insinuating questions.

Second, manifest destiny and exceptionalism are BELIEFS, not ACTIONS.

Third, unless you are over 200 years old and have been living under a rock your entire life, "manifest destiny" is an exceptionally silly thing to mention in this context.

Finally, you say we should compare ACTIONS of the US versus the CCP. As the names suggest, however, the US is a country and the CCP is a political party. The only reason your suggested comparison makes any sense at all is because the CCP has seized total control of China, its host country. When we consider that China contains roughly one out of every five people on the planet, it is not difficult to imagine that the CCP might want to extend their control the other four out of five. And then drop the initial "C" in "the CCP".

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The CCP runs China, therefore they ACT for that country, just as globalist corporations run the US government. They are interchangeable. Has the CCP/China overthrown any governments lately? Have they violated the sovereignty of any governments? No. We have.

Ask Latin America if Manifest Destiny results in actions, or if it is just beliefs. The claim of Manifest Destiny is used as an excuse every single time we overthrow a Latin American country, and we've overthrown some as many as three times for not sufficiently bowing down to American corporations. We consider all of Latin America to be ours, and why? Manifest Destiny.

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The USA MIC, and thus NATO stan, are the military arm of the transpedo qabal, aka satanic dark state.

The CCP was going to be the next arm but things went awry for them.

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I take it you have had little first hand. experience with chinese xenophobia.

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LOL--OMG. Chinese xenophobia--would that be when Chinese people were attacking white people on the street? Oh wait, that was people in the US attacking Chinese people on the street.

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You Nailed it. However, if I was posed the question, I would say to the person asking this hypothetical question - if I choose America, "is Biden president or is Trump president?" LOL

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Are you serious? I wonder which country some of the Latin American countries we have overthrown up to three times would give the answer you expect? China offers them help; we offer them bullets. We have even overthrown the democratically elected governments of our ALLIES on occasion: Canada, Italy, Australia. Not excusing the CCP--they are doing some horrific things to their own people, but they are NOT going around taking over the world. We are.

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What's China doing in Africa?

oh, just investing in infrastructure...


"China is now Africa’s biggest trade partner, with Sino-African trade topping $200 billion per year. According to McKinsey, over 10,000 Chinese-owned firms are currently operating throughout the African continent, and the value of Chinese business there since 2005 amounts to more than $2 trillion, with $300 billion in investment currently on the table."

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Which would you rather have, a trade partner and investor, or someone who constantly funds the overturning of governments, insertion of despots, grabbing your resources, building military bases and bombing your people after fomenting misery and starvation? Hmmm--let me see....

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And incidentally, you have just told everyone here exactly who you are.

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I'm a 73 year old PhD and you are an ass.

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Okay, no country would choose to be "ruled" by any other country, whether it is the US or China. And they shouldn't have to, because countries have sovereignty, and if that sovereignty is violated then they should be able to fight back with deadly force. But if they do, we call them "terrorists."

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Yes, it's very simple, but FALSE. It's Sophie's choice--do you want us to kill your son or your daughter? The answer is, that is a false question. I'm not playing your game, because neither country has the right to rule another.

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I prefer that neither rule God's own children. If they try, they will be annihilated in the fire of chastisement.

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I am already done with u

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Hi David, Hope all is well. Pardon my ignorance. I do not understand what your comments mean.

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Hi David, thanks for your reply.

so I'm trying to understand. Are you saying...

"the God" of america is bad....

and "the god" of the CCP (satan) is bad?

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Greetings from an American misfit in Germany. My Ultraman light is blinking. I saw this just getting ready to go to bed. Sorry, I doughnut have the time or energy to find the link to an article (actually a few) that the Biden Administration. If that is a thing, blocked all folks working on chip manufacturing that they could lose their citizenship if they kept working in China for the production of chips. This is very disturbing. It gives even more incentive to China to move on Taiwan. This can only end in tears.

I saw this on Zero hedge, but I found the link, so you don't have to. https://yournews.com/2022/10/17/2434650/biden-forces-americans-working-in-chinas-semiconductor-industry-to-choose/

I am one tired Marine, and I hope to wake up to better news tomorrow. As the German saying goes "The hope dies last."

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thank you for your service. Sleep well.

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We're under assaults from all angles these days! It's bad enough that we have to deal with our own government, we also have to deal with the people who bought our government, too! And it's only a matter of time before they cancel Substack. We need to build up our networks before that happens.


Help us, Robbi-Dub-Maloni! You're our only hope!

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Also, great article above!

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This comment is getting framed and put on my wall.

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I am sure you also routinely download your email list from Substack. Building networks is critical - and when Substack goes, it will be hard to gain back that momentum.

Locals has potential as an alternative - but I haven't had the time to build out that platform.

I have friends trying to build out an alternative for medical freedom, but until platforms get censored - it is hard to get people to migrate to that new platform.

What do you suggest?

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I think the most important thing is getting people together in real-life settings and building 'regular' social networks outside the internet (while obviously also using the internet for meta-strategy and discussion). This is strategic but also selfishly beneficial: I have heard you talk about the power of face-to-face conversations and interactions in the past.

I know that you go around and talk to a lot of real people and have been building up these types of networks. Perhaps you could steer people toward their local leaders? Back in the Ron Paul days we used meetup.com but I feel like we should have something specific (and unthreatenable).

I mentioned in my article that there are people out there fighting alone. I think priority #1 is to find them and support them. I feel like you know A LOT of these people. Can you help connect them to the people who are able to support them? I have already heard from a fired teacher in Edmonds, WA and somebody looking for help turning his 'offline' meme ideas into actual digital files. I know there are thousands more out there who might not even know where to look.

Obviously you're incredibly busy and only one person, but perhaps we already unknowingly already have the assets to build these support networks and only have to connect the pieces? I'm envisioning a network of people who will show up to real-life school board mask meetings or vaccine mandate meetings or whatever else they need support for.

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People can find or create a local chapter of MAFA by signing up here: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Ours meets twice a month in person to discuss how we can support each other and push back as our liberties are challenged further.

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I comm. using Proton Mail. AFAIK this is the most secure email out there. Wondering if their platform has ability to expand with a new "app" for more substack-type use allow their high security level to accommodate our needs?

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This is far beyond my technical knowledge, I'm afraid. :/

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. . . maybe someone else out there in the ether will pick up that which we cannot manage!

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone nailed it. The CCP are vicious to their own people. American elitists becoming enriched by this Dance With The Devil are sacrificing future generations including their own grandchildren. The CCP hates Trump and how he rattled their cage and make no mistake that the American Deep State will sell their soul to sleep with the CCP!

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'd like to enlarge a bit on those comments by Sen. Hall, whom I admire greatly. That $300M contact tracing contract was attributable solely to our rino governor. It was to be given to a company founded by a man born and raised in India. Perhaps relevant because 5 members of the Texas Medical Board were also born, raised and received their medical training in India. That same board willing to punish docs for properly treating their china flu patients.

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Forgot to add that company had not the experience of tracing a single person, ever.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank god I have a very strong and verifiable experience of the "other side." I have experienced many occasions of contact with the dying and "dead" and some not so dead, and know beyond a shadow of doubt that we are all interconnected. Knowing the Greatness of the Force (some call God) is both personal and interpersonal. I will rely on this knowing to trust the outcome, no matter how rough the going gets. From what I am seeing and hearing it could really get very bleak. Then I will listen to Dance Monkey Dance and Rufus Wainwright sing Hallelujah.

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Anyone on TikTok needs to understand it's a weapon of neurological warfare. China has a different version of the app for its citizens because the version it sells to the West is intentionally designed to degrade the attention span, critical thinking skills, and morality:




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So correct. Cannot convince my son. Dispiriting

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Get him a crunchyroll subscription and get em hooked on anime. Tends to clear up a lot of other interests in entertainment vids.

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They rely on capturing the youth 😢

Watch the Moon videos I linked to and see which one may be most convincing to him and try to get him to watch it.

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First time observing—— so Ill 🤮😢

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Sorry :-(

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Needed YouTube 💯🙏🏼

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first the usa might want to stop being a terrorist organisation?

sabotaging the russian/german gas pipeline is nothing less than state terrorism.

and that is towards the countries of western europe the usa claims are allies and friends....

with friends like that who needs enemies?

the ccp is right: the usa are their number one enemy.

the usa in fact are the number one enemy for the whole world.

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Saddam Hussein also thought he was USA's friend and ally. He would fight Iran and get Kuwaitt, he thought...

Diem of Vietnam also thought he was USA's ally.... until CIA got him assassinated.

You see how being friends with USA is dangerous?

You want to end up like Qaddafi? Putin doesn't. India doesn't. China doesn't even. Brazil doesn't. Iran doesn't. Saudi Arabia does not.

Guess who the Shah of Iran thought he was friends with?

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Doc. You’ve done stirred up the pot alright.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nightmares don't end, it seems. i know we are dreaming but...come on man! :)

Remembering this article that I accidently found one day back in 2021 on New York Post! (I don't normally read N.Y. Post)


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