Dr. Malone, if possible afterwards, please relay which Senators showed up.

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And House Representatives. They have subpoena power. It seems to me that if our Congress is claiming to work in the citizens interests they should (if they haven't) coordinate in needed efforts to investigate and develop relevant actions. I'm not aware of the House now having the breadth of information Senator Johnson has acquired. The House did have an informal meeting about the Covid issues a month ago. I asked one of the attendees whether that group would continue to pursue it. He (opined?) that they would. There are immediate and longer term actions that are sorely needed!

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They may claim to work in the citizens' interests, but I find no evidence of it. In the interests of the donor class, yes.

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Certainly that appears to be an issue. On the other hand, as we add advocates it is why we all need to "get on the backs" of our vulnerable elected officials.. A hopeful cave in by the House so far is cancelling the military command's Mandate of "jabs" in our troops. We here likely agree "jabbing our troops" is a bad idea for their health and readiness.

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Around the 2:07:00 mark, Senator Dr. Roger Marshall popped in with his added support -

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Great question

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see my reply below Jean’s.

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Rock On Good Sir!

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank Robert, I watched it and I believe it will be available on Epoch Times for replay in case Anyone missed. I was very impressed by all the doctors that spoke. I was especially impressed by the gentleman from the FDA. I appreciated your input on the future of the mrna technology that is going to be used in future drugs and vaccines. Not many people are connecting the dots. Thank you, you did am outstanding job!

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fantastic stream! I don't see how we get ourselves out of this though. Do we just wait until we have a massive die off of the entire population? That's terrifying to even contemplate. But, here we are. My grown daughter (34) has taken the initial series and at least one booster, that I know of, even though I begged her not to. Now, she is getting a bad cold it seems once a month, she can't fight off anything. Prior to this, she's always been healthy. I worry about losing her every day. Her menstrual cycles are out of whack also. I wish Senator Johnson would have, at the,end of the program, addressed next steps. Primarily, what is the new congress going to do, if anything, about this? We, as citizens can't do anything but share the information. I'm frustrated, as I'm sure you are too.

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I know there are plans for future steps forthcoming. More groundwork is being laid here for reference.

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You can also call, visit and write your governor, senators, mayors, school boards, city councils, hospital admins/CFOs, etc etc. and support freedom groups, especially first amendment and state medical freedom groups. Urge senators especially, on bills that trample on medical freedom, informed consent, etc.

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As citizens we still have the power to assemble massively in the streets. We still have the power to remain in the streets by the millions until changes are made. My guess, however, is that it would take cessation of tribal bickering to allow enough sense of common purpose to pull it off. My observation is that tribal bickering has somehow lodged itself into our psyche as a national pastime.

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

it was good to see another senator there - Senator Dr. Roger Marshall shown around the 2:07:00 mark.

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Watching. Excellent! Thank you to all there working and helping. The ripple grows.

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So glad you are doing this!

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

The agenda pretty much covers all the points of what has been the disastrous covid injection experiment. I am praying that those in power will put their lust for power aside and do what's right for the American people.

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Not bloody likely, they shielded themselves from any sort of liability before the first dose was given - all liability is on the recipient. See https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/todays-livestream-at-the-senate/comment/10985238

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Personally, I'm not holding my breath. They're psychopaths, after all.

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well done! Covered major bases. I appear to have missed a good part of your testimorny. My access dropped off for an extended period. Your contributions, that I was able to access were vital!.

Someone early on seemed to offer that the course of events were helpful with the mass vaccinations. Not better than clinical trial. Clinical trial a Must be before mass vaccination

I did think Dr Kory and Dr Thorp were excellent. Dr Kory seems to be improving with each participation. Also felt Dowd and the Military woman were very relevant and compelling.

Dr Cole was also very helpful

Thank you so much for being there, for helping us view live and being all that you are!

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Agree. The Doctors were familiar and still outstanding but the woman from DOD was excellent!

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Good to see new faces there as well. And some getting more practice in these formal settings like Ed Dowd. Very happy to see everyone here at their best, fine tuning their message and focus.

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I noticed a couple of times that you reached for David Gortler(?) to give him some human acknowledgement and perhaps some comfort, as I could see that he and a few others were suffering. That is what defines a caring and human being. By their actions you shall know them, not just the words.

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Listening now, amazingly powerful, a crushing smackdown. No invited officials on the side promoting the injection had the integrity to attend. N ONE. Everyone should tume in.

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Nope, not one. But it was good to see another senator popped in - Senator Dr. Roger Marshall

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It’s not only integrity their missing…

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30,000 watching live great!

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I am so glad you did not resign yourself to stay on the farm but rather to stay in the fight. You are such a valuable voice. Your calm and wise demeanor is invaluable to this cause. The fact that no one will hear is proof only of the very evil in play. It is also the proof of the Biblical text that indeed a great delusion would fall in the last days. There is but no other explanation. You. Are. Called. For. Such. A. Time. As. This. And we thank you. Great job today. All of you.

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent!! Wonderful information. Thank you for sharing. Will this be archived?

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it is on Senator Johnson’s Rumble page here https://rumble.com/v1ze4d0-covid-19-vaccines-what-they-are-how-they-work-and-possible-causes-of-injuri.html and Dr. Malone will always have it on his substack page

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Thank you!!! I see it now. I’ve sent it to several ppl!!😁

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That was good. But let us hope it goes farther than last year's Johnson Senate hearing.

Don't get me wrong, I think both hearings were great, and I shared and emailed links for both hearings, but it has been a long, long year.

And Malone's and other comments at the end on the projected use of the mRNA platform are frightening.

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Yes! Big plans for more of them! Damit!!!!!!!

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As they darned well should be

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Thank you for posting the link - it was a powerful discussion with our heroes in healthcare. As a retired healthcare provider I am in awe of everyone in that room. Hats off to Sen Johnson for his perseverance to learn the truth. This freight train of injury that seems to be gaining speed in terms of more mRNA-based gene "therapy" must be stopped until we know the long-term consequences. Dr. Malone, you are a hero!

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Already know enough short term outcomes to ban the bloody things

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