Jan 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The truth is becoming impossible to contain. The reluctant citizens are becoming informed. Joe Rogan joined GETTR some 10 hours ago and already has 8.1 million subscribers. You sparked that Dr Malone. The avalanche has begun.

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This should make me miserable but I can feel my cheeks swelling into a smile, finally, of HOPE. No one in my family understands why I have not jumped on the vaccine train. Thank heaven, TRUTH WILL OUT

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Edie, will you family watch either interview? I am not sure I can get mine to. So frustrating because this is so so important.

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They are all vaxxed ( my brother is having auto-immune issues which his wife denies is from the vax ) I am just posting and reposting info as far and wide as I can hoping that some of THEIR peers hear about it and it comes from someone else. My daughter got the booster and had plans to go to Florida. Not feeling well, she spent a whole day researching it and told me she never wanted to discuss covid again so I am hoping she stumbled on some truth by ‘accident’

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My kids (early 30's) got vax'd and I am holding my breath they do ok. They refuse to watch anything I send them. I have many vax injured friends who are in denial. I am a nurse with decades of experience. Sudden onset of atrial fibrillation, recurrence of cancers that were in remission, 2 people who died of brain tumors in less than 8 weeks from diagnosis to death, a friend who clotted off his gallbladder, one dropped dead outside in his yard........it's dreadful. We are in a pickle because at this point if you DO get them to read something and they realize they've been duped most will not thank you but instead be angry (the kill the messenger deal). This has driven a wedge in more than one relationship. hang in there!

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This is so sad. Substack gives us a heart emoji to click if we like a post but we need a broken heart emoji to express our concern, sadness and condolences.

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I'm an MD with specialties in Pathology and Psychiatry and am unable to speak freely with ANY of my colleagues. I seriously cannot recognize this country any longer (I'm 66). I've been forced to get the jab myself or be banned from working (I'm in Commiefornia)

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I just watched a great interview of Mattias Demet, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone talking about this phenomenon we are experiencing, mass formation. As a psychiatrist you may be familiar. It's fascinating. A friend just remarked that all of the rest of our friends and family are 'hypnotized'. That's essentially what mass formation is. You must be so frustrated! I think its important to find like-minded people to connect with so we don't despair. I am in TX where we are not locked down like Calif. but there are plenty of sheep here too! Here's the link to interview: https://rumble.com/embed/vpbkzr/?pub=35jzx

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Look up Dr. Bryan Ardis!!!

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Jan 4, 2022·edited Jan 4, 2022

I’m right there with you. Mostly vaxxed family. I feel like this catastrophe is just ramping up. I could not discourage my 18 yr old daughter due to school pressure to vax. I’m praying she is unaffected as time passes.

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I here you, my 2 sons both work for municipal governments, both had to be double jabbed in order to keep their jobs, I pray both of them will be ok, I couldn’t survive if something happened to either of them😭💔

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The next battle is re-coalesce of family and friends (if possible). It's going to be painful!

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Exactly, people are so pissed they got duped they either just clam up or stay on the vax train. I too have 3 daughters who got the jab, and I pray they’re ok. On top of all that, I start nursing school in 2 weeks. I don’t know if my religious exemption is going to hold up. I hope the Supreme Court can right this mandate BS quick.

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My family also and my brother is an immunologist who worked on a base. He said, “Do what Dr. Fauci says!” At one point he said stop sending me these or he’d block my texts. He and his wife never joined social media. Just think how different things would be if we all hadn’t. My son, son-in-law and daughter all got it despite our information and pleas. I am so upset that I might have to watch them die. She has a 7 month old and I said DONOT vax that baby.

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My son-in-law, early thirties, had a stroke from a “preexisting condition.” They knew he had it. I asked my son what exceptions are there for getting the jab? There are no health issues exempting you from the jab! That right there should convince you there is something very wrong, I have never heard of a shot or medication good for everyone! I told my family to get d-dimer tests. If they had possibly my son-in-law would have been put on blood thinners preventing the stroke. If you had the jab, get your heart checked and get the d-dimer test. Look up your shot/s number on VAERS to see what conditions you might be watching for symptoms.

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unfortunately adults are free to make their own decisions ( for now )

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Omig My son had a myocarditis heart attack last year and no one told me b/c they knew I would blame his triple vax and my daughter had a two year bout of vascular injuries in her legs. I ber they all get the new flu

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Look up the research done by Dr. Bryan Ardis!! Brighteaon.com and/or thedrardisshow.com

Do it now!!!

He is brilliant and, so far, has not been suicided!!!

His information about nicotine and snake venom will blow your mind!!

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is the second source of indisputable troubled all-cause mortality data that goes "off the rails" starting mid-year 2021 ... when vax rates passed 50% in most "first world" countries.

The first was the Scottish all-cause mortality data (collected for the past 42 years) that went off the rails starting in May. Boring Scottish record keepers suddenly alarmed by a "Foul Wind Arising from the Moors" (got that phrasing and the data link from Alex Bersenson).

Now we have equally boring (and thus trustworthy) Mid-American insurance actuarial record keepers suddenly alarmed by the extreme rate of life insurance payouts since ... drumroll please ... mid-year 2021 (i.e "third and fourth quarters of 2021").

In the law of "hearsay", the exceptions -- ie. admissible hearsay -- are categories of "disinterested" statements. Scottish mortality record keepers and Indiana life insurance actuarial record keepers are, if nothing else, "disinterested" in the politics of Covidland. Thus trustworthy.

Thus, as Dr. Malone says ... ALARMING! (for the sheep, at least)

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Good information. The Scots have a penchant for accurate record keeping that makes accurate Scots genealogy possible and, frankly, marketable. With a population of five or six million deploying the jab early was easy and so the results also apparently came in early. I hope not too many of my friends there are among the casualties.

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Truth is one thing you can never repress-- delay yes , repress no. 2022 will bear this out in spades.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yeah!! I just joined GETTR as well-- thanks for the news

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Me too. Yesterday after I watched the good doctor's interview with Rogan.

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The interview was awesome. I only hope I can get some to watch it.

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Thank you. Now do Fauci.

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And I'm really not trying to be overly flippant. I consider Robert Malone to be the consumate insider. That he's so hard against this is far more worrying than the Steve Kirsch type people of the world. Dr. Malone stands to lose a lot by taking this stance. Just like certain notable German scientists who oppose the idea of retroviruses causing immuno-deficiencies.

He could probably get eternal grants if he would just shut his mouth.

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As Dr. Malone stated, he had no choice but to "do the right thing". Sadly, he seems to be one of few in the medical profession.

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Maybe I missed the point of your post. I looked at your link, which started at the bottom of a long twitter thread (how is it still this bad?), and assumed you were trying to point out conflicts of interest. Maybe you're trying to drag them all out into the light regardless who they are?

I would love some explanation :)

Also, I suspect medicine / research will be a long time in recovering from the blows its taken in the last few years.

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Dude, the average person is still considering the government as the entity that protects the people.

I spoke with my cousin who is MD and Fauci follower. And he is aware of myocarditis being out of charts. But he blames Long-Haul Covid.

He is a good dude. But he is reluctant to admit that vaccines are the culprit. And I don't see him changing his mind in the near future.

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I know, but I feel at some point the data will be so obvious it will be impossible to ignore… like flat earthers seeing a photo of earth from space. The life insurance data will be irrefutable. When all of them come forward, it will make an impact. But, I thought that a year ago.

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Welp, as the person who entered the comment about the parallels, starting in mid-2021, between the Scottish all cause mortality data, and this Indiana life insurance "3 sigma" data above ... I, together with 99% of people who subscribe here and also to Alex Berenson "believe" the vax is the core cause.

But as of right now, this belief is just a hypothesis. There is no direct proof that all or most or some of these alarming extra deaths were *caused* or even "nudged" by the vax.

So the sheep/Collaborators/hypnotized folks ain't gonna be buying this hypothesis anytime soon.

But for me (and probably for you)? It's WAY more than enough data for us.

For me, it's plenty enough data to urge my wife to pump the brakes on helping our 16-year-old girl toward getting her driver's license. She appears to lean toward the sheep propaganda. I don't want her driving to some place that will jab her without parental consent -- consent that neither my wife nor I would give in this life or the next.

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I was there before the first vaxx was given. My dad instilled a great distrust of government solutions and corporate intentions in me decades ago. Fortunately, my 16 yr old son won’t consider it, but my 18 yr old daughter did. I definitely have skin in this game.

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RegularGuy, the data can be interpreted however they want them to be.

They can say that myocarditis and heart attacks are caused by Long-Haul covid.

They can assume that even if you are vaccinated chances are you were infected before and developed myocarditis from Covid.

So no matter what, they will never blame the vaccines and they will always say that thanks to the Covid vaccines humanity has survived the “WORST” pandemic since the creation of the universe.

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That’s why we all have to be vaccinated! It would be obvious. Now a new virus in China! Probably the one Gordon Chang said would be more deadly

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My SO will only watch Rachel MadCow and I can't even bring up the subject without getting trounced on before I can make a full statement.

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Don’t even try anymore 😔

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https://www.youtube.com/live/oNQcN_1V2MA?feature=share Andrew Bridgen british MP at The Betterway conference in Bath June 2023. Interviewed by Dan Astin Gregory. He is a lone voice in UK parliament along with Sir Christopher Chope, and Mr Danny Kruger - the rest are a bunch of wimps who do nothing but denigrate Mr Bridgen.

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As a former Army Officer and Pilot, I had the misfortune of having to be deployed to Jonestown after the mass suicide and murders back in the 70's. I was a Medevac pilot at the time, and our primary mission was to evacuate the survivors, as well as the military members who were working on scene and overcome by the chaos they were being forced to deal with. It was a highly disturbing experience and affected me for a very long time following our return.

The thing that really struck me after our return was the relative non-reaction of the public to what had happened. In fact, instead of serious discussions and lessons to be learned, the prevailing response was a plethora of jokes about "purple cocktails" which lasted for years.

Today, I am struck by how similar the rhetoric and edicts of "Dr" Fauci resemble the early rantings of the "Rev" Jim Jones. Strikingingly similar psychologically...and very scary the way people are being hypnotized into conformance...much like the dead followers of Jones.

In out present day, Trump, for a time, and now Biden full on, are literally marching in lock-step to whatever Fauci's latest elocutions dictate. It is disturbing how much a very significant portion of our population look to Fauci as the guiding light...the saviour...the righteous being, without ever questioning his motives, history, nefarious experiments, and dishonesty. It's almost like Jim Jones reincarnated in the form of a "medical" saviour. This is clearly evidentiary evidence of Mass Formation Psychosis, and MUST be battled.

I simply refuse to be a sheep led to the slaughter, and that is EXACTLY what I believe is the likely end result for many if this continues. Sic Semper Tyrannis.

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022

Anyone who thinks Anthony Fauci is incompetent, or just a glorified bureaucrat, may find it interesting to check out "The Real Anthony Fauci". This is an extremely well-researched book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Fauci has been director of NIAID since 1984. He controls billions of USD in research grants. When he says that to attack him is to attack science, this is ludicrous on the one hand. But on the other hand, it's literally true. If he doesn't like particular science that's being done, his underlings call the university and threaten its research grants. If he likes some other science, he funds it.

So quite literally, the outcome of science has been what Fauci decides it's going to be. He has been in that position for 37 years. The HIV/AIDS narrative is his baby. The flu vaccines are his project. Food for thought!

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I’m reading it now. There is so much corruption. It was never about public health, but instead how to profit from the public.

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Jan 4, 2022·edited Jan 4, 2022

It's worse than that.

The Covid pandemic and the vaccines are not about mere profit. They are to open the gates to global totalitarianism with a social credit score, absolute submission to the government, and population control.

Everything that Fauci has done has been in support of this dystopia. If it was only a profit motive, the profit stops at your front door. But their power ambitions go WAY beyond your property, and straight into your mind and body.

They want to surveil every thought, control emotions, manipulate genes, and rob the individual of EVERYTHING we are.

It is absolute sadism. And it starts by killing off a huge fraction of people they do not require.

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Yes, I totally agree, my response was quite abbreviated.

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Why are they killing off their staunchest enablers? I'm just sorry the Covid cultists didn't die back in 2020. Seriously. Without them we might have avoided this Hell-on-earth the heartless, brainless Covidians ushered in. A curse on them all!

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They're trying to get to everyone, not just the enablers. The planned economic collapse, food shortages, monkeypox, smallpox, Marburg virus etc are the attempt to get everyone else.

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It's about what you say way more than greed IMHO

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Hard to believe there is a global collusion around some planned dystopia. Putting profits over health is somewhat to be expected, but still surprising on this scale. People's health and deaths are just seen as numbers that can be played around with in managing infrastructure.. it's a cynical view of money and enterprise, but a far cry from planned totalitarianism. But whatever, who knows.. maybe there is some truth here, but I'm not there yet. I am there with pharmaceutical industry pushing products that aren't as safe as they say, and downplaying the damage (recent opioid crises and lawsuits are a good example. )

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It's not a dystopia for those who imagine residing on its top. :)

This has been life's work for many high-profile people. They would like to see it realized. Major figures - David Rockefeller, Bush Sr, Prince Philip - have already died without seeing the fruits of their designs.

But the main problem that forced their hand is social media. For 60 years, they controlled the news and kept uncomfortable truths under wraps. Then, the very projects which they started to provide a voluntary mass surveillance of society, allowed the spread of counter-narratives. Trump got elected, they were caught with their pants down and they had to move decisively. The transition into totalitarianism had to happen now.

And so this is where we are.

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I'm almost finished with the book now I was stunned by the deceit.

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Chip implantation - are you referring to the nanotechnology in the “vaccines”, or something else? If something else do you have a link? Thanks.

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Feels like the flu vaccines were grooming for COVID vaccine compliance.

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I agree. READ IT!!! I finished that book in one day… I never read like that. That man is evil. Thinks of us like he does beagles. If you don’t know that reference, search it out.

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I'm half way through the book and it's an eye opener.

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022

The meme that people still use is "don't drink the koolaid." Would it be that people would follow that rule now when applied to the current propaganda and group think.

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Such an apt and insightful comparison from a direct witness of history. The cult of Fauci now includes Kool-Aid partakers from so many unprecedented parts of society, such as academia, media, mainstream politicians. Thank you.

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This is an excellent comparison. So many are in a state of being brainwashed. The consequences will be horrifying.

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My unit, 3/7th Special Forces out of Panama provided security in The aftermath of Jonestown. My olfactory sense reminds me often of the disaster. Don’t be a sheep!

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Whew! Yes, I remember the smell...even at altitude above the compound. It was sickening. I remember you guys on the ground! Army Strong!

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Many parallels in these situations not the least of which is children being involved. I hate that you or anyone would have to experience something like that. Seeing something on TV rarely has the impact of real life…. I had always wanted to see a tornado until one almost took out my family. The devastation was shocking. I feel sick when I think of a tornado now.

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Hi Guys, I am older now and not so capable to fight that war in the way I used to: Via IT speciality. I wish I could continue that way. BUT I do admire and support all of you who fight for our freedom and the health of our children.

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I was very young during the tragedy that Jim Jones unleashed but I know the story well. I too fear this is exactly what is happening with the jabs as I can't in good conscience call them vaccines.

What is profoundly sad to me is my husband, soul mate and partner in life was used as a tool to push people to running to get the jab. My husband Richard who wouldn't even consider taking the jab fell ill with Covid in Nov. 2021. He later was murdered in the hospital with the intentional use of a failed drug called Remdesivir. This drug was used in an Ebola trial and had a 53% death rate. The trial was stopped. I believe the intent was to "scare" the rest of the population into running to get the jab. It worked for many. I'm sad to say after the loss of my dear Richard, many of my siblings and other family members did just that.

This tragedy goes even further. It has divided my family. My son & daughter -in-law have hardly been present since his murder. They are jabbed, boosted, and can't wait to push more poison into their bodies. The worst part is I am horrified and begged them not too! My fear is I will loose them (as in perishing) forever! My only son, my beautiful son and daughter-in-law. My sisters, my brother, my nieces and nephews. These people are my reason for living and they may very well be harmed beyond cure! THEY SACRIFICED MY HUSBAND TO SCARE THE MASSES INTO THE JAB!!

May GOD have mercy on their soul.......

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I think people are very good at seeing what they want to see and therefore avoiding the horror of what you are describing. I guess the jokes are to ward off having to confront acknowledgement of what has happened. Thank you for your enlightening comment.

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Well said, so sorry you had to go through the Jim Jones ordeal.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone,

I am a retired field geologist, who was interested enough to obtain a degree in psychology, that is in some regards better at employing traditional scientific methodology, than the earth sciences. In the earth sciences some questions are too expensive to answer so you learn to entertain multiple working hypotheses, but in the end have to go the preponderance of evidence. The old cliche is a working principle. "If If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and has feathers that shed water, then it is likely a duck."

I concluded some time ago that the only reason for shutting down hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Budesonide, and other promising therapies along with totally ignoring natural immunity in favor of the one size fits all approach of vaccination is to force everyone to take the vaccine. There are only two reasons to force vaccines, that are rapidly proving to cause more harm than good: the profit motive or to have some effect on everyone, who takes them. It isn't a far stretch, based on the reputations of several involved, to conclude that effect is to do harm. The drastically increased mortality presented by oneAmerica seals the case in my opinion.

Reiner Fuellmich is no fool and has had lots of experience dealing with the ugly underbelly of some members of humanity that are educated and "civilized" ie. Volkswagen. I also doubt he would have dedicated the resources of his law firm if he didn't expect a return on his investment.

My wife and I are lucky in that, although a little older than you, we survived the earliest onslaught of Covid-19 about two years ago and haven't had anything since. We have not taken the vaccine and also had the resources to relocated to a much more rural and protected setting in order to weather this mess out. For decades I have had a foreboding that something like this was going to happen and I am sorry to say I fear I have been right.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’d say 60% arrogance / 40% greed for the government employees. 100% greed for pharma. And then there are the opportunists on the sidelines leveraging this for power, money, and other nefarious purposes… politicians, billionaires, communists, foreign countries. Bottom line, there are a lot decision makers that truly do not care if you and I die or become disabled.

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I’ve felt like a nut these past 2-5 years, feeling compelled to start food gardens & build big walls around my property & telling my husband I felt like a character in Close Encounters of the Third Kind… until all this mess broke out.

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Sounds a lot like the business of pharma psychiatry.

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Ditto my feelings and forebodings exactly.

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I am so interested in these mass sensations of foreboding before all this happened. I experienced that too. Check out Roger Nelson's Global Consciousness Project, at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab (PEAR) where they have crafted objective methods using tweaks of random number generators to show some sort of mass presentiment that something threatening or emotionally significant was about to happen prior to many global events... I wonder how this also feeds into Mass Formation Psychosis?

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Not only ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, but also immune enhancing cheap vitamins.

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Keeping healthy, as well, helps ;-)

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We love Reiner Fuellmich too, and rooting for his efforts.

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Yet! He nailed VW and it wasn’t accomplished in a day.

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That's kind of a vague dismissal. His firm and colleagues have already filed their first lawsuit. They have published many of their depositions as videos. He has collected together quite a bit of wisdom and accumulated quite a team of lawyers. So I remain optimistic.

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That's wonderful.....does he have any contacts in Michigan? We could use his "team" here to defend the tyranny and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY against our loved ones......

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Like Q'Anon.

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I want to believe this is all driven by nothing more than greed, bureaucratic group-think, and incompetence; followed by epic ass covering. The darker conspiracy theories are too disturbing to me. They also require a level of institutional competence that is not observed in any other context.

However, there is one theory that I find somewhat credible. The medical establishment wants to make us all more dependent on medical services to stay alive. In other words, they want to role out "subscription based" health care, kind of like subscription based software like Office 365 and Quickbooks. Karl Denninger, also a level headed guy, thinks this is plausible explanation for all of this.

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The only problem with that theory is that subscription medicine is being successfully practiced several places in the US. It is also called concierge medicine and if properly managed can be cheaper than what we have now. Why you might ask. My answer is that a lot of the cost of medical care is inefficiency of the system. Subscriptions paired with insurance for catastrophic accidents and illness don’t need all of the billing overhead and so is generally cheaper while affording the Physician comparable or higher earnings. The subscriptions I have heard of can be between $50 and $100 per month.

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Welcome to what us common, but curious, people have thought almost since the start. And Tea Party members have worried about for years! Please reconsider moving Jan 23 rally to a freedom loving state. You can’t trust anyone in DC to protect you. And almost certainly they will try to bait people like they did on 1/6/21.

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Well, one easy fix is: "don't listen to FBI agitators encouraging you to storm Capitol buildings." The civil rights folks had to deal with this sort of constant COINTELPRO operation all during the 60s. They perservered. We can too. We just have to be smart.

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I understand your point, however, they did not have iPhones and drones in the 60s. Criminals were not elevated to Hero status while good, hard working, law abiding citizens were painted as the enemy. Ashley Babbitt would be talked about in the news everyday if she had been a Democrat. The officer would have been “outed” immediately by media, and he would have been fired.

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The whole 1/6 op appears to have been executed in order to threaten protesters in advance, to dissuade Americans from peacefully assembling in protest. It kinda sounds like their plan is working, at least on some people.

If you recall, the civil rights protesters were also singled out and persecuted - unfairly - by the J Edgar Hoover's FBI. Some were even shot. And yet they perservered. We can win too.

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Well, I can’t make it to DC but will get a local group together and rally for freedom in our community. I hope others who can’t make it to DC will do the same! Thankful for Dr. Malone and everyone on his substack who lift each other up, provide sanity, hope, and energy to make sure all those who lost their lives for our freedom/ country will not have died in vain.

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I agree for all of your reasons Bob, that moving the rally to a freedom-loving state and warmer climate make sense. I would not be surprised if they locked down DC prior to the rally and institute the requirement to show proof of vax to stay in a hotel, eat in a restaurant, take an Uber. My husband and I plan to attend but since many of us have declined the jab DC could make it could be rough on us.

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They are going to make it mandatory on domestic flights but since they want to rebel I’m not so sure. And yes I can’t go because it’s too cold. I have raynauds!

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and 'fired at'

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They didn’t have the media against them. The Capitol police report and are accountable to Congress period! They will be in every state to “protect government officials”

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Be careful everyone, watch out for bad actors!

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Please reconsider MOVING THE VENUE to Florida. We will bring a party of 6.

We will NOT go to DC. SORRY!

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There's a reason they put up all that fencing, deployed all those troops, prosecuted all those protesters who took selfies in the capitol. The reason was to scare people.

This is a really interesting process. I've heard so many people virtually demand that whistleblowers come forward and risk their careers - and possibly their lives - and yet we can't even manage to make it to DC for a one-day trip to support Dr Malone?

Until Americans - in sufficient numbers - can manage to muster some courage, I think we shouldn't expect any whistleblowers to come forward to save our children for us. And the band will play on.

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I absolutely agree with you, and appreciate your response however that said, your words are very similar to those who encouraged rally goers to enter the capital.

My very keen intuitions and street smarts will not allow me to put myself or my loved ones in harms way.

Therefore, my answer is still NO!

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Absolutely. If your intuition is telling you I work for the FBI, then by all means, don't listen to me!

I have intuition too; my intuition is telling me that there are forces out there who would prefer Dr Robert Malone be totally unsupported in DC, so that he will give up, and our children will simply have to suck up these mandates and take the shot. "Safe & Effective", amirite?

Same group is seeking to punish doctors for prescribing Ivermectin & HCQ, for talking about vaccine injury, for talking about risk/benefit for the shots.

If we don't support Malone...then who are we waiting for? If we don't march now...then when?

I am really impressed with the job they did on 1/6. Much of America is now too scared to leave their homes. These guys know their stuff. While we still have the right to peaceably assemble, a big chunk of the country is too scared to use it.

This is why its hard to get Ivermectin. This is why most people don't get early treatment.

Its all about fear.

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There is no "reason" it must be in DC. It can be held anywhere and still get the point across. There is a difference between being a "Whistleblower" and attending a large event in the same area that a highschool boy was persecuted and accused wrongly by media, a woman was shot and killed with no justice, and another woman also died at 1/6 rally and it's not being reported on. Dr. Malone is well versed in medicine - and, he is just coming to the possible realization that this is more malfeasance than incompetency, or a money grab. His attention has been focused on Covid. Conservatives have been focused on the whole "pie" so to speak. Choosing to make a common sense choice not to go to DC doesn't mean you don't support Dr. Malone or you're a "coward." There are many alternative ways to participate in the rally and/or support Dr. Malone. Also, plenty of people have quit their well loved careers over the vax. I'd say that's courageous. There are whistleblowers everywhere; they are not getting the spotlight/media attention.

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Seriously. It really is all about fear. That's how they rule.

That, and by dividing us into warring tribes. "Conservative" and "Liberal."

I'm glad you support Dr Malone. I do too. We all are doing our best. My career is not at risk over the shot, so I have it comparatively easy. I have a group I trust going to DC. So maybe that part is easy for me too.

I'll say it again: I'm glad you support Dr. Malone. I do too.

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What would the harm be in moving it?

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Definitely a rally in FL would be much safer. FL is like a different country. I live there right now. I wish the whole country was like this. (Although things are a bit pricey)

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If Dr. Malone were to hold a rally in Lee County Florida, there would be police protection. The police there are not afraid of or give a pass to Antifa and won't be trying to undermine or harm any peaceful protestors. And they would have the backing of the DeSantis. It would probably get more attention in Florida, because the liberal media despise Florida and DeSantis.

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Texas then

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It needs to be in DC. MSM will NOT cover it in Florida. The MSM cannot ignore a massive Freedom March to DC.

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Are you really being serious? Pro life marches attract about a million every year in DC for many years, even in ice storms. The media is ordered to cover whatever minor event in another part of the country is occurring.

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That's true.

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Yes - if it were in Florida, I'd be there.

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Me too!

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Yes. DC is not a good location.

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Agreed. Don't play ball in a place where the referees are tied to the other team.

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Yes I’m very concerned!!! Worried! They want another Jan 6 and they have the people, media, Capitol police FBI informants! I say what will you do if someone starts attacking people? Trump supporters tried to help some police from getting attacked and the video is gone! They are practicing to fight “Freedom Fighters” domestic terrorists! Why that term? I begged Trump not to have the rally after seeing threats online. Mad he’s done nothing for Jan 6 incarcerated, didn’t fire Fauci, still promotes the jab, put bad people in leadership etc.

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I no longer consider myself a Republican because of this. They are all in this together at the federal level.

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VAERS has just reached a historic milestone of surpassing 1 million adverse event reports and 21,000 deaths:


In my “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier), I map the 10 Stages of Genocide to the present democide. We are already at stage 10: Denial.

As I write in “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative):

Imagine the Holocaust is happening again. Only this time, it’s on a planetary scale. And there aren’t any Allies coming to the rescue—because they’re just as guilty as the Axis.

Then imagine you have incontrovertible proof that mass extermination is occurring, and it has been devised by megalomaniacal self-styled gods; patented and formulated by pharmaceutical megacorporations; imposed by governments (or else) and official agencies; implemented by hospitals, doctors, and the medical community; and covered up by mainstream media and Big Tech.

Now imagine people are telling you sharing evidence of that atrocity is making them uncomfortable. They want to change the subject; they want to agree-to-disagree.

How would you feel when you’re doing everything in your power to prevent more human beings from being massacred, and most people don’t want to hear about it, don’t want to think about it, don’t want to even consider the snowballing scientific data because it contradicts the worldwide propaganda campaign being scripted by the very entities committing these crimes against humanity?

I know that sounds hyperbolic. That’s what purveyors of the Biggest Lie in world history count on. It is too titanic, too ridiculous to be believed.

All of their mouthpieces tell you so. They tell you we’re “anti-vaxxers.” They tell you we’re “conspiracy theorists.” They tell you we’re spreading “misinformation.” They tell you we’re “right-wing extremists,” “Deplorables,” and “Trump voters.”

They tell you not to listen to us. They tell you we can’t be trusted. They tell you THEY are your “single source of truth.”

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So true. Its like trying to carry a thousand lb rock up a hill by yourself. Many people are already burnt out and feel like they can’t do anything to stop it anyhow. Thank God for warriors, like Dr. Malone, who so bravely are bringing truth to us who feel helpless and bewildered by this non-stop surreal reality.

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Thank you, Sharon, and I definitely get that feeling when trying to “debate” Covidians, whose programming is impenetrable.

Outside of that, though, I actually feel remarkably optimistic. Every day, I connect with new brilliant, brave, and loving people around the world (as I touch on in my holiday note to my readers: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/early-blooming-parentheses-a-very), and I feel like we are achieving a groundswell of growing awareness.

Having Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone appear on Rogan means we are getting these crucial truths out to mainstreamers who otherwise may have been totally unaware of what was occurring, and it only takes beginning to see the fissures in the narrative for them to start questioning, re-evaluating, and seeking out the truth.

Most importantly, we have REALITY on our side, and eventually the Big Lie *always* crumbles, as Goebbels notes in this inspirational quote ;-)

“There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph.”

We shall overcome!! 🙌

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I saw that fabulous video and love Five Times August! I featured their Dr. Mengelfauci work of art in my last letter (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative).

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Ooh, a new one! Thanks for the link!

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022

Exactly! My friend, nearly 70, criticizes me about not getting the shot and brags that she got three “full shots,” not boosters.

She emailed me today to ask about my status again.

And oh, by the way, both she and her husband were diagnosed with neurological diseases last month.

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It is so weird, like a cult... as if taking the shots will send them to the "promised land". Reminds me of the Jonestown Massacre. There's an odd denial where they won't even consider a potential link, despite the timely nature.

Annoying thing is they "believe in the science" but know little to nothing about it. They're just following with blind faith because of the consensus.

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Just peruse this list of the top 10 signs of being in a cult (https://www.theodysseyonline.com/signs-you-are-in-a-cult), and you’ll see it is spot-on:

1. A single authoritative person or small group of people create rules to follow.

2. Your group is isolated or encouraged to stay and keep secrets within the in-group.

3. Critical thinking and questioning are met with resistance, deferment, and/or punishment.

4. Cults are totalistic.

5. Hostility, sanction, or aggression when leaving the group is brought up.

6. Formal ceremonies and rituals take place to indoctrinate and reaffirm beliefs communally.

7. “Love Bombing” or bipolar behavior.

8. Food, work, and social activity are monitored or controlled.

9. A sense of “community” is extremely valued above the comfort and desire of the individual.

10. Important decisions are influenced or made by the people in charge.

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Those cloth masks were already used in certain religious ceremonies before 2020.

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It’s not like a cult—it IS a cult.

CJ Hopkins (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/) has written about this phenomenon extensively, and I also touch on it in my “Letter to a Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel).

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Are you also in NSW? Saw a link in your post to our Chief Health Officer. Case numbers have been crazy here, 95% vaccinated and we average 20K a day. Complete failure if you ask me.

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No, but I have a lot of Australian subscribers, and they keep me apprised of the latest happenings. That was partly my inspiration behind making the Down Under edition of my Recommendations Roundup (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-2-down-under-41b).

I’m sorry for what you guys are having to suffer and hope there’s an end in sight soon. It is encouraging to see more people coming together to protest.

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They follow with blind faith because TV series about medicine or forensics have programmed them to assume all physicians and scientists are noble and 100 percent correct.

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Ann, wow. It astonishes me that people could suddenly get new diseases, injuries, and side effects out of blue and STILL refuse to make the glaring connection!!

It reminds me of this quote from the latest brilliant entry from Academy of Ideas: “Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianism” (https://academyofideas.com/2021/12/is-government-the-new-god-the-religion-of-totalitarianism/):

“Other reports tell of political officials and party followers who cried out ‘Long Live Stalin!’ as they were being taken out to be shot by the Soviet Secret Police.”

Substitute “Long Live Fauci!” and you’ll see why reaching the true believers feels so hopeless.

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Scientism is the new religion, in my opinion.

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Agreed! Although I’d spell it $cientism.

As Christopher Browning notes in “Ordinary Men” of Milgram’s observations:

“In Milgram’s experiments, ‘overarching ideological justification’ was present in the form of a tacit and unquestioned faith in the goodness of science and its contribution to progress.”

See my “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) for more relevant quotes from Browning as well as Milton Mayer’s eerily applicable “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45.”

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RemovedJan 4, 2022·edited Jan 4, 2022
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Right. Also touched on this in my “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative) in my link from “megalomaniacal self-styled gods” to Schwab Family Values (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/schwab-family-values/), which traces his Nazi origins.

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That is shocking! But there are so many stories like this.

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My 50-year-old friend (a healthy hiker) had a heart attack post-vax. Now has a stent & will be on meds for life. Nobody is making any connection.

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That is really heartbreaking—literally. Try sharing the interview with Kyle Warner I feature in my “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier) and see if that helps wake him up to what is occurring.

When I hear about this happening to so many people, it makes me realize how many MORE adverse event reports are not being filed in VAERS, not only because the hospitals/doctors/medical professionals are intentionally flouting this requirement but also because the patients themselves are so brainwashed, they don’t even make the connection. Talk about coincidence theorists.

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Yup I have a similar tale from a high school friend, delirium, massive jaw pain, heart attack out of the blue 3 weeks post vax, and no previous hints of problems and nothing to stent, nothing to explain the heart attack according to the doctors. After bringing up the connection to the vaccine, I haven't heard from her in 5 months. It is overwhelming for people to make the connection, even for beloved friends.

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I know :-( MountainBlues shared a similar story of a young Covidian (now former) friend who developed cardiac issues after her injection but refuses to acknowledge the cause 🤦‍♀️

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What an excellent substack. I have just subscribed.

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She does a great job - I agree it is excellent.

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Aww, thank you, Dr. Malone! 😌 I didn’t know you’d managed to find time to read any of it (I’m amazed and impressed that you have ;-)

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BTW, I’d be honored to gift you with a paid subscription if desired. Just sign up under your preferred email address, and I’ll set up a comp for you 🤗

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How wonderful to welcome you, Brett, and I am grateful for your enthusiastic support!

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Indeed. Hence my “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier).

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I’m so sorry, EC. What happened to you and your daughter, if you’re comfortable sharing here?

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EC, just reading this is utterly overwhelming—I can’t imagine what you and your daughter are suffering.

It reminded me of a woman named Cynthia Marie Brewer who posted somewhere about her harrowing story with the Human Genome Project. It sounds like science fiction, as you say, but she was clearly traumatized by her experience. Took me a while to hunt down the story because it was a long time ago, and I didn’t remember her name or hardly any details, but I managed to find these links with the right combination of keywords plus wading through enough search results, amazingly:



You can search for her name to find more details, and maybe you can try to contact her and see if you can help each other.

I’m sorry I can’t be of more assistance directly, but hopefully that will point you in a direction that will be useful for you.

Take good care and best of wishes with finding healing and justice.

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Thank you. Last year - in the back of my mind - I had assumed that insurance companies (and their armies of actuaries) would eventually reveal truth about the shots, because it is their business to track this stuff. Then with all the fuss, I forgot about this insight.

Today, suddenly, here it is, brought to light. What the CDC has apparently hidden, this insurance company has revealed. Why only this company? Why not the others, I wonder?

Related: Kaiser Permanente almost certainly knows what is going on. Kaiser has amazing data. Millions of people, insured. And yet - chirping crickets. Kaiser could run a cohort study - how the "vaccinated" outcomes compare vs the "unvaccinated" outcomes, adjusted. They did this with "activity" - it was an awesome study. (conclusion: inactivity is lethal. This was very motivating for me.). See below:


And yet, nothing similar for the shots. Why is that, Kaiser Permanente?

Incredible. Thanks again.

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Pressure must be placed on those who must know what is going on. They can either get on board the truth train or be part of the group that will spend life behind bars.

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The pressure will come economically-- imagine paying out all those benefits-- not for COVID deaths-- more to come-- that will really put a dent into the bottom line. Add to that less customers now and future. Companies will start crying uncle.

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022

The liars have a possible counter-play: the government has access to very large amounts of taxpayer's money. What if they pay off the life insurer's in return for silence?

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The government is bankrupt and only has money it steals through tax or inflation . The current liabilities can not possibly be repaid and the endless pile of pork that has been feasted on by parasites & looters for 6 generations is disappearing.

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That's why they are so desperate. The motives for many are pretty banal. Like the CEO's for the dot com bubble many are getting themselves some nice golden parachutes for after they've officially sold us to the globalists.

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I have to say the sick part of this is that I’m relieved to see this data. Not because I’m happy about the deaths, but because they are indisputable and can’t be twisted or reinterpreted or hidden. It’s just hard truth. And it’s a truth my inner wisdom and pattern recognition has known for some time but here it is, coming from, of all places, the life insurance industry.

I am glad we don’t have to go hunting with FOIA suits to dig this out. I’m glad the CDC or PHarma are not the holders of this data. I’m glad that we are on the precipice of truth.

What will sadly happen now is the anger and betrayal of those who “did the right thing”. The waking up from their naivety and mass psychosis will not be pretty. Some will of course double down blaming the virus and not considering the vaccine as a possible cause. I can even see some trying to double down on vaccination with a story the virus does this.

Let us not forget that this is most likely a biological weapon. The problem and solution. It’s getting dark in here.

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Thanks, forwarded to an actuary friend who thinks I'm crazy for questioning the safety and efficacy of the vaxx.

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022

Mass Formation Psychosis.

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I "fact checked" Dr Malone's article. I checked the source, WHOIS records, owner, verified existence of the insurance company and that it is a legitimate large insurance company, and verified the claim itself by looking at USMortality.Com.


My readers also located the VIDEO where Scott Davison speaks at 21:00 minutes.

Dr Malone's claim is rated as TRUE and VERY DISTURBING.

Further investigation is needed.

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Right, so: where is Neil Fergusson's computer modelling of deaths from the injections?

(Only half kidding - why has no one done it?!)

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He didn't get paid, or laid for that information.

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Does anyone have any spare conspiracy theories? Mine are all coming true!

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What used to be called conspiracy theories are now called spoiler alerts.

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If it wasnt so sad it would be funny

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Sorry, all we got are conspiracy realities.

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Good one!

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Everyone needs to wake up fast. This is one of the greatest crimes in the history of humanity, period. The people that have been shouting from the rooftops since the beginning dont look so crazy any longer. Our idiot leaders were bought & paid for by sociopathic corporations who only see dollar signs, with no liability. They cut their teeth on Vioxx and OxyContin and then went all in with these experimental death injections. There must be accountability as part of the rebuilding process.

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A good place to explore mortality in the United states is Ben's USMortality.com.

take a look specifically at https://www.usmortality.com/excess-percent

It does show excess mortality for 2021, you can select for example the 25-44 age group and see significant excess mortality along the lines of what your article suggests.

At first I thought that the article you cites was fake news -- it was so unbelievable -- but a quick check suggests that there is something going on of magnitude similar to what you described.

Huge peak around August, when vaccination of this age group was in full swing.

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You might've seen this already, it's not peer reviewed but here's a paper with Norman Fenton where they found a correlation of mortality spikes with vaccine rollout - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356756711_Latest_statistics_on_England_mortality_data_suggest_systematic_mis-categorisation_of_vaccine_status_and_uncertain_effectiveness_of_Covid-19_vaccination

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Thanks for the links

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022

Does this include COVID mortality though? Which I realize is exaggerated, but still would be contributing to numbers.

Sincere question - I have looked at the website in the past and wondered about that. Because of this note on the main page:

"United States reported 3,440,957 deaths of all ages for the year 2020. Expected deaths were 3,028,959. That is an increase of 411,998 deaths (+13.6%).

To date, for the year 2021, United States reported 3,280,066 deaths of all ages. Expected deaths thus far, were 2,849,782. That is an increase of 430,284 deaths (+15.1%)."

This almost exactly matches how many "Covid" deaths were recorded in the U.S. since the pandemic started...

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this is the actual Indiana Chamber of Commerce meeting- see minute 23 for that CEO's part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AOHrZHG5L0

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I watched the video from minute 21 and the same CEO prefaced his mortality data with his own business concern that he needs to get his employees back in the office, but the vaccinated employees don't want to share space with unvaccinated employees.

He said this while making zero connection that his own increased mortality data might be due to the effects of the vaccine that he now wants to require of his employees! He also wants to increase rates on employers in counties with low vaccination rates, obviously without making any connection with higher mortality possibly being caused by side effects of the vaccine!

If the vaccine is contributing to higher death rates, this insurance company is pricing their product exactly the opposite of what their data suggests!

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What's' stunning to me is how vaccinated people are afraid of those who are not vaccinated. If the vaccine doesn't protect you from the unvaccinated, then what is the point of getting vaccinated? I know the mantra. It reduces the effects of getting the virus. Nevertheless, if this was true, then why the fear of being around those who are not vaccinated? Its as though the vaccines don't do anything useful.

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It's classic Churchill .... It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

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And maybe the vaxed have heard by now their immune system might be compromised making them all the more fearful. It really makes little sense to be fearful of the unvaxed who typically are healthier. Not only that, thwy are more likely to know they are sick and stay home while the unvaxed while still getting some protection from the vax, may have lesser symptoms and be fooled into thinking they are not very sick or can spread their illness. Wondering what is their thinking??

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What is their thinking? Depends on what they've heard on TV that day.

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Thank you, and will be interesting to see how many views accrue and when it gets taken down. 2074 views as of 1-3-21 5:41 pm. Who knew that a little conference call with Indy Chamber of Commerce could become such a hot topic?!

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Thank you, and thanks Ben for this great resource. I've been trying to make this kind data for myself, but not doing nearly as good a job as this.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone and Jill, we in your community are grateful beyond words for your lion-hearted compassion and courage. It is obvious you have been working non-stop. PLEASE, please, please remember to take care, rest, and be kind to yourselves and your bodies.

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Thank you for reminding me.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

yes! and pictures of your horses 🥰

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The Doctors' Trial substack (https://doctorstrial.substack.com) is publishing the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial transcripts on a 75-year delay between December 2021 [1946] and August 2022 [1947].

If reports like this bear out (and I too hope you are wrong but fear you are right) then I hope Reiner Fuellmich's efforts lead to a Nuremberg 2.0.

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Thanks for sharing this!

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By a happy coincidence - Pfizer wants a 75 year delay to publish all their files submitted to the FDA for approving their injections!

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022

How telling is that, just in and of itself????? You’d think NON-BELIEVING COVIDIANS might PAUSE. Oh no, its just TOO obvious!!!! Sometimes I wonder if those vaxes have something in them to halt rational thinking too!

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What is the difference between a conspiracy theory and the news? Judging by the last couple of years. It's about 6 months.

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great interview btw with joe

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