Your first mistake was turning on Netflix, the king of woke.

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Haha, I was thinking the same thing, but I guess it might have it's purpose.

Wasn't Obummer on Netflix, with his hubby Big Mike?

I dunno. I can't keep up with any of the crazy town stuff anymore.

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I canceled a year ago. Crap goes in crap comes out. Netflix blows

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Subscribing to Netflix is like being a Jew who donates to Ivy League Universities. You can give all your money to them but they will still hate you. In fact they hate you even more for being self-loathing.

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Never subscribed to Netflix, etc. We find how-to videos and some ‘foreign’ films to be sufficiently entertaining. Since we watched so little, overall, pulling up old movies sometimes works for us.

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I agree; don't subscribe to Netflix. I would also warn against Disney Plus. There may be others that I am not aware of.

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Totally agree, why give them any money in the first place?

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Another excellent post! I think this quote somewhat encapsulates the concept.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good, will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven, yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very “kindness” stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease, is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

– C.S. Lewis

Perhaps worthy of adding is the goal of "wokeness" It is simply "power" in its evil form. The evil form of power is "Power over others." This post examinse that aspect...


"“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family, tradition, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”

Brock Chisholm… Quoted in: Davis, Llewellyn B (1991) Going Home to School, p. 69 This quote is old and the providence is well supported but questioned by some.

Of course "woke" is highly immoral, yet the think they are.

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To the powerful wokeness is merely propaganda, a tool to control the masses. At the heart of woke ideology is the idea that government is supreme, that all of the problems that woke ideology ‘illuminates’ can only be solved by the collective, by the superior wisdom and intellect of the expert class acting on groups to promote the good and on individuals to restrain evil. The partakers of woke ideology are sheep, they are the mass of human fodder the elite overlords count on for the heavy lifting of their vision. They are the compliant ones, incapable of critical examination and independent thought.

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All of the problems that woke mainly makes up, most based on those that worship victim-hood. Can’t have division unless you create it. Everything is fair game.

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Sad thing is that the elites are in the very process of sterilizing and/or slaughtering the "sheep".

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“Woke” used to be, well, woke, but now it’s broke, courtesy of cooptation by the powers-that-be and their mind-shaping media narratives.

In other words, “WOKENESS” Got Co-Opted by the “SNEWS” Button


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Fine evaluation. Good quotes. Well said.

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Wow, I think your whole woke description is hanging, like a set of rules, just below the welcome to Massachusetts sign when I drive down from New Hampshire. Honestly I just had this conversation with my sister who said I don’t know what woke means. I wanted to say look in the mirror 🙄, of course she hates Trump with a passion. When it comes down to it she’s as woke as they come, however I do love my sister. It’s very confusing that you must comply with their wokeness or you’re a racist bigot. And always remember you can’t comply your way out of tyranny, I think that’s the communists point. J.Goodrich

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Same thing, twice over.

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Freudian slip there with “coarse” instead of “course”. Love it. I think we must be neighbors.

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When we moved house about 12 years ago, it was pure accident we ended up without a TV.

The new place had TV plugs everywhere. But due to various incidents, we did not have a set.

We started looking into buying a TV set and ... after a while ... just forgot about it.

It was the best thing that ever happened.

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We dumped Netflix years ago when they promoted the child porn documentary Cuties. Never looked back. We are early to rise, early to bed so we only watch TV for a very short period before hitting the sack. We have been watching old series. Back when pornography, homosexuality and foul language wasn't the norm. Even so I can see the beginnings of woke even in shows from the nineties.

One thing I noticed has been common for quite some time, that bows to rabid feminism is that in detective/police shows, when a man and woman are traveling in a car, the woman usually drives. I guess they can't risk being seen as misogynistic forcing the woman to be a passenger. Also, in these shows, the petite, long haired cops are always the ones who can wrestle down a tattooed behemoth and cuff him before the male partner shows up. I always laugh, though I think it sends a very bad message to girls.

All I can conclude is that in the era when anything goes, everything does.

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AMEN, my fellow Patriot !

Dump the porn huskers, like Disney. Every time I see Mickey, I just want to rip his little mousey head off.


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Not if your wife was around I'll bet... lol

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Remember when it became policy to put armed females out on partrol and I predicted exactly what happened,one of the first in Houston had her pistol taken away from her. Sad to say a female cop in certain demographics is seen as a challenge and behaved to accordingly. A male in the same situation is not and violence is more easily tamped down

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Absolutely. Cuties was the final straw and turn-off for us as well.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doctor Malone, sadly 😥 the "man scenes" & "women scenes" are inserted EVERYWHERE!

My husband and I find ourselves REACHING for the remote EVEN during commercials!

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Ana, I don't like sexual expliciity between any people. I covered up my grandchild's face when Beyonce was twerking on some show. Turned it off immediately. Same goes for violence, just can't watch it. I left a movie theater to never go back again because of violence.

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Overall, the current 'sex' for TV (which tends to pop up intrusively like a commercial) is unappealing, weird, does not look like fun. I have seen younger people, who are generally fulla' hormones, scrolling past the scenes. When media loses that demographic, you know they're in trouble.

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The whole trend of making men look stupid can be found why back in the Stone Age: The Flintstones! Poor Fred was always doing something a little stupid. As a Child I didn't think much of it; I was more focused on Bam Bam and Pebbles!

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Youtube- generally gives you what you want

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People can check other video platforms such as Rumble or Odysee for speech and concepts which are not permitted on YouTube.

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I agree. YouTube has interesting history and interviews. The selection changes with your choices, and the choices are endless. Casting for movies is not creative so all the actors look the same from the 25 to 35 age group. There are no character actors with interesting faces and personalities to make movies something other than episodes of the same movies.

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023


I guess I'm not woke.

I've been broke, but never woke, according to the definitions provided.

What if I wanna be woke ? Can someone point me in the right direction?

SHould I dye my hair blue?

Should I walk about, looking down my nose a people who don't drive a Prius ?

Should I tell all my friends that I'm against waste, want the climate emergency brought to a halt through bug eating, and pay to go to see the little girl with the mental learning disorder who seems to know everything about the world climate crisis?

"How Dare YOU !"

Biodegradable missiles, green energy tanks, and bullets made from dog poop, are surely where we're heading.

Yeah, I don't think I will qualify, but I'll be dammed if I don't die trying.

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That all sounds pretty authentic, T, but practice it with conviction to be convincing.

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My husband and I have a solution - we do not own a TV nor do we stream! We read books!

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Love it.

I watch old westerns where men beat the shit out of each other.

The commercials get turned off, or muted.

Otherwise, the king of poor acting William Shatner's Star Trek with Leonard Nemoy and Deforrest Kelly are an occasional mind-numbing background noise.

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Shirl, With as many books, articles and data that the Malone's read, I doubt that more reading was what they were looking for!

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No Netflix in our house, cut the cable 2 years ago, we have what we call here android a little box hubby likes to watch foreign movies, I hardly ever turn my TV on, sometimes check out crazy Housewives shows, just to get my mind off real life, as people probably have heard, that when an estate is in question, the ugly comes out, yes even a very close family member gets real nasty. So, that is my escape and reading of course. Obama being on Netflix and crazy Harry and MeAgain Harkles is a no go, never. Cheers all.

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

Thanks! Lindsay very quickly explained a lot, including the vital point that Marxism is a theology, which seeks to complete man without the actual Creator. Going to spread that link around.

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YES. That's the point, spread it. That's what I've been doing

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Lindsay is money.

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He explains succinctly how the Woke are the analogs to Mao’s Red Guard “disrupters” in the Hegelian-Maoist Insurgency. Ex uno pares - from one comes many. They think they are catalyzing paradise. Wrongamundo.

Once the instability has been achieved they will be “discarded” (Redrum) when power consolidates around the stability that assures the continuity of the powerful.

It’s sad but true that humans get a hit of dopamine from destruction - it’s easy and ungodly. Mastery of negative emotion is hard and Godly.

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For those of us (me?) that don't grasp your meaning, would you explain what it means to be 'money' ? Tks

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Profoundly reliable.

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Got it! Thanks again :)

(you must mean in the traditional sense, because these past few years my money is becoming much less reliable. It won't do what it did just 4 years ago. /weak humor)

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Saw that a while back, and yes, it's well done.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Most of the English-language Netflix (and Amazon Prime) productions follow that same formula: Take a perfectly good storyline that doesn't require "woke", and then, several episodes into the story, insert gratuitous "wokeness", especially homosexuality. Sometimes the fast-forward button makes it slightly less offensive, but, at the same time, do we really want to encourage this garbage?

This does not seem to occur in their foreign-language productions.

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We have found some productions from Asia to be more palatable.

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You stated that "woke" started as an "antiracist" movement, but I disagree. I lived in Portland, one of the least racist cities in America in the summer of 2020. The "woke" mob there nonetheless sacked and burned the city and went into the neighboods with loudspeakers at night to order white people out of their homes. At the end of the summer they set fire to the forest around the city to try to kill as many white people as possible. There never was and never will be anything "antiracist" about wokeism. It is the essence of racism, hatred, envy, violence, and tribalism. It is barbarism that is destroying civilization and the only hope for survival is the complete and utter extirpation of this ideology and the Democrat party that promotes it.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m keeping this in my “reference library,” as the most definitive writing on Wokeness yet! I needed a good laugh out loud. I love you, Robert and Jill.

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We find the only way to avoid woke and the preaching subtext on air is to only watch pre 2000 movies. The black and white mysteries are best when you want to relax at the end of the day, and all the Bogey films. People knew how to act back then-the facial features and camera angles, not special effects, tell the story.

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One of the most unnerving aspects is how insidious the on air shows/commercials are in pervading our culture. We raised our children in the 80-90s, and purposefully never had cable and lived beyond the reach of the airwaves. We had a VCR for videos we selected. And yet the kids knew every possible nuance of the popular culture of the time--Teenage Mutant Turtles immediately comes to mind. They knew all their twists.

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I unsubscribed to Netflix when they signed the Obama's to a $70 million contract. After having to cringe under 8 years of Obama's plans to seriously undermine our Constitutional Republic and its Liberties, I knew I'd get nauseated watching any programming associated with the Obamas.

But, now I try not to watch anything to do with politics, pornography, human trafficking, and especially, Obama II, aka O'Biden.

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“Racist! As Tucker exclaimed.

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My own summary has been on the order of:

Taking to the extreme, the concept once known as 'political correctness' and adding minority-driven propaganda including, but not limited to, the fallacies of gas-lighting, steel-manning, and straw-manning to obfuscate effective, time-tested values of good morals and ethics. The intention is apparently one of justifying bad, immoral and / or illegal behavior.

In other words, attempts to damage those values so eloquently listed within the codes of Boy and Girl Scouts.

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Woke is everywhere. A very talented author I know wrote a great novel; publishers (over 100) wouldn't take it because they wanted him to change the main character from straight to gay. He self-published.

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Any one notice the commercials? Where have all the white people gone, reminds me of the song by Peter, Paul and Mary their lovely song where have all the flowers gone. No disrespect to any one but black people in most of commercials, they may throw in a white kid every once in a while. Hubby saw one where at the end two guys kiss, he went ballistic, said whaaaat the fu.... Why do I have to watch that, crazy, insane lol. Told him woke he does not grasp that well at all.

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Many years ago, I said to my husband , why is it that if the black population makes up approximately 13% of the total population, they are featured in approximately 95% of the commercials? One would think that ads & commercials would be a reflection of the population, percentage-wise. Naturally, if I were to visit a country where the population is predominantly black, I would not expect to see the ads & commercials feature mostly caucasions. I knew then, that we were all being conditioned to accept or believe that 13% is in reality, 50%. If I tried that with my checkbook ledger, I'd be in big trouble.

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So very true. In Canada we don't have the amount that US has of the black community, however in the last few years many more, mainly in large cities ie Toronto, but still the commercials have gone insane. Also what happened to the Mee TOO movement, it just disappeared, weird. Everything is upside down.

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One other is the movies and shows. No disrespect, we did have shows back in the day, Prince of Bel Air, I thought it was funny, watched it. Now they are pushing all the black actors, actresses on us, not one white is really shown, what the hell? When the racist and other terms were so out in your face, I knew something was wrong with that picture.

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So hilarious and true...

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Can’t stand the commercials. Don’t have cable but when I’m at my boyfriend’s house and he has a football or baseball game on, I just cringe. Every couple is either black or mixed and the white males are always portrayed as bumbling morons.

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Sickening isn't it. I often wondered what the motive behind that was/is. Do they really believe that the non-white would spend more $$ or for that matter anything. Right on, Morons, they are. Thank God for the mute button.

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What’s the book?

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No Safe Place, by Michael Hilliard. Grisham genre, page turner, very good.

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