Remember sitting in human physiology class in high school in 1958-59 being told how bad lard and butter was for us. Use margarine!! Bet cow hating bill gates has a lot to say about using lard dontcha know?
My grandmother always had olive oil and she kept the bacon grease. She always used those in her cooking as well as butter. She made her tortillas using lard. She was a wise woman.
Stopped eating margering 20 years ago when i found out how difficult it was to process through our digestive tract.
Bill gates is a reptile human crossbreed who's entire existence is to inflict as much human suffering as possible, across the blue orb. Add his dumb ass to the lineup at the Lincoln Memorial
I have a kid-memory of some neighbors who were using animal fat and butter back when all the others were using vegetable oils and margarine. That family was ahead of the curve. They noted that the birds knew enough not to eat the margarine.
So I got into olive oil and butter, then coconut and avocado oil. And who can live without bacon fat? It isn't the healthiest, but is too yummy to throw out :-D
My grandmother and great aunt used nothing but lard and butter for shortening. They lived to be 104. I chose a modern vegetarian diet and had a major heart attack at 68. Decided to become a recovering vegetarian. Meat, eggs, home grown vegetables, butter, cream and lard!! My cholesterol IS high but my arteries are clear. I don’t even care if it’s the wrong choice, the food is so much easier to fix and more delicious, it’s worth it.
Amazingly the Democrats and RINO’s are going after Trumps nominees one by one. Pete Hegseth is the next but RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel are in line to be excoriated soon. If we are going to get the change our voting mandate deserves we need courageous fearless secretaries to do what is needed, RFK Jr. is key to your essay.
Most all of us have been banged up over the past 4 or so years, but you don’t throw whole lives away just because they’ve been banged up a little.
It seems for so many years we’ve been searching for someone who really cares about us. Sometimes when man is held down, held back, mistreated, recovery starts unseen, invisible. People that were broken suddenly feel restored, realize they have a voice. I think we just needed a chance, maybe a second chance. The truth has a funny way of eventually exposing itself and all of the lies used to try to hide it. Dr. Malone you are a lion of truth. Sometimes what they call the undesirable, deplorable, turns into a growing movement of people that become willing or forced to acknowledge the truth.
After witnessing the system for decades and what the culmination of that system has done to us over this past 4 year administration, with all the checks and balances failing us because “et ei” are all on the take, it’s time to destruct this system, by putting people in place, by whatever means, those that have the courage to do the job of giving this country back to we, the people. Biden got all of his nominees through. Did you know Lloyd Austin had checked himself into rehab for drinking?
We can talk ourselves into our dreams or we can talk ourselves out of them. This will not get right if the people that fill these positions let fear overwhelm them. The time is now, we need the right people to fix this right. J.Goodrich
What bugs me is the discontinuity. Look at the election map and there is,very little blue. Yet....when conservative AGs like Paxton take the fed to task,at best maybe 1/2 if the states follow suit. Usually far less. And the bloody House is 1/2 democrat. Those blue/purple states are where some serious thought needs to be spent, perhaps by paying close attention to what is being taught in their schools
Yeah, your point is a good one regarding other state AG's not following suit. . . just one more indication of more RINO's. It would seem an association of Repub. AG's of some sort should be pressuring the RINO's to FALL in line, present a united front. Same goes, of course, for those in Congress.
The election map showing all the counties is astounding and the country looks almost entirely red except for the usual west and east coast areas. But what it also reveals is how the population (of Democrats) is highly concentrated in those blue areas.
I could be wrong but I think the Democrats are sneaky smarter than the conservatives in political matters. Here’s what I saw in the Kentucky race for Governor. There were 4 republican incumbents. During their debate, one was clearly the better man and one was clearly the worst. Guess which one got nominated to run against the Democrat Beshear? Right! The one no one would actually vote for. How did that happen? Democrats switched party affiliation for the governors race. Then in the actual election voted for that woke nut case who kept us all masked and locked down and made ivermectin illegal and delicensed doctors who gave it. What we need are more tools to prevent perversion of the democratic process that encourages the cream to rise to the top. And I have no brilliant ideas of how to do that!!! Actually I do have one but I would not know how to implement it. Just this: money drives political popularity (usually- you have to be a genuine pile of horse patoot to lose when your donors spent 2 billion on you!) So it’s the guy with the biggest war chest that usually gets elected. Level THAT playing field, remove donors entirely (make it a tax category where everyone running gets exactly the same amount) and you might get a better result. Maybe make all rallies and all debates require ALL runners to show up and defend their policies. Like I said … I don’t know the answer but brighter minds should consider how to UNgame the system.
Agree about money. Too much involved. Have argued for some time that outlawing out of state money would have many benefits. Have GOP censure party switchers and do not certify dems running as reps?
You would think that after 4 years of lies from the Left, Democrats, and Legacy Media, Republicans would recognize their attacks and propaganda tactics, and keep a steady hand on moving forward—evidently not.
Most, not all, veterans drink alcohol. Some do it culturally, others to numb the horrors of war. Congress is full of drunkards and drug dependent people—they probably vote while intoxicated. This is not an excuse for Hegseth, but the Left’s campaign to hang onto the deep state establishment is tenacious. Republicans? Well, at times, they fight like girls.
The more I see of Hegseth, the more I like him. The interview with Megyn Kelly today was all I needed to see. Lindsay Graham going wobbly again? Who else? Come on, girls!
Biden and Obama had every single cabinet nominations passed with Republican help, it’s amazing the RINo’s just can’t give the Republican president the cabinet he wants and deserves. Pete Buttigieg, Lloyd Austin, Merrick Garland, Tony Blinken, Mayorkas, I could go on, but give me a break!! Not one Democrat will vote yes on any of Trumps picks except maybe Marco Rubio, probably just to get rid of him or he’s another RINO, honestly I don’t trust him.
The ONLY thing that was stop Trump's new agenda will be just enough stinking, treasonous RINO's who continually vote DOWN good bills (with ALL of the stinking treasonous liberals, progressives, Socialists and Communists ) in the House and Senate.
I thought Lloyd Austin checked in because the death jab is finally doing its designed pathway to (ever so slowly) freeing his dumbass, faceshield wearing buttface-noggin, from this existence we call life.
Oh well.
I personally (at this moment) do not have faith that any of what you say can be accomplished, simply due to the fact that the Uniparty will stop it, at any cost.
I mean, look at what has been happening just over the last few weeks, alone. Byedumb's handlers have pushed the red line into Putin's lap, by continuing the proxy war with the fake president Zelensky (former penis piano playing comic) to use long range weapons into Ruasian territory.
Willing to engage WW3 ?
Oh that's right, The elites have their DUMS to hide in, so no worries, except for us plebes on the surface.
I ( unfortunately) will not have any expectation (yet) for a positive outcome, until I see bad actors in chains, prison, or hanging from an impromptu gallows, set up in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
I am not hopeless at this moment in time, but more or less just patiently waiting for the bread and circus distraction theater to come to a close. I will explode with joy, and bits of wrapped candy at that time when the proverbial pinata stick wacks my buttocks long enough for the release
James, for reasons only known to cyberists, I was unable to reply to your musing the other day on whether or not you would be considered "high agency." Wanted you to see it and here it is:
Well, James, your summary is too modest. Just think of all the hoops you have to jump through just to satisfy the various government agencies, each one with a rope around your neck - from pulling permits, withholding taxes, matching social security, paying unemployment insurance, having workers' comp - in your area that's probably only a partial list. Then you have to find the lot, predict the market while weighing all your costs, screen and manage subs, judge their work and make them unhappy if their quality falls short, practice diplomacy with the owner while trying to be patient,, choose appointments, select colors, put gas in your truck and keep it on the road. It's a never-ending list of challenges and decisions, with you living with the results while trying to maintain your sanity. I would say that is definitely high-agency, also known as juggling a bunch of balls at once while striving for the goal of doing an excellent job for conscience's sake. A satisfied client is a bonus, but sometimes that's out of your control. High agency indeed, and I can tell, done well!
Thank You 53rd Chapter, much appreciated! Funny I’ve been plowing snow, particularly this one large parking lot since the 1986-1987 season and this is the first year I’m not doing it. Still keeping my 20 or so driveways but I’m so relieved I don’t have to worry about that lot. We are due for a snowy year and I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have that off my old worn out back!! Thanks for acknowledging all the BS it takes to keep the doors open.
And Cast Iron skillets, or Stainless are the only rule in my house.
When I was a kid, my mom bought a "teflon" pan. I remember cooking eggs in it, and amazed that the eggs didn't stick. Eventually that coating scraped off, and we threw it out, and went back to good old cast iron pans.
When my wife and I married 30 something million years ago, I asked my mom, or her mom, or someone's mom for a set of cast iron pans to cook with in our new life together. At the wedding shower I was handed an American made set of pans and 8 qt pot. Good thing I was he-man strong back then, cause that box was heavy.
I still use those pans and that pot on a daily basis today.
on a side note, since I've been eating butter and olive oil, almost exclusively for a couple years now, when I was up at our cabin in VT a few weeks back, I bought a "Newmans Own" oil and vinegar salad dressing, because it seemed to be a good, quick fix for not having any Oil and Vinegar around. The second ingredient was Canola oil. Gave me the shits the next day, and although I loved how it tasted, I threw it out. Paul Newman was one of my favorite movie stars, cause he was into racing, but I'm staying away from his salad dressings.
Yeah, I'd have probably been right there with ya' except I didn't become the chief cook and bottle washer until 2006. I never gave much thought to how my supper got made until I had no choice but to do it myself. Then it took me a few years to get up to speed on all this healthy food stuff.
I find it reprehensible that when I walk into any gas station quick mart (we have Wawa and Quik Chek stores here), that I cant find anything to eat there that isn't filled with processed chemicals
If you have one Olive tree, you can make your own Olive oil. If you have one cow, you can make your own butter or tallow. Seed oils requiring complex chemical processing are only economic at industrial scale.
Well, you can’t make butter and tallow from ONE cow without killing her. A milk cow is good for at least 15 years. I suggest you get one good milk cow. Breed her to a good beef bull. Raise the calf and use that to stock your larder and supply your tallow. Rinse and repeat about every 12 to 15 months.
Dr. Joseph Mercola, a proud member of the infamous disinformation dozen, has been beating this seed oil drum for a long time now. Avoiding seed oils is a difficult challenge because of their omnipresence. Seed oils are in most all processed foods. Baked goods in particular like chips and crackers. RFK, Jr. has a uniquely keen awareness of the dangers lurking in processed foods and their contribution to chronic disease. His becoming the Secretary of H.H.S. would be a dream come true for human health, but a wooden stake for bog agriculture and pharma. When you combine the interests of pharma and big agriculture, RFK, Jr.s confirmation will be uphill at best. I have no doubt that lobbyists have already committed untold millions in campaign donations, specifically tied to RFK, Jr.s non-confirmation. It will soon be clear in our Senate who are the patriots and who are the whores. In light of our current administration's dirty practices I believe a Senate recess, during which our President can appoint these nominees, would comparatively be next to nothing. The game would then change from a simple no confidence vote to making a case for impeachment.
My awakening was Nina Tiecholtz’s book “The Big Fat Surprise” researched for 10 years and published in 2014. She doesn’t get as much credit as she deserves. And she has fought for a decade to get the false food pyramid revised. She exposes the corruption there with painful detail. Her organization which has championed a real food pyramid based on real food and real science has gotten nowhere. I say add Nina to Trumps USDA nominees to revise the food pyramid. Why is this important? Because down stream from it is all the government feeding programs. Right now we are giving poor people and school children and old folks homes food that is SICKENING them because of it. To MAHA you need a better food pyramid. Nina is your best option!!
It's been a long time coming, outing the seed oils. I recall when coconut oil was deemed BAD! for years based on one flawed study. About 20 years ago I authored a weekly column in a website called Fabulous Foods. My topics and recipes were focused on the value of high value carbs, low to no sugar and I advocated for eating meat - even fat - real butter not margarine. When I was doing my deep dive research I came across an article about the origins of Canola oil. I trusted it to be true because it sounded so crazy. Canola oil is indeed made from rape seed. It is a weed that a farmer was quoted as saying 'not even the birds would eat it'. Rape seed was originally made into a lubricant, not the edible kind. It was prolific in Canada - thus the name CANola oil. As always follow the money if you want to know the truth of a thing.
No one reads the tiny fine print. Except me. I am half blind and have to have a magnifying glass on a string around my neck so I can read the ingredients on a product in the grocery store. I can't imagine what folks are thinking as they push their cart around me. 'what is that old lady doing? they ask themselves.
Most, if not all, of the seeds mentioned come from plants sprayed with monsanto's (Bayer's) roundup - glyphosate, which is a major cause of diseases. That is the secret behind some of our strange diseases. 40 years pest control advisor California
I have a boss lady in chronic pain. She's on drugs to control it. She cooks for her family of five - 3 children. Suspect they may likely encounter a fair amount of seed oils. Hopefully your reveal will benefit all of them. She's very enthusiastic about RFK J's MAHA.
I first came across the work of Bruce Hammock--and of Robert Malone--more than two decades ago when I was working for the office that handled patenting and licensing of inventions made by employees of the University of California system. My job involved writing descriptions to help market their inventions to the private sector, so I got a detailed inside perspective on all the cutting-edge work being done across the UC system at the time.
Dr. Malone was especially memorable because of his important discovery about how to do mRNA transfections and all the subsequent drama it generated with Vical, etc. that generated a lot of chatter from the licensing managers in my office, but Dr. Hammock was memorable to me too because of how prolific an inventor he was (which meant a lot of work for me).
Here is a bio about Hammock from UC Agriculture & Natural Resource's website (ANR is another systemwide office) talking about the impressive scope of his research career, including his 95 patents:
It is still horrifying to me to go to my Wiki page or all the MSM stories - denying my early role in all of this mess. I am glad someone out there remembers that I am not lying - as telling the truth has always been super important to me - it is one of the moral codes I live by. To this day - I am still bothered by the front page of Google and Wiki.
I have a sick feeling that MSM will have the last word in all of this...
Interestingly enough Dr M, we know the truth. I think the truth will out! If it helps, remember Jesus Christ was murdered because of slander. HE has had the last word on THAT issue. You will too.
While MSM is supposedly a "protected" class against legal action - 'wiki' would seem to be liable for slander (by) allowing who knows who to post out and out prevarications without comeuppance.
I started researching butter versus margarine a few years ago when our dog got on the counter, nabbed a full stick of butter, and ate all of it while we were gone. The only evidence was the broken butter dish on the floor. I called our Vet to ask what to do. He said if it was butter he would be fine, but if was margarine or oleo we would need to take him to the emergency vet for observation. When I asked why, he said that the chemicals in margarine and oleo cannot be processed by dogs.
Although I have always used butter, I thought, if it is bad for dogs, why are humans eating it?
I wouldn't go so far as connect them to opioid use. People in other countries rely heavily on vegetable and canola oil, without resorting to opioids. I agree they are not healthful choices.
Can’t argue. I’m sure my observations are not universal but have you ever noticed the rotundness of those using gummint provided food allowances. I’m not gonna stand on a soap box and advocating "organic" only, but if the government is gonna take money from one group and give to another, perhaps there ought’a be some oversight that optimal/healthy choices are being followed. What you do with YOUR money/resources is your business, but if your existence relies on others then there ought’a be some responsibility to use that largesse properly.
LDT, you made the comment I came on here to opine about : fentanyl/opioid use is a consequence of allowing the drugs into our society in the first place, decriminalizing their sale/possession, and gummint policies that diminish the value of life, the worth of work and taking money from the productive and doling out to the unproductive other people’s money - the original OPM ( <- sound it out, quickly 😉 ).
My pantry&cellar/well room are stocked with various olive oils and my freezer is full of butter, and while I don’t use as much bacon as I’d like to (talk to my doc 🤷♀️) I will admit to a shallow dish of filtered lard next to the stove, a pint jar in the fridge and one on the counter that needs be tossed (didn’t use quick enough 😢). I’ve made and used tallow - prefer lard.
Old enough to have lived thru the "low fat low fat low fat" foolishness, tho much of that still remains, and the rise of unsatisfying foods like low fat/no fat yogurt 😕 , milk, etc., all the while Americans and other "wealthy" nations continue tipping the scale into obesity.
Maybe the problem isn’t so much the seed oils (tho I’m not defending their use - see above, I don’t use) but the rising levels of obesity which has its own connection to inflammation and (joint) pains. It’s kind’a ironic that one of the most "health" conscious people on the globe, at least the biggest spenders, seem to be in a state of chronic unhealthiness. Could it be that in our attempt to be healthier, the more perfect outcomes, we ignore the basic tenets of science - actual controlled testing of the hypotheses - instead, we/somebody/nabobs come up with something that sounds good and instead of testing (long term A:B testing) the "solution" is rushed out with little or no data beyond good intentions.
And let me conclude with this, since it’s in the news today: certain elements of society are now advocating child genital mutilation, all in the name of "science" of which there is no long term clinical or physiological data re: beneficial outcomes. At least data that is free of political/societal bias. But, perhaps this/that is a subject best left for a different day.
Sugar (and hydrogenated oils) is put in everything. Processed foods are not real foods, they are chemical experiments and there is way too much of Americans daily diet. WIC/SNAP covers these crappy non-foods… this type of eating causes many health issues, including type 2 diabetes.
Excellent explanations and beautiful graphic of the tortured journey of a seed. As someone in the pure food space since 1970s it's a damning condemnation of the entire spectrum of trusted institutions from education to media to regulatory & justice this new is not well known.
"The biochemical pathway from seed oil consumption to chronic pain isn't just theoretical. When we reduce the intake of linoleic acid, "The biochemical foundation for severe chronic pain is significantly undermined," reducing the drive for extreme pain management methods (Ramsden et al., 2013)."
Among the best lessons from my years in Washington were to read the footnotes first to see what is truly buried in the flowery K Street prose & look for what's missing because lies of omission are easily managed. Since 1997 much of my research & activism has been centered on GMO foods and those have been strikingly absent from this new "seed oil" umbrella.
There isn't one bite of commercially processed food that isn't glyphosate soaked, patent protected, subsidized & fee based GMO seed Mafia and for years they have made high linoleic varieties to pair with their lies about health benefits... 2008 study is classic example.
"The greatest progress has been made in developing high-oleic hybrids (>90% oleic acid). There has been considerable work done recently on the development of high-oleic hybrids with altered tocopherol levels, the oil of which will have 10-20 times greater oxidative stability than that of conventional sunflower oil. While sunflower breeders work on developing hybrids with altered oil quality, medical scientists in general and nutritionists in particular will determine the parameters for the use of these novel types of oil that can improve human nutrition and be used in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. "
Let's put a special focus on where hands of Rockefeller - Gates Biotech Mafia and their army of keyboard gene jockeys w CRISPR mutants have played God and presumed their revenue generating mutants have no downstream effects and IP laws can dictate to Mother Nature.
Just yesterday, at the co-op my husband and I eliminated more "healthy" foods. There are a few companies that use avocado and olive oils in their products. Primal Kitchen is one of them. Ezekiel breads are another.
Good to be discriminating re: avocado oils. Apparently they are often made from low grade avocados and cut with seed oils. Same with cheap olive oils. Buyer beware.
I am a member of CONSUMERLABS.COM. Last I looked up olive oil, the report said all brands were adulterated with seed oils. Makes you wonder What other things out there are adulterated.
Remember sitting in human physiology class in high school in 1958-59 being told how bad lard and butter was for us. Use margarine!! Bet cow hating bill gates has a lot to say about using lard dontcha know?
My grandmother always had olive oil and she kept the bacon grease. She always used those in her cooking as well as butter. She made her tortillas using lard. She was a wise woman.
Stopped eating margering 20 years ago when i found out how difficult it was to process through our digestive tract.
Bill gates is a reptile human crossbreed who's entire existence is to inflict as much human suffering as possible, across the blue orb. Add his dumb ass to the lineup at the Lincoln Memorial
Amd now lard and butter are known to be healthy and margarine deadly. Beware marketing.
HIndsight is soooo 20/20 eh?
I have a kid-memory of some neighbors who were using animal fat and butter back when all the others were using vegetable oils and margarine. That family was ahead of the curve. They noted that the birds knew enough not to eat the margarine.
So I got into olive oil and butter, then coconut and avocado oil. And who can live without bacon fat? It isn't the healthiest, but is too yummy to throw out :-D
My grandmother and great aunt used nothing but lard and butter for shortening. They lived to be 104. I chose a modern vegetarian diet and had a major heart attack at 68. Decided to become a recovering vegetarian. Meat, eggs, home grown vegetables, butter, cream and lard!! My cholesterol IS high but my arteries are clear. I don’t even care if it’s the wrong choice, the food is so much easier to fix and more delicious, it’s worth it.
Amazingly the Democrats and RINO’s are going after Trumps nominees one by one. Pete Hegseth is the next but RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel are in line to be excoriated soon. If we are going to get the change our voting mandate deserves we need courageous fearless secretaries to do what is needed, RFK Jr. is key to your essay.
Most all of us have been banged up over the past 4 or so years, but you don’t throw whole lives away just because they’ve been banged up a little.
It seems for so many years we’ve been searching for someone who really cares about us. Sometimes when man is held down, held back, mistreated, recovery starts unseen, invisible. People that were broken suddenly feel restored, realize they have a voice. I think we just needed a chance, maybe a second chance. The truth has a funny way of eventually exposing itself and all of the lies used to try to hide it. Dr. Malone you are a lion of truth. Sometimes what they call the undesirable, deplorable, turns into a growing movement of people that become willing or forced to acknowledge the truth.
After witnessing the system for decades and what the culmination of that system has done to us over this past 4 year administration, with all the checks and balances failing us because “et ei” are all on the take, it’s time to destruct this system, by putting people in place, by whatever means, those that have the courage to do the job of giving this country back to we, the people. Biden got all of his nominees through. Did you know Lloyd Austin had checked himself into rehab for drinking?
We can talk ourselves into our dreams or we can talk ourselves out of them. This will not get right if the people that fill these positions let fear overwhelm them. The time is now, we need the right people to fix this right. J.Goodrich
What bugs me is the discontinuity. Look at the election map and there is,very little blue. Yet....when conservative AGs like Paxton take the fed to task,at best maybe 1/2 if the states follow suit. Usually far less. And the bloody House is 1/2 democrat. Those blue/purple states are where some serious thought needs to be spent, perhaps by paying close attention to what is being taught in their schools
Yeah, your point is a good one regarding other state AG's not following suit. . . just one more indication of more RINO's. It would seem an association of Repub. AG's of some sort should be pressuring the RINO's to FALL in line, present a united front. Same goes, of course, for those in Congress.
The election map showing all the counties is astounding and the country looks almost entirely red except for the usual west and east coast areas. But what it also reveals is how the population (of Democrats) is highly concentrated in those blue areas.
I could be wrong but I think the Democrats are sneaky smarter than the conservatives in political matters. Here’s what I saw in the Kentucky race for Governor. There were 4 republican incumbents. During their debate, one was clearly the better man and one was clearly the worst. Guess which one got nominated to run against the Democrat Beshear? Right! The one no one would actually vote for. How did that happen? Democrats switched party affiliation for the governors race. Then in the actual election voted for that woke nut case who kept us all masked and locked down and made ivermectin illegal and delicensed doctors who gave it. What we need are more tools to prevent perversion of the democratic process that encourages the cream to rise to the top. And I have no brilliant ideas of how to do that!!! Actually I do have one but I would not know how to implement it. Just this: money drives political popularity (usually- you have to be a genuine pile of horse patoot to lose when your donors spent 2 billion on you!) So it’s the guy with the biggest war chest that usually gets elected. Level THAT playing field, remove donors entirely (make it a tax category where everyone running gets exactly the same amount) and you might get a better result. Maybe make all rallies and all debates require ALL runners to show up and defend their policies. Like I said … I don’t know the answer but brighter minds should consider how to UNgame the system.
Agree about money. Too much involved. Have argued for some time that outlawing out of state money would have many benefits. Have GOP censure party switchers and do not certify dems running as reps?
You would think that after 4 years of lies from the Left, Democrats, and Legacy Media, Republicans would recognize their attacks and propaganda tactics, and keep a steady hand on moving forward—evidently not.
Most, not all, veterans drink alcohol. Some do it culturally, others to numb the horrors of war. Congress is full of drunkards and drug dependent people—they probably vote while intoxicated. This is not an excuse for Hegseth, but the Left’s campaign to hang onto the deep state establishment is tenacious. Republicans? Well, at times, they fight like girls.
The more I see of Hegseth, the more I like him. The interview with Megyn Kelly today was all I needed to see. Lindsay Graham going wobbly again? Who else? Come on, girls!
Lindsay Graham is a total weak suck.
Biden and Obama had every single cabinet nominations passed with Republican help, it’s amazing the RINo’s just can’t give the Republican president the cabinet he wants and deserves. Pete Buttigieg, Lloyd Austin, Merrick Garland, Tony Blinken, Mayorkas, I could go on, but give me a break!! Not one Democrat will vote yes on any of Trumps picks except maybe Marco Rubio, probably just to get rid of him or he’s another RINO, honestly I don’t trust him.
I recall Marco was all for the wave of illegal "dreamers" some years ago.
The ONLY thing that was stop Trump's new agenda will be just enough stinking, treasonous RINO's who continually vote DOWN good bills (with ALL of the stinking treasonous liberals, progressives, Socialists and Communists ) in the House and Senate.
I thought Lloyd Austin checked in because the death jab is finally doing its designed pathway to (ever so slowly) freeing his dumbass, faceshield wearing buttface-noggin, from this existence we call life.
Oh well.
I personally (at this moment) do not have faith that any of what you say can be accomplished, simply due to the fact that the Uniparty will stop it, at any cost.
I mean, look at what has been happening just over the last few weeks, alone. Byedumb's handlers have pushed the red line into Putin's lap, by continuing the proxy war with the fake president Zelensky (former penis piano playing comic) to use long range weapons into Ruasian territory.
Willing to engage WW3 ?
Oh that's right, The elites have their DUMS to hide in, so no worries, except for us plebes on the surface.
I ( unfortunately) will not have any expectation (yet) for a positive outcome, until I see bad actors in chains, prison, or hanging from an impromptu gallows, set up in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
I am not hopeless at this moment in time, but more or less just patiently waiting for the bread and circus distraction theater to come to a close. I will explode with joy, and bits of wrapped candy at that time when the proverbial pinata stick wacks my buttocks long enough for the release
When did Austin go to rehab for alcohol?
Patti I had read it and I’m trying to go back and find it, I hope I can!! I will search.
Well said James!
Thank you Andrea!!
James, for reasons only known to cyberists, I was unable to reply to your musing the other day on whether or not you would be considered "high agency." Wanted you to see it and here it is:
Well, James, your summary is too modest. Just think of all the hoops you have to jump through just to satisfy the various government agencies, each one with a rope around your neck - from pulling permits, withholding taxes, matching social security, paying unemployment insurance, having workers' comp - in your area that's probably only a partial list. Then you have to find the lot, predict the market while weighing all your costs, screen and manage subs, judge their work and make them unhappy if their quality falls short, practice diplomacy with the owner while trying to be patient,, choose appointments, select colors, put gas in your truck and keep it on the road. It's a never-ending list of challenges and decisions, with you living with the results while trying to maintain your sanity. I would say that is definitely high-agency, also known as juggling a bunch of balls at once while striving for the goal of doing an excellent job for conscience's sake. A satisfied client is a bonus, but sometimes that's out of your control. High agency indeed, and I can tell, done well!
Thank You 53rd Chapter, much appreciated! Funny I’ve been plowing snow, particularly this one large parking lot since the 1986-1987 season and this is the first year I’m not doing it. Still keeping my 20 or so driveways but I’m so relieved I don’t have to worry about that lot. We are due for a snowy year and I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have that off my old worn out back!! Thanks for acknowledging all the BS it takes to keep the doors open.
Our government needs to get out of the food business.
A big improvement would be to quit handing out such bad advice. How many heart surgeries can be laid to their pushing ( and subsidizing) margarine?
How did the food pyramid come into existence back in the 50s to begin with? Follow the $$$$
You guessed it.... Ansel Keyes was bought and paid for by big food corps.
I'm ashamed to say he was working at the university of Minnesota at the time.
I went back to butter and started using olive oil about 15 years ago. There are no seed oils in my cupboard.
We did same about 30 yrs ago. Reading about trans fatty acids in margarine did that for us. Will not swim in our skillets any more.
And Cast Iron skillets, or Stainless are the only rule in my house.
When I was a kid, my mom bought a "teflon" pan. I remember cooking eggs in it, and amazed that the eggs didn't stick. Eventually that coating scraped off, and we threw it out, and went back to good old cast iron pans.
When my wife and I married 30 something million years ago, I asked my mom, or her mom, or someone's mom for a set of cast iron pans to cook with in our new life together. At the wedding shower I was handed an American made set of pans and 8 qt pot. Good thing I was he-man strong back then, cause that box was heavy.
I still use those pans and that pot on a daily basis today.
on a side note, since I've been eating butter and olive oil, almost exclusively for a couple years now, when I was up at our cabin in VT a few weeks back, I bought a "Newmans Own" oil and vinegar salad dressing, because it seemed to be a good, quick fix for not having any Oil and Vinegar around. The second ingredient was Canola oil. Gave me the shits the next day, and although I loved how it tasted, I threw it out. Paul Newman was one of my favorite movie stars, cause he was into racing, but I'm staying away from his salad dressings.
Steve McQueen had him beat, hands down... lol
Yeah, and he rode a "hog" too (The Great Escape)
Yeah, I'd have probably been right there with ya' except I didn't become the chief cook and bottle washer until 2006. I never gave much thought to how my supper got made until I had no choice but to do it myself. Then it took me a few years to get up to speed on all this healthy food stuff.
We have always used lard in our tortillas. All natural. Never gave it a second thought. Tasty, too!
about 20 or so years ago for me.
I find it reprehensible that when I walk into any gas station quick mart (we have Wawa and Quik Chek stores here), that I cant find anything to eat there that isn't filled with processed chemicals
Excuse me, but every grocery store I go to is filled with toxic food. There IS nothing safe to buy!!!
Stop agreeing with me !!!
It may catch on
"...inadvertently increasing the market for painkillers."
“Government policies have inadvertently shaped this dietary shift..."
In the voice of Foghorn Leghorn, "A lot of inadvertently-ing goin' on here."
And energy, education, the UN and subsidizing hundreds of countries globally... just for openers.
If you have one Olive tree, you can make your own Olive oil. If you have one cow, you can make your own butter or tallow. Seed oils requiring complex chemical processing are only economic at industrial scale.
hence why big Ag got into it. . . regardless of nutritional value to their customers and good health!
Not true for oilseed sunflowers. A progressive cavity screw press and stainless steel and paper filters are all that are needed.
Well, you can’t make butter and tallow from ONE cow without killing her. A milk cow is good for at least 15 years. I suggest you get one good milk cow. Breed her to a good beef bull. Raise the calf and use that to stock your larder and supply your tallow. Rinse and repeat about every 12 to 15 months.
Dr. Joseph Mercola, a proud member of the infamous disinformation dozen, has been beating this seed oil drum for a long time now. Avoiding seed oils is a difficult challenge because of their omnipresence. Seed oils are in most all processed foods. Baked goods in particular like chips and crackers. RFK, Jr. has a uniquely keen awareness of the dangers lurking in processed foods and their contribution to chronic disease. His becoming the Secretary of H.H.S. would be a dream come true for human health, but a wooden stake for bog agriculture and pharma. When you combine the interests of pharma and big agriculture, RFK, Jr.s confirmation will be uphill at best. I have no doubt that lobbyists have already committed untold millions in campaign donations, specifically tied to RFK, Jr.s non-confirmation. It will soon be clear in our Senate who are the patriots and who are the whores. In light of our current administration's dirty practices I believe a Senate recess, during which our President can appoint these nominees, would comparatively be next to nothing. The game would then change from a simple no confidence vote to making a case for impeachment.
My awakening was Nina Tiecholtz’s book “The Big Fat Surprise” researched for 10 years and published in 2014. She doesn’t get as much credit as she deserves. And she has fought for a decade to get the false food pyramid revised. She exposes the corruption there with painful detail. Her organization which has championed a real food pyramid based on real food and real science has gotten nowhere. I say add Nina to Trumps USDA nominees to revise the food pyramid. Why is this important? Because down stream from it is all the government feeding programs. Right now we are giving poor people and school children and old folks homes food that is SICKENING them because of it. To MAHA you need a better food pyramid. Nina is your best option!!
It's been a long time coming, outing the seed oils. I recall when coconut oil was deemed BAD! for years based on one flawed study. About 20 years ago I authored a weekly column in a website called Fabulous Foods. My topics and recipes were focused on the value of high value carbs, low to no sugar and I advocated for eating meat - even fat - real butter not margarine. When I was doing my deep dive research I came across an article about the origins of Canola oil. I trusted it to be true because it sounded so crazy. Canola oil is indeed made from rape seed. It is a weed that a farmer was quoted as saying 'not even the birds would eat it'. Rape seed was originally made into a lubricant, not the edible kind. It was prolific in Canada - thus the name CANola oil. As always follow the money if you want to know the truth of a thing.
"I advocated for eating meat - even fat"
I LOVE T bone steak and most of all-- the FAT on a T bone. Makes my mouth water to even think about it.
Fat digests slower than sugar so it makes you feel full longer, thus eating less.
That is great!
Now I have a great excuse for the boss when she chastises me for eating T bones with my fingers " like a P-I-G, Pig(!)".
Recall Animal House . . . blond cheerleader in the cafeteria.
Canola oil contains 21% linoleic acid. I heard that Canola stands for "Canada's own linoleic acid."
Well, it ain't made from a Canola plant - like olive oil is made from olives. LOL
Same here. All that info re: fats has long been available, and readily accessible just below corporate PR/advertising.
No one reads the tiny fine print. Except me. I am half blind and have to have a magnifying glass on a string around my neck so I can read the ingredients on a product in the grocery store. I can't imagine what folks are thinking as they push their cart around me. 'what is that old lady doing? they ask themselves.
Worth it!
Most, if not all, of the seeds mentioned come from plants sprayed with monsanto's (Bayer's) roundup - glyphosate, which is a major cause of diseases. That is the secret behind some of our strange diseases. 40 years pest control advisor California
Thank you for this enlightening essay!
I have a boss lady in chronic pain. She's on drugs to control it. She cooks for her family of five - 3 children. Suspect they may likely encounter a fair amount of seed oils. Hopefully your reveal will benefit all of them. She's very enthusiastic about RFK J's MAHA.
Have a rewarding day.
I first came across the work of Bruce Hammock--and of Robert Malone--more than two decades ago when I was working for the office that handled patenting and licensing of inventions made by employees of the University of California system. My job involved writing descriptions to help market their inventions to the private sector, so I got a detailed inside perspective on all the cutting-edge work being done across the UC system at the time.
Dr. Malone was especially memorable because of his important discovery about how to do mRNA transfections and all the subsequent drama it generated with Vical, etc. that generated a lot of chatter from the licensing managers in my office, but Dr. Hammock was memorable to me too because of how prolific an inventor he was (which meant a lot of work for me).
Here is a bio about Hammock from UC Agriculture & Natural Resource's website (ANR is another systemwide office) talking about the impressive scope of his research career, including his 95 patents:
It is still horrifying to me to go to my Wiki page or all the MSM stories - denying my early role in all of this mess. I am glad someone out there remembers that I am not lying - as telling the truth has always been super important to me - it is one of the moral codes I live by. To this day - I am still bothered by the front page of Google and Wiki.
I have a sick feeling that MSM will have the last word in all of this...
Interestingly enough Dr M, we know the truth. I think the truth will out! If it helps, remember Jesus Christ was murdered because of slander. HE has had the last word on THAT issue. You will too.
While MSM is supposedly a "protected" class against legal action - 'wiki' would seem to be liable for slander (by) allowing who knows who to post out and out prevarications without comeuppance.
I started researching butter versus margarine a few years ago when our dog got on the counter, nabbed a full stick of butter, and ate all of it while we were gone. The only evidence was the broken butter dish on the floor. I called our Vet to ask what to do. He said if it was butter he would be fine, but if was margarine or oleo we would need to take him to the emergency vet for observation. When I asked why, he said that the chemicals in margarine and oleo cannot be processed by dogs.
Although I have always used butter, I thought, if it is bad for dogs, why are humans eating it?
I recommend avoiding grapeseed oil as well due to its very high O6 content...
I wouldn't go so far as connect them to opioid use. People in other countries rely heavily on vegetable and canola oil, without resorting to opioids. I agree they are not healthful choices.
Can’t argue. I’m sure my observations are not universal but have you ever noticed the rotundness of those using gummint provided food allowances. I’m not gonna stand on a soap box and advocating "organic" only, but if the government is gonna take money from one group and give to another, perhaps there ought’a be some oversight that optimal/healthy choices are being followed. What you do with YOUR money/resources is your business, but if your existence relies on others then there ought’a be some responsibility to use that largesse properly.
That's what my reference to WIC/SNAP were in reference to... those on assistance.
LDT, you made the comment I came on here to opine about : fentanyl/opioid use is a consequence of allowing the drugs into our society in the first place, decriminalizing their sale/possession, and gummint policies that diminish the value of life, the worth of work and taking money from the productive and doling out to the unproductive other people’s money - the original OPM ( <- sound it out, quickly 😉 ).
My pantry&cellar/well room are stocked with various olive oils and my freezer is full of butter, and while I don’t use as much bacon as I’d like to (talk to my doc 🤷♀️) I will admit to a shallow dish of filtered lard next to the stove, a pint jar in the fridge and one on the counter that needs be tossed (didn’t use quick enough 😢). I’ve made and used tallow - prefer lard.
Old enough to have lived thru the "low fat low fat low fat" foolishness, tho much of that still remains, and the rise of unsatisfying foods like low fat/no fat yogurt 😕 , milk, etc., all the while Americans and other "wealthy" nations continue tipping the scale into obesity.
Maybe the problem isn’t so much the seed oils (tho I’m not defending their use - see above, I don’t use) but the rising levels of obesity which has its own connection to inflammation and (joint) pains. It’s kind’a ironic that one of the most "health" conscious people on the globe, at least the biggest spenders, seem to be in a state of chronic unhealthiness. Could it be that in our attempt to be healthier, the more perfect outcomes, we ignore the basic tenets of science - actual controlled testing of the hypotheses - instead, we/somebody/nabobs come up with something that sounds good and instead of testing (long term A:B testing) the "solution" is rushed out with little or no data beyond good intentions.
And let me conclude with this, since it’s in the news today: certain elements of society are now advocating child genital mutilation, all in the name of "science" of which there is no long term clinical or physiological data re: beneficial outcomes. At least data that is free of political/societal bias. But, perhaps this/that is a subject best left for a different day.
Sugar (and hydrogenated oils) is put in everything. Processed foods are not real foods, they are chemical experiments and there is way too much of Americans daily diet. WIC/SNAP covers these crappy non-foods… this type of eating causes many health issues, including type 2 diabetes.
Excellent explanations and beautiful graphic of the tortured journey of a seed. As someone in the pure food space since 1970s it's a damning condemnation of the entire spectrum of trusted institutions from education to media to regulatory & justice this new is not well known.
"The biochemical pathway from seed oil consumption to chronic pain isn't just theoretical. When we reduce the intake of linoleic acid, "The biochemical foundation for severe chronic pain is significantly undermined," reducing the drive for extreme pain management methods (Ramsden et al., 2013)."
Among the best lessons from my years in Washington were to read the footnotes first to see what is truly buried in the flowery K Street prose & look for what's missing because lies of omission are easily managed. Since 1997 much of my research & activism has been centered on GMO foods and those have been strikingly absent from this new "seed oil" umbrella.
There isn't one bite of commercially processed food that isn't glyphosate soaked, patent protected, subsidized & fee based GMO seed Mafia and for years they have made high linoleic varieties to pair with their lies about health benefits... 2008 study is classic example.
"The greatest progress has been made in developing high-oleic hybrids (>90% oleic acid). There has been considerable work done recently on the development of high-oleic hybrids with altered tocopherol levels, the oil of which will have 10-20 times greater oxidative stability than that of conventional sunflower oil. While sunflower breeders work on developing hybrids with altered oil quality, medical scientists in general and nutritionists in particular will determine the parameters for the use of these novel types of oil that can improve human nutrition and be used in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. "
Let's put a special focus on where hands of Rockefeller - Gates Biotech Mafia and their army of keyboard gene jockeys w CRISPR mutants have played God and presumed their revenue generating mutants have no downstream effects and IP laws can dictate to Mother Nature.
Just yesterday, at the co-op my husband and I eliminated more "healthy" foods. There are a few companies that use avocado and olive oils in their products. Primal Kitchen is one of them. Ezekiel breads are another.
Good to be discriminating re: avocado oils. Apparently they are often made from low grade avocados and cut with seed oils. Same with cheap olive oils. Buyer beware.
I want to know ONE, just ONE mayonnaise that does NOT use seed oils. Even the one that says olive oil on it and partly soy or some other seed oil! 😡.
Primal Kitchen, ingredients are; avocado oil, org. vinegar, org. egg , org egg yolks, salt, rosemary extract, mustard seed extract. Thank you.
I love the process diagram provided, simplified but gives folks an idea, at least, how complicated / tortuous the full process is.
Hexane used to solvate the oil. Ooooh great! A high boiling hydrocarbon and . . . so, how much is left in the final product?
I am a member of CONSUMERLABS.COM. Last I looked up olive oil, the report said all brands were adulterated with seed oils. Makes you wonder What other things out there are adulterated.
I get my olive oil from Italy, organic. I believe there are some that are not adulterated, just more expensive. Jovial and Bionaturae
Same here - delicious organic Italian OO!
We have an organic olive mill in our area. It is pure.