Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Three points stood out (among numerous others):

1) There was no plan for compensation for any of human subjects harmed by being test cases for these novel "vaccines;"

2) No one I know who got vaxxed was ever given information that equalled "informed consent;"

3) Every pregnant woman who got vaxxed was a pure test subject, as no test results on pregnant women were ever published before the vaxxes commenced.

The Declaration of Helsinki was completely disregarded during the pandemic of impending wealth, in my opinion. 😥

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I think the Declaration of Helsinki being disregarded is not particularly surprising. The covid "vaccine" program was put on a wartime footing from the beginning, with the National Security Council in charge of policy. The DOD was put in charge of operations; ordering, overseeing, and tightly managing the development, manufacture, and distribution of the products ordered.

Contracts with suppliers were written under special Other Transaction Authority rules. They do not refer to vaccines. They refer to prototypes and "countermeasures", which need not comply with US laws regarding transparency, oversight, or regulation under emergency conditions. It was stated specifically that the rollout of these products is not to be considered a trial for drug research.

As usual, war means that civilized behavior, as exemplified by the Declaration of Helsinki, can be abandoned.

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The war is against the people of Earth. The Helsinki Accords were not followed and the the fact that Pfizer wanted to withhold their "research documentation" from the public for 75 years says it all.

The testing of their mRNA "drug," or Bio-weapon as it has been referred to of late, did not include pregnant women and the results have been catastrophic.

The mandates by the government were thrown out of court as unconstitutional, yet many were forced to either get the jab or lose their jobs by corporations following the mandates.

We have no idea what the long term affects will be, however it's my opinion that they will not prove beneficial.

The total disregard of the Helsinki Accords underpins the need for Nuremberg 2.0 trials. These crimes cannot stand.

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All ethical standards were disregarded for this experiment. It wasn't even clearly stated that it was a trial. The definition of vaccine was altered to equate this to previous vaccines where a bit of the pathogen is injected. It was not clear this was a brand-new technology, never before used for this purpose. That was the first lie. I do not believe that because it was a military operation that they were absolved from ethical standards. This was, and continues to be a crime against humanity.

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Yes, they lied. Of course, many lower down in the medical establishment were fooled as well. Everything looked fairly normal on the surface, as the usual processes appeared to be followed. Turns out a lot of the data was faked or otherwise manipulated. The depth of this horror is now being revealed as people take a close look at information obtained through FOIA requests.

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That's exactly what was done to me. My noe public medical records ate a joke. Missing records. Records saying I got 2 Phizer shots in a State that is not true. Records I've never seen or had any discussion with these Doctors about. Records that are long gone. My Kindney was taken without my permission. Eggs were used ( not on me) without my knowledge or permission. How ironic the Video tapes of 2 "exploratory" surgeries were edited as if a child were learning " editing skills. And that was 1999. And let's not mention the "ear surgery" I had done to graph a perforated ear drum. Who was that Dr? And good Ole Dr. T after being exposed of what he was really doing to me during a pap smear. He was told he's not allowed to talk to me in public He was our Family Dr for years. Now my new and improved Dr doesn't know head from his ass. My Breast cancer Dr is "forgetting"what medication she is sending me home with. CHEMO/ HORMONES blockers. When she told me they were ETA blockers. And I getting go to the oncologist next month to take 5 weeks of radiation possibly more chemo. I had a Masectomy this month to avoid chemo. And I was sent home with these damn pills that are killing me. Can someone for the love of God please advise?

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My advise would be to find a Homeopathic or Naturopathic doctor to work with. IoNovo Iodine is a pure 150PPM iodine/distilled water, it will help to detoxify you. Dr. Joe Varon is a founding member of the FLCCC and he gives it to all patients with Covid, flu, cold and Strep Throat (1-3 days and they are symptom free). I would suggest taking at least 1000mcg/day and work with your doctor to get your body alkaline. They will tell you how to change your diet and advise you of different natural medicines.

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Your first point is well taken. The study I participated in did give us enough compensation to take note of and did some value added like trips, a yearly dinner, shoes to use walking. Incentives and atta persons do make some differences.

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Frightening how many women and their babies were harmed by this experiment. It should have nver been allowed. God for give them, I cannot comprehend the turn about on protecting pregnant women.

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“Just prior to the pandemic, the World Medical Association tried to update the declaration again.”

Fascinating intel, Robert. I’m sure the timing is just a coincidence 🤔

If they tried similar revisions today, I suspect there would be little to no resistance after three years of acclimatization to totalitarianism.

I touched on the Declaration of Helsinki in my letter to Ron Johnson (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-senator-ron-johnson) under #PutPeopleOverPharma. I proposed that it, the Nuremberg Code, and the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights be enshrined in a legally binding manner that prohibits experimentation on human beings without informed consent.

Unfortunately, as Ron told me when we spoke about my proposed legislation, “You know these are never going to pass, right?”

So how do we make these pretty words have bearing in reality? How do we use them to prosecute violators when they are flouted with impunity?

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I would be interested to know the text of the attempted edits....

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I haven't had a chance to read this, but it may be in the link Robert provided:


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Important journalism from Glenn Greenwald

Covid Origins: After Years of Crushing Dissent, Government Backtracks on Lab Leak Hypothesis | SYSTEM UPDATE #47


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Thank you so much! 👏🏼

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EXACTLY. How can each “test subject” recover against those bound by this Declaration? If nothing else, I would think, like breaking the speed limit, it would be strong evidence in all criminal and civil actions against medical defendants.

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"You know, these things are never going to pass, right?".... This statement is as much prophecy as it is political wisdom. Holy scripture is abundantly clear that perilous times shall come (peril being the THREAT of physical harm) upon the last days of this Age of Grace.

Even if our current crisis is nothing more than a precursor or wake-up call (and it is), then we must contend, or wrestle through spiritual means. Can't do that if we only see the secular landscape. To limit our vision by wearing blinders to the spiritual, we are guaranteed failure. For this same reasoning, our weapons cannot be carnal.

Study out 1 Cor 2, & Eph 6. Both chapters are exhaustive studies on the war in the heavenly realm being manifested in earth.

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Spot on, Timothy. The exclusion of the Spiritual from the scientific leaves science devoid of consciousness.

However, the times, they are a changin. There are numerous studies that demonstrate non-physical influences on physical subjects and objects. We do not hear much about these, as science and religion were split so many centuries ago. Each are bound to remain in their own lane.

Fortunately, there are many cutting edge scientists exploring the nexus of science and Spirituality. They are intricately entwined and of mutual benefit to us all.

God bless us all. He shows us the way if we choose look for it. We have to learn that there is a choice.

Secularism has been a curse on the development of a truly civilized and moral society. There is no moral compass in secularism. Spirituality provides us a moral compass with the words of God and Jesus.

As we come through this battle of Good v Evil, be joyful in knowing that God Wins. He already has.

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The scriptures DEFINES science at Daniel, ch1 in qualifying both the children of Hebrew elite and the Chaldeans (very significant):

Daniel 1:4 KJV — Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.

Then scripture shows the APPLICATION of science for our collective benefit:

1 Timothy 6:20 KJV — O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

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God has a great Judgement Seat we will all have to stand before and answer.. Seculrists gonna have a really rough time. No one is perfect. But these people are literally demonic. But - we who have read the BOOK know this.

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Amen to that reference!

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You can’t pass legislation that fixes the issue when the majority of the clowns in DC left and right are in the pockets of big Pharma!

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Some are clowns, many are communist. In this CowboyLogic Trevor picks one Senator to discuss. There are other videos Trevor has done on other people's sites. like on Rumble. I just purposed his two books.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sharing this document, Dr. Malone. No, it was not observed and adhered to. How do you hold a massive system accountable when the people involved have truly lost their moral compass? I no longer believe that those bent on evil will be swayed by appeals to ethical and moral personal character and responsibility. Ideological influence that has become cult-like and huge amounts of money used as either a reward/bribe or a stick are hard to overcome. Only mass civil disobedience in the face of tyranny is enough to wake up those who have been cowards. And, should that fail, greater conflagration WILL be the natural outcome. I fear that is the ultimate end-game, because then one becomes an enemy of the state and considered a combatant...'domestic terrorist' is a popular refrain. Sorry, I wish I were more hopeful.

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If it were binding, as Nuremberg, or the Hippocratic oath, most medical practitioners of today are guilty of crimes against humanity, as are most of the federal government of this nation, all the manufacturers of this poison they refer to as a vaccine, the state run media that produced hundreds of slick ads and hundreds of lies regarding those of us unvaccinated plebes, and justice will be done. But until we show up, physically in the places that would be considered the top of the food chain, demanding answers, and accountability, it will all memory hole. Until the next one.

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Dr. Malone - The real issue is: how to we make it requirement for such policies to be followed on classified/covert programs that we know go on under the umbrella of our own government. I believe we, as good humans, work hard to define and codify such principles but then the cloak of classification obscures our ability to verify. Another case of "oh, we don't do that"...but we do.

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Thank you Karen for bringing this up . Research in private practice or even at a medical school is quite different than when it’s with classified government purposes. Bioweapon research is a whole other matter . Thank you Dr. Malone for this discussion.

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I skimmed through it. I get the feeling that using this to assess where they went wrong is like using a fine manners book to assess what is wrong with a riot.

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Pardon me for saying this but before any remediation can occur the greed factor which was introduced into our medical industry by the passage of Medicare in 1965 must first be curtailed. Since its passage reports of pre-med students diddling practical lab exams so that students following them would score lower became widespread. I strongly suspect that it was greed and not a driving altruistic need to treat the poor that drove that behavior. And since 1965 the bottom line has largely replaced interest in patients wellbeing in large scale med establishments. Cure this first.

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My husband and I are, unfortunately, on Medicare. We are forced to pay for that every month, plus we pay for a supplemental policy so that we can be more assured of good medical care. At least, that was the idea before covid. Now insurance seems nearly useless, as we are afraid to get any medical care beyond the most basic. I remember years ago taking my aunt to the doctor. He said she really needed to be admitted to the hospital, but that Medicare would not pay because she didn't meet some criteria. I also remember my OB-GYN expressing his concern many years ago when HMOs were first being rolled out. He accurately recognized the direction in which medicine was going.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I keep asking myself such a simple question, and yet I'm seeing more and more evidence that nobody else sees the truth right in front of us....

Q: What is PUBLIC health?

A: from the very start, a tool for government used to control personal health

I understand that a "public" is intended to function as a group of individuals... I get it... But a "public" doesn't get sick or injured... People do. We have this very simple logic completely backwards in focusing on the larger public in lieu of the private individual. We should be more concerned about personal health as a whole, and let the public health take care of itself.

Fear is at the heart of this thinking.

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Ye'r on to it, Timothy Paul! Public Health Law was invented in 1877 by the Ku Klux Klan after they stole the 1876 election and seized power in the South. The Civil Rights Act of 1871 absolutely prohibited racial discrimination. So Southern states under KKK legislators and governors made up some junk science or borrowed it if it existed, showing that Black people get sick. Then they warped this fact with a bunch of lies, to form arguments for Segregation.

How were two divided communities, kept apart by fear of disease, ever going to get together on any political consensus at all?

From 1877 to 1965 voting rights didn't exist in the South. The privilege to vote extended only to voters the Klan trusted to keep voting Democrat. Anyone could be excluded from political participation because they supposedly posed a health risk to other voters.

Public health law was entirely a political scam, right from its inception.

The fact that it occasionally solved some real problems (typhoid, smallpox, food poisoning) was mere coincidence.

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1927 FDA; 1929 one-third of one percent of the federal budget is allocated to the "promotion of public health." Today, the Department of Health and Human Services accounts for almost one-quarter of the entire federal budget. 1944 Surgeon General; 1946 CDC; 1977 a substantial portion of the (HEW) Department of Health, Education, and Welfare's budget is lost to embezzlement and other sorts of improper payments. The following year, 15 HEW officials are indicted by a grand jury for fraud.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What about #33? ...must be tested against best known remedies. Why was ivermectin not tested against the Covid vaccine. BTW... ivermectin works and those who got it know it works against Covid.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Clearly there were and remain gross violations of the Declaration of Helsinki in the development and deployment of the Covid vaccines. There is not a single paragraph that was not violated to some degree, and some, such as the stipulated requirements for COMPLETE documentation and public release of research and clinical trial results prior to approval to proceed, were completely violated. But the big takeaway here is not in the details, it is in the big picture. If a government, a culture and a society become completely corrupted, words on a page and the Rule of Law no longer apply. Boxes get checked anyway, or they get ignored and memory holed. Changing the words in the Helsinki Declaration to make them “stronger” and to fill holes and gaps is something many of us might like to do, but will it make any difference? Medical ethics existed in 1930s Germany. As far as the Covid vaccines are concerned, the real problem started even before WARP SPEED, with a corrupt DOD, NIH, CDC and FDA(just to name a few). As to WARP SPEED, we can only say this: Never take a serious medication developed under a Program called Operation Warp Speed. Can the development timeline be addressed by a document like the Helsinki Declaration? Probably not. Is the development timeline an ethical issue? I would argue Yes.

The problems are baked in. The other side, the ones in power now, must be defeated.

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Why would the manufactures of the mRNA injections that reprogram cellular function in uncontrollable ways want to follow the rules of honest medical research, when they have been given absolution, and liability protection from the US government? This is a massive crime against humanity, and all we do is talk about it and not stop it.!

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Yes, however , when fraud was committed by Pharma , including lying about vaccine test results , not warning about risks , not completing valid testing of C-19 vaccines, lying, withholding and covering up vaccine injuries ,side effects , and deaths after receiving the C-19 shots/boosters, many occurring within 30 days); all fraud invalidates legal contracts , so turn the lawyers loose!

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So what are we waiting for? They continue to push the injections and our clowns in DC do nothing!

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For physicians - if you're practicing political medicine, you're practicing politics, not medicine. You might as well be bleeding patients or using voodoo. Democrat dogma is not medicine. Stop pretending otherwise. For example, either hydroxychloroquine is effective against Covid or it isn't. Trump's views on it were and are irrelevant.

For pharma - if your business model is bribing regulators and legislators, get a new business model. When you're breaking the law, don't expect the law to protect you from an enraged citizenry.

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Btw, read 37 again. And again.

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Paragraph 37 sets forth the right of the individual doctor and patient to attempt a medical experiment of their own device. It should be protected by the Right of Private Contract set forth in the US Constitution: The patient wants help, there is no published treatment that will help, and either the patient or the doctor says "Let's try this" and they agree to try it.

The problem several others commenting above have noted is that there seem to be all sorts of corruption involving money at various layers, and this interferes with the Right of Private Contract because there is no contract by which the patient hires the doctor for help.

Instead there is an entire alphabet soup of bureaucratic entities that took money from the patient's present or former employer and use some of it to hire the doctor, offering patients the appearance of "healthcare coverage". None of us individually negotiated any of the terms of our own care because the transactions to pay for it were between the corporate overseer who kept us working and the slave-doctor who kept us medicated and in the fields picking more cotton. Our own well-being has ceased to be a factor in the bureaucratic process.

The principal reason all this bureaucracy exists, is that our tax laws give a deduction for corporations to buy healthcare for workers, but deny that deduction to people who are not corporate employees. People who work for corporations cannot afford to buy healthcare on our own because it is taxed!

I highly doubt that most healthcare bureaucrats and functionaries would remain employed, if Congress abolished the IRS and scrapped the Income Tax. Doctors, nurses and other professionals who actually perform healthcare would continue to find paying patients but the bureaucrats who currently supervise what they may or may not do for us, will get a sudden lesson in humility.

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You are correct. Insurance companies refer to patients as belonging to THEM. They determine what doctor a patient can see and control what the doctor does.

The proper response would be for doctors en mass to shift to direct care. Instead they are all becoming employees of hospitals. The profession is in dire straits.

I wrote this about it.


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Check. Did. This could encompass the developments like Kory and McCullough's. Surely invaluable, but punishable in this instance. Both in their own ways tried to share and were punished for it. Pretty hard to do. Adopting or enhancing was/is also dangerous. This particular aspect deserves serious consideration and refinements. Point well noted!

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Well, those guidelines were obviously not observed. But, let's be realistic here: none of these international treaties, guidelines, rules, etc. have any teeth. And that is by design. They're all for show, to make people (especially those in the West) feel better about the aims of these international bodies, which amount to one world government, a "true" socialist government, with all property, food manufacture and distribution, medical care, and finances controlled by one central overarching government. Focusing on details like these declarations just distracts from the more important message that needs to get out. These types of declarations and agreements will never have any real meaning unless they are written into law within large nations. I don't see that happening for the reasons cited above.

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The Helsinki guidelines were not observed because they were explicitly undermined by the US Government invoking the PREP Act that immunizes medical practitioners from all claims for loss, including death, injury, disability, or even fear of such injury. PREP effectively overrules the Helsinki Accords when the government declares an "emergency." We could do better next time by repealing the PREP Act but that would require repealing the political realities of our time. An alternative approach would be for medical schools and medical societies to begin emphasizing medical ethics instead of morally repugnant wokeism. The corruption of medicine by the "social justice" agenda has distracted physicians from the new enemy: themselves. It is impossible to overstate the morally corrosive effect of "progressive" policies on our civilization.

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Wow I'm stunned.

They wiped their arrogant arse with the declaration. I appreciate you and Jill fighting for the truth.

Apparently all boundaries have been breeched.

I'm grateful to know Jesus ultimately wins this battle.

I'll continue to pray fervantly for you both and other warriors on the front line and do my part in my realm of influence.

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The medical establishment completely nuked this Declaration. SHAME on each and every participant.

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